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← 2015-08-02 | 2015-08-04 →
00:22 BingoBoingo https://www.xkcd.com/1559/
00:22 assbot xkcd: Driving ... ( http://bit.ly/1UhboCJ )
~ 19 minutes ~
00:41 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 40900 @ 0.00050614 = 20.7011 BTC [-] {2}
00:42 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7180 @ 0.00051755 = 3.716 BTC [+]
00:50 ben_vulpes evening, hanbot
00:57 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 47850 @ 0.00051178 = 24.4887 BTC [-]
01:08 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 46800 @ 0.00052218 = 24.438 BTC [+] {4}
01:16 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 46750 @ 0.00052488 = 24.5381 BTC [+]
01:26 gabriel_laddel http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=02-08-2015#1222462 << riiight...
01:26 assbot Logged on 02-08-2015 20:35:24; decimation: except they are not reproducing
01:27 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22183 @ 0.00050912 = 11.2938 BTC [-] {3}
01:30 gabriel_laddel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tHW0HaG01iU
01:30 assbot Japanese High School Girls Dancing and Having Some Fun - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1IT7JsU )
~ 18 minutes ~
01:48 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20850 @ 0.00052827 = 11.0144 BTC [+] {3}
~ 19 minutes ~
02:08 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 46600 @ 0.00050887 = 23.7133 BTC [-] {3}
02:14 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 153100 @ 0.00052766 = 80.7847 BTC [+] {7}
02:23 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30989 @ 0.00052043 = 16.1276 BTC [-]
02:31 pete_dushenski http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=02-08-2015#1222291 << 'super troopers' (2001) is a mega-classic, or at least it was the last time i saw it. it's been a few years but i remember loving that movie.
02:31 assbot Logged on 02-08-2015 18:19:34; mircea_popescu: in other news, https://i.imgur.com/TCjVzuQ.jpg
02:32 * pete_dushenski hopes mircea_popescu knew this was staged.
02:32 pete_dushenski though i admit that the difference between fact and fiction is exceedingly thin, particularly when discussing the american legal system.
02:37 pete_dushenski ;;ticker
02:37 gribble Bitfinex BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 283.02, Best ask: 283.19, Bid-ask spread: 0.17000, Last trade: 283.01, 24 hour volume: 7526.59199257, 24 hour low: 277.16, 24 hour high: 283.44, 24 hour vwap: None
02:37 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15800 @ 0.00051534 = 8.1424 BTC [-] {3}
02:46 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 60750 @ 0.00053835 = 32.7048 BTC [+] {2}
03:01 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 43996 @ 0.000524 = 23.0539 BTC [-] {3}
~ 15 minutes ~
03:16 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24100 @ 0.00052062 = 12.5469 BTC [-] {2}
~ 24 minutes ~
03:40 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18092 @ 0.00053021 = 9.5926 BTC [+] {3}
03:44 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28281 @ 0.0005356 = 15.1473 BTC [+] {3}
03:52 cazalla http://i.imgur.com/MOhuV7p.jpg
03:52 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1Uhr3C2 )
~ 20 minutes ~
04:12 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23100 @ 0.00053608 = 12.3834 BTC [+] {3}
04:24 punkman http://www.economist.com/news/finance-and-economics/21660165-banking-scandal-set-bankrupt-europes-poorest-country-gutted
04:38 jurov so?
04:39 jurov czech nat'l bank sharply devalued their currency, without any real reason
04:39 jurov recently
04:39 jurov only so that their balance sheet look right
04:42 Apocalyptic "without any real reason" // I thought it was to boost export
04:51 BingoBoingo All kinds of reasons and no reasons
04:52 jurov exporters need *stable* favorable exchange rate, not such shenanigans
04:52 jurov and they import buch of stuff, too
04:54 BingoBoingo I for one welcome shenanigans as our new overlord
04:55 jurov of course, as you don't employ ppl and move stuff afaik
04:56 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11000 @ 0.00054073 = 5.948 BTC [+]
04:56 BingoBoingo Of course
04:56 BingoBoingo Much easier to leave stuff in place.
04:57 BingoBoingo Or to move people and employ stuff
05:02 jurov in other news, area fags organize group jerkoff devoted to putin :D
05:02 cazalla anyone know what is going on here? http://dpaste.com/2HMWH8Z.txt i get stuck at block 367896, tried copying over to another pc and same deal, hits block 367896 and shits itself and spews please update messages (which i even tried over the weekend for shits and giggles with their 0.11 bitcoin core client but it crashes with core dumps or some shit, can't even go from genesis to current block on a fresh install)
05:03 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1M0bBHB )
05:03 jurov obama can only dream of such
05:03 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30250 @ 0.00054133 = 16.3752 BTC [+] {3}
05:03 BingoBoingo jurov: At his age isn't Putin too... shaved to be a bear? Pic related https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/bf/3f/4c/bf3f4c4e4cbc909f957f939bb6bc7cc6.jpg
05:03 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1M0bAn8 )
05:04 BingoBoingo cazalla: Record transactions crammed into a block. On the 0.11 was there an OOM kill?
05:04 jurov BingoBoingo: that's why is said fags, they like things immaculately shaved
05:04 BingoBoingo Ah.
05:04 BingoBoingo Twinks
05:05 BingoBoingo Though putin's a bit old to be a twink. A bit saggy too.
05:05 cazalla BingoBoingo, just quits with core dumps or database is corrupt and -reindex ends up shitting itself too.. blew 50gb with their latest client and it doesn't even work, makes me wonder if they've even tried to sync a fresh install with their latest version
05:05 BingoBoingo cazalla: This is interesting
05:13 scoopbot_revived UK's Cameron Threatens Online Porn Shutdown Unless Online ID Scheme Implemented http://qntra.net/2015/08/uks-cameron-threatens-online-porn-shutdown-unless-online-id-scheme-implemented/
05:13 BingoBoingo Because unicode http://thenextweb.com/mobile/2015/07/29/emoji-for-food-allergies-may-come-to-your-phone-soon/
05:13 assbot Emoji for food allergies may come to your phone soon ... ( http://bit.ly/1M0cqA7 )
05:19 BingoBoingo Ghostbusters arrived a bit early it seems http://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--fixzXNha--/c_fit,fl_progressive,q_80,w_636/1368261340029528421.jpg
05:19 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1M0cPCM )
05:19 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23100 @ 0.00054518 = 12.5937 BTC [+] {3}
05:25 cazalla BingoBoingo, i just linked that! but there is a better one https://i.imgur.com/QFetxTk.jpg
05:25 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1M0diVv )
05:25 shinohai http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=03-08-2015#1223013 <<< Mine does the same, db errors all around.
05:25 assbot Logged on 03-08-2015 09:05:28; cazalla: BingoBoingo, just quits with core dumps or database is corrupt and -reindex ends up shitting itself too.. blew 50gb with their latest client and it doesn't even work, makes me wonder if they've even tried to sync a fresh install with their latest version
05:25 BingoBoingo Ah I missed it
05:27 cazalla "Australia's second-largest capital registered 4.9 per cent home price growth in July".. to think 5% per year was obscene.. now 5% per month!
05:27 BingoBoingo cazalla shinohai: What version of Bitcoin are you getting these errors with?
05:27 cazalla 0.8.3
05:27 shinohai BingoBoingo: v0.11.0 the latest. I have built twice, even tried the precompiled shit.
05:28 BingoBoingo Maybe it is time for you two to roll back to a more civilized Bitcoin.
05:28 cazalla but even trying 0.11.0, it can't even go from fresh install to latest block, tried twice, shit itself each time and rewind x amount of blocks and chewed more bandwidth before dying again
05:28 shinohai I still have 0.5.4 running, nw
05:29 cazalla BingoBoingo, i tried that weekend before last but unable to get up it up and running yet
05:31 shinohai http://cointelegraph.com/news/115024/btc-to-ripple-gateway-to-shut-down-for-all-us-customers? <<<LOLOL
05:31 assbot BTC-to-Ripple Gateway to Shut Down for all US Customers ... ( http://bit.ly/1OKenQz )
05:35 BingoBoingo From last year so not news http://countercurrentnews.com/2014/10/black-open-carry-protesters-are-marching-against-police-brutality-and-the-media-is-silent/
05:44 BingoBoingo !up HeySteve
05:44 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 36300 @ 0.00054631 = 19.8311 BTC [+] {4}
05:47 HeySteve thanks, nice article on the UK porn
05:48 HeySteve Cameron is over 30 years late on the Big Brother thing but making up for lost time it seems
05:49 BingoBoingo Thanks
05:50 BingoBoingo To be fair though the UK got to practice for much of the 20th century on th eoccupied corner of Ireland
05:51 HeySteve apparently Windows 10 is a real security nightmare, it logs everything
05:51 HeySteve asked MS if they recommend it for Bitcoin use
05:51 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 56600 @ 0.00052681 = 29.8174 BTC [-] {5}
05:52 HeySteve http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-08-02/surveillance-state-goes-mainstream-windows-10-watching-logging-everything
05:52 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1OKgbsI )
05:53 BingoBoingo Well MS is probably going the Google/Android route. Less revenue from selling to users and more from selling the users.
