Show Idle (>14 d.) Chans

← 2014-12-11 | 2014-12-13 →
00:05 BingoBoingo !up Vexual
00:06 BingoBoingo !up ryanxcharles
00:06 BingoBoingo !up badon
00:06 BingoBoingo !up badon badonkadonk
00:11 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 51785 @ 0.00061345 = 31.7675 BTC [+] {2}
00:20 mircea_popescu ;;bc,stats
00:20 gribble Current Blocks: 333956 | Current Difficulty: 4.000747027127126E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 334655 | Next Difficulty In: 699 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 4 days, 15 hours, 5 minutes, and 57 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 39650018750.9 | Estimated Percent Change: -0.89346
00:24 BingoBoingo Two negatives in a row?
00:24 BingoBoingo Fucking Walgreens selling medicine in packages larger than single servings
00:24 mircea_popescu << check out the pics lol
00:24 assbot World Jewish Congress - Ultra-Orthodox Jews in New York rally against Israeli army draft plans ... ( )
00:24 BingoBoingo I must still be tripping
00:25 mircea_popescu Satmar Hasidim, fwiw, was born in a town called satu mare in romania.
00:25 BingoBoingo lol
00:26 BingoBoingo
00:26 assbot ... ( )
00:26 mircea_popescu BingoBoingo wasn't that a scene in v for vendetta ?
00:27 BingoBoingo No, apparently from Oakland Shitifornia tonight
00:30 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11300 @ 0.00061496 = 6.949 BTC [+] {2}
00:35 mircea_popescu 1st serenissima sapper regiment should really get herring breakfast.
00:44 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18050 @ 0.00061956 = 11.1831 BTC [+]
~ 29 minutes ~
01:14 scoopbot New post on Trilema by Mircea Popescu:
01:21 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27700 @ 0.000609 = 16.8693 BTC [-] {2}
~ 19 minutes ~
01:40 * BingoBoingo suggests sappers get a delicious salad bar fully of blowfish they can carve themselves
01:40 BingoBoingo !up Belxjander
01:41 BingoBoingo Belxjander: Interesting part message
01:41 BingoBoingo !up Vexual
01:42 Vexual rockin that powerpc?
01:50 Vexual have you ever eaten blowfish BingoBoingo?
01:51 BingoBoingo Vexual: Not yet, but it is on the to do list
01:52 Vexual Even if things go worng, it's gotta be better than ciguatera
01:53 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 1725 @ 0.0012 = 2.07 BTC
01:56 Vexual a decent bout of that and intel or not, you get funny about fish like aciilifeform to intel
01:56 Vexual ie x86
01:59 Vexual blowfish you just breathe heavy, see stars, and round two next weekend
02:00 Vexual go the amiga
02:01 BingoBoingo Am I the only person who thinks petco sells more interesting and safer meat than most grocers here?
02:02 Vexual we've had a few hipster babies die from raw milk here in oz this week, i wonder if they might have bought better food at the pet store?
02:02 Vexual raw cow milk
02:02 Vexual not human
02:03 Vexual ive tried catfood; it's shit
02:03 Vexual whats petco anyway?
02:04 punkman there's barely any meat in pet food
02:04 Vexual my cats like canned sardines
02:05 Vexual as do i
02:06 punkman I was taking a walk at the park the other day and a giant golden retriever demanded to have my tangerine
02:06 BingoBoingo Vexual: They sell pet supplies and small pets like blowfish
02:07 punkman you ever eat dog Vexual?
02:08 Vexual no, i dont htink so punkman
02:08 Vexual have you?
02:09 punkman I'd try it
02:09 Vexual tangerine fed golden retriever?
02:10 punkman is there dog-eaters forum where they discuss which breed has best marbling?
02:10 Vexual lol
02:12 punkman !up Vexual
02:16 Vexual i don't think i'd eat dog given a choice
02:17 Vexual not much of it anyway
02:22 Vexual it's more of an `after tequila' thing
02:22 punkman apparently the swiss prefer rotweiler
02:22 assbot Farmers in Switzerland routinely EATING cats and dogs with their meals | Daily Mail Online ... ( )
02:23 fluffypony <+ben_vulpes> what happened to the mining rig rack fab operating out of africa? <- that's going extremely well - we showed off the ASIC rack prototypes to those interested at Inside Bitcoins earlier in the year, and a couple of months later we got a lucrative exclusive contract to supply a farm, so we won't be selling the frames commercially until June next year (if at all). the GPU frames we still sell, although that market has slowed
02:23 fluffypony significantly since around the same period.
02:25 Vexual hey fluffypony, 2011 called..
02:25 fluffypony 2011 had ASICs?
02:25 assbot Last 3 lines bashed and pending review. ( )
02:25 BingoBoingo !b 3
02:29 Vexual no, but you were making more bc before you went cryptonote
02:30 Vexual (at a guess)
02:30 fluffypony I was making money before BTC even had a genesis block :)
02:30 fluffypony my businesses haven't disappeared
02:31 Vexual ((im allowed to gess, im a qntra reader))
02:31 fluffypony that's like saying I was making more money before I started building and flying multicopters
02:32 Vexual you've always been more than a statistic fluffypony
02:32 fluffypony lol
02:33 Vexual are you lambchop?
02:35 BingoBoingo Nah, He's Sharry Lee Lewis
02:35 Vexual lol
02:38 Vexual shes had work done
02:39 Vexual vuples' puppet cannon
02:40 Vexual good as any facelift
02:40 Vexual o.0
02:41 Vexual which reminds me, mist sid down to a bbowl of special k with pete_d
02:41 Vexual talk about bitcoin and shit
02:42 cazalla Vexual, you with the special k, BingoBoingo and danielpbarron with the robo
02:42 cazalla !up Vexual
02:42 Vexual what robo, i read it in th elogs, but i kinda skimmed?
