Show Idle (>14 d.) Chans

← 2019-10-04 | 2019-10-06 →
00:28 * lobbes coming live from a fresh ZNC install on another box... goes to catch up on logs
00:40 asciilifeform omfgholufuq the idiocy. what 'firewall' . the only ddos problem we have is THEM!!
00:40 mp_en_viaje what's a firewall gonna do in this context ?!
00:40 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: it's ok-ish but what's prominently missing is PLUG DULAP BAKC IN OMFG
00:40 mp_en_viaje was their concern that your boxes were catching on fire ?
00:42 lobbes << this would be auctionbot. I dun presently have a cloak for it, so feel free to just kill the process (it is running in sbcl) and that should prevent any naked joins. I can move bot to a non-piz box in the interim
00:42 ericbot Logged on 2019-10-04 21:23:32 BingoBoingo: !Q later tell lobbes You seem to have a naked bouncer running on your Rockchip. Let me know how you want to move forward with getting the machine back online.
00:43 asciilifeform lobbes: the cloaks thing is 100% red herring, i have a deliberate bait running for 2+h nao naked, and 0 floods
00:43 ericbot (asciilifeform) 2019-10-04 baitbot: asciilifeform: time since my last reconnect : 0d 2h 8m
00:44 asciilifeform it's sitting in all 6 chans, too
00:47 lobbes asciilifeform, heh I saw. Though I'm just a customer; I'll respect BB's wishes if he wants to ban naked joins for the time being
00:47 lobbes in any case, no live auctions atm. I can let it sit for a minute
00:48 lobbes in other lulz, my VPS that hosted the old #e logs is finally back up; connectolade city
00:49 BingoBoingo <mp_en_viaje> what's a firewall gonna do in this context ?! << I have no idea wtf a firewall is supposed to do against an inbound DDoS
00:51 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: erry letter to latech, starting with this 1, oughta start with equiv of 'NO NULLROUTE FOR ANY REASON' omfgalready
00:52 BingoBoingo << Second draft reflecting the receipt of the offer for a firewall phone call
00:52 asciilifeform ffs BingoBoingo . does that looklike a 'NO NULLROUTES' and 'PLUG IT THE FUCK BACK IN' to you ?
00:53 asciilifeform that last para should be 1st.
00:57 BingoBoingo Take 3
00:58 asciilifeform much better.
00:59 asciilifeform unless mp_en_viaje contributes an idea for moar bite, let's send this.
01:02 asciilifeform this was ( and continues, dulap still dead ) a maddeningly sovokesque experience, where we pay vendor for fish 'that's what they don't have at the fish counter' but short of borrowing mp_en_viaje's freighter and laying own fiber i can't presently think of a final solution to it
01:03 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: and we'll have to credit subscribers for the lost time. with substantial adjustment.
01:05 asciilifeform i've had industrial pipes cut out for whole biz day on acct of backhoe. but this aint a backhoe, backhoes make some sorta sense. this dun make sense.
01:08 mp_en_viaje Oscar helpfully shared graphs showing particular IP addresses being hit << were these in here and i missed ?
01:09 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: ^ can haz these plox ?
01:09 mp_en_viaje wtf is "apparently hostile", what gave the appearance ? was it the coloring ? something else ?
01:09 BingoBoingo mp_en_viaje: I did not post the graphs yet, will post
01:16 BingoBoingo and
01:17 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: in what units is the vertical in the 1st pic ?
01:17 BingoBoingo Sarcasm with respect to the graph's utility may have been a bit too subtle
01:18 asciilifeform 2nd pic dun look like any kinda ddos at all, simply saturated incoming pipe, happens erry single time anyone uploads a coupla GB of db dump or whatnot
01:19 asciilifeform presently i suspect that we would not have even ~noticed~ this nonsense if they hadn't unplugged
01:20 BingoBoingo I have no idea what te vertical represents
01:22 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: didja send that reply or still waiting for sumthing ?
01:22 * asciilifeform has to go eat soon
01:22 BingoBoingo asciilifeform: I fired it off
01:23 asciilifeform aite
01:23 asciilifeform ftr this is longest dulap outage since dulap-I was blackbagged.
01:24 * asciilifeform goes to eat, bbl.
01:30 mp_en_viaje so basically, 20mbps sustained over... looks like 10 minutes or so = too much ?
01:32 mp_en_viaje BingoBoingo, if you're gonna send as is anyway, why the fyuck am i reading it
01:33 mp_en_viaje the reason i asked about the graphs was because, eg, "Oscar helpfully shared graphs showing particular IP addresses being hit with substantial, apparently hostile incoming traffic with targeted at a few IPs in the IP range." is entirely false.
01:33 mp_en_viaje not helpful, not showing, not subsyantial, not apparently or otherwise hostile.
01:33 mp_en_viaje "I would like to know what options are available going forward" is about 500 words too many for the simple concept of
01:34 mp_en_viaje "either you get your shit together or i move on, pick exactly one."
01:34 mp_en_viaje 3. What carriers run fiber to the datacenter? I would like to know what all the connectivity options available are. << dawg ffs, i showed you them.
01:40 BingoBoingo mp_en_viaje: Thank you. I am wondering if there's any questions I missed short of going straight to
01:40 ossabot Logged on 2019-10-04 21:34:03 mp_en_viaje: "either you get your shit together or i move on, pick exactly one."
