Show Idle (>14 d.) Chans

← 2014-12-18 | 2014-12-20 →
00:00 decimation mats: my point is why is this left to us? this flaw must be obvious to thousands
00:01 BingoBoingo decimation: Left to us because twatter was built "on rails:
00:01 mats staffers don't believe its a problem.
00:01 BingoBoingo ;;
00:02 decimation which puts them on par with the tor 'admin' who doxxed some guy because he was annoying
00:03 BingoBoingo NO, the dev
00:03 BingoBoingo But for Tor that line is blurry
00:03 decimation she was a dev?
00:08 BingoBoingo Yeah.
00:08 BingoBoingo Salaried one at that.
00:09 decimation so, usg contractor
00:14 BingoBoingo I'm not going that far, but it could be reasonably read that way.
00:17 mats
00:17 assbot Congress Again Buys Abrams Tanks the Army Doesn't Want | ... ( )
00:18 decimation re: earlier discussion of jet fuel << I believe the abrams uses a turbine, which could burn jp-4
00:19 decimation or jp-8 which is the new version
00:21 BingoBoingo !up jborkl
00:21 BingoBoingo ABrams is indeed turbine
00:21 * BingoBoingo wants to run a limo service after this morning with T-72 and a deck on top
00:22 decimation it can burn whatever hydrocarbon you happen to capture
00:22 jborkl Difficulty down 12%
00:27 BingoBoingo ;;bc,stats
00:27 gribble Current Blocks: 334911 | Current Difficulty: 3.945767130713873E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 336671 | Next Difficulty In: 1760 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 2 weeks, 0 days, 16 hours, and 0 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 34712504492.9 | Estimated Percent Change: -12.02597
00:28 BingoBoingo ;;ticker
00:28 gribble Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 309.51, Best ask: 310.16, Bid-ask spread: 0.65000, Last trade: 310.26, 24 hour volume: 18278.00528347, 24 hour low: 304.99, 24 hour high: 319.83, 24 hour vwap: 312.492458631
00:28 BingoBoingo ;;tocker
00:28 gribble Error: "tocker" is not a valid command.
00:29 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 10 @ 0.11999899 = 1.2 BTC [+] {2}
~ 25 minutes ~
00:54 thestringpuller lol
00:57 BingoBoingo !up crybabi
00:57 BingoBoingo Hello crybabi
00:57 danielpbarron << is a signature from the current key required to change to a new key? or is this also covered by the "auth"
00:57 assbot Logged on 19-12-2014 03:11:44; asciilifeform: one of the things that always gave me the willies about the classic (nanotube's) wot is that operations are not signed
00:57 asciilifeform danielpbarron: is a signature from the current key required to change to a new key? << that or ragnarok
00:57 crybabi hello BingoBoingo is this support for bitbet?
00:57 asciilifeform srsly
00:58 asciilifeform 'Turner's office did not respond to several requests for comment on why Congress went against the recommendation of Gen. Ray Odierno, the Army chief of staff, to suspend tank production.' << ahhahahaha lol
00:58 BingoBoingo crybabi: THis is in part
00:58 asciilifeform what kind of 'the holiday' without tanks (in the streets)
00:58 PeterL crybabi: bitbet mods lurk here, go ahead, they should answer
00:58 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12167 @ 0.00062458 = 7.5993 BTC [-]
00:59 crybabi BingoBoingo: I made a bet and it got refunded, but I only received 4.95 BTC instead of the 5 BTc I sent
00:59 crybabi it looks like your software is charging the fee on bets that are refunded
00:59 PeterL they keep 1% even on refunds
00:59 PeterL I think it is in the FAQ?
00:59 BingoBoingo crybabi: Not my software, but what was your bet?
01:00 danielpbarron crybabi, Your bet will be refunded, minus BitBet's 1% fee.
01:00 assbot FAQ BitBet ... ( )
01:00 BingoBoingo ;;google I am serious now
01:00 gribble Error: We broke The Google!
01:00 BingoBoingo Oh shit
01:00 assbot Last 2 lines bashed and pending review. ( )
01:00 BingoBoingo !b 2
01:00 crybabi oh
01:01 BingoBoingo
01:01 assbot i-am-serious-now-serious-wtf-scary-demotivational-poster-1246912060.jpg Photo by cplpunishment | Photobucket ... ( )
01:01 BingoBoingo crybabi: If you offer more info maybe BitBet mods may materialize with information on decisions
01:02 crybabi BingoBoingo: I see it now, my bet got confirmed after it was resolved
01:02 crybabi thanks everyone
01:02 BingoBoingo !up crybabi
01:02 crybabi but i won't be using bitbet again, charging a fee when you don't provide a service is no way to run a business
01:02 BingoBoingo Well, crybabi What is your big concern. And what was the bet. That seems quite a bit to bet.
01:03 BingoBoingo maybe they thought you were intending to use Bitbet Mixer?
