Show Idle (>14 d.) Chans

← 2022-08-12 | 2022-08-14 →
10:36 phf awt: so i kind of fouled the test, but ostensibly if i just come up from non operation, and start sending noise packets, i should get back a prod within some frequency?
10:39 phf now that i sent a message i should definitely get a prod packet?
10:43 phf << how did it go, if your girl is trained to maintain your infrastructure while you're laid out, you're scum and your girl is useless? :}
10:43 bitbot (asciilifeform) 2022-08-12 asciilifeform: apologizes to folx on pestnet for delay in replies; asciilifeform not uncrated pestron yet, on acct of several simultaenous (albeit uninteresting to audience) clusterfucks
10:43 phf *isn't
10:44 awt phf: I don't see any prod messages from you in my log
10:46 awt But yes, if you send a prod you should get an immediate reply prod
10:46 awt No further prods are required to be sent past the reply afaict
10:47 phf awt: oh i have to send one, before you send me one back? i haven't read the spec, i'm just running my mouth here
10:47 awt Oh I see. If you just come up, you need to send a prod to get one. Blatta can be set to send prods periodially, but the default right now is just to blast them out on launch.
~ 20 minutes ~
11:07 phf asciilifeform: your pest address encoding is funny, because port is le and ip address is accidentally be
11:10 phf i say accidentally because you're just taking dot-decimal label and laying it out in memory, but if you were to convert ip address to number first and then write it to array as big endian you'd get the same layout
11:10 phf obviously if you were writing both ip and port as le, you'd get 57 5 4 3 2 1
~ 46 minutes ~
11:57 jonsykkel u have same funny with sha257 u can intepret it as a aray of 8bit numbers where indian dosnt mater or one bigas 256bit number wher it dose
~ 20 minutes ~
12:18 phf right, i forgot to mention that, because i also have a reader for bignums (really more like numbers where size is specified at runtime) and it exhibits similar inconsistency
12:20 phf apropos it's more convenient to treat hashes as bignums in lisp, and oldschool lisps (genera and allegro common lisp come to mind) do just that. modern lispers prefer to sling around arrays of octets
12:23 phf which is a dirty c-ism!
12:29 shinohai Wow when you say it like that phf makes me wanna moan "fuck me like the C programming language" during sex.
12:34 awt shinohai: C style involves too much anal
12:35 shinohai I view that as a challenge I'm willing to accept.
~ 16 minutes ~
12:51 jonsykkel thers other advanages also to thinkig of them as numbers, for exampel u get this implicit ordering by just doing simpel < or >, can be usful in p2p protocols
~ 1 hours 53 minutes ~
14:45 billymg << ty. i'll have to wait until it gets here to verify but armed with this information i was able to search the reviews and found one claiming to have done this check
14:45 bitbot (asciilifeform) 2022-08-13 asciilifeform: << cut a small piece from end when buying, see that it's actually cu (rather than cu-plated al). and that the shields actually there.
~ 3 hours 34 minutes ~
18:19 crtdaydreams shinohai you've forked for some reason, the four posts north of "fuck me like the C programming language" don't show up on either.
18:20 crtdaydreams you're hearsay from that point on
18:28 crtdaydreams er was a getdata, I'm not sure what's happened here
18:30 shinohai Dunno all looks normal here.
18:31 crtdaydreams herm, might've missed the message prior to "GM and here is the funniest..."
18:33 crtdaydreams nope
18:35 * crtdaydreams will resolve for nao
18:39 crtdaydreams
18:41 crtdaydreams RIP Klaus Schultze
18:43 * crtdaydreams had not been made aware of his passing until now, fond of many long nights hacking away to his music
← 2022-08-12 | 2022-08-14 →