02:43 Vexual i was reffering to his fail twitter that fluffy fixed
02:45 fluffypony his tweet was fine
02:45 fluffypony it was Weener's that wasn't
02:45 Vexual lolwot?
02:46 fluffypony dushenski didn't say something stupid in a tweet, Bryce Weeeener did
02:46 Vexual i don't know who that is
02:54 Vexual also fail does not equal stupid
02:55 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 37300 @ 0.00061743 = 23.0301 BTC [+]
02:57 BingoBoingo When doesn't that fuck
02:57 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 1000 @ 0.0012 = 1.2 BTC
02:58 Vexual fine let it be the same, watthe fuck do i care
02:59 Vexual it's not like theres a wiki
03:00 fluffypony yes there is
03:00 fluffypony
03:00 assbot start [bitcoin assets wiki] ... ( )
03:01 cazalla so after months and months of daily sign language, my son finally figure out dad, not so sure he understands exactly what it means though
03:01 Vexual shows what i know
03:02 Vexual o|o
03:02 cazalla hopefully he picks up more at a faster pace, can say mum, dad, nose, cheek, bird but again, not so sure he even understands what he is saying
03:02 fluffypony cazalla: but he gets the sense that it refers to you?
03:02 cazalla fluffypony, don't think so, he calls us both mum and dad
03:03 fluffypony it'll take time
03:03 Vexual you need an italian nanny; he'll pick up gestures quicksmart
03:04 cazalla Vexual, or an au pair as you suggested :P
03:05 Vexual ah yes, brazillian prtugese
03:05 Vexual AND
03:07 BingoBoingo Just get a french maid
03:08 cazalla french mistress perhaps
03:09 cazalla or why not both eh, toss in a harem mp style while i'm at it
03:09 cazalla i think not..
03:11 BingoBoingo Why not?
03:11 BingoBoingo Too much work to turn them out?
03:11 Vexual french is monday?
03:12 BingoBoingo Not feeling very Tyrone?
03:12 Vexual ok tuesday too
03:13 BingoBoingo !up Vexual
03:14 cazalla BingoBoingo, i'll leave that to young men such as yourself BingoBoingo
03:14 BingoBoingo cazalla: Our mascot better start turning out some of those doe bunnies before you eat him.
~ 17 minutes ~
03:32 Vexual eat your heart out daniel p barron
03:33 Vexual also decimation, who as a special epreciation of politics
03:34 Vexual whos corruption index dont move
03:36 scoopbot New post on by cazalla:
03:39 fluffypony "we must remain vigilant to ensure market integrity, and will continue to evaluate these new contracts over time"
03:39 fluffypony sounds like the US response to terrorism
03:39 fluffypony "we're doing this for your own good. to protect you. now bend over."
03:40 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 40600 @ 0.00062081 = 25.2049 BTC [+] {4}
03:40 Vexual whats the real story? the sec is depleted? and theres places untouched?
03:40 Vexual is this a multiprong approach?
03:41 Vexual are you watching snl caz?
03:42 Vexual whats the cftc?
03:43 Vexual and why doesn't it have a hyperlink?
03:43 cazalla Vexual, it does, 2nd paragraph, and i don't watch much tv tbh
03:43 cazalla !up Vexual
03:44 Vexual i'm not sure if it's even on this close to the end of the year
03:46 cazalla Vexual, meh, few times i watched snl it was most overrated thing i have ever seen
03:46 Vexual yeah, but it's the best news outta usa
03:48 Vexual onion x blooberd x tmz
03:48 Vexual in a weekly called a nighly
03:50 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 2610 @ 0.0012 = 3.132 BTC
03:52 Vexual always pre-emptive
~ 19 minutes ~
04:12 cazalla poor rabbit
04:12 assbot Actor Ate Girlfriend's Pet Rabbit, Said He'd Do the Same to Her: Cops ... ( )
04:16 cazalla !up Vexual
04:16 cazalla fancy a glass of raw milk Vexual ?
04:18 Vexual hell no
04:20 cazalla was it BingoBoingo suggesting so just a few weeks back?
04:22 Vexual some other fuckwit, i won't even be playing cricket this summer
04:25 cazalla zzz, don't mind big bash though
04:25 cazalla actually, i mean 20/20
04:26 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 44006 @ 0.00060199 = 26.4912 BTC [-] {2}
04:35 Vexual oh yeah, ill watch it
04:35 Vexual just dont wanna get knojed out by a tennis ball
04:39 Vexual doesnt men im gonna start using new ads tho
04:40 Vexual still eat bacon and eggs
04:40 Vexual just no cow tit milk
04:41 Vexual or standing in the way of projectiles
04:42 cazalla yeah, cricket balls and milk will get ya killed past week or two
04:43 Vexual
04:48 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 38150 @ 0.000622 = 23.7293 BTC [+] {2}
04:49 cazalla looks like cryptocoinsnews paid 50k for
04:57 punkman wat
04:58 punkman they make that much pushing GAW?
04:58 punkman
04:58 assbot HashStaker – GAW Miners ... ( )
05:05 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27950 @ 0.00060651 = 16.952 BTC [-]
05:07 cazalla punkman, who knows the exact amount
~ 1 hours 18 minutes ~
06:26 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 1610 @ 0.0012 = 1.932 BTC
~ 28 minutes ~
06:54 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 42750 @ 0.00058884 = 25.1729 BTC [-] {2}
07:00 assbot [MPEX] [FT] [X.EUR] 334 @ 0.00341302 = 1.1399 BTC [-]
07:04 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25900 @ 0.00060662 = 15.7115 BTC [+] {2}
~ 20 minutes ~
07:25 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 1044 @ 0.0012 = 1.2528 BTC
07:26 mats The IS price list for slaves ranks the cost of a woman by age, so while a woman aged 40-50 would sell for just 50,000 dinars or $43, a girl aged 10-20 would be worth 150,000 dinars ($125) and a child under nine would sell for 200,000 dinars ($166).
