Show Idle (>14 d.) Chans

← 2022-03-08 | 2022-03-10 →
00:18 u0_a185 test
00:18 awt I see it
00:21 u0_a185 \o/
00:27 u0_a185 worx now, was indeed the port forward.
00:27 u0_a185 Only strange I have at moment is can receive DM's but sending seems to get lost. (May hafta do with being connected to znc? Will investigate)
00:32 shinohai nm, DM's coming through, just slow.
~ 1 hours 51 minutes ~
02:23 awt Maybe would be nice to have a message come through on the channel saying the station is awaiting GE
02:24 awt TDATA responses
~ 1 hours 23 minutes ~
03:47 shinohai !sysinfo
~ 32 minutes ~
04:20 awt pestbot: echo sup
04:20 pestbot sup
04:20 awt sorry just bot flexing
~ 11 hours 11 minutes ~
15:32 shinohai Buenos dias #pest
15:33 PeterL bonjour, shinohai
15:35 shinohai How goes today PeterL ?
~ 25 minutes ~
16:00 awt Buenos
16:13 PeterL IT's going OK, I guess
~ 55 minutes ~
17:09 shinohai Still testing smalpest on android, so far 0 crashes.
17:16 shinohai No love trying to connect a bot yet, need more time to read all the irc implementations again.
~ 43 minutes ~
17:59 awt shinohai: you want to see the source to pestbot?
18:04 PeterL Why do canadian geese always fly south in a V formation? To celebrate the victory over the Americans, the fucking occupiers!
18:08 awt Looking forward to rule by mexican cartel
~ 2 hours 16 minutes ~
20:25 awt Not entirely sure how to handle replay notices for DMs. Currently they are dumped to #pest, but that doesn't make a whole lot of sense.
20:25 awt Not sure if there's a way to send notices to DM buffers
20:26 awt Current price for a cup of coffee before tax is roughly $7.00
20:26 awt Sorry before tip
20:29 PeterL if I pay that much for a drink I would want it to have some alcohol in it
20:30 awt This is a cool site, btw:
20:30 awt PeterL: no idea how much drinks containing potent amounts of alcohol cost
20:32 awt 3Y looking good, 1Y not looking so hot.
~ 19 minutes ~
20:51 signpost the food price increases look pretty bad.
20:52 signpost going to make 2020 look like "mostly peaceful rioting"
20:52 signpost PeterL: want to peer up pest nodes?
20:52 PeterL sure
20:52 signpost will send ya a key
20:53 asciilifeform signpost: moar or less all rioting in usa for past ~century -- on command from center, rather than egypt-style
20:54 * signpost curious what entertainment awaits when the psych meds stop flowing from the center.
20:54 PeterL signpost: send me a key, or do you want me to generate one?
20:54 signpost PeterL: I'm making ya one, will send shortly
20:54 PeterL ok, cool
20:57 asciilifeform signpost: the meds will prolly still get sent out long after water & mains quit, but whoknows
20:59 PeterL signpost: based on my teen-aged children and their associate, it will result in lots of weeping and wailing and crippling depression
21:00 PeterL "time to take our happy pills, yay!"
21:02 signpost PeterL:
21:08 signpost cool, peering confirmed with PeterL
21:10 PeterL you know what I don't miss from freenode? netsplits
21:10 signpost jonsykkel: << if you'd like to peer
21:10 signpost PeterL: yep, this is working mighty well, even in early days.
21:11 PeterL scaling yet to be tested, I guess
21:13 signpost billymg: << let's reattempt peering also
21:13 signpost think that's everybody, gimme a holler if anyone else wants a peering.
21:14 PeterL awt: is there somewhere a list of all the commands that blatta handles?
21:15 signpost can always reference the spec but I was going to suggest a help command that dumps usage text to console
21:15 PeterL I noticed the key-generating script got taken out in one of the recent patches, did that get moved into a different part of the source or just removed completely?
21:16 signpost PeterL: I used the genkey command to produce a new key
21:16 signpost btw awt, seeing timestamps for all PeterL's messages since peering, not sure if that's expected.
21:19 signpost << I found 'em to be gray malaise pills but don't begrudge anyone their means of coping with contemporary decay.
21:19 bitbot Logged on 2022-03-09 21:00:40 PeterL[asciilifeform|billymg]: "time to take our happy pills, yay!"
21:20 PeterL might depend on which chemical they are targetting
21:20 signpost I think in my case they were targeting "get this aggressive fucker out of my office", lol
21:23 PeterL lol, it also seems to have helped that my oldest joined the track team. They are always last in every race but running helps with their sanity a bit
21:35 awt PeterL: sadly no list
21:36 awt signpost: what version number are you on?
21:40 awt Actually haven't ever run that scenario, where you have a message history from a hearsay station and then later peer with them. Interesting.
21:42 signpost awt: 9982, should I update?
21:44 PeterL awt: what's the difference between the knobs rubbish_interval_seconds and rubbish_interval ?
21:48 awt signpost: latest is 9979. It actually might fix the timestamp issue you're seeing.
21:49 awt PeterL: rubbish_interval is obsolete. You must be seeing it in the knobs table. I didn't delete it in the migration.
21:49 signpost cool, will swap it out shortly
21:55 awt also achtung panzers, disocvered and fixed a spitoon full of bugs related to syncing dms via GETDATA this AM, will publish patch soon.
22:01 PeterL do you need to add (TM, asciilifeform) to the "achtung panzers"?
22:03 awt no ok lemme come up with my own
22:03 PeterL are the knob values limited to integers?
22:03 awt PeterL: no
22:05 PeterL ok, just checking. I see that it lets me put whatever knob in there I want, should it check to see if there is actually a knob that is called what I put in, to catch typos?
22:06 PeterL just knowing how good I am at typing, I will end up with a bunch of things like max_bonces and wonder why the changes I put in didn't affect anything?
22:09 awt PeterL: yes you will
22:10 awt Yeah it should probably check the KNOBS constant
22:10 awt "constant"
22:13 PeterL python, so only constant until you change it?
22:14 awt PeterL: I vaguely recall there being something like freeze(), but not sure
← 2022-03-08 | 2022-03-10 →