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← 2022-05-29 | 2022-05-31 →
01:34 awt http://share.alethepedia.com/blatta/9977-presence-on-join.vpatch << Sends presence when you join the chan, fixes a crash caused when message received with unsupported version
01:35 awt shinohai ^
01:36 shinohai tyvm awt! Will report back in after updating & putting through paces.
01:36 awt shinohai: awesome
01:38 shinohai Reminds me I gotta clean up python pbuild and see what signpost thinks about it - that w/ sqlite was all I needed to get it running under pentacle chroot.
01:38 shinohai (Eventually gonna move bot over to it)
01:39 awt excellent
~ 12 hours 9 minutes ~
13:49 shinohai $ticker btc usd
13:49 busybot Current BTC price in USD: $30393.72
~ 4 hours 6 minutes ~
17:56 awt $ticker btc usd
17:56 busybot Current BTC price in USD: $30700.52
18:01 awt "The other method of human thought is that of Causality. This method is inwardly compulsory in dealing with inorganic problems of technics, mechanics, engineerng, systematic natural philosophy. It finds the limits of its efficacy there, however, and is grotesque when appllied to Life. It would tell us that youth is the
18:01 awt flower, the caterpillar the cause of the butterfly." -from Imperium by Yockey. Seems interesting in the context of working from causes.
18:02 * asciilifeform tried reading subj decade+ ago, fell asleep
18:04 awt Guy led an interesting life, at least
18:05 awt Cyanide without the Wagner
18:08 shinohai Suicided before the feebs could do it for him?
18:09 awt Caught returning to US from the Eastern Bloc with multiple passports. Took the pill in a cell, I think, yeah.
18:15 asciilifeform 1337 w4r3z for the interested. imho snoar.
18:17 awt I barely started the book, but I found interesting the formulation of a civilization as having a soul and being a living thing. This occurs to most, I think, but I'd never seen anyone formally discuss it.
18:17 asciilifeform awt: iirc spengler discussed
18:17 awt asciilifeform: indeed
18:18 awt Attempted to listen to a Spengler book on the plane but literally snoared
18:19 * asciilifeform tried various 'fascist classics', j.evola, etc. -- guaranteed sleep
18:20 asciilifeform from 'outside' pov, reads similarly to e.g. the 'catholic apologists' -- can see how they stroked one another's cocks, but the worx dun say much to a 'civilian'
18:23 asciilifeform d00d had the 'fortune' to live in the tail end of the period when lizards thought that 'ideas matter'. so, poisoned, and nao archaeologists try to make sense of his spew...
18:24 asciilifeform if he lived today, would've been simply anuther redditus.
18:26 asciilifeform ( yockey, that is )
18:27 awt Initially grabbed my interest because he reportedly saw the USSA as the worst of two evils early on.
18:27 awt Trying to figure out why
18:29 asciilifeform even before end of ww2, was rather obv. that totalitarian reichs will colonize all of planet3, for objective techno-economic reasons
18:33 awt Hey, might forget how to make nukes tho
18:35 awt There is a bright side to mass immigration from the global south
~ 15 minutes ~
18:50 asciilifeform the solider part of the argument concerned airplane, rather than nuke
18:58 awt Will reread. Been like a year or something.
~ 2 hours 47 minutes ~
21:45 billymg !. uptime
21:45 bitbot billymg: time since my last reconnect : 33d 3h 37m
21:46 billymg this log line ref should've been echoed
21:46 bitbot Logged on 2022-05-30 18:24:42 asciilifeform: if he lived today, would've been simply anuther redditus.
21:46 * asciilifeform was wondering wainot
21:47 billymg ohh, nm, actually not supposed to, because it's from asciilifeform's logger
21:47 asciilifeform a hm
21:47 billymg e.g. http://logs.bitdash.io/asciilifeform/2022-03-24#1088101 should work
21:47 bitbot (asciilifeform) 2022-03-24 asciilifeform: the # of 'unbelievers' is unknown, cuz reich aint set up in such a way that the captives' beliefs actually matter in any way
21:48 asciilifeform yea, will echo as soon as asciilifeform gets around to plugging own logotron into pestnet
21:49 billymg asciilifeform: i'll start publishing dumps of my logs soon too, with a cron job like you do on nosuchlabs.com, so you'll be able to grab the pest history if you want
21:49 asciilifeform a++
← 2022-05-29 | 2022-05-31 →