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← 2020-06-02 | 2020-06-04 →
14:07 feedbot << whaack -- Spanish Study Log 1
~ 18 minutes ~
14:26 feedbot << whaack -- Spanish Study Log 2 - The Imperative Mood Notes
14:33 feedbot << whaack -- Guitar Practice Log 8 - How To Pentatonic
~ 35 minutes ~
15:09 diana_coman jfw in further yrc nitpicks - does it apply lowercase to incoming nicks or how does it manage to end up with 2 windows for the same nick only based on case-sensitiveness? e.g. /msg NickServ will end up in window NickServ but reply will end up in a new window, nickserv
15:09 feedbot << whaack -- Guitar Practice Log 9
15:15 jfw diana_coman: that rings a bell, I'll have a look on this pass. possibly more like not applying a case-mapping where it should. IRC is supposedly case insensitive, unfortunately implementations differ as to what the mapping actually is (Scandinavian origins). still, should at least do one mapping consistently
15:15 diana_coman aha, that sounds sensible
15:17 jfw I'd also like it to show date changes (when there's actually messages there), that'd be nice for the monthly blogolog too
15:19 diana_coman well, the 2 are separate, lol
15:21 jfw I know, I'm pointing out what to me seems a shortcoming in both since the dates are not otherwise displayed.
15:22 diana_coman alright, noted
15:23 feedbot << Young Hands Club -- JFW daily summaries, week of 1 Jun 2020
15:23 diana_coman tbh for yrc I don't particularly see it as a big thing either way
15:23 diana_coman I can kind of see the use for it more in the blogo-monthly log indeed
15:24 jfw alright, good to know re priorities on those usability issues.
15:25 jfw one can get full unix timestamps from the log files (and I have a script to format these as human dates that'll go in the next patch) but I saw that as a workaround.
15:26 diana_coman aha, I noticed the unix timestamps in the log files, made for a pleasant change from all the various formats/not 2 the same otherwise.
15:27 diana_coman welcome back cruciform
15:27 cruciform diana_coman, thanks! Apologies for the ~month absence - I fell off the wagon a tad :p
15:27 jfw diana_coman: heh, you might not like then that it's centiseconds rather than the more conventional float-seconds or ns or whatever
15:27 diana_coman jfw ahahaha
15:28 diana_coman see, I didn't yet look at it in any detail
15:29 diana_coman cruciform one of those days I'll figure out what's this falling-off-the-wagon fashion all about!
15:31 cruciform diana_coman, in fairness, I guess most people don't have much of a wagon to fall off (not that I have such an excuse)
15:32 diana_coman you are possibly quite right there, indeed, huh.
15:33 diana_coman cruciform how's the move going?
15:34 cruciform at any rate, I'll have a post up tonight about the prior month and the upcoming week; my internet connectivity will be a bit spotty over the next few days - packing stuff and moving to a friend's for a coupla weeks
15:35 cruciform the move's not been terrible so far; just time-consuming
15:36 diana_coman so where to?
15:37 cruciform back to Surrey - had enough of London to last a lifetime!
15:37 diana_coman ah, I thought it was either Bath or York
15:38 cruciform yea, reckon it still will be, but there are some local family issues I need to sort out in the next week or two
15:38 diana_coman ah, so move 2 to follow, lolz
15:38 cruciform I believe one's allowed to actually view properties again, since Monday - didn't wanna move sight-unseen
15:39 diana_coman oh, do they expect one to move now without even visiting?
15:39 cruciform lol, yes - hopefully the moves'll be inductive; and if the first one goes well, so will the rest!
15:40 cruciform I believe that's been the case for the last coupla months, yea - they only allowed "online viewings"
15:40 diana_coman ahahah, that figuring out proof by induction clearly left its mark
15:40 jfw next up, paying rent by posting pictures of cash
15:41 diana_coman lmao; then again, I guess on one hand "wtf all the pretense, they are all ~same anyway" and otoh since it still goes ahead anyway...why not push it further, ofc.
15:41 cruciform jfw, I understand lots of people's "girlfriends" work along the same lines, nowadays
15:43 jfw cruciform: you'd think the reuse possibilities there would be lucrative except the market's well saturated for quite some time now :D
15:45 cruciform lol, I suppose they'd argue it lowers carbon emissions/is a form of recycling, if people don't have to actually meet up
15:45 diana_coman it's safer!
15:47 cruciform diana_coman, I noticed since Monday, far fewer masks; traffic - cars and foot - much closer to pre-hysteria levels
15:47 diana_coman here I barely saw any masks at all at any time; gotta be London the worst, huh.