01:46 mp_en_viaje nevermind questions. 1. i am stuck with customers correctly pointing out that my uptime this month will ~maybe~ reach two nines. it'll be a wonder if this outage doesn't put me entirely out of business. 2. do you have any actual substantial anything to point to, because brandishing about "hostile" and "attack" and etcetera empty wordage isn't doing anything for me. in particular 20mbps for a few minutes doesn't even register
01:46 mp_en_viaje on any kind of radar, i feel like an idiot showing people a trival example of a saturated pipe and pretending like they should be impressed.
01:46 mp_en_viaje so far the situation here is that you stumbled on the cable and took half a day to plug it back in. got anything that can actually move us past this ?
01:46 mp_en_viaje problem is that after you sent the previous yokel text, there's nothing that you can say to deyokel self.
01:47 mp_en_viaje kinda the wisdom of not doing that.
01:55 BingoBoingo Thank you. I guess I'm going to have to do the only things I can right now. 1. eat some food 2. Take a walk, etc and try to have burned more calories in activity today than stress 3. Go to sleep sober
02:00 mp_en_viaje sounds like a plan.
02:01 mp_en_viaje it's not like ~you~ did it , you know. take it easy.
02:01 * mp_en_viaje personally has no intention of pulling the plug over diana_coman 's inability to do smg work today because of this for instance ;
02:02 mp_en_viaje but you also can't continue in this vein, what, whenever random internet dork sends half a quarter of an eight gbps your way you're croaked for the evening ? tis ridoinculous.
~ 19 minutes ~
02:21 feedbot << The Whet -- Wednesday in Wien
02:27 mp_en_viaje asciilifeform, i suppose the next step is to go through the list of ixps see where you can sit.
02:31 mp_en_viaje << i don't even recall now how uy was picked. must've been a lsit and some sorta process
02:31 ossabot Logged on 2019-10-04 17:48:11 asciilifeform: ( evidently somewhere do exist 'serious adult' carriers, i.e. where mp_en_viaje parks his box. but for some reason he sent BingoBoingo to uy, and not to there )
02:39 BingoBoingo mp_en_viaje: Criteria 1 was no nato, russia, or china. Asia sucked and charged incredibly for international conenctivity. Africa is Africa. Inside Latam the options with independently owned datacenters were Brasil and Uruguay. Brasil's paperwork culture appeared even more soviet than Uruguay's with additional visa/residency hoops.
02:45 BingoBoingo Some insane criteria lead Amazon to announce a future Argentine datacenter this week
02:47 * BingoBoingo hasn't given thought to an alternate universe where Cambodians respond to commercial inquiries in at least a year
02:52 BingoBoingo A number of Hong Kong operations ended up appearing to be the same operation, while another's major branding was hosted software for the Chinese laundry industry.
~ 21 minutes ~
03:14 * asciilifeform back at console, where dulap still not reachable; eats log
03:18 asciilifeform << it's been 2+y since the last dig. there's gotta be ~something~ resembling competition, at the level below the orcish national thing. ( fwiw the dc routing cabinet was a glass item and there were defo several groups of panels in it, hanging off what seems like physically distinct fibers to street )
03:18 ericbot Logged on 2019-10-05 01:27:12 mp_en_viaje: asciilifeform, i suppose the next step is to go through the list of ixps see where you can sit.
03:19 asciilifeform << the basic headache with these seems to be that to distinguish sane from batshit pipe provider requires to bake a BingoBoingo , populate a rack, and run for yr+
03:19 ericbot Logged on 2019-10-05 01:38:54 BingoBoingo: mp_en_viaje: Criteria 1 was no nato, russia, or china. Asia sucked and charged incredibly for international conenctivity. Africa is Africa. Inside Latam the options with independently owned datacenters were Brasil and Uruguay. Brasil's paperwork culture appeared even more soviet than Uruguay's with additional visa/residency hoops.
03:21 asciilifeform << iirc last go around BingoBoingo found that asia has laffably narrow pipe to rest of planet. ( which makes a sort of sense, when's the last time you reached for a www on a vietnamese box ? chinese ? )
03:21 ericbot Logged on 2019-10-05 01:47:24 BingoBoingo: hasn't given thought to an alternate universe where Cambodians respond to commercial inquiries in at least a year
03:23 * BingoBoingo as he waits a few more minutes for the rain to stop before taking a walk anyway feels he has to interject that at least Cambodia's Soviet wears a uniform advertising his Sovietness
03:23 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: outta curiosity, didja in fact discover that a dc exists in cambodia ?!
03:24 BingoBoingo asciilifeform: In the second scrubbing of Asia, they advertised datacenters turned out to be NTT, an international thing
03:24 asciilifeform aa, these.
03:25 BingoBoingo Not Equinix, but indistinguishable to my eyes
03:26 BingoBoingo And doesn't change their lack of response to inquiries
03:26 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: imho we oughta try e.g. 2nd pipe, before airlift to ambodia. cheaper.
03:26 asciilifeform *cambodia
03:32 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: back in '17 when dulap-I crater was still smoking , asciilifeform wanted to try ro . but mp_en_viaje said that it was poor site, and i'm inclined to think that he had good reason to say this.
