Show Idle (>14 d.) Chans

← 2020-01-20 | 2020-01-22 →
01:21 jfw whaack: y'know, if cl-irc turns out to be some kind of eldritch horror, there is also which fits both irc client and UI in 2.5k lines. The irc parts could quite likely be isolated for use as a bot. Though I don't expect changing languages would be cheap for you at this point.
~ 16 minutes ~
01:37 jfw or for that matter there's asciilifeform's log bot too, though looks like it's not set up to handle any message types besides ping and privmsg.
~ 40 minutes ~
02:18 auctionbot S#1077 O=17mn LB=None E=2020-01-29 05:43:03.567830 (189h28) >>> Dell R610 PE Server ships from U.S. (Server-A)
02:18 auctionbot S#1078 O=17mn LB=18mn E=2020-01-29 05:43:42.679910 (189h28) >>> Dell R610 PE Server ships from Uruguay (Server-B)
02:18 auctionbot --- end of auction list, 18mn total bids ---
~ 2 hours 10 minutes ~
04:28 whaack jfw: Hm yeah, I don't plan to switch languages mid project. That said maybe I'll try using your client when I setup my new comp
04:31 whaack diana_coman: EOD Report: I went overtime on the Panama article / computer planning so I did not make too much distance with TheFleet (I created an outline for a plan article.) I did about 30 minutes of reading and no Spanish. The computer planning article will be published early tomorrow, it just needs a final review. Then after I publish the compl plan article I'm going to get right ahead to using it and build the machine.
~ 2 hours 46 minutes ~
07:18 auctionbot S#1077 O=17mn LB=None E=2020-01-29 05:43:03.567830 (184h28) >>> Dell R610 PE Server ships from U.S. (Server-A)
07:18 auctionbot S#1078 O=17mn LB=18mn E=2020-01-29 05:43:42.679910 (184h28) >>> Dell R610 PE Server ships from Uruguay (Server-B)
07:18 auctionbot --- end of auction list, 18mn total bids ---
~ 45 minutes ~
08:04 diana_coman whaack: re computer sounds fine.
~ 4 hours 14 minutes ~
12:18 auctionbot S#1077 O=17mn LB=None E=2020-01-29 05:43:03.567830 (179h28) >>> Dell R610 PE Server ships from U.S. (Server-A)
12:18 auctionbot S#1078 O=17mn LB=18mn E=2020-01-29 05:43:42.679910 (179h28) >>> Dell R610 PE Server ships from Uruguay (Server-B)
12:18 auctionbot --- end of auction list, 18mn total bids ---
~ 3 hours 46 minutes ~
16:04 whaack dorion: reading your article w/ all its double rainbows, cigars and suits on the beach, exotic drinks, and surfing was a nice way to start my day
~ 16 minutes ~
16:21 whaack and btw, i think i'm going to visit Panama again in 3 months for my next visa run. there are some flights from Liberia (shaves a cool 6-10hrs off the trip each way) I can get if I don't buy the tickets last minute
16:22 dorion whaack cheers x 2!
~ 16 minutes ~
16:38 dorion whaack i did have fun writing the article, so glad you enjoyed reading.
~ 39 minutes ~
17:18 auctionbot S#1077 O=17mn LB=None E=2020-01-29 05:43:03.567830 (174h28) >>> Dell R610 PE Server ships from U.S. (Server-A)
17:18 auctionbot S#1078 O=17mn LB=18mn E=2020-01-29 05:43:42.679910 (174h28) >>> Dell R610 PE Server ships from Uruguay (Server-B)
17:18 auctionbot --- end of auction list, 18mn total bids ---
~ 2 hours 24 minutes ~
19:43 whaack so it looks like i was mistaken in thinking i need an auxillary power cable for the PCIe slot graphics card. Am I correct in thinking that it's possible the 8 pin 'CPU' power supplies power to the PCIe slot as well?