~ 19 minutes ~
07:46 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4000 @ 0.00058347 = 2.3339 BTC [-]
07:52 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27445 @ 0.00060515 = 16.6083 BTC [+] {2}
~ 28 minutes ~
08:20 danielpbarron !up dooglus
08:20 danielpbarron !up rdymac
08:21 danielpbarron !s clams
08:21 assbot 40 results for 'clams' :
08:23 danielpbarron
08:23 assbot Logged on 08-12-2014 15:49:52; mircea_popescu: ;;unrate dooglus
~ 18 minutes ~
08:42 danielpbarron "we sent everyone some clams! now give us your private keys."
08:43 danielpbarron couldn't proof be provided by signing a message? why even have the paragraph about "oh you can trust us; we're building a web of trust!"
08:47 danielpbarron !up qntranet
08:50 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8700 @ 0.00061202 = 5.3246 BTC [+] {2}
08:55 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11450 @ 0.00060739 = 6.9546 BTC [-]
08:56 thestringpuller oh wow
08:58 thestringpuller ;;google just-dice shutdown date
08:58 gribble Just Dice Is Closing: this page/post will be constantly updated with ...: <>; Just-Dice Re-opens After Regulations, Now Accepting CLAMs?: <>; Shut the Box - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: (1 more message)
09:02 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13916 @ 0.00060739 = 8.4524 BTC [-]
09:03 thestringpuller "a government really sounds like a maffia when it wants "a cut"
09:09 thestringpuller ;;seen Pierre_Rochard
09:09 gribble Pierre_Rochard was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 2 days, 16 hours, 21 minutes, and 19 seconds ago: <Pierre_Rochard> thestringpuller: because people like the author think Bitcoin _actually_ is a ponzi scheme and that they have to help attract greater fools, so public relations / appearance/ etc are super important to -sell- bitcoin to the unsuspecting masses
09:09 thestringpuller ;;later tell Pierre_Rochard ping me when available.
09:09 gribble The operation succeeded.
~ 17 minutes ~
09:27 jurov << putin celebrated aas europe's savior from moral corruption
09:27 assbot Gipfeltreffen mit Putins fünfter Kolonne - News Ausland: Europa - ... ( )
09:39 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4500 @ 0.00060192 = 2.7086 BTC [-]
09:51 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14613 @ 0.00058674 = 8.574 BTC [-] {2}
09:52 fluffypony
09:53 assbot Iron Can - Official Trailer (HD) - YouTube ... ( )
10:02 thestringpuller bitcoind why u so slow
10:12 mats
10:12 assbot Iranian hackers used Visual Basic malware to wipe Vegas casino’s network | Ars Technica ... ( )
10:16 asciilifeform run moar winblows!
10:18 asciilifeform moar interesting:
10:18 assbot Apple forces nude immigrants to cover up in iPad version of Papers, Please [Updated] | Ars Technica ... ( )
10:25 decimation asciilifeform: apparently Linus is on the road to becoming you
10:25 decimation
10:25 assbot Jouni Osmala ( on December 8, 2014 1:10 pm wrote: - ... ( )
10:26 decimation apparently Linus posted a rant on some web forum (which is down) in which he claims parallelism is a "huge waste of time"
10:27 decimation << the hacker news thread where people express their butthurt
10:27 assbot Linus: Parallel computing is a huge waste of everybody's time | Hacker News ... ( )
10:28 decimation anyway the reason I say he's on the road to becoming you is that it is only a short step from "parallel computers suck" to "computers suck"
10:31 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25335 @ 0.00060795 = 15.4024 BTC [+] {3}
10:41 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26500 @ 0.00058755 = 15.5701 BTC [-] {2}
~ 23 minutes ~
11:04 mats p sure anybody that's worked on computers has thought that
11:13 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28871 @ 0.0006138 = 17.721 BTC [+] {3}
11:14 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 900 @ 0.0012 = 1.08 BTC
11:23 xanthyos
11:23 assbot ... ( )
11:23 xanthyos my new toy
~ 18 minutes ~
11:42 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30300 @ 0.00061615 = 18.6693 BTC [+] {2}
11:48 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19000 @ 0.00060942 = 11.579 BTC [-]
~ 39 minutes ~
12:27 rithm warm
12:28 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19863 @ 0.00058068 = 11.534 BTC [-] {2}
12:29 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9600 @ 0.00057861 = 5.5547 BTC [-] {2}
12:30 mod6 bsod @ heathrow ; hilarity ensues
~ 15 minutes ~
12:46 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 65182 @ 0.00059142 = 38.5499 BTC [+] {2}
12:56 danielpbarron !up ryanxcharles
13:06 mircea_popescu ;;calc 1320 / [ticker-last]
13:06 gribble Error: "ticker-last" is not a valid command.
13:07 mircea_popescu ;;ticker
13:07 gribble Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 355.53, Best ask: 355.92, Bid-ask spread: 0.39000, Last trade: 355.92, 24 hour volume: 7718.70959079, 24 hour low: 347.01, 24 hour high: 358.07, 24 hour vwap: 352.555439558
13:07 mircea_popescu mod6
13:07 assbot The conference, third edition pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. ... ( )
13:09 mod6 ah, ok thanks. :)
13:14 mircea_popescu >D
13:19 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25797 @ 0.00057103 = 14.7309 BTC [-] {3}
~ 29 minutes ~
13:49 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23200 @ 0.00056383 = 13.0809 BTC [-]
13:52 mircea_popescu shit why can't it be 60+ !