01:03 danielpbarron ^ ++
01:04 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11400 @ 0.00062458 = 7.1202 BTC [-]
01:05 BingoBoingo BitBet mixer is why I thought prop stakes were refunded minus fee
01:05 BingoBoingo But no, cuckoldy Mr. Watch a dick in his wiferson left early
01:20 BingoBoingo !up dub
~ 1 hours 58 minutes ~
03:18 BingoBoingo !up tych0
~ 18 minutes ~
03:37 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 2000 @ 0.0012 = 2.4 BTC
03:52 Adlai "the formula with the 2s has the distinct advantage of being true" -
03:52 assbot Lecture 01 - The Learning Problem - YouTube ... ( )
~ 29 minutes ~
04:22 * Adlai hasn't enjoyed an online course this much since 18.06
04:22 Adlai although fun could be a symptom of in-one-ear-outtheother syndrome
~ 1 hours 22 minutes ~
05:45 punkman
05:45 assbot Self Employment: Even on a Good Day Things are Hard ... ( )
~ 40 minutes ~
06:26 punkman
06:26 assbot NSA operation ORCHESTRA: Annual Status Report - YouTube ... ( )
06:31 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1650 @ 0.00121 = 1.9965 BTC [-]
~ 37 minutes ~
07:08 * Adlai watches the bots make idiotic decisions, hope they know something we don't!
~ 26 minutes ~
07:35 fluffypony Adlai: bots know errthing
07:35 fluffypony don't you watch movies?
07:38 * Adlai makes movies
07:38 Adlai
07:38 assbot Logged on 15-12-2014 23:14:03; adlai: to celebrate mpoe coming back up:
07:39 Adlai background music is left as an exercise for the viewer
07:44 punkman
07:44 assbot BBC News - Adult adoptions: Keeping Japan's family firms alive ... ( )
~ 23 minutes ~
08:07 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 7968 @ 0.0012 = 9.5616 BTC
08:10 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 59600 @ 0.00064571 = 38.4843 BTC [+] {5}
08:23 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12900 @ 0.00065511 = 8.4509 BTC [+] {3}
08:29 RagnarDanneskjol
08:29 assbot A Million Metaorder Analysis of Market Impact on the Bitcoin by Jonathan Donier, Julius Friedrich Bonart :: SSRN ... ( )
08:36 RagnarDanneskjol
08:36 assbot David Thorne's Newest Collection of Sarcastically Brilliant Emails and Essays - Spaces Quarterly ... ( )
~ 31 minutes ~
09:08 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 1152 @ 0.0012 = 1.3824 BTC [-] {4}
~ 31 minutes ~
09:40 BingoBoingo !up Ralt
09:40 scoopbot New post on Trilema by Mircea Popescu:
~ 15 minutes ~
09:55 mats
09:55 assbot Ashton Kemerling - Generative Integration Tests - YouTube ... ( )
10:04 punkman
10:04 assbot NEWS - Well, we were hacked! | Cryptocurrency Business Forum ... ( )
~ 18 minutes ~
10:23 TomServo !up Quanttek
10:24 TomServo Can multiple nicks be upped at once?
10:24 BingoBoingo No, so people can do stuff like:
10:24 danielpbarron of course
10:24 BingoBoingo !up Xuthus Good boy
10:24 danielpbarron oh
10:25 BingoBoingo Whereas:
10:25 BingoBoingo !up nubbins` Ralt
10:25 BingoBoingo Only voices the first person
10:27 scoopbot New post on by Bingo Boingo:
10:33 TomServo !up pi07r
10:35 TomServo I just turned joins back on to assist in upping folks. Let me know if it's too much.
10:40 davout oh god, such romanian drama
10:41 BingoBoingo Yeah
10:41 davout don't fuck with the guy that has the passwords
10:42 BingoBoingo I'm glad Bitcoin-Central never has such drama.
10:44 davout tbh we had different kinds of drama
10:44 davout :D
10:45 BingoBoingo Well, you can't pick a name and stick with it :p
10:45 davout that is true
10:48 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 53100 @ 0.0006163 = 32.7255 BTC [-] {5}
10:57 kakobrekla >We apologize for any inconvenience caused in recent days. Unfortunately, our main programmer took control of servers refusing to hand in resignation.
10:57 kakobrekla wait wut
10:59 asciilifeform !s collarspace
10:59 assbot 0 results for 'collarspace' :
11:02 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11750 @ 0.00060165 = 7.0694 BTC [-]
11:05 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8582 @ 0.00060165 = 5.1634 BTC [-]
11:18 davout kakobrekla: how did they post it is the question
11:18 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 907 @ 0.0012 = 1.0884 BTC
11:19 kakobrekla hm?
11:20 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 130000 @ 0.0012 = 156 BTC
11:21 punkman !t h amhash3
11:21 assbot [HAVELOCK:AMHASH3] 1D: 0.00120000 / 0.0012 / 0.00120000 (167376 shares, 200.85120000 BTC), 7D: 0.00120000 / 0.0012 / 0.00120000 (386419 shares, 463.70280000 BTC), 30D: 0.00120000 / 0.0012 / 0.00120000 (806427 shares, 967.71240000 BTC)
11:22 punkman why so stable
11:22 punkman ipo mode?
