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← 2022-08-02 | 2022-08-04 →
01:33 phf test
~ 9 hours 55 minutes ~
11:28 shinohai $vwap
11:33 busybot The 24-Hour VWAP for BTC is $ 23330.55 USD
11:47 phf http://logs.bitdash.io/asciilifeform/2022-08-03#1113034 << this like watching my outdoor cat trying to figure out if front door me is as much of a friend as a porch door me…
11:47 bitbot (asciilifeform) 2022-08-03 adlai: I guess awt can tell phf that... oh wait, do they even still use IRC !?
11:50 PeterL if only it could talk and ask you
~ 29 minutes ~
12:20 phf http://logs.bitdash.io/pest/2022-07-26#1010433 << main problem with ironclad is that it's garbage happy. there's for example no way to make red packet check cheap, an accidental or intentional flood of red packets will generate a lot of garbage. sbcl is clever about cleaning up short lived garbage, but there are no guarant
12:20 bitbot Logged on 2022-07-26 07:00:13 crtdaydreams[jonsykkel|awt|signpost]: phf: what are you using for crypto might I ask? did you write your own impl. of serpent or are you using ironclad? or some other lib unbeknownst to me
12:20 phf ees
12:21 phf but the core algorithms don't need all that garbage, it comes from book keeping machinery. "i want a sha384 hmac" creates 3+ instances of clos objects
~ 4 hours 53 minutes ~
17:14 crtdaydreams eech
← 2022-08-02 | 2022-08-04 →