Show Idle (>14 d.) Chans

← 2020-03-23 | 2020-03-25 →
01:35 jfw diana_coman: I'm starting to feel like a broken record, and hating that; because I find I'm headed for failure again on the review. Or arguably failed already. I have the driest and tamest of notes on what happened when; not really the substance of a useful review.
01:44 jfw and otherwise been sitting at the desk doing pretty much nothing. not sure if it's more of that uncaring numbness, or perhaps the perfectionism as it seems more important than ever to look properly at these weeks given all that went down. possibly all of the above - would that even be possible? lol
~ 17 minutes ~
02:01 jfw [15min of spinning later] I know failing has its costs and you must be taking "I'll do it by tonight" from me with quite the grain of salt by now, and that hurts, no numbness on that score at least.
02:05 jfw I'm calling it for the night but what I'll plan on unless you have a better idea is to break it down by time range or topic and do it in multiple parts if necessary to get something out daily.
~ 1 hours 49 minutes ~
03:55 diana_coman - all right, do that then and let's see it.
03:55 ossabot Logged on 2020-03-24 03:24:26 jfw: I'm calling it for the night but what I'll plan on unless you have a better idea is to break it down by time range or topic and do it in multiple parts if necessary to get something out daily.
~ 9 hours 2 minutes ~
12:57 whaack They put up some tape on 1 of the many entrances to the beach lol. And I think that yes every once in a while a police officer goes for a walk along the beach kicking out the 1-2 people there, but this is only hearsay / my
12:57 whaack imagination.
12:57 ossabot Logged on 2020-03-23 04:49:41 diana_coman: - lmao; are they going to patrol the beaches too? or how exactly will they keep you out? (/me notes she would go every day for a swim for the trol factor, it's just too much asking for it)
~ 2 hours 9 minutes ~
15:07 dorion diana_coman , jfw I've been knocking off the writing rust in getting back to the sales article. I remain on track to share the draft before tomorrow at 19 UTC.
15:11 jfw dorion: good luck de-rusting!
15:15 diana_coman dorion: cool then
15:15 diana_coman jfw: how's your own version of rust ?
15:17 jfw diana_coman: might need some heavier abrasives but I'll push through it.
15:19 jfw got review and blog articles to move on.
15:19 diana_coman aha; ok.
~ 40 minutes ~
16:00 feedbot << Ossa Sepia -- Spraying Mandelbrotian Graffiti on Euloran Surfaces
~ 5 hours 52 minutes ~
21:52 BingoBoingo whaack: tyvm for being the first commenter on the new thing!
21:59 whaack BingoBoingo: you're welcome, it's an honor!
~ 36 minutes ~
22:35 BingoBoingo diana_coman: mike_c returned with a question about,
22:35 snsabot (asciilifeform) 2020-03-24 mike_c: Ok - well, if you're inclined, ask her if she has any interest in or if I should just shut if off
← 2020-03-23 | 2020-03-25 →