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← 2023-07-05 | 2023-07-07 →
00:19 signpost yup, one concern was just being able to cheaply ignore.
00:19 * signpost zzz
~ 7 hours 45 minutes ~
08:05 awt !!ticker btc usd
08:05 deedbot $30,966
~ 2 hours 27 minutes ~
10:32 awt_akris Yes an option to keep or discard a binary would be good. Currently can't see how to do that without having gaps in the chain.
10:37 awt_akris Which brings up the question, should operators be able to delete *any* packet they do not wish to keep or serve?
10:48 awt_akris !!ticker btc usd
10:48 deedbot $30,112
10:49 asciilifeform awt_akris: broken chain will rather obv prevent a peer from getdataing what came prior to the break
10:50 asciilifeform hence the thrds re 'do you really want multi-MB lolcats in the chain'.
10:51 awt_akris yes, asciilifeform, that is obvious
10:51 * asciilifeform proposed an 'inv' to drywall over this problem but imho it is a questionable pill
10:58 asciilifeform incidentally, even without 'i want to delete $msg', you still gotta have some means for storing hashes of msgs you don't want the station to eternally try getdataing, because by all indications they simply don't exist (i.e. chain hashes produced by buggy clients)
10:59 * asciilifeform suspects that there's ultimately no way to avoid introducing some alt-mechanism for fetching old msgs that doesn't rely on an intact chain
11:12 awt_akris Isn't this just select * from asked_for where attempts > n?
~ 27 minutes ~
11:39 asciilifeform awt_akris: aha
11:40 asciilifeform 'GetDataTries' in curr. draft spec
11:46 awt_akris What about a "placeholder" packet that says "I don't have this *anymore*, but maybe I have this packet that came immediately before, here's the hash"
11:46 asciilifeform awt_akris: this was asciilifeform's notion behind 'inv'
11:46 awt_akris lemme reread
11:47 asciilifeform sect 5.4.9 in draft
11:51 awt_akris Yeah I see it. How would an inv be populated? Randomly?
11:52 asciilifeform awt_akris: asciilifeform did not specify in draft. 1 possible way is what awt_akris described above -- bridging a broken chain
11:54 asciilifeform 'i haven't got $msg but i do have these-here with earlier timestamps than anyffin you've asked for'
11:54 awt_akris Ah got it
~ 2 hours 1 minutes ~
13:56 asciilifeform the other notion behind 'inv' was the fact (elaborated at length by phf) that if netchain ends up used for 'threading', structure of the msgs will be a tree rather than linear chain, and there oughta be a way for getdataing station to retrieve the subtrees
14:06 awt_akris ah i see
~ 1 hours 14 minutes ~
15:21 awt_akris Nice. Got a binary pacakage working on linux.
15:21 awt_akris via pyinstaller.
~ 2 hours 52 minutes ~
18:14 unpx <<< I'm still catching up. Re vpatches, and sharing tools: I understand phf's point on ``vpatches' idea'', but it is also clear that signpost is trying to remove sadism from a good thing. Exactly like I can distribute a tarball for personal purposes, anyone can just trust my s
18:14 unpx ignature and install. Indeed, these are either robots or monkeys.
18:16 signpost there was this lingering conceit that one'd only express fits-in-head items in vpatches. this resulted in carrying along wads of e.g. ave1's scraped together version of gregor-somebody's gcc+musl bootstrap.
18:17 * signpost fully supports patch reading, just doesn't think pretending these items are outside the system helps.
18:18 signpost and I don't mean anyone in particular when I say this, but an mp character screeching at untermenschen chills the air to the degree that all behavior nervously avoids the rebuke.
18:18 signpost at any rate, if one wants to read some patches, the patches that actually comprise an e.g. built trb are there, in pentacle's /src/ dir.
18:19 signpost vtools also. it takes a gnat. this is not avoidable at the present time. that doesn't mean I like it.
18:21 unpx I have two eyes but I can read one line at a time for now
18:21 signpost mk.
18:32 unpx I think someone need to think why is using vtools, sane editors, readable code and signed patches necessary. My knowledge on ADA or CL is useless at the moment and won't be able to fill this hole now. I'm thinking about what I need, and since I can't build everything on my own, even if I had the time, I think I should focu
18:32 unpx s on tools that actually matter to me (e.g. not rewriting a terminal emulator)
18:35 unpx One may even write a tool that tries to apply every patch by bruteforce
18:41 unpx One one hand one may want to write her own birdfeeder, on the other hand one shouldn't reinvent every wheel. I don't see why non-portable code is written, like everything will run on Gentoo forever. To me it would be better to have blueprints so I can write a working piece in a weekend
18:41 signpost is this chatgpt?
18:41 * signpost scratches head, lol
18:42 unpx SSH is slow now, sigh
18:42 * signpost doesn't follow is all.
18:43 unpx signpost: that thread, and others, are not just about vpatches tbh
18:46 unpx they are about the ``religion'' you are asking to review, the one where each one is able to work everything on their computers and the only thing that matter is trb's patches
18:46 signpost sure, 100% the case.
18:47 unpx Please remove sarcasm
18:47 signpost there wasn't any.
18:47 signpost it's 100% the case.
