Hide Idle (>14 d.) Chans

← 2018-04-18 | 2018-04-20 →
00:01 mircea_popescu ckang, http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-03#1792521
00:01 a111 Logged on 2018-04-03 18:27 asciilifeform: ROC-RK3328-CC ( currently building a kernel for it, without the 'evil' periphs )
00:01 ascii_lander ckang: it isn't the only reasonable chinese armtron -- there is also, e.g., 'allwinner'
00:01 ascii_lander and 'marvell' (of 'pogo' fame) also
00:01 ascii_lander and possibly a few other
00:02 ascii_lander i picked 'rockchip' for pilot plant because it wins on price/form factor/nic
00:02 ckang allwinner im familiar with, used one of their SoC boards before
00:02 ckang im over them though
00:03 BingoBoingo I have to say, ascii_lander's visit to this planet was very good for the morale. It puts into perspective that My experience with the orcs is what he has been suffering since landing in the EE.UU big prison
00:05 mod6 I'm happy to hear.
00:08 BingoBoingo ascii_lander: however can confirm the venezolana that does the language lessons is not a fever dream and does exist
00:12 ascii_lander not only exists, but serious grade-a specimen
00:12 mod6 hottie huh
00:15 * ascii_lander to bed, bbl
00:22 tidbitnipply https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/74RkS9qs/image.jpg
00:27 ckang !!up elevatedgal
00:27 deedbot elevatedgal voiced for 30 minutes.
00:29 BingoBoingo <mod6> hottie huh << Seriously alive in the head, a rarity in the land of mate crack pipe lead solder poisoning
00:29 ckang down with RoHS!
00:30 mircea_popescu !!pay tidbitnipply 0.02
00:30 deedbot Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/hb8Yh/?raw=true
00:32 elevatedgal Here to show breasts
00:35 mircea_popescu elevatedgal, 0a72a045
00:35 mircea_popescu sounds like alf actually had a ball in uruguay huh.
00:36 trinque ckang: listen, why don't you do this all at once. I'm just about to fire off 12 and you bring in two more.
00:37 trinque line 'em the fuck up and let them get their brand and be done for the day
00:37 ckang lol
00:37 trinque not lol, this is a human powered cold storage over here.
00:37 ckang because they are complicated and finicky
00:37 trinque and I have other things to do
00:37 trinque who gives a shit what women are!
00:39 ckang danielpbarron doesnt ;p
00:42 ckang i noticed things are more pleasant when they arent upset though
00:43 trinque did you ever plan on doing anything productive here, or is this it?
00:43 ckang if you have any projects and it fits my skillset i would be happy to take a stab
00:44 ckang what do you need done?
00:49 trinque have you built your own trb node? used V? understood it? do you have a working gnat? built asciilifeform's ffa? built diana_coman's eucrypt? stood up a gentoo from scratch? fertile ground all over.
00:49 ckang ive done linux from scratch way back in the day
00:50 ckang the rest are foreign terms to be at the moment
00:51 trinque maybe do some reading of the relevant blogs then.
00:52 ckang definitely an interesting mix of people here though
00:52 trinque then when my finger's hovering over the negrate button I'll have something to think about besides "brings in narcissistic nothing-holes that talk too much"
00:52 ckang different from the other chans ive been in
00:52 ckang im the type i simply need direction
00:52 ckang i can figure most things out if its centered around a specific goal or doing something
00:54 trinque alright, stand up a gentoo, and actually learn how portage works, so you can help scrape ebuilds into cuntoo
00:54 trinque appropriate right, you're the guy with the endless flood of dumb cunts
00:55 ckang lol gentoo is out of my element but nothing i cant figure out, ive built/maintained package repos on rhel/centos and apt
00:56 ckang i imagine ebuilds are like makefiles but more package level?
00:56 ckang brew recipe etc
00:56 trinque yep
00:57 trinque package metadata and build/install commands
00:57 ckang whats cuntoo btw? lol
00:58 trinque the republic's confiscated gentoo
00:59 ckang heh pre-systemd?
00:59 trinque consists of an ebuild tree managed by the republic's versioning system, V, and a self-reproducing script
00:59 ckang seems like a bunch of distros have forks now resisting the switch
00:59 ckang im not finding much on V
00:59 ckang what the context?
00:59 trinque so rather than pulling someone's blessed stage3 every time you want to build one, you extract a cuntoo from your existing one
01:00 trinque ckang: http://cascadianhacker.com/07_v-tronics-101-a-gentle-introduction-to-the-most-serene-republic-of-bitcoins-cryptographically-backed-version-control-system << read up
01:01 ckang crap elevatedgal has been msg'ing me trying to figure out how to upload 1sec
01:01 trinque make her wait
01:01 ckang hmm so its like a patch ?
01:02 ckang but for many things?
01:02 ckang oh hashed
01:02 ckang hm
01:04 trinque it is a signed tree of patches which explicitly call out the hashes of the antecedents, the items to be patched
01:04 ckang actually this is going to take a minute to understand...
01:04 ckang more to it than i thought
01:04 trinque sure, enjoy and read.
01:05 ckang yall should recruit terry :) hes a bit crazy but a very skilled programmer
01:05 ckang on the old school stuff too
01:06 trinque and dwell on that for extant portage, I cannot look at it and know who's responsible for that particular damned line in that ebuild.
01:06 trinque can go find wherever they had it in a git repo somewhere else, if I'm lucky, but here, who's responsible, what they did, and to what, crystallized right before the operator.
