Show Idle (>14 d.) Chans

← 2024-11-06 | 2024-11-08 →
13:53 signpost when we get to 176k buy a new wife
13:55 discord_bridge (petermlambert) Lol!
14:05 signpost women won't be allowed to work outside the home << this is a kink.
14:06 signpost even a respectable one if you squint, in that "life uh, finds a way"
14:14 * asciilifeform predicts it'll be precisely like the prev. reign of mr. t, but that he's older and takes moar naps...
14:20 PeterL yeah, that was what I said to my wife "OK, Trump won, he was in before and the sky didn't fall", and she goes on this rant about how he lies about everything and is so racist and wants all women at home making babies or something
14:21 PeterL and then my kid jumps in and calls me a "fucking idiot" because now they won't be able to get "gender affirming care" etc.
14:33 PeterL and I had to bite my tongue not to say something like "feature, not bug" which would have sent them off the deep end
14:40 discord_bridge (awtho) that sounds terrible PeterL
14:40 signpost women have to be told no or they go insane quoth mp
14:40 signpost this isn't a hypothetical; they literally seek walls like some kind of social topology mapping algo
14:42 PeterL and then my littlest (8yo) just about started crying because she was afraid mommy and daddy were going to get divorced. It was a great family bonding experience all around.
14:43 signpost christ dude. awful.
14:44 discord_bridge (awtho) My own gestalt is that I should have divorced my ex way sooner. Only so much time to find a good woman.
14:49 signpost don't die until you're dead.
14:49 signpost dying while you're alive is unseemly.
14:49 discord_bridge (awtho) Dispair is a sin, for sure
14:49 discord_bridge (awtho) *despair
14:53 signpost << if he naps while musk-thiel aligned technocrats pull levers, I'll take it.
14:53 bitbot Logged on 2024-11-07 14:14:53 asciilifeform[jonsykkel|billymg]: predicts it'll be precisely like the prev. reign of mr. t, but that he's older and takes moar naps...
14:57 PeterL awtho: did you end up finding a better one or just single now?
14:59 discord_bridge (awtho) Was seeing someone for about 4 years but recently broke up with her. She had a similar background to my ex which resulted in similar problems.
~ 23 minutes ~
15:22 signpost roughly how old are you awt?
15:24 discord_bridge (awtho) 46
~ 1 hours 53 minutes ~
17:17 signpost time's much kinder to men; you'll be fine
17:17 signpost could marry, spawn, divorce, marry, and spawn again with the time you have left :D
~ 1 hours 19 minutes ~
18:37 billymg awt: yeah, plenty of time, my dad was 57 when i was born. he met my mom, his second wife, only a few years prior. she was about 26 years his junior, german, college educated -- and he wasn't even rich
18:38 billymg PeterL: if not a larp, my condolences
18:41 billymg << this. i tried to listen to the trump/rogan interview but got bored about 40 minutes in, whereas the vance/rogan one had my attention for the whole 3 hours
18:41 bitbot Logged on 2024-11-07 14:53:36 signpost[jonsykkel]: << if he naps while musk-thiel aligned technocrats pull levers, I'll take it.
18:43 billymg one thing that trump said though was that he made a lot mistakes in his first term because he didn't know how the system works and he surrounded himself with a lot of bad people
18:43 discord_bridge (awtho) That’s inspiring billymg
18:54 billymg awt: yeah, quoting some advice from a random tweet i saw like 5 or 6 years back: "short women". they reached their HR girlboss peak in recent years but now it's time for them to get back in the kitchen (where they want to be anyway, even if they don't know it yet)
← 2024-11-06 | 2024-11-08 →