Show Idle (>14 d.) Chans

← 2020-03-22 | 2020-03-25 →
20:14 trinque ok, that fixes the issue with wallet commands.
20:15 trinque I've consolidated the thing's deployment into one binary, rather than one per service.
20:15 trinque !!balance
20:15 deedbot
20:15 trinque !!gettrust trinque
20:15 deedbot L1: 0, L2: 10 by 9 connections.
20:18 trinque !!up jfw
20:18 deedbot You may not !!up yourself.
20:18 trinque !!up #trinque jfw
20:18 deedbot jfw voiced for 30 minutes.
20:18 trinque I'll have to make that less cumbersome
20:18 trinque !!up #trinque dorion
20:18 deedbot dorion voiced for 30 minutes.
20:18 trinque hey gents, lets hold any further OS discussion here, if any further OS discussion shall be had.
20:19 trinque y'all should be able to self-voice.
← 2020-03-22 | 2020-03-25 →