01:07 ckang hopefully they did it right then
01:07 ckang or on the right path anways..
01:07 trinque which terry anyhow, terry davis?
01:07 ckang yea
01:07 trinque lol
01:08 ckang poor guy
01:08 ckang guess hes homeless in san diego now
01:08 trinque !#s terry davis
01:08 a111 30 results for "terry davis", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=terry%20davis
01:09 trinque http://www.loper-os.org/?p=46 << here he is commenting on alf's blog
01:10 ckang hahah
01:10 ckang that 1st comment
01:11 ckang hes an interesting character for sure, very smart but also pretty crazy
01:12 ckang last i heard, his sister told him to take meds or leave, he left to SD, his van got tickets and was impounded leaving him homeless
01:14 ckang 1 sec gonna help elevatedgal real fast
01:22 ckang !!up elevatedgal
01:22 deedbot elevatedgal voiced for 30 minutes.
01:22 elevatedgal https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/YzrJJvb6/image2.jpg
01:22 elevatedgal Head got cut but have another
01:23 elevatedgal https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/RpCgjFfR/image.jpg
01:25 mircea_popescu http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-19#1803058 << nah, that's not the dao, you'll drive yourself mad. just do the 12, let the others wait for next batch.
01:25 a111 Logged on 2018-04-19 04:36 trinque: ckang: listen, why don't you do this all at once. I'm just about to fire off 12 and you bring in two more.
01:25 mircea_popescu experience speaks.
01:26 trinque has as much to do with how much log these dummies are taking up
01:26 mircea_popescu now there is that.
01:26 BingoBoingo http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-19#1803057 << That is my impression. We outwalked his choice of footwear however
01:26 a111 Logged on 2018-04-19 04:35 mircea_popescu: sounds like alf actually had a ball in uruguay huh.
01:26 trinque ckang here scurries off in a cuntoo thread because oh, gotta serve the woman
01:27 mircea_popescu and i mean look at the weird shit. elevatedgal what are you doing with that hand ? explain it to me, are you saving on nipple or what is it ?
01:27 elevatedgal I was just touching it, not trying to hide
01:28 BingoBoingo http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-19#1803066 << This is how YOU get fucked. Girls just want to feel, aite? What they feel isn't important. That they feel is.
01:28 a111 Logged on 2018-04-19 04:42 ckang: i noticed things are more pleasant when they arent upset though
01:28 mircea_popescu right. half a face and half a this and half a that and so on. elevatedgal do it properly.
01:29 mircea_popescu http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-19#1803068 << except you won't say wtf you've done. and without some kind of a bio nobody's going to have much to say to you, because on what basis would they.
01:29 a111 Logged on 2018-04-19 04:43 ckang: if you have any projects and it fits my skillset i would be happy to take a stab
01:30 ckang well i don't want to limit myself to only things ive done
01:30 ckang i can learn new stuff, but there needs to be some interest in the subject for me to dive deep and enjoy it
01:31 hanbot <mod6> hanbot: I can help, what are you trying to achieve? Changing /home/username from chmod 755, to chmod 700? << i want to make a user whose access is entirely limited to one specific dir. i'm fed up for the night tho', will be back at it tomorrow evening if you still feel philanthropic then
01:31 mircea_popescu that's not how it works. you're not in control in any sort of meaningful sense, it's not that you're limiting yourself or aren't limiting youself. with a history people can say meaningful things to youi ; without, they can't. that's pretty much the whole story.
01:32 hanbot BingoBoingo> None may know the timing of the MP... except maybe hanbot... And the idaho girlie... And... << i must regret to inform i have no MP clock, no MP clock at all!
01:32 BingoBoingo ckang: I will lend you a +1 rating for a resume, life story, and a picture of a sharpie in your pooper with the string n3gg34Z on your cheeks
01:32 ckang yea, understandable, ive just been trying to soak things in up until this point, a lot of the stuff you speak about id need to look into further because i wont even pretend to have any idea on
01:32 mircea_popescu ckang, not like there's any rush.
01:32 trinque ahaha
01:32 ckang BingoBoingo: lol sharpie
01:32 mircea_popescu but when i say "hey x, how about you do y" it's based on my understanding of x's history, not something else.
01:33 ckang are buttsharpies a thing still?
01:33 BingoBoingo ckang: There is history there.
01:33 trinque guy's totally open to it, look
01:33 * trinque puts that in the ckang HISTORY file
01:33 ckang haha no no, didnt say that
01:33 mircea_popescu lmao.
01:33 ckang ive been poked with a finger
01:33 ckang and that sent me about a foot up
01:33 mircea_popescu !#s THE STAIN, IT REMAINS
01:33 a111 0 results for "THE STAIN, IT REMAINS", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=THE%20STAIN%2C%20IT%20REMAINS
01:33 ckang unexpected
01:33 BingoBoingo ckang: What makes your pooper so special? Petroleum jelly is a thing
01:33 mircea_popescu i coulda swore we had that in there.
01:34 ckang BingoBoingo: i suppose, up until this point its been unidirectional
01:34 ckang i mean thats what may separate it from other anus' (not necessarily yalls)
01:35 BingoBoingo ckang: That leaks information. You never tried out for the wrestling team!
01:35 BingoBoingo *wrasslin'
01:35 ckang checking the oil ?
