Show Idle (>14 d.) Chans

← 2016-05-26 | 2016-05-28 →
00:20 asciilifeform city is so.. ~alive~.
00:31 trinque gets better the further you are from mordor
00:34 asciilifeform it is astonishing, the gurlz have faces
00:35 asciilifeform and when i look at them they look back like humanbeings
00:43 danielpbarron are you at a bar asciilifeform ?
00:48 asciilifeform danielpbarron: nope
00:49 asciilifeform what made you think i was
00:51 asciilifeform i merely was describing some of my observations from this excursion to outside of my jail.
00:51 asciilifeform unfortunately it is not as easy to go out of inner jail.
~ 3 hours 18 minutes ~
04:10 Framedragger "unfortunately it is not as easy to go out of inner jail." << i picture here a seneca with a screwdriver
~ 1 hours 25 minutes ~
05:35 Framedragger $ nslookup
05:35 Framedragger nslookup
05:35 Framedragger ping $_
05:35 Framedragger 64 bytes from
05:36 Framedragger asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: ohey i know this hosting company :D the physical server is probably in šiauliai, a small town with good uplink heh
05:36 Framedragger i think i once contacted them about running a tor exit node there, they had said well if you put in your own reverse dns info for the ip block we give you then we 100% don't give a shit
05:37 Framedragger but mircea_popescu you of course know that lithuania is like 169% US's bitch. this was confirmed with drug market raids etc etc, but it's a generally known fact anyway. that being said, heh, cool.
05:50 Framedragger (^ failed paste, nslookup yields, but no diff)
~ 1 hours 56 minutes ~
07:47 mircea_popescu asciilifeform traveling best thing to ever happen to you huh.
07:47 mircea_popescu asciilifeform> what made you think i was << how excited you sounded :D
07:49 mircea_popescu Framedragger i honestly don't give a shit what small national governments think they're doing or not doing or whatever. "lithuania" the subject of law is as unrecognized as usg is. no relation to anything, no power to anything, they can write bluntman and chronic comics about how "it is" an' "keep it real" if they so wish.
07:50 mircea_popescu and speaking of which, anyone saw "chasing amy" ? the piece of shit is iiiiincredible in terms of sheer soviet propagandaness, it's basically a 1997 intro manual for how to be a "sensitive" aka dickless libtard boi.
07:51 mircea_popescu replete with "asa da!" / "asa nu!" miniscenes, "ask amy" cameos and all the rest of the stupid. total fucking wow.
07:52 mircea_popescu and, as a sad testament of just how fucking stupid usians actually are/were, it'd seem they mostly bought it, too.
08:05 mircea_popescu and in other lulz : (supposedly, "kickstarter for games").
~ 32 minutes ~
08:38 Framedragger mircea_popescu: yeah of course - i just meant that any LT servers cannot be considered to be "bullet-proof"; but maybe you were not aiming for the latter in terms of phuctor hosting anyway
08:50 mircea_popescu i am not aware of any services that can be considered bulletproof much like i'm not aware of any electoral process that can be considered representative, any computer code that can be considered correct or any fiat financial item that can be considered not a scam.
08:55 shinohai <<< Never saw, because I can't stand Joey Lauren Adams. Someone needs to sew her mouth shut with a dick in it.
08:55 a111 Logged on 2016-05-27 11:50 mircea_popescu: and speaking of which, anyone saw "chasing amy" ? the piece of shit is iiiiincredible in terms of sheer soviet propagandaness, it's basically a 1997 intro manual for how to be a "sensitive" aka dickless libtard boi.
08:58 mircea_popescu which one is that ? iirc it had one of the tilly sisters in it
08:58 mircea_popescu whichever speaks through her nose.
08:58 shinohai Got to be the same woman, has the most annoying voice, was also in mallrats
08:59 shinohai
09:00 mircea_popescu ow shit
09:01 mircea_popescu holy shit SHE was in married with children
09:01 mircea_popescu i was convinced the occasional slut is also one of teh tilly sisters
09:01 mircea_popescu wowza.
09:02 mircea_popescu anyway ; they all look ~same
09:05 * BingoBoingo discovered a new word cleaning pending qntra comments: legix! As in Mt Gox was the most legix exchange.
09:05 shinohai lol
09:07 BingoBoingo Legix can be many things, but legix is mostly not legit.
09:12 BingoBoingo Actually let's define Legix: 1. Could be many things, but legix is most pointedly not legit
09:14 BingoBoingo Legit comments on a totally legix image macro
09:15 Framedragger "i am not aware of any services that can be considered bulletproof much like i'm not aware of any electoral process that can be considered representative, any computer code that can be considered correct or any fiat financial item that can be considered not a scam." << i see your point and i agree, however it's probably not "all of the same";
09:15 Framedragger "i am not aware of any services that can be considered bulletproof much like i'm not aware of any electoral process that can be considered representative, any computer code that can be considered correct or any fiat financial item that can be considered not a scam." << i see your point and i agree, however it's probably not "all of the same"; e.g. have a reputation of being more hardcore; i know this sounds naive and it probably i
09:15 Framedragger e.g. have a reputation of being more hardcore; i know this sounds naive and it probably is, but i've heard this from trustable sysadmins running, er, shadier stuff. this is of course anecdotal and it's naive to trust someone with your hardware anyway.