05:54 shinohai https://twitter.com/SatoshiShinohai/status/627954556782182400/photo/1
05:54 HeySteve heh yeah
05:58 shinohai Honestly, if you run bitcoin on Windows you deserve to be stolen from.
06:00 punkman https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cod_6dsIsnE
06:00 assbot BADBADNOTGOOD & Ghostface Killah - Sour Soul - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1OKgLXv )
06:07 BingoBoingo !up Tykling
06:07 BingoBoingo !up Tyklol
06:09 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30266 @ 0.00054658 = 16.5428 BTC [+] {3}
06:18 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27750 @ 0.00054732 = 15.1881 BTC [+] {3}
06:23 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 39300 @ 0.0005477 = 21.5246 BTC [+]
06:27 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9600 @ 0.0005477 = 5.2579 BTC [+]
06:30 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 39000 @ 0.0005477 = 21.3603 BTC [+]
06:41 punkman http://www.theregister.co.uk/2015/07/31/incident_managers_pagerduty_pwned/
06:41 assbot PagerDuty hacked ... and finally comes clean 21 days later. Cheers • The Register ... ( http://bit.ly/1SABh3b )
06:43 shinohai hue
06:44 chetty hacking is really a sort of sport isn't it?
06:46 punkman some hunt for sport, some to eat
06:48 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11750 @ 0.0005477 = 6.4355 BTC [+]
06:49 shinohai https://i.imgur.com/wiFN8rH.jpg
06:49 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1eNcV3k )
06:49 shinohai hacking *is* one of life's ultimate sports.
06:51 BingoBoingo !b 3
06:51 assbot Last 3 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/0564N6H.txt )
06:59 shinohai I give up, 0.11.0 is garbage
07:01 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 51700 @ 0.00052163 = 26.9683 BTC [-] {2}
07:03 BingoBoingo That's the spirit
07:04 shinohai Won't even sync to my own private chain, that being the only connection.
07:05 BingoBoingo Any idea where it fails out?
07:05 shinohai nope, ig ot so pissed when i woke up this morning i rm 0rf'd everything and started over
07:06 shinohai Super nested functions, ftw: https://i.imgur.com/dIUV7UM.png
07:06 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1SAIP62 )
07:08 BingoBoingo Where is that mess?
07:10 shinohai i dunno, something i saw browsing imgur
07:11 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23136 @ 0.00054769 = 12.6714 BTC [+] {5}
07:11 shinohai So Poloniex is no longer going to allow NY customers
07:14 BingoBoingo I thought maybe you'd spotted that mess in "Core"
07:17 shinohai It wouldn't surprise me if something like that *wasn't* there. Core is just far too cumbersome to be useful anymore :/
07:31 shinohai Someone needs to hack these things, and start a worldwide auto theft ring. https://i.imgur.com/TdxJqYE.webm
07:31 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1eNhU44 )
07:32 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23370 @ 0.00052002 = 12.1529 BTC [-]
07:36 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3530 @ 0.00052002 = 1.8357 BTC [-]
07:42 shinohai ;;later tell trinque am i doing something wrong, or is deedbot down?
07:42 gribble The operation succeeded.
07:45 shinohai deedbot- http://dpaste.com/2YX5S12.txt
07:45 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1M0oSQD )
07:45 deedbot- imported: FDF63798C83A7B1375F72468E33585713E184252
07:45 shinohai well now
07:45 trinque wut
07:46 trinque looks like it ate your key just fine
07:46 shinohai Sorry, I just discovered deedbot doesnt like pms
07:46 trinque ah, yes, use it here please
07:46 trinque nice to have in the logs
07:46 shinohai kk
07:54 jurov shinohai that would work only for such flat surfaces. like, not 99% of streets
07:55 shinohai I'm sittin nearby with a getaway rollback xD
07:57 jurov also, got a stray thought, we'll certainly soon see RT airing how american drones abduct toddlers
07:58 BingoBoingo Prolly.
07:58 jurov if they haven't already
07:59 jurov maybe they prefer the drones to teach them masturbate, dunno
08:00 BingoBoingo Well it's cheaper than sending Angelina Jolie out to abduct children
08:02 BingoBoingo And more humane than the way the UK dispatches Gary Glitter to adbuct toddlers
08:07 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32672 @ 0.00053965 = 17.6314 BTC [+] {2}
08:15 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 45850 @ 0.00054461 = 24.9704 BTC [+]
~ 20 minutes ~
08:35 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3078 @ 0.00054461 = 1.6763 BTC [+]
08:38 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 35950 @ 0.00053133 = 19.1013 BTC [-]
08:39 punkman https://github.com/google/encrypted-bigquery-client/blob/master/tutorial.md
08:39 assbot encrypted-bigquery-client/tutorial.md at master · google/encrypted-bigquery-client · GitHub ... ( http://bit.ly/1IGB4F1 )
08:45 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18300 @ 0.00052919 = 9.6842 BTC [-] {2}
~ 17 minutes ~
09:03 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 94850 @ 0.00052069 = 49.3874 BTC [-] {4}
09:09 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27600 @ 0.000547 = 15.0972 BTC [+]
~ 22 minutes ~
09:31 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 50200 @ 0.00054742 = 27.4805 BTC [+] {3}
09:42 jurov !up rdymac
09:42 jurov !up julmac
09:44 BingoBoingo !up kyuupichan
09:44 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10795 @ 0.0005477 = 5.9124 BTC [+] {2}
09:49 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10100 @ 0.00053106 = 5.3637 BTC [-]
09:58 rdymac Any Rails dev here?
10:04 BingoBoingo Maybe?
10:06 asciilifeform http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=03-08-2015#1223002 << at this point i gotta ask, why are any of you still using the phoundation turd for anything
10:06 assbot Logged on 03-08-2015 09:02:58; cazalla: anyone know what is going on here? http://dpaste.com/2HMWH8Z.txt i get stuck at block 367896, tried copying over to another pc and same deal, hits block 367896 and shits itself and spews please update messages (which i even tried over the weekend for shits and giggles with their 0.11 bitcoin core client but it crashes with core dumps or some shit, can't even go from genesis to current block on a fresh insta
10:09 asciilifeform http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=03-08-2015#1223046 << if 'nsakey' didn't make folks quit Running Moar Winblowz, why would the win10 keylogger ?
10:09 assbot Logged on 03-08-2015 09:52:02; HeySteve: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-08-02/surveillance-state-goes-mainstream-windows-10-watching-logging-everything
10:09 shinohai to double spend with ?
10:09 asciilifeform speaking of classic usg lulz, https://firstlook.org/theintercept/2015/08/03/life-unmasking-british-eavesdroppers
10:10 assbot My Life Unmasking British Eavesdroppers ... ( http://bit.ly/1JHyZcD )
10:12 asciilifeform mod6 et al: all 3 of my nodez are synced presently
10:15 shinohai asciilifeform: do those nodes all have separate ip's ?
