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← 2019-07-16 | 2019-07-18 →
06:48 diana_coman shrysr: are you coming in or going out ? this join/part is only annoying
~ 4 hours 42 minutes ~
11:30 diana_coman oh well, apparently not that alive really
~ 18 minutes ~
11:48 diana_coman shrysr: are you there?
11:48 shrysr yes
11:48 shrysr Hi !
11:49 diana_coman oh hi, so you're alive after all, lol
11:49 diana_coman what brings you here?
11:50 shrysr I want to do work that matters :)
11:50 diana_coman heh, hold onto that idea! what do you know how to do?
11:50 shrysr Sorry, I have been trying to setup emac and erc on my VPS and it always feels new everytime
11:51 diana_coman well, vps is a sort of "too cheap to afford all the problems it brings" but anyway
11:52 shrysr Not much! I do not know Ada. I've been building skills in R... I am familiar with python. I did know C / C++ a LONG time ago.
11:53 diana_coman R is not bad to know, actually; still quite my go-to thing for messing about with data
11:53 shrysr Yes, my current goal is to b
11:53 shrysr 'break into' data science.
11:54 diana_coman oh, what would "data science" be exactly, you think?
11:56 shrysr I think it is about gaining insights from data, understanding it's nature and then plugging all of that into algorithms to extend that understanding further.
11:58 shrysr I'm fascinated by the idea that a machine can learn.
12:00 diana_coman well, insights won't ever come "just from data" but anyway, have you seen then for instance http://trilema.com/2016/the-pop-of-the-day-and-other-items-of-virtual-economy/ ?
12:00 diana_coman there's plenty more in fact - in this sense, a working Eulora is effectively the data scientist's wet dream
12:00 asciilifeform imho most 'machine learns' reduce to variant of http://www.loper-os.org/bad-at-entropy/manmach.html
12:01 asciilifeform massively overhyped concept.
12:02 diana_coman asciilifeform: like all fashions, it has to be hyped, what, don't begrudge it, its false feathers and fancy garb
12:03 diana_coman shrysr: that fascination is most likely to be linked to what you add on "learn" than to what the machine actually does
12:03 asciilifeform diana_coman: problem typically comes for people who go and try jump from cliff with the false feather wings.
12:04 shrysr asciilifeform: I understand that. However, it still seems to have a lot more potential than mechanical engineering :D
12:04 diana_coman asciilifeform: how's a problem if they jump? good instruction for onlookers, I'd say, let them JUMP!
12:07 diana_coman shrysr: what are you working on/doing otherwise atm?
12:09 asciilifeform diana_coman: the onlookers never seem to learn from the jumpers. why -- do not know. but it describes why software is what it is.
12:10 diana_coman asciilifeform: neah, if they don't learn it's either because "not gory enough" or because "can't learn" (in which case fine, they are next to jump)
12:10 diana_coman there is a lot of "not gory enough" around precisely because supported otherwise (usually on the strength of old stuff that still works basically)
12:11 diana_coman ftr I suffered from the same fascination as shrysr , back when I was 18-22; the uni courses on "AI" were a lot of cold water (this?? is THIS what you call machine *learning*???)
12:12 diana_coman and before shrysr thinks this was sometime in mesosoic, it wasn't.
12:14 shrysr diana_coman:I agree. Hype is certainly very high. I've been at this for more than a year... trying to build a foundation of concepts. It has not been easy. However, my identification of this field -
12:19 diana_coman shrysr: you got cut at "of this field - "
12:20 shrysr on a fundamental basis is that i want to use a computer to analyse things.. build tools, workflows and systems to enable that. Over the years, i've found that my initial interest in compuational physics (fluid flow) was too niche and there were very few companies doing this. It was and is still too expensive for most.
12:21 shrysr Especially after 'discovering' emacs, i've become more and more interested in code.
12:23 shrysr irrespective of the hype, data science seemed that perfect combination of using code to derive insights and building systems.
12:24 shrysr Otherwise >> I am currently implementing an ERP (enterprise resource planning) system for the company i work for. It will replace a completely manual system.
12:24 diana_coman oh boy the ERPs
12:24 diana_coman what are you building it in/on top of?
12:26 diana_coman shrysr: eulora is from at least one perspective basically a laboratory for hands-on "data science" learning/perfecting/anything; and yes, you totally get to design and make your own tools to collect any data you think you need to figure out stuff (even *what* you should figure out is up to you!)
12:27 diana_coman so how about this: get yourself an account in eulora, have a look around and choose something you want to model - from prices to quality or even quantity of crafting outputs
12:27 shrysr I am using erpnext. It is actually very cool because i think it is the cheapest system out there, and one that trumps most mainstream offerings by the the fact that it is open source.
12:27 diana_coman I guess I'll even offer a bounty for working model
12:28 diana_coman if it comes to that (as so far it seems rather elusive :)) )
12:28 diana_coman shrysr: on one hand I'm sure it's not at all hard to trump "most mainstream offerings" on anything really
12:29 shrysr :D anything ??
12:29 shrysr I'm checking out eulora right now
12:29 diana_coman but for my curiosity: how many lines of code does this erpnext have and in what language? would you say you actually know exactly what each bit does and how and within what constraints/limitations?
12:30 diana_coman shrysr: discuss it, you know? lolz
12:31 diana_coman mainstream offerings are quite shitty; it quite comes with "mainstream"
12:33 shrysr No. I haven't even explored the source code of erpnext, which is based on python. The focus has been on getting something working first. As such - it is maintained by a company, and we;ve signed on for support.
12:35 diana_coman otherwise put you are slaving on a galley that is further enslaved by a bigger galley but the advantage of the whole thing is that ...it's open source!