09:15 Framedragger sorry 4 spam
09:16 BingoBoingo That apology sounds legix.
09:17 Framedragger BingoBoingo: u what m8
09:18 BingoBoingo I am adds to tmsr.vocab not the word we want, but the word we need.
09:19 * shinohai proposes entry into wiki under `venacular` .
09:19 Framedragger anecdotal case in point (hey it's amusing):
09:23 Framedragger Live Support | Thomas: we allow botnets.
09:23 Framedragger stephen: excusme ? you must be joking
09:23 Framedragger Live Support | Thomas: Yes, sure, we allow. Give us money and we host you and we will **** the german police
09:23 mircea_popescu nulla pula sine legix!
09:23 BingoBoingo ;;ticker --market all --currency rmb
09:24 gribble BTCChina BTCRMB last: 3271.55, vol: 62094.65320000 | Volume-weighted last average: 3271.55
09:24 mircea_popescu Framedragger what do you mean "it's not all the same" ? it IS all the same ; what's gonna happen, they're going to get a supoena and they're going to say fuck you, and shoot the issuing judge ?
09:25 mircea_popescu see also
09:25 mircea_popescu that's the whole point : that until and unless ~we~ actulaly do a thing, all the other things are EXACTLY all the same.
09:26 mircea_popescu or, as the classical expression goes, vanitas vanitatum.
09:29 mircea_popescu (and yes, the classical imprecation to not build yourself fortunes/castles/a life atop the vanities of the fiat world ; but instead collect your fortune, house and life in the WoT stands quite exactly.)
09:29 mircea_popescu that's the ultimate meaning of all the christian blundering to date : they were trying to build the republic and had nfi.
09:31 Framedragger fair enough. but i also tell you that there are hosting providers which say fuck you to LE of specific states; but ultimately it boils down to the same security question: "how important are you?" - if you're important enough then sentimentalities of sysadmins will be ignored.
09:32 mircea_popescu and there are wolves that don't eat your sheep. nice.
~ 28 minutes ~
10:00 mircea_popescu if you're important enough then sentimentalities of sysadmins will be ignored. << this, incidentally, isn't a matter of neglect ; it is a matter of design. consider it works exactly as a sort of "training for unimportance".
10:01 mircea_popescu whole matter ties right into why i do not consider anonymity a valid approach.
10:02 mircea_popescu otherwise, if you go by this currently fashionable "i'll aim to be nobody and call it privacy ; and to do nothing worth the mention and call it security", the only certainty is that you'll be nobody and have done nothing, which is exactly the fucking purpose of the socialist state - death in your time.
10:03 mircea_popescu the correct, if obviously harder, path is to be someone AND do something. and if they bitch, escalate, indefinitely.
10:03 mircea_popescu odds are you'll get killed ; but the only certainty is the socialist state won't survive.
10:10 Framedragger yeah. i mean one day i'll grow balls and get out of my comfort zone of sorta-pseudo-anonymity. your points are valid here, even though i think it's possible to do useful/productive work under pseudo/anonymity. this doesn't work if you require the *world* to recognize your awesomeness, of course :)
10:10 Framedragger but it's possible to maintain stable pseudo identities in groups of people wherein those identities are recognized for what they do; etc etc.
10:16 mircea_popescu sure ; this says nothing of pseudonymity.
10:17 BingoBoingo Framedragger: Pseudonymity is different. You ARE the pseudonym.
10:18 mircea_popescu all "identity" is pseudonimity/
10:18 Framedragger hm, yeah.
10:18 Framedragger right you are; i was mixing the terms to further my point
10:18 Framedragger true anonymity kinda sux in terms of achievement.
10:19 mircea_popescu see, but any construction of identity in terms other than pseudonimity (such as, "issuing" of "id" as opposed to generating rsa key) is merely a ploy by the socialist state, designed specifically to introduce a red herring in the conversation.
10:19 Framedragger s/achievement/just getting things done/
10:19 Framedragger designed to introduce an external implicit trust node
10:19 Framedragger right.
10:19 mircea_popescu they aim to misrepresent the pseudonimity-anonimity debate as governmentidentity-anonimity, and thus change the result.
10:20 mircea_popescu much like when they want obama to win, they propose a contest between obama and another identical fucktard, rather than between obama and someone who isn't a system fucktard.
10:21 mircea_popescu Framedragger there's some minimal gains via anonimous systems (see the whole anon/loic/times man of the year/blabla stuff). it is juvenile.
10:21 mircea_popescu it is in fact right and proper for the juvenile to be anon and then graduate to wot.