10:15 asciilifeform yes
10:15 kakobrekla In primitive times it is perhaps expedient that rational knowledge should
10:15 kakobrekla be united with religion. It is only by means of superstition that a rude
10:15 kakobrekla people can be induced to support, and a robber soldiery to respect, an
10:15 kakobrekla intellectual class. < how is this not the bezzle
10:15 asciilifeform shinohai: iirc kako posted links somewhere
10:16 * shinohai searches logs
10:17 kakobrekla shinohai http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=23-07-2015#1210789 http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-07-2015#1210798
10:17 assbot Logged on 23-07-2015 14:52:27; kakobrekla: ok, so theres now node1.b-a.link node2.b-a.link and node3.b-a.link
10:17 assbot Logged on 23-07-2015 14:58:22; kakobrekla: dulap.b-a.link, incitatus.b-a.link, zoolag.b-a.link is set
10:18 asciilifeform them
10:18 asciilifeform shinohai: please remember that therealbitcoin does not dns
10:18 asciilifeform ping'em
10:19 shinohai got 'em, and yeah i have only been syncing against mp's node
10:20 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5000 @ 0.00053106 = 2.6553 BTC [-]
10:24 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 42100 @ 0.00051425 = 21.6499 BTC [-] {3}
10:32 BingoBoingo http://www.defensenews.com/story/defense/policy-budget/warfare/2015/08/02/us-army-ukraine-russia-electronic-warfare/30913397/
10:32 assbot Electronic Warfare: What US Army Can Learn From Ukraine ... ( http://bit.ly/1HlA9Ew )
10:43 BingoBoingo https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-g4Bx5AGPXXM/VZmA-DQL6kI/AAAAAAAALoE/tIuqHi-SWDk/s1600/IMG_3231.JPG
10:43 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1HlC8Zx )
10:48 shinohai Got 4 good connections: http://i.imgur.com/rRiupsq.png?1
10:48 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1HlD7J7 )
10:51 BingoBoingo At the moment my getinfo looks like http://dpaste.com/1FN5D94
10:51 assbot dpaste: 1FN5D94 ... ( http://bit.ly/1HlDJyv )
10:52 shinohai I just started syncing this one. Gonna take a minute :/
10:53 mod6 <+asciilifeform> mod6 et al: all 3 of my nodez are synced presently << good to know, thx for the update
10:54 BingoBoingo !up mike_c
10:57 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33200 @ 0.00051414 = 17.0694 BTC [-] {4}
11:01 shinohai BingoBoingo: what's ur .conf look like
11:01 BingoBoingo boring
11:02 BingoBoingo addnode, addnode, minrelaytxfee=100000, etc
11:05 BingoBoingo 100000 because the way I implemented the flag it is set in satoshis
11:06 kakobrekla as it should be
11:07 BingoBoingo !b 5
11:07 assbot Last 5 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/2P7T9AY.txt )
11:14 shinohai https://i.imgur.com/P95v3T0.png
11:14 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1HlIeJy )
11:18 punkman http://unemployable.pen.io/
11:18 assbot The Unemployable Programmer ... ( http://bit.ly/1HlJ1df )
11:18 punkman "I'm also on fiverr.com now, a site where you can offer any service for $5 a pop. I offer things like mini websites, setting up cloud servers, and many other tech jobs. The reality is my expertise is barely even worth $5 in today's market, so I frequently take on multi-hour horror projects on fiverr just to make four bucks (they take $1 commission)"
~ 17 minutes ~
11:36 jcpham woohoo
11:37 jurov hi cpham
11:37 jcpham howdy
11:37 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 39078 @ 0.00052664 = 20.58 BTC [+] {5}
11:37 jcpham so assbot is a full blown pita fork now
11:37 jcpham that's ok I just scripted it
11:39 * jurov imagines kakobrekla basking in rays of jcpham's warm approval
11:40 jcpham that's cute; i'm actually dumb don't mind me
11:47 shinohai http://countercurrentnews.com/2015/08/florida-cops-deaf-man-for-talking-too-loud/
11:47 assbot Florida Cops Shoot and Kill Deaf Man For ‘Talking Too Loud’ ... ( http://bit.ly/1HlOUHA )
11:51 jcpham thanks obama
11:57 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15250 @ 0.00053072 = 8.0935 BTC [+] {3}
12:01 jurov what has obama to do with it?
12:04 jcpham when it's hot outside, you say "thanks obama"
12:13 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 72814 @ 0.00053072 = 38.6438 BTC [+] {3}
12:17 jurov lol, you can also call 201x children "obama's children"
12:17 jurov as was the lulzcustom here... i am "husak's child" after czechoslovak president
12:20 jurov actually he earned it, due to support for parents unmatched before or after
12:20 jurov so there was kinda baby boom
12:23 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 77990 @ 0.00053126 = 41.433 BTC [+] {5}
12:27 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 79547 @ 0.00052084 = 41.4313 BTC [+] {7}
12:29 shinohai Let's make bitcoin a Rube Goldberg machine: https://np.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/3fm2ws/is_blizzard_ever_going_to_accept_bitcoin_as_a/ctq0624
12:29 assbot brianddk comments on Is Blizzard ever going to accept bitcoin as a payment option for their games? : starcraft ... ( http://bit.ly/1KMkSkX )
12:38 danielpbarron http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=03-08-2015#1222923 << http://trilema.com/2015/the-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-sunday-event/#comment-114947
12:38 assbot Logged on 03-08-2015 01:34:07; mircea_popescu: http://trilema.com/2015/the-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-sunday-event/#selection-193.21-193.36 << got the sexpr ? hm ? HM ?
12:38 assbot The 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9 Sunday event on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1MI7y4g )
12:47 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15000 @ 0.00053245 = 7.9868 BTC [+]
12:55 asciilifeform !up ascii_field
12:57 ascii_field 'As a final station, I'd like to describe what online freelancer markets look like for people like me. On freelancer.com and oDesk, you compete with hundreds of lowest-wage programmers from third world countries for exceedingly crappy "projects". It's an unmitigated race to the bottom. Even if I could land these jobs in an environment where the competition basically works for free, there is no way to make a living off
12:57 ascii_field this.'
12:57 ascii_field ^ somebody buy this man a small airplane.
12:58 kakobrekla hed prolly make more in #b-a
12:58 jurov i was there. if you make a good job, after some months someone will adopt you and pay better
13:00 ascii_field kakobrekla: our zeroes are bigger than usg's!
13:00 ascii_field so in that sense, moar, aha
13:00 jurov funny i can't remember programmer being paid here?
13:00 ascii_field ^^^^
13:00 jurov i will be paid *if* i someday make sense of eulora spaghetti client
13:00 kakobrekla didnt thet dude who made some charts noone is using get paid?
13:00 ascii_field 'soviet elephants are the biggest elephantz!'
13:00 jurov i won't dare to compute hourly rate from that, tho
13:01 ascii_field ^^^^
13:01 kakobrekla more than 4$
13:01 danielpbarron diana_coman got paid to write a crafter bot for eulora
13:01 kakobrekla anyway, there was some other dude collecting cv for bezzleworks here also ?
13:01 ascii_field kakobrekla: iirc nothing came of it
13:02 ascii_field danielpbarron: we're talking about money-one-could-live-on
13:02 danielpbarron the slithy toves she got as payment will let us continue doing stuff in eulora for at least the next few months
13:02 jurov and pay out debts
13:02 ascii_field and run electron microscope
13:04 kakobrekla http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=03-08-2015#1223221 < iirc benkay refused a job the other day?
13:04 assbot Logged on 03-08-2015 17:01:57; ascii_field: kakobrekla: iirc nothing came of it
13:04 kakobrekla anyway, yeah our zeros are bigger than their zeros.
13:04 kakobrekla and taste better.
13:04 ascii_field bigger, faster, stronger (tm) (r)
13:04 kakobrekla :)
13:05 kakobrekla i think you forgot 'scooter'.
13:05 kakobrekla anyway, airplane wont help the man.
13:06 ascii_field !s joe stack
13:06 assbot 19 results for 'joe stack' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=joe+stack
13:06 ascii_field airplane - helps.
13:07 kakobrekla ah that airplane.
13:07 ascii_field yes, it and only it.
13:08 kakobrekla yeah i get it, was thinking of the other one.
13:08 ascii_field and yes, i fully expect mircea_popescu to proclaim that mr. unemployableprogrammer is office plankton and ought to be boiled for soap
13:09 ascii_field and i can't be certain that he is wrong in the particular case
13:10 ascii_field but will note that i also expect to be boiled for soap.
13:11 chetty well the mr. unemployableprogrammer would be better off flippin burgers
13:12 danielpbarron or gathering flotsam for me
13:15 gernika Some taleb talk posted here applies to this fellow - the applicable bit being that his main mistake was holding the same job for years - fragile strategy.
13:16 trinque if you don't have the relationships to find interesting work, what do you expect?
13:19 gernika Playing the craigslist lottery around here can sometimes result in surprising connections.
13:19 trinque yeah, I've found plenty of fine work that way
13:19 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11300 @ 0.00053758 = 6.0747 BTC [+] {4}
13:20 ascii_field chetty: once he goes to the burgers (not a trivial feat as it may seem, you have to convincingly fake a 'blue-collar' background) - may as well eat pistol
13:20 gernika Perhaps this place is mortally ill, but some aspects of the disease are more interesting to treat than others.
13:20 trinque ascii_field: what is a php job but burger flipping?
13:20 trinque take trival db query, fart results into html, repeat til death
13:20 ascii_field trinque: have you done both ?
13:20 trinque never the burger flipping
13:21 ascii_field trinque: go, try. then report re: the difference.
13:21 trinque lol
13:23 gernika Realized at one point I would never even be able to work for a place such as Whole Foods - even if I wanted to.
