Show Idle (>14 d.) Chans

← 2014-02-12 | 2014-02-14 →
00:01 BingoBoingo 6. b4 c5
00:02 BingoBoingo I think we are caught up to the current state of the game, moiety does this look right?
00:02 BingoBoingo pankkake: Maybe paleo is wrong?
00:03 moiety be3
00:03 moiety fuck knows
00:03 BingoBoingo moiety: I dunno how one of your bishops get to e3
00:04 moiety ok
00:04 moiety retract
00:04 BingoBoingo Bc1-e3 right now seems blocked by your pawn at d3
00:04 BingoBoingo *d2
00:04 moiety i told you you should play with herbi
00:04 BingoBoingo pawn at d2 blocks
00:05 BingoBoingo moiety: Last time I played an aussie it was Vexual. That game was not pretty.
00:05 moiety are they really good or really bad you mean?
00:05 bloctoc has etheream been discussed in here yet?
00:06 bloctoc ethereum
00:06 BingoBoingo bloctoc: If by discussed you mean laughed at
00:06 moiety i love chess and i would like to get better, i just didn't realise you meant playing so manually, it's above my station
00:06 jcpham isn't that what they were growing on the ice planet hoth?
00:06 BingoBoingo moiety: Well, get caught up on a board or board like website.
00:07 moiety a2-a3
00:07 BingoBoingo moiety: But yes, basically the is playing off of the minimum necessary information.
00:07 bitcoinpete I must've heard the high praises of ethereum 45 times tonight.
00:07 bitcoinpete Surpassed only by smart contracts
00:07 jcpham fuck chess checkers is for real sophisticates
00:07 bitcoinpete Oh, and howdy
00:07 BingoBoingo cxb4
00:08 moiety im determined, that counts right?
00:08 BingoBoingo bitcoinpete: How many dicks could a dickchuck suck if a dickchuck could suck dick?
00:08 BingoBoingo moiety: Sure
00:08 bloctoc bitcoinpete where was that?
00:09 moiety lolololol @ twister
00:09 jcpham mircea_popescu this channel has AIDS or something
00:09 bitcoinpete at our meet-up, or "meet-up",
00:09 bitcoinpete at our meet-up, or "meet-up",
00:09 jcpham next they'll be planning meet ups
00:10 BingoBoingo bitcoinpete: Meet up in which region?
00:10 herbijudlestoids bloctoc:
00:10 BingoBoingo Springfield Missouri with Active Miner Ken?
00:10 moiety nd3
00:10 bitcoinpete BingoBoingo: Thankfully not. In Canada.
00:11 BingoBoingo bitcoinpete: Then smoke a bowl with nubbins' and relax
00:11 BingoBoingo moiety: Knights dun move that diretion...
00:11 moiety you are such a good hostess after a few vodkas
00:11 bitcoinpete BingoBoingo: My skepticism was confusing to most of them
00:12 moiety i thought they went L, is that bishops
00:12 BingoBoingo moiety: They do move in an L, but only that one size of L.
00:13 moiety ive been taught it wrong then. i have been trying to move c1 to d3.
00:13 BingoBoingo The L moiety is defined such that your knight at b1 could move to a3, c3, or d2
00:14 bitcoinpete BingoBoingo: Though I was able to show one that the vagaries of language are to contracts what kraft is to dinner
00:14 BingoBoingo moiety: The piece you should have on c1 is a Bishop
00:14 herbijudlestoids i feel like this is the best chess game ever
00:14 moiety aw fuck i see whati got wrong
00:14 moiety lol herbi!
00:14 herbijudlestoids seriously
00:14 moiety you're watching me learn here
00:14 BingoBoingo I'm only getting drunker
00:14 bitcoinpete I quite like that there's a chess game going on. Haven't noticed one before when reading the logs
00:15 BingoBoingo bitcoinpete: They happen sporadically
00:15 moiety as long as you aren't getting more annoyed thats fine
00:15 BingoBoingo moiety: As long as you don't press for speed chess like truffles I'm fine
00:15 bitcoinpete This is a truly fascinating corner of the net
00:16 herbijudlestoids moiety: whats that saying..."never argue with an idiot, theyll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience" ...i feel like if anyone reasonably tried to match BingoBoingo they would lose...but you are winning at lulz here
00:16 BingoBoingo bitcoinpete: It is indeed
00:16 moiety lolol moiety and speed chess in the same sentence
00:16 moiety well thats a win in my book herbi! :D
00:16 BingoBoingo herbijudlestoids: I lose all of the time in chess
00:16 moiety not today!
00:16 bitcoinpete BingoBoingo: I've been reading the logs for the last few days after reading Trilema for the last 8-9 months. It's about I made my way here
00:16 bitcoinpete BingoBoingo: I've been reading the logs for the last few days after reading Trilema for the last 8-9 months. It's about I made my way here
00:17 herbijudlestoids bitcoinpete: do you know that your client is repeating lines?
00:17 BingoBoingo Sweet Bitcoinpete, nice to see someone does the reading
00:17 moiety g1-h4
00:17 BingoBoingo ?g1-h3????
00:17 moiety i'm saving for trilema, i haven't wanted a subscription before
00:18 moiety ok ok hang on!
00:18 BingoBoingo Those L's only come in one size
00:18 bitcoinpete herbijudlestoids: did not… Any client suggestions for mac?
00:18 bitcoinpete herbijudlestoids: did not… Any client suggestions for mac?
00:18 moiety oh yeah i meant 3 not 4
00:18 herbijudlestoids bitcoinpete: what are you using?
00:18 moiety i'mbad for hopping extra, sorry
00:18 BingoBoingo bxc3
00:18 herbijudlestoids i would always recommend irssi, but its personal preference
00:18 bitcoinpete herbijudlestoids: Lingo. It was free
00:18 bitcoinpete herbijudlestoids: Lingo. It was free
00:19 BingoBoingo bitcoinpete: Maybe try a different client?
00:19 herbijudlestoids bitcoinpete: try this one ...or xchat is pretty standard gui
00:19 BingoBoingo Xchat is nice
00:20 MisterE so they begrudgingly passed a debt ceiling bill
00:20 moiety c3 - b4?
00:20 bitcoinpete herbijudlestoids: much obliged
00:20 BingoBoingo moiety: b4 took c3
00:20 MisterE chess?
00:20 herbijudlestoids MisterE: lol debt ceiling is a joke, right? considering QE to the tune of 80bn/month atm?
00:21 moiety huh, i have a space
00:21 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25250 @ 0.00087099 = 21.9925 BTC [+] {2}
00:21 MisterE herbijudlestoids: yea they could get their shit together and not need to raise it
00:21 MisterE plenty of cash flowing in
00:21 herbijudlestoids lel no they couldnt
00:21 MisterE cur foreign aid and military
00:22 herbijudlestoids budget deficit is > trade deficit
00:22 herbijudlestoids ergo, QE
00:22 moiety a3-a4
00:22 moiety damnit i thought i stole a manny there
00:23 herbijudlestoids MisterE: the debt is too large to be reasonably be paid back. it will be defaulted on or inflated away (stealth default) or similar.
00:23 herbijudlestoids there is no hiding from the mathematics of that fact
00:23 BingoBoingo cxd2+
00:23 MisterE what they couldn't do is make the cuts they should / need to make because it would put a bunch of peopl eout of work
00:23 MisterE yea thats why they started letting the dollar weaken
00:24 moiety i'm back to smuxi, but i would really like to get BitchX going, i just couldn't get it to work
00:24 herbijudlestoids MisterE: you do realise that foreign aid in toto, including military stuff, is 1% of the US budget?
00:24 herbijudlestoids moiety: irssi > bitchx imo :)
00:24 BingoBoingo moiety: Try Xchat with the SASL plugin
00:24 MisterE that may be direct foregn cash aid but I doubt that covers military
00:25 BingoBoingo moiety: Also cxd2+
00:25 moiety ive got xchat. whinges at me all the time and smuix is cuter. will look up irssi herbi!
00:25 moiety ah thanks!
00:25 herbijudlestoids MisterE: ....2011 total military and economic assitance 50bn
00:25 MisterE well if it is really that small then start whacking away at the defense and DHS / surveillance state budgets
00:25 moiety oi no thanks, you took my dude there didnt you
00:25 MisterE no way, they send just that much to Israel alone every year
00:25 BingoBoingo moiety: Of course
00:25 MisterE let alone Egypt, etc.
00:26 moiety i'm telling mircea on you
00:26 mircea_popescu bloctoc it doesn't seem to be popular. why do you ask ?
00:26 herbijudlestoids MisterE: you are mistaken.
00:26 herbijudlestoids MisterE: $3bn/annum to israel
00:26 mircea_popescu bitcoinpete do i know you from twittr ?
00:26 BingoBoingo moiety: I'd be more worried if you told kakobrekla
00:27 MisterE hmm I wonder how much $3bn could do for schools
00:27 moiety why?
00:27 BingoBoingo moiety: Because kakobrekla runs assbot
00:27 herbijudlestoids MisterE: a lot probably. $3bn is huge in meatspace. dunno if you heard about this (just 15mn)
00:27 MisterE but thats a lot lower than I expected where are you getting numbers from?
00:27 bitcoinpete member:mircea_popescu: If you remember me, I'd be flattered :D
00:27 herbijudlestoids MisterE: where are *you* getting *your* numbers from?
00:28 moiety i haven't really noticed assbot, i saw an ozbot.. and i like gribble a lot!
00:28 MisterE I haven't been putting any out heh
00:28 herbijudlestoids you said the US sends $50bn a year to israel.
00:28 bloctoc just trying to find out if it's the real deal. I like the fact that certain operations get more hard coded over time and high use. It sounds a lot like how neural pathways get created. Other than that, it's pretty much the same group of folks evangelizing today that were evangelizing ripple last year.
00:28 moiety bf4
00:29 bitcoinpete mircea_popescu: I kept the same screen name with exactly that in mind
00:29 moiety scrap that i dont know where my own men are
00:29 BingoBoingo moiety: I'll post a pic
00:30 mircea_popescu why's bitcoinpete saying things twice why's bitcoinpete saying things twice
00:30 moiety f1-b5 im sure i can have
00:30 herbijudlestoids MisterE: its not that im disagreeing with you on certain issues, but its impotant to have the correct information.
00:30 MisterE Since 1974, Israel has received nearly $100 billion in assistance. OK thats less than I thought
00:30 MisterE yea
00:30 herbijudlestoids for example, because you have incorrect information, you believe the US can fix its problem, whereas i feel the monetary issue in the US has reached escape velocity
00:31 BingoBoingo moiety: look at first
00:31 herbijudlestoids we now await the return to atmo
00:31 MisterE well given the current mindset I agree
00:31 Mats_cd03 bitcoinpete: irccloud is great
00:31 MisterE but we can all tighten our belts and balance our checkbooks if there is a real desire
00:31 BingoBoingo moiety: You are in check so addressing that is priority 1
00:31 MisterE Americans are too spoiled so will let it all go to hell instead
00:32 herbijudlestoids MisterE: *we* have nothing to do with it, when the US Federal Reserve is QEing to the tune of 80bn/month
00:32 herbijudlestoids they are printing cash to meet obligations and dumping it on your front lawn.
00:32 mircea_popescu
00:32 ozbot Exclusive: EU executive sees personal savings used to plug long-term financing gap
00:32 mircea_popescu eu wants to steal pensions too!
00:32 MisterE oh that's just the latest face of their printing presses running at full speed
00:32 MisterE before QE it was direct cash injections into banks
00:32 MisterE etc.
00:32 herbijudlestoids ...
00:32 bitcoinpete Mats_cd03: merci
00:33 herbijudlestoids the point is that if everyone tightened their belt it has no relevance if on the other side of the field they are spewing tickets.
00:33 herbijudlestoids make sense or not?
00:33 herbijudlestoids austerity will not solve this problem
00:33 mircea_popescu <bloctoc> " pretty much the same group of folks evangelizing today that were evangelizing ripple last year." and therein you have your answer.
00:33 mircea_popescu same useless pile of crap, same troop of vultures, same spiel.
00:33 MisterE yea it probaby has to go to hell for anything to ever be done about the fed
00:33 herbijudlestoids just like putting a freeze on banker salaries does not stop certain banks from being giant black holes for capital
00:33 BingoBoingo moiety: Study the board. You are down three pawns. I'm going to the garage to smoke a cigarette. Use these 5-7 minutes to come up with a plan.
00:34 MisterE *sigh* humans suck
00:34 mircea_popescu except this time they had the sense to stick to altspace and so i couldn't care less
00:34 KRS-One i resemble that remark
00:34 herbijudlestoids MisterE: hell or not i dunno...we are just talking about the obligations of the US Government otherwise called a dollar.
00:34 moiety aww fuck man thats pretty different from mine
00:34 moiety
00:34 MisterE which is not worth the paper it's printed on
00:35 MisterE backed up by a stack of IOUs
00:35 mircea_popescu herbijudlestoids austerity would in fact have solved the problem, back in FY 2009-2010, while creating ohter problems.
00:35 mircea_popescu meanwhile i agree, it's escaped.
00:35 herbijudlestoids MisterE: those two statements have *always* been true, at least since 1970s
00:35 MisterE actually dollars are rags not paper
00:35 herbijudlestoids mircea_popescu: yes sure.
00:35 MisterE yea true
00:35 herbijudlestoids mircea_popescu: i dont disagree that GFC was a chance to rebalance
00:35 MisterE there was a chance in the late 00s
00:35 moiety well bloody b1 - d2 for a start bingo lol
00:36 mircea_popescu herbijudlestoids just, there wasn't who to go on tv and say "you can either all starve and your kids can have a country to live in or else we continue derping around and we might as well just go buy the rope now. so i've chosen for you to starve, stfu and eat it with the big spoon"
00:36 moiety aw herbi, hes got tons o my bits
00:37 herbijudlestoids my feeling is that we will just continue to repeat the current boom/bust cycle until one of the cycles kills the dollar as a global reserve asset and the euro takes over
00:37 MisterE mircea_popescu: American's can't handle that
00:37 BingoBoingo moiety: I'm still smoking. CHeck the moves so far on this board
00:37 mircea_popescu herbijudlestoids not one of. this is it.
00:37 herbijudlestoids mircea_popescu: highly likely.
00:37 mircea_popescu MisterE their problem, cause nobody's askin what you can handle.
00:37 MisterE they will be in the street with their guns, serious civil unrest
00:37 MisterE they are spoiled
00:37 herbijudlestoids i dont want to make predictions in this discussion, leave it to you
00:37 mircea_popescu perfect.
00:38 mircea_popescu ty ty.
00:38 MisterE thats why I left 8-years ago and now live in Asia
00:38 herbijudlestoids just trying to put my 2c out there
00:38 herbijudlestoids 2satoshis even
00:38 MisterE heh
00:38 mircea_popescu herbijudlestoids i was gonna say, you dun got 2 bitcents :D
00:39 herbijudlestoids butthole, i do, i got just over 2
00:39 herbijudlestoids i got 0.02BTC
00:39 MisterE I tried to buy $100 of BTC at $5 and the site was all funky I could not figure how to get my money transfered in and so I let it go
00:40 MisterE like 2-years ago
00:40 mircea_popescu o hey wd!
00:40 mircea_popescu btc was 30 2 years ago
00:40 MisterE well, whenever it was 5
00:40 BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: BTC was 30 three years ago, but not 2
00:40 mircea_popescu fuck me no it wasn't
00:40 MisterE ^ sounds more right
00:40 mircea_popescu whoa how quickly we forget.
00:41 MisterE err less wrong
00:41 MisterE not us losers :p
00:41 MisterE we dont forget
00:41 mircea_popescu no, you're right, it was about 5 two years ago
00:41 BingoBoingo BTC first hit $31 on the Adrian CHen Silk Road Story.
00:41 BingoBoingo And two years ago was $5-11 because GLBSE scam and BTCST scam
00:42 BingoBoingo Most of summer 2012 BTC was around 11 until the Pirate default.
00:42 BingoBoingo Then it went down to $4
00:43 bitcoinpete MisterE: At least you finally bought in. I get a kick out of people who were similarly unwilling to get past the exchange rigamarole and now say it's too expensive.
00:43 MisterE pfft the upside is still exponential
00:44 BingoBoingo bitcoinpete: DO you know Paul Graham.
00:44 MisterE plus I been buying the dips
00:44 jcpham where can i get bitcoins?
00:44 bitcoinpete BingoBoingo: nope
00:44 jcpham do i mine them?
00:44 bitcoinpete Ha
00:44 BingoBoingo bitcoinpete: Shame, know any other VC's?
00:44 MisterE If you live in a big city
00:45 bitcoinpete BingoBoingo: Not really, never needed to
00:45 jcpham i trolling this chat is retarded to me
00:45 jcpham i love hearing history lessons fromstrangers
00:45 BingoBoingo bitcoinpete: If you find any I have a standing offer on my blog selling bullshit filering services.
00:46 jcpham basically i hang out in these channels to scoop up your free info
00:46 MisterE invoice is in the mail jcpham
00:46 BingoBoingo lol jcpham that's how I finally made /.
00:46 herbijudlestoids jcpham: nobody minds, better you get it here than elsewhere. if it was secret the chan'd be +k and half wouldnt bein here
00:47 jcpham i'm just jaded
00:47 MisterE actually expanding the community benefits us all
00:47 mircea_popescu jcpham just a little trouble coping is all >D
00:47 herbijudlestoids i have never met anyone as jaded as the likes of mircea_popescu or BingoBoingo lol
00:47 mircea_popescu how am i jaded!
00:47 MisterE jaded how?
00:47 herbijudlestoids dude you are post jaded
00:47 BingoBoingo I wonder that as well.
00:47 MisterE lol
00:48 mircea_popescu MisterE now do it in a pesci voice
00:48 MisterE post-jaded
00:48 BingoBoingo I am constantly in a state of wonder
00:48 bitcoinpete BingoBoingo: haha k
00:48 mircea_popescu herbijudlestoids what's you mean by jaded ?
00:48 jcpham no fucks were given that day mircea_popescu
00:48 herbijudlestoids mircea_popescu: people who have seen enough to be unimpressed
00:48 jcpham except every day
00:48 mircea_popescu o that. i guess i'm jaded then.
00:49 jcpham i've seen every bitcoin scam and they just repeat
00:49 herbijudlestoids how do i call urban dictionary?
00:49 herbijudlestoids ;;urban jaded
00:49 BingoBoingo herbijudlestoids: As I can tell the difference is MP has been shot where as I have merely had a shotgun pointed inches from my face
00:49 gribble Error: "urban" is not a valid command.
00:49 BingoBoingo ;;ud jaded
00:49 gribble | jaded. The end result of having a steady flow of negative experiences, disappointment, and unfulfillment fed into a person where they get to the point where their ...
00:49 ozbot Urban Dictionary: jaded
00:49 mircea_popescu that'd be a little different :)
00:49 BingoBoingo .bait
00:49 ozbot
00:49 herbijudlestoids hmm. i was hoping for a different definition
00:49 herbijudlestoids hey yo i got a question about the baits!
00:50 herbijudlestoids forgot, thhought of it last night
00:50 mircea_popescu o look, she's all laided.
00:50 herbijudlestoids why does ozbot not pull from
00:50 BingoBoingo herbijudlestoids: The baits have two cans, add a string and you too can be Gox
00:50 MisterE :D
00:50 bitcoinpete *sigh* I have a feeling I'm going to be spending more time here. Too early to tell whether that's a good thing but I'm inexplicably drawn in by this circus
00:51 herbijudlestoids BingoBoingo: im making my own exchange. with blackjack and hookers.
00:51 herbijudlestoids bitcoinpete: tell me about it
00:51 MisterE yea bitcoinpete the rest of the BTC channels are lame
00:51 BingoBoingo bitcoinpete: You can just lurk, I mean look at the lsit online. It is the way of most people. IRC nearly demands it.
00:51 bitcoinpete never tried the others
00:51 bitcoinpete trilema pointed here
00:51 bitcoinpete no one else pointed anywhere else so here I am
00:51 mircea_popescu herbijudlestoids hopefully australia has better hookers than what they found in miami
00:52 BingoBoingo You can try #bitcoin-otc if you like self induced concussions
00:52 mircea_popescu o look, i have a captive audience.
00:52 MisterE mircea_popescu: they do but their coke sucks
00:52 herbijudlestoids wut MisterE sed
00:52 BingoBoingo MisterE: Give East StL a try
00:52 herbijudlestoids coke in london is what... $50/g?
00:52 bitcoinpete mircea: just like you always dreamed
00:52 mircea_popescu til that the sole path for bilirubin elimination is through the uridine diphosphate glucuronosyltransferase isoform 1A1
00:52 herbijudlestoids coke in sydney, half the purity of that of london is $300/g
00:53 MisterE haha
00:53 herbijudlestoids mircea_popescu: you dont research your poop enough
00:53 mircea_popescu herbijudlestoids actually... there's a trilema article on the subject
00:53 BingoBoingo I tell you all magnesium citrate is a hell of a way to pass a drug test
00:53 mircea_popescu ;;google trilema de ce e cacatul maro
00:53 gribble Trilenciclopedia pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.: <>; Martie 2010 pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.: <>
00:53 mircea_popescu literally, inquires and explains why shit's brown
00:54 bitcoinpete well whaddya know
00:54 herbijudlestoids oh...ok..well i already inquired and got the explanation to that q long ago :)
00:54 mircea_popescu im slow.
00:54 bitcoinpete I don't remember that from biochem 200 or physl 2xx.
00:54 MisterE what language is that site in?
00:54 bitcoinpete And my mom didn't teach me romanian...
00:55 BingoBoingo I haven't had a bio class since 7th grade.
00:55 herbijudlestoids almost at 300ATC :)
00:55 MisterE Romanian?
00:55 mircea_popescu romanian.
00:56 herbijudlestoids ;;calc 62700/2621404453
00:56 gribble 2.39184761925e-05
00:56 herbijudlestoids ^ current ATC/BTC difficulty implied price
00:57 mircea_popescu 239 ?
00:57 bitcoinpete I had two romanian architects living with me all summer
00:57 herbijudlestoids ;;calc 31350/2911847381
00:57 gribble 1.07663609723e-05
00:57 mircea_popescu you run an architect boarding house ?
00:57 herbijudlestoids ^^ next diff implied price
00:57 BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: On Doge terms that is 20k satoshis
00:57 bitcoinpete in the off-season
00:57 mircea_popescu BingoBoingo e-05 would be 5 zeroes. so that's 3 digit satoshi price
00:58 bitcoinpete they loved Jaime Oliver and cooked up a storm
00:58 bitcoinpete My townhouse had a new stink every night
00:58 mircea_popescu all romanians worth the name can cook.
00:58 herbijudlestoids gribble reports it in 'hard-for-retards-to-understand' format... ; 62700/2621404453 ~0.00002391847619250229
00:58 BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: But Altcoin rules, ignore 3 of the zeros like Doge does.
00:58 bitcoinpete The "husband" would spend hours slaving over the stove while the "wife" would read
00:59 mircea_popescu bitcoinpete now that's emancipated. were they in their 20s ?
01:01 herbijudlestoids i bought some books before i got sick...graham greene "our man in havana" (i own almost all his novels now) and flaubert "madame bovary"
01:01 herbijudlestoids anyone read flaubert?
01:01 BingoBoingo You know who is emaciated, those creepy ass ski jumpers
01:01 bitcoinpete mid-late 20s
01:01 BingoBoingo herbijudlestoids: I did and then I buried it with crap
01:01 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6350 @ 0.0008717 = 5.5353 BTC [+] {2}
01:01 bitcoinpete also big fans of QI, Top Gear, and America's Next Top Model
01:02 herbijudlestoids how can QI be put in the same line with Top Gear and Americas Next Top Model
01:02 BingoBoingo bitcoinpete: DO you have Hulu where you are at?