13:53 thestringpuller because you don't endorse scammers
13:53 thestringpuller jk
13:53 mircea_popescu heh
13:53 mircea_popescu i didn't mean 60 satoshi, i meant 60k :D
13:54 mircea_popescu by the way, anyone know what the belgian nut did when emigrating to australia ?
13:54 thestringpuller mod6 is tempting me to sign up as VIP
13:54 thestringpuller i was told there will be harems
13:54 mircea_popescu you gotta be like doing stuff tho
13:56 thestringpuller i thought that was to talk, not listen. lol
13:56 mircea_popescu lol
13:57 asciilifeform i went to #2, and i still don't get, what does the 'vip' option do?
13:58 asciilifeform iirc mircea put it on my tab last time
13:59 rithm the harem is in the VIP
14:01 mircea_popescu it just means you're cool.
14:04 mircea_popescu "Being Submissive doesn't mean you think less of yourself, it means you think of yourself less." ah love that quote.
14:05 thestringpuller mircea_popescu: well, I will just show up I 'spose can use the VIP money on booze night 1
14:07 mircea_popescu hehe i guess so.
14:08 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 59134 @ 0.00058115 = 34.3657 BTC [+] {2}
14:08 mircea_popescu << and so then they were five! plus the peeps planning to show up.
14:08 assbot The conference, third edition pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. ... ( )
14:08 thestringpuller i owe chetty a glass of wine
~ 19 minutes ~
14:27 asciilifeform what happens to the 'just show up' folks? sans vip
14:28 mircea_popescu well they don't get to participate saturday and have to find their own accomodations/drinks/meals/w/e else.
14:29 mircea_popescu
14:29 assbot The conference, third edition pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. ... ( )
14:30 thestringpuller ah well then I want to be VIP when you put it that way :P
14:31 mircea_popescu well yeah but you gotta do something! what will go after your name ?
14:32 thestringpuller "Professional Cookie Monster"
14:32 asciilifeform folks, anyone wishes to see me appear at #3 ?
14:32 BingoBoingo Better get baking!
14:32 mircea_popescu asciilifeform i do.
14:33 thestringpuller the oven is always running :D
14:33 thestringpuller i probably have the diabetes
14:34 scoopbot New post on by Bingo Boingo:
14:35 fluffypony that's because he's not a Normal man
14:35 mircea_popescu "The statute was intended for the exchange of money for money, If you extend it to anything of value, then any customer using a credit card to buy something, anyone holding a yard sale and accepting cash, is a money transferer."
14:35 mircea_popescu which is EXACTLY what they're doing ?
14:35 mircea_popescu who thought out this strategy lol, confront the rapist with a strongly worded statement, "but sir! what you are contemplating would be tantamout to rape!"
14:35 mircea_popescu methinks he knows already.
14:40 danielpbarron !up ryanxcharles
14:42 mircea_popescu in other news,
14:42 assbot Romania, cele mai multe nasteri din UE la adolescente sub 15 ani. Comitetul ONU cere o strategie privind sanatatea si drepturile sexuale si ale reproducerii - Esential - ... ( )
14:42 mircea_popescu romania, most births under 15yo out of the eu.
14:43 thestringpuller teen pregnancy?
14:44 mircea_popescu well no, inasmuch as a 19yo is also a teen
14:44 mircea_popescu this is, pre 15.
14:44 thestringpuller babies having babies
14:44 mircea_popescu to deliver before 15 a girl has to start fucking just about at the time she starts bleeding
14:45 mircea_popescu fertility is kind-of low for the first few years.
14:46 mircea_popescu look at that, ralph baer died
14:55 jurov gypsies don't give a damn about bleeding.. i heard fathers start trying out the daughters very early
14:56 mircea_popescu is this like the rumour that jooz make blood bread ?
14:57 BingoBoingo scoopbot -fetch
14:58 scoopbot New post on by Bingo Boingo:
15:00 danielpbarron BingoBoingo, s/suspicious/suspicions/c
15:01 BingoBoingo thx
15:05 BingoBoingo Oh look at reddit discuss the Normal man additional information
15:05 assbot Additional information on "Normal man" arrested for selling bitcoins in Illinois : Bitcoin ... ( )
15:11 mircea_popescu lmao at this "bill cosby said things about how niggers should try and wash up so now we're claiming he raped us" campaign is so lulzy.
15:12 mircea_popescu but hey, i guess there's not going to be a cosbygate, on the grounds that who the fuck cares.
15:13 mircea_popescu meanwhile @reality ranch,
15:13 assbot The Sexodus, Part 1: The Men Giving Up On Women And Checking Out Of Society ... ( )
15:14 mircea_popescu i suppose nobody's looked specifically at the 80/20 male/female split in ritalin forced consumptrion. date rape drugs bad, ritalin good eh ?
15:24 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 130 @ 0.008451 = 1.0986 BTC [-] {2}
15:27 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29400 @ 0.00057426 = 16.8832 BTC [-]
15:32 BingoBoingo Now this is sad
15:32 assbot Thunderclap: Coin Fire 2015 Kickoff ... ( )
15:34 BingoBoingo " Thunderclap messages have reached over 3.5 billion people in 238 countries and territories. It's the world's first crowdspeaking platform, and over 3 million people have donated their social reach for ideas and causes that matter. " << This has to be one of the lulziest things I've ever heard of
15:49 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23900 @ 0.00057289 = 13.6921 BTC [-] {3}
15:52 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 2500 @ 0.0012 = 3 BTC
15:53 decimation what's interesting with the Normal and the Florida prosecutions is that the Feds were involved
15:54 decimation even though the criminal violations were state law (although the Normal unlicensed money transmitter rules were also Federal)
15:54 asciilifeform in other news, i've a 0.5.3 with fully synced blockchain.
15:55 asciilifeform if anyone still gives a damn
15:55 decimation asciilifeform: was the only change that number of locks constant?