10:21 BingoBoingo And news for alfs
10:21 BingoBoingo <mircea_popescu> it is in fact right and proper for the juvenile to be anon and then graduate to wot. << AHA, College!
10:27 mircea_popescu hey mike_c ?
10:27 mircea_popescu god damned it, writing piece for qntra, can't link to btcalpha profiles because well... it dun exist.
~ 29 minutes ~
10:57 deedbot [Qntra] Spain (WOT:nonperson) Raid And Arrests Mining Farm Operators -
10:59 deedbot [Recent Phuctorings.] Phuctored: 5391673272318505738681 divides RSA Moduli belonging to 'Lou Anschuetz <>; ' -
10:59 mircea_popescu 30k worth of "bitcoin mining centers" ?! wtf.
11:03 mircea_popescu 865159723 is a prime (the 44`318`624th) newly found nao.
11:04 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: eh snore, mirrored mod
11:05 mircea_popescu yeah, just keeping track of teh 8ball myself :)
11:06 asciilifeform lolk
11:07 trinque man somebody needs to drop adlai in the desert with an airstream full of water and food until he's fully detoxed
11:07 trinque there, I just started the republic's first rehab
11:09 mircea_popescu you suspect he'd be perfectly fine if only hadn't the misfortune of his compatriots being around ?
11:09 asciilifeform trinque: sign me up also!
11:09 asciilifeform in another desert
11:09 asciilifeform (though i'd prefer tundra)
11:09 mircea_popescu bear will eat you alf.
11:09 BingoBoingo trinque: Nah, pretty sure I started republic's first rehab. Or maybe caz. Even mp's work reforming USian college victims might count as first rehab.
11:10 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: i'd rather be eaten there than here.
11:10 trinque BingoBoingo: heh point
11:10 asciilifeform (being eaten is apparently not optional)
11:10 BingoBoingo asciilifeform: Y you not like chicago for eating by bear?
11:10 mircea_popescu i'd prefer the term re-slut.
11:10 shinohai ;;later tell mod6 new `t` changes working a-ok with zero bugz
11:10 gribble The operation succeeded.
11:11 trinque mircea_popescu: perhaps fine if not for years of rotating pharmaceuticals
11:11 asciilifeform i had a dream last night that i went to an open air dope market
11:11 asciilifeform and couldn't decide among many colourful dopes
11:12 asciilifeform triangular, octagonal, pentagonal pillz, etc
11:12 asciilifeform i had nfi what they did
11:12 trinque it must've been weird dream night; mine was buying old computer parts in a dystopian curio shop
11:12 asciilifeform but couldn't decide which one to take, and so ate none
11:22 deedbot [Qntra] Interview With Email Service Founder Vincent Canfield -
11:25 asciilifeform snore logz reprint
11:25 shinohai
11:26 mircea_popescu that "supoena" thing is a true wonder. 1. issued by police dept ? 2. "this is authorized" ? by who the fuck is it authorized, have the adult in charge sign for you.
11:26 mircea_popescu 1, police state plaza, new york ?
11:26 BingoBoingo lol
11:26 mircea_popescu anyone even saw that orwellian nightmare of a sovietism ?
11:27 asciilifeform 'can't have a police state without police' (tm) (r) (al schwartz)
11:28 asciilifeform idk why they even bother with the wasted paper
11:28 asciilifeform it is rather like having bear break into a song and dance before eating tourist
11:28 mircea_popescu im pretty sure this was a pdf.
11:28 mircea_popescu for maximal lulz, return pdf subpoenas, "unreadable proprietary format - please resend in latex".
11:28 asciilifeform sure but still, why the legalizms.
11:29 asciilifeform what does it change.
11:29 asciilifeform why not just bust door and skull.
11:29 mircea_popescu because money asciilifeform
11:29 asciilifeform it isn't as if the pretense the legalism was meant to uphold has any life remaining in it.
11:29 mircea_popescu hence
11:29 a111 Logged on 2016-05-27 14:03 mircea_popescu: odds are you'll get killed ; but the only certainty is the socialist state won't survive.
11:29 asciilifeform what money. nsa pays moar lawyers than programmers.
11:29 mircea_popescu it has TONS of life in it. notice how it works, intellectually, exactly on the same framework as spam email.
11:29 asciilifeform why not cut out the dead weight.
11:30 mircea_popescu "this has been authorized"
11:30 mircea_popescu orly ?
11:30 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: nothing fantastic, usg lawyer is not 'liberal profession' but a type of clerk.
11:30 asciilifeform they are legion.
11:30 mircea_popescu hm ?
11:31 asciilifeform sorta like police judge's relation to actual judgw
11:31 asciilifeform *judge
11:33 mircea_popescu note that it also misses pretty much everyting : the badge/id number of responsible agent is missing, there's no direct contact phone, etc.
