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← 2019-11-02 | 2019-11-05 →
20:09 mod6 BingoBoingo: Hey, sorry I never followed up on this before, but I didn't want to bug you; you've got a lot on your plate with accounting stuff.
20:10 mod6 But, can you fill me in on the details around the temporary blog spot?
20:10 mod6 I'm reposting all of my posts in raw form on (in the process of it now), but wouldn't hurt to actually have a mpwp spot as a temporary measure in the mean time.
20:10 BingoBoingo It's all pretty much here.
20:11 mod6 Ok thanks, will read.
20:11 BingoBoingo It's not a Pizarro thing but a courtesy I've been extending to customers who ask for it.
20:12 BingoBoingo mod6: While you're active, could you did up some loglinks to what exactly is the disposition of TBF's bond or whatever it is that was offered, extended to Pizarro
20:12 mod6 Sure, might be a few minutes tho. Is that ok?
20:13 mod6 ok, not minutes, maybe couple of hours.
20:13 mod6 Will start digging.
20:14 BingoBoingo A few hours is fine.
~ 40 minutes ~
20:54 mod6 Ok, I'm into the part no on 2018-02-18 where it's being discussed a bit with MP. I'm gonna keep reading though to find where exactly the definitive part is at. Might be a bit more time here.
20:56 BingoBoingo tyvm
20:58 mod6 also, there might be some important comments (maybe not, I don't know), but the page is down for
20:58 mod6 Here's where I'm currently reading...
20:58 mod6
20:58 mod6 I'll keep reading here though, but need to run a quick errand. bbs.
20:59 BingoBoingo ty, I'll probably end up resurecting the site in a bit instead of searching pages in
21:00 BingoBoingo
21:02 * mod6 looks
21:07 mod6 Ok. Well that was a proposal at one point...
21:08 mod6 Here's what I dug up from jurov 's Foundation accounting of the Month of February 2018:
21:08 asciilifeform mod6: my recollection ( dun have the log linx handy atm ) is that initially 5 from tbf, but then mod6 bought out its share w/ own steam.
21:08 asciilifeform 2nd refuel was 5 from mod6 , and 3 + 1 fiatola dc refill from asciilifeform .
21:09 mod6 So it seems from the TBF statement, and I seem to recall this: That there was:
21:09 mod6 The Foundation provided bridge loan of 3.30072833 BTC to PizarroISP
21:09 mod6 which was used as following:
21:09 mod6 1.0 Loan to PizarroISP convertible to equity
21:09 mod6 0.36578855 Foundation bought 2 1U servers (8 cores 2.66 GHz, 48 GB RAM and 3 TB of SSD storage each)
21:09 mod6 0.00072832 Transaction fees
21:09 mod6 1.93421146 Funds returned to The Foundation
21:10 mod6 Where 1.93421146 was returned to The Foundation (noted as incoming at the top of the statement).
21:10 asciilifeform if it's in BingoBoingo's books, then it goes, afaik they are accurate .
21:10 mod6 So the Foundation owns 2 servers. And a 1.0 BTC Loan to Pizarro.
21:11 mod6 And I believe that I have put in, two different times 5 BTC each time for a total of 10 BTC.
21:11 asciilifeform ^ this defo
21:11 mod6 But I'll need to do some more log digging etc.
21:12 mod6 Anyway, hang tight, will post what I find.
21:16 mod6
21:16 mod6
21:18 asciilifeform ftr: the 2nd refuel, where asciilifeform paid only 3 vs mod6's 5, making mod6 majority holder.
21:18 snsabot (trilema) 2019-03-29 BingoBoingo: <deedbot> Invoiced asciilifeform 3 << Pizarro Second Round pt 1, 4th and 5th pending << Slipped the !!v in the other window
21:19 mod6 -->
21:20 asciilifeform loox correct. ( tho mod6 , these are all era2, could plox use 1 of the echoing loggers ? anyone's ? )
21:23 mod6 does your logger have piz & trilema history back to this time?
21:23 asciilifeform mod6: it does, as you can see from above link, for #t . i dun recall whether has entire piz tho
21:24 mod6 BingoBoingo: I don't suppose you have these two links available to archive do you?