11:23 punkman yep
11:28 kakobrekla !s Naphex
11:28 assbot 2876 results for 'Naphex' :
11:30 kakobrekla still dont get it wtf happened there
11:30 kakobrekla can anyone enlighten me?
11:34 punkman
11:34 assbot Misfortune Cookie crumbles router security: '12 MILLION+' in hijack risk • The Register ... ( )
11:34 BingoBoingo kakobrekla: Seems Naphex and HoreaV have a dispute. More details and drama are probably coming out eventually. Since Naphex hasn't defaced the hell of of the site or run away with everything it seems someone probably broke a contract and they are probably going to try suing the hell out of each other.
11:35 kakobrekla fun
~ 16 minutes ~
11:51 mats what a waste of time
~ 23 minutes ~
12:15 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13900 @ 0.00064117 = 8.9123 BTC [+]
12:15 jurov "the admin took control of the server"
12:17 BingoBoingo scoopbot -fetch
12:17 scoopbot New post on by Bingo Boingo:
12:18 BingoBoingo From the "they have scales" department
12:18 assbot ... ( )
12:18 BingoBoingo "10 reasons Preet Bharara should be the next attorney general"
12:19 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 886 @ 0.00120722 = 1.0696 BTC [+] {2}
12:25 davout jurov: it's quite strange that they then somehow manage to publish a notice on the server
12:25 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20650 @ 0.00064136 = 13.2441 BTC [+] {2}
~ 28 minutes ~
12:54 assbot [HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 209 @ 0.00684 = 1.4296 BTC [-]
~ 15 minutes ~
13:09 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 38849 @ 0.00064959 = 25.2359 BTC [+] {2}
13:11 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: bharara << roland freisler !
13:20 ben_vulpes bahahara
13:20 asciilifeform brahaha!
13:21 thestringpuller berry punny guise
13:21 asciilifeform (see also 'muhaha', 'bwahaha', etc.)
13:26 thestringpuller asciilifeform laughs "muhaha' as he starts up a proto-cardano
13:26 thestringpuller "IT LIVES! IT LIVES!"
13:28 Potissimus hi, <- Naphex. AMA
13:29 TomServo ;;ident Potissimus
13:29 gribble CAUTION: irc nick differs from otc registered nick. Nick 'Potissimus', with hostmask 'Potissimus!uid57177@gateway/web/', is identified as user 'Naphex', with GPG key id 64CDBADCE1E0BBAF, key fingerprint F3D76A985F5844814A93F46364CDBADCE1E0BBAF, and bitcoin address 12mVDqdWqFY6zrCqNqgHbxhDPB4ZVUuaTu
13:29 asciilifeform Potissimus: didja do it ?
13:29 Potissimus do what?
13:30 asciilifeform Potissimus: << that
13:30 assbot Dispute Heats Up | ... ( )
13:31 Potissimus well he never had access to the servers
13:31 Potissimus the servers are locked down, no remote management
13:31 Potissimus you bring em up with KVM Console from the guys from the DC
13:32 Potissimus they contain the authoritive data, why access them
13:32 Potissimus in controlled situations you bring them up, deploy and then take them down
13:32 Potissimus he didn't have the source codes as well
13:32 Potissimus all sources codes were on my own private repository
13:32 Potissimus all the time
13:33 Potissimus and prejudices, there are none. on the bitcoin side
13:33 Potissimus fiat side is his own responsability and he is the only one with access
13:33 Potissimus to the bank accounts and whatever
13:33 ben_vulpes what was the contractual dispute?
13:33 Potissimus huge subect, 3 main parts
13:34 Potissimus but the deal breaker was him starting to threaten me
13:34 Potissimus and not stopping
13:34 Potissimus i just ignored him, and he did all this on his own
13:34 ben_vulpes hang on, back up.
13:34 Potissimus okay so 3 main parts
13:34 ben_vulpes you were in a business relationship - yourself on the btc/dev/ops side, himself on the fiat banking/regulatory side, correct?
13:35 Potissimus yes
13:35 ben_vulpes nm carry on with your parts :)
13:36 Potissimus a) he started running a fractional reserve, i only noticed when i heard there werent sufficient funds to send from the fiat side. to fill the withdrawal queue
13:36 Potissimus it wasn't a problem, but it was a 1 day delay with the funds from bitstamp
13:36 Potissimus but that shouldn't have happen, since the fiat side should've been 100% reserve
13:37 ben_vulpes lol fractional reserve not a problem? hilarious, but go on
13:37 assbot Last 1 lines bashed and pending review. ( )
13:37 kakobrekla !b 1
13:37 mircea_popescu o.O check itout, new names ?
13:37 ben_vulpes new drama, even.
13:37 mircea_popescu anyway, re the entire btcexchange thing : i know both the people involved, on the grounds they took a trip to timisoara.
13:38 mircea_popescu for that matter, naphex explained what was going on as was going on, to the usual barrage of "i told you so"
13:38 Potissimus yes :(
13:38 Potissimus very true
13:38 mircea_popescu basically, the horeav dude is a redneck doofus on a power trip, and lying through his teeth.