13:23 ascii_field gernika: for the record, i once tried to get 'blue collar' work, and failed. turned away, 'overqualified, you'll leave as soon as you can'
13:24 ascii_field to avoid this, one has to be a first-class actor
13:24 ascii_field and if you are this kind of actor, can get lucrative gig in hollywood or cia
13:24 ascii_field otherwise, go, tell the truth about your biography, and starve.
13:24 jurov trinque i took an update of ancient j2ee app and clandestinely learned git, while on it. try such when flipping burgers.
13:24 trinque ascii_field: I don't expect for a moment that you could possibly fake "stupid"
13:25 ascii_field trinque: the acting is mostly so you can fake 'was always stupid'
13:25 trinque jurov: yeah that's a good point
13:25 ascii_field need convincing life history
13:25 gernika ascii_field I would probably need tribal piercings at a minimum to get a job at Whole Foods. Much like inmates in prison indicate their dedication to their trade with facial tattoos.
13:25 jurov lol such fantasies
13:26 trinque jurov: but again, if you don't have friends doing anything interesting, doesn't matter how good you are at dwarf fortress
13:26 jurov trinque what do you mean?
13:26 trinque I loathe most people, yet being a competent coder without being able to communicate is impossible.
13:26 jurov i have learned the interesting stuff by myself, not fro friends
13:26 trinque ah I had mentors
13:27 trinque the unemployable thing strikes me as being socially dysfunctional
13:28 jurov maybe. i remembered one friend of mine who has similar difficulties
13:28 punkman trinque: consider the case where your meat-wot is "businessmen" in Luxor
13:29 jurov and he got ccna cert, then found out there's not many ciscoes out there
13:29 jurov i asked him to write eu project, he won't without micromanaging
13:29 jurov i asked him to learn python, not heard since
13:29 chetty ascii_field> trinque: go, try. then report re: the difference.// no substanstial difference, truck driving or lawn mowing are both improvements
13:30 asciilifeform !up ascii_field
13:30 ascii_field chetty: no.
13:30 ascii_field chetty: 1) they aren't indoors, air conditioned, WITHOUT TALKING TO FUCKING PEOPLE
13:30 ascii_field 2) once you do these, pretty much condemned for life.
13:30 ascii_field though the truck has merits
13:30 ascii_field not much talkin'.
13:30 ascii_field i personally will try to drive a truck
13:31 chetty well now you are getting down to a matter of taste, I kinda liked truckin
13:31 ascii_field everyone likes trucking
13:31 ascii_field so i'll have to get in a long queue
13:32 mike_c hehe, step one for the installation of this product i want to try: curl -L https://redacted.sh | sudo bash
13:32 mike_c um, no?
13:33 ascii_field l0l!
13:33 punkman that's pretty much everywhere these days
13:34 jurov sudo curl > /dev/hda is better
13:34 mike_c really? i guess i'm getting too old for this stuff.
13:35 kakobrekla nah, you are just unemployable.
13:35 jurov !bash 2
13:35 assbot Last 2 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/1FCVQQ2.txt )
13:36 trinque punkman | trinque: consider the case where your meat-wot is "businessmen" in Luxor << can probably be milked for some kind of value; if that's all ya got, that's all ya got. better than nothing
13:36 trinque jurov: yeah, I have met the same type. he should've asked you for a task, and done it. only way to learn.
13:36 mike_c one of the things it does is run apt-get update &> /dev/null
13:37 mike_c i mean, fuck you! maybe i don't want to update everything
13:37 jurov care to share?
13:37 mike_c https://modeanalytics.com/
13:37 assbot Mode - The Collaborative Analytics Platform for Data Analysts ... ( http://bit.ly/1DlbFAA )
~ 16 minutes ~
13:53 ben_vulpes this is the industry standard approach to the by-now-all-too-familiar-#b-a-bitcoin-dependency-problem
13:53 ben_vulpes s/problem/fun/
13:54 ben_vulpes "just clobber the lusers computer"
14:04 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9735 @ 0.00051951 = 5.0574 BTC [-]
~ 20 minutes ~
14:24 trinque http://www.nytimes.com/aponline/2015/08/03/us/ap-us-texas-attorney-general-investigation-the-latest.html?_r=0 << perhaps he's a fraudster, perhaps not. yet the other angle here might be that the Texas AG tends to spend quite a bit of time suing the federal government.
14:24 assbot Log In - The New York Times ... ( http://bit.ly/1MIjcfv )
14:25 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7588 @ 0.00051951 = 3.942 BTC [-]
14:32 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 49251 @ 0.00053422 = 26.3109 BTC [+] {5}
14:34 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2849 @ 0.00054339 = 1.5481 BTC [+]
~ 18 minutes ~
14:52 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19650 @ 0.00054408 = 10.6912 BTC [+] {2}
14:57 asciilifeform !up Xplosionist
14:57 Xplosionist ty hello all.
14:58 kakobrekla bomb squad?
14:58 Xplosionist no, just a very old name w/ a very strange source. not meaningful in itself.
14:58 kakobrekla ah, I thought we should run.
14:59 Xplosionist maybe, but not for that reason...
14:59 Xplosionist i have a bitbet.us technical question.
14:59 kakobrekla aha?
14:59 diametric hi Xplosionist
15:00 Xplosionist after a bet is resolved, is there a place I can see the transactions for the payouts?
15:00 Xplosionist I see the links for the addresses, but I'd like to see the specific transaction of the pay-out listed.
15:00 diametric isn't it in the bet itself?
15:01 kakobrekla you can get the tx from that link?
15:01 Xplosionist nope, those all seem to be address based.
15:01 asciilifeform !up ascii_field
15:01 kakobrekla there is a link on b-c.info
15:01 kakobrekla that will take you to 'whole tx' view
15:01 ascii_field Xplosionist: use your favourite blockchain viewer to go from addr to tx
15:02 kakobrekla if you plan on automating it, there were cases where more than 1tx was needed to pay out all the winners
15:02 Xplosionist Yeah, the transactions don't show up in the address transaction list. for a recently resolved bet, it may just be that the listed value hasn't actually been paid out yet?
15:03 kakobrekla Xplosionist yea, we added 2 days delay after resolution
15:04 kakobrekla http://trilema.com/2015/changing-the-bitbet-resolution-process/
15:04 assbot Changing the BitBet resolution process. on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1DnGAMr )
15:04 Xplosionist Ahh. Okay then. Of course, what's I'm looking at is resolved 1 day 22 hours ago. lol Figured.
15:04 Xplosionist Thanks for that pointer and answer, then. That'd be it.
15:04 kakobrekla i should make it clear on site prolly.
15:05 Xplosionist I did look in the FAQ. Maybe put it there.
15:05 kakobrekla hm
15:05 kakobrekla is should be
15:05 kakobrekla it*
15:06 kakobrekla Xplosionist https://bitbet.us/faq/#131
15:06 assbot FAQ BitBet ... ( http://bit.ly/1g1zdiQ )
15:06 kakobrekla middle paragraph
15:08 Xplosionist Ahh. Okay. Clearly I didn't read it carefully enough. Although, I would suggest that making that detail more obvious might be of value.
15:09 kakobrekla in the queue
15:10 Xplosionist thanks again
15:11 kakobrekla yw
15:15 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 37750 @ 0.00054225 = 20.4699 BTC [-] {3}
15:25 fluffypony who was being DDoS'd recently
15:39 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33700 @ 0.0005428 = 18.2924 BTC [+] {3}
15:39 kakobrekla fluffypony mp is a safe bet
15:40 asciilifeform !up ascii_field
15:41 ascii_field kakobrekla: speaking of, old lulz, http://www.btcalpha.com/bitbet/1144/phuctor-will-find-a-bad-key << 'ROI 5345%'
15:41 assbot Bet 1144 Analysis - Phuctor will find a bad key - Btc Alpha ... ( http://bit.ly/1gF6pxq )
15:41 ascii_field anyone beat this record ?
15:43 kakobrekla hm, doubtful.