01:35 ckang lol
01:35 ckang but no, never wrestled, played ice hockey instead
01:36 mircea_popescu that's one thing you got in common with mod6 then.
01:36 BingoBoingo Ouch, that's awfully square
01:36 mircea_popescu http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-19#1803105 << which terry is this ? davis ?
01:36 a111 Logged on 2018-04-19 05:05 ckang: yall should recruit terry :) hes a bit crazy but a very skilled programmer
01:36 ckang mircea_popescu: yea, danielpbarron reminded me of him slightly
01:36 mircea_popescu !#s templeos
01:36 a111 46 results for "templeos", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=templeos
01:36 BingoBoingo hanbot: There was one week where Qntra and Trilema had a weird menstrual sync going on
01:38 trinque https://archive.is/dzLAi << "You will talk with God and have daily prayer. Eventually, you will kill."
01:38 mircea_popescu http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-19#1803122 << sad. i thought he had his own place for some reason.
01:38 a111 Logged on 2018-04-19 05:12 ckang: last i heard, his sister told him to take meds or leave, he left to SD, his van got tickets and was impounded leaving him homeless
01:38 trinque latest templeos.org; I can empathize with that
01:38 ckang mircea_popescu: his parents kicked him out for being a bit racist
01:38 ckang and its been downhill since
01:39 ckang was living in a van for some months, then he lost the van.
01:39 mircea_popescu "We live in a castrated dog oppressed world with way too many hellish dog catchers."
01:39 trinque guy's probably fine and just genuinely hates everyone enough to have gotten weird not communicating.
01:39 BingoBoingo Yo esperando por una foto. ckang when will you stop projecting onto Terry and address your own coyness?
01:40 ckang coyness about what?
01:40 mircea_popescu "King Terry is, now, recruiting the Original Catholic brand Templar Knights. Send email to tdavis@templeos.org."
01:40 BingoBoingo ckang: Your story and your pooper
01:40 mircea_popescu BingoBoingo, you soy esperando una / espero una. no por and verbs change in spanish!
01:40 ckang haha
01:40 mod6 <+ckang> but no, never wrestled, played ice hockey instead << right on :]
01:40 ckang i can tell you about the time a finger got poked into it if you really want
01:40 ckang but didnt think you wanted to hear that
01:41 mircea_popescu Visit the TempleOS chat room. << holy shit, he got an irc now ?
01:41 ckang or well, ive never been asked to expand on it past that point..
01:41 mircea_popescu come on, there's no fucking way he's not been reading the logs.
01:41 ckang yea, rizon
01:42 ckang horrible net but, he pops in and out all the time
01:42 ckang terry would put in 48hr marathons i bet, given he had power and a place to sleep
01:43 ckang i heard his stuff may have gotten stolen, he was making vids again for a bit
01:43 mod6 hanbot: ok we can tackle it tomorrow
01:44 BingoBoingo <mircea_popescu> BingoBoingo, you soy esperando una / espero una. no por and verbs change in spanish! << Finger speed conjugation is still a work in progress. The locals feed me bad grammar habits the Venezolana has to correct. The accent however is servicable. Alf can elaborate when he has report time.
01:44 mircea_popescu heh voat is down. anyway, apparently it's not his chan, but theirs.
01:44 mircea_popescu https://voat.co/v/Niggers/912231
01:44 ckang here 1sec ill find it
01:45 mircea_popescu http://www.templeos.org/Videos/Dianna/LifeAsWife.mp4 in other lulz.
01:46 ckang its irc.rizon.net #templeos
01:46 ckang hes comes in to use the bot for scripture
01:47 mircea_popescu ckang, his own page linked #chimpire
01:48 ckang haha, guess he was trolling, or he recently moved
01:48 ckang ive only seen him pop into #templeos but its been a few months, he may have changed
01:48 danielpbarron http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-19#1802962 << i would, and have http://danielpbarron.com/2018/banned-from-the-rabbit-hole/
01:48 a111 Logged on 2018-04-19 03:33 tidbitnipply: Oh please, he wouldn't tell me that in person
01:49 BingoBoingo danielpbarron: When are you visiting the oriental republic?
01:49 danielpbarron probably not soon
01:49 BingoBoingo You'd probably be well off waiting till december
01:50 BingoBoingo If you want Brasileras. Or second half of January if you want Jew gurlz.
01:51 mircea_popescu danielpbarron, so, are you getting ordained in the true church ?
01:53 danielpbarron ordained as what?
01:53 mircea_popescu they have some kind of priesthood no ?
01:53 danielpbarron nope
01:54 danielpbarron we are all saints
01:54 danielpbarron there could be a leader but he has to have exactly 1 wife, and at least one child all of whom must believe
01:55 ckang hmm, so to be in your church guys need to let their wives fuck the leader?
01:55 danielpbarron at least 2 children, i mispoke
01:55 mircea_popescu so your plan for the ~rest of your life is to sit on a patch of dirt in ok and basically wait ?
01:56 danielpbarron ckang, no! that would be adultery
01:56 ckang before they are married ?
01:56 ckang ohhh
01:56 ckang they will have 2 children
01:56 ckang but the "one child all of whom must believe" thing
01:57 ckang i read as 'one child with all who believe'
01:57 mircea_popescu ohohoh. saucy.
01:57 mircea_popescu "you can only be the leader if you have a child with everybody!"
01:57 ckang lol poor guy
01:58 mircea_popescu https://archive.is/VmPBG in other lulz.