15:48 cruciform I did a coupla informal counts over the last few weeks - it was always >50%; since Monday, ~33%
15:48 diana_coman but yeah, at the weekend it was absolutely packed in and around the chiltern hills area
15:49 cruciform sounds lovely! have you been to Hughenden Manor
15:49 diana_coman I have to admit though that I find the orderly queues quite funny to watch - from a distance, lol
15:51 cruciform ikr! I should've taken pics - some of the bank queues were 100 yards long
15:51 diana_coman no, is that anything special? I tried to get to the hills, proper hills, god-damned it but I still ended up with mainly walking-on-the-flat-near-the-river
15:51 diana_coman bank queues ? ahahah ; so far I saw only supermarket and shop queues
15:52 diana_coman so next time I guess I'll just get a boat to start with, makes more sense anyway
15:52 cruciform yea; people snaking back in 2metre increments
15:53 diana_coman so 1980's!
15:54 cruciform Hughenden is great - especially if you like redbrick; it's on a hill, though nothing mountainous!
15:54 diana_coman funnily enough, trying to find a "village" we ended up walking all the way to ..."the town"; apparently we failed to register the 3 houses as village or something.
15:55 diana_coman but anyway, from what I saw the "distancing" idea is that people get out of the way simply so honestly, I don't mind it at all.
15:56 cruciform same, though I am in need of the services of a tailor/barber/gym-operator
15:56 diana_coman cruciform bwahaha, redbrick is a never-ending-complaint in my house
15:57 diana_coman but yeah, redbrick is expected too; the surprise is if it is something else, really.
15:57 cruciform diana_coman, lol, I used to be the same, but it grew on me
16:00 diana_coman now a tailor/barber/gym-operator in one like that might be even rarer than not-redbrick, lol
16:00 cruciform lol, National Trust is missing a beat!
16:02 cruciform isn't it odd how the narrative has changed - virtually overnight - from the flu to the riots? And no one seems to care/notice - as long as they have something to be hysterical about
16:03 diana_coman cruciform what exactly would you class as "care/notice"? as in where & how can that even happen exactly?
16:04 diana_coman it's not hysterical, it's just ...with a purpose, ok?
16:04 diana_coman verschlimbesserung (thank you for the term, bvt!)
16:05 cruciform I suppose I mean, the mainstream media goes from 110% Covid doom to 110% blacklivematterTM doom, and people just shift their focus of worry
16:07 cruciform but without thinking, "oh, I suppose that last thing couldn't have been so bad, afterall" - just straight to the next worst-thing-ever
16:07 diana_coman eh, common; it's like expecting people at latest film to *still* worry about the previous film's action, lol
16:09 cruciform how come everything is a Fast and Furious 11/Avengers-universe/Harry Hobbit thing nowadays, then?
16:10 diana_coman fashion really; but what difference exactly do you think it makes ?
16:12 cruciform well, it seems people can fanatically follow a narrative within a fictional universe... oh, lol; it's the same with the media
16:13 cruciform at least the movies have special effects!
16:13 diana_coman well, they are trying! it's called PPE!
16:14 cruciform Personal Protective Equipment? Politics, Philosophy & Economics?
16:14 diana_coman now recalling the village-life discussion - have you ever seen sheep as in more than "look, there's some sheep over there"?
16:15 cruciform I've seen 'em in a petting zoo
16:15 * diana_coman shall not spoil the PPE mystery and allow readers to enjoy it!
16:15 diana_coman cruciform ah, no, that won't do anything, hm
16:16 diana_coman literally to see for a couple of days how sheep behave; the bland "they follow one another" fails utterly to capture any of it really
16:17 cruciform ah, no - I've only seen 'em in passing; though the way people've reacted to the virus...
16:20 diana_coman that they follow blindly is one thing; more at the root though, I'd say it's the fact that they will desperately push into the flock, it's at times a very vivid illustration of what I can only call - the desire to not-be-individual
16:21 diana_coman it's that the one thing that trumps everything else, the total terror, nothing else.
16:22 diana_coman but anyway, I doubt there's any way I can somehow express that just through description as such.
16:22 cruciform I'm recalling Patrick Bateman's "I want to fit in!"
16:23 cruciform diana_coman, isn't it strange, the trope of everyone being a unique special snowflake, given the above?
16:23 diana_coman cruciform, lol, I'm only vaguely aware of it as a reference; I rarely (very rarely) watch films at all
16:24 diana_coman not all that strange if you think of *why* is it so all-important, heh
16:24 diana_coman especially so all-important to affirm it, not to it
16:26 cruciform thanks for the insight; like any good ruminant, I'll have to chew it over - meanwhile, I'd better get back to boxing - be back tomorrow!
16:27 diana_coman in the enduring words of a frustrated classmate: "I only *say* crazy stuff and everyone says I'm nuts but *you DO even crazier stuff* and nobody says anything!!"
16:27 diana_coman laters
~ 6 hours ~
22:27 feedbot << Young Hands Club -- Back to Work!
~ 1 hours 5 minutes ~
23:33 feedbot << Bimbo Club -- Work Report - 6/01/2020
← 2020-06-02 | 2020-06-04 →