15:53 diametric !up Xplosionist
16:00 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10240 @ 0.00054295 = 5.5598 BTC [+]
16:09 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 36724 @ 0.00053102 = 19.5012 BTC [-] {3}
16:15 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6950 @ 0.00052257 = 3.6319 BTC [+]
16:18 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 88050 @ 0.0005444 = 47.9344 BTC [+] {4}
~ 33 minutes ~
16:51 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23650 @ 0.00051943 = 12.2845 BTC [-]
16:56 shinohai !up a3voices
~ 17 minutes ~
17:14 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23750 @ 0.00054702 = 12.9917 BTC [+] {3}
17:22 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 36250 @ 0.00054864 = 19.8882 BTC [+] {5}
17:36 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6921 @ 0.00052962 = 3.6655 BTC [-]
~ 18 minutes ~
17:54 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6200 @ 0.00054923 = 3.4052 BTC [+] {3}
17:56 BingoBoingo ;;ticker --market all
17:56 gribble Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 283.79, vol: 6269.48485948 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 280.543, vol: 5377.32137 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 284.17, vol: 14828.77705664 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 279.26, vol: 0.49418072 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 281.94642, vol: 10403.61250000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 283.87017, vol: 18.34282738 | Bitcoin-Central BTCUSD last: 288.556784989, vol: 39.34371957 | Volume-weighted last (1 more message)
17:56 BingoBoingo ;;more
17:56 gribble average: 282.955659636
~ 23 minutes ~
18:20 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27500 @ 0.00052733 = 14.5016 BTC [-] {3}
18:29 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9019 @ 0.00053415 = 4.8175 BTC [+]
18:37 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15642 @ 0.00051944 = 8.1251 BTC [-] {2}
18:43 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 44650 @ 0.00051943 = 23.1925 BTC [-] {4}
18:47 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22950 @ 0.00053415 = 12.2587 BTC [+]
18:56 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30252 @ 0.00054122 = 16.373 BTC [+] {3}
~ 17 minutes ~
19:14 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 59960 @ 0.00053203 = 31.9005 BTC [-] {2}
19:24 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10206 @ 0.00054777 = 5.5905 BTC [+]
19:24 scoopbot_revived No, you don't understand elite discontent. http://www.contravex.com/2015/08/03/no-you-dont-understand-elite-discontent/
~ 15 minutes ~
19:39 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34500 @ 0.00054879 = 18.9333 BTC [+] {3}
~ 28 minutes ~
20:08 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7500 @ 0.00054164 = 4.0623 BTC [-]
20:12 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=03-08-2015#1222933 << what do you want, names and fb pics ?
20:12 assbot Logged on 03-08-2015 02:08:02; asciilifeform: what layer.
20:14 shinohai wb mircea_popescu, when you have time I need a eulora pass
20:14 mircea_popescu alrighjty, one second
20:15 shinohai kk
20:20 scoopbot_revived Prophylaxis http://trilema.com/2015/prophylaxis/
20:21 mircea_popescu shinohai http://dpaste.com/0R58Y1F
20:21 assbot dpaste: 0R58Y1F ... ( http://bit.ly/1N5OSbH )
20:22 mircea_popescu ima be in the game in half hour give you some noob items to get started.
20:22 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11600 @ 0.00053745 = 6.2344 BTC [-] {2}
20:22 shinohai sweet thx
20:23 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=03-08-2015#1222990 << dawg what are you talkin about ?! THAT is the reason.
20:23 assbot Logged on 03-08-2015 08:39:38; jurov: only so that their balance sheet look right
20:23 mircea_popescu it is the only conceivable reason and absolutely utterly sufficient.
20:24 mircea_popescu if the natl bank balance sheet doesn't look right, everyone can go bite a steel girder.
20:24 mircea_popescu and chew on it, happily, until such a time the balance sheet looks right.
20:27 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=03-08-2015#1223002 << the scam bitcoin the power rangers are pushing is known-broken, in that it can't actually verify the bitcoin blockchain.
20:27 assbot Logged on 03-08-2015 09:02:58; cazalla: anyone know what is going on here? http://dpaste.com/2HMWH8Z.txt i get stuck at block 367896, tried copying over to another pc and same deal, hits block 367896 and shits itself and spews please update messages (which i even tried over the weekend for shits and giggles with their 0.11 bitcoin core client but it crashes with core dumps or some shit, can't even go from genesis to current block on a fresh insta
20:27 mircea_popescu why exactly your thing is stuck is unclear. you can either build stator and use the same blk stuff, which will work ; or else wipe them and start over from one of the foundation nodes, which will also work.
20:28 mircea_popescu the latter is guaranteed to take a while. the former may take even longer depending on how familiar you are with mashing computers into shape.
20:29 mircea_popescu "In November, thieves stole $1 billion from Moldova’s three biggest banks through a series of fraudulent loans and transfers. Moldova, sandwiched between Romania and Ukraine, is the poorest country in Europe; the theft amounted to more than an eighth of GDP. It has set in train a series of events that will leave the government unable to pay salaries by the end of the summer, according to the recently departed finance
20:29 mircea_popescu minister."
20:29 mircea_popescu bwahahaha
20:30 mircea_popescu "thieves". the moldovan equivalents of the ukrainian oligarchs just ran off with the loot.
20:30 mircea_popescu rather than risk it.
20:30 shinohai Hmmm. i think I have incorrect video drivers, but pass works, thanks
20:32 mircea_popescu what'sthe symptoms ?
20:34 shinohai ./eu.sh: line 3: 12524 Segmentation fault ./euclient
20:34 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=03-08-2015#1223048 << word.
20:34 assbot Logged on 03-08-2015 09:53:03; BingoBoingo: Well MS is probably going the Google/Android route. Less revenue from selling to users and more from selling the users.
20:34 mircea_popescu shinohai ah, just try again
20:34 shinohai kk
20:34 mircea_popescu the client's pretty shitty, it has at least two race conditions in it that yield that .
20:35 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=03-08-2015#1223061 << i kinda have grown to like the self-absorbed srs this type of schmucks radiate every time they get fucked.
20:35 assbot Logged on 03-08-2015 10:41:17; punkman: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2015/07/31/incident_managers_pagerduty_pwned/
20:35 mircea_popescu "oh we r rly srs security bidniss".
20:36 mircea_popescu reminds me of "Bitcoin Security Group" lolz.
20:37 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=03-08-2015#1223127 << most for inertia, some for lolz.
20:37 assbot Logged on 03-08-2015 14:06:53; asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=03-08-2015#1223002 << at this point i gotta ask, why are any of you still using the phoundation turd for anything
20:38 * williamdunne would be interested in seeing Eurola corporations, with EEX to go with it
20:38 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=03-08-2015#1223129 << that didn't really happen and also some researchers published their research about it first but it wasn't published nor was it correct etc.
20:38 assbot Logged on 03-08-2015 14:09:25; asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=03-08-2015#1223046 << if 'nsakey' didn't make folks quit Running Moar Winblowz, why would the win10 keylogger ?
20:38 mircea_popescu williamdunne prolly gonna happen
20:40 williamdunne At what point does it stop being considered a game for legal reasons?
20:40 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=03-08-2015#1223140 << but it is.
20:40 assbot Logged on 03-08-2015 14:15:41; kakobrekla: intellectual class. < how is this not the bezzle
20:40 mircea_popescu williamdunne i eat the world, the world doesn't eat me.
20:40 mircea_popescu "legal reasons" stop being considered anything but a game.
20:42 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=03-08-2015#1223149 << for the record, mp's node found a new suspicious block at 365009, will be sitting there a bit.
20:42 assbot Logged on 03-08-2015 14:19:14; shinohai: got 'em, and yeah i have only been syncing against mp's node
20:42 williamdunne Wasn't insinuating that legal issues would ever be an issue for Eurola. It's more that it'd be interesting to see how a regulatory body would handle an in-game stock exchange that trades companies that perform actual economic activity
20:43 mircea_popescu more interesting is how the in-game world would handle the "regulatory body", imo
20:43 mircea_popescu i really don't give a shit for the other side of the coin
20:44 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7781 @ 0.00053328 = 4.1495 BTC [+] {3}
20:44 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=03-08-2015#1223175 << and he's among the better ones. a dollar a day is really above the work value of most people.
20:44 assbot Logged on 03-08-2015 15:18:53; punkman: "I'm also on fiverr.com now, a site where you can offer any service for $5 a pop. I offer things like mini websites, setting up cloud servers, and many other tech jobs. The reality is my expertise is barely even worth $5 in today's market, so I frequently take on multi-hour horror projects on fiverr just to make four bucks (they take $1 commission)"
20:45 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=03-08-2015#1223188 << he's the us putin. his fault when any public employee fucks up anything.
20:45 assbot Logged on 03-08-2015 16:01:15; jurov: what has obama to do with it?
20:47 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5950 @ 0.00054806 = 3.261 BTC [+]
20:48 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=03-08-2015#1223204 << this is not actually true. i have had slavegirls make a living off those things, as a learning exercise. disciplined work ethic earns a very decent living, and forever will. the problem is that for most white adolescents/young adults, that work ethic has to be supported with daily beatings for the first quarter at least.