13:38 ben_vulpes in the log?
13:39 Potissimus with 6 month advance worning from mp
13:39 mircea_popescu ben_vulpes in teh private.
13:39 Potissimus warning*
13:39 Potissimus should've left then
13:39 ben_vulpes mm.
13:39 mircea_popescu ben_vulpes you should have seen the dude show up for a business meeting, white cotton wife beater & audi.
13:39 mircea_popescu it was like depeche mode came to visit.
13:39 asciilifeform lol!
13:40 ben_vulpes awww man
13:40 ben_vulpes "yes i'd like a martini please"
13:40 ben_vulpes "how would you like that, sir"
13:40 ben_vulpes "uhhh however"
13:40 mircea_popescu anyway, romania is traditionally cheap, and the dude figures hey, why shouldn't programmer work butt off for 400 euro/month or w/e.
13:40 TomServo Redneck indeed. An audi requires a silk wifebeater, amateurs!
13:40 mircea_popescu because yes, the world really and desperately needs "entrepreneurs" from neanderthal.
13:41 mircea_popescu Potissimus who're you again ?
13:41 ben_vulpes naphex.
13:41 mircea_popescu o.O
13:41 mircea_popescu what happened there ?
13:41 ben_vulpes a rose by any other name?
13:41 mircea_popescu ;;ident Potissimus
13:41 gribble CAUTION: irc nick differs from otc registered nick. Nick 'Potissimus', with hostmask 'Potissimus!uid57177@gateway/web/', is identified as user 'Naphex', with GPG key id 64CDBADCE1E0BBAF, key fingerprint F3D76A985F5844814A93F46364CDBADCE1E0BBAF, and bitcoin address 12mVDqdWqFY6zrCqNqgHbxhDPB4ZVUuaTu
13:41 mircea_popescu aok
13:42 mircea_popescu ;;rated naphex
13:42 gribble You rated user naphex on Thu May 15 21:01:35 2014, with a rating of 2, and supplied these additional notes:
13:42 mircea_popescu ;;rated horeav
13:42 gribble You have not yet rated user horeav
13:42 mircea_popescu mkay.
13:42 mircea_popescu jurov lol those are a lot like buridan's ass!
13:43 mircea_popescu so anyway, other that europe's other decent exchange imploding, how is everyone ?
13:44 Potissimus fine
13:44 Potissimus i guess :\
13:45 ben_vulpes evaluating odd emails threads i seem to be mistakenly cc'd on:
13:45 assbot ... ( )
13:45 Potissimus the bitcointalk thread, for others interested.
13:45 assbot NOTIFICARE IMPORTANTĂ: vă rugăm să va retrageți toate fondurile din BTCXchange ... ( )
13:46 mircea_popescu ben_vulpes lol ?
13:46 mircea_popescu you had an acct ?
13:48 thestringpuller the real question mircea_popescu is how is your vacation?
13:49 mircea_popescu my vacation has developed a number of breasts.
13:49 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34850 @ 0.00065512 = 22.8309 BTC [+] {3}
13:49 asciilifeform mircea_popescu vacationing in pripyat', or in fukushima ?
13:49 assbot Last 4 lines bashed and pending review. ( )
13:49 BingoBoingo !b 4
13:49 mircea_popescu (for the romanian ear, fukishima mostly sounds like "fuck you and your mother")
13:49 asciilifeform lol!!
13:50 mircea_popescu asciilifeform this one you'll apreciate : a good insult to gift someone is "bezmetic"
13:50 mircea_popescu literally from the slavic queenless
13:50 asciilifeform aha, 'without king in his head'
13:51 mircea_popescu queen yo!
13:51 * asciilifeform has, at most, a demented old colonel in his head, no royalty
13:52 mircea_popescu me googles devotional sex for alf's rounding.
13:52 asciilifeform devotional sex << inana !?!
13:52 asciilifeform babylon ?
13:52 mircea_popescu !s devotionalsex
13:52 assbot 0 results for 'devotionalsex' :
13:52 mircea_popescu psssshhh
13:53 asciilifeform y'know, on the altar, on the pyramid
13:53 asciilifeform where else.
13:55 rithm back seat of a 74 vw beetle?
13:57 thestringpuller asciilifeform do you mind if I call you alfie?
13:57 thestringpuller (i kid ofc)
13:57 mircea_popescu alrightywell, merry xmas everyone!
13:58 BingoBoingo Merry titsmas mircea_popescu
14:01 assbot Last 1 lines bashed and pending review. ( )
14:01 thestringpuller !b 1
14:09 assbot [HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 500 @ 0.00684 = 3.42 BTC [-]
14:21 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 3400 @ 0.00121483 = 4.1304 BTC [+] {6}
14:26 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 874 @ 0.0012 = 1.0488 BTC
14:29 thestringpuller ;;google mpoe-pr so you want to start a bitcoin business
14:29 gribble Error: We broke The Google!
14:29 thestringpuller nanotube: what's going on with gribble's google query?
14:33 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8100 @ 0.00064522 = 5.2263 BTC [-]
14:38 kakobrekla btw ddos is gone (temporarily?)