19:49 diana_coman dorion: quite the whirlwind of fun in hawaii by the sounds of it, good for you!
19:51 diana_coman whaack: why don't you check the spec for your components, it should say exactly, no?
19:54 * whaack is checking
19:56 whaack yes it must, because there is no listed connector for the PCIe auxiliary cable
19:57 dorion diana_coman yeah, now back to the whirlwind of fun here :)
20:04 diana_coman ahaha, the whirlwind-you is welcome of course but otherwise here things be of the boring type!
20:04 ossabot Logged on 2020-01-19 17:46:29 diana_coman: jfw: glad to know it! only boring stuff around here really, testing, going to sleep when tired, speaking up when needing to communicate, seriously, boring.
20:05 diana_coman fwiw that part with the "1 week sleep deprivation" terrible exercise got me laughing the most
20:05 billymg whaack: i think they are different cables/connectors, though both are 8-pin and look very similar. i would research a bit more what's coming out of your PSU before attempting to connect it to the PCIe card
20:06 billymg it's been a while since i've messed with any heavy duty video cards though, my most recent FX build has a dinky GPU that's powered only by the slot itself
20:07 whaack billymg: ^ right, my q was whether or not the GPU was powered by the slot itself, and that is the case
20:07 billymg ah ok
20:07 diana_coman whaack: your question was not that clear as you just stated above though, ugh.
20:10 whaack diana_coman: I didn't format the question as "can the GPU be powered by the slot itself"? Because I thought that on other motherboards the auxillary PCIe power cable plugged into the motherboard and thus the GPU still would get its power through the PCIe slot.
20:11 diana_coman iirc at least some higher end GPUs might need the auxiliary PCIe cable as they basically don't get enough power just through the slot
20:11 whaack i see, so the cable would plug directly into the GPU
~ 34 minutes ~
20:46 BingoBoingo whaack: From what I understand if the GPU needs it. Usually there will be a place to plug a cable. Otherwise many GPUs can get all the power they find useful from the slot.
20:59 whaack successfully made it to the bios. CPU Freq: 4k MHz, Mem Frequency : 1.6kMHz, Mem Size: 16,384MB, CPU Temp: 40-50 C, both hard drives detected
21:12 BingoBoingo Congrats
~ 1 hours 5 minutes ~
22:18 auctionbot S#1077 O=17mn LB=None E=2020-01-29 05:43:03.567830 (169h28) >>> Dell R610 PE Server ships from U.S. (Server-A)
22:18 auctionbot S#1078 O=17mn LB=18mn E=2020-01-29 05:43:42.679910 (169h28) >>> Dell R610 PE Server ships from Uruguay (Server-B)
22:18 auctionbot --- end of auction list, 18mn total bids ---
22:28 whaack BingoBoing: thx!
22:28 whaack BingoBoingo*
22:29 whaack installing centos6 with sha256sum = 422af57b493b8af49d485885a730c5a1d955f803fac85aa51311c393168b9080 atm
22:35 jfw whaack: from the remote hash table of $search_engine I take it this is CentOS-6.9-x86_64-minimal.iso
22:35 whaack yes
22:40 whaack jfw: hm, i am prompted the q what type of media contains the installation image. my options are: "Local cd/dvd, hard drive, nfs directory, URL" I am installing off a usb, not quite sure what to pick.
22:44 whaack (looks like hard drive was the right choice)
22:52 jfw woulda been one of the first two for sure.
22:53 whaack yeah my guess was local cd/dvd, but that was wrong
23:01 whaack weird, the install failed, and now it wont let me boot from the usb again
23:02 whaack (error was "an error was encountered while formatting device / format failed: 1")
23:10 whaack now i have the option to boot from the SSD from the failed install, but it just takes me to a blinking cursor screen
23:11 jfw hah, did you fdisk the usb drive instead of the ssd like everyone seems to do these days?