20:48 assbot Logged on 03-08-2015 16:57:18; ascii_field: 'As a final station, I'd like to describe what online freelancer markets look like for people like me. On freelancer.com and oDesk, you compete with hundreds of lowest-wage programmers from third world countries for exceedingly crappy "projects". It's an unmitigated race to the bottom. Even if I could land these jobs in an environment where the competition basically works for free, there is no way to ma
20:48 mircea_popescu so, no.
20:49 mircea_popescu he's just being a passive-agressive, self-entitled, delusional western schmuck.
20:49 mircea_popescu let him sign up for myfreecams and do anal until there's blood on the fucking dildos.
20:49 mircea_popescu then he gets the question again, see if the answer's changed any.
20:50 mircea_popescu and no, i wouldn't buy him the sandpaper to grind down his glans penis with.
20:50 mircea_popescu let him fucking beg for it.
20:51 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=03-08-2015#1223213 << iirc you got a bitcoin for running the windows compiler, and didn't even get pushed to do the os/x or die. my memory betrayin' me or something ?
20:51 assbot Logged on 03-08-2015 17:00:46; jurov: i will be paid *if* i someday make sense of eulora spaghetti client
20:54 danielpbarron http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=04-08-2015#1223440 << stuff in Eulora *is* actual economic activity
20:54 assbot Logged on 04-08-2015 00:42:57; williamdunne: Wasn't insinuating that legal issues would ever be an issue for Eurola. It's more that it'd be interesting to see how a regulatory body would handle an in-game stock exchange that trades companies that perform actual economic activity
20:54 williamdunne danielpbarron: m'point
20:54 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12900 @ 0.00051944 = 6.7008 BTC [-] {2}
21:06 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14100 @ 0.00051944 = 7.3241 BTC [-] {2}
21:08 BingoBoingo Can't tell if real or fake https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/3fottn/cointelegraphcom_is_shutting_down_cutting_all/
21:08 assbot CoinTelegraph.com is shutting down, cutting all non-writer salary to zero.... : Bitcoin ... ( http://bit.ly/1SENu6Y )
~ 22 minutes ~
21:31 danielpbarron lol i met one of their authors
21:31 danielpbarron at porcfest
21:31 danielpbarron told her she should write for qntra instead
21:32 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12400 @ 0.00054805 = 6.7958 BTC [+] {2}
21:32 BingoBoingo And her reaction?
21:34 mircea_popescu BingoBoingo well... hm.
21:34 mircea_popescu they were paying salaries ?!
21:36 mircea_popescu July’s advertising revenue was 3,700 USD, therefore the budget allocated for content for August will be 3,700 USD.
21:36 mircea_popescu bnwbahahahaa wut
21:36 BingoBoingo Since scoopy seems to be dragging ass http://qntra.net/2015/08/os-x-flaw-in-the-wild-abuses-error-logging-function-to-edit-sudoers/
21:36 assbot OS X Flaw in the Wild Abuses Error Logging Function to Edit sudoers | Qntra ... ( http://bit.ly/1SET9Kh )
21:36 mircea_popescu isthis from something-ads paying 0.01 btc sort-of ?
21:36 BingoBoingo It's probably fiat from fiat scammers wanting "exposure" at any price
21:37 danielpbarron BingoBoingo, she was polite but not enthusiastic about the proposal
21:37 BingoBoingo Eh, her loss
21:37 mircea_popescu "In spit of these events, we hope that CT will be able to continue pursuing its strategic of increasing it’s market share and become the one-stop news source for the crypto-community. We wish you to remain strong in spirit and for a quick market recovery." << i suppose the tie-in is something like "small blocks made our shit blog ad revenue shrink in an imaginary market that doesn't exist but we hallucinated into bei
21:37 mircea_popescu ng anyweay"
21:38 mircea_popescu it'd be great if they pursued their "strategic" of learning how to sp'eal i'ts wordses an sheit
21:43 BingoBoingo !up scthoopbot
21:44 decimation lol 3700 usd budget
21:44 decimation do they have more than one employee?
21:45 decimation 'we r poor folks about bitcoin!'
21:46 decimation imagine actual people in Victorian Britain asking the assistant scullery maid what she thought about finance
21:47 williamdunne thanks boingo, dw though doesn't need voice for now. Just the beginning stages
21:48 BingoBoingo Ah, cool
21:49 decimation http://www.pewsocialtrends.org/2011/11/07/the-rising-age-gap-in-economic-well-being/ < speaking of which
21:49 assbot The Rising Age Gap in Economic Well-Being | Pew Research Center ... ( http://bit.ly/1SEW5qb )
21:58 decimation "In 2009, households headed by adults ages 65 and older possessed 42% more median1 net worth (assets minus debt) than households headed by their same-aged counterparts had in 1984. During this same period, the wealth of households headed by younger adults moved in the opposite direction. In 2009, households headed by adults younger than 35 had 68% less wealth than households of their same-aged counterparts had in 1984."
21:58 decimation you know, people say that bitcoin is a ponzi scheme, but really USD is the world's largest ponzi scheme - and keeps growing
22:00 mircea_popescu schtooopbot hahaha
22:01 mircea_popescu so i hear it from a trustworthy source in sweden that the local libertards have come up woith this idea to replace whatever word is used for cunt with "snipa" which apparently means sparkle
22:01 mircea_popescu there's the usual assortment of imbeciles trumpeting their incredible success whatever, uninteresting.
22:01 decimation because 'cunt' offends womyn?
22:01 mircea_popescu what IS interesting is that apparently the legendary snipe was found
22:01 mircea_popescu in sweden.
22:02 mircea_popescu decimation probably it's like rape or who knows. causes global warmyng.
22:02 decimation actually it's because the womyn in question don't have cunts
22:03 mircea_popescu sexperience begs to differ.
22:03 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=03-08-2015#1223244 << incidentally, this probably pays better than odesk.
22:03 assbot Logged on 03-08-2015 17:12:42; danielpbarron: or gathering flotsam for me
22:05 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=03-08-2015#1223264 << there is a thread in the logs consisting of me essentially saying that if you can't fake stupiud you're not smart.
22:05 assbot Logged on 03-08-2015 17:24:58; trinque: ascii_field: I don't expect for a moment that you could possibly fake "stupid"
22:06 mircea_popescu decimation that quote says to me "kids of today r tarded"
22:06 mircea_popescu unsurprising data is unsurprising. they are.
22:07 decimation yeah, kinda. it goes to your point earlier with ascii - doing financial analysis the main business of the us is printing usd
22:07 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=03-08-2015#1223269 << no, there's some substance to their wails. you're thinking the very open and socially mobile eastern europe. they live in the solidified shitbrains puritan us
22:07 assbot Logged on 03-08-2015 17:25:48; jurov: lol such fantasies
22:08 mircea_popescu decimation this doesn't explain why the old farts are getting most of the fake bills.
22:08 mircea_popescu (they aren't, they're just much better at not giving away their value for them)
22:09 decimation true, but they also get direct payments through taxes, and indirect payments through money printing pumping up real estate assets
22:09 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=03-08-2015#1223277 << this is a major problem. for argentines too. they can't get anywhere because all the people they know are just as fucktarded as them.
22:09 assbot Logged on 03-08-2015 17:28:45; punkman: trinque: consider the case where your meat-wot is "businessmen" in Luxor
22:09 mircea_popescu increasingly, becoming a problem i nthe us, too.
22:09 mircea_popescu decimation and medical bills.
22:09 BingoBoingo It is beyond a problem here
22:09 mircea_popescu young people can fuck, don't need to eat and don't get sick.
22:09 mircea_popescu hard to overcome these structurally.
22:10 decimation yeah, but old folks can ensure they get their pound of flesh
22:11 mircea_popescu decimation consider the problem properly. remember me unkindly observing about kim kardashian that http://trilema.com/2014/holy-shit-technical-analysis-is-real/#selection-85.0-89.63 ?
22:11 assbot Holy shit! Technical Analysis is real! on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1SF1uNW )
22:11 mircea_popescu explain this to me. how is it possible that 99 out of 100 richeest households in the us aren'ty headed by a 35 yo female, ex whore ?
22:11 decimation your selection thing doesn't work on my browser
22:11 mircea_popescu obviously, 1% richest would be the strato-rich, sure, ok.
22:11 mircea_popescu but the remainder, ALL the upper middle class, should be kims.
22:12 mircea_popescu the only ones with something still to sell.
22:12 mircea_popescu why aren't they ? why some pruny old dude ?