15:56 asciilifeform there was another change, but i'm fairly certain that it was unnecessary and will repeat the experiment tomorrow with it snipped.
15:56 decimation is it still leaking memory?
15:56 asciilifeform worth noting that a blockchain, once wedged, never unwedges;
15:57 ben_vulpes kakobrekla claims otherwise, i never confirmed his unwedging.
15:57 decimation I saw that around ~260k blocks that my version of bitcoind was taking up nearly 1gig in memory (linux is not exactly precise with memory accounting)
15:57 asciilifeform and that the most catastropic memory leak, which devours arbitrarily large system in hours, is only triggered full-throttle upon wedging;
15:58 asciilifeform and, finally, that memory also leaks if bitcoind is loading blocks the usual way, rather than from a tame box with fully loaded blockchain ('connect' option)
15:58 decimation which implies that the leak might be associated with the network code?
16:03 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33950 @ 0.00058534 = 19.8723 BTC [+] {2}
16:04 BingoBoingo Ah, very interesting
16:09 asciilifeform leak is in the transaction processing code, and is not triggered when loading exclusively from a known-good node with full blockchain.
16:10 decimation interesting, that is useful
16:10 decimation I tried running 'perf' to sample calls to 'malloc' and I didn't see any while I was loading from network peers
16:10 asciilifeform see also
16:11 assbot dpaste: 1T8RSCJ: shit ... ( )
16:11 decimation or more precisely, calls to the kernel memory allocator
16:11 asciilifeform above is a wedge run, in 'standard' mode (vs. single connect)
16:12 decimation heh did you run the whole thing in valgrind? must have been slow as hell
16:13 asciilifeform valgrind, yes, as printed on the box
16:16 thestringpuller valgrind is the most amazing program ever made for debugging memory
16:16 assbot AMAZING COMPANY!
16:17 * thestringpuller is wearing sign that says, "Don't feed the trolls"
16:18 decimation so it seems to stem from main.cpp:1466 which appears to be the code that handles orphan blocks
16:19 asciilifeform decimation: i knew this a month ago, yes
16:21 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6931 @ 0.00059264 = 4.1076 BTC [+]
16:33 mircea_popescu <asciilifeform> in other news, i've a 0.5.3 with fully synced blockchain. << wd.
16:35 TomServo ben_vulpes | i never confirmed his unwedging << My 0.7.3 unwedged after appling the fix kako pointed out, if it's of any help.
16:36 asciilifeform unwedged -existing wedged db-, or worked when run from scratch?
16:37 TomServo unwedged - was stuck at a certain height (don't recall exact height), applied fix and continued
16:38 asciilifeform why is 0.7.x even of interest here? very different animal
16:38 TomServo I've little experience with this and wanted a working node anyway - figured it was a decent place to get feet wet.
16:40 TomServo Also running it on openbsd 5.6 if that's relevant - was planning on trying 0.5.3 there next.
16:42 decimation TomServo: you are going to have to muck with some compiler settings to make openbsd work
16:42 decimation also I think the available berkley db is ancient
16:43 decimation !up diana_coman
16:44 decimation !up diametric
16:52 mats what is this wedging business?
16:52 TomServo mats: blockchain sync stalls at a certain blockheight, and will not continue
16:53 asciilifeform !s 252450
16:53 assbot 14 results for '252450' :
16:53 TomServo asciilifeform: now that you mention it, I used your mention of that specific height to determine I was wedged.
16:54 * decimation doesn't want to learn enough about berkley db to understand why it needs 'tarded magic numbers to work
16:54 asciilifeform << the mega-question
16:54 assbot Logged on 23-11-2014 05:22:35; kakobrekla: mircea_popescu no the question was did someone abuse the britneychain
16:55 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 71100 @ 0.00059264 = 42.1367 BTC [+]
16:55 decimation asciilifeform: if you got it to fully synch, the answer is 'no' as far as the '0.5.3 spec' is concerned right?
16:55 decimation but it's a separate question as to whether 0.5.3 has a hidden monster
16:56 asciilifeform something happened at that block height.
16:57 decimation I thought this weird 'locks' parameter fixed that? I assumed the issue was that berkleydb itself was failing at that height
17:01 BingoBoingo
17:01 assbot ... ( )
17:02 kakobrekla < yeah for .7 and can do a rerun if someone is particularly interested
17:02 assbot Logged on 12-12-2014 20:57:38; ben_vulpes: kakobrekla claims otherwise, i never confirmed his unwedging.
17:04 kakobrekla < exploring the nature getting to see what other beasts do does not hurt. maybe it even unwedges a chain or two.
17:04 assbot Logged on 12-12-2014 21:38:18; asciilifeform: why is 0.7.x even of interest here? very different animal
17:09 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11400 @ 0.00057564 = 6.5623 BTC [-]
17:20 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 1008 @ 0.0012 = 1.2096 BTC
~ 22 minutes ~
17:43 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 125 @ 0.0084508 = 1.0564 BTC [-] {2}
17:43 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH1] 2200 @ 0.00122799 = 2.7016 BTC [-]
17:44 decimation lol << "The new emails suggest Hollywood hasn’t given up on the idea. "We have been exploring theories under the All Writs Acts, which, unlike DMCA 512(j), would allow us to obtain court orders requiring site blocking without first having to sue and prove the target ISPs are liable for copyright infringement," one email reads."
17:44 assbot Project Goliath: Inside Hollywood's secret war against Google | The Verge ... ( )
17:44 decimation didn't we just hear about the all writs act in a different context?
17:46 decimation << "In both cases, the seized phones—one of which is an iPhone 5S—are encrypted and cannot be cracked by federal authorities. Prosecutors have now invoked the All Writs Act, an 18th-century federal law that simply allows courts to issue a writ, or order, which compels a person or company to do something."