03:34 BingoBoingo Only one site in Serbia responded to the initial solicitation and failed to follow up
03:35 * asciilifeform bungled the expedition and still owes mp_en_viaje coin
03:36 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: ro was to at least host the fiatola-interface end of the affair (rather than machines) at that pt.
03:37 * BingoBoingo suspects Montevideo has forever spoiled BingoBoingo on the axis
03:37 ossabot Logged on 2019-09-27 19:53:18 mp_en_viaje: << in positive news, this is possibly the best thing for a human. each year with >500 miles on the odometer under age 50 adds 6 months of ~mobile~ life after age 70.
03:37 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: eh, that's in erry orcistan
03:37 asciilifeform usa is the 1 place where folx go around in motorized fatchairs errywhere
03:38 * asciilifeform walked coupla 100 km in timis & bucharest , in <week
03:38 asciilifeform wore out a pair of chinesium boots, even.
03:41 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: re ru -- also looked into. has certain problems (planet's most fascist customs; and chinese-style 'national firewall' among'em) but dunno how relevant in practice, a local with good social engineering acumen could prolly finesse, to some degree. (problem is that we aint got one such)
03:43 asciilifeform at one pt thought that phf was the necessary man.
03:44 asciilifeform ( he made sounds in that direction, but nuffin came of it )
03:45 BingoBoingo If Chile was a bit further north, and either got rid of the Andes or found Atlantic instead of Pacific coast it could have maybe been an option.
03:46 BingoBoingo Colombia signed NATO fandom papers soon after Qntra came back online
03:46 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: could spin the globe all day, but imho this remains the fundamental boojum
03:46 ericbot Logged on 2019-10-05 02:19:11 asciilifeform: << the basic headache with these seems to be that to distinguish sane from batshit pipe provider requires to bake a BingoBoingo , populate a rack, and run for yr+
03:47 asciilifeform imho the smart thing to do is to exhaust erry possible avenue for making working silk purse from the existing sow's ear before spinning globe.
03:52 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: and do get some sleep.
03:54 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: when dulap is accessible, i'ma ask BingoBoingo to reserve a coupla spare ip for it.
03:56 BingoBoingo asciilifeform: Can you ssh into the shared box?
03:57 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: possibly, but i'ma also have to sleep shortly.
03:59 BingoBoingo asciilifeform: If get into dulap through the shared box, .239 is available
04:00 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: i'd prefer to do these via 1) 2nd nic 2) tomorrow
04:01 BingoBoingo asciilifeform: Aite
04:01 * BingoBoingo to walk and then to sleep
04:01 asciilifeform but 3) this aint any sorta solution, solution will have to consist of a pipe that doesn't randomly drop chunks of our space.
04:01 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: nighty
~ 1 hours 2 minutes ~
05:04 BingoBoingo And dulap is back
05:04 BingoBoingo Now to sleep
~ 24 minutes ~
05:29 asciilifeform aand here goeth
05:30 asciilifeform all chans synced (was 1st class bitch, 100% bare teeth)
05:31 asciilifeform nao, how long lives...
05:31 * asciilifeform to actual bed
05:32 asciilifeform but 1st, fresh bugola in .
05:32 snsabot Logged on 2019-10-04 14:44:21 asciilifeform: 'свято место пусто не бывает'(tm)(r)
05:33 asciilifeform !q version
05:33 snsabot I am bot version 597858.
05:36 * asciilifeform to genuine bed.
~ 3 hours 24 minutes ~
09:01 mp_en_viaje << this sounds right yea
09:01 ossabot Logged on 2019-10-04 22:39:18 BingoBoingo: mp_en_viaje: Criteria 1 was no nato, russia, or china. Asia sucked and charged incredibly for international conenctivity. Africa is Africa. Inside Latam the options with independently owned datacenters were Brasil and Uruguay. Brasil's paperwork culture appeared even more soviet than Uruguay's with additional visa/residency hoops.
09:03 mp_en_viaje << a dc may have redundant connectivity, but this is a physical not a logical matter. conider your house may also have redundant wiring, such that you have plugs in different rooms, but nevertheless they're all powered by the same monopolistic power co.
09:03 ossabot Logged on 2019-10-04 23:18:11 asciilifeform: << it's been 2+y since the last dig. there's gotta be ~something~ resembling competition, at the level below the orcish national thing. ( fwiw the dc routing cabinet was a glass item and there were defo several groups of panels in it, hanging off what seems like physically distinct fibers to street )
09:03 ericbot Logged on 2019-10-05 01:27:12 mp_en_viaje: asciilifeform, i suppose the next step is to go through the list of ixps see where you can sit.
09:04 mp_en_viaje i do not believe it is possible the dc in question has any kind of alternative, on the simple basis of their asn being shown to peer with nobody other than antel, which is specifically uruguay's state monopoly on data transport.
09:04 mp_en_viaje this is a judgment much akin to, "look, in your locale enel spa is the energy provider, monopoly by law, you're buying energy from them" "i'd have to look for my contract" "no, actually, you don't have to. i can tell you from ten thousand miles away, on this basis"
09:06 mp_en_viaje anyway, to get back to it : what 2 years has (perhaps) done is given us some real world data, such that we can compare the list of criteria we originally abstractly derived from our own imaginations and best intentions, with the story of how well they worked out in practice.
