Show Idle (>14 d.) Chans

← 2018-01-14 | 2018-01-16 →
01:57 mircea_popescu !!up douchebag
01:57 deedbot douchebag voiced for 30 minutes.
02:06 douchebag Hello
02:07 douchebag I am a security researcher, I mainly focus in web application exploitation currently. Is there anything I could help with here?
02:07 mircea_popescu what's up
02:07 mircea_popescu well, got a blog or anything ?
02:07 douchebag yes
02:07 mircea_popescu link ?
02:08 mircea_popescu and in other boudouir shorts,
02:09 douchebag mircea_popescu: pm'd
02:09 mircea_popescu
02:09 a111 Logged on 2016-01-02 14:04 mircea_popescu: i don't do private chats with people i don't know. you want to talk about something, this is the venue.
02:10 douchebag oh
02:10 douchebag
02:10 mircea_popescu medium eh ?
02:11 douchebag yeah
02:13 mircea_popescu douchebag where's that hall of fame on their site ?
02:13 douchebag
02:13 douchebag bottom link
02:14 douchebag "Report a security issue"
02:14 mircea_popescu o hey, silver for 2017 huh ?
02:14 douchebag mhm
02:15 mircea_popescu well, lessee, stuff that might be of professional interest to you then. etc.
02:15 mircea_popescu mostly for teh lulz.
02:16 mircea_popescu !!key
02:16 mircea_popescu !!key dooglus
02:16 deedbot
02:16 mircea_popescu gah
02:16 mircea_popescu !!key douchebag
02:16 deedbot
02:17 mircea_popescu that'd be... not your key your twitter advertises on... keybase (?!)
02:19 douchebag oh no, i switch between communities/handles
02:19 mircea_popescu "i or absolutely anyone else"
02:20 douchebag if you want I can verify that key
02:20 mircea_popescu pretty sure noone gives a shit about keybase anyway, so not much to verify.
02:20 douchebag true
02:20 mircea_popescu so what's this primefort thing do then ?
02:21 douchebag Primefort?
02:21 mircea_popescu "So, It’s been a while since I’ve blogged about something. It’s because I’m busy with my cybersecurity startup called PrimeFort ( for the past 1 year!"
02:22 douchebag That wasn't me
02:22 douchebag you may have browsed to another user published by bugbountywriteup
02:22 mircea_popescu oh it's just a medium feed thing i see.
02:23 mircea_popescu dude they're really raping your content. why exactly not run your own blog like sane people ?
02:23 douchebag Eh, I could do that I haven't really blogged enough I suppose
02:24 mircea_popescu why not ?
02:24 mircea_popescu dja happen upon either ffa or eucrypt write-ups, as it happens ?
02:25 douchebag I'm not entirely sure what people would be interested in hearing about, and no I haven't
02:26 mircea_popescu aha. well, the argument here is that once you have a stable place of residence (as a mental construct) all sorts of things that were inaccessible before become attainable through sheer accumulation. a sort of equivalent to the historical pastoral to agricultural jump, if you will.
02:26 mircea_popescu phylogenesis follows ontogenesis and all that.
02:27 mircea_popescu !!gettrust deedbot douchebag
02:27 deedbot L1: 0, L2: 0 by 0 connections.
02:27 mircea_popescu !!rate douchebag 1
02:27 deedbot Get your OTP:
02:28 mircea_popescu !!up douchebag
02:28 deedbot douchebag voiced for 30 minutes.
02:29 douchebag hmm
~ 33 minutes ~
03:02 mircea_popescu in other hystericals, "Pantsuit Nation is building the foundation for a more equitable and engaged democracy. Stories shared from the Facebook group are shared with…"
03:02 mircea_popescu building through sharing. stories. welcome to fucktard planet.
~ 3 hours 35 minutes ~
06:38 lobbes !Qs-archive
06:38 lobbesbot 2918 results for "",
06:39 lobbes ^^ database also now updating on an hourly schedule with any new entries
06:44 lobbes btw "!Qsarchive" (without the "-") also works to call the command. ("!Qs" was already in-use to search
06:56 diana_coman wow, nice work lobbes
~ 2 hours 3 minutes ~
08:59 mircea_popescu ajajaja!