17:46 assbot Feds want Apple’s help to defeat encrypted phones, new legal case shows | Ars Technica ... ( )
17:51 decimation << it turns out "due process" was just bullshit all along!! it was always legal to get blank-check warrants! joke's on you us citizens!
17:51 assbot 28 U.S. Code § 1651 - Writs | LII / Legal Information Institute ... ( )
~ 23 minutes ~
18:14 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11750 @ 0.00059283 = 6.9658 BTC [+]
~ 17 minutes ~
18:32 thestringpuller !t m d.stmp
18:32 assbot Aren't those tins of tobacco right there behind you?
~ 25 minutes ~
18:58 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10700 @ 0.00059283 = 6.3433 BTC [+]
~ 31 minutes ~
19:30 scoopbot New post on by Bingo Boingo:
19:34 mircea_popescu <TomServo> I've little experience with this and wanted a working node anyway - figured it was a decent place to get feet wet. << it's not bad.
19:34 mircea_popescu i mostly run 0.7s
19:35 mircea_popescu decimation> I thought this weird 'locks' parameter fixed that? I assumed the issue was that berkleydb itself was failing at that height << yeah the only thing that happened is a block complex enough afaik.
19:40 ben_vulpes all this durm and strang around confirming the patchset can catch up
19:42 mircea_popescu well ya
19:43 mircea_popescu re : bet was resolved correctly. fuck cryptocoincharts for being inept scammers, they're henceforth banned from being a resolution source on bitbet.
19:43 assbot ... ( )
19:45 ben_vulpes "We find that regions exhibiting more diverse mobility fluxes, earlier diurnal rhythms, and more correct grammatical styles display lower unemployment rates."
19:47 ben_vulpes pretty low dough thing to scam over.
19:48 ben_vulpes (quote from abstract of
19:48 assbot [1411.3140)] Bad paper identifier ... ( )
19:48 kakobreklačakovano...32565.jpg
19:48 assbot ... ( )
19:48 mircea_popescu poor people steal little money. not any less thieves.
19:49 mircea_popescu kakobrekla he's found a slit has he.
19:49 kakobrekla yup, the big one.
19:51 mircea_popescu aka
19:51 assbot Poll: Few Identify As Feminists, But Most Believe In Equality Of Sexes ... ( )
19:51 assbot Hey, stupid women ? We need to talk. Smart women don't want to be with you anymore. pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. ... ( )
19:53 BingoBoingo kakobrekla: Great find.
19:56 BingoBoingo
19:56 assbot Verizon's New, Encrypted Calling App Plays Nice With the NSA - Businessweek ... ( )
19:57 mircea_popescu duh :D
20:03 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19385 @ 0.00059155 = 11.4672 BTC [-]
20:04 BingoBoingo At least that leper wears its bell
20:06 mircea_popescu tru tru
20:06 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20300 @ 0.00059155 = 12.0085 BTC [-]
20:10 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: key escrow returneth!
20:10 asciilifeform it's like we're boiling in that hell where time repeats forever.
20:11 BingoBoingo Is there any other kind of "hell"
20:11 asciilifeform there is.
20:11 asciilifeform i can think of a few
20:12 asciilifeform durm and strang << lol
20:13 asciilifeform verizon's turd << what i can't fathom is who would willingly pay for this. it is quite like offering a door lock that is 's3cu43!!!11!' except for rapist, for whom it opens automagically and without fuss
20:14 asciilifeform and this being printed on the crate, no less.
20:14 mircea_popescu <asciilifeform> there is. << no there isn't :D
20:15 asciilifeform l0l
20:15 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14300 @ 0.00059155 = 8.4592 BTC [-]
20:15 asciilifeform there's the hell where you come up with things to do, none of which are rehashes of previous, ten times faster than you physically could do them, for instance
20:16 BingoBoingo Sounds like you are familiar with that one
20:17 mircea_popescu not so much of a hell, that one.
20:18 asciilifeform or the hell where you're responsible for (and are the only available set of hands) for a missing magic ingredient in six different angry kitchens
20:18 asciilifeform etc.
20:18 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 4080 @ 0.0012 = 4.896 BTC
20:19 BingoBoingo
20:19 assbot This Futuristic Armored Assault Wagon Is Russia's Answer To The Humvee ... ( )
20:25 mircea_popescu ;;google Daryush Valizadeh
20:25 gribble Roosh V - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <>; The Web's most infamous misogynist regrets nothing - The Daily Dot: <>; Sex travel writer Roosh V on rape, misogyny and American women ...: < (1 more message)
20:25 mircea_popescu aha.
20:27 BingoBoingo !up Emilysmile
20:27 BingoBoingo Hello Emilysmile
20:29 kakobrekla cant smile without cloak
20:29 mircea_popescu o that still going ?
20:29 mircea_popescu i thought there were some random noobs talking here yest or so.
20:30 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: for some reason reminds me of the famous 'leopard' minefield truck:
20:30 assbot ... ( )
20:31 BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: FOr a while yesterday it seems the reddit 5-0 took a break from here to slow down qntra a bit
20:31 BingoBoingo asciilifeform: Well, these things have only so many design choices to be made and... Rhodesia was right
20:32 mircea_popescu BingoBoingo kakobrekla yeah i guess so.
20:34 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25450 @ 0.00058943 = 15.001 BTC [-] {2}
20:34 BingoBoingo
20:34 assbot Everything in Context: Design a PL for Knitting at Disney Research Pittsburgh! ... ( )
20:35 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: laugh, but i thought about this as a boy. mother had (still has! we dragged it along to usa!) an east german knitting machine. manually-cranked, but you get to set patterns with myriad knobs and switches.
20:35 asciilifeform and thought 'this ought to be mechanized'
20:35 asciilifeform then saw, years later, that it was of course done long ago
20:36 asciilifeform and you can buy them.