09:07 mp_en_viaje if indeed the observations are that 1. "non-nato" is meaningless, contemporary fucktard mindset is socialism anyways everywhere ; AND 2. the true problem for republican isp is actually clean bw, which "datacenters" fail to provide,
09:11 mp_en_viaje THEN the correct move is towards an ixp. there's thousands of these (eg bcnet-operated VTE).
09:12 mp_en_viaje see also etc.
09:13 mp_en_viaje but if not, then something else.
09:14 mp_en_viaje << in fairness, we kinda knew this going in.
09:14 ossabot Logged on 2019-10-04 23:19:35 asciilifeform: << the basic headache with these seems to be that to distinguish sane from batshit pipe provider requires to bake a BingoBoingo , populate a rack, and run for yr+
09:14 ericbot Logged on 2019-10-05 01:38:54 BingoBoingo: mp_en_viaje: Criteria 1 was no nato, russia, or china. Asia sucked and charged incredibly for international conenctivity. Africa is Africa. Inside Latam the options with independently owned datacenters were Brasil and Uruguay. Brasil's paperwork culture appeared even more soviet than Uruguay's with additional visa/residency hoops.
09:28 mp_en_viaje people lie, and the contemporary fucktard mindset is... well... that the point of life is letting them.
09:28 mp_en_viaje the more "advanced" "progressive" shitholes are even trying to ~legislate~ an imaginary ~obligation~ to help the deluded maintain their delusions, spawning all sort and manner of "careerwomen", ninjashoguns etcetera thereby.
09:28 ossabot Logged on 2018-01-08 12:21:33 btcvixen: Yes it does, as my government id says "Sex: F"
09:28 ossabot Logged on 2019-02-11 23:46:30 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform it's dumber, schmuck's like "hi there, i r anon please delete my name". how fucking stupid does he need to be, "anon" is not listed there.
09:28 mp_en_viaje << hey diana_coman looksy what i found. you want that guy's email maybe ?
09:31 mp_en_viaje << problem with orcs, that even evaluating their poverty is impossible from a distance, gotta go there first. much more competent and capable at "giving the impression of" than actually doing the thing they're giving impressions of, by design and deliberately constructed. i can't fucking comprehend, even n
09:31 ossabot Logged on 2019-10-04 23:25:03 BingoBoingo: Not Equinix, but indistinguishable to my eyes
09:31 mp_en_viaje ow, half a year later, that anyone anywhere actually believes norway is a rich country. i've not encountered poverty like that since egypt, yet people actually believe this, that norwegians are not the bottom of the desperation pile.
09:32 mp_en_viaje << well, i dun currently host there, nor have i in the interval.
09:32 ossabot Logged on 2019-10-04 23:32:29 asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: back in '17 when dulap-I crater was still smoking , asciilifeform wanted to try ro . but mp_en_viaje said that it was poor site, and i'm inclined to think that he had good reason to say this.
09:33 mp_en_viaje << you should actually see vienna. all i used to know about how "things are" from my days in olde yurp, 100% confirmed, just as i was starting to doubt.
09:33 ossabot Logged on 2019-10-04 23:37:49 asciilifeform: usa is the 1 place where folx go around in motorized fatchairs errywhere
09:34 mp_en_viaje in fairness poland rather similar, too. but negligible gaps there, no gaps here.
09:37 mp_en_viaje << problem is we did have one such, and he decided the best thing to do to himself is be as utterly stupid as possible. i very much suspect the actual driver behind mystery is the fucking air, or something, makes the locals subtly suicidal.
09:37 ossabot Logged on 2019-10-04 23:41:49 asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: re ru -- also looked into. has certain problems (planet's most fascist customs; and chinese-style 'national firewall' among'em) but dunno how relevant in practice, a local with good social engineering acumen could prolly finesse, to some degree. (problem is that we aint got one such)
09:37 ossabot Logged on 2018-07-04 12:23:48 mircea_popescu: it makes a very in interesting point re "cultural wars" and "rock and roll killed the soviet union", namely, that cca 1950 the su was winning the cultural war, very much so, the larger of the "allies", the most accomplished, sending dogs in space and building the new frontier
09:38 diana_coman - sure, I'll shoot him an email, why not; fwiw I haven't yet got to struggling with the sound stuff (still at particles&proc textures) but it's getting closer
09:38 ossabot Logged on 2019-10-05 05:28:45 mp_en_viaje: << hey diana_coman looksy what i found. you want that guy's email maybe ?
09:38 mp_en_viaje atm i dunno i'd trust anyone from russia or recommend anyone move there. the one time this happened it blowed up in such a sickly manner, i absolutely don't want to spend the significant resources involved in dealing with the clean-up. as far as anyone knows, moscow's bogon-radioactive
09:38 diana_coman anyway, anyone able to actually do something useful is someone I want to talk to, yes.
09:43 mp_en_viaje like in that solaris nonsense. i thought it was unspeakably stupid when it came out ; i still do -- but i am starting to suspect it's not stupid because of itself ; but instead because of the subject matter. in itself, exact blueprint of muscovite.
09:46 diana_coman mp_en_viaje: do you think same of ~all tarkovsky's films or just specifically solaris?
09:46 mp_en_viaje solaris specifically, i didn't look at any others after that.
09:47 mp_en_viaje he's on the same banned imbeciles index, with ben stiller and the 80s "careerwomen quality holywood" idiots, demi more & co.
