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← 2020-06-04 | 2020-06-06 →
12:42 asciilifeform jurov: gonna luvv this bait, i suspect
12:51 asciilifeform diana et al are in wrong, imho, profession -- could become superstars in u.s. politics, what with the mastery of outta-context quotes, smear job, proclamations of imaginary 'failures', etc
~ 25 minutes ~
13:16 asciilifeform imho, when mp was trying to 'back seat driver' tbf, it at least made ~some~ kinda sense -- d00d orig. agitated for its creation , even sent some coin (in jurov's place, i'd've sent it back a while ago), even sent in orig. tarball and a patch (db locks) . but diana ?
~ 20 minutes ~
13:37 jurov Oh it's fine, I thought diana has some much bigger problem with the foundation (or me personally) than just "no outreach".
13:38 asciilifeform jurov: this aint ruled out by the article, imho
13:38 asciilifeform simply if you were to address 1 'problem', there'll be N+1th, ad infinitum, as req'd
13:43 jurov Whatever, I'm not going to engage with this. If mod6 and others hesitated with outreach, that does have its reasons, and these reasons are clear to anyone who has read the logs.
13:44 jurov (the actual logs, not mp's commented versions)
13:48 asciilifeform jurov: don't mistake diana's thing for 'attempt to engage'. it's transparently attempt to set up a 'jurov stole!! tbf!!' narrative for the consumption of the church-of-mp remnant crew
13:49 asciilifeform it isn't possible to 'win debate' w/ religious fanatic.
13:55 jurov I try to debate not to win, instead to get useful information.
13:56 asciilifeform jurov: what info do you still wish from diana et al ? imho pretty clear what the party line there is.
13:57 asciilifeform she quite evidently aims for role of 'apostle on earth of the departed christ'
13:59 jurov For example http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/ossasepia/2020-06-02#1026766
13:59 snsabot (ossasepia) 2020-06-02 diana_coman: jurov you do realise that there are eulora players with negative ratings from mp and yes, they are not affected; does this answer your question?
14:00 jurov and the following line - so it was necessary to issue statement that rating won't affect eulora players. isn't that funny?
14:02 asciilifeform jurov: not clear to me what 'rating from mp' means any moar (afaik he hasn't updated since november, e.g. mine's still +...) or what concretely means for his services (e.g. jurov's was + but 'fuckyou, no coin' etc)
14:04 asciilifeform statements of 'how it worx' have meaning when they come outta folx who actually try for consistency; but not so much from 'make up as i go' people
14:04 jurov no, you parse it too concretely
14:04 jurov it is in fact admission that outside eulora, people *might* have a problem
14:04 jurov (and we know, they did)
14:06 asciilifeform i haven't any reason to think that he won't dekulakize or otherwise expel a eulora player if somehow finds it worthwhile 'to make point'
14:06 asciilifeform that's the thing, once yer a loose cannon, yer a loose cannon
14:06 asciilifeform there is no 'only loose on tuesdays'
14:06 trinque aha, swearings do not unbreak
14:07 asciilifeform trinque: hm?
14:07 trinque just restating what you'd said.
14:07 asciilifeform a
14:08 trinque I ran a business for 6 years with no contract with the other guy, handshake only.
14:08 trinque it worked because we never broke it, but it'd only have taken once
14:08 * asciilifeform runs whole buncha personal biz this way, as prolly most folx do
14:08 trinque at year six the lawyers finally bent our arms to get one, but it was mostly that our own swearings weren't visible to others
14:08 trinque sure, as any sane person
14:08 jurov see. you never had a reason to issue such funny statements, me too.
14:11 trinque back on subj, it's a troubling human trait that truth is the first thing to die when WoTs fracture
14:11 trinque damages all participants.
14:11 asciilifeform indeed
14:12 asciilifeform 'both get dirty, but the pig enjoys'(tm)
14:12 trinque I suspect diana's account is motivated by an earnest aversion to repeating the same mistakes, combined with the plain fact of continued business with mp.
14:13 trinque at some point folks gotta decide with whom the shall deal, and let it be.
14:13 trinque or forever fester in nonsense.
14:14 asciilifeform trinque: i'd have much easier time taking seriously the 'avoid repeat mistakes' and other philosophies of diana if it weren't for her princely pay (in hard coin) from mp (i'ma not touch the q of 'for what', folx can run their biz how they like, tho the pretense of 'public co. w/ reports' is wearing thin imho)
14:14 trinque I suspect that if enough technological achievements accumulated around bitcoin, they'd speak for themselves as bitcoin has.