01:58 danielpbarron mircea_popescu, my plan is to serve God, other than that idk
01:58 ckang queen bee situation
01:59 trinque mircea_popescu: the patch of dirt and wait was exactly my idiot mother's plan
01:59 mircea_popescu works a LOT better for women.
02:00 trinque rapture's coming, what's there to do but be PURE until we ascend
02:00 trinque women work a lot better when not listened to
02:00 mircea_popescu well, the pure sort, certainly.
02:01 ckang a mute would be ideal ?
02:01 ckang or do you want them to be able to speak sometimes
02:02 trinque I speak to my woman all the time; brain parts and mouth parts work fine
02:02 ckang lol just noticed, 1:37 AM <elevatedgal> f u all
02:02 mircea_popescu aww.
02:02 ckang can we get them without emotion too trinque ?
02:03 trinque I think mircea_popescu is the one to talk to about that firmware upgrade
02:03 mircea_popescu me ?!
02:03 trinque no?
02:04 mircea_popescu i write fucking poetry ffs!
02:04 ckang so would a 'fuckhole/baby vessel' best describe your ideal woman ?
02:04 trinque lol!
02:04 ckang oh and /cleaning machine
02:04 ckang ;p
02:04 trinque maybe I should've said "obeyed" instead of "listened to"
02:05 * trinque ftr has no babies.
02:05 ckang my sister has 2 inside her now, her 1st pregnancy
02:06 ckang and they are huge apparently for their age but the last 8 weeks they gain 1lb/week
02:06 * ckang glad hes not her
02:07 mircea_popescu twins rarely reach 3kgs each (which is the normal weight of humans at birth). so more like 5ish.
02:07 * trinque 's stepmom had twins, looks downright miserable
02:08 ckang they are 4lbs now
02:08 ckang I was an ounce shy of 10lb
02:08 ckang so maybe somewhere around that
02:09 ckang fortunately shes 6' so they have some extra space
02:10 trinque anyhow I don't think much about the ideal woman, people don't come that way
02:10 mircea_popescu dude check out that place, they supersized babies also.
02:10 trinque gotta be either that they're coming out fat, or the hormones
02:10 trinque non-exclusive or
02:10 mircea_popescu anyway, macrosomia is a serious health risk. mostly for the mother, but not really great for the baby either.
02:11 ckang oh not fat, i was a tall baby though
02:11 ckang yea they said twins are more likely to come early so any day/week now almost
02:12 trinque my noggin got stuck, did some damage on my way down the chute
02:12 mircea_popescu trinque, shoulders, no ?
02:12 trinque evolution didn't give a damn when standing upright came along.
02:12 ckang they didnt even try on me apparently, doctor told her the shoulders wouldnt fit through
02:12 trinque nah, I'm told my head wasn't as squashy as they often are
02:13 mircea_popescu ahahaha
02:13 ckang lol
02:13 mircea_popescu this, my dear friend, MAY BE USED AGAINST YOU IN THE FUTURE
02:13 trinque ahaha youdontsay.jpg
02:17 ckang thankfully i will never get to experience passing a 10lb child out from my insides
02:19 * trinque would collect a whole household full of women like the girl he has now
02:19 trinque and yeah ckang, she talks to me even
02:19 trinque but NOT ABOUT HER
02:20 ckang ah thats good lol, would be pretty awkward if she didnt, for me anyways
02:20 trinque I dunno, we sit in silence and read too
02:20 ckang yea thats healthy, being comfortable with silence
02:21 ckang many arent
02:24 * trinque -> bed
02:24 ckang nn
~ 3 hours 17 minutes ~
05:42 spyked huh, almost missed http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-18#1802081 <-- thank you! will toast wine from ol' family vine later to honour this.
05:42 a111 Logged on 2018-04-18 17:10 mircea_popescu: there we go. mazel tov ; and spyked ave1 lobbes permit me to congratulate you an' to wish you long&happy tenure.
05:46 spyked http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-19#1802891 <-- /me would love to, but is short on coin atm. will weigh this again in a few months from now if still available. and I still wanna buy a board for home too, to check out the hardware.
05:46 a111 Logged on 2018-04-19 02:50 mircea_popescu: iirc spyked was getting one too
~ 31 minutes ~
06:17 spyked http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-19#1802935 <-- iirc execute bit on $dir toggles whether {user,group,others} can "search" (i.e. chdir to) $dir or access other files within, including other dirs, making this a recursive thing. so this explains the chdir error.
06:17 a111 Logged on 2018-04-19 03:23 hanbot: <mircea_popescu> hanbot, quick solution is to restrict (and immutable) the directory right above the intended home. << actually, if i do that, it tells me permission's denied to land in homedir ("Could not chdir to home directory /home/username/: Permission denied") and dumps me in... /
06:24 spyked http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-19#1803146 <-- this is (nearly?) impossible to achieve within the Unix access control model. it's easy to express "no one but user1 has access to dir1", but no reasonable way of expressing the reverse, i.e. "user2 can access only dir2". must be one of the reasons why namespaces and cgroups were added to Linux
06:24 a111 Logged on 2018-04-19 05:31 hanbot: <mod6> hanbot: I can help, what are you trying to achieve? Changing /home/username from chmod 755, to chmod 700? << i want to make a user whose access is entirely limited to one specific dir. i'm fed up for the night tho', will be back at it tomorrow evening if you still feel philanthropic then
06:29 spyked also, kinda what got me thinking about the whole "general-purpose os" thing a while ago. POSIX ACL wasn't designed to be very flexible, it assumes some level of trust in the processes running on the box (the Unix notion of "user" is attached to processes, while that of "permission" is tied to files)
~ 45 minutes ~
07:15 ckang but, SELinux :(
07:16 ckang what are you trying to do exactly?