09:47 mp_en_viaje BECAUSE ITS WHAT HE IS
09:48 diana_coman dunno, on the same approach I could add tarantino really
09:48 mp_en_viaje the antitarantino, literally. where tarantino unders
09:48 mp_en_viaje holy shit!
09:48 mp_en_viaje really ?
09:48 diana_coman heh; to me they are really following own specific way of showing stuff; both are to some extreme and can be labelled idiotically
09:49 mp_en_viaje to me they seem exact polar opposites. consider... i dunno, consider his rendition of the stupid white man, as seen in dennis hopper's character in true romance. dude EXACTLY GETS IT, there he sits, "enslaved on a continent his fathers fought to conquer", the moron incarnate. he "did things his way" or whatever the fuck it is he did, became an alcoholic. now lives in a container next to a railway and other piled ifnrastructu
09:49 mp_en_viaje re
09:49 mp_en_viaje THAT NO NIGGERS BUILT
09:49 diana_coman because holly hell wtf cut leg entirely but still moving about, no blood loss problem even half an hour later or wtf
09:49 mp_en_viaje tarantino both understands, and then ~perfectly~, with no remainder narrates, extremely intricate social points.
09:50 mp_en_viaje tarkovsky understands ~nothing, and then shoots static scenes for hours.
09:50 mp_en_viaje "oh, you'll understand by yourself" "of course i will, bitch. and i do not need you for this, or even permit you to live after"
09:51 mp_en_viaje diana_coman, are you talking of post kill-bill tarantino ? because in that we agree, i banned him.
09:51 diana_coman mp_en_viaje: yeah
09:51 diana_coman that's what I saw and so -> wtf
09:51 mp_en_viaje a, no. tarantino in my mouth strictly means pre kill bill.
09:51 diana_coman I'll have to watch some of that then.
09:52 diana_coman but you see, there is precisely that, basically what you call post kill-bill tarantino -> tarkovsky and it's dubious that such thing happens if really "totally the opposite"
09:52 mp_en_viaje no, see on my credit pulp fiction, true romance, both jackie brown and foxy brown (in this order)
09:53 mp_en_viaje then present the bill.
09:53 mp_en_viaje diana_coman, to me it seems ~guaranteed~ to happen if truly "exactly opposite"
09:53 mp_en_viaje but yes, post kill bill tarantino === tarkovsky.
09:53 diana_coman really? next you'll become a woman because exactly opposite or what?
09:53 mp_en_viaje "he had it, he lost it, he never got it back". attempts to "intelectual" himself by the breeches, doesn't lift.
09:54 mp_en_viaje diana_coman, how is a woman exactly oppposite ?!
09:54 diana_coman hm; will have to watch to see.
09:54 mp_en_viaje i have a lot more in common wit ha woman than with most other things.
09:55 diana_coman uhm, opposite is same thing, different sign, no?
09:55 diana_coman not "nothing in common with"
09:55 mp_en_viaje well, are you proposing that "owning three ducks" and "having borrowed three ducks that you have to repay" have "three ducks" in common ?!
09:56 diana_coman I don't see it; owning is the opposite of not owning; in as much as borrowing is not owning, there's the opposite; ducks don't enter into it
09:56 mp_en_viaje i use the set-theory basis for "opposite", yes. two subsets of a set are opposite if they have no shared elements. i'm not entirely sure how to construct an algebraic notion of "opposite" that's not immediate nonsense.
09:57 diana_coman mp_en_viaje: ah, I see; I can work with the set-theory, just not the one I directly reach for when "opposite"
09:57 diana_coman because to me no shared elements means simply distinct, not opposite
09:57 mp_en_viaje but saying -3 and +3 "have 3 in common" directly leads to nonsense.
09:57 diana_coman mp_en_viaje: they have the axis in common, not the value
09:58 mp_en_viaje but the axis they do not have.
09:58 diana_coman ie they represent the same sort of thing
09:58 mp_en_viaje axis pre-exists them, not theirs.
09:58 diana_coman -3 on an axis is the opposite of +3 on the same axis
09:58 diana_coman not of any +3
09:58 mp_en_viaje same thing as in, "they're both numbers" ?
09:58 diana_coman no; they are both measures of x coordinate
09:59 diana_coman or of y or of z or of *something* that is same though
09:59 mp_en_viaje i see the difference now.
10:00 mp_en_viaje your notion is exactly my notion, "subset of same set" translates as "they're the same thing" as in, "measures of x coord". then you emphasize giving the symmetry point, where i couldn't care less. and BECAUSE your notion of opposite requires a given symmetry point, then therefore your notion of "what the set may be" is limited thereby, so it'll be things like "measures of coordinates" or such narrow things. whereas my set i
10:00 mp_en_viaje s always "the universe"
10:01 mp_en_viaje as far as i'm concerned, any two subsets of the universe that have no shared points are in principle opposite, and the symmetry point is to be established through conversation if interesting.
10:02 mp_en_viaje though in general conversation rather circles the shared points problem, because obviously two subsets of the universe will have ~some~ shared points in ~some~ view. but then the invalidation of the view becomes the point, constructing discourse. because obviously man must pick some views.