22:12 asciilifeform if there were even 100x as many 'kims', the product they sell would be worth $0. like the poor programmer
22:12 mircea_popescu You may think that point-whatever billion is hardly worth the mention, after all I'm white and male and go with the tech stuffs, rather than almost-not-black and female, going with the cocksucking-and-other-homemaking-stuff. You know, cheap textile "labels", perfumes, the Martha Stewart lot. Like this chick :
22:12 mircea_popescu So it's all right and pooper that I'd be dealing in the tens of billions while her net worth is in the tens of millions, roughly enough to buy a whole closet where she lives. Right ?
22:12 mircea_popescu asciilifeform not so.
22:12 mircea_popescu a brothel does not lower the per-capita value of the individual whores.
22:12 asciilifeform even now, who the fuck ~pays~ to see naked gurlz
22:12 mircea_popescu but ehances it.
22:12 mircea_popescu that's not what this is.
22:13 mircea_popescu i said "Something to sell", i didn't say nudity. that's free.
22:13 asciilifeform then what ?
22:13 mircea_popescu you being seen with them.
22:13 mircea_popescu social proof.
22:13 asciilifeform why would i pay for that
22:13 asciilifeform or are they all to move to egypt
22:13 mircea_popescu because you understand how things work.
22:13 decimation plenty of 'homemakers' are poor in the us
22:14 mircea_popescu decimation not the question. the question is why is anyone else on the "just about rich" lists outside of these women.
22:14 mircea_popescu why are atheltes poor if the stench of cunt bothers you, same argument.
22:14 asciilifeform http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=04-08-2015#1223453 << who, precisely, will pay to see ~this~? mircea_popescu ?
22:14 assbot Logged on 04-08-2015 00:49:35; mircea_popescu: let him sign up for myfreecams and do anal until there's blood on the fucking dildos.
22:14 mircea_popescu asciilifeform iirc i have, sort-of.
22:15 asciilifeform now, not swinging that way, i cannot say for certain how saturated the gay pr0n market is, but will observe that they lack the sexual starvation of the straight
22:16 asciilifeform so my naive guess would be that it is an even tougher sell
22:16 asciilifeform in terms of 'make a living'
22:16 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=03-08-2015#1223293 << the exact sort of thing that prompted my earlier "everyone is retarded" stuff.
22:16 assbot Logged on 03-08-2015 17:32:52; mike_c: um, no?
22:17 mircea_popescu asciilifeform you've reconstructed the discussion into a strawman and are getting the results you expected from it.
22:17 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=21-02-2015#1026639 < that.
22:17 assbot Logged on 21-02-2015 01:19:34; mircea_popescu: "she's been going through 6-7k each month since autumn, but i get to go visit p diddy whenever i feel like it. it's a wash"
22:18 asciilifeform no, elementary question. are there enough gay pr0nd0ll4rz to feed all the mr.unemployableprogrammerz riding their sandpaper dildos
22:19 asciilifeform and, unlike the gurlz, these folks don't add to anyone's 'social level' by being seen with them (perhaps in rome ? but today?)
22:20 decimation well, there's also the social status of being the old jew who owns reddit
22:20 asciilifeform decimation: he doesn't have to feed the birds
22:20 asciilifeform mod6, ben_vulpes, et al: 'zoolag' is down and will remain down for several hours. this is a planned outage.
22:28 asciilifeform http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=04-08-2015#1223513 << umm, yes, they are. they are the folks who own (when they do) real estate, which is nearly the only thing which came close to keeping up with true inflation; they are also the folks who own stocks; etc
22:28 assbot Logged on 04-08-2015 02:08:03; mircea_popescu: decimation this doesn't explain why the old farts are getting most of the fake bills.
22:29 asciilifeform people who were there for the tail end of american economy being something like functional
22:29 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6150 @ 0.00052357 = 3.22 BTC [-]
22:30 decimation asciilifeform: yes, that was my point..
22:30 decimation this is why I find the baby boomer whining about old people medical care and old people direct payments
22:32 asciilifeform decimation: the whining, by and large, is coming from the ones who owe $maxint to the medical charlatans and are unhappy that it is coming out of 'their' bezzle rather than the treasury
22:32 decimation "keep mailing us your taxes, your missing bank interest, and your real estate equity. Someone will totally mail you theirs when we are dead!"
22:32 decimation !up Michail1
22:33 decimation asciilifeform: not that they had children who were raised to be +ev so they could afford to whipe dad's ass when he's old"
22:33 asciilifeform decimation: what the hell does it even mean to be +ev in modern usa?
22:34 asciilifeform it is approximately the same as asking who is +ev in prison
22:34 decimation be on the receiving end of the above payments
22:34 asciilifeform yes, a handful of thugs end up with the lion's share
22:34 decimation which means you need to have a house bought before 1980 and be older than 65
22:35 decimation asciilifeform: yeah except if you read my initial link, old people have 47x more wealth than <35
22:35 asciilifeform aha
22:35 decimation it's not mysterious who this '1%' are
22:36 decimation I suppose my hypothesis is that if assets were demoninated in actual hard currency they wouldn't be able to run this kind of ponzi
22:36 asciilifeform see where the 47x figure will go if you discount houses.
22:36 asciilifeform (or if anything like most of'em tried to cash in)
22:36 decimation yeah home equity is most of it
22:37 decimation but home equity comes from bank debt, which comes from the combination of how much maturity transformation is allowed and how much money the fed prints..
22:38 asciilifeform real estate 'wealth' is the ultimate bezzle, nothing like 400,000 time the N of houses in $sector is even available as 'turkey-buying dollars'
22:40 asciilifeform let's work a gedankenexperiment:
22:40 asciilifeform say my neighbour, 86-year-old mr schmuckson, sells his house
22:40 asciilifeform he now has 400k
22:40 asciilifeform what can he do with it?
22:41 decimation well, to go to mircea's point, he can't buy 30 year old health
22:41 asciilifeform he can... die? then the 400k becomes 0, it pays off mr schmuckson jr.'s college loans
22:41 asciilifeform and car loans
22:41 asciilifeform say he isn't ready to die yet
22:41 asciilifeform he can buy... stocks ?
22:41 asciilifeform same result
22:42 decimation let's be more reasonable and say he's 65
22:42 asciilifeform what he is actually going to buy, in likelihood, is a few years of nursing home.
22:42 decimation he could buy yacht
22:42 asciilifeform (automagically costs $networth in most states)
22:42 decimation yes that's likely
22:42 asciilifeform poof. bezzle - gone.
22:42 asciilifeform it went to the same place the electric current in the neutral phase of your mains socket goes.
22:43 asciilifeform a minus sign.
22:43 decimation asciilifeform: I made this point awhile ago about 'roth' ira accounts
22:43 asciilifeform it 'returns to dust' because 'from dust it came'
22:43 asciilifeform as it must.
22:43 decimation they are better in the sense that usg promises not to charge further tax
22:44 asciilifeform picture if the whole idiocy asylum of mr. schmucksons tried to cash in their 400k each and buy turkeys
22:44 asciilifeform or even rockets for isis
22:44 decimation you can even give to schmuckson jr - but as soon as he gets his hands on it the clock starts
22:44 decimation minimum distributions must be made
22:44 asciilifeform it'll go straight to his creditors
22:44 asciilifeform what's left, will buy him a house
22:44 asciilifeform to play the cycle again
22:44 gernika Not much of it would make it to schmuckson jr after gift tax
22:44 decimation no my point is that usg demands jr drains the account
22:45 decimation why put that provision in the law at all?
22:45 asciilifeform decimation: so the current can return to the earth
22:45 decimation unless you were intentionally ensuring that 'schmucksons' couldn't become wealthy enough to tell usg to fuck off...
22:47 decimation but to connect with your point, clearly as long as you are wholly owned by usg, doing business in its monopoly money, don't be surprised when 'it giveth and taketh away'
22:47 asciilifeform aha.
22:47 decimation if nursing home, doctor, real estate - had to be paid for in gold that couldn't be magicked into existance, the prices would change rapidly...
22:48 asciilifeform http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=04-08-2015#1223506 << i've said it before, will say again: if you can fake your way out of 'overqualified, go away' when applying to be a cook or street sweeper, you can and will work profitably in hollywood or cia
22:48 assbot Logged on 04-08-2015 02:05:21; mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=03-08-2015#1223264 << there is a thread in the logs consisting of me essentially saying that if you can't fake stupiud you're not smart.
22:48 decimation plus you would need fake 'blue collar' credentials
22:48 asciilifeform aha
22:49 asciilifeform let's say i pretend my diploma never happened, and my whole adult life of working r&d never happened
22:49 asciilifeform what do i pretend instead ?
22:49 decimation didn't last psychiatrist have a post about what is needed to 'prove' you are 'poor'? like no job, ever?