~ 21 minutes ~
14:59 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 1000 @ 0.0012 = 1.2 BTC
14:59 rithm it's been borked for a few days, anything google related
15:00 rithm ;;ud and ;;lmgtfy
15:00 gribble | lmgtfy = (abbreviation) let me google that for you lets you google for someone else. So for example, instead of answering a question...
15:00 rithm well nm i'm a moron
15:11 pete_dushenski ;;later tell peterl please to add contravex to the blogroll :)
15:11 gribble The operation succeeded.
15:12 pete_dushenski it's been too long b-a...
15:13 pete_dushenski yes, i'm alive and still doing my own scoopbotting
15:13 cazalla pete_dushenski, can't believe you fell for au cinema scam lol
15:13 pete_dushenski ha!
15:13 pete_dushenski well it's not my fault the weather has been shite and pushed me indoors
15:13 jurov ;;seen scoopbot
15:13 gribble scoopbot was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 2 hours, 56 minutes, and 6 seconds ago: <scoopbot> New post on by Bingo Boingo:
15:13 thestringpuller pete_dushenski is too busy being a pimp
15:14 thestringpuller lol
15:14 pete_dushenski heh
15:14 pete_dushenski it's not as big of a time commitment as you'd imagine
15:14 cazalla tbh, i assumed it was the same elsewhere, real shame what they've done to cinema here
15:14 pete_dushenski it's worse here
15:15 pete_dushenski i knew cars were 50% more expensive, food too, shouldn't be surprising that movies are as well
15:15 pete_dushenski but the ads...
15:15 pete_dushenski those are on another level
15:15 cazalla ya, last time i went, i was ready to start smashing things
15:15 pete_dushenski i was shocked with the number of *local* ads
15:16 pete_dushenski lol
15:16 pete_dushenski you expect the pepsi, bmw, etc.
15:16 pete_dushenski but the local pie shop?
15:16 ben_vulpes a pete!
15:16 pete_dushenski is me!
15:17 Potissimus laters o/
15:18 pete_dushenski how goes the wedgies and foundationing ben_vulpes ?
15:25 pete_dushenski alright, self-scoopage time:
15:26 pete_dushenski
15:26 assbot Bitcoin: L’Économie de la Débrouillardise International, aka “Système DI” | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski ... ( )
15:26 pete_dushenski
15:26 assbot Signs of Sydney | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski ... ( )
15:26 pete_dushenski
15:26 assbot Stalking Black Swans In Canberra: The City Of Plans | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski ... ( )
15:26 pete_dushenski
15:26 assbot When Your Kids Ask You What A Computer Is, Take Them To Melbourne. | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski ... ( )
15:26 pete_dushenski
15:26 assbot A swimming pool of idle tears won’t spare the affirmative action fallguy. She’s still the canary. | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski ... ( )
15:26 pete_dushenski
15:26 assbot Smoking causes cancer, and other humourously enraging consequences of regulatory capture | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski ... ( )
15:27 pete_dushenski fin.
~ 18 minutes ~
15:46 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18000 @ 0.00063554 = 11.4397 BTC [-] {3}
15:51 thestringpuller pete_dushenski wrote us a novel
15:51 thestringpuller lol
15:51 pete_dushenski :D
~ 18 minutes ~
16:10 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5333 @ 0.00060165 = 3.2086 BTC [-]
16:24 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15787 @ 0.00059229 = 9.3505 BTC [-]
~ 22 minutes ~
16:47 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 2558 @ 0.0012 = 3.0696 BTC
16:47 thestringpuller << this is by far the most redditarded thing reddit has come up with by far
16:52 thestringpuller reddit has officially gone full retard
16:52 jurov << i have looked for /r/dogecoin reaction, found this
16:53 jurov and buttcoiners are grabbing popcorn
16:58 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 869 @ 0.0012 = 1.0428 BTC
16:59 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 1187 @ 0.0012 = 1.4244 BTC
17:03 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 1000 @ 0.0012 = 1.2 BTC
17:13 cazalla scoopbot, wru!
17:13 assbot Charlie Shrem On His Two Year Prison Sentence: "Justice Has Been Served" | ... ( )
17:18 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 3751 @ 0.0012 = 4.5012 BTC
~ 15 minutes ~
17:33 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24649 @ 0.00066493 = 16.3899 BTC [+] {2}
~ 17 minutes ~
17:51 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7225 @ 0.00066832 = 4.8286 BTC [+]
18:05 ben_vulpes mthreat, mircea_popescu: << corroboration?
18:05 assbot Bloody Hell: Argentina's Import Restrictions Cause Tampon Shortage | The Bubble | News from Argentina ... ( )
~ 23 minutes ~
18:28 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 41134 @ 0.00062009 = 25.5068 BTC [-]
18:31 thestringpuller cazalla: you around?