01:03 herbijudlestoids BingoBoingo: appreciate the review ;)
01:04 BingoBoingo herbijudlestoids: Well I ask about Hulu because Appilacian Outlaws is the best reality show for understanding Bitcoin.
01:04 herbijudlestoids haha i was talking about flaubert!
01:04 herbijudlestoids dude how drunk are you
01:04 herbijudlestoids youre approaching vex on sat night levels
01:05 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15700 @ 0.00086675 = 13.608 BTC [-] {3}
01:05 BingoBoingo herbijudlestoids: I'm trying to talk to bitcoinpete about tv shows. I am barely drunk.
01:06 BingoBoingo herbijudlestoids: If you think I am so intoxicated are you up for a game after this one with moiety is over?
01:06 bitcoinpete BingoBoingo: I don't have Hulu. Just got Netflixes
01:06 herbijudlestoids no, you owe me one discussion about turtle F2F, retroshare and why you use neither.
01:06 BingoBoingo herbijudlestoids: Because anonymity is over rated
01:06 herbijudlestoids although i did learn today that retroshares routing algorithm is in fact inspired by turtle
01:07 herbijudlestoids its F2F, not anonymous?
01:07 BingoBoingo turtle is decent for a private net.
01:07 BingoBoingo But on public nets you have to account for the meta-NSA
01:07 BingoBoingo meta-NSA has the solution to all crypto in a drawer
01:08 BingoBoingo The only way to deal with meta-NSA is to invite them to lick your balls
01:09 herbijudlestoids can you pls clarify, private net == LAN? or private net == F2F VPN
01:09 BingoBoingo Private net is a net where you know all participants.
01:09 herbijudlestoids yep thx
01:10 herbijudlestoids i dont think turtle/retroshare is designed as anything but...definitely not for public net
01:10 BingoBoingo Turtle routing is great for that. You can all watch 12 years an Oscar winnrar on that
01:10 mrkent Anyone know where the ASIC Miner direct share spreadsheet is?
01:11 BingoBoingo mrkent: I dunno that such a thing exists
01:11 herbijudlestoids BingoBoingo: so the reason you dont use it? got no friends?
01:12 mrkent BingoBoingo, how do people trade direct shares?
01:12 BingoBoingo herbijudlestoids: Nah.
01:12 herbijudlestoids mrkent: talkin bout this?
01:12 BingoBoingo mrkent: Talk to fry'd kitty
01:12 BingoBoingo Nd5
01:13 BingoBoingo moiety: Your move again
01:14 BingoBoingo herbijudlestoids: The reason to dislike that stuff is IRL friends are too cool for internet crimes
01:14 moiety d2-c4
01:15 mrkent herbijudlestoids, no i thought there was one where it displays which address owns which shares
01:15 BingoBoingo Bg7xa1
01:15 herbijudlestoids mrkent: sorry, cant help, i just pulled that off google
01:15 herbijudlestoids BingoBoingo: yea fair enough. i also get the feeling that retroshare might not have the highest code quality
01:16 mrkent np thanks
01:16 BingoBoingo herbijudlestoids: I can't trust that the petty shit isn't backdoored from the start
01:16 BingoBoingo I've got misdemeanor charges to still fight
01:17 herbijudlestoids lel
01:18 moiety thanks for making me homeless, prick
01:18 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26398 @ 0.0008723 = 23.027 BTC [+] {2}
01:18 BingoBoingo Can't just roll over and eat a fine. Have to convince that states attorney that if this is how he fight a misdemeanor a felony can't be worth prosecuting
01:18 herbijudlestoids i was supposed to be in bed recuperating but who can sleep when the greatest chess match of all time is happening in -assets
01:19 BingoBoingo moiety: It's fine, just maybe try going on the offensive for a change?
01:19 herbijudlestoids BingoBoingo: stick it to the man!
01:19 BingoBoingo herbijudlestoids: I've actually lost in this chan
01:19 moiety :P
01:20 moiety you know im kidding
01:20 BingoBoingo moiety: I know, but seriously where is your aggression. You were white? Where are the whips?
01:21 moiety oh i thought you thought i was being too agressive
01:21 BingoBoingo moiety: No, It's like you have spent the entire game as an Olympic snowboarder is a green haze.
01:21 moiety sounds good to me....
01:22 moiety i can say it is much easier now i can see the board
01:22 BingoBoingo moiety: Well you have two moves before things becomem hopeless.
01:23 moiety go have another drink
01:23 BingoBoingo moiety: Force me to do something other than end you.
01:23 BingoBoingo shit, I only have 3 inches of Vodka left in this fifth
01:25 BingoBoingo
01:25 ozbot imgur: the simple image sharer
01:26 moiety h3-g5
01:27 BingoBoingo Bc3+
01:27 moiety omg did you see that lol
01:28 BingoBoingo moiety: This is an anti Doge channel. The best Doge thing to come out of here was selling Sochi DOge skins to the slants.
01:29 moiety im not particularly pro doge... really is everywhere is all.
01:30 BingoBoingo moiety: And how can I be racist. I am black. You moved first trying to colonize my half of the board.
01:30 moiety ive never seen anything in the centre of a letter on google results, its bizarre
01:30 herbijudlestoids BingoBoingo: +1 for thinkpad, -999999999 for unity.
01:30 BingoBoingo herbijudlestoids: Unity on FreeBSD ain't bad though.
01:30 moiety and what did you just do
01:31 BingoBoingo moiety: Bc3+
01:31 moiety :s ness
01:32 moiety nvm
01:32 herbijudlestoids y...youre using unity on fbsd?
01:32 herbijudlestoids okkk
01:33 BingoBoingo herbijudlestoids: I won't confirm or deny it. Maybe Open BSD, maybe NetBSD, maybe FreeBSD.
01:33 moiety jeeves** not google
01:33 BingoBoingo Unity is awfully portable though and better than GNOME Shell
01:34 BingoBoingo I also don't much trust that false successor to gnome 2
01:34 herbijudlestoids yea gnome3 stole my heart and then broke it
01:34 herbijudlestoids iv been using xfce since
01:34 BingoBoingo herbijudlestoids: Maybe you need an actual substance abuse problem like me. That might bring your mind to sense.
01:35 herbijudlestoids how do you know i dont have one?
01:35 BingoBoingo By substance I mean Bitcoin. An Aristotelian substance.
01:35 herbijudlestoids lel
01:35 BingoBoingo I have had so much and squandered so much.
01:35 herbijudlestoids good save
01:36 BingoBoingo Not a save herbijudlestoids, an actual meaning
01:36 BingoBoingo Actual meaning refering to "is does something"
01:38 BingoBoingo I really dunno what all the Unity hate is over anyways
01:38 BingoBoingo It isn't like it has a niggers.txt file
01:39 BingoBoingo Like gnome shell does
01:40 moiety g5-h3
01:41 moiety sorry trying to change my gpg key and failing
01:41 BingoBoingo moiety: can't do that, you are in check
01:42 BingoBoingo moiety: You have to take, interpose, or move to address my Bishop on c3
01:42 moiety hang on have i moved you to the wrong place
01:43 moiety g2-h3
01:43 moiety c3
01:43 moiety g2-c3
01:43 moiety i meant c3 before as well
01:43 BingoBoingo ? is that a move?
01:44 moiety why not
01:44 BingoBoingo How does your pawn on g2 get to c3?
01:44 moiety g2 has a dude, no it is h3, why am i not allowed that
01:45 mircea_popescu bitcoinpete by the way, the circus you see ? this is the house of a free market. that's how one looks, circus-y
01:45 moiety g2-h3
01:45 BingoBoingo moiety: Because you are in check. Your king is in imminent danger. The Bishop on c3 threatens to take it.
01:45 mircea_popescu herbijudlestoids yes i read flaubert.
01:46 moiety i thought bishops can only move diagonally
01:46 mircea_popescu try bouvard & pecuchet sometime
01:46 BingoBoingo You have to kill my Bishop, Block its attack, or evacuate your king
01:46 mircea_popescu it's like... the history of forum finance.
01:46 BingoBoingo moiety: My bishop is attacking your king on a diagonal
01:46 moiety
01:47 herbijudlestoids hmm mircea_popescu thx i will check it out at the bookstore. any thoughts on madame bovary?
01:47 moiety i see what i did
01:47 Duffer1 russians; pretty good at skating, who knew
01:48 MisterE might print up a couple of these if u travel.
01:49 MisterE doh!
01:49 moiety bingo i think he is fucked
01:49 BingoBoingo moiety: You are doing better than truffles. I'm uploading a pic again to sync to
01:50 moiety e1 - f2 and is it not my queen?
01:50 mircea_popescu herbijudlestoids plenty.
01:50 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 4 @ 0.074 = 0.296 BTC [+] {3}
01:50 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 3 @ 0.1221 = 0.3663 BTC [-] {2}
01:50 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 3 @ 0.19376446 = 0.5813 BTC [+] {2}
01:50 BingoBoingo moiety: Your king can do that. I'm going to take a garage cigarette break. Ask yourself if that is the BEST move.
01:50 herbijudlestoids BingoBoingo: just out of morbid curiosity, what is wrong with ...xchess, for example?
01:51 herbijudlestoids why must it be played over irc
01:51 mircea_popescu there's a trilema post from back in 2009 where some romanian studying at the sorbonne who dared not like it is excruciated by my readership.
01:51 BingoBoingo herbijudlestoids: Mostly sloppy coding and weird errors
01:51 herbijudlestoids BingoBoingo: good answer
01:51 herbijudlestoids mircea_popescu: pls link? ill feed it to google translate (assuming its in romani)
01:52 BingoBoingo herbijudlestoids: Xchess demands on particular font most don't have to work even halfway
01:52 mircea_popescu wtf retarded game of chess is that ?!
01:52 BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: The Stallman board version
01:52 mircea_popescu but i mean... o wait, moiety is white huh
01:52 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3350 @ 0.00087234 = 2.9223 BTC [+]
01:52 BingoBoingo Yeah
01:52 mircea_popescu hon you're not very good at this :D
01:53 mircea_popescu herbijudlestoids
01:53 mircea_popescu curious what gt can make out of multi-layered meaning cake a la trilema & its peanut gallery
01:53 BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: She's prolly ready to beat truffles
01:53 assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 1000 @ 0.00296392 = 2.9639 BTC [-] {12}
01:53 moiety lol nope :D but i will get better mircea_popescu!
01:54 herbijudlestoids o ffs
01:55 herbijudlestoids google translate caught by the subscription page
01:55 BingoBoingo herbijudlestoids: It nearly always is
01:55 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 20 @ 0.19376446 = 3.8753 BTC [+]
01:56 BingoBoingo I remember paying half a BTC for trilema credits and losing the cookie, because webchat
01:56 BingoBoingo Trilema is worth it enough though that I keep a hot cookie
01:57 moiety yep e1-f2
01:57 herbijudlestoids BingoBoingo: surely cookie is not the only thing tying trilema to your payment?
01:58 BingoBoingo herbijudlestoids: It actually is because trilema is built the right way.
01:58 BingoBoingo Nc6
01:58 mircea_popescu herbijudlestoids anyway, among the commenters corina is the letters dept head of i don't recall which kind at the cluj university, als is a meanwhile deceased faggoty movie critic of great repute, esk is the chick in question and so on
01:58 BingoBoingo Nb-c6
01:59 herbijudlestoids mircea_popescu: pls hold while i rip the text into gt manually
01:59 moiety g1-h7
01:59 MisterE what is this truffles I keep hearing about?
01:59 mircea_popescu MisterE when you bareback a chick with diabethes.
01:59 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8850 @ 0.00087171 = 7.7146 BTC [-]
02:00 MisterE thats perfectly OK
02:00 mircea_popescu no wait. you have the diabethes. she has a yeast infection.
02:00 MisterE oh no
02:00 MisterE Yeast is a no go
02:00 BingoBoingo moiety: You have nothing on g1
02:00 moiety i think im number dyslexic, g5-h7
02:02 BingoBoingo Bd4+
02:02 herbijudlestoids mircea_popescu: here is the translated article. will do comments once iv read
02:03 mircea_popescu herbijudlestoids it may surprise you to know i have access to my own articles :D
02:03 herbijudlestoids mircea_popescu: you were curious what the translate looked like?
02:04 BingoBoingo herbijudlestoids: He is always curious what right translations look like
02:04 mircea_popescu yeah but i loaded up gt
02:04 herbijudlestoids ah right lol
02:04 herbijudlestoids so far ineligible
02:04 moiety f2-e1 retreaaat
02:04 BingoBoingo right translations of trilema are... challenging though
02:04 herbijudlestoids "Notice how not even offer me eat my own ears"
02:05 BingoBoingo KxNe7
02:06 BingoBoingo *KxNh7
02:06 BingoBoingo I need to drink moar
02:07 bitcoinpete mircea_popescu: it's a salty circus, which is good because I might actually learn something
02:07 mircea_popescu herbijudlestoids ineligible means which can't be chosen
02:07 mircea_popescu uninteligible however...
02:07 bitcoinpete BingoBoingo: yes
02:07 moiety i cant do that BingoBoingo
02:07 moiety your king is d8 right
02:08 mircea_popescu and since we're on it, inedible = uneatable, indelible = uneraseable.
02:08 herbijudlestoids retarded mircea_popescu i meant illegible.
02:08 herbijudlestoids <-retard
02:08 BingoBoingo moiety: My king was on G8 because castling
02:08 BingoBoingo That 0-0
02:08 mircea_popescu but you're legging it just fine :D
02:08 mircea_popescu لآن الشيء نفسه سوف اهتزت كثيرا، " الفوضى " هي جميع أنواع << this is illegible
02:09 herbijudlestoids haha
02:09 moiety then how are we on the same moves?
02:09 herbijudlestoids Me: see the Latin spoken in cambridge . mo got toothache at one point I roared in the room STOP ! Hammertime !
02:09 BingoBoingo moiety: Last pick I snapped should reveal where my king has been
02:09 BingoBoingo moiety: As would the previous pic
02:09 herbijudlestoids mircea_popescu: please upload a short video of yourself yelling STOP! Hammertime! to youtube.
02:10 mircea_popescu it's a metaphore.
02:10 moiety pics didnt help making moves as theyhad to be in order
02:10 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18500 @ 0.00087171 = 16.1266 BTC [-]
02:10 mircea_popescu i just excused myself and left.
02:10 BingoBoingo 0.01 BTC reward to the person who can name the Greek who was good at chaos.
02:10 moiety both pics do have something on d8
02:10 mircea_popescu tho i did use to wear a fro
02:10 BingoBoingo moiety: Remember that 0-0 though
02:11 moiety yeah i guessed tha
02:11 BingoBoingo moiety: My queen is still on d8 where it started
02:11 herbijudlestoids BingoBoingo: eris
02:11 BingoBoingo herbijudlestoids: Not the clitus I am thinking of
02:11 herbijudlestoids wut!
02:11 mircea_popescu BingoBoingo : Eρις
02:11 mircea_popescu whose name reads just like epic
02:12 herbijudlestoids BingoBoingo: do you actually refer to chaos...
02:12 herbijudlestoids chaos itself was a greek god
02:12 BingoBoingo I was thinking of Heraclitus.
02:12 mircea_popescu goddes
02:12 herbijudlestoids wutttt
02:12 BingoBoingo herbijudlestoids: How can a chasm be a god
02:12 mircea_popescu eris was a bitch
02:12 BingoBoingo it is like saying a vagina is a bunch of matter.
02:13 herbijudlestoids
02:13 ozbot Eris (mythology) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
02:13 BingoBoingo When the vagina is defined by the lack of matter in its chaos
02:14 BingoBoingo herbijudlestoids: I also sought a person rather than a fictional catch all
02:14 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 5 @ 0.04660001 = 0.233 BTC [-]
02:14 herbijudlestoids "For Hesiod and the early Greek Olympian myth (8th century BC), Chaos was the first of the primordial deities, followed by Earth (Gaia), Tartarus and Eros (Love).[16] From Chaos came Erebus and Nyx.[17]"
02:14 herbijudlestoids but i would always answer fnord...i mean eris that question...
02:14 BingoBoingo Yes, from chaos, from her slit.
02:15 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26100 @ 0.00087283 = 22.7809 BTC [+] {3}
02:15 BingoBoingo If I asked for a Dago, supposing a real person Vito Corleone would be under Mussolini every day of the week.
02:15 herbijudlestoids lel
02:16 herbijudlestoids fair enough, i knew the answer only from my reading of the principia not actually cultured :P
02:16 moiety i cant find gpg on freenode
02:17 herbijudlestoids moiety: what do you mean? gpg is software...gnupg...
02:18 BingoBoingo herbijudlestoids: Well, remember the chaos isn't the whole cunt, but merely the pleasant absence where the dick goes within the cunt
02:18 bitcoinpete goddesses make me think of Citroens
02:19 moiety in that room herbi, hopefully someone is around soon
02:19 herbijudlestoids moiety: if you need any help with gpg i doubt anyone is more qualified than people in this room :)
02:20 herbijudlestoids what are you trying to do?
02:20 moiety all i want to do is chage my email address
02:20 moiety change
02:21 moiety i try uid bringsuo the key, try deluid tells me to select one
02:21 moiety brings up*
02:21 herbijudlestoids moiety: here you go
02:22 herbijudlestoids you dont really need to deluid, just revoke it
02:22 BingoBoingo herbijudlestoids: That is one way BTC beats GPG (and there are few
02:22 herbijudlestoids (with revuid)
02:22 moiety right kk
02:23 herbijudlestoids BingoBoingo: sorry you lost me, in which way does BTC beat GPG?
02:23 BingoBoingo herbijudlestoids: In the way that anything *id is mutable until it is confirmed.
02:23 herbijudlestoids yer
02:23 moiety just keeps saying you must select at least ne user id, ive tried typing it in a million different ways
02:23 BingoBoingo This shit Gox is bitching about is a strength
02:25 herbijudlestoids moiety: in which command? gpg --edit-key ? it should just be gpg --edit-key moiety@moiety.moiety
02:29 herbijudlestoids BingoBoingo: i prefer democritus to heraclitus but it might be my childhood exposure to him talking
02:30 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 12 @ 0.1221 = 1.4652 BTC [-]
02:30 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 12 @ 0.074 = 0.888 BTC [-]
02:30 mircea_popescu you heard democritus talking ?
02:30 herbijudlestoids poorly constructed sentence
02:31 BingoBoingo Must be one of those mythical baby boomers
02:31 herbijudlestoids as in, the childhood exposure to democritus is talking to me, and convincing me that i prefer one to the other
02:32 mircea_popescu herbijudlestoids actually it was fine, it'd have been his talking to be what i pretended it to be. just a little trolling :D
02:33 herbijudlestoids luvz2betrolz
02:34 BingoBoingo herbijudlestoids: You up for a game?
02:35 herbijudlestoids BingoBoingo: i was about to go for long walk to get some dinners
02:35 herbijudlestoids still around in a few hours?
02:36 BingoBoingo herbijudlestoids: Who knows?
02:37 herbijudlestoids BingoBoingo: mm its only 1830. lets play a game, im sure you wont take long to beat me
02:37 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16951 @ 0.00086989 = 14.7455 BTC [-] {2}
02:37 BingoBoingo herbijudlestoids: My game against moiety is still ongooing
02:38 herbijudlestoids ok..well ill ping you later then :)
02:44 bitcoinpete Bon sour, mes amis. It's been a pleasure breaking the ice.
02:44 bitcoinpete soir*
02:45 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 2 @ 0.074 = 0.148 BTC [-]
02:47 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 12 @ 0.19376446 = 2.3252 BTC [+]
02:47 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3799 @ 0.0008672 = 3.2945 BTC [-]
~ 18 minutes ~
03:05 Nick_Fly|2 is anyone here?
03:06 mircea_popescu yes.
03:07 assbot [MPEX] [FT] [X.EUR] 450 @ 0.00197733 = 0.8898 BTC [-]
03:10 assbot [MPEX] [FT] [X.EUR] 450 @ 0.00197733 = 0.8898 BTC [-]
03:10 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 4 @ 0.1221 = 0.4884 BTC [-] {2}
03:10 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 4 @ 0.074 = 0.296 BTC [-]
03:10 BingoBoingo,p0,s10,d0 essential watching before Robocop II
03:10 nick_fly Guys, help me! I'm stuck in Ukraine because of this revolution and I can not go home. But then the border guard offers to give him a bribe and he will miss me. He told that accepts BTC. I know it's sounds like a joke, but tomó it's totally not fun!!! Donate as much as you can.
03:10 mircea_popescu revolution ?!
03:11 assbot [MPEX] [FT] [X.EUR] 450 @ 0.00197733 = 0.8898 BTC [-]
03:11 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 5 @ 0.19376446 = 0.9688 BTC [+]
03:11 nick_fly google "maidan ukrain"
03:12 cazalla ukranian eh
03:12 cazalla you know phil leotardo got mistaken for a ukrainia
03:12 nick_fly You are my last hope=(
03:13 mircea_popescu
03:13 mircea_popescu check it out, naked chicks.
03:13 mircea_popescu hey, do you know the topless bunch, what's their name
03:13 nick_fly Pussy Riot?
03:14 moiety wth is going on in that pic
03:14 nick_fly I would not come here if not for work. Please! Heeeelp!!!
03:14 mircea_popescu yeah, that's right, pussy riot.
03:14 mircea_popescu moiety a dancer girl is looking for her contacts ?
03:15 moiety mircea_popescu: those guys must have paid for them, they look really pissed of she's lost them
03:16 cazalla dhl
03:16 cazalla el package express
03:16 nick_fly i'm here for 3 days, can't pass the border
03:16 mircea_popescu seems the sort of thing final year performing arts kids would be doing
03:16 nick_fly will anyone help me?
03:16 mircea_popescu nick_fly you know is actually in belarus, right ?
03:16 nick_fly it's proxy
03:16 nick_fly local provider blocks me
03:17 mircea_popescu cause of the revolution ?
03:17 nick_fly ccertainly
03:18 moiety bingo's being kind enough to just restart fresh board. i move d4
03:18 nick_fly when i came here, the first question i have been asked was "going to "EuroMaidan"?
03:19 BingoBoingo 1. d4 d5
03:19 nick_fly mircea_popescu: help pls
03:19 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 3 @ 0.074 = 0.222 BTC [-]
03:19 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 3 @ 0.1221 = 0.3663 BTC [-]
03:19 mircea_popescu why did you go there anyway
03:20 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 3 @ 0.19376446 = 0.5813 BTC [+]
03:20 moiety herbi herbi herbi
03:20 moiety nc3
03:21 nick_fly mircea_popescu: to sign a contract for the supply of water. Does it important?
03:21 BingoBoingo c6
03:21 mircea_popescu not really to me, no. mostly to you.
03:21 nick_fly mircea_popescu: yeah
03:22 nick_fly 13xPYSqi8q3ywtU4jSVRWNR7dib1e4soKx as much as you can
03:22 mircea_popescu so who were you signing water supply contracts for /
03:22 BingoBoingo nick_fly: 0.01 BTC for a sharpie in your pooper with Bingo on the left asscheek and Boingo on your right asscheek
03:23 moiety na4 BingoBoingo
03:23 nick_fly my boss send me here. it's some kind of healing water
03:24 BingoBoingo Nf6 moiety
03:24 mircea_popescu well so then why isn't your boss getting you out ?
03:24 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 4 @ 0.19376446 = 0.7751 BTC [+]
03:24 nick_fly have you ever heard of ever heard of Borjomi?
03:24 BingoBoingo nick_fly: get your boss here it won't be the value I offered you.