08:59 mircea_popescu !Qs
08:59 lobbesbot mircea_popescu: 312 search results for "":
09:00 mircea_popescu !Qs-archive
09:00 lobbesbot 6880 results for "",
09:01 mircea_popescu ok this is pretty cool.
09:02 mircea_popescu lobbes some items appear multiple times tho, like
09:03 mircea_popescu !Qs-archive
09:03 lobbesbot mircea_popescu: (sarchive <text>) -- Search TMSR archives for 'text'
09:03 mircea_popescu !Qs-archive pantsuit
09:03 lobbesbot 23 results for "pantsuit",
09:04 mircea_popescu lobbes archive links should pop in new window (target=blank)
09:05 mircea_popescu also could no-argument call move from <lobbesbot> mircea_popescu: (sarchive <text>) -- Search TMSR archives for 'text' to <lobbesbot> mircea_popescu: (sarchive <text>) -- Search TMSR archives for 'text' ; here's a list of known domains : url ?
09:06 mircea_popescu just list teh domains you've seen, once each.
~ 34 minutes ~
09:41 BingoBoingo !~ticker --market all
09:41 jhvh1 BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 14260.3, vol: 8220.87242097 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 14221.0, vol: 38106.54999817 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 14331.2, vol: 3344.98844706 | Volume-weighted last average: 14234.9251951
~ 15 minutes ~
09:56 mircea_popescu !!withdraw 0.095800 12d4mRYSohxdt1qwQ1ydhdRG5hgBVVVPY9
09:56 deedbot Get your OTP:
~ 27 minutes ~
10:24 shinohai In the department of "run moar DNS" :
10:33 BingoBoingo In still other "run moar DNS" home routers are suffering own goals when running Google home shit because when one piece sleeps the others flood DNS "keep alive" packets
10:34 shinohai lolz
~ 15 minutes ~
10:50 mod6 mornin'
10:50 shinohai Heya mod6 how goes?
11:00 mod6 good! you?
11:05 shinohai Not bad here, gonna sweat over that V case I brought to you the other evening some more until I figure it out. ;)
11:06 mod6 ah sure.
11:06 mod6 maybe outline the entire problem here -- im not sure I have the right answer on that. alf should comment.
11:13 shinohai Will do, and thanks for all your help (and patience!) on that again.
11:14 mod6 np
~ 38 minutes ~
11:52 ben_vulpes shinohai: fixed, ty
11:52 shinohai ty ben_vulpes o7
11:53 shinohai Hmmm, I'm still getting the ISE from:
11:55 ben_vulpes hm how about that
11:55 shinohai The other two links work fine, however. Only most recently processed block seems to be barfing.
12:04 ben_vulpes i see it, ty
12:18 knubie A programmer was crossing a road one day when a frog called out to him and said, “If you kiss me, I'll turn into a beautiful princess.” He bent over, picked up the frog and put it in his pocket. The frog spoke up again and said, “If you kiss me and turn me back into a beautiful princess, I will stay with you for one week.”
12:18 knubie The programmer took the frog out of his pocket, smiled at it and returned it to the pocket. The frog then cried out, “If you kiss me and turn me back into a princess, I'll stay with you and do anything you want.” Again the programmer took the frog out, smiled at it and put it back into his pocket.
12:18 knubie Finally, the frog asked, “What is the matter? I've told you I'm a beautiful princess that I'll stay with you for a week and do anything you want. Why won't you kiss me?” The programmer said, “Look, I'm a programmer. I don't have time for a girlfriend -- but a talking frog, now that's cool.”
12:21 BingoBoingo knubie: See also
12:24 mircea_popescu knubie how old are you, actually ?
12:25 knubie mircea_popescu: 29
12:25 BingoBoingo Hay un bebe!
12:25 knubie (:
12:26 mircea_popescu you strike me rather as 15 ; but be that as it may -- stop with these inept/contextless dribbles and nonsense before someone cracks your wot standing. go do something useful, such as implement your own v version.
12:27 knubie that was actually an accidental paste in here.. sorry
12:29 mircea_popescu one day someone will manage to explain to me why this innate pubescent defensive mania anyway. what the fuck. so if you're a girl and you whore out, naked in the road, taking all cocks there is some risk of disease. but if you're a boy and you freely admit you're a boy, what the fuck supposedly happens ? they eat you ?
