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← 2022-07-23 | 2022-07-25 →
04:51 crtdaydreams http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-07-21#1111916 << yeha, noticed that when it used up the last of my internet the next day lol
04:52 crtdaydreams notsure what the go is with that, It's dropping multiple getdata reqs almost every 10 seconds
04:56 crtdaydreams jesus christ that's bad
~ 2 hours 48 minutes ~
07:45 crtdaydreams right
07:46 crtdaydreams break is w/ phf, which can't be fixed until he's successfully implemented multipeering
07:46 crtdaydreams will simply %unpeer until then and we can rekey at a latter date
07:52 crtdaydreams apologies for the sheer volume of getdata spam emitted from my station, hopefully not tanked anyone elses bandwidth
07:57 jonsykkel well theres always ignore pakcets flying bak and forth every sec, so ur data will likely riperoni anyway
07:58 jonsykkel if ur limits are tight
08:11 crtdaydreams 50gig/mo lolz
08:11 jonsykkel 8gig/mo here
08:12 crtdaydreams ye, last mo. had a visitor that used 20gig in a week
08:12 jonsykkel that why visitors are banned from my lan
08:13 crtdaydreams so was martian event, unlikely will have riperoni again anytime soon
08:13 * crtdaydreams shud set datum limit on vistor nexttime
08:14 crtdaydreams most damage wintoddlers will cause is BSOD on their own system
~ 7 hours 48 minutes ~
16:03 whaack !e view-height
16:03 trbexplorer block_height: 746366
16:03 trbexplorer mins_since_last_block: 0
← 2022-07-23 | 2022-07-25 →