18:48 * signpost has routinely found that what reads to him like flat text is read by others as screaming.
18:48 signpost or sneering, what have you.
18:50 signpost at any rate, yep, a (mostly simulated) physical ritual of downloading a patch is not what makes one the kind of person that reads the patch.
18:51 signpost it's that thing I was trying to do - and apparently failed to achieve - which is debate the method of uncovering truth in the forum.
18:52 unpx To me is the fact that the whole process is not clear, indeed why have a vtool when I can review and apply manually patches?
18:53 shinohai I should write a bash script that downloads patches and forces you to read them piped through `less` for added masochism.
18:54 unpx shinohai, if you really want to, you can, the point is you are not explaining me a lot of things I may need to be able to review it
18:56 unpx Like I know some languages (e.g. C, Scheme, Python) and understand a bit CL, but I would first need to read a reference manual on ADA before understaing even the gnat build configuration
18:57 unpx So what is best? Giving me the vtools in a tarball, giving me the vpatches and letting me suffer the unknown or giving me the blueprints and the vpatches so I may choose to write my own?
18:58 signpost the upstream thing is what's wanted, and who says.
19:06 unpx I think there should be a way to manage documentation, not just a link to an archived site. That's why I was thinking how to manage everything in a more sane way: docs, code, vpatches, viewer, editor and environment
19:07 unpx Or at least guide people so they can write they own tools to do all of that the way they want
19:18 signpost these tools were originally conceived in the context of the tmsr concept of sovereignty, which to quote the declaration held "nothing above, and the whole world below"
19:21 signpost out of that individual sovereignty emerges as a necessary consequence self-reliance in thought, in business, in being-in-the-world.
19:22 signpost this is all beautiful, and the practical reality is we're years away from the kind of technogenic hell the chinese live within.
19:23 signpost *only years away
19:24 signpost we being whatever the pitiful "west" is now.
19:24 asciilifeform << see also e.g. [
19:24 bitbot Logged on 2023-07-06 18:52:42 unpx[jonsykkel|deedbot|signpost]: To me is the fact that the whole process is not clear, indeed why have a vtool when I can review and apply manually patches?
19:24 bitbot Logged on 2023-07-02 21:38:41 asciilifeform[4]: recall that asciilifeform originally advocated hand-sewn equivalent of this process before wrote vtron
19:24 asciilifeform /log/trilema/2015-08-06#1228194][and]
19:24 dulapbot (trilema) 2015-08-05 trinque: I had a hell of a time figuring out where I should be re: patches, at least before giving up and using rotor instead.
19:24 dulapbot (trilema) 2015-08-05 jurov: but srs, i have asked for patches context, was sent to go scour the log for it
19:24 dulapbot (trilema) 2015-08-05 asciilifeform: as i understand, any mechanized thing really depends on patches stating their antecedents
19:24 asciilifeform elsewhere.
19:24 dulapbot (trilema) 2015-08-31 asciilifeform:
19:25 asciilifeform ... and elsewhere.
19:25 dulapbot (trilema) 2015-08-06 ascii_field: ~verifying~ left - for now - to the alert reader.
19:25 dulapbot (trilema) 2015-08-31 asciilifeform:
19:25 asciilifeform << working link
19:28 asciilifeform << ffa series ch.1 has 100% of errything one'd want to know re 'how do i bake builds on gnat'
19:28 bitbot Logged on 2023-07-06 18:56:05 unpx[jonsykkel]: Like I know some languages (e.g. C, Scheme, Python) and understand a bit CL, but I would first need to read a reference manual on ADA before understaing even the gnat build configuration
19:28 asciilifeform worked example.
19:31 signpost << adacore does not offer downloads earlier than 2018 anymore
19:32 signpost waitaminute, I suck cocks
19:32 signpost had the wrong arch selected
19:32 asciilifeform signpost: mirror
19:32 dulapbot Logged on 2022-11-06 23:08:05 asciilifeform: asciilifeform's mirror of adacorpse's gnat fwiw
19:34 asciilifeform ... and here ( see discussion )
19:38 signpost if y'all don't have any use for my item, that's alright by me. it really doesn't affect me.
19:39 signpost I was just indicating I'm aware of the philosophical roots of the item under discussion.
19:39 * asciilifeform not tested signpost's latest just yet, but intends to
19:40 asciilifeform review of roots was for unpx
19:40 asciilifeform ( signpost was obv there & saw how & why we have vtron )
19:40 signpost one place I would like to improve the captured gcc specimen is 100% reproducible builds. cranked it pretty close, but not all the way yet.
19:41 signpost that was one of my primary motivations for capturing.
19:41 signpost *was my
19:41 asciilifeform signpost: what was the remaining source of irreproducibility ? ( was it the timestamps-in-the-binary idjicy ? )
19:41 signpost squashed that one with __DATE__ and __TIME__ and making sources all have the same file attr timestamps.
19:42 asciilifeform a hm, what remained then ?
19:42 signpost there were a few other sources of churn I squashed, but didn't discover all of them yet.
19:43 signpost << e.g.
~ 1 hours 4 minutes ~
20:48 awt_mbpro On osx the binary build looks like this: Using it now.
← 2023-07-05 | 2023-07-07 →