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← 2022-05-15 | 2022-05-17 →
04:56 signpost shinohai: http://trinque.org/src/pentacle/ << rsync'd all current builds and v trees, including clisp and sbcl
04:58 signpost sorry it took so long, just met some new neighbors, nice folks.
04:58 * signpost back tomorrow
~ 8 hours 7 minutes ~
13:06 shinohai http://logs.bitdash.io/pest/2022-05-16#1005474 << Excellent and thanks again m8.
13:06 bitbot Logged on 2022-05-16 04:56:45 signpost[asciilifeform]: shinohai: http://trinque.org/src/pentacle/ << rsync'd all current builds and v trees, including clisp and sbcl
~ 42 minutes ~
13:49 shinohai $ticker btc usd
13:49 busybot Current BTC price in USD: $29597.11
13:57 shinohai clisp failing to build for me with this barf: http://btc.info.gf/paste/d60007@raw
14:07 shinohai Tried going into tmp/ build directory and setting executable bit on `install-sh` but *then* barfs with "unix.d:139:56: fatal error: asm/page.h: No such file or directory"
~ 3 hours 14 minutes ~
17:22 signpost hmmm
17:23 signpost yeah, I cut those patches wrong somehow. sec
17:36 signpost ok, rebuilding over here and then I'll reupload clisp's second patch.
17:36 signpost and the pbuild
17:37 signpost shinohai: this is making me want an on-disk vpatch-friendly bug tracker.
17:37 signpost clisp's makefiles have a parallel-build bug for example, looks like.
17:38 shinohai That would be a nifty thing to have, so wouldn't hafta sift through logs for bugs.
~ 32 minutes ~
18:11 signpost looks like I was relying on my copy of clisp src in /src/work/clisp. there are binary translation files it relies upon to build that don't make it through vdiff.
18:11 signpost so what I patched wasn't representative of what I was building.
18:11 signpost will get at ya when I finish up.
~ 1 hours 7 minutes ~
19:19 signpost alrighty, re-uploaded to http://trinque.org/src/pentacle
19:19 signpost works over here with the workdir moved out of the way, and sbcl build worked atop it
19:24 signpost had to add a step to the build to generate the gmo files from po with msgfmt, and remove references to a png in documentation build.
19:25 shinohai kk thanks, will fire it off & report back
19:25 signpost sg, ty
19:28 signpost in other news, I've got the gc build within a few bytes in cc1 and cc1plus of reproducibilty.
19:29 shinohai winning
19:32 shinohai heh so was I doing it wrong by trying to build clisp by itself?
19:33 signpost you can, but shouldn't have to, as sbcl declares it as a dependency
19:33 signpost clisp's really only in there to fart up an sbcl.
19:34 signpost btw sbcl's not currently statically linked, will require presence of the musltronic libc.so
19:34 signpost there were particulars regarding how sbcl uses dynamic loading for fasls I haven't ventured into yet.
19:36 signpost https://www.timmons.dev/posts/static-executables-with-sbcl-v2.html << this guy's working on patches apparently, haven't tried them.
19:36 shinohai lemme try doing sbcl without clisp first, now I'm hitting this error when trying to build clisp alone http://btc.info.gf/paste/cc679f@raw
19:37 signpost sbcl will not build without another lisp present with which to bootstrap
19:37 signpost ah you have an old pbuild, sec
19:40 signpost http://trinque.org/src/pentacle/pbuild
19:40 signpost I added quoting around those macro definitions
19:41 * shinohai also plans to mirror pentacle src tree soon ....
19:42 shinohai Seems to be chugging along fine with new pbuild
19:43 signpost ossum
19:43 signpost my goal for today is to get pbuild itself as vpatches.
19:51 shinohai clisp great success!
19:51 shinohai now for sbcl
~ 16 minutes ~
20:08 signpost aaand I deleted my /dev again by not unmounted before trashing a chroot, lol
20:08 * signpost reboots
~ 28 minutes ~
20:36 shinohai signpost: has the zlib pbuild changed? sbcl fails with `coreparse.c:48:19: fatal error: zlib.h: No such file or directory` though zlib installed.
20:38 shinohai hmmm quick vdiff shows mine differs from what's in current tree, imma reinstall
20:39 signpost yeah, current sbcl pbuild oughta say require clisp and require zlib at top
20:40 signpost http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=5Jwg
20:42 shinohai Had zlib installed already but dunno why it couldn't find, retrying now.
20:55 shinohai That seems to have squared it away, updated zlib has sbcl building now.
~ 19 minutes ~
21:15 signpost turns out clisp's translation files are usually generated by... (drumroll) an existing clisp binary, though was able to substitute msgfmt from gettext-tiny.
21:15 * signpost hypothesizes a psychological reason for the urge to do this, in addition to w/e convenience by getting to write lisp and not lower-level lang.
21:16 signpost something like the belief that there can be loops in causation.
21:16 signpost self-caused objects.
21:17 signpost there can't; the thing's caused by a long chain of previous versions of clisp. but I think there's something existentially satisfying about the fiction that it's self-caused.
21:19 signpost there's something of an essential delusion of man in this, maaaan.
~ 38 minutes ~
21:58 asciilifeform signpost: the need for a sane bootstrapper for lisps still gaping, aha
~ 55 minutes ~
22:53 shinohai Well got further this time, stopped here http://btc.info.gf/paste/900bfb@raw
22:53 * shinohai bbl dinnertime
~ 37 minutes ~
23:31 signpost shinohai: updated "root" ebuild contains the /etc/group file you're missing
23:31 signpost I'll add this to the requirements for the sbcl build
23:31 signpost I appreciate your testing
← 2022-05-15 | 2022-05-17 →