18:31 cazalla yup
18:45 danielpbarron !up agorecki
18:48 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 1121 @ 0.0012 = 1.3452 BTC
18:48 agorecki I'm surprised that so many people choose to have channel joins / parts displayed. I have to leave them off because there are too many in high population channels
18:51 agorecki Hmm. My IRC client actually does support turning that on and off on a per channel basis. I guess I'll make use of that feature then :|
19:01 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6500 @ 0.00059793 = 3.8865 BTC [-]
19:07 assbot [HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 305 @ 0.00684 = 2.0862 BTC [-]
~ 17 minutes ~
19:24 thestringpuller is this real?
19:24 thestringpuller as in is that the real ryanxcharles?
19:25 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27030 @ 0.0005876 = 15.8828 BTC [-]
19:31 ben_vulpes who could ever know
19:45 cazalla scoopbot, -fetch
19:45 cazalla or was it fetch?
19:45 thestringpuller scoopbot -fetch
19:45 scoopbot New post on by cazalla:
19:45 thestringpuller good boy
19:45 cazalla what would i do without you thestringpuller
19:45 thestringpuller d'aww
~ 22 minutes ~
20:08 danielpbarron "I should be able to get together just enough money for February rent. However without phone we don't have any access to internet ... Internet/phone is also our lifeline to our friends and loved ones outside of our house. Being who we are, autistic with social anxiety"
20:08 assbot QT Family needs your help ... ( )
20:09 danielpbarron no pretense to even make some token thing; just "fund our internet bill because autism"
20:10 thestringpuller the jurassic park version of socialism
20:10 thestringpuller "socialism. socialism will find a way"
20:12 cazalla danielpbarron, wow, they have kids too
20:25 TomServo !up drian
20:25 TomServo poor kids
20:27 decimation !up Adlai
20:33 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15743 @ 0.00059996 = 9.4452 BTC [+]
~ 18 minutes ~
20:52 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 895 @ 0.0012 = 1.074 BTC
20:55 ben_vulpes poor everyone involved.
~ 16 minutes ~
21:12 kakobrekla Charlie Shrem ‏@CharlieShrem 4h4 hours ago
21:12 kakobrekla On a good note, Judge Rakoff called me a brilliant visionary and that he admires my brainpower. #bitcoin
21:12 kakobrekla aha.
21:26 asciilifeform 'I've been sentenced to 2 years, to self surrender in 90 days. Considering I was facing 30 years, justice has been served.' << lol!!! >> 'i've been sentenced to the guillotine, to self-surrender in 90 days. considering that i was facing boiling in oil, justice has been served.'
~ 34 minutes ~
22:01 decimation asciilifeform: his only alternative is axe-time, sword-time
22:06 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 53695 @ 0.00059981 = 32.2068 BTC [-] {2}
22:07 decimation << man writes calculus textbook, government mandates sales, man builds $32 mil. house, dies.
22:07 assbot James Stewart devoted his life to math and music - The Globe and Mail ... ( )
22:10 ben_vulpes for the record
22:10 decimation << there is an air of desperation here: "Sony reported this incident within hours, which is what the FBI hopes all companies will do when facing a cyber attack. Sony’s quick reporting facilitated the investigators’ ability to do their jobs, and ultimately to identify the source of these attacks."
22:10 assbot ... ( )
22:10 ben_vulpes heroku databases are pretty dang performant, even if they are heavily constrained on the number of rows users are allowed.
22:10 decimation is that an unsql database?
22:11 ben_vulpes i refer specifically to their hosted postgres databases.
22:11 decimation ah. postgres is useful.
22:11 ben_vulpes postgres being a pretty awesome sql db.
22:12 ben_vulpes i just cut a client over to aws from heroku and while everything went darn swimmingly, amazon's performance throttling of dbs is pretty painful.
22:12 ben_vulpes i'm on like day three of unbillable "get client back to known good cluster state" work.
22:13 ben_vulpes damn nightly jobs.
22:13 decimation I hope you are billing mightily
22:14 ben_vulpes unbillable.
22:14 ben_vulpes once i untangle the thing, billing will commence again.
22:15 decimation that sounds like a lovely friday evening :(
22:22 decimation << "a Politico reporter, Mike Allen, lobbed a couple of unexpected questions at Mr. Clinton after he delivered prepared remarks at the “Playbook Cocktails with Bill Clinton” event. Mr. Clinton made news by questioning whether Mr. Obama’s delay on an immigration overhaul affected the weak turnout of
22:22 assbot Log In - The New York Times ... ( )
22:22 decimation Latinos in the midterm elections. Mr. Clinton’s team appeared livid with the organizers about the unanticipated questions.
22:22 decimation "I had misunderstood the parameters, and I’m very sorry about that,” Mr. Allen said. A spokesman for Mr. Clinton declined to comment."
22:25 decimation It's good that reporters apologize for asking questions, makes the situation clear for the little people
22:26 decimation !up Vexual
22:26 decimation Vexual: can you explain to Pete why Canberra is expensive and depressing?