20:36 asciilifeform but what language they are programmed in remains a mystery to me
20:36 BingoBoingo asciilifeform: I'm not laughing. I'm just admiring an actual physics problem that could probably be solved for less than 8 figures of expenditure.
20:36 asciilifeform probably some perversely graphical cad/cam abortion
20:36 asciilifeform !s jacquard loom
20:36 assbot 0 results for 'jacquard loom' :
20:37 asciilifeform ;;google jacquard loom
20:37 gribble Jacquard loom - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <>; Jacquard loom: <>; The Jacquard Loom - Columbia University: <>
20:37 BingoBoingo 'String Theory' Exists, but mundane strings are still a hard problem
20:37 asciilifeform ^ for weavers, not knitters, but the concept is perhaps the birth of programmed machine
20:37 asciilifeform unless one counts music boxes
20:38 BingoBoingo I'd count both. In my private definition of programable machine I include clocks
20:38 mircea_popescu it's somewhere at the confluence of "the better typewriter" with "the better pattern loom" and "the better phone switcher"
20:39 mircea_popescu which indeed looked from here seem convergent pursuits.
20:40 BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: from Daryush's latest venture
20:40 assbot Nintendo: An Unlikely Anti-SJW Hero – Reaxxion ... ( )
20:43 asciilifeform << mega-lol
20:43 assbot An Obviously Fake Guide to Building an H-Bomb Was Used to Legitimize Torture | Motherboard ... ( )
20:44 mircea_popescu hey, the protocols of sion thing was used to legitimize the reich
20:44 asciilifeform 'Unlike the powder form, the liquid packets have indistinct borders and can therefore resemble regular bowel content. That means a suspected drug mule would have to be processed all the way through to a CT scan' (from same site)
20:45 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13040 @ 0.00058894 = 7.6798 BTC [-]
20:45 mircea_popescu why would the us behave differently from its spiritual parent, hitler's national socialist state ?
20:45 asciilifeform spiritual child.
20:45 mircea_popescu mnope.
20:46 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7750 @ 0.00058616 = 4.5427 BTC [-] {2}
20:47 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22833 @ 0.00058589 = 13.3776 BTC [-]
20:48 mircea_popescu "Men created most of what is good about the world. The excesses of masculinity are also, to be sure, responsible for much of what is bad. But if we are to avoid sliding into decline, mediocrity and a world in which men are actively discriminated against, we must arrest the decline in social attitudes towards them before so many victims are claimed that all hope of reconciliation between the sexes is lost. If that happe
20:48 mircea_popescu ns, it will be women who will suffer."
20:48 mircea_popescu check it out, an english speaker somewhere realises that female societies intrinsically suck ?!
20:48 mircea_popescu iiiincredible.
20:51 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14950 @ 0.00058589 = 8.7591 BTC [-]
20:51 BingoBoingo asciilifeform: I'm honestly surprised there aren't more cases arising that cite that one John Lithgow movie. I mean in that case Mathew Broderick forgot to build any lens into his excavator.
20:53 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11242 @ 0.00059283 = 6.6646 BTC [+]
~ 16 minutes ~
21:09 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11000 @ 0.00059769 = 6.5746 BTC [+] {2}
~ 15 minutes ~
21:25 BingoBoingo
21:25 assbot Privacy advocates unmask Twitter troll | Technology | The Guardian ... ( )
21:26 BingoBoingo
21:26 assbot Errata Security: The Pando Tor conspiracy troll ... ( )
21:29 BingoBoingo More on GawkerGate
21:29 assbot Gawker discusses cost of 'gamergate' | Capital New York ... ( )
21:30 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9342 @ 0.00059407 = 5.5498 BTC [-]
21:32 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13950 @ 0.00060051 = 8.3771 BTC [+]
21:33 BingoBoingo So much Gawker implosion
21:43 decimation if usg is the spiritual child of the nazi regime, why are they friendly with the invasion of the third world masses?
21:44 BingoBoingo "The fact is that I would like to end my career as a behind-the-scenes powerbroker, a Deng Xiaoping of Gawker Media, exerting discreet influence through obscure committees." -Nick Denton
21:44 mircea_popescu cause they delude themselves with this theory that you know, they're assimilating everyone.
21:47 decimation yeah there might be something to that. They are so super-'aryan' that they are able to import infinite little brown brothers without possibly threatening their own strength
21:48 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27078 @ 0.00060462 = 16.3719 BTC [+] {2}
21:48 BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: Well Hungarian homosexuals can have imaginations too.
21:48 BingoBoingo "Heather will be my deputy. She’s perfect for this, a much better official representative of the company than a half-Hungarian homosexual could ever be." - Nick Denton
21:50 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8350 @ 0.00060634 = 5.0629 BTC [+] {2}
21:50 BingoBoingo "And for obvious reasons I have never been comfortable in a company dominated by territorial men. I hope I have made space for others who don’t fit the mould. And I pray that my information networks are still good enough to identify those leaders too busy being capable to promote themselves. At Gawker, despite the reputation of our journalism, nice guys finish first. And women." -Nick Denton
21:51 decimation lol what a rube
21:52 BingoBoingo decimation: He had a niche.
21:53 decimation what was gawker's rank on the meatclick charts?
21:53 BingoBoingo He had money and instead of doing the Paul Graham get bought as fast as possible thing, he built himself a playground.
21:56 BingoBoingo decimation: Dunno. Gizmodo/Lifehacker/Deadspin seem to keep the rest of the empire afloat. That and those New York librerals now take ad dollars from high end firearms manufacterers like Weatherby and Hornaday:
21:56 assbot The Simple Math of Why Smaller Bullets Are Deadlier ... ( )
21:57 BingoBoingo Because instead of actual ads Gawker now does paid placements
21:59 decimation hehe, that's pretty much like the daily caller
22:03 BingoBoingo Sure
22:08 decimation it's sad that the male homosexual is the guy who is willing to call out feminists for their bullshit. I mostly chalk this up to actual people having better things to do, but I don't understand why actual people can't run the news - like qntra
22:12 BingoBoingo I imagine too many people read the news to realize how much it sucks
22:15 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5500 @ 0.00060645 = 3.3355 BTC [+]
22:18 mircea_popescu denton's a total derp. but anyway, who cares. gawker's yesterday's news.