12:37 diana_coman shrysr: for your reading list on "open source": http://ossasepia.com/2018/08/04/a-collection-of-pearls-as-well-as-ever-sadder-epitaphs/
12:38 shrysr .. and cheap, easily 10x. I figured that if I reach a point where the software does not do what I want, i can atleast try to dig into the code and develop what I need.
12:41 diana_coman shrysr: the trouble is that the moment you dig into it (and you'll get to that moment sooner rather than later, if you are doing anything serious as in actually useful there at all), you'll find that the code in question is such a collection of stacked chairs that developing what you need is not at all such a straightforward thing
12:42 diana_coman eulora's client code is open source; and yes, pretty much was chosen precisely because "at least you can go in and do what you need"; it's been....a while, let's say and I'm still torching the swamp to then finally be able to do what I need
12:45 shrysr i am inclined to agree. Besides the fact, that I have only started pushing myself to study the source code, the consultant I work with - often dissuades me immediately, when i talk of any 'deeper' customisation.
12:46 shrysr I meant study source code in general.. not just for erpnext.
12:47 diana_coman shrysr: a bit like with any other written word (literature would be the cannonical example), NOT all that is written is worth reading, that's the thing
12:49 diana_coman and time is the only truly finite resource so don't waste it on reading shitty code unless you go in to burn it too at the very least
12:52 diana_coman shrysr: re your consultant, no surprise really, think of it: he gets money out of you NOT knowing the stuff + him knowing just what he knows, not more; the "slaving on a galley" goes much deeper than a mere figure of speech
12:52 shrysr I swear: on some days - my heart breaks with a fear that I will never understand and write elegant code. There is so much to learn... its infinitely worse when I forget what I've learned.
12:54 diana_coman shrysr: that's the fear of any thinking man I'd say - that he'll never get to know what there is to know; on the bright side though, you have the advantage that there isn't all that much new elegant code written
12:55 diana_coman anyways, eulora specifically *encourages* players to make/change their clients precisely as they want it - make bots to your heart content or anything else really
12:55 diana_coman because yes, it's not a game for slaves on a galley but for thinking people
12:56 diana_coman sure, the legacy code is a swamp but the advantage you have is that the earlier you get in, the better off you are over everybody that comes even later;
12:57 diana_coman shrysr: re learning and if it's any consolation, I can add that in those past 3 years working on eulora I learnt way more (and deeper) than I did during my 3 years of PhD.
13:04 shrysr ::D that is a consolation. 3 years sounds pretty quickkk. WHen i finished my masters - I just wanted to get out and work. I turned down a PhD offer in combustion .... once I started working, i realised I WANTED to do something original...I never did get another offer. I had deep regrets about that, but in the last few years - as I've 'discovered' github and the universe of 'code'... I've found peace in the fact that there is plenty to
13:04 shrysr learn and do...that can help others, including original contributions.
13:07 diana_coman hopefully you noticed also that github thrives precisely on fleecing the naive-but-well-intended who provide it with content for free and get pretty much jack-shit in return
13:08 diana_coman don't fall for that; for one thing the best way you can help is anyway first of all by helping yourself too
13:08 diana_coman and for the other thing, there's no reason to give your content to github; make yourself your own blog like a sane person and put it there; github is more than welcome to link to *you* if it wants to
13:09 diana_coman (for that matter, same goes for dev.to , even in spades)
13:09 diana_coman and yes, rather than run the risk of misleading youngsters to think it's fine and good to provide dev.to with their content, I'll refrain from it and I'll do the needed dig in their source rather
13:10 diana_coman shrysr: Shreyas, eh? are you of Lithuanian descent by any chance?
13:11 shrysr no!Well atleast as far as I know.. I am from India.
13:11 shrysr Migrated to Canada in 2017
13:13 diana_coman interesting; all Shreyas I knew so far are Lithuanians, ha; then again, Lithuanian has supposedly *something* in common with Sanscrit so...
13:13 shrysr I have had plans to move my website to my VPS... but I guess I just settled for first succeeding in making content on a regular basis.
13:14 diana_coman well, for all your web hosting needs, I warmly recommend Pizzaro: pizarroisp.net
13:14 shrysr yes, my name has it's roots in sanskrit. Embarassingly enough, it's supposed to mean 'uniquely the best'
13:15 diana_coman shrysr: so you have your work cut out for you there, by your very name :D
13:15 shrysr my mom loses no opportunity to remind me
13:15 shrysr :))
13:15 * diana_coman likes the sound of shrysr's mum very much
13:16 diana_coman shrysr: what's your website so far anyway?
13:16 shrysr https://shrysr.github.io
13:18 diana_coman honestly, why give github all that content; what if tomorrow they go down (like sourceforge did, remember?)
13:19 diana_coman anyways, I'll be back later.
13:21 shrysr Okay! Hey - wanted to say - it is so cool to connect with you.
~ 1 hours 48 minutes ~
15:09 diana_coman hey, glad to hear that shrysr !
15:09 diana_coman and possibly best set up znc or something and leave it on - nobody expects you to answer immediately, but at least you can see stuff later
~ 39 minutes ~
15:48 shrysr thanks for the tip on znc. Currently, I have emacs connected to erc on my vps and have logging enabled, so I should be able to login via ssh anywhere.
15:49 shrysr Internet at my office sucks, so I was planning to look into mosh, based on advice in the emacs channel.
15:49 shrysr Have to look into znc too.
15:58 shrysr diana_coman:I was curious about the tools you use now? you mentioned dropping Emacs.
16:01 shrysr diana_coman: re: content on github, I stumbled across https://sourcehut.org a while back, and never got fully set up. It does seem atleast a partial answer though?
← 2019-07-16 | 2019-07-18 →