10:04 diana_coman I can see it; there's no limitation due to axes, it's n-dimensional space so infinity of axes
10:04 diana_coman but you are right in that indeed, any distinct sets are effectively opposite with the symmetry point somewhere in between
10:05 mp_en_viaje or at least could be, or could come to be, or be said to be or etcetera. very greek-like approach to the problem.
10:06 diana_coman I suppose my limitation/narrower viewpoint might come at times from not really granting everything the infinite set of axes, yes; on looking at it, there's no reason to limit it upfront like this, no.
10:06 mp_en_viaje well, probably expedient most of the time
10:06 diana_coman certainly.
10:15 mp_en_viaje << this is reasonable. maybe once outage is actually resolved, forward them something like "look, this is how much i settled on my customers for outage costing, 50% discount on your bw price for next month will very much help". let them feel the burn of their own idiocy in their pocket. if they pay, okay, if not they clearly intend to continue in the same vein so what
10:15 ossabot Logged on 2019-10-04 23:47:17 asciilifeform: imho the smart thing to do is to exhaust erry possible avenue for making working silk purse from the existing sow's ear before spinning globe.
10:15 mp_en_viaje possible use could they be ?
10:15 mp_en_viaje but this isn't the kind of thing were they may be permitted to walk away without bringing money from home.
10:24 mp_en_viaje judging by | you managed it in negatgive time, ridin' on a tachyon beam
10:24 ossabot Logged on 2019-10-05 00:01:54 asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: nighty
10:24 ossabot Logged on 2019-10-05 01:30:10 asciilifeform: all chans synced (was 1st class bitch, 100% bare teeth)
10:24 mp_en_viaje ah no, i just misread.
10:26 mp_en_viaje meanwhikle in random trilema, bread with kalash in the background
10:32 mp_en_viaje << if you care for w43 suggestions, the one most painfully outstanding mp-wp item is the multi-image uploader.
10:32 ossabot Logged on 2018-10-31 19:16:55 mircea_popescu: << ikr, multi-upload has been on the wishlist for mp-wp ever since... hey hanbot how long's it been now ?
~ 4 hours 25 minutes ~
14:57 diana_coman hanbot you need to turn off that comment-pagination thing on your blog as it's messing up your recent comments links e.g.
~ 1 hours 33 minutes ~
16:31 asciilifeform !q uptime
16:31 snsabot asciilifeform: time since my last reconnect : 0d 11h 1m
16:32 asciilifeform << will buy this
16:32 snsabot Logged on 2019-10-05 04:49:08 mp_en_viaje: this is a judgment much akin to, "look, in your locale enel spa is the energy provider, monopoly by law, you're buying energy from them" "i'd have to look for my contract" "no, actually, you don't have to. i can tell you from ten thousand miles away, on this basis"
16:34 asciilifeform << needs several things, e.g. locking cage, clean bw, sane upstream, reasonably habitable locale, a BingoBoingo to inhabit it, a userbase that adds up to > the cost of operation...
16:34 snsabot Logged on 2019-10-05 04:51:37 mp_en_viaje: if indeed the observations are that 1. "non-nato" is meaningless, contemporary fucktard mindset is socialism anyways everywhere ; AND 2. the true problem for republican isp is actually clean bw, which "datacenters" fail to provide,
16:35 asciilifeform << afaik these are closer in cost to 'lay own oceanic fiber' than to current item
16:35 snsabot Logged on 2019-10-05 04:55:19 mp_en_viaje: THEN the correct move is towards an ixp. there's thousands of these (eg bcnet-operated VTE).
16:36 asciilifeform << always wanted to see vienna. and budapest. ( and 'not on a tank, like grandfathers' !11 ) but dun expect to ever afford it
16:36 snsabot Logged on 2019-10-05 05:18:07 mp_en_viaje: << you should actually see vienna. all i used to know about how "things are" from my days in olde yurp, 100% confirmed, just as i was starting to doubt.
16:36 ossabot Logged on 2019-10-04 23:37:49 asciilifeform: usa is the 1 place where folx go around in motorized fatchairs errywhere
16:36 asciilifeform << vodka.
16:36 snsabot Logged on 2019-10-05 05:22:08 mp_en_viaje: << problem is we did have one such, and he decided the best thing to do to himself is be as utterly stupid as possible. i very much suspect the actual driver behind mystery is the fucking air, or something, makes the locals subtly suicidal.
16:36 ossabot Logged on 2019-10-04 23:41:49 asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: re ru -- also looked into. has certain problems (planet's most fascist customs; and chinese-style 'national firewall' among'em) but dunno how relevant in practice, a local with good social engineering acumen could prolly finesse, to some degree. (problem is that we aint got one such)
16:36 ossabot Logged on 2018-07-04 12:23:48 mircea_popescu: it makes a very in interesting point re "cultural wars" and "rock and roll killed the soviet union", namely, that cca 1950 the su was winning the cultural war, very much so, the larger of the "allies", the most accomplished, sending dogs in space and building the new frontier
16:37 asciilifeform << dunno that anyone's at risk of moving there. it's a maybe 9 of 10 on difficulty level.
16:37 snsabot Logged on 2019-10-05 05:23:04 mp_en_viaje: atm i dunno i'd trust anyone from russia or recommend anyone move there. the one time this happened it blowed up in such a sickly manner, i absolutely don't want to spend the significant resources involved in dealing with the clean-up. as far as anyone knows, moscow's bogon-radioactive
16:38 asciilifeform << incidentally BingoBoingo is outage 100% over ? dulap is connected, anyone still out ?