12:29 mircea_popescu who the fuck that was going to eat you because you're weak and stupid is going to NOT eat you now that you DONT ADMIT IT.
12:29 mircea_popescu wtf nonsense this is, primal stupidity of the human race.
12:38 BingoBoingo RE: shitholes -> “State Department officials said diplomats have been advised not to try to interpret or soften the President’s remarks but rather to listen and acknowledge the countries’ concerns.”
12:38 mircea_popescu o ya, that'll be a lulz, the purging of the blue state core.
12:39 mircea_popescu non-interpretative nikki hailey is kinda like "i don't think i am entitled to an oppinion on when i get fucked" feminist.
12:40 BingoBoingo AHA
12:41 BingoBoingo Anyways, Trump has a rather clear path to relection through his being censured by the African Union
12:41 mircea_popescu 2020 is a given, more interesting is the discussion around the reelection of 2024.
12:42 mircea_popescu he could pull a putin, have ivanka president for a cycle, just to bother the democrats.
12:42 BingoBoingo It's pretty clear in 2024 Trump will be too old and have to hand the reigns over to either Gary Busey or Omarosa
12:42 mircea_popescu "who got first woman in white house ? GRAB 'EM BY THE PUSSY!"
12:43 BingoBoingo But Omarosa is a blkkk womyn!
12:43 mircea_popescu BingoBoingo he's only what, 70 ?
12:43 mircea_popescu with any luck he can pack 4-5 terms in there.
12:44 BingoBoingo Perhaps, but his reported eating habits are too mainstream USian to be sure
12:45 mircea_popescu kuznetsov was what, ~1400 yo. podgorny idem.
12:46 shinohai This is good for Bcrash:
12:51 mircea_popescu shinohai fucktards don't link "his personal site", ie
12:52 mircea_popescu now, what's this to do with obscure usg-led altcoin ?
12:53 BingoBoingo Maybe today's they day everybody's paste buffers got flipped?
12:54 mircea_popescu in other lulz.
12:55 mircea_popescu funny how many billionaires there are around these days. where were you back in like, 2015, beotches.
12:55 shinohai Supposedly declared it "The true Bitcoin" (Can't archive it: )
12:56 mircea_popescu right right. as maryland cuck says, "agreement in process"
12:56 ben_vulpes shinohai: k fixd, but asciilifeform i had to take down the raw blocks until i make a less-crazy way of serving those
12:57 shinohai I suspect he also has something to do with SatoshiDice switching to Bcrash
12:58 shinohai Certificate also lulzy. I think I did a Qntra on that once upon a time.
12:59 ben_vulpes tangential lulz: thepiratebay takes bitcoin donations to 3* and also bech32 (beeeeetch!) addrs, will take your monero and litecoin but "BCH: Bcash. LOL"
12:59 mircea_popescu heh
13:05 phf << >>
13:05 a111 Logged on 2017-12-26 21:14 shinohai: This is hilarious on thepiratebay website, on the donation footer says: "Bcash: LOL"
13:05 a111 Logged on 2018-01-15 17:59 ben_vulpes: tangential lulz: thepiratebay takes bitcoin donations to 3* and also bech32 (beeeeetch!) addrs, will take your monero and litecoin but "BCH: Bcash. LOL"
13:06 ben_vulpes ah, dupe
13:10 shinohai Retardedly, the links all pint to though.
13:10 shinohai *point
13:13 phf asciilifeform: patches up to date
13:27 * shinohai forgot to wish BingoBoingo a happy Robert E. Lee day.
13:28 BingoBoingo Gracias de Nuevo Dixie
~ 30 minutes ~
13:59 phf asciilifeform: russky MIPS available for retail "soon"
14:06 BingoBoingo Fabbed by TMSC
14:07 BingoBoingo Y lol at the comments
14:10 phf yeah, i wonder where elbrus is fabbed (in before ascii's "fabbed in financial instrument papers only!1")
~ 35 minutes ~
14:45 BingoBoingo phf: If I remember right Elbrus was a SPARC64 y entonces likely missing an ASM instruction useful for FFA with speed
~ 28 minutes ~
15:13 phf from elsewhere, i've read that elbrus compiler stack (for an unobtanium chip) is completely closed source
15:14 phf i suppose speed is not the goal with a setup like that. glacier time gpg that nobody !11 can fuck with
~ 27 minutes ~
15:41 trinque inb4 ms visual c++ with serial filed off.