03:24 nick_fly he don't care
03:25 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15549 @ 0.00087291 = 13.5729 BTC [+] {2}
03:25 moiety BingoBoingo: c4
03:25 BingoBoingo nick_fly: He as you boss could do 5 laundry markers for 0.02 BTC
03:25 nick_fly he don't even know what is BTC
03:26 BingoBoingo Qa5+ moiety
03:27 moiety my thing doesnt register that, what are you meaning
03:27 BingoBoingo moiety: Queen to a5, check
03:27 nick_fly guys, i can't discuss here for a long time. access to the internet here is VERY! expensive to me. Please help ANYONE!!!!!!!
03:27 moiety nvm
03:28 nick_fly 13xPYSqi8q3ywtU4jSVRWNR7dib1e4soKx as much as you can
03:28 BingoBoingo nick_fly: Freedom isn't free.
03:28 nick_fly it's not funny
03:28 BingoBoingo nick_fly: Freedom simply means, nothing left to lose
03:28 nick_fly Imagine yourself in my place. IT'S NOT FUNNY!
03:30 moiety bishop - d2
03:30 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28267 @ 0.00087353 = 24.6921 BTC [+] {2}
03:30 assbot [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 2228 @ 0.00012661 = 0.2821 BTC [-] {5}
03:30 BingoBoingo Qd8
03:31 nick_fly BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: help please
03:31 assbot [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 12772 @ 0.00012023 = 1.5356 BTC [-] {4}
03:31 BingoBoingo nick_fly: Open your sphincter first
03:31 nick_fly implore you
03:33 BingoBoingo nick_fly: 0.01BTC for a sharpie in your pooper
03:33 mircea_popescu nick_fly apparently some georgian mineral water.
03:33 mircea_popescu never had it myself. is it any good ?
03:35 moiety ev BingoBoingo
03:35 moiety e4*
03:36 BingoBoingo Nxe4
03:36 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.55000002 = 1.1 BTC [-] {2}
03:37 nick_fly heeey
03:39 nick_fly I left for 7-8 minutes until the end of Internet access. SOMEONE!!!! HELP!!!! AS MUCH AS YOU CAN!!!! 13xPYSqi8q3ywtU4jSVRWNR7dib1e4soKx
03:39 BingoBoingo nick_fly: If you want anything you can put a sharpie in your pooper or jump the country fence
03:40 BingoBoingo nick_fly:,p0,s10,d0
03:40 mircea_popescu yeah, kinda lukewarm entertainment value so far.
03:42 nick_fly BingoBoingo: can be seen only from the usa. GUYS.... aaaaaa. heeeeeelp
03:42 nick_fly mircea_popescu: i'vó read about you. i know you can help.
03:43 nick_fly mircea_popescu: i'm not asking as much as openBSD asked. just as much as you can
03:43 nick_fly or as you want
03:43 mircea_popescu lmao
03:43 BingoBoingo nick_fly: You could still get BTC from sharpie in pooper
03:44 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 5 @ 0.54540204 = 2.727 BTC [-] {4}
03:44 BingoBoingo nick_fly: Great victories only come from great sacrifices... of dignity
03:45 MisterE I wonder if we'll see more miners hedge their bet with fpgas which can be useful for other stuff they can get paid for
03:46 nick_fly the last time - will anyone help me? i can't be here more. please if you have any kindness
03:46 nick_fly 13xPYSqi8q3ywtU4jSVRWNR7dib1e4soKx
03:46 mircea_popescu least likely thing for a miner to hedge with
03:47 BingoBoingo nick_fly: I am offering to pay, but only if you entertain first
03:47 nick_fly how?!?!?!
03:48 moiety BingoBoingo: Ba5
03:49 BingoBoingo moiety: Qxa5+
03:49 nick_fly BingoBoingo: i'll do everything i can. please, ã have to help me
03:49 BingoBoingo nick_fly: I offered a way to help yourself for 0.01 BTC
03:51 moiety BingoBoingo: Ke2
03:51 BingoBoingo Bg4+
03:51 moiety can i keep two emails on one key?
03:52 BingoBoingo moiety: Yeah, but that is the least of details
03:53 moiety i know being destroyed is priority
03:54 moiety ke3
03:55 BingoBoingo Bxd1
03:55 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 15 @ 0.074 = 1.11 BTC [-]
03:55 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 15 @ 0.1221 = 1.8315 BTC [-]
03:56 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 15 @ 0.19376446 = 2.9065 BTC [+]
03:56 moiety you bastard
03:57 moiety she didnt do anything to you
03:57 moiety rxd1
03:59 BingoBoingo Nf6
04:02 moiety Nc5
04:04 BingoBoingo Ng4+
04:05 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5250 @ 0.00087384 = 4.5877 BTC [+]
04:08 moiety kf3
04:08 mircea_popescu those 7-8 minutes lasted a while.
04:11 MisterE why least likely hedge mircea_popescu? That's the fastest tradeoff you get short of asic?
04:11 BingoBoingo Ne5+
04:15 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9700 @ 0.00087384 = 8.4762 BTC [+] {2}
04:15 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 2 @ 0.0749995 = 0.15 BTC [+] {2}
04:17 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 1 @ 0.1221 BTC [-]
04:18 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 1 @ 0.19376446 BTC [+]
04:18 moiety ke2 :(
04:22 BingoBoingo Nxc4
04:26 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16536 @ 0.00087375 = 14.4483 BTC [-] {2}
04:30 KRS-One btc-e is down, rumors is that it was taken down perm
04:31 BingoBoingo lol
04:31 moiety Nxb7
04:33 BingoBoingo Qxa2
04:34 mircea_popescu MisterE they could (and do) hedge by putting btc on the bitbet diff bets
04:34 mircea_popescu they could (and perhaps to a smaller degree d0) hedge by trading diff futures
04:35 mircea_popescu buying fpgas is not unlike buying taxicabs. not much to do with anything.
04:36 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 37224 @ 0.00087209 = 32.4627 BTC [-] {3}
04:40 moiety i cant reverse my last one rc1
04:41 BingoBoingo Qxb2+
04:42 herbijudlestoids i haz returned
04:43 moiety kd1
04:43 moiety im still losing!
04:43 moiety wb!
04:43 herbijudlestoids hehe, did you sort out your gpg key?
04:44 BingoBoingo moiety: Qd2++
04:44 BingoBoingo Good game
04:45 BingoBoingo herbijudlestoids: You ready for a game?
04:46 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27405 @ 0.00087105 = 23.8711 BTC [-] {3}
04:46 herbijudlestoids sure, BingoBoingo give me 5 to browse the algebraic notation page for chess
04:47 BingoBoingo K
04:47 moiety ok be honest, how often could you have finished it before BingoBoingo?!
04:47 BingoBoingo herbijudlestoids: You prefer white or black?
04:47 BingoBoingo moiety: I doubt he followed too close
04:47 moiety and i did herbi! thanks :D
04:48 herbijudlestoids BingoBoingo: happy to flip on it
04:48 BingoBoingo herbijudlestoids: Heads or tails?
04:49 moiety no BingoBoingo i was sking you how much you let we away with lol
04:49 herbijudlestoids heads pls
04:49 moiety asking*
04:49 BingoBoingo ;;coin
04:49 gribble tails
04:49 herbijudlestoids ok i think i understand
04:49 herbijudlestoids pls pull me up on any mistakes re notation
04:49 BingoBoingo herbijudlestoids: tails, I prefer black. Your move.
04:49 moiety was fun with the board that
04:49 moiety :D
04:50 herbijudlestoids e4
04:50 BingoBoingo d6
04:51 herbijudlestoids b3
04:51 BingoBoingo Nf6
04:52 herbijudlestoids Nc3
04:52 BingoBoingo g6
04:53 herbijudlestoids Rb1
04:53 BingoBoingo Bg7
04:55 herbijudlestoids Bc4
04:55 assbot [HAVELOCK] [RENT] 23 @ 0.0055 = 0.1265 BTC
04:55 assbot [HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 2 @ 0.08199 = 0.164 BTC [+] {2}
04:55 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12900 @ 0.00087425 = 11.2778 BTC [+] {2}
04:56 BingoBoingo 0-0
04:56 herbijudlestoids how do i do the 0-0 on the html board
04:58 herbijudlestoids got it
04:58 BingoBoingo Ke8 to g8 and rook h8 to f8
04:59 herbijudlestoids g4
04:59 BingoBoingo Bxg4
05:00 herbijudlestoids f3
05:02 BingoBoingo e5
05:02 herbijudlestoids xg4
05:03 herbijudlestoids err should be fxg4 i guess sorry
05:06 BingoBoingo Nb-d7
05:06 herbijudlestoids g5
05:07 BingoBoingo Nh5
05:08 herbijudlestoids excuse me, bathroom break
05:09 BingoBoingo fine, smoke break
05:09 herbijudlestoids ok back
05:11 herbijudlestoids d3
05:14 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 19 @ 0.074 = 1.406 BTC [-]
05:16 herbijudlestoids what are you doin, growin the tobacco yourself?
05:17 BingoBoingo Nc5
05:19 herbijudlestoids a4
05:20 BingoBoingo a6
05:20 herbijudlestoids b4
05:21 BingoBoingo Ne6
05:24 herbijudlestoids Ne2
05:25 BingoBoingo Nc oe Ng
05:25 BingoBoingo Nc or Ng
05:25 herbijudlestoids Ng
05:26 herbijudlestoids sorry, my bad
05:27 BingoBoingo Nxg5
05:27 herbijudlestoids Rg1
05:28 BingoBoingo Ne6
05:29 herbijudlestoids Nd5
05:30 BingoBoingo Qh4+
05:32 herbijudlestoids Kf2
05:32 herbijudlestoids err Kf1
05:33 BingoBoingo Rf-e8
05:36 assbot [HAVELOCK] [RENT] 150 @ 0.0055 = 0.825 BTC
05:36 herbijudlestoids hmmm battle mode
05:37 BingoBoingo herbijudlestoids: I hate to push, but you seem to be draggin
05:38 herbijudlestoids Ng3
05:39 BingoBoingo Qh3+
05:40 herbijudlestoids Rg2
05:41 BingoBoingo Ng3+
05:42 herbijudlestoids hxg3
05:43 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16750 @ 0.00087441 = 14.6464 BTC [+]
05:43 BingoBoingo Qh1+
05:44 herbijudlestoids Rg1
05:45 BingoBoingo Qh3+
05:45 herbijudlestoids Rg2...
05:46 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 42 @ 0.07395238 = 3.106 BTC [-] {2}
05:46 BingoBoingo b5
05:47 herbijudlestoids axb5
05:48 BingoBoingo axb5
05:48 herbijudlestoids Bb5
05:48 herbijudlestoids err
05:48 herbijudlestoids Bxb5
05:50 assbot [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 2297 @ 0.00012999 = 0.2986 BTC [-]
05:52 BingoBoingo Qh1+
05:52 herbijudlestoids Rg1...
05:54 BingoBoingo QxNd5
05:54 herbijudlestoids err wut? i got a pawn at e4?
05:55 herbijudlestoids lol it was my first move...
05:56 BingoBoingo Yeah, died long ago
05:57 BingoBoingo Amazing how tiny things affect the board this much
05:57 herbijudlestoids ...
05:57 herbijudlestoids i just grepped for "xe4"
05:57 herbijudlestoids pls paste the line of you taking it?
05:58 KRS-One ;;seen vexual
05:58 gribble vexual was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 4 days, 19 hours, 56 minutes, and 6 seconds ago: <Vexual> its nit even an internet fridge
05:59 herbijudlestoids i thought i had been faithfully replicating each move, if i missed one apologies
05:59 herbijudlestoids but i cant see it in my log
06:00 herbijudlestoids
06:00 ozbot imgur: the simple image sharer
06:01 BingoBoingo herbijudlestoids: You may be right. let me reconcile this position
06:03 BingoBoingo Qh4
06:04 herbijudlestoids are you sure? if you move to Qh4 i take your queen.
06:04 BingoBoingo I might be awfully drunk.
06:04 BingoBoingo I thought e4 was open, I mean
06:05 herbijudlestoids last chance? if you move to Qh5 its much better move against mew
06:05 BingoBoingo Fine, Qh3
06:05 herbijudlestoids LOL
06:05 herbijudlestoids we been through this but ok... Rg2...
06:06 BingoBoingo Nd4
06:08 herbijudlestoids Bc4
06:10 BingoBoingo Qh1+
06:11 BingoBoingo Draw?
06:11 herbijudlestoids lolllll Rg1
06:11 herbijudlestoids wwut!
06:11 herbijudlestoids you bored?
06:11 herbijudlestoids im cracking up grinning here!
06:12 BingoBoingo Qf3+
06:12 herbijudlestoids now were talkin
06:12 herbijudlestoids dunno why you didnt just Qh5 earlier hehe
06:13 herbijudlestoids Ke1
06:13 BingoBoingo herbijudlestoids: pawns have to find the right places
06:14 BingoBoingo QxQ+
06:14 herbijudlestoids Kxd1
06:15 BingoBoingo Nf3
06:16 herbijudlestoids Rf1
06:17 BingoBoingo e4
06:18 herbijudlestoids lel my brother, e4 is not open for you
06:18 BingoBoingo fuck have to audit again
06:18 herbijudlestoids its got one of my pawns in it...i call him firstie...
06:18 BingoBoingo Nd4
06:18 herbijudlestoids
06:19 ozbot imgur: the simple image sharer
06:19 herbijudlestoids c3
06:20 BingoBoingo N36
06:20 herbijudlestoids assume you meant Ne6...
06:21 herbijudlestoids Bb5
06:21 assbot [HAVELOCK] [COG] 10 @ 0.08176994 = 0.8177 BTC [-] {4}
06:22 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 8 @ 0.04799999 = 0.384 BTC [+] {2}
06:23 BingoBoingo herbijudlestoids: This game can end of one of two ways? You up for a draw?
06:23 herbijudlestoids lel im enjoying myself but if for some reason you cbf to play anymore i am ok with it. what do you mean can only end one of two ways? all chess games can only end one of two ways?
06:24 herbijudlestoids are you peering 80 moves into the future or something?
06:24 BingoBoingo herbijudlestoids: No, they have three ways to end. This one ends with you winning or you accepting a draw.
06:24 BingoBoingo No way in hell I win this one
06:24 herbijudlestoids HAHA
06:24 herbijudlestoids sure bro
06:24 herbijudlestoids :D
06:25 BingoBoingo That e4 pawn just messed me up.
06:25 herbijudlestoids seems like i enjoy playing tho, so hit me up sometime for a rematch :)
06:25 BingoBoingo Can't believe THAT was the pawn I forgot about.
06:25 herbijudlestoids literally grinning for the entire match
06:25 BingoBoingo herbijudlestoids: Anytime
06:26 herbijudlestoids chesscoin
06:26 herbijudlestoids bitchess
06:26 herbijudlestoids hmmm...nope
06:27 herbijudlestoids BingoBoingo: how are you playing these matches? ...i mean are you recording the moves on a board or is this all in your mind or something lol
06:28 BingoBoingo herbijudlestoids: I set up a board on the floor. Usually I am good, but your e4 fucked me up.
06:28 BingoBoingo You had the win early though
06:28 herbijudlestoids i just assumed youre a savant playing in your mind
06:29 BingoBoingo Nah, I am a drunk who actually set up a board on my floor
06:29 herbijudlestoids BingoBoingo: usually playing chess off a screen really fucks me up and i suck at it, but i think i like that HTML5 one
06:29 BingoBoingo (in parts of the world having enough floor to do that is extravagant)
06:29 herbijudlestoids haha
06:30 herbijudlestoids also has tempted me to learn HTML5
06:30 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24200 @ 0.00087062 = 21.069 BTC [-]
06:30 punkman extravagant would be having one of those huge outdoors boards and real people for the pieces
06:30 BingoBoingo herbijudlestoids: I really dunno anything better though than a 0.02 BTC physical board
06:31 herbijudlestoids punkman: they got those in hyde park in sydney and thats literally the last time i played chess before today
06:31 BingoBoingo punkman: That would have been, but like 1BTC is a fortune nao
06:31 BingoBoingo herbijudlestoids: is hyde park the OZ version of niggers.txt?
06:31 herbijudlestoids yeah i used to have a nice frosted glass board around but it didnt survive several house moves
06:32 herbijudlestoids BingoBoingo: did you know if you google niggers.txt, you shit-talking in is the 3rd result?
06:32 punkman I got a soapstone board, half the pieces have been decapitated
06:32 BingoBoingo herbijudlestoids: of course
06:33 herbijudlestoids earlier tonight i thought of something funny to do with niggers.txt, before i went out, but i forgot it while i was walking :(
06:33 BingoBoingo herbijudlestoids: the thing is nigger.txt is a term of art defined in this channe;
06:33 herbijudlestoids explain for retards?
06:33 BingoBoingo herbijudlestoids: There is this thing called watermelon.
06:34 BingoBoingo Everyone of all colors loves it. It is delicious.
06:34 herbijudlestoids BingoBoingo: for me, with you, when i say lol, its literal.
06:34 BingoBoingo Noiggers.txt though is a term of art.
06:34 herbijudlestoids lel
06:34 BingoBoingo Imagine Mark Karpales
06:35 BingoBoingo He is moar nigger.tst than Obummer
06:35 herbijudlestoids
06:35 BingoBoingo Because those Greek Dago bitches can suck a dick
06:36 herbijudlestoids holy shit, i just pasted that from google without looking at the url...theres actually a
06:37 BingoBoingo Oh shit, you herbijudlestoids do you know what the original dutch root nikker means?
06:37 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8250 @ 0.00086996 = 7.1772 BTC [-] {2}
06:37 herbijudlestoids not specifically
06:37 herbijudlestoids i thought the root was spanish/portugese
06:38 BingoBoingo herbijudlestoids: It means ignorant, but because it sounds similar to the latin Negro 'Murica
06:38 herbijudlestoids The variants neger and negar, derive from the Spanish and Portuguese word negro (black), and from the now-pejorative French n?gre (negro). Etymologically, negro, noir, n?gre, and nigger ultimately derive from nigrum, the stem of the Latin niger (black) (pronounced ['ni?er] which, in every other grammatical case, grammatical gender, and grammatical number besides nominative masculine singular, is nigr-, the r is tr
06:38 herbijudlestoids the root is latin, niger == black.
06:39 herbijudlestoids stems to nigrum (male), nigra (female) and from there to italian/french/spanish/portugese
06:39 BingoBoingo herbijudlestoids: Latin and german are different root sources
06:40 herbijudlestoids In the Colonial America of 1619, John Rolfe used negars in describing the African slaves shipped to the Virginia colony.[2] Later American English spellings, neger and neggar, prevailed in a northern colony, New York under the Dutch, and in metropolitan Philadelphia's Moravian and Pennsylvania Dutch communities; the African Burial Ground in New York City originally was known by the Dutch name "Begraafplaats van de
06:41 BingoBoingo herbijudlestoids: you could just post a half decent world star hip hop video
06:42 herbijudlestoids BingoBoingo: try this instead
06:43 BingoBoingo herbijudlestoids: google challange and response. I can't give it an answer
06:43 herbijudlestoids so whats the valid response to the niggers.txt challenge?
06:44 herbijudlestoids < BingoBoingo > niggers.txt
06:44 herbijudlestoids < herbijudlestoids > niggers.txt!
06:44 herbijudlestoids ? :P
06:44 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6900 @ 0.00087231 = 6.0189 BTC [+] {2}
06:44 BingoBoingo herbijudlestoids: Maybe ask kakobrekla, he's somalian, like a pirate
06:47 BingoBoingo
06:47 ozbot Nicki Minaj “Lookin Ass” video: Rapper sets her sights on the male gaze, mows it down with assau
06:50 herbijudlestoids heres a graph of my ATC miner payouts (per block found by the ATC pool) for the last ...~40h
06:50 herbijudlestoids yesterday was getting ~4ATC per block, now ~1.4
06:53 BingoBoingo herbijudlestoids: The ATC orderbook
06:54 BingoBoingo M mood might improve especially if 1000 satoshis is broken
06:54 BingoBoingo I mean is this nigger history month or not?
06:54 BingoBoingo herbijudlestoids: I'm sorry Abbo
06:54 herbijudlestoids haha
06:55 herbijudlestoids BingoBoingo: orderbook looks pretty much the same as this morning? just one extra offer that has narrowed the spread by 5 satoshi
06:55 BingoBoingo herbijudlestoids: but if it stays under 1000 satoshis the Abbos win
06:57 herbijudlestoids well you guys are the ones with all teh bitcoinz not can clear out all the offers under 1000 by purchasing the 54387 on offer below that price :P
06:58 herbijudlestoids (and hope nobody goes to the bids to sell)
06:58 BingoBoingo herbijudlestoids: Nothing is official thought until a n00b makes a n00b decision
06:59 BingoBoingo Nothing is worth anything without a credible niggers.txt and a watermelon
07:01 assbot [HAVELOCK] [MS] 50 @ 0.0048 = 0.24 BTC [-]
~ 40 minutes ~
07:42 herbijudlestoids hullo ThickAsThieves
07:42 herbijudlestoids looks like the reddit ATC thread got downvoted beyond -4 :(
07:43 ThickAsThieves lol
07:43 ThickAsThieves their loss
07:44 BingoBoingo shame, such a think line between altcoin and moon
07:44 herbijudlestoids i own some now ...310 as of the last bloc
07:44 BingoBoingo .bait
07:44 ozbot
07:44 herbijudlestoids mined teh new fashioned way
07:45 BingoBoingo That bait has orders
07:45 BingoBoingo Spank
07:46 herbijudlestoids ThickAsThieves: got a wallet? ill send you one? :D
07:46 BingoBoingo .bait
07:46 herbijudlestoids BingoBoingo: :)
07:47 BingoBoingo herbijudlestoids: I'm a bigger fan of the dark chocolate
07:48 herbijudlestoids surely some in there
07:48 ThickAsThieves i haz some ATC now
07:48 ThickAsThieves purchased on the black market
07:49 ThickAsThieves
07:52 herbijudlestoids every fuckin night now a mosquito gets in my room
07:52 herbijudlestoids and i gotta kill it before i go to bed lol
07:53 herbijudlestoids sneaky quick fuckers
07:53 ThickAsThieves bugs dont seem to like my blood much
07:54 assbot [HAVELOCK] [COG] 5 @ 0.08179995 = 0.409 BTC [+]
07:57 herbijudlestoids its the noise they make when theyre flying over your ear
07:57 herbijudlestoids drives me insane
07:57 BingoBoingo herbijudlestoids: Wait, you can hear bugs?
07:57 herbijudlestoids never heard the mosquito noise BingoBoingo?
07:57 BingoBoingo how do you not die in Australasia
07:58 BingoBoingo herbijudlestoids: I'm nearly deaf
07:58 herbijudlestoids very high pitched whine
07:58 herbijudlestoids which oscillates as they fly around
07:58 BingoBoingo herbijudlestoids: I played the tuba for 8+ years and the only casualty was my hearing
07:58 herbijudlestoids usually theyre audible within about 20cm but it sounds like its right in your ear
07:59 herbijudlestoids which 8+ years tho? cant believe you never heard a mosquito in your life
07:59 BingoBoingo herbijudlestoids: I haven't heard one since 4th grade
07:59 herbijudlestoids so but you know the noise :P
08:00 BingoBoingo Roughly, can't swear to it though. It has been a while.
08:01 herbijudlestoids
08:03 ThickAsThieves "This brings us nicely to possibly the biggest development in the crypto space for some time. The launch of Maxcoin, the cryptocurrency fronted by Max Keiser. "
08:04 BingoBoingo Moar like Maxi coin, has the biggest wings to prevent leakage.
08:04 ThickAsThieves mircea_popescu ^ for your blacklist:, Jan Skoyles
08:04 herbijudlestoids he not here, died of ping timeout
08:04 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12200 @ 0.00086994 = 10.6133 BTC [-]
08:04 BingoBoingo I am Afro man, running through the forest from the ku klus klan
08:07 ThickAsThieves looks like these guys actually host pools too
08:07 ThickAsThieves pools and exchange
08:08 BingoBoingo If anyone else wan't a tip from the breaking news department, I know the spoiler to Million Dollar Baby!