11:33 asciilifeform isn't that an elementary part of mircea_popescu's observation re 'usg corporate shield that you must break and re-personalize the interaction'
11:34 asciilifeform naturally policeman doesn't introduce himself by name
11:34 mircea_popescu but he is required to do so by law an' regulation.
11:34 asciilifeform consider how when they break down a door, they wear masks
11:34 asciilifeform like any other bandit.
11:34 asciilifeform like stereotypical executioner
11:34 mircea_popescu otherwise... a piece of pdf reading "supoena" is not distinguishable or to be distinguished from an email reading "you have won the google intel microsoft award"
11:34 mircea_popescu and the policy is to shoot masked people breaking down doors.
11:35 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: the idea is that it is distinguished by the crashing sound as 50 heavily armed bandits break in
11:35 mircea_popescu like any other bandit.
11:35 asciilifeform shoot, shoot
11:35 asciilifeform (imho you will get better mileage with high explosive, and ~same chance of survival)
11:36 mircea_popescu point security measure left at the discretion of point sovereign.
11:38 asciilifeform sure.
11:40 mircea_popescu also, ro policement at least do introduce self by name.
11:41 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: usa police have 2 basic modes of operation
11:41 asciilifeform one is the kind with the masks and smoke grenades
11:41 asciilifeform and no introductions.
11:56 BingoBoingo asciilifeform: There's the action you are forgetting when you casually meet the on the street and bitch about Obama together over cigarettes.
11:58 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: didja miss the 'don't talk to cops!111' memo.
12:00 BingoBoingo How else do you find out why the closed the road you wanted to take other than by asking them.
12:01 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: where i live they will reply with grunts, like the soldiers in 'wolfenstein'.
12:03 BingoBoingo Well don't live there. Maybe try asking Chicago cop which where you get the best hotdogs in town? Throw out how you think this just might be the Cubs year to win it all. Chances are he'll talk like a person and leak intel.
12:03 BingoBoingo That or abduct you to their blacksite. Chicago PD can be unpredictable.
12:04 shinohai <<< DOS nostalgia incoming
12:04 a111 Logged on 2016-05-27 16:01 asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: where i live they will reply with grunts, like the soldiers in 'wolfenstein'.
12:09 asciilifeform yer rubbin' it in BingoBoingo
12:09 * asciilifeform has most of a day before going back to the swamplandz
12:11 * BingoBoingo can't wait until alf visits non-Chicago middle West
12:11 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: what do visit there? corn ?
12:11 asciilifeform i suppose i could have tea with BingoBoingo
12:11 asciilifeform but what else.
12:11 BingoBoingo asciilifeform: Smaller cities like St Louis, Kansas City, Milwauke, and yes the corn.
12:14 ben_vulpes asciilifeform: "talking to cops" is not "drinking with cops"
12:19 mod6 anyone wanna help me test the cmd line version of
12:20 mod6 oh nevermind, i think shinohai has it covered. totally didn't see that.
12:24 * asciilifeform misread as 'talking to corn'
12:24 * asciilifeform not yet ready for talking to corn
12:24 trinque but asciilifeform... they're all ears
12:25 * trinque takes his demerit
12:25 asciilifeform i oughta ask adlai what pill to take so that the corn will ~listen~.
12:26 shinohai Corn is a good listener imo
12:27 asciilifeform anyway i like ~actual cities~
12:27 mod6 so I think, hopefully sometime today, i'll send out to the ML as is - however i don't really expect anyone to use themselves. sending it to the ML for more of posterity purposes.
12:28 mod6 people will be expected to interact {add,edit,remove,view} tickets through tbot - which is probably .. eh, 70% complete.
12:28 mod6 maybe 80%.
12:28 shinohai Can i break it again? :D
12:29 ben_vulpes trinque: lol
12:31 mod6 shinohai: heh, hopefully by the time we're done there it'll hold together.
12:34 mod6 we're pretty close to the first testing of it in here -- have some loose ends to tie up (the remaining ~20%). if history is any guide, there will be more to do as change requests, etc. but at least we'll have somethign that works.
12:43 trinque man do I love the model of bot services as compared to "web apps"
12:43 trinque command line > *
12:44 shinohai ^
12:44 trinque you ask me to do something, and hell, I might. but when I get to it.
12:46 mod6 trinque: totally
13:01 mircea_popescu << ahahahaha o god i laughed so hard
13:01 a111 Logged on 2016-05-27 16:24 trinque: but asciilifeform... they're all ears
13:02 mircea_popescu << word.
13:02 a111 Logged on 2016-05-27 16:43 trinque: man do I love the model of bot services as compared to "web apps"
~ 50 minutes ~
13:52 deedbot [Trilema] The great "law enforcement" article -
~ 1 hours 16 minutes ~
15:09 phf $s from:mircea dog
15:09 a111 226 results for "from:mircea dog",
15:09 mircea_popescu yay!