22:27 Vexual too many bureaucrats
22:28 decimation yeah sounds legit
22:28 decimation at least your federal district isn't a crime-ridden hellhole like Washington, DC
22:29 Vexual I thought aboma rushed the immigration stuff, not delayed it
22:29 decimation he delayed till after the election, on the assumption that it would piss off the opposition more than it did
22:29 decimation in retrospect he had no chance anyway
22:34 decimation << "The Office of Personnel Management is alerting more than 48,000 federal employees their personal information may have been exposed following a breach at KeyPoint Government Solutions, which conducts background investigations of federal employees seeking security clearances."
22:34 assbot 48,000 Federal Employees Potentially Affected by Second Background Check Hack - ... ( )
22:35 decimation << "On Thursday, US Attorney General Eric Holder announced a new interpretation of the Civil Rights Act meant to prevent employers from discriminating against people who claim the status of a transgendered person."
22:35 assbot DOJ: Employers Can't Discriminate Against the Transgendered ... ( )
22:38 ben_vulpes so?
22:38 ben_vulpes i fail to see the import of this.
22:38 decimation I thought the two articles were a good juxtaposition
22:38 ben_vulpes raaarh except for the hideous autoplaying video
22:39 ben_vulpes i can't help reading this as anything but a play to increase the "funnel" of "civil rights" cases that justify the expansion of "rights" perpetually.
22:39 decimation usg simultaneously: 1) is unable to responsibly handle even minimal tasks like "keep employee details confidential" while 2.) demands others follow its crazy interpretations of its crazy laws
22:40 ben_vulpes oh but decimation that's an incompetent /private sector/ actor.
22:40 ben_vulpes this just goes to show that we really need to regulate the people with databases so that they don't leak things.
22:40 decimation ah, of course. there's no way usg is liable for the actions of someone they hired
22:41 ben_vulpes goodness no!
22:41 ben_vulpes nor are government contractors notoriously incompetent.
22:41 ben_vulpes all of the hotshot engineers want to work at northrup grumman! they make things so quickly, and their things are always /so good/.
22:41 decimation but certainly, *everyone* is liable for maintaining the delicate sensibilities of the transgendered
22:42 decimation ben_vulpes: working for usg as a contractor is a soul sucking experience
22:42 decimation even if it pays well
22:43 Vexual dudes with face tatoos prolly need more help than dudes with silicone tits
22:44 undata excuse me, don't you mean the "differently marked"?
22:44 Vexual yeah
22:44 decimation 'bama is gonna throw you ingrates in jail
22:44 decimation mocking our transgendered forefathers, etc
22:45 ben_vulpes they didn't have the /freedom/ to be transgendered.
22:45 ben_vulpes oppressed as they were by the patriarchy/british/french/native american tribal leadership
22:47 Vexual would you have a ladyboi do your sql?
22:47 undata who cares?
22:47 decimation actually that reminds me of another link (this one is smarter): << " In Afghanistan and Iraq, the George W. Bush administration failed to adequately prepare for what the military calls “Phase IV,” the period after immediate victory — an oversight that allowed law and order to break down in both countries and insurgencies to metastasize. Yet Obama, despite his
22:47 assbot Bungling the Conclusions to Wars « Isegoria ... ( )
22:47 decimation criticism of Bush’s conduct of the Iraq war, repeated the same mistake in Libya"
22:48 ben_vulpes i'd have a bro in a meshback trucker cap do my sql if they came in at a good rate and didn't need hand holding
22:48 ben_vulpes he*
22:48 decimation I would humbly suggest that maybe usg "failed to prepare" because they assumed that once they set the transgendered free from their oppression a new golden age would dawn
22:48 undata one can't assign one narrative to a pile as big as the USG
22:51 undata decimation: that only works if you accept the freedom-spreading justification
22:51 undata they failed to prepare because stability was never the aim
22:51 decimation undata: I guess. I recall that was the propaganda they were pimping at the time
22:51 undata oh sure
22:52 undata as for trannies, I'm fine with 'em
22:52 undata to chance being labeled as an MRA, I don't think the progressive demonization of heterosexual maleness is at all healthy
22:53 undata but were there not a govt handing out welfare to every newly formed oppressed minority it wouldn't be an issue
22:53 ben_vulpes nah undata it's great
22:54 decimation undata: agreed. In the same way, I wouldn't have a problem with free immigration, if it didn't come with infinite benefits as a newly oppressed minority
22:54 ben_vulpes just makes hairly manly men that much more of a scarce commodity
22:54 ben_vulpes hairy*
22:55 undata ben_vulpes: haha, 'tis true
22:56 decimation ben_vulpes: good point.
22:56 assbot Logged on 18-11-2014 11:34:27; mircea_popescu: decimation: "The Brazilification of society can be a samba carnival assuming you approach it the right way, and most importantly, get to live on the pleasant side of the barbed wire fence." <<< this has been exactly my experience to date.
22:57 assbot [MPEX] [S.BBET] 29950 @ 0.00017345 = 5.1948 BTC [-] {3}
22:57 decimation !up Vexual
23:08 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31563 @ 0.00058727 = 18.536 BTC [-] {2}
23:08 decimation ;;ticker
23:08 gribble Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 320.82, Best ask: 321.68, Bid-ask spread: 0.86000, Last trade: 320.64, 24 hour volume: 17313.80123791, 24 hour low: 307.11, 24 hour high: 321.91, 24 hour vwap: 314.269428534
23:09 Vexual ;;tslb
23:09 gribble Error: Problem retrieving latest block data.