~ 27 minutes ~
07:44 ckang you can do the user limited to one dir but it would require chroot + copy of binaries or a R/O mount of the binaries linked inside but that shit gets messy
07:45 ckang nowadays with docker and such its way easier to spin something up thats isolated and getting the networking control for the container
~ 3 hours 54 minutes ~
11:39 mod6 mornin' TMSR~
11:41 lobbes mornin' mod6
11:42 mod6 How goes today lobbes?
11:43 lobbes ah can't complain. Trying to get logbot up and running (was able to successfully press the ircbot genesis and test it on my local machine the other night)
11:45 mod6 Ah good! Resolved that seal issue then?
11:46 lobbes I did! Was simple as removing the robots.txt from .seals. btw I love the manual you included with yer vtron
11:46 lobbes very useful for noobs like me to figure out wtf I'm doing
11:46 mod6 (for ref: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-14#1799100)
11:46 a111 Logged on 2018-04-14 20:26 lobbes: hm, so I was following install steps for trinque's ircbot-genesis (http://btcbase.org/patches/ircbot-genesis#selection-167.10-167.39) and it looks like the "init http://trinque.org/src/ircbot" step downloads the robots.txt which, upon pressing, barfs with "INVALID SEAL" eggog >> http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/qHlDI/?raw=true
11:46 mod6 lobbes: ah! ok, glad to hear the doc was helpful. nothing worse than unhelpful docs.
11:47 mod6 (if anyone notices any erratum in that doc, please write in)
11:47 trinque ah, looks like I need to get the src dir pulled over to pizarro
11:48 lobbes ah! okay that was my next comment
11:48 * trinque will do shortly
11:48 lobbes I was having issues with the logbot init step (wasn't pulling the patch into patches)
11:48 mod6 cool, gonna have a mirror over there, or just the main repo now?
11:48 lobbes but okay, I'll just hold tight for now
11:49 trinque mod6: main repo
11:49 mod6 kewl
11:50 trinque yeah, it's fantastic to know the people touching the hardware. I'm so far very pleased with the service.
12:00 mod6 trinque: *thumbsup*
~ 26 minutes ~
12:27 ckang what rockchip SoC board are yall messin with?
12:29 mod6 ckang: <@mod6> http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-03#1792521
12:29 a111 Logged on 2018-04-03 18:27 asciilifeform: ROC-RK3328-CC ( currently building a kernel for it, without the 'evil' periphs )
12:30 ckang pretty stout
12:31 ckang ive been wanting to build a small single port router or inline router that protects ones entire internet
12:31 ckang with the ability to do policy based routing over various tunnels/vpns/tor what not
12:32 ckang but the typical ARM offerings just dont have the nuts to do openvpn with decent speed
12:32 mod6 ah
12:32 ckang then for a minute I was exploring using the ESP32's cryptography accelerator with QSPI and DMA
12:33 ckang since it actually solves stuff fairly quick
12:36 spyked ckang, one alternative you can consider is "pcengines" board. plenty of info in the logs. fanless, runs coreboot bios iirc and has at least 2 gigabit ethernet ports.
12:36 spyked !#s pcengines
12:36 a111 78 results for "pcengines", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=pcengines
12:37 * trinque has an apu2 router over here
12:40 ckang this is actually how i stumbled across wireguard initially
12:41 ckang trying to find something secure but had performance on ARM based equipment
12:41 ckang openvpn is just a piggy
12:43 ckang spyked: i think at that point i would go with an intel atom board with dual or quad port from ali, they arent too bad price wise and you dont get stuck maintaining a fork
12:45 ckang https://www.aliexpress.com/item/Minisys-4-Lan-pfsense-minipc-Intel-atom-E3845-quad-core-mini-itx-motherboard-linux-firewall-computer/32825684280.html
12:45 ckang AES-NI support
12:46 trinque "yes, let me accelerate your crypto in this black box citizen. hold still."
12:46 ckang https://www.aliexpress.com/item/Fanless-Mini-PC-4-Gigabit-Lan-Ethernet-NIC-Core-i3-security-AES-NI-Qotom-Router-Pfsense/32847784876.html <-- ooo, i3
12:47 ckang lol, well its coming from china so its probably 100% legit ;p
12:47 ckang would be extra components and they are very thrifty
12:48 trinque idea that the chinese wouldn't diddle cryptography devices they export is pretty entertaining.
12:48 ckang well its on the intel silicon
12:49 trinque ah, I thought we were talking about the arm thing, but it goes double for intel
12:49 * trinque always thought that name for a chip company was cheeky
12:49 trinque bbl
13:04 phf it's a shame that soekris stopped making their network boards. asciilifeform though thinks they were overpriced, but i suspect it's "not made in china" premium. i have one soekris board with 4 years uptime, and i use another one for the router, which does some of the tricks ckang mentioned.
13:05 ckang phf: my worry is being able to sustain enough throughput mostly, a somewhat higher end consumer model cant manage much over 20Mbit/s
13:06 ckang and availability
13:06 ckang (consumer model router, sorry)
13:07 phf soekris was one of those boutique operations. guy closed the u.s. branch (he's scandinavian), and now he only makes high end DACs instead.