16:38 snsabot Logged on 2019-10-05 05:59:20 mp_en_viaje: << this is reasonable. maybe once outage is actually resolved, forward them something like "look, this is how much i settled on my customers for outage costing, 50% discount on your bw price for next month will very much help". let them feel the burn of their own idiocy in their pocket. if they pay, okay, if not they clearly intend to continue in the same ve
16:38 ossabot Logged on 2019-10-04 23:47:17 asciilifeform: imho the smart thing to do is to exhaust erry possible avenue for making working silk purse from the existing sow's ear before spinning globe.
16:39 asciilifeform << this is reasonable but will point out that we dun have a spare uruguay , a spare BingoBoingo , or budget to start from 0 with a new cosmonaut.
16:39 snsabot Logged on 2019-10-05 05:59:50 mp_en_viaje: but this isn't the kind of thing were they may be permitted to walk away without bringing money from home.
16:40 asciilifeform << was aboutta rage re timestamps but nope, they're correct. at least in that segment.
16:40 snsabot Logged on 2019-10-05 06:08:31 mp_en_viaje: judging by | you managed it in negatgive time, ridin' on a tachyon beam
16:40 ossabot Logged on 2019-10-05 00:01:54 asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: nighty
16:40 ossabot Logged on 2019-10-05 01:30:10 asciilifeform: all chans synced (was 1st class bitch, 100% bare teeth)
16:44 asciilifeform meanwhile, a bot that autosyncs. but needs moar test.
16:45 asciilifeform (defo not fit for battlefield yet)
16:46 * asciilifeform bbl:meat systems.
16:47 BingoBoingo <asciilifeform> << incidentally BingoBoingo is outage 100% over ? dulap is connected, anyone still out ? << Two Rockchips, sent the order to open the pipe to them few minutes ago.
16:47 snsabot Logged on 2019-10-05 05:59:20 mp_en_viaje: << this is reasonable. maybe once outage is actually resolved, forward them something like "look, this is how much i settled on my customers for outage costing, 50% discount on your bw price for next month will very much help". let them feel the burn of their own idiocy in their pocket. if they pay, okay, if not they clearly intend to continue in the same ve
16:47 ossabot Logged on 2019-10-04 23:47:17 asciilifeform: imho the smart thing to do is to exhaust erry possible avenue for making working silk purse from the existing sow's ear before spinning globe.
~ 57 minutes ~
17:44 * mp_en_viaje waves
17:48 mp_en_viaje << they don't necessarily cost anything, peering is called that because free. they MAY costr something uf you're small, but guaranteed less per terabit than anythingelse.
17:48 ossabot Logged on 2019-10-05 12:35:17 asciilifeform: << afaik these are closer in cost to 'lay own oceanic fiber' than to current item
17:48 snsabot Logged on 2019-10-05 04:55:19 mp_en_viaje: THEN the correct move is towards an ixp. there's thousands of these (eg bcnet-operated VTE).
17:49 diana_coman mp_en_viaje: do you know where is freenode's "won't federate answer"? I can't seem to find it at all; there's the initial talk in #freenode and then follow up in #eulora but nothing after that
17:49 snsabot (eulora) 2017-10-01 mircea_popescu: kline this presupposes all people are equal. this isn't much regarded in the republican ideology. properly speaking someone worth 1mn speaking one line in ngins is more than a thousand worth 10bux each speaking a line each in same nginx.
17:50 mp_en_viaje diana_coman, i offered them a server back in 2011 ; and then throughout cca 2014. they never took me up on it, and eventually sold out to usg agency
17:52 diana_coman k, thanks.
17:52 mp_en_viaje << this is sad, but unrelated. you drop the hand when you establish it can't win, not when you decide you "can afford to lose" your imaginary share of the value of the pot.
17:52 ossabot Logged on 2019-10-05 12:39:49 asciilifeform: << this is reasonable but will point out that we dun have a spare uruguay , a spare BingoBoingo , or budget to start from 0 with a new cosmonaut.
17:52 snsabot Logged on 2019-10-05 05:59:50 mp_en_viaje: but this isn't the kind of thing were they may be permitted to walk away without bringing money from home.
17:54 mp_en_viaje the end result of "null-routed ip space for half a day whenever someone decides to spend 10 bux on '''ddos'''" is reproducible via 50 dubaloos/month in hand of any rando nobody/scammer off sitepoint forums ; no need to buy whole c blocks if they just null-route by the c-block like inconceivably cheeky b
17:54 mp_en_viaje astards ; no need to pretend like you buy bw by the four digit dubaloos/mo and all that.
17:55 mp_en_viaje who the fuck even heard of this, you have a whole block, they nulled the whole block ? it's cheekiness beyond any measure of cheek
17:58 mp_en_viaje without actual packet captures, showing convincingly significant flood on EACH INDIVIDUAL IP, there's no way they're walking out of paying for the damage, and it'd better come with apologies at that.
18:00 BingoBoingo And the last two IPs are released, much faster than before. I am going to arrange a sit down with Latecho folks next week.
18:00 mp_en_viaje aite.