22:18 mircea_popescu they just lost gamer gate, and in their business you lose once.
22:19 mircea_popescu <decimation> it's sad that the male homosexual is the guy who is willing to call out feminists for their bullshit. << he's just the guy willing to position himself for it.
22:19 mircea_popescu otherwise, the bullshit is being called on trilema.
22:20 mircea_popescu "Recently, Pando (an Internet infotainment site) released a story accusing Tor of being some sort of government conspiracy. This is nonsense, of course."
22:20 mircea_popescu of course. my foot.
22:21 decimation whether the whole thing is a honeypot is debatable, but it clearly is supported by some parts of usg
22:22 mircea_popescu fucking blogger blogs
22:22 mircea_popescu i should know better than to read the crap. there does not in fact exist a single google blog that's not idiotic.
22:22 mircea_popescu it's like fucking yahoo two decades ago, you see and know the guy's an imbecile.
22:23 decimation aol was like that too
22:23 mircea_popescu yeah
22:23 mircea_popescu i guess yahoo was more in yurp, aol more in ozarks.
22:24 mircea_popescu i remember this moment from the late 90s, me at the home of some teen i was fucking, seeing her yahoo messenger replete with various yahoo drps and going wtf am i doing here.
22:29 asciilifeform cthonian horror.
22:30 BingoBoingo And yet Herr Denton tremples with Terror that the Google Blogspot crowd has not yet moved to Kinja.
22:31 asciilifeform in other news, gen. keith alexander was recently issued a patent (for some generic sysadmin bullshit)
22:32 decimation asciilifeform: seriously?
22:32 asciilifeform
22:32 assbot ... ( )
22:33 mircea_popescu lol
22:33 asciilifeform contents are a total snore, however.
22:33 asciilifeform << his pubkey!
22:33 assbot ... ( )
22:34 decimation this must be some kind of resume stuffer thing
22:34 asciilifeform perhaps we can expect him in wot
22:34 asciilifeform as representing the reich, or the like.
22:34 decimation he doesn't work for the NSA anymore
22:35 decimation it must have been filed before he quit I guess
22:35 asciilifeform
22:35 assbot Welcome | Phuctor ... ( )
22:35 asciilifeform ^ couldn't resist
22:35 decimation lol
22:36 decimation actually I suspect that he was 'named' on the patent to stuff the resumes of the co-inventors
22:36 kakobrekla bitly also sez luzrz
22:36 kakobrekla ah thats a 1.
22:39 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18000 @ 0.00059437 = 10.6987 BTC [-] {2}
22:39 kakobrekla !up bobby_
22:41 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11700 @ 0.00059118 = 6.9168 BTC [-]
22:45 asciilifeform
22:45 assbot Rug-of-War | Arts & Culture | Smithsonian ... ( )
22:45 asciilifeform BingoBoingo ^
22:46 decimation "After September 11, Turkman weavers began to depict the attacks with eerie precision. Planes strike the twin towers with accompanying text declaring "first impact" and "second impact," and small stick figures fall to their deaths. "
22:47 BingoBoingo asciilifeform: If only someone were to make a proper internet silk road where golds were traded for pepper and rugs
22:48 BingoBoingo Ah, a retailer
22:48 assbot ... ( )
22:48 decimation
22:48 assbot Questions And Answers: why don't you ship to Romania ? do you think we have leprosy or something ? ... ( )
22:49 BingoBoingo
22:49 assbot ... ( )
22:51 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AMHASH3] 21784 @ 0.0012 = 26.1408 BTC
22:56 BingoBoingo The moriarity PM spammer continues to drama
22:56 assbot 1 Bitcoin BOUNTY for info on Michael Moriarty. Owner of 50+ bitcoin sites. ... ( )
~ 17 minutes ~
23:14 decimation
23:14 assbot All flights for 15 December have been cancelled. Please contact your airline for more information. /hashtag/strike15dec?src=hash /hashtag/staking15dec?src=hash /hashtag/greve15dec?src=hash
23:14 asciilifeform amazon crap << i had a hell of a time shipping from usa to ro.
23:15 decimation asciilifeform: yeah I thought that was hilarious. why would shipping to ro be any worse than any other east europe country?
23:15 asciilifeform i never learned why
23:19 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: small bullets article << consider the hilarious logical conclusion: the 'light gas gun' used in materials research.
23:19 BingoBoingo lol
23:20 asciilifeform << example
23:20 assbot NASA - Two-Stage Light Gas Guns ... ( )
23:20 BingoBoingo The repeating air rifle was serious tech in the 18th cetury
23:20 asciilifeform slightly different idea here
23:21 asciilifeform (see picture)
23:24 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: recall, from primary school, that speed of bullet from a firearm is limited by the speed of sound in the propellant gas
23:24 BingoBoingo Indeed
23:26 BingoBoingo Still .44 millimeters sounds like a hell of a caliber
23:39 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: << the one you were probably thinking of
23:39 assbot Girardoni Air Gun (original 1780 example) - YouTube ... ( )
23:39 BingoBoingo Indeed
23:41 BingoBoingo It's great flaw was being the opposite of cheap and angry
23:43 BingoBoingo Required serious craftsmen to make, near equal experts to operate in the field
23:45 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3100 @ 0.00060645 = 1.88 BTC [+]
23:56 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23000 @ 0.00060489 = 13.9125 BTC [-]
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