13:07 ckang yea, those places are typically premium price, but as to be expected, small batch runs are expensive
13:08 ckang even being able to buy a small qty of SoC can be hard with most mfg
13:09 ckang am curious what those little atoms/i3 can push though, pretty nice package overall w/ wifi and quad port
13:10 phf ckang: so i had a lot of throughput problems when i started doing this, back when budged option was to flush consumer router firmware with a linux, but when i built this router i was already tmsring, so it's running openbsd and is more sekuriti oriented
13:11 phf i should probably test it at some point in isolation. it would be a pointless exercise though since i don't have a 20MBit/s pipe out anyway. perhaps the value might be "look at what custom board can do compared to this chinese crap", but i somehow doubt that would be the result.
13:11 ckang what have you managed to push encrypted on the board?
13:12 ckang or pull
13:14 ckang i ended up just adding a deb8 vm and my entire router is virtualized now, only lose ~2Mbit off the top (148Mbit) while still only using the tunnel with wireguard
~ 38 minutes ~
13:53 mircea_popescu http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-19#1803308 << very fucking easy to do, are you kidding me ? system builds the FS tree, exposes / to all users symbolically but only lists permitted files and then for every node in the directory treee only lists those which are either all or user.
13:53 a111 Logged on 2018-04-19 10:24 spyked: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-19#1803146 <-- this is (nearly?) impossible to achieve within the Unix access control model. it's easy to express "no one but user1 has access to dir1", but no reasonable way of expressing the reverse, i.e. "user2 can access only dir2". must be one of the reasons why namespaces and cgroups were added to Linux
13:55 mircea_popescu ie if you have / 755 root:root home/ 755 root:root klinki 755 klinki:klinki /sikrit 700 klinki:klinki then user bolek can see all the way to /home/klinki and user klinki all the way to /home/klinki/sikrit.
13:56 mircea_popescu and if you want to get fancy you can even reconstruct dirstructure by restating it while skipping invisible spots, so that a path may be /a/b/c/ for one and /a/c/ for another.
13:56 mircea_popescu what the fuck, there's 0 high level difficulty here, 100% unixtards being unixtards.
14:08 BingoBoingo !Q later tell avgjoe I don't talk to strangers in private
14:08 lobbesbot BingoBoingo: The operation succeeded.
14:12 spyked mircea_popescu, okay, but can you make klinki see *only* /home/klinki/sikrit and nothing else? that's how I understood hanbot's problem. I dun see any practical way of doing it (other than by chroot'ing).
14:23 spyked anyway, I'm sure that this can be enforced by having all the other users except the "limited user" deny rwx access to their dirs. but this doesn't say anything about the "limited user" explicitly, only implicitly. kinda like in that joke with enclosing the sheep using as little fence material as possible.
14:25 mircea_popescu spyked, by making the first dir that's not specifically world-visible or his own whatever she wanted it to make.
14:25 spyked (note that I did not claim this to be "the wrong way" or anything. just that in other access control schemes it can be explicitly expressed, in some cases at cost of implementation complexity etc.)
14:25 mircea_popescu understand, this model whereby user falls into root because "we couldn't open the subdir you should have" is the lulz of all time.
14:26 mircea_popescu "i can't identify you so here's the oval office"
14:26 mircea_popescu "you were fired, the way to the vp lounge is to the left"
14:29 mircea_popescu and it all came from original idiocy, "oh, to have bash AT ALL you must have access to /sbin/bash or else a copy of it somewhere". bullcrap. look at what apache does -- somehow it DOES manage to run all users' php crapolade from whatever directories. bash can (and obviously should fucking have) worked the exact same way. of course you can run bash from your homedir even if that is /home/users/f/u/c//k/t/h/i/s/l/u/s/e/r/john.
14:29 mircea_popescu and even if you think /home/users/f/u/c//k/t/h/i/s/l/u/s/e/r/john is actuyally /
14:30 mircea_popescu (which is what is the only fucking POSSIBLE meaning of "set home directory" : as far as ALL POSSIBLE terminals that user springs up, the indicated point in the filestructure is his root. and he sees its downstream and nothing else fucking ever.)
14:31 trinque now there's a point. user's shell should just have whatever commands he can use loaded into it
14:31 trinque and not rely on a $PATH
14:32 mircea_popescu duh.
14:32 mircea_popescu fucking path, the hack of all time.
14:33 mircea_popescu you know what is the HARDEST, most screaming, wailing and tear ladden item every time i explain unix, the posix model, linux basics etc to fundamentally minded slavegirls that are well accomplished in other fields and can think ?
14:33 mircea_popescu the fucking path. and for the very good reason that it's nonsense enough to make gates proud.
14:40 mircea_popescu meanwhile the russkis made online-homm3. http://www.lordswm.com/
14:40 mircea_popescu "lords of war and money" lol.
~ 17 minutes ~
14:58 hanbot http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-19#1803390 << exactly, that blew my mind. no idea why limiting someone to their homedir should be complicated either. isn't keeping users cloistered like...the fucking reason a "users" system even exists? what else is it for, personalized wallpaper?