23:12 jfw ( )
23:12 ossabot Logged on 2020-01-12 12:57:16 dorion: lobbes thanks for the updates, glad you're making progress. one point I'll alert you on is when you get to partitioning the disk with the installer, double check which /dev/sdX is the install media and which is the internal, target disk.
23:13 whaack jfw: lol i think i set those right...but looks like maybe not
23:15 jfw strange error though, why would something be trying to format a device while booting
23:17 jfw oh possibly I misread and that was from when the install failed; in that case got any more detail on "wont let me boot from the usb"?
23:18 jfw but yeah first suggestion is to sanity-check the usb from other machine, rewrite the .iso if needed
23:18 whaack jfw: so when I first booted from the usb all I did was plug in the USB and turn on the machine, and it took me right to the centos6 installer
23:19 whaack now it takes me to a blinking cursor page. I did sanity-check the usb and rewrote the .iso, but i'm getting the same problem
23:19 jfw ah so you had it too easy the first time :) Found how to get to the BIOS boot menu?
23:20 whaack i will triple-sanity check rn though, because a botched usb is the only thing that makes sense
23:20 whaack jfw: yes I can get to the BIOS boot menu, but within there i have no option to select the usb
23:20 jfw dare I ask, is there UEFI involved here?
23:22 whaack There's Boot Mode Selection, with three options, "UEFI and Legacy" "Legacy Only" "UEFI Only" . right now "UEFI and Legacy" are selected
23:24 jfw oof, so 10x the potential problems then. IIRC (possibly from spyked's research) there's no clearly established meaning to any of those choices. I'd expect "legacy only" would be most promising
23:27 whaack derp, my problem may have been a mechanical error. i have one of those shit usbs that can hide their head like a turtle. so i may have retracted the head when i thought i plugged it in
23:29 whaack alright here we go round 2, this time running "install or update an existing system" instead of the "install system with video driver" option
23:31 whaack hm. now i'm given 4 options for the q: 'what partition and directory on that partition holds the installation image for centos?: /dev/sda1, /dev/sda2, /dev/sdb1, /dev/sdc1'
23:32 whaack i'm pretty sure its sdc1, i guessed that and was taken to the centos install screen
23:32 jfw the unstated question is "how would I check on that"?
23:33 whaack maybe if i unplugged and replugged the usb one option would disappear/reappear
23:33 jfw get a shell on another TTY, run fdisk -l /dev/sdX, check the size/partition layout, usually that's enough to figure it out
23:34 jfw I would not recommend replugging, not sure if the root FS is mounted from it or what.
23:36 jfw dmesg is your friend too
23:36 ossabot Logged on 2020-01-12 13:57:45 dorion: lobbes cool, dmesg is a good friend to have :)
23:37 whaack i'm not sure exactly what you meant by get a shell on another tty. are you saying there's a way i could connect to my machine from another computer?
23:38 whaack dang, same error
23:38 jfw whaack:
23:42 whaack hm but that requires me to already have linux installed, i am not there yet. anyways, it seems my problem was i was trying to install on both my ssd and hdd.
23:43 jfw the installer itself is linux, what
23:45 jfw did you intend to install on both? should certainly be possible, like / on ssd and /home on hdd or something
23:46 whaack ah yeah for some reason i had in my head i was locked into the installer sequence. alright i finished the install but i will try to run the installer again and switch to a shell on another tty
23:48 whaack jfw: hm i can't get into a terminal with alt-f2 or any other alt function combination
23:48 jfw the ctrl-alt-fN, possibly the single biggest distinction between Linux and Windows in regards to whether human controls machine or vice versa.
23:48 jfw if it's a GUI installer, might need to add the ctrl.
23:49 whaack had to click num lock
23:49 whaack the other terminals though don't allow any input
23:49 jfw no login prompts? possibly centos installer is dumb like that then.
23:49 whaack i just have a blinking cursor
← 2020-01-20 | 2020-01-22 →