Show Idle (>14 d.) Chans

← 2023-08-12 | 2023-08-14 →
09:19 awt_akris !!ticker btc usd
09:19 deedbot $29,372
~ 2 hours 8 minutes ~
11:27 discord_bridge (awtho) Discord bridge bot back online now and hosted in the "cloud" so should be up permanantly.
11:29 awt_akris billymg: this discord invite link is set not to expire, so should be suitable for
~ 3 hours 17 minutes ~
14:46 billymg awt: cool, updated the homepage and whitepaper page with links to join
14:49 billymg aqui y aqui
15:00 discord_bridge (awtho) Gotta fix url parsing in discord. Their shitty matcher catches the bracket.
~ 6 hours 3 minutes ~
21:04 awt_akris buy bonds
~ 1 hours 7 minutes ~
22:12 awt_akris paste
22:16 discord_bridge (petermlambert) Hi from Interlochen!
22:17 discord_bridge (petermlambert) I'm sitting in the woods eating smores. Having this as an option to connect is pretty cool.
~ 20 minutes ~
22:38 discord_bridge (petermlambert) Hmm, interesting, the name bridge-bot shows is the username, not the handle shown in discord?
22:47 awt_akris PeterL: oh yes. It appears so. I'll have to look into what the difference is there.
← 2023-08-12 | 2023-08-14 →