08:09 herbijudlestoids here is an idea
08:09 herbijudlestoids (if had an API)
08:09 BingoBoingo herbijudlestoids: I kinda has one
08:10 BingoBoingo *it kinds has one
08:10 herbijudlestoids a bot that makes the market in BTC/USD at the 0.5*(ATCdiff/BTCdiff)+0.5*(ATDnextdiff/BTCnextDiff) implied price
08:11 herbijudlestoids even a small amount of BTC, say 0.01 would be able to offer a reasonable bid at say 0.005% off the implied price
08:11 herbijudlestoids just gotta be willing to fund it with some more BTC if someone takes out the bids
08:12 BingoBoingo herbijudlestoids: Altcoiners are hoarders
08:12 BingoBoingo You need serious WOT to buy ALTCOIN at 500 Satoshis per
08:13 ThickAsThieves ?
08:13 BingoBoingo This isn't last week when 160 Satoshis was generous
08:13 ThickAsThieves lol
08:13 ThickAsThieves herb i think ATC price isnt the lead, it is the follow
08:13 herbijudlestoids so you reckon the risk isnt in someone selling their ATC into the bid but rather hoarders buying up whatever ATC are on the ask?
08:13 BingoBoingo Last week 160 Satoshis per was nearly charity.
08:14 BingoBoingo herbijudlestoids: Generally they don't buy the exchange's ask because this is Altcoin and they have WOT.
08:14 BingoBoingo They buy at minimal over bids
08:14 herbijudlestoids ok lets assume i have serious WOT, and the bot makes the market on -otc
08:15 herbijudlestoids still same issue?
08:15 BingoBoingo herbijudlestoids: So who did you piss off to be so lonely?
08:15 herbijudlestoids lol
08:15 BingoBoingo herbijudlestoids: If you have serious WOT the bot is at least going to jack you off.
08:16 BingoBoingo (this is why kakobrekla doesn't have couches any moar)
08:17 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3800 @ 0.00086989 = 3.3056 BTC [-] {2}
08:17 herbijudlestoids ThickAsThieves: i guess thats the case for ATCUSD but im talking ATCBTC here
08:18 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 4 @ 0.1222 = 0.4888 BTC [+]
08:19 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 4 @ 0.1221 = 0.4884 BTC [-] {2}
08:22 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3200 @ 0.00087435 = 2.7979 BTC [+]
08:24 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 1 @ 0.19376446 BTC [+]
08:25 herbijudlestoids ThickAsThieves: any knowledge about this 42coin? i just noticed it on, trading at 145 to the BTC?!
08:26 herbijudlestoids oh right...only 42 coins ever mined
08:27 ThickAsThieves hehe
08:27 ThickAsThieves it's like a gem of gems
08:27 herbijudlestoids pretty interesting i guess that people actually valued it like that
08:27 herbijudlestoids most of the transactions are for small fractions obviously
08:28 herbijudlestoids but still...why exactly, aside from scarcity is 42coin worth 145 bitcoins?
08:28 ThickAsThieves it's not
08:28 herbijudlestoids well its valued as such by some people who own some BTC
08:29 herbijudlestoids some of a BTC :P
08:29 ThickAsThieves right
08:30 herbijudlestoids so its just a transaction network i guess
08:30 herbijudlestoids coins are already mined, people harvesting transaction fees
08:34 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 2 @ 0.1221 = 0.2442 BTC [-]
08:35 davout what's the reference BTCUSD rate used for options ?
08:37 davout bitcoincharts 24h weighted average iirc
08:40 herbijudlestoids davout:
08:40 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 2 @ 0.19376446 = 0.3875 BTC [+]
08:40 ThickAsThieves ;;bc,24hprc
08:40 gribble 579.79
08:40 ThickAsThieves still factoring gox
08:46 ThickAsThieves
08:46 ThickAsThieves “No customers participated in the pilot,” the bank added.
08:48 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 2 @ 0.075 = 0.15 BTC [+]
08:48 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 2 @ 0.1221 = 0.2442 BTC [-]
08:48 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 2 @ 0.19376446 = 0.3875 BTC [+]
08:51 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 5 @ 0.19376446 = 0.9688 BTC [+]
08:52 herbijudlestoids
08:53 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 1 @ 0.1221 BTC [-]
08:55 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24314 @ 0.00087111 = 21.1802 BTC [-]
09:00 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5600 @ 0.00087111 = 4.8782 BTC [-]
09:10 assbot [HAVELOCK] [COG] 25 @ 0.0818 = 2.045 BTC [+]
09:19 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 4 @ 0.5425 = 2.17 BTC [-] {2}
09:21 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.5365 = 1.073 BTC [-] {2}
09:23 herbijudlestoids bed
~ 19 minutes ~
09:42 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19800 @ 0.00087174 = 17.2605 BTC [+]
09:48 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 41 @ 0.0054524 = 0.2235 BTC [-] {3}
09:50 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 53 @ 0.00545002 = 0.2889 BTC [-] {2}
09:51 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.55 BTC [+]
09:53 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30391 @ 0.00087002 = 26.4408 BTC [-] {3}
09:56 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 204 @ 0.00544903 = 1.1116 BTC [-] {3}
09:56 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.55 BTC [+]
09:57 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 4 @ 0.55 = 2.2 BTC [+] {2}
10:01 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14195 @ 0.00086967 = 12.345 BTC [-]
10:02 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17855 @ 0.00086963 = 15.5272 BTC [-]
10:03 jurov should the niggers.txt meme get officially recognized on ud
10:03 jurov it originated on 05 December 2013 here by me
10:04 jurov (just for record) :D
10:09 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.55 BTC [+]
10:10 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34478 @ 0.00087195 = 30.0631 BTC [+] {2}
10:10 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 1 @ 0.123 BTC [+]
10:21 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.55 BTC [+]
10:21 davout jurov: you need some meme-DRM
10:22 assbot [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 1789 @ 0.0001345 = 0.2406 BTC [+] {2}
10:25 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 1 @ 0.19376446 BTC [+]
10:28 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 12 @ 0.04720001 = 0.5664 BTC [-]
10:28 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 7 @ 0.12210001 = 0.8547 BTC [-] {2}
10:36 asciilifeform
10:39 mike_c oh my. "The current version simply sends the appropriate packets to vulnerable cards and updates them"
10:45 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 2 @ 0.12210001 = 0.2442 BTC [-]
10:46 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 2 @ 0.19376446 = 0.3875 BTC [+]
~ 19 minutes ~
11:05 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 1 @ 0.123 BTC [+]
11:06 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 2 @ 0.0716 = 0.1432 BTC [-]
11:06 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 2 @ 0.123 = 0.246 BTC [+]
11:06 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 2 @ 0.19376446 = 0.3875 BTC [+]
11:07 assbot [HAVELOCK] [RENT] 21 @ 0.0055 = 0.1155 BTC
11:18 assbot [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 2002 @ 0.0001345 = 0.2693 BTC [+] {4}
11:19 assbot [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 2129 @ 0.00013451 = 0.2864 BTC [+]
11:19 deadweasel asciilifeform: that's a good read, ty.
11:27 assbot [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 7000 @ 0.00013452 = 0.9416 BTC [+]
11:28 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 2 @ 0.0725 = 0.145 BTC [+] {2}
11:29 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 3 @ 0.123 = 0.369 BTC [+]
11:31 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 3 @ 0.19376446 = 0.5813 BTC [+]
11:37 ThickAsThieves ;;ticker
11:37 gribble Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 646.0, Best ask: 649.34, Bid-ask spread: 3.34000, Last trade: 646.0, 24 hour volume: 14026.82715181, 24 hour low: 640.05, 24 hour high: 672.0, 24 hour vwap: 653.799495596
11:37 ThickAsThieves ;;ticker --gox
11:37 gribble (ticker [--bid|--ask|--last|--high|--low|--avg|--vol] [--currency XXX] [--market <market>|all]) -- Return pretty-printed ticker. Default market is Bitstamp. If one of the result options is given, returns only that numeric result (useful for nesting in calculations). If '--currency XXX' option is given, returns ticker for that three-letter currency code. It is up to you to make sure (1 more message)
11:38 ThickAsThieves ;;ticker --market mtgox
11:38 gribble MtGox BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 485.805, Best ask: 490.027, Bid-ask spread: 4.22200, Last trade: 491.11, 24 hour volume: 24971.55702147, 24 hour low: 479.923, 24 hour high: 574.99999, 24 hour vwap: 512.87363
11:38 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10563 @ 0.00087435 = 9.2358 BTC [+]
11:43 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14700 @ 0.00087435 = 12.8529 BTC [+]
~ 16 minutes ~
11:59 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] [PAID] 1.59424026 BTC to 1`662 shares, 95923 satoshi per share
12:00 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 4 @ 0.123 = 0.492 BTC [+]
12:00 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 4 @ 0.0715 = 0.286 BTC [-]
12:02 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5272 @ 0.00087302 = 4.6026 BTC [-]
12:11 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20347 @ 0.00087294 = 17.7617 BTC [-] {3}
12:12 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4350 @ 0.00087436 = 3.8035 BTC [+] {2}
12:20 davout reddit can be funny somertimes
12:23 davout haha
12:29 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 1 @ 0.12399999 BTC [+]
12:35 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14950 @ 0.00087441 = 13.0724 BTC [+]
12:42 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 1 @ 0.12210001 BTC [-]
12:46 assbot [HAVELOCK] [DEALCO] 49 @ 0.0049143 = 0.2408 BTC [+]
12:51 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 2 @ 0.123 = 0.246 BTC [+] {2}
12:51 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 1 @ 0.19376446 BTC [+]
12:57 assbot [HAVELOCK] [HMF] 20 @ 0.02637895 = 0.5276 BTC [+] {3}
12:58 assbot [HAVELOCK] [KCIM] 82 @ 0.0033945 = 0.2783 BTC [+]
13:00 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6450 @ 0.00087181 = 5.6232 BTC [-]
~ 38 minutes ~
13:39 assbot [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 1311 @ 0.00013725 = 0.1799 BTC [+] {4}
13:43 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21778 @ 0.00087081 = 18.9645 BTC [-]
13:45 benkay BingoBoingo: how much Satoshi have you collated?
13:46 HeySteve hmm where is mirceau popescu tonight?
13:57 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 45200 @ 0.00087031 = 39.338 BTC [-] {4}
14:02 ThickAsThieves
14:04 assbot [HAVELOCK] [SFI] 200 @ 0.00083553 = 0.1671 BTC [+] {2}
14:06 dub lol
14:06 assbot [HAVELOCK] [COG] 2 @ 0.07110001 = 0.1422 BTC [-] {2}
14:07 mircea_popescu Votre Honneur,
14:07 mircea_popescu Je suis
14:07 mircea_popescu Mademoiselle Valérie TAGRO, jeune ivoirienne âgée de 21 ans. Je suis une
14:07 mircea_popescu ancienne lauréate du concours de beauté « Miss Cote D'Ivoire ».
14:07 mircea_popescu Je
14:07 mircea_popescu suis aujourd'hui orpheline et je n'ai plus personne pour m'aider et pour
14:07 mircea_popescu me guider.
14:08 mircea_popescu somehow it sounds even dirtier in french
14:08 asciilifeform gift from the spam gods?
14:09 mircea_popescu yea
14:09 HeySteve2 ah, mircea_popescu. I was wondering you had any comment on "Pandacoin PANDA AKA The Asian Doge Coin / Doge 2.0"
14:09 mircea_popescu sounds legit.
14:10 HeySteve2 it is due to be launched tomorrow, with lots of love from Doge pump and dumper Wolong
14:10 HeySteve2 pre-mine will be a modest 3%
14:10 mod6 sad panda
14:11 mircea_popescu HeySteve2 does it have a sarcasm detection mechanism ?
14:12 HeySteve2 indeed, but I forgot the best feature. Wolong said he's ready to work with authorities to combat terrorism right in the announce thread
14:12 mircea_popescu lol
14:12 mircea_popescu what makes you think anyone asked "wolong" anything ?
14:13 HeySteve2 well, the coin launched with an open letter from Wolong.
14:13 HeySteve2 exciting stuff
14:13 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: from the Fun With Widgets dept.:
14:14 mircea_popescu HeySteve2 i tell you i don't see it.
14:14 mircea_popescu guy's not even in the wot.
14:14 HeySteve2 shocker
14:14 asciilifeform tldr ver.: drive bus DMA over NIC with diddled ROM.
14:15 HeySteve2 well the link is here:
14:15 asciilifeform fun for the whole family
14:15 mircea_popescu asciilifeform omfg, look, slovenian! kakobrekla has been a bad boy!
14:16 mircea_popescu Well, I would say that it took me approximately 500 man-hours to get to the stage of having a working "shell"
14:17 mircea_popescu this security, that can be breached in 500 hours.
14:17 mircea_popescu feels like we all live in barbie's townhouse.
14:18 mircea_popescu Arrigo Triulzi: The only way would be trusted computing if implemented properly and without the DRM halo which it normally carries.
14:18 mircea_popescu this is not actually correct. the correct way is triangular network designs.
14:19 mircea_popescu much cheaper and definitely practical.
14:27 asciilifeform those 'willing to open their third eye' will see the market for deliberately-minimal HW - e.g. NICs without general-purpose CPUs, etc.
14:28 asciilifeform (wtf does a NIC need a dual-core MIPS?)
14:28 mircea_popescu indeed.
14:28 mircea_popescu which ironically will be a major chance for the third world.
14:29 mircea_popescu it's funny how this battle goes over the years. africa, south america and central asia are colonised, because they suck.
14:29 mircea_popescu so they suck colonist cock and try their best.
14:29 mircea_popescu however, by the time they get their tech to the level of making their own lightbulbs and other peripherals
14:29 mircea_popescu well suddenly the ex-colonizers decide the kind of lightbulbs they can make are illegal to use.
14:30 mircea_popescu however, just about at the same time the most important industry of the colonizers, ie silicone processing, has "progressed" past the point of usefulness
14:30 mircea_popescu which opens a door just in time. a brazilian made "ancient" technology nic could command a premium in the marketplace
14:30 mircea_popescu all the while cisco reports quarters of zero sales
14:30 mircea_popescu like it did last q.
14:31 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 1 @ 0.19376446 BTC [+]
14:31 mircea_popescu logically we'd expect this producer to get no likes on facebook.
14:32 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 81495 @ 0.0008739 = 71.2185 BTC [+] {4}
14:32 assbot [HAVELOCK] [RENT] 250 @ 0.0055 = 1.375 BTC
14:38 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5042 @ 0.0008698 = 4.3855 BTC [-]
14:39 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 63758 @ 0.00086877 = 55.391 BTC [-] {3}
14:39 ThickAsThieves Bitcoin Now Accounts for 10% of Sales at
14:40 ThickAsThieves sells bitcoins?
14:41 benkay another 2 hour vm provisioning killed because apple kills the wifi card when the display goes off.
14:41 benkay *raaaage*
14:42 ThickAsThieves anyone know what the cool kids use to display custom fonts on websites these days?
14:43 davout benkay: i've never experienced that
14:44 mircea_popescu ThickAsThieves nah, but it sells very little porn.
14:44 mircea_popescu benkay it does.
14:44 mircea_popescu oops i mean davout it does.
14:45 mircea_popescu chick has a tablet, can't be used for irc because apple has decided it will turn off devices. unless you root the shit you're stuck.
14:46 KRS-One .bait
14:46 ozbot
14:47 davout mircea_popescu: yeah ios sucks, but on a powered laptop or on a desktop the wifi doesn't go just because the display goes off
14:47 pankkake ThickAsThieves:
14:48 davout not sure about a laptop that's not plugged to the power
14:48 mircea_popescu why the fuck would you run ios on anything but a tablet.
14:48 mircea_popescu then again i guess who the fuck provisions vms from a tablet.
14:48 asciilifeform if there's a widget other than phone/tablet that runs ios, this is news.
14:49 davout mircea_popescu: yeah, irc on a tablet, bad idea, provisioning a vm on a tablet, that's too mainstream
14:49 mircea_popescu uh
14:49 mircea_popescu you can't even type.
14:50 asciilifeform some people use tablets as 'dumb terminals.'
14:50 mircea_popescu so how do you produce a tilde and three dashes ? you dictate it /
14:50 asciilifeform (with keyboards plugged in)
14:50 davout an ipad is a pretty good reddit terminal
14:50 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27350 @ 0.00086857 = 23.7554 BTC [-]
14:50 mircea_popescu a like that. kay.
14:50 mircea_popescu how much is an apple kbd, 300 bucks ?
14:50 mircea_popescu (no sarcasmo)
14:50 davout 100 eur last i checked
14:50 asciilifeform takes standard 'bluetooth' kbd
14:51 davout or 80
14:51 mircea_popescu that should work then
14:51 davout yeah, vim on an ipad with your bluetooth keyboard, now *that's* hip
14:51 mircea_popescu seems for all the trouble you could have just had a dildo.
14:51 mircea_popescu fuck me.
14:51 mircea_popescu ok, this is rich : dildo shaped smartphone
14:51 mircea_popescu you can just sit on it at your cafe while wearing a hat
14:52 mircea_popescu and typing on your bluetooth kbd
14:52 davout heh
14:52 mircea_popescu anyone wants to use the phone they can just blow in your as.
14:52 asciilifeform the 'tablet terminal' crap would probably vanish if <1kg laptops with 12+hr batteries were available.
14:53 mircea_popescu asciilifeform wtf do you care, you got a car anyway, right ?
14:53 davout asciilifeform: the macbook air gets pretty close
14:53 mircea_popescu i knew this fellow who had his trunk always full. 1-200 loaded laptop batteries/
14:53 asciilifeform not me. but people with certain odd habits (working in cafes, on the shitter, etc)
14:54 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: barely anything comes with removable batteries now.
14:54 mircea_popescu apparently the best thing for a battery is for it to be charged, stored a week or two, discharged, recharged etc.
14:54 asciilifeform depends on the cell chemistry
14:54 asciilifeform Li cell wants to be kept ~70% full at all times, if i recall
14:55 asciilifeform hates cycling; full discharge, even more.
14:55 mircea_popescu didn't it have a memory effect ?
14:55 mircea_popescu an you're supposed to fully draw it ?
14:55 asciilifeform that's NiCD
14:55 mircea_popescu so i guess this answers the q :D
14:55 assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 53 @ 0.00299998 = 0.159 BTC [+] {2}
14:55 asciilifeform Li cell is a scam on the consumer, really. more or less worthless after 2 yrs. or so.
14:56 mircea_popescu "2 years should be enough for anybody"
14:56 ThickAsThieves thanks pankkake, i will also look at your php thing tonight hopefully
14:56 mircea_popescu srsly now... if you've not outgrown your toys in two years it's time for the parents to pack you off for the development specialist. you got issues.
14:57 asciilifeform got a 16 yr. old lappy here.
14:57 CheckDavid <mircea_popescu> apparently the best thing for a battery is for it to be charged, stored a week or two, discharged, recharged etc. <-- what?
14:57 CheckDavid the best thing?
14:57 mircea_popescu yes.
14:57 asciilifeform
14:57 asciilifeform (not mine, but same)
14:58 CheckDavid mircea_popescu, that is with the old batteries
14:58 mircea_popescu CheckDavid well yeah, it emerged in the conversation. this was happening cca 2003 so i guess it checks out.
14:58 CheckDavid oh
14:58 benkay new laptops every year
14:59 benkay classic hedonic treadmill
14:59 mircea_popescu asciilifeform looks oddly soviet.
14:59 asciilifeform it's brick-solid.
14:59 benkay "oh and also we added new widgets to the UI and forced a push out to all boxen so here you go now your perfectly serviceable 2 year old device runs at 1/4 speed because ACCELEROMETER-CONNECTED UI WIDGETRY"
14:59 asciilifeform one you learn to type with 8 fingers, it's among the best laptop kbds.
15:00 mircea_popescu benkay heh who the fuck runs original os ontheir laptop.
15:00 asciilifeform afaik, among the last laptops made in japan
15:00 benkay mircea_popescu: us derpy web and interaction engineers
15:00 benkay "engineers"
15:00 mircea_popescu well fuck them then.
15:01 davout mircea_popescu: i do, because saint jobs willed it that way
15:01 mircea_popescu well fuck you then.
15:01 kakobrekla evenin
15:01 benkay i'm pretty sure my environment's attitude to me is "fuck you" anyways.
15:01 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19300 @ 0.00086847 = 16.7615 BTC [-] {2}
15:01 mircea_popescu benkay it's what i'm sayin' :)
15:01 asciilifeform also among the last laptops without built-in wireless or ethernet.
15:01 mircea_popescu kakobrekla why did you break the nice guy's firewall ?
15:02 kakobrekla heh yeah, thats old by now.
15:02 mircea_popescu for shame.
15:02 assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 300 @ 0.003 = 0.9 BTC [+]
15:02 mircea_popescu benkay speaking of the ui bs, ubuntu did the exact thing with its v12
15:02 benkay mircea_popescu: some day this year we'll be able to afford an office
15:03 benkay some day shortly after that i'm ditching laptops as a 'work' machine.
15:03 mircea_popescu and yes i tell you, desktops are the best tops.
15:03 benkay yeah
15:03 asciilifeform laptops are not used 'from a good life.'
15:03 benkay although babes want to consume television in various places around the house
15:04 kakobrekla since when is this page up?
15:04 kakobrekla
15:04 ozbot Secret Bitcoin Project - Come see.
15:04 benkay i might just mandate that television watching happens on that thing in the corner.
15:04 Apocalyptic heh
15:05 benkay FUKKEN YEAH
15:05 kakobrekla FUKKEN LAZERZ
15:05 davout oh this...
15:05 kakobrekla ;;lasers
15:05 gribble ┌━ ┄ ┄ ┄ ┄ ┄ ┄ *pew!* *pew!* *pew!*
15:05 mircea_popescu <kakobrekla> ITS SO FUCKIN SEKRIT WE DONT HAVE DEVS YET <<< lmao
15:05 kakobrekla is true
15:05 kakobrekla sez I'm hiring devs & a designer. Email me at jobs@secretbitcoinproject. on top
15:06 mircea_popescu well i guess they owe you one then for advertising their shitty gem ?
15:06 kakobrekla "i cant tell you what it is, you want to work on in?" "yes."
15:06 davout kakobrekla: leave your e-mail, you'll be invited to put him in touch with devs
15:06 mircea_popescu funny how people just rehash the same old scams. so bitcoin investment gems run dry ? it's okay, make doge, the altchain investment gem
15:06 mircea_popescu it doesn't take money, lives off your redditardation.
15:06 mircea_popescu now they have the same principle applied to hiring.
15:07 mircea_popescu basically everythning the western world is capable of making anymore is powered by mass curiosity, boredom, fear, generally emotions.
15:07 mircea_popescu we're reduced to an emotions mill. the only power we can still harness.
15:07 mircea_popescu forget fire and waterfall.
15:07 benkay fire and waterfall?
15:08 mircea_popescu yes. fire and waterfall, the original things that europe used to fuck over the entire rest of the world.
15:09 benkay waterfall as in 'software mgmt'?
15:09 benkay wtf are you on about
15:09 mircea_popescu no dude, as in water falling
15:09 kakobrekla lolz
15:09 davout lel
15:09 kakobrekla hahaha
15:09 mircea_popescu this was pretty good
15:09 assbot Last 25 lines bashed and pending review. (
15:09 kakobrekla !b 25
15:09 benkay the depths of my ignorance...