15:09 mircea_popescu $s urmom
15:09 a111 64 results for "urmom",
15:09 mircea_popescu win
15:09 mircea_popescu $s from:asc grep like
15:09 a111 2 results for "from:asc grep like",
15:10 mircea_popescu $s from:asc like grep
15:10 a111 2 results for "from:asc like grep",
15:10 mircea_popescu take THAT alfie!
15:10 trinque sweet!
15:10 mircea_popescu $google tumblr whores
15:10 deedbot << Where Whores Come to Worship | << Whores & Milfs Degraded | << Sluts whores and cum buckets
15:10 mircea_popescu xanadu!
15:11 phf does word boundaries too, though since i don't know how to do it properly word boundaries are an explicit set of characters from ASCII.
15:11 shinohai \o/
15:12 mircea_popescu what do you mean "does word boundaries" ?
15:12 hanbot hey mircea_popescu looks like you're big in taiwan
15:12 mircea_popescu eh alexa, whadda they know.
15:13 phf mircea_popescu: if you search for dog it will match for "dog," "bee-dog" "(dog)" and such, but not "dogma" nor "dogсобака"
15:13 mircea_popescu mmm
15:13 mircea_popescu ok!
15:14 phf grep is still there, and will basically remain as such by doing `"dog"`
15:14 phf $s "dog"
15:14 a111 2539 results for "\"dog\"",
15:14 phf $s dog
15:14 a111 882 results for "dog",
15:14 mircea_popescu aha! so only for freeform does it wordboundry ?
15:14 mircea_popescu splendid.
15:14 * hanbot is going to chinatown later, will look for trilema tchotchkes
15:14 mircea_popescu ahaha
15:18 phf (this ensures that ascii can continue mashing keys without reading the docs!!! and get reasonable results, but one can still extract precise information out of the machine)
15:18 mircea_popescu lol
15:21 phf in other news sold for $4,800
15:21 a111 Logged on 2016-05-18 13:14 asciilifeform: phf et al:
15:23 mircea_popescu ⓣⓐⓚⓔ ⓣⓗⓐⓣ ⓟⓗⓕ! ⓛⓔⓣ'ⓢ ⓢⓔⓔ ⓨⓞⓤ ⓖⓡⓔⓟ ⓣⓗⓘⓢ!
15:24 ben_vulpes jesus
15:25 mircea_popescu lord hath only one true son and his name is ⓤⓣⓕ
15:25 shinohai <<< still can't figure out why it is worth sending a tx for dust just to watch a video.
15:25 mircea_popescu shinohai prolly trying to get the "clips4sale" market.
15:25 mircea_popescu except it's not really much of a market, but anyway
15:26 phf btcbase server still fails at taking unicode in queries, but i suspect that irc works (or it will possibly bring the log down..)
15:26 phf $s ⓣⓐⓚⓔ
15:26 a111 2 results for "ⓣⓐⓚⓔ",
15:26 mircea_popescu lol win
15:26 phf $s "ⓣⓐⓚⓔ"
15:26 a111 4 results for "\"ⓣⓐⓚⓔ\"",
15:26 shinohai Not a single camwhore in site. At least I can waste money with sluts on
15:26 phf $s "ⓣⓐⓚⓔ"
15:26 a111 6 results for "\"ⓣⓐⓚⓔ\"",
15:27 mircea_popescu $s ⓣⓐⓚ
15:27 a111 1 results for "ⓣⓐⓚ",
15:27 mircea_popescu 1 results and when i follow teh link it's all "no results, bro"
15:28 phf yeah, i know the web side is borked, but i think 1 result is actually the search query itself, which is a bug
15:28 ben_vulpes shinohai: xotika is still a thing?
15:28 phf $s LpgE2Hmci3km
15:28 a111 1 results for "LpgE2Hmci3km",
15:28 phf
15:29 trinque heh
15:29 trinque it's not wrong; it's just an asshole
15:29 mircea_popescu an asshole is never wrong
15:30 shinohai afaik ben_vulpes ... I kinda stopped going after same 3 girls all the time
15:30 phf for good measure it should say 2 results, counting the bot's answer
15:35 trinque << oblig
15:37 mircea_popescu we need to get a distributed computing for bitcoin thing going though.
15:37 mircea_popescu btw trinque you still working on deedbot payments ?
15:42 mircea_popescu the derpy "watch a video for bitcoin" thing is just what you'd expect out of usgistan. meanwhile, a irc-bot driven client that does ethernet and computation, and charges for these would be pretty sweet.
15:42 trinque yeah that's coming.
15:42 trinque vc: relatedly, how much for a box
15:43 mircea_popescu basically, imagine a future where everyone who wants to (or doesn't care/know enough to not want to) runs the tmsr-bot, which registers its prices with deedbot, and then i can go !bot <order> and deedbot parcels it out to the bots it knows, and reports the rersults when done.
15:43 mircea_popescu insta-aws, for bitcoin, unstoppable.
15:43 mircea_popescu be it loic or folding at home or anything in between.
