Show Idle (>14 d.) Chans

← 2024-03-29 | 2024-03-31 →
03:39 discord_bridge (tenebras.lux) Hello, everyone! I've been following you for a few months now, devouring your blog posts and WoT with keen interest. Despite my enthusiasm, I haven't managed to set up my own blog yet. I've just gotten my hands on a Raspberry Pi, sparking a new adventure. Greetings from Romania! Delighted to make your acquai
03:40 discord_bridge ntance!
~ 6 hours 39 minutes ~
10:20 signpost crtdaydreams: I don't expect that it needs to get much bigger.
10:20 signpost and contrary to gentoo and other distros there wont be a centralized concept of The repository.
10:20 signpost different people should be able to have different vtrees present in /src and produce systems of their choosing.
10:22 * signpost will explain better once I've got my online shit scraped into place again.
~ 1 hours 24 minutes ~
11:46 discord_bridge (tenebras.lux) I will start with this tutorial, hoping to succeed!
~ 51 minutes ~
12:37 asciilifeform << hilarious wankage in there -- blaming errybody but the obv. culprit (or the opensores liquishit that made the lul possible)
12:37 bitbot Logged on 2024-03-29 15:36:24 unpx[jonsykkel|signpost]: Holy cow fascinating
~ 1 hours 8 minutes ~
13:46 billymg << i've used that guide many times (and as recently as a month ago) for new builds and it's always a breeze. i have a few notes in a text file outlining some updates/clarifications that haven't made it into the guide yet so if you hit any snags don't hesitate to ask in here
13:46 bitbot Logged on 2024-03-30 11:46:10 discord_bridge[signpost]: (tenebras.lux) I will start with this tutorial, hoping to succeed!
13:49 billymg << the /g/ thread was better
13:49 bitbot Logged on 2024-03-30 12:37:42 asciilifeform[jonsykkel|signpost|billymg]: << hilarious wankage in there -- blaming errybody but the obv. culprit (or the opensores liquishit that made the lul possible)
~ 1 hours 38 minutes ~
15:28 discord_bridge (tenebras.lux) Thanks guyss, i try!
← 2024-03-29 | 2024-03-31 →