15:10 mircea_popescu you know, originally it went like fire -> metalworking -big jump-> firearms
15:10 mircea_popescu waterfalling -> mills -big jump-> steam power
15:10 benkay yeah i got there eventually
15:10 kakobrekla waterfalling -> put off the fire -> metalworking with cold metal
15:11 mircea_popescu both the big jumps are simply switching to a different, more powerful, cheaper, easier to deploy aspect of the same principle
15:11 mircea_popescu kakobrekla heretic
15:11 kakobrekla :>
15:12 kakobrekla bbl
15:14 benkay is it so surprising, though mircea_popescu? the us is the land of 'get rich quick accidentally'. people don't understand the world at all, so anything mysterious might make them rich as they don't understand things to begin with.
15:15 mircea_popescu it didn't use to be.
15:15 benkay long long time ago
15:16 benkay "i can still remember when/the us used to get shit done"
15:17 benkay
15:17 ozbot Don McLean- American Pie (with Lyrics) - YouTube
15:20 mircea_popescu i liked the madonna version.
15:20 mircea_popescu am i evil ?
15:22 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 48400 @ 0.00086742 = 41.9831 BTC [-] {4}
15:23 benkay oh god
15:23 benkay so america
15:24 benkay
15:24 ozbot Madonna - American Pie - YouTube
15:25 mircea_popescu indeed.
15:25 mircea_popescu
15:25 ozbot Stage n: Bitcoin exists. pe Trilema – Un blog de Mircea Popescu. | Bitcoin News Bits -
15:25 mircea_popescu check out these fuckwits. "here's a scathing mp article we stole. would you like to buy ripples now ?"
15:27 mike_c that link redirected me to some scam site..
15:27 asciilifeform they lifted some turd from my site a while ago, too
15:28 mike_c who are these people betting 20 satoshis on JD? how is that fun?
15:29 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 30 @ 0.0054 = 0.162 BTC [-]
15:29 mike_c he won 1 satoshi. he'll be rich soon.
15:29 mike_c
15:32 Apocalyptic hey mike_c, working on the JD investment analysis ?
15:32 mike_c yeah.
15:36 mircea_popescu mike_c maybe testing the randomness ?
15:36 mircea_popescu or maybe just you know, the bottom of a monte carlo.
15:36 asciilifeform haha, anybody run 'dieharder' on JD/SD/etc. ?
15:36 mircea_popescu mike_c might.
15:36 mircea_popescu hey mike, you know diehard/er ?
15:37 asciilifeform to the victor go the spoils.
15:37 mike_c if i don't publish anything you'll know what the results were :)
15:37 mircea_popescu lolwut ?
15:38 mike_c you'll know it's not so random.
15:38 Apocalyptic heh
15:38 Apocalyptic and we'll know that you're slowly drying out the investment pool
15:39 mircea_popescu why would you not publish if it came out rotten ?!
15:39 mircea_popescu o hahaha
15:39 Apocalyptic cuz he be stealin yo
15:39 mircea_popescu i have my slow moments
15:39 asciilifeform well, taking the whole piggy home is a kind of 'publish.'
15:39 mircea_popescu i put a lookout for the "mysterious m_c player emptied jd bank" threads
15:39 Apocalyptic asciilifeform, that's why he would have to do it wisely and blame good luck
15:40 assbot [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 3200 @ 0.00016999 = 0.544 BTC [+] {4}
15:40 asciilifeform see 'The Eudaemonic Pie.'
15:41 asciilifeform always seemed to be like 'provably fair' dice is inherently at odds with sane rng.
15:42 mircea_popescu fun twist : back in march 2011 i got pissed off at earth hour and declared i will plug everything i nthe house and make my vid card go 100% just so!
15:42 asciilifeform that is, you're stuck with prng.
15:42 mircea_popescu then a few months later i got the gift of bitcoin
15:42 mircea_popescu and i never had to do this since.
15:42 mircea_popescu asciilifeform how you reason ?
15:43 asciilifeform well, the whole concept, as i understand, is based on using a prng and disclosing seeds periodically.
15:43 mircea_popescu yeah, but inasmuch as you rely in any fashion on blockchain generated numbers
15:43 asciilifeform when using a trng, there is no way to mechanically prove that you are doing so
15:43 mircea_popescu they're an actual rng
15:44 asciilifeform any rng where a planet full of bozos contributes to the state is arguably questionable
15:44 mircea_popescu no question
15:44 mircea_popescu but questionable or not it is still a rng
15:45 asciilifeform sort of like if a casino let the crowd piss on the roulette wheel.
15:45 mircea_popescu yes but see
15:45 mircea_popescu once you have an actual rng, there's tricks to fix it
15:45 mircea_popescu like the coin flip etc
15:45 asciilifeform this only works against 'natural' bias.
15:45 mircea_popescu but planet full of bozos...well...
15:45 mircea_popescu a good approximation of nature, at the very least
15:46 pankkake mircea_popescu did it in Romanian, pankkake did it in French
15:46 mircea_popescu pankkake together with our powers combined we are
15:46 mircea_popescu SERGEANT BITCOIN!
15:46 pankkake capitaine planète !
15:47 mircea_popescu fucking hell same day too.
15:47 mircea_popescu Pour manifester mon soutien à cette initiative trop peu médiatisée, j’ai éteint à 20h30 les deux ampoules à LED qui m’éclairaient.
15:47 mircea_popescu Puis j’ai mis en route un sèche-linge, deux plaques électriques, et un emerge -u1avDN world, le tout en musique grâce à un ampli à tubes. Comme il faisait un peu noir j’ai allumé les 8 ampoules halogènes qui étaient à ma disposition. Et comme il faisait un peu chaud avec tout ça, j’ai ouvert la porte de mon réfrigérateur.
15:47 mircea_popescu win.
15:47 asciilifeform (actual scene from that dreadful show)
15:47 pankkake anyway, those things don't reduce electrical consumption and just create more problems for power plants :p
15:47 mircea_popescu pankkake yep.
15:48 mircea_popescu the best part to my taste is this :?
15:48 pankkake so we saved the word
15:48 pankkake world
15:48 mircea_popescu the coal burning power plants release X mercury into atmosphere as part of their working.
15:48 mircea_popescu ceteris paribus the halogen lamps reduce this to about .4 X
15:48 mircea_popescu however they contain between .7 X and 2.2 X mercury in themselves.
15:49 mircea_popescu so you know, instead of having that thing settle somewhere in the desert, it simply got moved in your kitchen.
15:49 mircea_popescu this is the whole of the progress involved.
15:49 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: you're thinking of 'fluorescent' tube, rather than halogen
15:49 mircea_popescu asciilifeform yes yes
15:50 benkay think also of all the energy recoverable from the mass headed towards the landfill
15:50 mircea_popescu the philips shits
15:50 asciilifeform holy trio, 'expensive/shoddy/deadly'
15:50 asciilifeform of envirowhinerism.
15:50 mircea_popescu
15:50 mircea_popescu actually... you know.
15:51 asciilifeform FL isn't a hg arc lamp, the 'fluorescent' refers to the inner coating of the bulb, well, fluorescing.
15:51 asciilifeform you can get pretty much any spectrum you want (other than blackbody) - just buy the right rare earths.
15:52 mircea_popescu a good article overall
15:52 ozbot ZEISS Microscopy Online Campus | Mercury Arc Lamps
15:52 asciilifeform hg arc is typically found in high-end microscopes, etc
15:53 mircea_popescu asciilifeform nah, this is the thing :
15:53 pankkake overall I like the halogen replacements. they definitely are not low consumption but they seem to last longer
15:54 benkay i'm a huge fan of the pot lights
15:54 benkay we installed one in a shop of mine once
15:54 davout pankkake: haha i remember reading this article a while ago, awsum
15:54 benkay we'd work until 8, 9 pm before realizing it was dark outside
15:55 benkay shitloads of flux, tuned for summer spectrum
15:55 pankkake ideally I'd have the lights follow the cycle of day
15:55 benkay made me so dang happy!
15:55 benkay had so much energy, it was amazing.
15:55 assbot AMAZING COMPANY!
15:55 pankkake like
15:55 asciilifeform pankkake: I'd have the lights follow the cycle of day << submarine?
15:55 asciilifeform or so i recall
15:56 benkay pankkake: i want to sleep in a completely-blacked out room that spins up the lights with the daylight.
15:56 benkay that's the kind of home remodeling i can get into...
15:57 ThickAsThieves "Is there anything the Bitcoin Foundation can do to help solve this problem?"
15:57 mircea_popescu maybe we could all get submarines
15:57 mircea_popescu with hashing
15:57 ThickAsThieves Karpeles: "The Bitcoin Foundation has hired Bitcoin Developers for the purpose of promoting Bitcoin use. I guess the most puzzling part is why this issue hasn’t be[en] solved since 2011."
15:57 davout <<<< so much win
15:57 ozbot Silk Road 2 Hacked, All Bitcoins Stolen : ~4474.26BTC | Deep Dot Web
15:57 mircea_popescu yeah it was up like two weeks
15:58 Duffer1 who could have seen that coming
15:58 Duffer1 :/
15:58 mircea_popescu ThickAsThieves "because they were saving it so karpeles could offer a "credible" lie as to why his well known fractional reserve scam blew open" ?
15:58 asciilifeform seacoin.
15:58 mircea_popescu funny tho, he couldn't find investors fast enough.
15:59 mircea_popescu then the investors who he did find that didn't heed my "you will be butchered" warning got their fingers caught.
15:59 mircea_popescu so much sadness everywhere.
15:59 ThickAsThieves "First off, Facebook says that San Francisco residents have the smallest chance of getting into a relationship among people in any of the 50 largest American cities."
15:59 asciilifeform
15:59 ozbot Bank Zachodni WBK – Cashing out Bitcoin through Prepaid VISA Cards | Deep Dot Web
15:59 ThickAsThieves lol
15:59 asciilifeform at some point these folks will grow brains
15:59 asciilifeform and do it right.
16:00 Duffer1 "Our initial investigations indicate that a vendor exploited a recently discovered vulnerability in the Bitcoin protocol known as “transaction malleability” to repeatedly withdraw coins from our system until it was completely empty."
16:00 mircea_popescu asciilifeform well... not these folks. but maybe some other folks.
16:00 mircea_popescu Duffer1 "recently discovered in 2011" lolz.
16:01 mircea_popescu trace that "vendor", it's them.
16:01 mircea_popescu perfect excuse to the "we run off with teh coin" thing. much better than the used up "we were haxed" workhorse.
16:01 Duffer1 yea that's my thoughts
16:01 mircea_popescu anyway, i guess it's time for a mtgox burial article.
16:03 jborkl if you can not trust your two week old internet drug dealer-- what is next?
16:06 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3800 @ 0.00086705 = 3.2948 BTC [-]
16:09 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9233 @ 0.0008694 = 8.0272 BTC [+] {3}
16:10 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11567 @ 0.00087372 = 10.1063 BTC [+]
16:11 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 6 @ 0.04716666 = 0.283 BTC [-] {2}
16:19 benkay pretty astonishing number of coins hitting these mktplacen
16:23 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11100 @ 0.00087343 = 9.6951 BTC [-] {2}
16:27 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 71 @ 0.04614534 = 3.2763 BTC [-] {8}
16:29 mircea_popescu !t h rent
16:29 assbot [HAVELOCK:RENT] 1D: 0.00550000 / 0.0055 / 0.00550000 (551 shares, 3.03050000 BTC), 7D: 0.00550000 / 0.0055 / 0.00550000 (29503 shares, 162.26650000 BTC), 30D: 0.00550000 / 0.0055 / 0.00550000 (29503 shares, 162.26650000 BTC)
16:30 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 49 @ 0.0472 = 2.3128 BTC [+] {2}
16:30 mircea_popescu benkay i have my doubts 4k btc found their way to said dubious sr thing.
16:30 mircea_popescu basically you have two unreconciliable "realities", and only one is real.
16:30 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: re: 'strategic...' piece: DMA is an artifact from single-cpu days.
16:31 mircea_popescu so it is
16:31 mircea_popescu back then it was safe.
16:31 asciilifeform solves the problem of 'how do i throw bits out (say,) the DAC, at X kHZ, regardless of what load OS is grunting under.'
16:32 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28050 @ 0.00087475 = 24.5367 BTC [+] {3}
16:32 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 20 @ 0.04896982 = 0.9794 BTC [+] {4}
16:33 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 12 @ 0.04870569 = 0.5845 BTC [-] {4}
16:33 bloctoc I wonder how long it will take for the phrase "Silk Road" to replace the word "Al Quaida" as American Press' most feared thingy.
16:34 asciilifeform nah, they'll just say 'wreckers' (or some suitably anglicised equivalent) and be done with it.
16:34 mircea_popescu since im digging up the logs
16:34 ozbot #bitcoin-assets log
16:35 assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 400 @ 0.00295642 = 1.1826 BTC [-] {5}
16:35 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: ever happened?
16:35 mircea_popescu what ?
16:36 asciilifeform 'a "good enough" clone that meets the basic criterion of "not being an outright scam'...
16:36 asciilifeform or wrong link?
16:36 mircea_popescu well not afaik
16:36 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 22 @ 0.04896983 = 1.0773 BTC [+] {2}
16:36 mircea_popescu the problem with both of those being that they're not engineering terms.
16:36 mircea_popescu ie, the appearance and the reality easily cleaves (a word is an engineering term if appearance and reality never cleave)
16:36 asciilifeform true.
16:37 mircea_popescu and the criterion is attached to the reality rather than the appearance.
16:37 assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 600 @ 0.00282401 = 1.6944 BTC [-] {12}
16:37 asciilifeform question should've been more specific: 'what if' a 'soviet clone' of mpex, that is, one which bows in agreement to all of the technical decisions.
16:38 assbot [HAVELOCK] [HIF] 907 @ 0.00040763 = 0.3697 BTC [-] {6}
16:38 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 29 @ 0.04896984 = 1.4201 BTC [+]
16:38 asciilifeform although at the time i asked this question, i was not fully aware of the 'birdlessness' of the field.
16:38 asciilifeform ('in the birdlessness, my arse is a nightingale')
16:40 mircea_popescu indeed.
16:40 mircea_popescu so... why not ?
16:40 mircea_popescu because it's hard.
16:40 asciilifeform right.
16:40 mircea_popescu could a soviet soldier be replaced by any other man ?
16:40 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 17 @ 0.04897985 = 0.8327 BTC [+]
16:40 mircea_popescu sure, just as soon as that other man is willing to eat dog.
16:41 mircea_popescu it's not hard in a technological sense, that's the easy part (even if it's what the emotion mill people seem to stumble over)
16:41 assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 1000 @ 0.002803 = 2.803 BTC [-] {4}
16:41 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 36 @ 0.04898712 = 1.7635 BTC [+] {2}
16:41 mircea_popescu kind of what we're doing here, for that matter. trying to breed the sort of people that can compete with mpex.
16:42 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 20 @ 0.04999993 = 1 BTC [+]
16:43 assbot [HAVELOCK] [HMF] 9 @ 0.0262 = 0.2358 BTC [-]
16:46 assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 3000 @ 0.00279843 = 8.3953 BTC [-] {7}
16:47 asciilifeform re: DMA: it, in itself, is not the problem. the problem, as always, is in the 'mouse-breeding kitchen' of the PC arch. in general.
16:47 ThickAsThieves "We do respect your answer to this thread, but we do not like that you emidialty put your label "scammy" on our project."
16:47 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 168 @ 0.04999994 = 8.4 BTC [+] {2}
16:49 Duffer1 does it ever stop?
16:49 Duffer1 nevermind
16:51 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 4 @ 0.04999995 = 0.2 BTC [+]
16:52 assbot [HAVELOCK] [HIF] 2000 @ 0.00039095 = 0.7819 BTC [-] {9}
16:52 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 11 @ 0.04999995 = 0.55 BTC [+]
16:53 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 15 @ 0.04999995 = 0.75 BTC [+] {2}
16:53 assbot [HAVELOCK] [RENT] 58 @ 0.0055 = 0.319 BTC
16:53 assbot [HAVELOCK] [HIF] 400 @ 0.00038105 = 0.1524 BTC [-] {2}
16:54 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 3 @ 0.04999995 = 0.15 BTC [+]
16:54 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7654 @ 0.00087297 = 6.6817 BTC [-]
16:56 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22950 @ 0.00087067 = 19.9819 BTC [-] {2}
16:56 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 124 @ 0.04999996 = 6.2 BTC [+] {3}
16:57 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 15 @ 0.04999996 = 0.75 BTC [+] {2}
16:57 assbot [HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 8 @ 0.0756925 = 0.6055 BTC [-] {5}
16:58 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 31 @ 0.04999996 = 1.55 BTC [+] {3}
16:58 assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 243 @ 0.002798 = 0.6799 BTC [-] {3}
17:00 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 5 @ 0.05500014 = 0.275 BTC [+]
17:01 asciilifeform DMA is also not really confined to PC arch; there's the fact that all recent (20 yrs. or so) DRAM works best in 'burst mode'
17:01 asciilifeform that is, addr is clocked in, and auto-incremented for N cycles
17:02 asciilifeform since a 'von-neumann style' cpu cannot guarantee 'paying attention' for a sufficiently-large N of cycles, we get dma.
17:03 asciilifeform to understand 'burst', see any sdram datasheet, e.g.
17:05 asciilifeform i mention this in the hope of making it clear how pervasive the architectural problem mentioned in MP's piece is.
17:05 assbot [HAVELOCK] [COG] 5 @ 0.0818 = 0.409 BTC [+]
17:06 benkay much informative!
17:06 benkay big problem.
17:06 asciilifeform that is, not the fact of dma being satanic in and of itself (it isn't), but just how thoroughly hardware designers are enslaved by architectural oddness beyond their control.
17:07 asciilifeform e.g. support PCI or die, support consumer SDRAM sticks or die, etc.
17:07 ThickAsThieves mircea_popescu lawsky wants you to write more blogs to tell him how to make the bitlicense regulations
17:08 mircea_popescu can i has summary ?
17:08 asciilifeform virtually no one gets to 'design a computer' now. (not apple, either.) they get to glue the same old crap together in mildly-different ways.
17:09 ThickAsThieves it's long...
17:09 ThickAsThieves about 11min he starts saying that
17:09 ThickAsThieves and then gives some examples of things he's considering
17:10 asciilifeform if fpga with published internal specs existed (as it did in 1994, say) but of modern proportions, this could change.
17:11 Duffer1 "think of it as open-source code regulation"
17:12 asciilifeform (see and below)
17:12 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 5 @ 0.0698 = 0.349 BTC [+]
17:13 kakobrekla
17:13 ozbot So you think you're going to start a Bitcoin business, right?
17:13 kakobrekla zomg wtf is this some new levels of sarcasm i dont get?=!
17:21 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18771 @ 0.00086941 = 16.3197 BTC [-]
17:30 mircea_popescu
17:30 ozbot MtGox and ancient Bitcoin history - the straight dope. pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
17:31 mircea_popescu rassah is back ?!
17:32 assbot [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 580 @ 0.0001734 = 0.1006 BTC [+] {9}
17:32 kakobrekla what is this article about, anyway.
17:32 kakobrekla take a look
17:32 kakobrekla
17:32 kakobrekla scissors and tape
17:32 kakobrekla mtgox - making collages since bitcoin
17:33 assbot [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 1426 @ 0.00017948 = 0.2559 BTC [+] {7}
17:34 decimation ascii - in your article the interviewer proposes fixing the diddled NIC with a TPM chip - lel
17:34 kakobrekla is this rassah some idiot i forgot about?
17:34 decimation need a TPM in my mouse
17:34 decimation And a TPM in my TPM
17:35 mircea_popescu kakobrekla well old timer, was really excited when btc broke 30, posted a story on forum about how he bought btc w/o his partner's knowledge out of their savbings, then sold out and bought a car
17:35 mircea_popescu for great profit
17:35 mircea_popescu but then as btc exploded i kind-of lost track
17:36 mircea_popescu karpeles looks like he's writing php
17:37 kakobrekla bought a fucking car. why does this ring a bell.
17:37 mircea_popescu because people. and cars.
17:37 mircea_popescu hey k: Advance Domain Availability Notice:You may be interested in, which will be available by auction soon.
17:38 kakobrekla i got taht shit too.
17:38 kakobrekla well done!
17:38 mircea_popescu they're srsly handspamming us ?
17:39 kakobrekla i have no other explanation
17:39 mircea_popescu << 2012 stuff. "10% return on my S.MPOE trade today yesss 4.5 BTC" ; "It was a once in a lifetime opportunity I bought all that was available below 36000"
17:39 ozbot The Bitcoin Conference Nobody Went To pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
17:40 mod6 mp: nice write up on gox
17:41 mircea_popescu mod6 im sure it'll be all the rage on reddit.
17:42 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21363 @ 0.00086705 = 18.5228 BTC [-]
17:47 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 100 @ 0.0053534 = 0.5353 BTC [-] {3}
17:48 assbot [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 2585 @ 0.00017998 = 0.4652 BTC [+] {4}
17:48 mod6 lol one guy in r/mtgox was just trying to buy someones account
17:48 mod6
17:48 ozbot Does anyone want to sell me there MT Gox account ? : MtGox
17:48 mod6 kids these days..
17:48 Bugpowder Thinknig of making some more money on S.MPOE... just need to get the new key working with pyMPEX
17:50 mircea_popescu mod6 link him to the earlier discussion here ?
17:52 mod6 Bug: should just be able to add the new key to your keyring and then grab the latest version
17:52 mod6 if it's got this line: self._mpex_fingerprint = 'A57D509A' [ you should be ok ]
17:53 mod6 mircea_popescu: ahh, I would, don't have reddit acct.
17:53 mod6 maybe I can just make an anon comment? /me tries
17:53 mircea_popescu mod6 that's their curse, nobody with a clue has accounts
17:53 mircea_popescu eh let it be, makes no diff.
17:54 mod6 ahh, ok.
17:54 mike_c Bugpowder: have you seen herbi's charts? I think he decided if you see between 7 and 9 downward ticks you buy immediately for fast profits!
17:55 mod6 lol "Moderators: MagicalTux" :: He'd prolly just delete the post.
17:55 Bugpowder I'll give it a try again. I have a bit of an issue because I use a sub key for my own key and need to specify it directly in the pyMPEX script.
17:56 mod6 ahh
17:57 mircea_popescu mod6 i doubt he has the time for anything these days.
17:57 mod6 too busy programming strange things in php
17:57 mircea_popescu Bugpowder how did that hk thing work in the end ?
17:58 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 47 @ 0.0053138 = 0.2497 BTC [-] {6}
17:58 Bugpowder China spread collapsed before we could set it up
17:59 Bugpowder but it was good to talk to a good lawyer team about bitcoin financial issues
17:59 mircea_popescu spreads will rise again.
17:59 BingoBoingo
17:59 ozbot MtGox and ancient Bitcoin history : Bitcoin
17:59 mircea_popescu lol stealth
18:00 mircea_popescu pretty much the only thing one can say about 2014 btc/fiat is "spreads"
18:00 assbot [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 723 @ 0.00018181 = 0.1314 BTC [+] {3}
18:03 herbijudlestoids hullo ladies/gents
18:03 assbot [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 912 @ 0.00018219 = 0.1662 BTC [+] {3}
18:03 mircea_popescu Add to the very narrow margins and very active competition the burden of regulatory infringement. Money changers are spending as it is now literally immense sums (in Bitcoin terms) to try and mostly comply with obscure and convoluted regulation, which they can’t avoid or ignore because they’re always stuck with one foot in fiat. In exchange for this draining expenditure they are receiving nothing at all, certainly
18:04 mircea_popescu not the protection of their etatist overlords.
18:04 mircea_popescu They’re not in fact receiving as much as recognition of status or effort, they find themselves in the untenable position of a poor immigrant who is spending all his wages and borrowing at unbearable, immigrant-ghetto rates to buy flowers and wine for some local beauty who barely even registers their desperation or even presence.
18:04 mircea_popescu
18:04 ozbot Why S.MPOE is worth more than MtGox pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
18:04 mircea_popescu god i wish i was a girl so i could fuck myself.
18:04 KRS-One i would fondle my boobies.