~ 1 hours 33 minutes ~
17:15 ben_vulpes
17:22 shinohai "The US is not a shithole country"
17:32 lobbes << k, I'll work to get these three requests in.
17:32 a111 Logged on 2018-01-15 14:06 mircea_popescu: just list teh domains you've seen, once each.
17:32 lobbes << with regards to this one, I figured there would be value in showing each available instance of a disctint URL (shows the history). Perhaps I could make it an option to show either a list of distinct URLs or all instances (and just default to the list of distinct)
17:32 a111 Logged on 2018-01-15 14:02 mircea_popescu: lobbes some items appear multiple times tho, like
17:32 * lobbes bbl, meatworld
17:37 asciilifeform << ty phf
17:37 a111 Logged on 2018-01-15 18:13 phf: asciilifeform: patches up to date
17:38 asciilifeform << what, 3rd ? 4th ? 5th ? yr of 'soon' ?
17:38 a111 Logged on 2018-01-15 18:59 phf: asciilifeform: russky MIPS available for retail "soon"
17:39 asciilifeform << nominally it's a sparc. however , my interest in paying any substantial moneys for it, is ~0 . on account of... where to even begin ? how about the fact that said sparc is a straight xerocopy of american sparc ? or the fact that it sits on a bus with a dmatronic taiwanese nic ? or...
17:39 a111 Logged on 2018-01-15 20:13 phf: from elsewhere, i've read that elbrus compiler stack (for an unobtanium chip) is completely closed source
17:39 asciilifeform for an every-transistor-documented xilinx 'virtex' fpga clone ? would pay
17:39 asciilifeform just about anything else -- is an expensive 'gnu purism laptop'-flavoured scamola sandwitch.
17:40 asciilifeform << nah that was 'openrisc'
17:40 a111 Logged on 2018-01-15 19:45 BingoBoingo: phf: If I remember right Elbrus was a SPARC64 y entonces likely missing an ASM instruction useful for FFA with speed
17:40 asciilifeform ( which lacked carry flag ! i'm still half-convinced that it was an elaborate trololol, rather than an actual design meant to be taken seriously )
17:44 asciilifeform though i'll point out that ffa as seen today, does not use the cpu carry flag ( recall, no-inline-asmolade rule )
17:44 BingoBoingo !~ticker --market all
17:44 jhvh1 BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 13848.01, vol: 8565.68433796 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 13784.0, vol: 31632.05238354 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 13848.1, vol: 3426.32722175 | Volume-weighted last average: 13801.6030603
17:47 asciilifeform << what was the problem there ?
17:47 a111 Logged on 2018-01-15 17:56 ben_vulpes: shinohai: k fixd, but asciilifeform i had to take down the raw blocks until i make a less-crazy way of serving those
17:47 asciilifeform << i see an 'under construction...'
17:47 a111 Logged on 2018-01-15 07:21 mircea_popescu: "So, It’s been a while since I’ve blogged about something. It’s because I’m busy with my cybersecurity startup called PrimeFort ( for the past 1 year!"
17:52 asciilifeform incidentally, re elbrus sparc, asciilifeform is reminded of a historic megamystery : why is it that sovblok incandescent bulbs, lasted for approx same time as western ones ? despite the latter's ( documented to my satisfaction ) philips cartel , and the absence of any such thing on su side ?
17:52 asciilifeform asciilifeform's brother's hypothesis was : su idiot-copied the philips-cartel filament !
17:52 asciilifeform ( just like they copied the pdp-11 and more or less errything else... blindly, unthinkingly. )
17:54 asciilifeform that is the monumental scale of an idiocy like copying sparc, dma, winblowz toolchain.
17:55 asciilifeform << the 'goal', if we can even apply a word like this, is the same as was with chinese 'dragon' mips : to chisel from the ru mil budget. strictly, strictly that.
17:55 a111 Logged on 2018-01-15 20:14 phf: i suppose speed is not the goal with a setup like that. glacier time gpg that nobody !11 can fuck with
17:56 asciilifeform распил бюджета.
17:56 asciilifeform the thing shows 0 symptoms of any other 'goals'.