15:44 vc trinque: $10 for 1GB memory, 30GB storage, and 1TB bandwidth
15:44 * shinohai wipes away a tear
15:44 mircea_popescu the power to gut teh web.
15:44 vc if you're interested there's exactly one slot left
15:44 trinque vc: that's too small
15:44 phf i take it he ran out of box
15:44 vc it's SSD storage and only one physical server, hence the price
15:45 vc I am not linode ;)
15:45 trinque idgaf about the price
15:45 mircea_popescu i take it he got a single colo'd box imagining the market in terms of "shared server" derps ; and then ran into tmsr and everyone wants whole boxes and phuctor runs on a 256gb monster.
15:45 vc oic
15:45 trinque jack it up 5x and gimmeh bawks!
15:45 trinque lol
15:45 mircea_popescu vc get more boxes colo'd, for srs. what is this "one box" bs.
15:45 vc mircea_popescu: toss me another 1.7k eur and we'll talk ;)
15:46 trinque point being they'd sell
15:46 trinque especially colo'd in iceland
15:46 vc romania
15:46 trinque oh, thought you'd said iceland?
15:46 trinque I had been looking into that myself
15:46 mircea_popescu romania is not terribru in any sense.
15:46 trinque nbd
15:46 vc nah you might have seen the URL of an ars technica article that said iceland
15:47 vc and my parent host, flokinet, is based out of iceland
15:47 mircea_popescu but they have no iceland servers ?!
15:47 vc no they do, they are just very very expensive
15:47 vc the bandwidth, specifically
15:47 mircea_popescu a, there is that.
15:48 mircea_popescu iceland infrastructure is kinda meh. they peer with britain-the-shithole and that's that.
15:56 trinque << "All our hosting packages include unrestricted bandwidth and 100 Gigabytes of data traffic. Dedicated bandwidth is also available on request."
15:56 trinque I'm gonna reach out to them for a quote
15:56 mircea_popescu uh. wtf "100 gb of data traffic" what's that even mean
15:56 trinque no idea
15:57 trinque seems to contradict itself
15:57 trinque 100gb of unrestricted traffic restricted to 100gb
15:57 mircea_popescu i bet you what they mean is, they allow "any" burst, (ie, they got some slack in the routers, so you can concievably get 100mbps or such), but they literally meter the bg to .1 tb/month
15:58 mircea_popescu ie, if i ran trilema from there i'd need 10 packages.
15:58 trinque yeah
15:58 mircea_popescu well wtf is this, a cellphone or a server ?
15:59 mircea_popescu (ftr, most major device gamers burn more than 100gb/month in data ; a good game can well go over the gb just to install, and the churn is massive, i think the dedicated azn shrimp goes through 10k a month or some such shit)
~ 41 minutes ~
16:41 deedbot [» Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski] Penny stock spam texts: an anthology. -
~ 35 minutes ~
17:17 mircea_popescu and in other accomplished slut news,
17:28 shinohai ^ multitasker, win.
17:28 mircea_popescu lol
17:28 mircea_popescu btw vc you totally should look into eulora. beats eve out of the water.
17:30 shinohai I want to run a trb node on one of vc 's boxes if he gets moar power
17:38 phf there's actually "4 GB Memory 4 CPU cores 120GB SSD Space 4TB Bandwidth" option, he just ran out of allocation for the current box
17:38 trinque that would be more than adequate for me
17:38 trinque vc: ^ want
17:45 vc shinohai, trinque: noted, along with ben_vulpes's offer. I will let you guys know as soon as I decide to expand :)
17:45 trinque sweet!
~ 17 minutes ~
18:03 asciilifeform << win.
18:03 a111 Logged on 2016-05-27 19:23 mircea_popescu: ⓣⓐⓚⓔ ⓣⓗⓐⓣ ⓟⓗⓕ! ⓛⓔⓣ'ⓢ ⓢⓔⓔ ⓨⓞⓤ ⓖⓡⓔⓟ ⓣⓗⓘⓢ!
18:03 * asciilifeform takes off hat
~ 34 minutes ~
18:37 shinohai
18:41 mircea_popescu asciilifeform the letters in a circle were very important to have as glyphs because some people can't think otherwise.
~ 19 minutes ~
19:01 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: wut
19:01 asciilifeform also in chicago modem worx on train
19:01 asciilifeform holyshit
19:01 asciilifeform in tunnel, i mean
19:14 BingoBoingo ;;ticker --market all
19:14 gribble Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 470.26, vol: 12079.16275283 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 467.8, vol: 12941.60984 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 451.0, vol: 4.26073272 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 496.321332, vol: 74752.45100000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 470.9, vol: 1744.79227392 | Bitcoin-Central BTCUSD last: 471.5728, vol: 209.9632246 | Volume-weighted last average: 489.10970125
19:15 BingoBoingo ;;more
19:15 gribble Error: You haven't asked me a command; perhaps you want to see someone else's more. To do so, call this command with that person's nick.
