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← 2020-07-11 | 2020-07-14 →
01:38 danuker because "reasons"? is significantly increasing the cost of MITM not a good reason enough?
01:38 danuker and what is "V"?
01:38 danuker "shinohai: Welp appears danuker didn't read how V works. Next."
01:49 danuker "read and understand any software" hmm
~ 16 minutes ~
02:05 mats danuker: http://cascadianhacker.com/07_v-tronics-101-a-gentle-introduction-to-the-most-serene-republic-of-bitcoins-cryptographically-backed-version-control-system
02:06 danuker thank you
02:06 danuker I guess it would be hard to MitM so many domains
02:06 danuker I am following http://thebitcoin.foundation/trb-howto.html to attempt to understand what you guys are doing
02:07 mats read carefully and follow the links before you return to chat
~ 18 minutes ~
02:25 mats since you are interested in bitcoin i expect you understand why some might disapprove of TLS and the concept of certificate authorities
~ 18 minutes ~
02:43 mats if you read the news at all, you might also notice the greatest threat to users of the internet is not the random passerby but governments and their agents
02:54 mats such as beijing, usag barr, and lesser characters like the blue coat systems people who used to have an intermediate cert courtesy of symantec and sell intercept devices to govts
02:59 danuker mats: you told me not to chat until I understand what V does. I now do; and as far as I understood, it is like Git + mandatory signatures + commits as a patch collection + web of trust
02:59 danuker I agree with your observations on TLS
03:00 danuker I have a problem with the web of trust; just because someone signed something doesn't mean they weren't compelled by a national security letter to do so
03:02 danuker I will use trust control for every patch
03:02 mats american law enforcement might believe it has planetary jurisdiction but thats not realistic
03:03 danuker as in, not copy patches I don't trust in the pool
03:03 danuker it's not just about the US, every country has national security exceptions
03:03 mats the signature doesnt preclude your own audit
03:04 danuker precisely
03:04 danuker but it is a bit of a red herring
03:06 danuker still, the cheapest way I see the government destroying Bitcoin, as well as this community, is to infiltrate and cause chaos in the governance
03:06 danuker and the web-of-trust being confirmed manually helps that
03:06 danuker I mean helps against that; mitigates that
03:10 mats it helps to have competent people in your wot who will also audit signed material
03:13 mats NSLs are a bogeyman in this discussion
03:19 mats idk what 'confirmed manually' means. what is your professional background?
03:20 danuker I was a web developer; now, not much
03:21 danuker confirmed manually means to me looking at what the signed code does, and deciding whether to trust the public keys one by one
03:23 danuker and not trusting anymore any keys whose users show signs of malevolence
03:23 mats yes, the wot is somewhat less useful to someone that doesnt trust anybody in it
03:24 mats that someone should make more friends, learn to code, or pay someone competent for help
03:27 danuker I appreciate that V was very simple to review
03:28 mats have you read thompson's reflections on trusting trust?
03:30 danuker yes, but I forgot it; will read again
03:36 danuker awesome :)
03:38 danuker Thompson has a much better bogeyman
03:52 mats this is a different rabbit hole but might interest you, http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2017-04-03#1636708
03:52 snsabot (trilema) 2017-04-03 asciilifeform: incidentally the folx who designed ada, read thompson's paper. and immediately acted. which is why in ada you get 'driving stick'-style control over the compiler, the order in which it puts down routines, and data structures during 'elaboration', and can leave bread crumbs for manual binary auditor (yes) to look for when he compares (yes) binaries built on different systems for same rocket.
03:55 mats and https://web.archive.org/web/20190127203624/http://mocky.org/Log-Reference-Why-Ada
03:56 danuker I see. So that is why you have an Ada dependency, in addition to the C compiler
03:57 danuker is the hope to eventually remove the C compiler, and be left with Ada?
04:03 mats the ada dep is due to a keccak implementation iirc, and i dont believe anyone has expressed the intent to do the former
04:05 mats er, latter
~ 16 minutes ~
04:21 mats any relation to diana_coman? she is also a romanian that loves semicolons
04:23 danuker I found her site because she analyzed some Romanian education data scraped with this scraper: https://github.com/ciupicri/bac-parser
04:24 danuker I am interested in the data to create a map
04:24 danuker as for the semicolons; that's odd, I never noticed I use so many
04:27 mats ah, interesting
~ 23 minutes ~
04:50 mats i dont mean to offend, you have been a good sport in spite of the at times chilly replies youve received here
04:59 danuker well, thanks! I get the chilly replies; for all you know I work for the government
05:00 danuker here's my blog to see what I care and know about; in case you have time to kill: https://danuker.go.ro/
05:00 danuker (still HTTPS of course xD)
05:00 danuker I should at least allow HTTP
~ 33 minutes ~
05:34 mats some of the regulars here developed an allergy to tls many years ago, doesnt have anything to do with your employer
~ 1 hours 12 minutes ~
06:46 danuker is this allergy a reaction to the conditioning that "TLS = secure"? why should I turn off TLS on my site?
~ 2 hours 41 minutes ~
09:28 shinohai wb danuker ... will check out your blog as time permits.
~ 3 hours 11 minutes ~
12:39 jurov Hi danuker, the "allergy" is reaction to sprawling (=== dangerous ==== evil) complexity of SSL/TLS and the way how it is being forced through with its model of trust.
12:44 danuker I understand. Thank you!
← 2020-07-11 | 2020-07-14 →