21:24 mod6
21:24 mod6 asciilifeform: ok let me repost them.
21:24 asciilifeform mod6: all the deedbot mechanics lived in #t tho, so oughta suffice
21:24 asciilifeform ( and not necessary to use mine, if you dun want, they're in diana_coman's and lobbes's likewise )
21:25 asciilifeform mod6: i expect BingoBoingo has a complete copy of piz www, will retrieve when wakes up.
21:25 BingoBoingo 3 5
21:26 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: imho might be good idea to stuff last known piz www copy into your temp box
21:26 BingoBoingo Alright, I'll bring the whole www up in a bit. Anyways, the submission box is also a search box
21:26 asciilifeform rather than rely on
21:26 BingoBoingo Right
21:27 asciilifeform btw in case anyone not noticed, diana_coman's bot is no longer here. mine and lobbes's are the only 1s presently logging this thrd.
21:28 mod6 asciilifeform: nothing found here:
21:28 mod6 BingoBoingo: thanks
21:29 asciilifeform mod6: then it wasn't imported, apparently. ( iirc i asked for ben's #p dump but never got an answer )
21:31 * asciilifeform bbl:meat
21:33 mod6 alright, well, no problem. it seems that diana_coman's doesnt have it either:
21:42 mod6 BingoBoingo: ok from what I gather from the February 2018 Foundation Financial Report and this page (are there any newer versions?) that indeed, The Bitcoin Foundation loaned Pizarro 1.0 BTC.
21:42 BingoBoingo ty
21:44 mod6 This might be why it was not specifically placed in the charter. Anyway, remains a good question. I suspect early blog-posts from and finance statements may have further details on that. But as it stands, my memory of what TBF was owed, correctly aligns with what I'm finding in the documents.
21:45 mod6 Anyway, meanwhile, I'll keep digging for any further info.
21:58 BingoBoingo ty
22:11 mod6 BingoBoingo: archive page request, plz:
22:14 mod6 Here's the BTF Refernce to the 1.0 BTC "Bridge Loan", see section 0x031:
22:19 mod6 Also should note, the most current TBF Monthly Finance Report (September 2019) also states:
22:19 mod6 PizarroISP convertible loan BTC
22:19 mod6 1.0 1.0 0
22:19 mod6 Under 'Intangibles'
22:20 BingoBoingo
22:20 * mod6 looks
22:22 mod6 Ok great, this says the same thing 'loan (Foundation) 1.00000000'
22:23 mod6 So does it make sense that this loan is a liability on the books and needs to be repaid as well?
22:23 mod6 I'm a bit unsure on this question. Might be one for MP.
22:24 mod6 Or I suppose when you're done with the pre-closing statement, we can ask. Depends on how much more you have to do there.
22:24 mod6 Thoughts?
22:26 mod6 Oh yeah, I missed something... in this link from the first Pizarro statement... you'll see that in the Liabilities table an entry for "The Bitcoin Foundation 1.00000000".
22:27 mod6 << in here
22:27 mod6 Which seems to me, it goes right in to the same category as the (now) 0.9 BTC owed to S.NSA.
22:27 mod6 (Could be wrong, still tho.)
22:30 mod6 asciilifeform: also, if you want the historical logging info that goes way back, can get from phf somehow? (iirc he had some mechinism to download the database of the log... might have mis-remembered that tho)
22:34 mod6 BingoBoingo: Does this help at all, do you need more info from me?
22:34 mod6 (at least, for now?)
22:38 asciilifeform mod6: phf never logged #p .
22:38 mod6 oh, nm. ok.
22:51 BingoBoingo mod6: It helps a lot, ty.
22:51 BingoBoingo ATM, just gotta continue the compiling, mathing, and re-mathing.
22:54 mod6 Ok, cool, np BingoBoingo
22:54 mod6 just holler if you need anything else.
~ 27 minutes ~
23:21 BingoBoingo mod6: Site should be coming back up once the dns is propagated.
← 2019-11-02 | 2019-11-05 →