22:49 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2508 @ 0.00054806 = 1.3745 BTC [+]
22:49 asciilifeform ^ that was for 'disability pension' from usg
22:50 decimation asciilifeform: since you already have a record of paying taxes you can't fake disability
22:50 asciilifeform aha
22:50 asciilifeform but i was speaking of more mundane situation
22:50 asciilifeform where you walk in to a 'cooks wanted', 'i need a job', they: 'you will leave as soon as you find work programming again, go away now'
22:51 asciilifeform meanwhile behind you is a queue of fifty actual cooks
22:53 decimation http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-05-12/getting-job-mcdonalds-harder-getting-accepted-ivy-league "In 2011, McDonald's announced it would hire 50,000 new employees on April 19 for its National Hiring Day. They eventually hired 62,000 people. Over 1 million people applied. This is noteworthy because many commentators have accused the unemployed of being lazy and unwilling to work."
22:53 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1IIFUBA )
22:53 asciilifeform aha, this.
22:53 asciilifeform how many of the 62k had computer science degrees ?
22:53 asciilifeform and of the 1m ?
22:54 asciilifeform ~i~ wouldn't hire'em if i were them, either.
22:54 asciilifeform ethnic helots only plz!
22:54 decimation yeah exactly
22:54 asciilifeform folks who won't hate you for paying them starvation wage, who won't pack up at dawn at the first sign of 'real' work
22:55 decimation they will apply and qualify for the appropriate gov't subsidies too
22:55 asciilifeform aha
22:55 asciilifeform no expectation of paid time off, or health insurances
22:56 decimation http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonkblog/wp/2014/03/28/wal-mart-has-a-lower-acceptance-rate-than-harvard/ "Last year when Wal-Mart came to D.C. there were over 23,000 applications for 600 jobs. That's an acceptance rate of 2.6%, twice as selective as Harvard's and over five times as choosy as Cornell."
22:56 assbot Wal-Mart has a lower acceptance rate than Harvard - The Washington Post ... ( http://bit.ly/1IIGfV0 )
22:57 asciilifeform this is probably why mircea_popescu suggested that they ought to compete for who can most creatively mutilate his cock on camera, rather than apply to 'walmart'
22:57 decimation asciilifeform: the raw fact is that around 60-70% of the us 18-65 population is only capable of 'unskilled' labor of this type at best
22:57 asciilifeform at best.
22:57 asciilifeform but the article linked earlier was about something else
22:58 asciilifeform craftsmen (programmer) for whom there is no economy to work in
22:58 asciilifeform it is very easy to dismiss mr.unemployable as 'plankton' without knowing anything about him
22:58 asciilifeform but the problem is not limited to plankton
22:59 asciilifeform just as it was not the worst, by any reasonable measure, soviet physicists, who ended up driving cabs or drinking to death
22:59 decimation especially if he doesn't want to keep to a 'push shit out the door we'll fix it later' schedule
22:59 asciilifeform yes, mircea_popescu will probably say that a microscope that is not also a hammer is a worthless thing and ought never to have been considered a microscope
22:59 asciilifeform all i can say to this is - don't lend mircea_popescu yer microscopez
23:00 asciilifeform (not that he needs'em for anything, but might not resist urge to discover if it was a true microscope in the sense of cracking a skull well)
23:00 decimation asciilifeform: somewhat related, I was reading about system 360 earlier today
23:01 decimation interestingly even though there were many thousands made, hardly any survive
23:01 asciilifeform just same as 'cray'
23:01 asciilifeform or for that matter, very few symbolics lisp machines survive in working order
23:01 asciilifeform even though they were much more compact than a 360
23:02 asciilifeform helps to recall that neither was a 'mass' item in the modern sense
23:02 asciilifeform a few thou. sold
23:02 asciilifeform iirc.
23:02 decimation yeah there's a smbx 3600 keyboard on ebay for 1800
23:02 asciilifeform wat?!!!
23:02 decimation and a working 'macivory' for 6800
23:03 * asciilifeform blows dust off smbx keyboardz
23:03 decimation http://www.ebay.com/itm/RARE-VINTAGE-COMPUTER-SYMBOLICS-3600-LISP-MACHINE-KEYBOARD-/321810769726
23:03 assbot RARE Vintage Computer Symbolics 3600 Lisp Machine Keyboard | eBay ... ( http://bit.ly/1UjIDp1 )
23:03 decimation http://www.ebay.com/itm/VINTAGE-COMPUTER-SYMBOLICS-LISP-MACHINE-MACIVORY-III-APPLE-MACINTOSH-QUADRA-950-/221830615247
23:03 assbot Vintage Computer Symbolics Lisp Machine Macivory III Apple Macintosh Quadra 950 | eBay ... ( http://bit.ly/1UjIEtd )
23:03 asciilifeform l0l!!!
23:03 decimation who knows what they are gonna get
23:04 asciilifeform last i checked, david schmidt will sell these for ~200 or so
23:04 asciilifeform perhaps he ran out
23:05 gernika Following up on the "programmer lock-in" thread. Let's say you somehow saved up some capital and want to get out. What do you buy with the small amount of capital? Convencience store? Restaurant? Who will work there? Not your cousin from India - you're 3rd gen. American/Brittish/Whatever.
23:05 asciilifeform incidentally, to my knowledge all published schematics for that keyboard are plagiarized from my reversed drawing: http://www.loper-os.org/pub/Symbolics3600Keyboard.png
23:05 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1UjIQZq )
23:06 decimation gernika: that's kinda the point of the earlier converation. as long as you count your wealth in usd, you are owned by usg and are wealthy at their pleasure
23:08 gernika decimation You're right I see the tie-in.
23:09 decimation asciilifeform: but the point I was making with the s/360 is that apparently the one the FAA used for ARTCC was a 'triplex' computer with full voting!
23:10 asciilifeform 'tandem' used to make a mini with triplexing
23:10 decimation no wonder it took them 40 years to 'replace' it
23:10 decimation some pictures http://infolab.stanford.edu/pub/voy/museum/pictures/display/3-1.htm
23:10 assbot IBM 360 display left ... ( http://bit.ly/1III3NR )
23:10 decimation I would bet $20 that they aren't gonna use a 'triplex' computer to replace it
23:12 asciilifeform no shit.
23:14 decimation I actually visited a fully-operating s/360 working at an faa ARTCC as a youth
23:15 decimation the most impressive thing was the wall of lead-acid batteries - meant to run the thing for 10 minutes while the generators kicked-on
23:15 asciilifeform eh, that's still sop
23:15 asciilifeform at any reasonable plant
23:16 decimation I recall the working s/360 as being very ... large
23:16 decimation took up about 10 racks if I recall
23:19 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19393 @ 0.00054806 = 10.6285 BTC [+] {2}
~ 18 minutes ~
23:37 decimation asciilifeform: lulz: http://www.airtrafficmanagement.net/2014/05/eram-crash-sparked-by-insufficient-ram/ "The computer system made by Lockheed Martin interpreted the flight as a more typical low altitude operation, and began processing it for a route below 10,000 feet. The extensive number of routings that would have been required to deconflict the aircraft with lower altitude flights used a large amount of available ...
23:37 assbot ERAM crash sparked by insufficient RAM | Air Traffic Management | Air Traffic Management - ATM and CMS Industry online, the latest air traffic control industry, CAA, ANSP, SESAR and NEXTGEN news, events, supplier directory and magazine ... ( http://bit.ly/1IIL5l8 )
23:37 decimation ... memory and interrupted the computer’s other flight-processing functions."
23:37 decimation "Reuters reports that a controller would have entered the usual altitude for a U-2 plane – about 60,000 feet – forcing the system to consider all altitudes between ground level and infinity and generating a conflict which caused the system to begin cycling through restarts."
23:39 asciilifeform since when does u2 even file plans
23:41 asciilifeform achtung, panzers!
23:41 asciilifeform mod6, ben_vulpes, mircea_popescu, et al:
23:41 asciilifeform http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/2015-August/000142.html
23:41 assbot [BTC-dev] (EXPERIMENTAL) Mempool Jettison Trigger ... ( http://bit.ly/1N6ec1q )
23:42 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9100 @ 0.00052228 = 4.7527 BTC [-] {3}
23:43 asciilifeform oh and zoolag is back.
23:49 decimation asciilifeform: actually it's a good point (the u2) - you see the results with that f16 vs cessna crash
23:49 decimation us mil operates 'outside civilian system' on us soil to some degree
23:50 decimation thus setting up the ironic situation where one side of usg wants to clamp down on 100 foot drone-flying while f16s blaze around where they please
23:51 decimation and furthermore their brand new 'air traffic management' computer is vulnerable to resource starvation
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