Show Idle (>14 d.) Chans

← 2025-01-23 | 2025-01-26 →
08:50 billymg <
08:50 bitbot Logged on 2025-01-23 00:13:05 discord_bridge[billymg]: (gregorynyssa) May I have the URL of the final release of TRB before it became inactive?
08:51 billymg << and
08:51 bitbot Logged on 2025-01-23 00:13:05 discord_bridge[billymg]: (gregorynyssa) May I have the URL of the final release of TRB before it became inactive?
08:51 billymg first link contains build instructions but due to bitrot will need the second for grabbing the patches
~ 3 hours 33 minutes ~
12:25 discord_bridge (awtho) test
12:25 discord_bridge (awtho) Ok bridge bot is back
12:27 discord_bridge (awtho) decay everywhere
~ 1 hours 53 minutes ~
14:20 discord_bridge (gregorynyssa) awt: Well done.
14:20 discord_bridge (gregorynyssa) billymg: Thanks a lot.
14:21 discord_bridge (gregorynyssa) I have another two questions if you do not mind.
14:21 discord_bridge (gregorynyssa) I seem to recall that V depended on a modified version of the standard diff(1) program, is that right?
14:21 discord_bridge (gregorynyssa) Also, if I might ask, where might the implementation of V by "asciilifeform" be obtained?
14:22 discord_bridge (gregorynyssa) There are some people whom I know who would be interested in using V.
~ 1 hours 41 minutes ~
16:03 discord_bridge (gregorynyssa) hapax: I wanted to say that I liked your article regarding hier(7).
16:04 discord_bridge (gregorynyssa)
← 2025-01-23 | 2025-01-26 →