18:04 KRS-One .bait
18:04 ozbot
18:04 KRS-One pfft
18:04 KRS-One .bait
18:04 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 3 @ 0.54 = 1.62 BTC [-]
18:04 ozbot
18:04 mircea_popescu what pff, you discriminate against onelegged women ?
18:04 herbijudlestoids last night i put 10ATC onto openex in a cascade limit
18:04 imsaguy hi
18:04 herbijudlestoids just to see what would happen
18:05 KRS-One I demand a certain quality of bait.
18:05 herbijudlestoids all the way down to 1 satoshi over the highest bid
18:05 mircea_popescu imsaguy ello
18:05 mircea_popescu herbijudlestoids so what happened ?
18:05 imsaguy ltns
18:05 herbijudlestoids went to the bathroom and someone had cleared about 5.25 out
18:05 herbijudlestoids by the time igot back
18:05 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 4 @ 0.065 = 0.26 BTC [-]
18:05 mircea_popescu at 600 ?!
18:05 herbijudlestoids no
18:06 herbijudlestoids from 201 to 275
18:06 herbijudlestoids i had it in 0.125 and 0.5ATC increments
18:06 mircea_popescu herbi, how would you like to be my atc daytrader on openex ?
18:06 herbijudlestoids lol
18:06 assbot [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 70909 @ 0.00019548 = 13.8613 BTC [+] {37}
18:06 herbijudlestoids will you send me some BTC to actually limit bid the market?
18:07 herbijudlestoids or do i have to take some ATC hits to generate my own BTC to limit the market
18:07 mircea_popescu no, ima send you some atc.
18:07 Bugpowder Is ATC listed on cryptsy yet?
18:07 herbijudlestoids yea well its kinda fuckin hard to be a successful daytrader in a 0 liquidity market :P
18:07 pankkake what, under 500 satoshi?! I should have sold all my stuff to jurov!
18:07 herbijudlestoids unless i have the fund to make my own market
18:07 mircea_popescu if it's hard when it's easy then it's hard permanently.
18:07 assbot [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 1408 @ 0.00019999 = 0.2816 BTC [+]
18:07 mircea_popescu Bugpowder nah, i don't think we like cryptsy.
18:08 mircea_popescu actually, do we like crypsy ?
18:08 herbijudlestoids i dun think we do
18:08 KRS-One i think crypsy sucks ass
18:08 mircea_popescu ThickAsThieves you're the scamspert, do you like cryptsy ?
18:08 herbijudlestoids certainly not the xchange iv been hearing ThickAsThieves talking about
18:08 herbijudlestoids hes mentioning other ones iirc
18:08 KRS-One LOL scamspert
18:08 pankkake I use cryptsy… but it's so broken
18:08 mircea_popescu mkay then. we don't like cryptsy.
18:08 jurov pankkake :>
18:08 pankkake auto sell doesn't work anymore
18:08 mircea_popescu pankkake heretic
18:08 Apocalyptic <mircea_popescu> Bugpowder nah, i don't think we like cryptsy. // we certainly don't
18:08 pankkake so I am forced to use that horrible interface
18:09 mircea_popescu herbijudlestoids so you game or what ?
18:09 pankkake I guess I could use btc-e for what I do (sell primecoin)
18:09 Bugpowder I like cryptsy's order matching
18:09 mike_c mircea_popescu: the "vendor expoliting tx malleability until our wallet was empty" was the silk road excuse, not the mtgox excuse i believe
18:09 Bugpowder it's so brillian
18:09 pankkake because it's buggy? :)
18:09 assbot [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 40417 @ 0.00021994 = 8.8893 BTC [+] {25}
18:09 mircea_popescu mike_c :)
18:10 mircea_popescu
18:10 ozbot dpaste: #1615275
18:10 herbijudlestoids mircea_popescu: like i said. the market has no liquidity, which makes the only game in town worth playing, making markets. if i cant make on both sides of the book, then its basically me just selling ATC arbitrarily, or i gotta take some initial losses to generate BTC from ATC sales and use those small amount of BTC to make the bids
18:10 mike_c hehe
18:10 mike_c ok
18:10 assbot [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 23125 @ 0.000257 = 5.9431 BTC [+] {3}
18:11 ThickAsThieves <mircea_popescu> ThickAsThieves you're the scamspert, do you like cryptsy ? <<<< i dont know any of the people doing any of em, but this morning i inquired with all of them
18:11 mircea_popescu see Jere_Jones people have a lot of trouble stepping outside of the environment they perceive as familiar and thus imagine safe.
18:11 herbijudlestoids we arent talking about an exchange running asset class where there is intraday vol
18:12 herbijudlestoids so its not as if there is some vol to scalp
18:12 mircea_popescu herbijudlestoids you familiar with the concept that he who can't make a sharpened stick can't make an airplane or anything else ?
18:13 kakobrekla he who can make a shapened stick can make a buttcoin
18:13 mircea_popescu kakobrekla anywhere he wants :D
18:13 mircea_popescu you know the joke ?
18:13 herbijudlestoids not specifically
18:13 mircea_popescu guy goes to brothel, asks for most expensive dame
18:13 mircea_popescu they bring him a $250 a number chick
18:13 mircea_popescu he's like im not looking to spend less than 10k
18:13 assbot [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 1779 @ 0.000257 = 0.4572 BTC [+]
18:13 mircea_popescu so he leaves. goes to next brothel.
18:14 mircea_popescu they being tipped off pretend like the fee is 10k.
18:14 mircea_popescu guy follows gal in the room, she sprawls herself on bed, "Honey what'd you like ? cunt ? assgole ?"
18:14 mircea_popescu the asshole's laying out some shit from his case onto a small table
18:14 mircea_popescu "babe, for 10k i make my own holes"
18:14 assbot [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 1000 @ 0.00025677 = 0.2568 BTC [-] {2}
18:14 herbijudlestoids haha
18:15 mircea_popescu sooo... anyone with a sharpened stick can make his own buttcoin
18:15 mircea_popescu anywhere he wants.
18:15 assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 100 @ 0.00298145 = 0.2981 BTC [+] {6}
18:15 assbot [HAVELOCK] [RENT] 130 @ 0.0055 = 0.715 BTC
18:16 assbot [HAVELOCK] [RENT] 50 @ 0.0055 = 0.275 BTC
18:17 ThickAsThieves mp wants his troops trained before the battle
18:17 ThickAsThieves brazzers/pornhub taking btc now
18:17 mircea_popescu ThickAsThieves generally, if you live in a town where people have the right to bear arms, it's better to live in the one where people actually know how to use arms.
18:17 assbot [HAVELOCK] [RENT] 50 @ 0.0055 = 0.275 BTC
18:18 mircea_popescu this i guess is somewhat counterintuitive
18:18 herbijudlestoids mircea_popescu: i get the joke, its amusing. but i am not sure why you feel what im saying is an indication of trouble for me stepping outside my comfort zone
18:19 herbijudlestoids i dont mind playing in new markets, but all businesses should be appropriately capitalised
18:19 mircea_popescu the thinking is like this : it's a bare market.
18:19 mircea_popescu any dangers, inconveniences and issues you face, anyone else also faces.
18:19 herbijudlestoids no
18:19 mircea_popescu sure, someone could show up with a 100 btc wallet and beat you into a pulp.
18:19 assbot [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 1000 @ 0.00025 = 0.25 BTC [-]
18:20 ThickAsThieves plus if you mm there, i'll have someone to play with!
18:20 mircea_popescu why would they throw 100 btc on atc ?
18:20 herbijudlestoids i face one extra risk that say, you, dont
18:20 mircea_popescu you're immune from it for a very soft yet very strong reason
18:20 herbijudlestoids they are potentially not undercapitalised
18:20 mircea_popescu so this is exactly it : you perceive safety in banality.
18:21 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8592 @ 0.00086736 = 7.4524 BTC [+]
18:21 mircea_popescu it is illusory. and it blinds you to the actual safety in barren lands
18:21 decimation As I grow older I've learned to perceive danger in banality
18:21 mircea_popescu decimation you got at least a decade on him
18:21 decimation heh yeah I'm almost 35
18:21 mircea_popescu maybe not then
18:22 decimation I'm an old man at heart
18:22 mircea_popescu lol
18:22 mircea_popescu herbijudlestoids this dovetails neatly into an older saying of mine, re the sailor being required to sail the boat in any wind.
18:22 herbijudlestoids got a skype meeting, back soon
18:22 decimation prediction: there will be an operating legal BTC exchange in the US within 2 years
18:22 mircea_popescu that's a sailor. people who can sail a boat in some circumstances are sail management technicians or w.e
18:23 mircea_popescu decimation that'd be the optimistic view as to the us' future.
18:23 decimation like pot, the civil servants who run the states can smell the tax revenue
18:23 decimation I know, but I'm contrary while I'm contrary
18:23 mircea_popescu im not sayin' it's unlikely or anything, perfectly possible.
18:23 decimation new york seems really serious about this bitlicense deal
18:24 mircea_popescu the us turning into a sort of continent sized syria is however also quite possible.
18:24 decimation Of course it would with all kinds of AML KYC rules but that's obvious
18:24 mircea_popescu the only sane way to do that would be making a state agency which handles the aml kyc.
18:25 assbot [HAVELOCK] [HMF] 10 @ 0.02636138 = 0.2636 BTC [-]
18:25 mircea_popescu you get the license, the customer applies with the agency. you get the ok, you are legally immune
18:25 davout mircea_popescu: why is that?
18:25 mircea_popescu because you don't wish to be involved with or responsible of law enforcing.
18:25 mircea_popescu you're a businessman not a policeman. let the policemen do their job.
18:25 decimation If I'm right, then the next leg up on the BTC/USD is going to happen when the trillions of $ in retirement accounts start washing into BTC; via Gresham's law
18:25 mircea_popescu what trillions ?
18:26 Apocalyptic the trillions they see on their balance :)
18:26 davout that how it works though, and it's the sad state of affairs where if you have any sort of financial license you *are* required to monitor activity, and pretty much be the police
18:26 mircea_popescu :)
18:26 Apocalyptic not that it's real money or anything
18:26 mircea_popescu davout so that's what new york may offer to convince me to ok their license bs :
18:26 davout there's no such thing as a "ok you're kosher" kind of stamp
18:26 benkay leave those jurisdictions, then.
18:26 mircea_popescu if they take back enforcing, we can talk.
18:26 mircea_popescu if they don't... there's nothing on the table.
18:27 mircea_popescu i mnean sure, they can continue talking to the scammers and be scammed till they're happy and had enough.
18:27 Apocalyptic davout, reminds me of your model actually
18:27 davout mircea_popescu: what is it you said once about one party of a deal saying "that's the way it's gonna be" again ?
18:27 Apocalyptic when essentially LW is the policemen and in charge of validating clients
18:27 davout Apocalyptic: howso?
18:27 Apocalyptic you stick to the btc stuff
18:27 mircea_popescu davout aha ?
18:28 decimation
18:28 decimation Total U.S. retirement assets were $17.5 trillion as of December 31, 2010, up 5.2 percent in the fourth quarter of 2010 and up 9.1 percent for the year.
18:28 ozbot ICI - Retirement Assets Total $17.5 Trillion in Fourth Quarter 2010
18:28 davout Apocalyptic: yup, they be the police, i don't want to touch that with a ten foot pole
18:28 decimation Of course, many of these assets are "invested" in stocks, run by bandits who pump & dump the price
18:29 mircea_popescu i see your ici and i raise you a trilema :
18:29 assbot [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 1000 @ 0.00023899 = 0.239 BTC [-] {10}
18:29 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34400 @ 0.0008693 = 29.9039 BTC [+] {2}
18:29 mircea_popescu ;;google Time for Europe to repeal the US-backed AML crap
18:29 gribble BitBet, March 2013 Statement pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea ...: <>; Politica si Prostie pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.: <>; Thanks to Government, Banks Treat You Like Crap and Spy on You: < (1 more message)
18:29 mircea_popescu derp. omfg google you betray me so.
18:29 mircea_popescu < there. see the pic.
18:29 ozbot Time for Europe to repeal the US-backed AML crap. pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
18:30 assbot [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 727 @ 0.00024028 = 0.1747 BTC [+] {7}
18:30 assbot [HAVELOCK] [RENT] 32 @ 0.0055 = 0.176 BTC
18:30 decimation on the other hand, the idea of a bitcoin retirement 'fund' is retarded
18:30 decimation why should some third party keep your keys because the gov't says?
18:30 decimation it seems a different matter than a third party keeping your gold, for instance
18:30 mircea_popescu only if you're looking for them to invest for you
18:30 mircea_popescu otherwise you keep the btc
18:31 davout Apocalyptic: just FTR LW has access to your EUR data, they have zero access to your BTC history and activity
18:31 decimation yeah, but the way it works in the us is that you must have a custodian for your retirement account (tax free accrual)
18:31 Apocalyptic davout, could they get it upon request ?
18:32 decimation I guess this stems from the root of the problem being that a tax on bitcoin is retarded
18:32 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18519 @ 0.00087094 = 16.1289 BTC [+]
18:32 assbot [HAVELOCK] [SFI] 192 @ 0.0008353 = 0.1604 BTC [-]
18:32 jurov lol even wall street veterans are warning against btc regulation
18:32 mircea_popescu davout thats okay, let them tax it.
18:33 davout mircea_popescu: the BTC
18:33 davout ?
18:33 mircea_popescu the retirement account.
18:33 davout Apocalyptic: with some court order or w/e
18:33 mircea_popescu you don't care if it's tax free accrual or not.
18:34 decimation true, I guess if there is 100x growth, then who cares if the gov't takes 10%
18:34 decimation or whatever
18:34 decimation it's their fiat anyway
18:35 decimation like Shylock, bitcoin owners will take their pound of flesh when the time is right
18:35 mircea_popescu moreover... if you put taxed money into it
18:35 mircea_popescu it's untaxable.
18:37 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11150 @ 0.00087094 = 9.711 BTC [+]
18:39 decimation there is a thing called the "roth IRA" where you save post-income-tax money; USG claims it will never tax it again
18:39 decimation A fool is born every minute etc.
18:40 assbot [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 10000 @ 0.00024499 = 2.4499 BTC [+] {2}
18:41 mircea_popescu decimation hey, in that sense simply living in the us is taking your life in your hands.
18:43 decimation you wrote a few days ago about the lunacy of a self-enforcing contract due to the context of language
18:43 decimation yet there are those here who think the Constitution operates exactly in this way
18:44 decimation Moldbug is more-or-less correct about the power that rules the us; it's the coordinated actions of the media, civil service, and academia (and all their attachments)
18:45 mircea_popescu the media has no power.
18:45 mircea_popescu the academia has... you know, the exact power of romania's "dissident" "inteligentsia"
18:45 mircea_popescu it is a self-bestowed power of no actual consequence.
18:46 mircea_popescu let me dig you this thing for you to read :
18:49 BingoBoingo herbijudlestoids: You are marketmaking ATC nao? How long until moon?
18:50 herbijudlestoids BingoBoingo: i might try and make a lil market today
18:50 herbijudlestoids see what happens
18:50 herbijudlestoids looks like someone has come in and put some bid in already at 375
18:50 herbijudlestoids good sign
18:51 herbijudlestoids was it someone here?
18:51 herbijudlestoids im about to narrow the fuck out of that spread
18:51 herbijudlestoids just waiting for some confirmations on my BTC deposit
18:52 herbijudlestoids i also found a bug on openex last inght and lodged an issue on github
18:52 herbijudlestoids seems like ok software tho
18:52 Apocalyptic herbijudlestoids, was the bug security-related ?
18:52 herbijudlestoids nah
18:52 decimation The media has the power to veto things if they are able to make someone look bad
18:53 herbijudlestoids just in relation to orders >8 decimal places
18:53 decimation academia has the power to insert ideas into the bureaucratic process
18:53 mircea_popescu decimation
18:53 mircea_popescu that's the article, in romanian.
18:54 mircea_popescu it summarizes a book, which is mostly built on the stenographs of romania's dictator and sole source of power,
18:54 mircea_popescu meeting romania's academia, in corpore.
18:54 herbijudlestoids BingoBoingo: chess tonight? :D
18:54 mircea_popescu the man passed for an idiot in their theoretical writings, he owns them on the floor. not because of a threat of violence, but through simple intellectual superiority.
18:54 BingoBoingo herbijudlestoids: Why not?
18:54 mircea_popescu this, i am convinced, is the situation of the us academia : they tell each other they're smart,
18:55 mircea_popescu but if they get caged with a head of civil service they get wiped.
18:55 mircea_popescu not because the guy orders them killed, but because the guy is actrually smarter than them, and breaks off their metaphorical arms and beats them into a pulp with them
18:55 herbijudlestoids yey, i will ping you in ~8h
18:56 decimation I think that's true to some extent - not so with elected officials though
18:57 decimation The civil service in the US is mostly a jobs program, but the elite staff at the top generally knows what they are doing (like Ceausescu, they have learned through doing)
18:58 BingoBoingo herbijudlestoids: I can't guarantee I'll be awake that far into the future.
18:58 mircea_popescu so basically... the press is just living off handouts, the academia mostly wishes to circlejerk undisturbed, has first dibs on available cash and otherwise grumbles but is thankful if resources dwindle
18:59 mircea_popescu the us is the civil service, like any socialist state, the bureaucracy.
18:59 decimation This is mostly true, but the civil service can't entirely ignore the media either. On the other hand, the civil service also tells the media what to print
19:00 decimation Rule by permanant bureaucracy is actually pretty stable historically
19:00 decimation look at the Eastern Roman empire, and China
19:01 mircea_popescu so then yes it can entirely ignore it.
19:01 mircea_popescu it just tells it what to print.
19:01 decimation The trick that the us government must navigate is to make the people still think they matter while making all the real decisions for them
19:01 decimation that's the job of the media largely
19:01 mircea_popescu it's only stable for as long as there's no new technology.
19:01 mircea_popescu it is very unstable once the currency is attacked.
19:01 mircea_popescu louis had the rule by bureaucracy down pat.
19:02 davout mircea_popescu: nice article, preaching to the converted :-)
19:02 mircea_popescu this is why attacking the currency is so paramountly important.
19:02 mircea_popescu davout i like preaching to the converted, they have the best cleavage.
19:03 davout mircea_popescu: i'll need to ask pankkake to explain this one to me
19:03 mircea_popescu lol p has good cleavage ?!
19:03 davout i don't know what you mean by cleavage
19:03 pankkake what
19:03 davout pankkake: your english is better than mine
19:03 pankkake décolleté
19:04 decimation I'm certainly a fan of peaceful transitions
19:04 mircea_popescu
19:04 decimation hopefully there will be no Committee for Public Safety in the us
19:04 pankkake and I don't wear those
19:04 herbijudlestoids ok back from my calls
19:04 davout haha i still don't get it ><
19:05 mircea_popescu decimation peaceful transition is experimentally a function of ethnic and cultural homogenity and size.
19:05 pankkake me neither
19:05 mircea_popescu the us is a large, federal (as opposed to national) construct.
19:05 mircea_popescu it can't not be bloody.
19:05 mircea_popescu davout me either, but cleavage.
19:05 davout mircea_popescu: this i get
19:05 mircea_popescu me too.
19:05 mircea_popescu daily basis!
19:06 davout :-)
19:06 decimation yeah, there are many possibilities but the most likely seems to be falling back to individual soviergnty of the states
19:06 mircea_popescu corsage cleavage actually.
19:06 mircea_popescu decimation how do you reason ?
19:06 decimation especially the ones that haven't been demographically ruined
19:06 decimation some states are fairly homogeneous, and the idea of a 'state' is a sufficient Schelling point around which militia can rally
19:07 mircea_popescu except the only point of history n the us is the defeating of such a construct.
19:07 mircea_popescu or review the legal history of the concept of nullification
19:07 mircea_popescu no argument that it will probably get bloody around this argument rather than any other,
19:07 mircea_popescu so a schelling point it is.
19:07 mircea_popescu just, not for peaceful transition.
19:08 decimation yeah I think you are likely correct
19:08 decimation the trouble is that the collapse of the US will engulf the entire world in instability
19:08 mircea_popescu "the entire world" as seen from the us.
19:09 mircea_popescu may spill into canada, certainly will destroy mexico.
19:09 KRS-One decimation is correct, unfortunately
19:09 KRS-One not sure about the stability part, but it will be felt.
19:09 assbot [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 1000 @ 0.00025498 = 0.255 BTC [+]
19:10 mircea_popescu how ? suddenly much cheaper oil and ciggarettes ?
19:10 decimation Well, almost all "sovereign" nations today define themselves in relation to US power
19:10 mircea_popescu how did you end up with that conclusion ?
19:10 assbot [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 1500 @ 0.00025498 = 0.3825 BTC [+]
19:11 decimation at the very least, there will be a hunt for collaborators
19:12 mircea_popescu you tihnk ?
19:12 mircea_popescu that's how medieval italy played out, except everyone inside blamed everyone for doing it
19:12 mircea_popescu "bringing foreign troops into italia"
19:12 decimation I guess if everyone is at fault then nobody is at fault
19:12 mircea_popescu i doubt us people will actually want russian boots in pennsylvania
19:12 assbot [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 2785 @ 0.000255 = 0.7102 BTC [+]
19:13 decimation no they will stop that
19:13 mircea_popescu obviously should the russians, chinese, saudi, israelis etc etc actually want to set foot
19:13 mircea_popescu there'll be not many to stop them anyway
19:13 mircea_popescu decimation incidentally, you know how late venice resolved the problem of french invaders ?
19:13 jurov mircea_popescu: maybe north korea will invade the south once us troops go home
19:13 jurov china joins the fray, then japan,...
19:13 mircea_popescu jurov famished as they are, they'll be prolly beaten off with a stick
19:13 decimation We are talking 1600's or so? no I don't
19:14 jurov hopfully and dumbed by meth.
19:14 mircea_popescu decimation the venetian whores fucked them well.
19:14 assbot [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 1000 @ 0.000255 = 0.255 BTC [+]
19:15 mircea_popescu including a certain high ranking chick the french king.
19:15 mircea_popescu so i can totally see arizona liberated by the las vegas cocksucker tribe.
19:15 herbijudlestoids im not betting on war :)
19:15 herbijudlestoids although the senkakku/daiyou island stuff is troubling
19:15 assbot [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 400 @ 0.000255 = 0.102 BTC [+]
19:16 decimation This was Charles VIII's invasion?
19:16 mircea_popescu herbijudlestoids war lite. people shooting each other with small arms as if it were burbank.
19:16 mircea_popescu decimation yea
19:17 decimation interesting. the trouble with a turbulant future for the US (or other nuclear powers) is: what happens to the nukes?
19:18 mircea_popescu decimation what happened to the russian nukes ?
19:18 jurov the us bought them
19:18 mircea_popescu notrly, but anyway.
19:18 pankkake does S.MPOE intend to buy nukes?
19:19 jurov hahaha
19:19 mircea_popescu if they're cheap enough, why not.
19:20 mircea_popescu a sovereign is a sovereign, it will do anything it may deem worth doing.
19:20 decimation indeed, and once a 'bitcoin sovereign' acquires nukes, the foothold will be forever established
19:21 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12100 @ 0.00086745 = 10.4961 BTC [-]
19:21 herbijudlestoids
19:21 ozbot 26 Super-Sexy Pairs Of Men's Underwear Totally Perfect For Valentine's Day
19:21 decimation The Russian nukes were managed by the civil service who wrought them
19:21 mircea_popescu decimation not really, it's an expensive and dirty foothold.
19:21 mircea_popescu we're not living in 1953
19:22 decimation Well, if there is a major collapse of the US dollar for instance
19:22 decimation the DoD will be broke
19:22 decimation the aircraft carriers will rot in their docks
19:22 mircea_popescu decimation expensive i meant in an absolute sense.