18:02 mp_en_viaje hanbot_abroad, you know i changed my mind, bring the camera over
18:02 hanbot_abroad << thanks, oughta be fixed. first time i've had enough comments to notice, i think! :D
18:02 snsabot Logged on 2019-10-05 10:41:44 diana_coman: hanbot you need to turn off that comment-pagination thing on your blog as it's messing up your recent comments links e.g.
18:02 hanbot_abroad mp_en_viaje kk
18:07 billymg << ty BingoBoingo for restored service!
18:07 ossabot Logged on 2019-10-04 18:23:45 BingoBoingo: !Q later tell billymg You seem to have a naked bouncer running on your Rockchip. Let me know how you want to move forward with getting the machine back online.
18:07 lobbesbot billymg: Sent 19 hours and 43 minutes ago: <BingoBoingo> You seem to have a naked bouncer running on your Rockchip. Let me know how you want to move forward with getting the machine back online.
18:07 lobbesbot billymg: Sent 17 hours and 1 minute ago: <BingoBoingo> Please send my an SSH public key. I will set up an account on the shared server for you from which you can access your Rockchip
18:08 BingoBoingo billymg: ty for your patience, but please temper your thanks to me. So far I handled this clumsily.
18:08 billymg ah, i missed the second message about a key for a shared server, is that still needed?
18:08 BingoBoingo billymg: It is not.
18:10 billymg no worries, i was keeping up with the logs during the whole episode. seems quite unfortunate that even the datacenter hosting piz suffers from but i certainly don't put this on you
18:10 ossabot Logged on 2019-10-05 05:07:28 mp_en_viaje: if indeed the observations are that 1. "non-nato" is meaningless, contemporary fucktard mindset is socialism anyways everywhere ; AND 2. the true problem for republican isp is actually clean bw, which "datacenters" fail to provide,
18:10 * BingoBoingo has been trying to think of ways to generate value in Uruguay outside of ISP'ing. Beyond getting land and some champion merino or Angus genetics... Mebbe marching locals nude through various plazas for the cameras on the road to producing art has potential.
18:11 mp_en_viaje BingoBoingo, you pretty much would rather stay than move ?
18:13 BingoBoingo mp_en_viaje: I'm giving the matter a think.
18:14 mp_en_viaje aite
18:21 BingoBoingo Uruguay isn't without its charms, and it may be time to let another lord the opportunity to claw their way out of the zone. I woke up today with the oddly relaxing freedom that comes from not knowing what the immediate future holds, even if last night I put a good number of kilometers on the odometer in the drizzle loosening the big ball of stress I'd been trapped in.
18:25 mp_en_viaje this is true
18:25 mp_en_viaje there's certainly worse fates than living in uy
18:27 BingoBoingo If another lord wants to step up and try Vienna, Portugal, Minks, etc... I don't know that "Señor (Herr?) Rogier hopped on a plane to a strange land before" should necessarily block someone else from the opportunity.
18:32 mp_en_viaje quiye
18:34 BingoBoingo Trinque's recent post had me reevaluating the dietary situation and adjusting. I'd been taking it for granted Milk is rich in Vitamin D, etc only to discover... The locals throw some folic acid in flour y Ya! After making some dietary adjustments the last few weeks of winter were less "blah" burdened than te preceeding.
18:40 BingoBoingo Of course there's also the chance something works out to extend Pizarro's life in Uruguay, but I'm going to look for some Qntra fodder, maybe put together a blog post, and see what Sunday and then later Monday hold.
18:42 mp_en_viaje alf has a point in that not done ~yet~
18:42 * BingoBoingo is also a bit curious about what Trishopping involves
18:45 BingoBoingo Not done yet, going to make efforts to save it, but dammit Imma bask in this liberating uncertainty about my future for at least another couple hours.
18:49 mp_en_viaje ha.
18:49 mp_en_viaje well, ima sleep for a coupla hours, much whoring scheduled for sat nite
18:50 BingoBoingo Enjoy
~ 34 minutes ~
19:24 lobbes << it is good to have my blog back. ty BingoBoingo
19:24 ericbot Logged on 2019-10-05 16:59:59 BingoBoingo: And the last two IPs are released, much faster than before. I am going to arrange a sit down with Latecho folks next week.
19:32 lobbes BingoBoingo: Do I have the okay to bring an uncloaked auctionbot online?
19:32 BingoBoingo lobbes: Go for it. billymg's return didn't end the world.
19:44 lobbes k
19:51 mp_en_viaje hanbot_abroad, check this out : for f in *.JPG ; do ((cnt++)); convert "$f" -resize 1024 albertina-"$cnt".jpg ; done
19:52 lobbes master of the bash
~ 31 minutes ~
20:24 mp_en_viaje beats their havng to do it by hand keks
20:29 hanbot_abroad omg ir so obsolete!
20:29 hanbot_abroad excellent news.
20:29 mp_en_viaje 270 pics article brewing, tho prolly not tonight.
~ 49 minutes ~
21:18 BingoBoingo In local news, the local police have been finding substantial amounts of cocaine recently. Very different headlines from not that long ago becoming the norm
21:18 snsabot Logged on 2018-10-05 12:43:43 BingoBoingo: In other local news: drug gang slowly took over public housing complex, used it to "warehouse" trivial quantity of drugs
~ 17 minutes ~
21:36 feedbot << Qntra -- NATO Ally Turkey To Begin Independent Syria Ops Due To USG Unreliability
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