14:58 a111 Logged on 2018-04-19 18:26 mircea_popescu: "i can't identify you so here's the oval office"
15:08 spyked ^ my point in the first place. POSIX ACL was designed from the idea that "all users are equal, except /a/b can be accessed only by X and /c/d only by Y etc.". while saying that "Z can only access /e/f" can only be implemented as "/a/b and /c/d and etc. can't be accessed by Z". and sure, there's chroot, that sets /e/f to /, but in practice this introduces other issues
15:10 spyked I can't help but http://archive.is/TRrOE again
15:14 mircea_popescu heh.
15:14 mircea_popescu assholes.
15:18 mircea_popescu mp's morning adventure : the curse of the shapely bottles.
15:19 mircea_popescu bereft of female support, i woke this morning among empty vast halls, ruin already gnawing silently in their corners.
15:19 mircea_popescu to eat, to eat, but what to eat! there's no fire going happily in the hearth, there's no water splashing on nude thighs unintentionally and aggravatingly, the kitchen's dead and i must have leftovers!
15:20 phf a bironian tragedy
15:20 mircea_popescu so i pick the yesterday's chicken pilaf, and dump on it three spooning heapfuls of the mango-raisin-ginger jam in the half gallon jar. then a spoonlet of chilera. and then... a small and kinda tired&old but very ripe aguacate.
15:21 mircea_popescu i must now retire and meditate in sadness over the miserable fate fate had in store for me this morn.
15:23 douchebag !!up Starrrcx
15:23 deedbot Starrrcx voiced for 30 minutes.
15:23 Starrrcx I have titties
15:25 Starrrcx !!register http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/elJkg/?raw=true
15:25 deedbot 20063837E6C0CB9F6FAFA48CCF3286C05B1D2494 registered as Starrrcx.
15:34 douchebag Starrrcx: you'll have to wait for mircea_popescu
~ 1 hours ~
16:35 jurov mod6: ack
16:40 mod6 Thanks jurov
~ 17 minutes ~
16:57 deedbot http://qntra.net/2018/04/deutsche-bank-fat-fingers-35-billion-usd-payment/ << Qntra - Deutsche Bank Fat Fingers 35 Billion USD Payment
16:58 trinque need moar practice with titties eh?
16:59 BingoBoingo Defo
17:06 douchebag Fuzz via Titties all day long
~ 2 hours 2 minutes ~
19:09 BingoBoingo In other weird https://apartamento.mercadolibre.com.uy/MLU-452797695-apartamento-en-pocitos-nuevoloft-con-terraza-contra-frente-_JM
~ 31 minutes ~
19:40 phf http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-19#1803375 << i have ipsec subnets to essentially identical openbsd installs, but egress is to wan. i use pf to route specific things through the ipsec subnets. i've never benchmarked it though. it's good enough to watch an occasional regioned youtube, or pull a torrent at 5mbit saturation
19:40 a111 Logged on 2018-04-19 17:11 ckang: what have you managed to push encrypted on the board?
~ 2 hours 26 minutes ~
22:06 ckang phf: ah if you have a spare board you can run on a local net, i would be curious how it stacks up
22:08 mircea_popescu Starrrcx, 8d539ed5.
22:08 ckang its become an obsession of mine almost
22:09 * mircea_popescu waves
22:09 ckang even more so after the recent changes in gov policy in regards to information harvesting by ISPs
22:10 ckang hi mircea_popescu
22:13 mircea_popescu heya.
22:14 ckang if you get a min, had an issue with the bots on 1 girl, pheeby
22:14 ckang i think it may have been when the code registration issue was happening
22:20 douchebag yo mircea_popescu
22:21 douchebag im gonna let Starrrcx you're on
22:24 mircea_popescu aite.
22:25 mircea_popescu ckang, she's not been paid ?
22:26 ckang mircea_popescu: yea, i found the !!pay but !!ledger shows nothing
22:26 mircea_popescu aite, ima re-add her in next batch.
22:27 ckang re: chroot/$PATH stuff, is there any reason not to opt for a container model and leave that abstraction up to a dedicated system?
22:28 ckang performance hit is fairly negligible
22:29 mircea_popescu depends how you count the hit. complexity hit is significant.
22:30 mircea_popescu metaphorically speaking, the solution to spilling some food in front of the fridge is not to attach a mechanical broom to it.
22:30 ckang my experience with chrooted/jailed setups has been, overall, messy
22:31 mircea_popescu yeah. the whole stygian stable has to be cleanned out. no more PATH and no more bash-style calls. apache style calls.
22:31 ckang PATH turns into a a cluster fuck, always
22:33 ckang openvz i didnt care much for, docker has been solid though
22:34 ckang and being able to control the network gives way more flexibility in limiting what someone can/cant do
22:35 mircea_popescu you ever read docker ?
22:35 ckang the source? or what aspect
22:36 mircea_popescu yes the source.
22:37 ckang no, i have not, pretty iffy?
22:37 mircea_popescu so in what sense "has it been solid" then ?
22:37 ckang oh, in terms of stability and usability
22:39 mircea_popescu understand how the empire of idiots' euphemism threadmill works : they noticed that you go by the heuristic of "published holes", and they've adapted to that (because that's what the idiots are all about, "Exam taking", ie optimizing for the measurement not for the variable measured). so, they keep publishing strainers and calanders, except the sort where YOU don't know the holes. it gives you the warm fuzzy feeling that "The
22:39 mircea_popescu y're reasonablyt safe, as far as we know" ; and as we learn better... they just come up with a new piece of shit.
22:39 mircea_popescu this is precisely the "crypto progress" of http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-16#1800039 ; and everything else.