19:22 mircea_popescu you have to maintain them
19:22 decimation absolutely
19:22 decimation and the delivery mechanisms
19:22 mircea_popescu its a major hassle.
19:22 mircea_popescu one of the reason this sovereign beats that sovereign is that it has a better definition of sovereignity.
19:23 mircea_popescu one that's not tailored to the last lost war and its constraints.
19:24 assbot [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 400 @ 0.000255 = 0.102 BTC [+]
19:24 mircea_popescu in 2013 nuclear warheads are about as useful as DTT bombs in an apple model store.
19:24 mircea_popescu really, they'll kill a fly ? and douse everyone in there in carcinogenics ?
19:24 jurov they will prolly sell them at thinkgeek
19:24 mircea_popescu wait till you read the blogfeeds.
19:25 decimation well, the ultimate argument against nukes today is that wealth is not held physically anymore
19:25 decimation the value of a city is the sum of all the services its brains can provide
19:25 decimation nuking the place ruins the value, making it a foolish proposition for any rational actor
19:26 herbijudlestoids yo mirpop, its 2014
19:26 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 7 @ 0.071 = 0.497 BTC [+]
19:26 mircea_popescu moreover, practically : tokyo was hit worse than if the us had actually detonated a large nuclear warhead.
19:26 mircea_popescu according to tokio administration, everything is and has been ok.
19:26 mircea_popescu so i guess... it doesn't do much, after all.
19:26 jurov there are irrational actors. religious nuttery is actually on the rise.
19:27 decimation Yeah nukes are actually surprisingly survivable:
19:27 mircea_popescu jurov the guarantee isn't that no city will be hit. in fact as i say above, at least one already has.
19:27 mircea_popescu the guarantee is that it won't matter. it won't.
19:29 assbot [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 3900 @ 0.000255 = 0.9945 BTC [+]
19:29 decimation even in the red zone you would likely survive the immediate radiation if you were in a simple bunker
19:29 decimation the pressure and fire, not so much perhaps
19:29 mircea_popescu this is in fact the laser pointer argument all over again. the earth is very large. nukes are rather limited. see
19:29 mircea_popescuū_Maru
19:30 assbot [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 6000 @ 0.000255 = 1.53 BTC [+]
19:30 ThickAsThieves from Cryptsy "We pick coins based on what we perceive the volume will be not based on any criteria you can just meet."
19:30 ThickAsThieves do it up herb!
19:31 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1618 @ 0.00087094 = 1.4092 BTC [+]
19:31 mircea_popescu o looky, wikipedia finally running out of bandwidth ?!
19:32 pankkake I thought you just had to bribe them
19:32 decimation indeed, and any attack against a nuclear state with nukes must always be considered suicidal because of the uncertainty about counter-strikes
19:32 mircea_popescu "Our servers are currently experiencing a technical problem. This is probably temporary and should be fixed soon."
19:32 ThickAsThieves technically they dont want romanians reading it
19:33 herbijudlestoids okkk..the spread on ATCBTC is now 1 satoshi
19:33 ThickAsThieves sorry!
19:33 assbot [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 3920 @ 0.000255 = 0.9996 BTC [+]
19:33 herbijudlestoids ill try and keep it so
19:33 mircea_popescu decimation not quite. the russians would retaliate against the us and eu, the us would probably retaliate against china,
19:33 mircea_popescu china likely won't retaliate and that's the whole story.
19:33 Apocalyptic <herbijudlestoids> okkk..the spread on ATCBTC is now 1 satoshi // you're aware of the fees right ?
19:33 herbijudlestoids what do you mean?
19:34 herbijudlestoids i am aware that there is a commission, yes...what does that have to do with the bid/ask spread?
19:34 mircea_popescu ThickAsThieves you can load the page ?
19:34 herbijudlestoids Apocalyptic: im trying to build a microstructure and get paid appropriately for it
19:34 herbijudlestoids haha fuck yes!
19:35 herbijudlestoids already some bots seen it
19:35 herbijudlestoids i am not the only one with this game in mind it seems, someone has an algo waiting
19:36 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 3 @ 0.07166666 = 0.215 BTC [+] {3}
19:36 Apocalyptic your spread has to be higher than the commission in order to make it profitable disregarding price movement
19:36 kakobrekla ;;ticker
19:36 gribble Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 603.97, Best ask: 606.99, Bid-ask spread: 3.02000, Last trade: 603.06, 24 hour volume: 28763.64056223, 24 hour low: 601.54, 24 hour high: 660.0, 24 hour vwap: 630.853465711
19:37 kakobrekla o no moar gox here as well
19:37 pankkake finally
19:37 kakobrekla amazing
19:37 assbot AMAZING COMPANY!
19:38 benkay ;;ticker --market mtgox
19:38 gribble MtGox BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 444.0, Best ask: 444.47083, Bid-ask spread: 0.47083, Last trade: 444.0, 24 hour volume: 29456.16303645, 24 hour low: 444.0, 24 hour high: 549.0, 24 hour vwap: 492.42453
19:38 mircea_popescu iiiincredible.
19:39 kakobrekla options dude mixed up 400 with 4k
19:39 herbijudlestoids Apocalyptic: gotta build it first.
19:39 kakobrekla i tell ya.
19:39 herbijudlestoids Apocalyptic: if i can convince some other fuckers to be doing the same thing then it starts to roll
19:39 mircea_popescu kakobrekla mebbe so. even if he had tho... he'd still be underwater atm
19:40 kakobrekla myea
19:40 pankkake openex has volume?
19:41 Apocalyptic the guy running it is a nobody with shady past history afaik, UI is shit, the engine is PHP and looks like shit too
19:41 pankkake so are the other altcoin trading places
19:41 herbijudlestoids Apocalyptic: doesnt have much volume
19:41 Apocalyptic it still does way more it should imi
19:41 Apocalyptic *imo
19:42 mircea_popescu Apocalyptic sounds about right
19:42 BingoBoingo Their order matching seems to be shit as well.
19:42 Apocalyptic ^
19:42 kakobrekla the string, is not tight enough.
19:42 herbijudlestoids BingoBoingo: whats specifically wrong with the order matching?
19:42 mircea_popescu i think we should ban kakobrekla because he is slanderous.
19:42 Apocalyptic <herbijudlestoids> BingoBoingo: whats specifically wrong with the order matching? // try to sell for a price of 0.00001
19:43 kakobrekla not this again, whats next, you gonna ask me to fix and run mpex?
19:43 Apocalyptic order will get executed at that price even if their are better bids
19:43 BingoBoingo herbijudlestoids: i tried to wipe out your bids with one limit order down to 111 satoshis and it skipped your bids and sold cheap
19:43 mircea_popescu kakobrekla lol
19:43 mircea_popescu <Apocalyptic> order will get executed at that price even if their are better bids << ahahaha WHAT
19:43 Apocalyptic it's just... WTF
19:43 herbijudlestoids BingoBoingo: cos theres no liquidity in my bids
19:43 Apocalyptic yeah mircea, i'm not even joking
19:43 herbijudlestoids it matched correctly
19:43 B007 mircea_popescu:
19:43 herbijudlestoids and if that was you, butthole :P
19:43 mircea_popescu herbijudlestoids so it puts unfunded bids on the book ?!
19:44 herbijudlestoids mircea_popescu: when i say no i mean low
19:44 BingoBoingo herbijudlestoids: No, I just manually sniped your bids after that fail.
19:44 mircea_popescu so it should have still executed
19:44 mircea_popescu why skip them
19:44 herbijudlestoids it didnt skip them
19:44 herbijudlestoids they were executed!
19:44 herbijudlestoids i own ~3000 more ATC than i did a few minutes ago
19:44 Apocalyptic in my experience they weren't
19:44 Apocalyptic WHAT
19:44 mircea_popescu B007 ty, what's that ?
19:45 BingoBoingo herbijudlestoids: They were executed after the sale at 110 satoshis. Because I had to target them at the exact price
19:45 B007 pics of girls
19:45 B007 everyone likes girls
19:45 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 3 @ 0.123 = 0.369 BTC [+] {2}
19:45 Apocalyptic seriously this openex is unworthy of ATC
19:45 BingoBoingo herbijudlestoids: check the ATC trade history
19:46 mircea_popescu Apocalyptic seems so.
19:46 kakobrekla so can atc buy pussy yet?
19:46 mircea_popescu but it was the first one in the market.
19:46 mircea_popescu sorta how mtgox happened.
19:46 mircea_popescu took 3 years to get rid of.
19:46 Apocalyptic i wonder why atc does require libboost
19:47 Apocalyptic *libboost_chrono
19:47 herbijudlestoids welp
19:47 pankkake all bitcoins require it
19:47 herbijudlestoids now you took my bids i got no more bids
19:47 herbijudlestoids gg
19:47 pankkake well, I updated the makefile, older boost versions don't need that change
19:48 mircea_popescu lol BingoBoingo in battlegear
19:48 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 4 @ 0.068 = 0.272 BTC [-]
19:48 BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: I'm just waiting for the next challenger to try to close the bid-ask spread
19:49 kakobrekla is the market cap > than 1 pussy ?
19:49 Apocalyptic x-bt's libboost libs are too old for that
19:49 mircea_popescu lmao
19:49 pankkake openex considers a 30 char password is only "good"
19:49 mircea_popescu i had no idea there's ecosystem
19:50 mircea_popescu kakobrekla i'll sell you 1 pussy for 100 atc.
19:50 kakobrekla those better not be digital?
19:50 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.069 = 0.138 BTC [+]
19:50 mircea_popescu
19:50 kakobrekla scammed
19:51 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 7 @ 0.12471428 = 0.873 BTC [+] {5}
19:52 herbijudlestoids haha ffs BingoBoingo
19:53 herbijudlestoids lets see how you like this then
19:53 mircea_popescu << noobs today.
19:53 ozbot Crypto Pump Guru (CryptoPumpGuru) on Twitter
19:54 mircea_popescu basically the concept of altcoin matched just perfectly on the preexisting pump and dump thing.
19:54 Duffer1 "Will be doing huge pumps in the future. Honest, safe, never pre-pump."
19:54 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 2 @ 0.07 = 0.14 BTC [-]
19:57 B007 I made some dosh doing pump & dump
19:57 B007 not much though
19:58 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: old owner still had working passwords - half a year after the transfer was completed" << Butugichag is waiting with open arms for these fine folks.
19:59 mircea_popescu asciilifeform 2011 tho. you gotta understand, it was sort-of like atc.
19:59 mircea_popescu ie, this plaything.
20:00 kakobrekla B007 i hope you feel proud!
20:00 herbijudlestoids this is slightly more amusing than chess BingoBoingo
20:00 herbijudlestoids is it really just you
20:00 herbijudlestoids or is there other participants in this shenanigans
20:01 B007 kakobrekla: I do
20:01 kakobrekla lel.
20:01 BingoBoingo herbijudlestoids: I dunno
20:01 kakobrekla mircea_popescu wheres that personal responsibility url
20:02 kakobrekla slap it to B007's face.
20:02 mircea_popescu i'm not shenaniganing.
20:03 herbijudlestoids BingoBoingo: if you want the market to be liquid at ~100 so be it :P
20:03 assbot [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 3900 @ 0.00025437 = 0.992 BTC [-] {2}
20:03 mircea_popescu kakobrekla no because who's he.
20:04 mircea_popescu is that 100 satoshi ?
20:04 kakobrekla some dude typing in this box
20:04 BingoBoingo herbijudlestoids: You are the one who keeps Buying high and selling low
20:04 mircea_popescu BingoBoingo as rickles once said, he's making a loss on every trade but hopes to make it up on volume.
20:05 BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: My favorite part of this exercise is the one where I nao have moar ATC and BTC
20:05 BingoBoingo Except for that mistake in their order matching left me down some ATC, because string and cans
20:06 mircea_popescu
20:07 pankkake approved
20:07 pankkake oh, it's lexo
20:07 kakobrekla the what?
20:12 herbijudlestoids BingoBoingo: the goal was to seed a microstructure, but if you dont want one, thats coo :) i can just lift the offers
20:12 herbijudlestoids now what? nothin. boring.
20:12 herbijudlestoids we coulda played pass the parcel
20:13 kakobrekla first you need to fake up the volume
20:13 Vexual im coming to the party
20:13 kakobrekla to get some eyes watching
20:13 herbijudlestoids kakobrekla: isnt that wut i said
20:13 pankkake should fake volumes be a feature of :)
20:13 kakobrekla i have no idea what you said
20:13 BingoBoingo herbijudlestoids: I believe this point came up in the -assets log earlier. You didn't need someone with 100 BTC to beat your efforts at Market Marking. All it took as someone with 0.015 BTC and some ATC.
20:14 herbijudlestoids ? thats exactly what i said would happen?
20:14 herbijudlestoids i am not capitalised correctly to make bids
20:14 kakobrekla i dont know what is happening. so ill leave.
20:14 herbijudlestoids and if im not capitalised correctly then the best i can do is the best i can do
20:15 BingoBoingo herbijudlestoids: Or you could simply try to not become less capitalized?
20:17 herbijudlestoids BingoBoingo: yer, in which case the spread stays at 300 and nobody gives a fuck about the market
20:18 BingoBoingo herbijudlestoids: It isn't necessarily unhealty. It simply means sellers and buyers have a disagreement.
20:19 herbijudlestoids BingoBoingo: ok well let us see how much activity occurs with a spread of 300, my guess is none.
20:20 herbijudlestoids probly between me and you there has been more activity in ATCBTC in the last hour than the last 5 days
20:20 mike_c not even close.
20:20 BingoBoingo herbijudlestoids: Consider this a lesson in fundamental assumptions that vary between the fiat and BTC worlds. Fiat can have money come in at any price.
20:21 herbijudlestoids not really sure how this is any different from a fiat market
20:21 herbijudlestoids aside from lack of leverage
20:21 herbijudlestoids its just a two way auction.
20:21 BingoBoingo BTC on the other hand is too expensive to throw away on making a market look right.
20:22 BingoBoingo It is more important the market actually BE right, than to look "right"
20:23 BingoBoingo herbijudlestoids: Consider the spreads on S.BBET and S.NSA
20:23 herbijudlestoids right, so the correct state of ATCBTC is no trades? gg
20:23 mircea_popescu what is the atc voluem to date actually ?
20:23 BingoBoingo herbijudlestoids: No the correct state is trades only when there is an agreement between buyers and sellers on value.
20:23 herbijudlestoids sweet fuck all
20:24 BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: Earlier this week it was up to 0.1 in a 24 hour period on Openex
20:24 mircea_popescu herbijudlestoids gotta be a least a coupla bitcoins by now
20:24 mircea_popescu BingoBoingo so like ~2btc total ?
20:24 BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: Nah, it wasn't sustained long enough
20:25 herbijudlestoids i count the cumulative volume as 0.18
20:25 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 4 @ 0.069 = 0.276 BTC [+]
20:25 mircea_popescu yeah but iirc i bought like 500k otc,
20:25 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: trades only when there is an agreement between buyers and sellers on value << where have you traded - and what? - where trade happens in some other way?
20:25 herbijudlestoids from all trades listed in the recent trades window
20:25 mircea_popescu and then ThickAsThieves also bought some iirc, so did you
20:25 pankkake my sales are probably 0.3 BTC tops
20:26 assbot [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 3017 @ 0.000255 = 0.7693 BTC [+] {3}
20:26 herbijudlestoids lel the smallest market in the world
20:26 mircea_popescu i think it all adds up to 2-3 over its lifetime
20:26 duduqa hi folks
20:26 mircea_popescu very cutely microscopic.
20:27 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.0698 = 0.1396 BTC [+]
20:27 pankkake bernankoin had a sole $25 transaction
20:27 pankkake making it worth $10668370931 now
20:27 mircea_popescu
20:27 mike_c HunterS sold a couple million ATC supposedly
20:27 mircea_popescu mike_c i thought 1mn
20:28 mike_c he said he already offloaded 1.6mn before that
20:28 mircea_popescu ah
20:28 mircea_popescu ok so looks more like 5 really ?
20:28 pankkake ;;calc 16850*512
20:28 gribble 8627200
20:29 mircea_popescu amusingly this is way better than bitcoin's first year
20:29 kakobrekla Next difficulty (estimate)
20:29 kakobrekla 32,319.43
20:29 kakobrekla -48.47% change to current
20:29 kakobrekla 1294 blocks until difficulty changes
20:30 mircea_popescu i think it took about 19 months for a 5 btc aggregated trade
20:30 BingoBoingo asciilifeform: I haven't much traded. I simply saw herbijudlestoids buying and selling at prices I like.
20:31 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: unless i'm missing something, trade only happens when buyer and seller agree on a price. when goods change hands regardless, we usually use another word for it.
20:31 herbijudlestoids asciilifeform: you say price, BingoBoingo is talking perceived value.
20:31 BingoBoingo asciilifeform: Well,sure
20:33 mircea_popescu i thought you were both discussing other people's other trades
20:33 mircea_popescu rather than your own
20:34 herbijudlestoids nah i put some bids in, try and create some interest, bingo wanted the bids instead of pass the nothin
20:34 herbijudlestoids i dun have enough BTC to keep the shenanigans goin
20:34 BingoBoingo When he put in asks I also found them palatable.
20:34 mircea_popescu lol
20:35 mircea_popescu "so, fiat quant finds crypto playground, gets creamed" ?
20:35 herbijudlestoids well, it was my assumption that BingoBoingo wouldnt wanna see the last trade as ~100 but i guess i was wrong
20:35 mircea_popescu happens.
20:35 mircea_popescu
20:36 mircea_popescu check it out, kate's back, they say.
20:36 BingoBoingo herbijudlestoids: last trade now seems to be 700
20:36 ozbot [BTC-TC] CIPHERMINE-PT - Industrial Mining & High Performance Computing
20:36 Apocalyptic someone's dumping hard on stamp
20:36 herbijudlestoids mircea_popescu: i have not been creamed in any market since may 6 2010 :)
20:37 mircea_popescu well what happened here then lol
20:37 duduqa Apocalyptic: fresh newbies desperate
20:37 mircea_popescu traditionally "i had a plan, gotta discontinue cause out of capital" is creamed.
20:37 KRS-One creamed?
20:37 KRS-One .bait
20:37 ozbot
20:37 herbijudlestoids mircea_popescu: i sold some BTC for some ATC? at above the diff implied price?
20:37 Apocalyptic mircea_popescu, that's what happens when you're MMing with low funds
20:37 herbijudlestoids ^
20:37 B007 ozbot: boob are too big
20:38 mircea_popescu holy shit i know that chick.
20:38 mircea_popescu those aren't her boobs eithr.
20:38 KRS-One yeah its totally looking the other way all stuck up
20:38 mircea_popescu this is a chop/
20:38 KRS-One rebait
20:38 KRS-One .bait
20:38 ozbot
20:38 KRS-One Mmmm rawr
20:39 mircea_popescu Apocalyptic you're always going to be low on funds. this is bitcoin.
20:39 mircea_popescu herbijudlestoids so then what's the prblm ?
20:40 herbijudlestoids mircea_popescu: no problem specifically, but its unsustainable, id prefer to continue making a market around the diff implied price than not
20:41 mircea_popescu how is it unsustainable, selling btc for atc at above diff implied price ?
20:41 mircea_popescu or you mean, the atc was above ?
20:42 herbijudlestoids i mean, now that i have no BTC in the account, i cant make the market...thats all
20:42 mike_c so you made some profitable trades and now you're broke.
20:42 mircea_popescu so then you got creamed.
20:42 KRS-One .bait
20:42 herbijudlestoids lel
20:42 ozbot
20:42 mircea_popescu it is either one or the other you know.
20:42 herbijudlestoids not really sure how im failing to explain this
20:42 mircea_popescu either what you do is profitable and sustainable, or else it isn't. we have a word for that latter.
20:44 herbijudlestoids so if i make a profit, but i cant make another profit, it counts as getting creamed?
20:44 herbijudlestoids just to clarify on your definitions?
20:44 assbot [HAVELOCK] [RENT] 315 @ 0.0055 = 1.7325 BTC {2}
20:44 mircea_popescu yup.
20:44 mircea_popescu cause obviously you didn't make a profit.
20:44 kakobrekla > I'm not sure why I ordered 8 rather than 9 upgrades, perhaps it was all we could afford at the time.
20:44 mircea_popescu you just booked a profit.
20:44 KRS-One
20:44 kakobrekla this is how you run a company.
20:44 kakobrekla perhaps we were short, perhaps i was high
20:45 mircea_popescu perhaps the lucy in the sky...
20:45 jayk oh dear
20:45 kakobrekla perhaps i cut my dick off with that btc
20:45 mircea_popescu and now i want the world to see
20:45 Duffer1 i've never seen that color of star trek shirt
20:45 jayk at least ringo wasnt singing
20:45 herbijudlestoids i find your definitions to be strange
20:45 herbijudlestoids and confusing
20:46 assbot Last 2 lines bashed and pending review. (
20:46 mircea_popescu !b 2
20:46 jayk did you ever find out who that band of naked ladies was mircea_popescu
20:46 mircea_popescu btw kakobrekla since you're not doing anything useful anyway, approve some bashes ?
20:46 mircea_popescu jayk which one ?
20:46 jayk oh id have to look for the picture
20:46 jayk it was a week and half ago
20:46 jayk it was in black and white
20:47 mircea_popescu yes well you gotta cut me some slack here, i deal with nude bands of amazons on a biweekly basis
20:47 jayk it was kind of amusing
20:47 mike_c herbijudlestoids: it is not complicated. you did not "make a profit". you entered a position.
20:47 mircea_popescu s/cut/cunt/
20:47 jayk hah
20:47 BingoBoingo I made two profits.
20:47 mircea_popescu ahahaha
20:48 BingoBoingo And last trade on ATC was 700 Satoshis
20:48 jayk
20:48 mircea_popescu incidentally, why are you two so convinced a high last trade is useful or important ?
20:48 jayk that pic
20:48 mike_c omg. their order matching is horrible
20:48 mircea_popescu not saying it isn't necessarily, but curious as to the rationale.
20:48 BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: I'm no
20:48 kakobrekla wait, reading the forum is not useful!? fuck, the time wasted.
20:48 BingoBoingo *not
20:49 BingoBoingo But I think Dogers like high last trades
20:49 mircea_popescu jayk ah, nope. they claimed it was some slovenian band but it turned out to be a scam
20:49 jayk oic
20:49 jayk haha
20:49 mircea_popescu there.
20:49 BingoBoingo Hopefully some Dogers will see 700 and think my selling at 625 is cheap
20:50 BingoBoingo At least I hope idiocy works that way
20:50 herbijudlestoids BingoBoingo: im starting to feel like i perceive value at 110 :)
20:50 mircea_popescu because smaller amount of derphone ?
20:52 BingoBoingo herbijudlestoids: Isn't two cans and a sting magical
20:53 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6647 @ 0.00087106 = 5.7899 BTC [+] {2}
20:53 herbijudlestoids as long as the spread is wide it costs me almost nothing to keep the last at 110 :P
20:54 herbijudlestoids i can keep the idiots far away
20:54 BingoBoingo herbijudlestoids: How do you know you aren't gifiting me cheap ATC at that price?
20:54 herbijudlestoids i am, sure, 0.00000001 ATC
20:55 mircea_popescu to reiterate my earlier q : why are you so convinced a high price is better than a low price ?
20:56 BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: I'm not at all convinced. I just want to trick herbijudlestoids into gifting me more coins.
20:56 mircea_popescu well yes, it's what generally goes on in the markets.
20:57 BingoBoingo Now I just have to see if my withdrawal of most of herbijudlestoids's BTC makes it from Openex to
20:58 Apocalyptic good luck
20:58 Duffer1 LvCunts
20:58 Duffer1 nice
20:59 mircea_popescu cunt levelling service ?
