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← 2022-05-13 | 2022-05-16 →
13:38 shinohai $ticker btc usd
13:38 busybot Current BTC price in USD: $30145.58
~ 1 hours 49 minutes ~
15:27 awt Sunday morning synths: http://share.alethepedia.com/music/vibing.mp3
~ 22 minutes ~
15:50 shinohai Buenos dias awt
15:55 awt shinohai: buenos dias!
~ 32 minutes ~
16:28 asciilifeform wb awt
16:40 signpost good morning
16:41 signpost awt: what DAW do you use, or is that a hardware instrument?
16:41 * signpost farts around in renoise time to time.
16:44 awt signpost: Ableton Live 11
16:44 awt With a Komplete Kontrol keyboard
16:47 signpost nifty
16:47 awt Hadn't heard of renoise
16:47 signpost throwback to oldschool trackers
16:48 * signpost oughta get/make a cheat sheet poster for the thing. every time I sit back down to it I've forgotten the commands.
16:48 * asciilifeform recalls 'fasttracker', nostalgic
16:49 awt signpost: never used a tracker. I'm looking at the UI scratching my head
16:52 signpost text-editor tool for editing/playing step-sequenced music
16:54 signpost each line across is a step. you've got however many channels in columns, within those there are cols for note/effect/command
16:54 * signpost isn't any good with these, just uses for fun
16:56 awt I can see the appeal
16:56 awt music programming kind of
17:01 awt Ableton is heavily skeumorphic
~ 2 hours 51 minutes ~
19:53 shinohai signpost: didja ever finish that clisp pbuild?
19:53 * shinohai still tinkering with x86 pentacle, haven't circled back to arm build yet.
~ 2 hours 23 minutes ~
22:17 signpost shinohai: yeah, got clisp and sbcl
22:17 * signpost just got in from drinking margaritas with neighbors. lemme see if I can get the /src dir rsync'd somewhere real quick.
~ 19 minutes ~
22:37 shinohai kk tyvm signpost (no particular rush if in Margaritaville)
22:44 * asciilifeform spent all day on plumbing. (literal, not even electronic, lol)
22:49 signpost shinohai: yeah, will avert a coarse error of pilotage and get at ya this evening.
22:49 signpost neighbor's hospitality got me hammered atm.
← 2022-05-13 | 2022-05-16 →