19:30 mircea_popescu and in other news,
~ 26 minutes ~
19:56 mod6 got all the tomatoes, basil, pumpkins, eggplants, squash, and r. lettuce planted in the pouring rain. tomorrow: strawberries, watermelon, broccoli, early/late cabbage, short/long cukes, brussel sprouts, and dill
19:56 * mod6 gardener
19:56 mod6 lol
19:56 BingoBoingo lulz
19:57 shinohai Just thing of how that will taste on the grille with some phesant mod6 :D
19:57 BingoBoingo mod6: You don't do seeds? You let big greenhouse start your plants? :(
19:58 mod6 yeah! man, phesant is excellent.
19:58 mod6 BingoBoingo: yeah. for now, just learning. was actually thinking, while getting drenched, if I can find a place to start from seeds & get appropriate sun, would do it.
19:58 mod6 a little short on space for that. :/
19:58 mod6 but ~maybe~ next year.
19:59 BingoBoingo What about where you put the plants from big greenhouse?
19:59 BingoBoingo Seeds start just fine in the dirt.
19:59 mod6 well, its pretty much ungrowable until like first week of may here.
19:59 shinohai germinare well in fridge as well! >.>
19:59 shinohai *germinate
20:00 mod6 i dunno, i guess i could. my understanding was that most of these greenhouses start the seeds in like march time-frame. but maybe i'm way off there.
20:00 mod6 i've seen it snow here on June 1st before.
20:00 mod6 in your fridge?!
20:00 mod6 huh. i'll have to do that next year and see how it goes.
20:00 mod6 i think the real trick is to collect the seeds from the plants.
20:01 shinohai Yeah soak those fuckers then trick seeds into thinking spring
20:01 mod6 not sure exactly how to do that on some of them. like tomatoes and cukes are obvious, but what about the cabbabe and dill, etc?
20:01 mod6 shinohai: aight, cool. will give that a shot next year.
20:01 BingoBoingo Just get some jiffy pots and put the seeds in the window sill them?
20:02 mod6 that's the one problem. not a lot of window-sill real-estate for that shit. plus: cats.
20:02 mod6 they fuck up all plants.
20:05 mod6 anyway, thanks for the advice. will test that next year for sure.
20:09 BingoBoingo Send them to vacation with alf in chicago for a few months until the frost threat leaves?
20:09 mod6 he's going to chiraq?
~ 25 minutes ~
20:35 shinohai asciilifeform if you get bored call:
20:36 asciilifeform lel i'm going home presently
20:38 shinohai It's ok asciilifeform it appears she is in my home town too! How quaint.
20:39 asciilifeform spamolade
20:39 asciilifeform was obvious instantly from photo
20:39 asciilifeform unless yer blind
20:41 shinohai I'm drunk so imma call her pimp and ask if they want a railroad job.
20:46 asciilifeform shinohai: collect nigerian million first
20:46 asciilifeform it will help.
20:47 shinohai This is Nigeria. If I don't get new 1 Trillion bill I'm going home.
20:48 shinohai *100 trillion
~ 24 minutes ~
21:13 mircea_popescu mod6 rain planting works for the plants :D
21:18 mod6 yeah, they certainly got a new home.
21:20 mod6 i was up to my gd eyeballs in mud lol
21:22 mod6 i told the girls that we'll try by seed germ. next yaer, but they agreed that'd be a pita.
21:22 mod6 a good test either way tho
21:22 shinohai Here no rain but still 28°C - sweating balls
21:23 * asciilifeform not looking forward to reswamping
21:26 mod6 its like 16C here
21:26 mod6 er, 18
21:27 mircea_popescu mod6 you could try making a hard transparent plastic foil lean-to
21:28 mircea_popescu basically put a wooden frame like an old screen door or w/e upright, and the plastic from it.
21:29 mod6 ah, like a little greenhouse ?
21:29 mod6 that'd be rather awesome if that's what you mean, and it might come to that tbh.
21:30 mircea_popescu yeah, it should be enough to get the seedlings up
21:30 mircea_popescu just make sure you orient it for sun/wind
21:30 mod6 *nod* would take care of the cat problem too.
21:35 shinohai .22 LR also takes care of cat problems.
21:35 asciilifeform shinohai: savage
21:36 mod6 haha, so will bathtub with water.
21:36 mod6 but, eitherway, i happen to like these fuckers.
21:36 asciilifeform cat is a useful and ornamental animal
21:37 asciilifeform i cultivate them wherever i live
21:37 mod6 they are amazing hunters.
21:37 shinohai Yeah I have a cat I adore, jut those feral ones that tear up stuff
21:37 asciilifeform i cultivate those specifically.
21:37 shinohai One cannot simply make pets of them
21:38 shinohai Or perhaps asciilifeform has method previously unknown to hoomans
21:38 mod6 one cat that used to be an "outdoor" cat in my radius would bring me mice like everyday. i felt bad because i couldn't bring him one. :/
21:38 asciilifeform my method is to not demand anything of wild critters
21:38 asciilifeform let'em be, enjoy watching
21:39 shinohai Enjoy watching what, my garbage strewn all over driveway?