23:13 mats
23:13 assbot 1,000 paratroopers to deploy to Iraq ... ( )
23:13 Vexual gribbles mining gaw too?
23:14 decimation mats: I guess this is more non-boots-on-the-ground intervention?
23:14 mats ofc
23:14 Vexual theres a jump that would tighten the old rectal sphinkter
23:14 undata good game, Osama.
23:15 undata he couldn't have been more successful
23:15 mats iraqi .mil won't fight in pitched battles, so send in the 82nd!
23:16 mats never mind the iraqis know something we don't, but hey lets get some combat infantry badges.
23:16 undata nine month deployment my ass.
23:17 decimation yeah that's a tough assignment
23:17 decimation isis has shown absolutely no compunction with going full "apocalypse now"
23:18 undata meanwhile legal weed isn't nearly as good as soma
23:19 undata when do we get the good stuff?
23:19 * undata wants to go to the feelies
23:19 decimation plus because of the idiotic 'de-baathification' policy of usg, the most competent part of the iraqi army has already joined isis
23:20 Vexual mats, you you think they might be the first to see the new seth rogan flick?
23:20 mats if you gotta send something, you could do worse than the 82nd
23:21 mats that movie's not being released bc it sucks
23:22 Vexual lol
23:22 decimation hopefully valerie jarrett has the balls to support them with air cover & artillery
23:23 mats sure wish somebody took isis seriously
23:23 decimation 'cause isis has like Abrams tanks, Stingers, etc
23:23 assbot It's not just the savagery of Isis that is shocking – its weaponry is too - Comment - Voices - The Independent ... ( )
23:24 mats should be 300,000 instead of 1,000 but who wants to risk losing again?
23:25 decimation well, to be straight, usg needs to go back to the WWII defeated Germany/Japan playbook
23:25 asciilifeform lose 300k, 1k at a time. works great.
23:25 decimation rule the whole country directly under martial law until shit stabilizes in a few hundred years
23:26 decimation if usg doesn't have the will to do that, they have no business there
23:39 punkman
23:39 assbot Possible upcoming attempts to disable the Tor network | The Tor Blog ... ( )
23:39 punkman !up Vexual
23:40 Vexual i sthere a plan?
23:41 Bet placed: 1 BTC for No on "Honkie peg to be broken" Odds: 26(Y):74(N) by coin, 44(Y):56(N) by weight. Total bet: 2.88240178 BTC. Current weight: 15,479.
23:41 punkman !t m s.bbet
23:41 assbot [MPEX:S.BBET] 1D: 0.0001 / 0.0001561 / 0.0002 (50000 shares, 7.81 BTC), 7D: 0.0001 / 0.0001561 / 0.0002 (50000 shares, 7.81 BTC), 30D: 0.0001 / 0.00028101 / 0.00049 (97079 shares, 27.28 BTC)
23:42 decimation punkman: re: tor blog & comments < such expert
23:48 punkman "To be sure to keep our source safe, we're not providing more details quite yet. But actually, we don't know many more details than the ones we posted."
23:48 Vexual i had a tranny work my drft car. promptly borked it and she got cross
23:48 punkman "Our previous plan had been to sit tight and hope nothing happens. Then we realized that was a silly plan when we could do this one instead."
23:48 punkman decimation: indeed
23:48 asciilifeform tor << snake will begin to swallow its tail, at last ?
23:49 decimation I'm waiting for my tranny to fail in my honda
23:49 Vexual lol
23:50 decimation asciilifeform: I doubt there will be a 'day of reckoning' w.r.t. tor. it will just turn off and the derps will move on
23:51 asciilifeform decimation: there's a saying, 'свято место пусто не бывает' - 'the holy place is never long empty'
23:51 decimation 'holy place' being the cemetery?
23:51 asciilifeform there'll be a new! improved! honeypot (almost certainly consisting of a tor 'altcoin' - original with a few knobs turned)
23:51 punkman I think the big scam is making all the derps believe they can have anonymity with low-latency tor
23:51 asciilifeform punkman: tor is a multi-layered scam
23:53 decimation low-latency? I've never used tor but I doubt its latency is low
23:53 decimation nor could it possibly ever be
23:53 punkman well Vexual and other folks can chat on IRC, so I'd say low latency
23:54 asciilifeform decimation: he means, i think, generic tcp stream (vs. store-and-forward, which is more or less the only way to even begin resisting elementary traffic analysis)
23:54 decimation yeah, tcp is pretty much the most retarded protocol you could pick to try to make 'anonymous'
23:55 decimation but, the 'people' want 'anonymous web browsing', so they get it
23:56 Vexual apprently your not supposed to drive it home with a busted intercooler
23:56 decimation nah that's a good way to ruin a tranny
23:57 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29555 @ 0.00059288 = 17.5226 BTC [+]
23:59 punkman asciilifeform: punkman: tor is a multi-layered scam << says so on the tin, it's an onion :P
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