~ 22 minutes ~
18:18 esthlos !~help
18:18 jhvh1 esthlos: (help [<plugin>] [<command>]) -- This command gives a useful description of what <command> does. <plugin> is only necessary if the command is in more than one plugin. You may also want to use the 'list' command to list all available plugins and commands.
18:19 esthlos !~help later
18:19 jhvh1 esthlos: Error: There is no command "later". However, "Later" is the name of a loaded plugin, and you may be able to find its provided commands using 'list Later'.
18:19 esthlos !~help later tell
18:19 jhvh1 esthlos: (later tell <nick> <text>) -- Tells <nick> <text> the next time <nick> is in seen. <nick> can contain wildcard characters, and the first matching nick will be given the note.
18:19 shinohai esthlos: see also:
18:19 esthlos aha, I was looking for that!
18:20 esthlos thanks
18:20 mircea_popescu << absolutely. the reason WHY they even do the closed source bs.
18:20 a111 Logged on 2018-01-15 20:41 trinque: inb4 ms visual c++ with serial filed off.
18:20 esthlos !~later tell danielpbarron
18:20 jhvh1 esthlos: The operation succeeded.
18:24 mircea_popescu << for a reason very much like my original (if misstated) ; material science as it exists in a decade places some limits on pantsuit posturing, howsoever the pantsuit in question are decorated.
18:24 a111 Logged on 2018-01-15 22:52 asciilifeform: incidentally, re elbrus sparc, asciilifeform is reminded of a historic megamystery : why is it that sovblok incandescent bulbs, lasted for approx same time as western ones ? despite the latter's ( documented to my satisfaction ) philips cartel , and the absence of any such thing on su side ?
18:24 a111 Logged on 2018-01-12 18:22 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform i dunno now why i thought the limit is a degree of magnitude higher on both energy and size.
18:25 mircea_popescu that they're "soviet" or "ourdemocracy" matters less than "they exist in 1970".
~ 2 hours 16 minutes ~
20:41 danielpbarron !!key esthlos
20:41 deedbot
20:43 danielpbarron 404 not found? ..
20:43 danielpbarron !~later tell esthlos plz to later tell me your key.asc i guess
20:43 jhvh1 danielpbarron: The operation succeeded.
20:44 esthlos the url works for me
20:44 danielpbarron hrm
20:44 trinque works here.
20:44 danielpbarron weird..
20:44 esthlos try
20:45 danielpbarron that works
20:45 esthlos fingerprint EDB9 3AD2 CAB2 8398 010B 46D0 25C7 1657 FDA7 1DC2
20:48 danielpbarron esthlos,
20:53 esthlos cool danielpbarron, got it
20:55 esthlos a question for all: is there a good way to store/track collections of encrypted messages? (perhaps with threads, etc.)
20:58 esthlos would be simple enough to cook up if there's interest: sexp storage of paths for structure, calls to gpg to decrypt
20:59 shinohai Would be neat esthlos
20:59 danielpbarron i just dump to txt and then rm
21:00 danielpbarron if it's something to be preserved, sign and deed it
~ 30 minutes ~
21:30 mircea_popescu esthlos ~nobody uses automated decryption.
21:41 esthlos mircea_popescu: i'm thinking more 1. select thread to view, 2. insert/import/select decryption key, 3. enter pass, 4. show thread
21:41 esthlos reasonable?
21:42 asciilifeform why, in what universe do we need ~more~ liquishit touching gpggram plaintexts, rather than less..??
21:42 asciilifeform bad enuff that they have to touch a x86
21:42 asciilifeform and radiating vga
21:43 asciilifeform esthlos: consider taking a stab at an open problem that's ACTUALLY A PROBLEM ?
21:44 asciilifeform rather than a 'i dun fee like working on actual problems, so i'm make a microshit outlook for gpg' ??
21:44 asciilifeform avoid falling into the trap, esthlos
21:44 a111 Logged on 2018-01-04 14:53 asciilifeform: 'hardware isn't easy to build therefore couldn't possibly be necessary, the gods would not have made this level so hard, for me, the hero' or similar.