22:39 a111 Logged on 2018-04-16 16:05 zx2c4: mircea_popescu: i take it now that mostly you're skeptical because the nsa was pushing ecc in the early years, before everyone else woke up to it
22:40 mircea_popescu usg trying to leverage the fact that idiots stick together whereas intelligent people jwz, into this situation where they keep shitting turds larger than what you can fit in head and so "one man's guess is as good as any other's" and "we don't actually know it's a scam" hurr durr.
22:41 ckang purposely or by buying 0days ?
22:41 mircea_popescu huh ?
22:41 mircea_popescu they WRITE the holes lmao.\
22:41 ckang ahhhh
22:42 ckang im surprised we haven't heard more about that, someone with a email or offer publishing it
22:42 ckang i could totally see them buying up new 0days and letting them go unpatched for future use
22:43 mircea_popescu the sad story of tor is a good primer in this sense.
22:45 ckang ahh yea, it was just recently they had the torbrowser svg stuff too
22:45 mircea_popescu http://trilema.com/2013/dear-guardian-stop-being-retarded/ << this is the historical moment when the usg's "technology" machine got killed.
22:45 mircea_popescu now, of course they've been pretending like "it never happened" for five years now ; but then again they're also pretending to be solvent, and militarily relevant, and whatnot.
22:47 ckang i imagine to infiltrate a project successfully they need to 'invest' into it before it becomes too large so theres not 1000s of nerds reviewing commits
22:50 mircea_popescu yup.
22:50 ckang has there been any documented cases of such happening recently? or attempts
22:54 mircea_popescu and also they need a certain sort of fucktard mindset. like this : http://trilema.com/2018/and-in-todays-lulz-the-obnoxious-cocksucker/
22:54 mircea_popescu ckang, what's your standard for "documented" ?
22:54 mircea_popescu contrary to what you might think, it's 9x% the function of nsa, trolling on github all day.
22:54 ckang just someone publicly calling someone out at trying to inject malicious code into a project
22:55 mircea_popescu think about it -- the sort of people who'd publish idiotic crap a la tor docker etc LIKE the meat injection. and the sort of people who'd protest don't get involved with that.
22:56 ckang https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/I5HQ0yxC/templedongOSxxx.png :)
22:56 ckang one of my favs
22:56 mircea_popescu hey.
22:56 mircea_popescu he is right, though.
22:57 douchebag !!up Starrrcx
22:57 deedbot Starrrcx voiced for 30 minutes.
22:57 Starrrcx https://i.imgur.com/YeUNHDM.jpg
22:58 douchebag lmfao
22:58 mircea_popescu !!pay Starrrcx
22:58 deedbot Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/KWeTR/?raw=true
22:58 mircea_popescu Starrrcx, so what do you think of bitcoin ?
22:59 Starrrcx internet money
23:00 mircea_popescu well sure. but i mean... how's it sound to you ?
23:02 Starrrcx i dont have much of an opinion besides it being money can you tell me more about it?
23:03 mircea_popescu notrly much more than what's already at http://trilema.com/category/bitcoin/
23:06 Starrrcx i hear the price on it went crazy high since it was started
23:06 mircea_popescu it did.
23:06 Starrrcx how high will it go
23:08 douchebag mircea_popescu: was her photo valid?
23:09 mircea_popescu whose ?
23:09 douchebag Starrrcx:
23:09 douchebag you only did !!pay Starrrcx
23:10 mircea_popescu oh oh
23:10 mircea_popescu !!pay Starrrcx 0.02
23:10 mircea_popescu ty
23:10 deedbot Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/CKb59/?raw=true
23:10 douchebag mircea_popescu: Safe to say this is the oldest participant in the "i will pay for your tits" campaign
23:10 douchebag eh?
23:11 mircea_popescu possibly, yeah. how old are you Starrrcx ?
23:11 Starrrcx im 72 years young
23:13 ben_vulpes mircea_popescu: elaborate on "apache calls"?
23:13 mircea_popescu ben_vulpes, http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-19#1803392
23:13 a111 Logged on 2018-04-19 18:29 mircea_popescu: and it all came from original idiocy, "oh, to have bash AT ALL you must have access to /sbin/bash or else a copy of it somewhere". bullcrap. look at what apache does -- somehow it DOES manage to run all users' php crapolade from whatever directories. bash can (and obviously should fucking have) worked the exact same way. of course you can run bash from your homedir even if that is /home/users/f/u/c//k/t/h/i/s/l/u/s/e/r/john.
23:14 mircea_popescu Starrrcx, yeah, i think you're the years young-est person in there.
23:22 douchebag lol
23:36 esthlos hanbot: said I'd get back to you: getting mp-wp running was relatively painless, most of my issues were with LAMP. I wrote down most of what I did here: http://blog.esthlos.com/mp-wp-setup/
~ 18 minutes ~
23:54 ckang !!up haleyyyyy
23:54 deedbot haleyyyyy voiced for 30 minutes.
23:55 haleyyyyy Hi, here for picture 😀
23:57 ckang wait for mircea_popescu
23:57 trinque btw ckang and douchebag, withdrawals are being processed midday now
23:58 mircea_popescu didn't i see that name before ?
23:58 mircea_popescu haleyyyyy, 0f9a63b5 ; but mind that you only get it once.
23:58 ckang she dipped out before she could before but got back with me
23:59 mircea_popescu ah
23:59 douchebag sounds good trinque
23:59 douchebag What time roughly central time?
23:59 douchebag USA
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