14:15 trinque asciilifeform: eh I can name plenty of other companies that ran at a loss for years because the founder had deep pockets.
14:15 trinque I think Eulora is exactly what's on the label.
14:16 asciilifeform ftr i've nuffin against eulora , as concept, or implementation, etc. simply was never personally very interested
14:16 trinque also to turn now towards the past and say "all this notional value was bullshit" is true, but kinda misses the point.
14:16 trinque all startup items, even cults, are built atop notional value and nothing else
14:16 asciilifeform clearly to the participants, has value
14:18 * asciilifeform thanks the fates that he never ended up in a position like diana's -- it is roughly like being on vatican payroll ; suppose yer a cardinal and suddenly realize 'god dun exist', nao wat.
14:20 jurov i assure you many cardinals operate under such assumption :)
14:20 asciilifeform jurov: no doubt. but picture what it does to the brain.
14:23 asciilifeform at any rate, i've nuffin against folx blowing coin on feeding parasites/pets for personal pleasure, building gigantic statues, etc. it makes world moar interesting place. and it's their coin, not mine. but pretense 'this is a Big Biz! will take over planet!' is imho thin.
14:23 jurov let's move on. asciilifeform: you offered hosting?
14:24 asciilifeform jurov: i indeed offer hosting
14:24 asciilifeform jurov: what wouldja like hosted ?
14:24 jurov for now the website and lxr
14:24 asciilifeform absolutely can do
14:25 asciilifeform jurov: how much storage needed ?
14:25 jurov about 1GB. what's the smallest offer? rockchip?
14:25 asciilifeform rk. 256GB .
14:26 jurov That's fine.
14:26 asciilifeform can be in place before nightfall tomorrow (6 jun, new york time)
14:26 asciilifeform jurov: any special softs needed, aside from apache ?
14:27 jurov that's ok if i can compile rest myself
14:27 asciilifeform ok worx
14:27 * asciilifeform will prepare the requested box
14:28 jurov Good!
14:28 jurov I'd like to host mirrors, too, but it wouldn't make sense to have them there on same pipe as dulap? or dulap is elsewhere?
14:28 asciilifeform dulap, being mine, lives of course in same rack
14:28 jurov Right. For mirrors, I'll shop elsewhere.
14:29 asciilifeform aite. mirrors rly oughta be geographically spread.
14:29 asciilifeform '3 oughtn't smoke from same match'(tm)
14:30 asciilifeform jurov: maybe ask BingoBoingo re mirrors, as i understand he is operating a very respectable trb fleet across 4 continents, see if he wants to mirror also.
14:31 asciilifeform i'ma cross-post to his ch
14:31 jurov ty, he is also here
14:32 asciilifeform a
14:39 * asciilifeform bbl: meat biz
14:48 shinohai http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/therealbitcoin/2020-06-05#1000492 <<< lulzy read, and no mention of all about how similar "Eulora outreach" went.
14:48 snsabot Logged on 2020-06-05 12:42:22 asciilifeform: jurov: gonna luvv this bait, i suspect
~ 57 minutes ~
15:45 asciilifeform see, shinohai , 'sovereign' owes nuffin to 'scum', certainly not explanations. only reverse, 'scum owes infinitely'.
15:48 shinohai http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/therealbitcoin/2020-06-05#1000500 <<< Bad week for remaining crew, of which only 1 full member left. slobsonknobbes quit, BingoBoingo was moved.
15:48 snsabot Logged on 2020-06-05 13:48:10 asciilifeform: jurov: don't mistake diana's thing for 'attempt to engage'. it's transparently attempt to set up a 'jurov stole!! tbf!!' narrative for the consumption of the church-of-mp remnant crew
15:50 asciilifeform shinohai: dun worry, jfw & co. still around, victory on eastern front before christmas!11
15:54 shinohai Surely.
~ 4 hours 13 minutes ~
20:08 asciilifeform oblig bonus mp cherry on the earlier cake.
20:09 asciilifeform ^ jurov et al.
20:10 shinohai lmfao
20:11 asciilifeform just in case anyone still suffered illusions re 'constructive dialogue' w/ mp or his golems.
← 2020-06-04 | 2020-06-06 →