21:45 esthlos apparently my real-problem radar needs training
21:45 asciilifeform esthlos: the answer lies in the logs
21:45 mircea_popescu i imagine this is somethiong he perceives he needs for himself which is the driver
21:45 asciilifeform esthlos: how many instances of 'i wish i had a gui for gpg' did you count in the logs ?
21:45 mircea_popescu esthlos what problem are you trying to solve here ?
21:45 asciilifeform i count 0.
21:48 esthlos mircea_popescu: how to organize and preserve gpg encrypted conversations for later reading
21:49 mircea_popescu consider maybe taking a bite out of the (afaik still unaproached) superproblem ?
21:49 mircea_popescu << got specced after the 2015 destruction / public humiliation of fetlife
21:50 esthlos hah, thought you were going to say non-shit gpg
21:50 mircea_popescu you know, there's a reason why the mp-emulator is an open problem sitll.
21:50 asciilifeform lol
21:50 esthlos but doable
21:50 esthlos (by me)
21:51 mircea_popescu might also be useful ; in any case might be usable which is almost as good.
21:51 mircea_popescu look into diana_coman 's work re all the "Safe and good enough (tm) rsa"
21:51 mircea_popescu i dunno if you've been following eucrypt.
21:51 esthlos yes
21:51 mircea_popescu (note that there's no absolute reason above item has to import browser & js. could also be stand-alone proggy)
21:52 mircea_popescu the merger into gossipd and eulora later on -- obviously open avenue.
~ 21 minutes ~
22:14 esthlos alright, I will be thinking about this
22:18 esthlos I can imagine it being very cool in eulora. mpi in js sounds hairy
22:26 mircea_popescu well, something you'll have to use./
22:26 mircea_popescu rsa in js seems hairy however you slice it.
~ 22 minutes ~
22:49 asciilifeform meanwhile, for folx weary of modern-day scamola and flimflammery : some good ol'fashioned '90s swindle...
22:49 asciilifeform 'Here is our friend the anonymous 486 board again. See those black plastic things with metal legs on in the picture below? They look rather like cache RAM chips, don't they?'
22:51 asciilifeform 'How could the board run with cache enabled in BIOS but without any cache? Simple: the manufacturer had reprogrammed the BIOS to permanently disable external cache no matter which way you set it, and to report "256k cache enabled" during the boot sequence no matter what.'
22:53 asciilifeform best of all:
22:53 asciilifeform 'And this is why the BIOS chip was soldered directly into the board, instead of being socketed: not just to save using a 10c part, but so that you couldn't easily remove it and detect the fraud...'
22:54 mircea_popescu lmap
22:57 asciilifeform 'But there is a deeper moral: in a way, the real culprits were the hordes of greedy retail buyers who made it all possible. By relentlessly shopping on price, price and price, a great many Australian PC buyers left themselves wide open to this fraud. In the end, the one essential thing that makes con tricks possible and practical is the greed of the victim.'
22:57 asciilifeform whole thing worth reading.
~ 51 minutes ~
23:48 mircea_popescu half a moral. from the same place(not that it's not true to the point of triteness) " Quite often the most expensive boards are no better than the honest middle of the road ones, just priced higher."
23:50 mircea_popescu the problem is not SIMPLY a bunch of fucktards who shop for price only. the cause they shop for price only is that a) ie they hallucinate themselves in a position of authority from whence they can make choices in the first place and THEN b) because the position is fictive rather than actual, they need some sort of substitut
23:50 mircea_popescu e criteria. so they pick price when shopping just as they pick cliffnotes and "is the A easy ??" classes when "educating" and "i just want to" when acting and so on ad infinitum.
23:51 mircea_popescu THIS is why expensive boards are just the same middle road shit overpriced, and THIS is why everything else : because the hallucination of self-importance is actually destructiv3e.
23:56 mircea_popescu buffettism through and through, "Could anyone really believe the earth was going to swallow up the incredible productive assets and unlimited human ingenuity existing in America?"
23:57 mircea_popescu but what fucking "ingenuity", the last immigrant irishman long retired from the police force, what are we talking about ? "oh but mp, i went to a walmart called MIT, it says it's the premiere technical institution in the world right there in its brochure! surely i can come up with something technological!" "you mean like... a website ?" "yeah!" "totally, move to silicon valley and revolutionize the technowhatever" "SHIT YEAH!"
← 2018-01-14 | 2018-01-16 →