Show Idle (>14 d.) Chans

← 2024-12-02 | 2024-12-06 →
21:41 billymg it begins
21:52 asciilifeform wat
21:53 discord_bridge (petermlambert) Broke 100k, going up fast
21:53 billymg the 6-digit era
21:53 asciilifeform a
21:53 discord_bridge (awtho) Cheap sandwiches guys
21:54 discord_bridge (petermlambert) Or still catching up with last year's inflation? Have you seen the price of sandwiches?
21:55 discord_bridge (awtho) lol yeah they’re double pre covid at least
21:55 asciilifeform aha, see prev thrd
21:55 bitbot Logged on 2024-11-15 12:42:04 signpost[jonsykkel]: in today's inflation lulz, btcusd / average kwh price in us cities
21:56 asciilifeform today's 100 is ~= pre-covidiocy ~30-40
← 2024-12-02 | 2024-12-06 →