21:40 asciilifeform shinohai: if you feed'em something nice, they won't look for garbage.
21:41 shinohai Here kitty, kitty. Come eat this nice steak that asciilifeform paid for.
21:41 shinohai You no longer must eat garbage!
21:41 asciilifeform lel
21:41 asciilifeform a dose of kibble is a few cents
21:42 shinohai I tried putting the housecat kibble out, still they persist.
21:42 asciilifeform what's in your garbage anyway
21:43 asciilifeform raw fish?
21:43 shinohai Perhaps tuna cans at best.
21:44 asciilifeform so feed'em the scraps.
21:45 shinohai I'd be more than happy to feed the lot of them, tuna, kibble, whatever.
21:47 mircea_popescu asciilifeform you'd be fuckinbg happy in istanbul.
21:47 mircea_popescu i think 1mn people of the same mind live there. i've never seen as many cats.
21:47 mircea_popescu prolly 1bn cats live within a 200 mile radius
21:48 asciilifeform meow!11
21:48 mod6 meow is right
21:48 mircea_popescu on the upside, pigeons aren't much of a problem
21:48 mod6 lol
21:48 asciilifeform can't picture a rat lasting long there
21:49 mircea_popescu yeah, they do, because they gang together in wet spots
21:49 mircea_popescu cat's aren't that persistent.
21:49 asciilifeform hm interesting
21:49 shinohai Anywho, please don't think I'm evil because I suggest a varmit gun. I do love my cat because no other good reading companion.
21:49 phf they literally build cat houses in public parks with elaborate architecture, i've seen four or five of those
21:49 mircea_popescu we think you're evil just for sport.
21:50 mircea_popescu phf ah, right, you been there. tell 'em about the catmania!
21:50 phf but on the flip side every side street smells like a russian apartment complex back stairs
21:50 mircea_popescu myeah.
21:50 phf they address their cats "citizen cat" in turkish
21:51 asciilifeform lol phf had same back stairs i did apparently!
21:51 mircea_popescu or they sold same vodka
21:51 asciilifeform ahahahah
21:51 shinohai lolz
21:51 mircea_popescu you know the joke with the assburning btw ?
21:53 * phf wants to hear the joke with assburning
21:54 mircea_popescu in this alternate universe, the comrade general secretary of the central committee of the romanian communist party, comrade nicolae ceausescu isn't shot
21:54 mircea_popescu but instead just sorta... sent out to bum the rest of his days
21:54 mircea_popescu and he's kinda depressed, and haunts this lowest of the lowest dive,
21:54 mircea_popescu where this one eyed lame bartender asks him religiously what he wants to drink ? vodka ? samogon ? gasoline ? solvent ?
21:55 mircea_popescu and he picks vodka, gets plastered, goes out and falls in a ditch where he falls asleep
21:55 mircea_popescu a local faggot, seeing the man sleeping in a ditch, pulls down his pants, fucks him in the ass,
21:55 mircea_popescu then when done stuffs a 30 cent bill in his pocket and departs.
21:55 mircea_popescu ceausescu wakes up eventually, rifles own pockets, disocvers money, drags self back to bar
21:56 mircea_popescu vodka ? samogon ? gasoline ? solvent ?
21:56 mircea_popescu drinks another vodka, gets plastered, goes to same ditch falls alseep.
21:56 mircea_popescu faggot fucks him again.
21:56 mircea_popescu ceausescu wakes up again, rifles own pockets again, disocvers money again, drags self back to bar.
21:56 mircea_popescu vodka ? samogon ? gasoline ? solvent ?
21:56 mircea_popescu gimme some of that brandy, this damned vodka's making my asshole burn.
21:57 asciilifeform l0l11
21:57 shinohai >.<
21:58 phf heh
21:58 mircea_popescu (samogon, for the innocent, is a "anything you got" sort of brandy that long predates vodka)
21:59 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: moonshine in engl
22:00 mircea_popescu i guess. not really the same item at all.
22:00 mircea_popescu << this.
22:00 asciilifeform moonshine.
22:01 asciilifeform they have a word for it.
22:01 asciilifeform like prolly everyone.
22:01 mircea_popescu asciilifeform moonshine is this tenessee cvasi-whiskey.
22:01 asciilifeform brb airplane
22:01 mircea_popescu (ie, corn or generally cereal mash distillate)
22:07 mircea_popescu heh they give him plane money ? i'd have expected he has to walk.
~ 36 minutes ~
22:44 mod6 lol, see ya in 3 months.
22:50 mod6 aight, there's another few things this lead to
22:50 mod6 i'll have to try again tomorrow. but the site updates are correct anyway.
22:50 mod6 this is just little shit like the help menu.
← 2016-05-26 | 2016-05-28 →