20:59 herbijudlestoids i will just have to get another $9 :P
21:00 mircea_popescu herbijudlestoids you're focusing on the wrong aspect here. nobody is proposing you should be hanged, the argument isn't that o woe, you lost your dwelling and your woman and your future playing barbute with teh atc market.
21:01 herbijudlestoids yea im not really sure what the argument is other than BingoBoingo wanted to prove some point about the way BTC markets should be
21:01 herbijudlestoids gg
21:01 mike_c ;;ud gg
21:01 gribble | GG. "Good Game" 1. A polite remark uttered after the end of a round, game, or other measured interval to indicate that a match was fair and enjoyable. Usually ...
21:01 ozbot Urban Dictionary: gg
21:02 BingoBoingo herbijudlestoids: Well, the point is they should be different from Doge markets with their pumping and dumping and a lack of actual value
21:02 mircea_popescu "good going"
21:02 BingoBoingo herbijudlestoids: gg
21:02 mircea_popescu herbijudlestoids think in terms of autonomous entities. like say an insect, or whatever. its survival as a type and as a species depends on interracting with an unspeicifed envronment a certain way.
21:03 mircea_popescu so far you're failing that test.
21:04 herbijudlestoids lol ok?
21:05 herbijudlestoids lucky my survival doesnt depend at all whatsoever on my attempts to generate interest on openex in ATCBTC :)
21:05 mike_c <sigh> you want to learn your lessons when they only cost $9 or when they cost more?
21:06 herbijudlestoids haha fuck mike_c if its so aggravating, you can just put me on ignore, right? like i dont want to draw sighs from anyone
21:06 mike_c uh oh. don't get all sensitive again
21:06 herbijudlestoids again?
21:07 Duffer1 bitbet anyone?
21:07 ozbot [ActiveMining] The Official Active Mining Discussion Thread [Self-Moderated]
21:07 mike_c nevermind, nevermind. anyway, the spread has gotten lower.
21:07 mircea_popescu herbijudlestoids no but see, the argument is that nature did well enough populating the earth without trying to populate the earth
21:07 mircea_popescu but merely out of a bunch of things following my rule above.
21:07 mircea_popescu meanwhile obama did very poorly trying to "restart the economy" from the top down
21:08 mircea_popescu and generally, the ideology surrounding bitcoin is that these two are irreconciliable, and the 2nd is wrong.
21:10 herbijudlestoids mike_c: yall seem convinced that you have taught me some kind of lesson...or that im learning it...or whatever...all i can see is approx what i said would happen if undercapitalised, happened. i dont really take any exception to it happening, but to the idea that there was some kind of inherent lesson, or some point, whatever... i dont see it
21:11 herbijudlestoids this all started because mircea_popescu asked if i would be his "ATC daytrader on openex" because i mentioned having put on a small cascade of limit sells last night...and i said i didnt think there was anything to the market except the potential for MM
21:11 Apocalyptic still talking about this heh ?
21:11 pankkake Duffer1: I don't know if it will attract anyone. is almost dead
21:11 herbijudlestoids i tried it anyway, to keep an open mind because maybe i am missing some concept... but i dont think i am.
21:11 herbijudlestoids apparently this == quant gets creamed
21:11 pankkake was better but required a lot of forum whoring :)
21:12 ozbot BitBet - ActiveMining will be profitable for most investors
21:12 herbijudlestoids for strange definitions of creamed
21:14 herbijudlestoids mircea_popescu: your analogies arent even close to related. nature builds simple robust systems, obama trying to restart a complex system far from equilibrium...
21:14 Vexual Prince defined it back in '91
21:15 herbijudlestoids mircea_popescu: in no sense am i trying to build a complex system, just provide the seedbed for liquidity in ATCBTC on openex, in the hopes of enticing others to do similar
21:16 benkay hope and socialism and a couple million bucks might get you a market.
21:16 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11900 @ 0.00087115 = 10.3667 BTC [+]
21:16 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.555 BTC [+]
21:17 assbot [HAVELOCK] [COG] 5 @ 0.08174 = 0.4087 BTC [-] {2}
21:17 mike_c herb, i wasn't trying to rile you up. i was just commenting on you saying you didn't care because you lost $9. my point was that's the best kind of loss to learn from if you can.
21:18 herbijudlestoids im not riled up lol, im trying to understand wtf
21:19 mircea_popescu well ok, so how come my analogies are not related ?
21:19 jimjenkin hi mircea
21:19 mircea_popescu heya
21:19 jimjenkin good post on mtgox
21:19 mircea_popescu why ty.
21:19 jimjenkin on your blog
21:19 Apocalyptic damn i missed the new trilema
21:20 mircea_popescu herbijudlestoids anyway, it's nothing as heavyhanded as "a lesson" blabla, it's just we apparently all seem to see sometyhing there.
21:21 herbijudlestoids mircea_popescu: i just explained it? nature does not build systems which drift from equilibrium. obama is literally riding a complex system in escape velocity. the implication is that what i tried to do is ...incorrect...because its obama-esque and not saying thats so far from what i was trying to accomplish, that i dont understand the connection
21:21 mircea_popescu so what were you trying to accomplish ? because it seems one of those polymorphous things which changes under examination.
21:21 herbijudlestoids ....
21:21 mircea_popescu were you trying to turn a profit, were you trying to improve the atc ecosystem, what was it ?
21:22 jimjenkin obama cant build obamacare becuase its impossible to scale 1 system to 330million individuals duh.
21:23 jimjenkin that type of health system works in tiny populations like norway
21:23 mircea_popescu jimjenkin norway has the advantage it doesn't need to build self-sustaining system, because they're getting free money from the sea.
21:23 herbijudlestoids mircea_popescu: what i said to you from the very beginning was that there is no profit to turn, except in the potential for MM, which i am underfunded for, but i would give a crack anyway
21:23 jimjenkin thats true too mircea
21:23 mircea_popescu so were you trying to turn a profit ?
21:24 herbijudlestoids profit can come when there is an actual stack of bids and offers to sell into, in the meantime can make a small market around the diff implied price which encourages others to do same, generating the potential for daytrading, etc
21:25 mircea_popescu that's a yes or a no?
21:25 jimjenkin lol
21:25 jimjenkin answers a simple question with gibberish
21:25 herbijudlestoids ...
21:26 herbijudlestoids am i really speaking gibberish here?
21:26 jimjenkin the man asked you a question
21:26 mircea_popescu amusingly, this is pretty much bitcoin-fiat dialogue, personified.
21:27 herbijudlestoids mircea_popescu: the purpose of my activity, like i explained to you (now 3 times) was to have a go at something i was skeptical would work, specifically because you seemed to think there was some potential in trying the idea out
21:28 herbijudlestoids i couldnt decipher what the potential was on questioning
21:28 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 3 @ 0.19376446 = 0.5813 BTC [+] {2}
21:28 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15800 @ 0.0008721 = 13.7792 BTC [+] {2}
21:28 herbijudlestoids but willing to keep an open mind and have a go anyway
21:28 mircea_popescu so what you're saying is basically that my question can not be answered, in that you can't in retrospect establish if you were or were not trying to turn a profit.
21:28 herbijudlestoids i already said from the beginning that its highly unlikely for any business to succeed if undercapitalised and in this case i am undercapitalised for "daytrading ATC on openex"
21:28 mircea_popescu <mike_c> <sigh> you want to learn your lessons when they only cost $9 or when they cost more? << the problem here is, of course, that people will waive their immunity to reality when reality is still powerless. this kind of puts a low bound on everyone's education, and this is why it's so much cheaper to educate poor kids.
21:29 mircea_popescu herbijudlestoids what's that to do with anything ?
21:29 mircea_popescu so you said hail mary before stepping on the battlefield. so ?
21:29 mircea_popescu mike_c also why slaves are the most educable. they own nothing, are immune to nothing, have no choice but tu learn.
21:30 jimjenkin mircea_popescu: can you talk about the latest developments regarding the tx mal. bullshit, does it matter?
21:30 mircea_popescu jimjenkin depends what your criteria are, but i dunno why it would generally matter.
21:31 herbijudlestoids mircea_popescu: i was not specifically, with the amount of capital input, trying to turn a profit. no. i figured that was clear but apparently not. the goal, specifically, was to entice an "ecosystem" as you put it, into existence, from which a profit can actually be derived.
21:31 mircea_popescu so you were not trying to turn a profit, but to build up the ecosystem.
21:31 mircea_popescu how is this different from obama trying to "restart the economy" ?
21:33 herbijudlestoids i dun really see how its related at all.
21:33 mircea_popescu so you perceive no point of contact between the two whatsoever ?
21:34 jimjenkin everyone in crypto is trying to build an ecosystem, but they never explain what that ecosystem actually is
21:34 jimjenkin another catchphrase of the tech community
21:35 herbijudlestoids for the retarded, pls explicitly state what is the point of contact between trying to establish liquidity for exchanging ATCBTC and obama trying to kickstart a disjoint complex system in failure mode
21:35 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16046 @ 0.0008704 = 13.9664 BTC [-]
21:35 mircea_popescu herbijudlestoids the us economy is in state S, obama intends to move it to state S'.
21:35 mircea_popescu atc is in state A, you intend to move it to state A'
21:36 mircea_popescu it would seem you are substantially both the same thing doing the same thing : having identified a "better" state and labouring to enact this notion of yours into reality.
21:36 herbijudlestoids soooo basically, everything fighting entropy in any form whatsoever is now analoguous to obama trying to kickstart the economy
21:36 mircea_popescu not in any form whatsoever.
21:36 herbijudlestoids my body is in state X and trying to move to state X'
21:36 herbijudlestoids my body is obama
21:36 mircea_popescu nope.
21:36 mircea_popescu your body is not aiming for a state in that sense, but merely proceeding from X.
21:37 mircea_popescu you see, if your liver relases glycogen, this is because of X, not because of X'.
21:37 mircea_popescu this distinction, which may appear without a difference, is actually the whole story.
21:38 herbijudlestoids usually when you type mircea_popescu i feel like there is a ray of insight and knowledge which i can catch and appreciate. not so much today.
21:38 jimjenkin so are you trying to make a profit
21:39 mircea_popescu herbijudlestoids i guess it must be cloudy :)
21:41 random_cat what is the underlying for mpex options these days?
21:41 mircea_popescu random_cat same as always, the bitcoincharts usd basket
21:41 herbijudlestoids random_cat:
21:42 mircea_popescu herbijudlestoids can you proceed through reductio ad absurdum ?
21:42 MisterE how low can it go?
21:42 herbijudlestoids mircea_popescu: its been a while, but i guess so
21:42 MisterE :D
21:42 MisterE for some reason a drop always makes me giddy
21:42 random_cat ty
21:42 mircea_popescu MisterE in this case it makes me giddy too, i've a boatload of puts.
21:42 pankkake
21:42 ozbot Linksys Routers Exploited By "TheMoon" - Slashdot
21:43 MisterE :)
21:43 random_cat i knew i'd seen the basket answer before, but it got lost somewhere in the grey matter
21:43 herbijudlestoids pankkake: there is a slashdot boycott underway you know :P
21:43 MisterE fuck beta!
21:43 herbijudlestoids ^
21:43 Jere_Jones ;;bc,24hprc
21:43 gribble 566.99
21:44 mircea_popescu 1st comment is pretty cool pankkake
21:45 mircea_popescu the only problem is that they're not decentralised, that's why.
21:45 mircea_popescu if only they could be decentralised it'd work.
21:46 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.555 BTC [+]
21:47 BingoBoingo .bait
21:47 ozbot
21:49 KRS-One she looks fun
21:49 mircea_popescu she looks cold.
21:55 mircea_popescu ;;ticker
21:55 gribble Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 580.21, Best ask: 583.5, Bid-ask spread: 3.29000, Last trade: 580.2, 24 hour volume: 34030.08209270, 24 hour low: 575.13, 24 hour high: 660.0, 24 hour vwap: 623.550568937
21:58 BingoBoingo ;;asks 10000
21:58 gribble There are currently 29342.931 bitcoins offered at or under 10000.0 USD, worth 33898938.0649 USD in total. | Data vintage: 87.7646 seconds
21:58 BingoBoingo .bait
21:58 ozbot
21:59 jcpham goxfail is funny
22:03 ThickAsThieves wow you guys really overanalyzed this ATC mm thing
22:03 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.55999999 BTC [+]
22:03 ThickAsThieves herb, you did it wrong
22:03 ThickAsThieves di it righter next time
22:03 ThickAsThieves do*
22:04 herbijudlestoids lol thx for the tips ThickAsThieves
22:05 ThickAsThieves as soon as i saw your orders i knew you'd fail
22:05 herbijudlestoids iv come up with a new strategy to keep hitting the bids with tiny increments and keep the last price down, somebody doesnt like it and has been thickening the book for me
22:05 ThickAsThieves though the book looks better now
22:05 herbijudlestoids yea they have to keep the book thicker to stop the tiny offers hitting their bids
22:06 herbijudlestoids otherwise i can keep the price low indefinitely
22:07 ThickAsThieves 500 is low? sweet
22:08 the20year1 375, dang
22:08 BingoBoingo Doge just had its first halving, Altcoin need to work on its Moon.
22:09 the20year1 There is now nearly a $200 gap between gox and coinbase
22:10 ThickAsThieves it's not a gap it's a conversion rate
22:10 ThickAsThieves goxcash and $ are not the same
22:11 the20year1 I understand
22:11 the20year1 however at one time the $ over coinbase price was quite high
22:11 taub still spooky watching gox die like this
22:12 herbijudlestoids
22:12 ozbot Silk Road 2 Hacked, Over 4,000 Bitcoin Allegedly Stolen | TechCrunch
22:12 the20year1 What's this reference wallet stuff>
22:12 ThickAsThieves maybe Silk Road 3 will be the charm!
22:13 ThickAsThieves ;;ticker
22:13 gribble Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 555.73, Best ask: 556.01, Bid-ask spread: 0.28000, Last trade: 556.0, 24 hour volume: 36665.57017113, 24 hour low: 555.0, 24 hour high: 660.0, 24 hour vwap: 621.045881481
22:13 ThickAsThieves cheap coins
22:13 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12794 @ 0.00087083 = 11.1414 BTC [+] {2}
22:13 ThickAsThieves wow
22:13 ThickAsThieves gox is at 360
22:14 ThickAsThieves 308
22:14 ThickAsThieves wow
22:14 Vexual do they still have any magic cards to trade?
22:14 ThickAsThieves that was weird
22:14 ThickAsThieves the book just disappeared and reappeared
22:14 ThickAsThieves bids were filling at 305
22:15 ThickAsThieves then like 3000btc of bids reappeared
22:15 ThickAsThieves wtf
22:15 herbijudlestoids bids filled at 302
22:15 ThickAsThieves how do they many orders just appear?
22:15 ThickAsThieves that*
22:16 ThickAsThieves something fishy
22:16 ThickAsThieves or maybe the feed was outta whack
22:17 ThickAsThieves now the bid is $20 over the ask
22:19 ThickAsThieves this is it boys
22:19 ThickAsThieves gox is gasping for air
22:20 mike_c it is in freefall
22:20 ThickAsThieves these guys are just shorting on losses to eachother
22:20 ThickAsThieves it's gonna break 200 i bet
22:20 twizt below 100
22:20 twizt lol
22:20 the20year1 312
22:20 twizt imo
22:22 herbijudlestoids ThickAsThieves: what do you mean shorting
22:22 asciilifeform
22:22 herbijudlestoids i thought gox was a long only market
22:22 mircea_popescu ThickAsThieves> it's not a gap it's a conversion rate << more like a convulsion rate.
22:22 mircea_popescu herbijudlestoids i thought they were 5k btc yest.
22:22 benkay also lulzy
22:22 benkay
22:23 herbijudlestoids mircea_popescu: you thought what was 5000BTC yesterday?
22:23 ThickAsThieves i mean people are panicking, thinking they are actually selling at a loss so they can buy cheaper
22:23 ThickAsThieves but no one is left
22:23 ThickAsThieves they are just pushing it to 0
22:23 herbijudlestoids ah right
22:23 herbijudlestoids well if they have halted bitcoin withdrawals then...
22:24 ThickAsThieves or,
22:24 ThickAsThieves gox knows theyve been had
22:24 MisterE if they have halted withdrawals its over
22:24 ThickAsThieves and is fractional big time
22:24 herbijudlestoids MisterE: from my understanding only bitcoin withdrawals have been halted
22:25 assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 500 @ 0.0028036 = 1.4018 BTC [-] {8}
22:25 herbijudlestoids ThickAsThieves: i get the feeling it wasnt fractional until the US Gov took several millions of their monies :P
22:25 ThickAsThieves i dont envy the goxer right now?
22:25 MisterE I still cant find any difinitive news about it
22:25 ThickAsThieves which currency to fall back on?
22:25 ThickAsThieves goxcash or goxcoins?
22:25 MisterE yea I never wanted to trade at Gox ever
22:25 ThickAsThieves herb it's been fractional since they decided to have a God account
22:26 MisterE not after their harsh verification crap
22:26 assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 1500 @ 0.00279702 = 4.1955 BTC [-] {5}
22:26 herbijudlestoids MisterE: isnt that weird that you can never seem to find information? lol .... " As you are aware, the MtGox team has been working hard to address an issue with the way that bitcoin withdrawals are processed. By "bitcoin withdrawal" we are referring to transactions from a MtGox bitcoin wallet to an external bitcoin address. Bitcoin transactions to any MtGox bitcoin
22:27 mircea_popescu <ThickAsThieves> this is it boys << you have any idea how many different times in its history gox showed crossed wire ?
22:28 MisterE wow Gox at $340 now
22:28 MisterE btc-e and huboi ftw!
22:28 mircea_popescu herbijudlestoids as far as i recall the original reports of the sr 2.0 failure placed the loss at 5k btc
22:29 mircea_popescu which was a gross overstatement even then
22:29 herbijudlestoids mircea_popescu: ah right in reference to SR2. thx
22:29 ThickAsThieves mp, cant you just let me be dramatic!
22:29 mircea_popescu a ok
22:29 MisterE Japan is always lying about their stuff that goes wrong
22:29 mircea_popescu MisterE the guy is a french citizen
22:29 MisterE it's the asian face saving thing
22:29 herbijudlestoids MisterE: is btc-e really that trustworthy?
22:29 mircea_popescu who apparently grew up in a romanian orphanage (?!)
22:29 mircea_popescu herbijudlestoids no.
22:29 herbijudlestoids thought so
22:30 herbijudlestoids so, ftl :P
22:30 ThickAsThieves oh i forgot to check how reddit is doing
22:30 assbot [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 1226 @ 0.000257 = 0.3151 BTC [+]
22:30 MisterE whats wrong with btc-e?
22:30 ThickAsThieves reddit is asleep i guess
22:30 mircea_popescu they were involved in at least one case of pumping a premined coin
22:30 mircea_popescu back before this had become standard reddit practice
22:30 MisterE oh? which?
22:30 MisterE ahh
22:30 mircea_popescu what was it even called, puresomething
22:31 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20450 @ 0.00087259 = 17.8445 BTC [+] {2}
22:31 MisterE theres almost 100 altcoins now
22:31 ThickAsThieves novacoin
22:31 ThickAsThieves was btc-e's scamcoin
22:31 MisterE I think that counts the ones that have failed too
22:31 mircea_popescu and otherwise, sort-of dubious russian folk. not necessarily untrustworthy, just not particularly trustworthy for any reasons.
22:31 MisterE huh, interesting
22:31 mircea_popescu MisterE no coin ever fails. much like the us dollar, a coin has no actual obligations
22:31 MisterE yea thats the only thing that worried me was the Russian angle
22:31 mircea_popescu and so can never fail.
22:31 MisterE well people drop it
22:32 MisterE like Coinye
22:32 mircea_popescu sure
22:32 MisterE hashrate falls, etc.
22:32 ThickAsThieves coins are zen
22:32 MisterE LTC is dying a slow death
22:32 the20year1 russian angle?
22:32 ThickAsThieves it is man who holds discontent
22:32 cazalla MisterE: it'll be on gox any moment!
22:32 MisterE yea it's Russian owned
22:32 MisterE or started in Russia or someting
22:32 MisterE lol cazalla
22:32 ThickAsThieves just got another message, "what are your long-term plans for Altcoin?"
22:33 benkay MisterE: better to assume everything's a scam but Bitcoin.
22:33 MisterE that is their only hope is to take on altcoins
22:34 mircea_popescu either that or to take cock.
22:34 herbijudlestoids kakobrekla: still there?
22:35 MisterE haha
22:35 MisterE cock pays
22:35 MisterE always has, always will
22:36 ThickAsThieves ;;market sell 5000 --mtgox
22:36 gribble (market sell [--usd] [--market <market>] <value>) -- Calculate the effect on the market depth of a market sell order of <value> bitcoins. If <market> is provided, uses that exchange. Default is mtgox. If '--usd' option is given, <value> denotes the size of the order in USD.
22:36 ThickAsThieves ;;market sell 5000
22:36 gribble A market order to sell 5000 bitcoins right now would net 1616577.0448 USD and would take the last price down to 291.3229 USD, resulting in an average price of 323.3154 USD/BTC. | Data vintage: 0.1923 seconds
22:36 mircea_popescu ;;market sell 5000 --market mtgox
22:36 gribble (market sell [--usd] [--market <market>] <value>) -- Calculate the effect on the market depth of a market sell order of <value> bitcoins. If <market> is provided, uses that exchange. Default is mtgox. If '--usd' option is given, <value> denotes the size of the order in USD.
22:36 mircea_popescu took it out huh.
22:36 ThickAsThieves gox is default still
22:37 mike_c ATC is fifth highest volume on openex
22:38 mircea_popescu << cold water. it doesn't shrink only cocks. boobs too.
22:38 mircea_popescu ThickAsThieves no it's not
22:38 herbijudlestoids mircea_popescu: lelll youre like an artist and your theme is "one naked lady amongst many clothed people"
22:38 herbijudlestoids always.
22:39 mircea_popescu herbijudlestoids aka "the human condition"
22:39 herbijudlestoids too cryptic for the retarded
22:39 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19221 @ 0.00086838 = 16.6911 BTC [-] {2}
22:39 mircea_popescu the human condition is a major theme in artwork across the centuries.
22:40 ThickAsThieves <mircea_popescu> ThickAsThieves no it's not <<< it is for the market command it seems
22:40 mircea_popescu omg what sloppy banishment is this
22:40 mircea_popescu ;;market sell 5000 --market bitstamp
22:40 gribble (market sell [--usd] [--market <market>] <value>) -- Calculate the effect on the market depth of a market sell order of <value> bitcoins. If <market> is provided, uses that exchange. Default is mtgox. If '--usd' option is given, <value> denotes the size of the order in USD.
22:40 ThickAsThieves dat syntax
22:40 mircea_popescu ;;market sell 5000 --usd --market bitstamp
22:40 gribble (market sell [--usd] [--market <market>] <value>) -- Calculate the effect on the market depth of a market sell order of <value> bitcoins. If <market> is provided, uses that exchange. Default is mtgox. If '--usd' option is given, <value> denotes the size of the order in USD.
22:41 mike_c ;;market sell --market bitstamp 5000
22:41 gribble A market order to sell 5000 bitcoins right now would net 2665619.2280 USD and would take the last price down to 500.0000 USD, resulting in an average price of 533.1238 USD/BTC. | Data vintage: 0.0463 seconds
22:41 taub marketmaking in these chinese exchanges is too tough
22:41 mircea_popescu o wait hah
22:41 taub or not worth it
22:41 BingoBoingo ;;market sell 25000
22:41 taub too much competition
22:41 gribble A market order to sell 25000 bitcoins right now would net 5136084.7808 USD and would take the last price down to 100.0000 USD, resulting in an average price of 205.4434 USD/BTC. | Data vintage: 0.0754 seconds
22:41 taub don't lose money, but don't make any either
22:41 taub just swapping btc back and forth for 0% fee
22:41 mircea_popescu ;;market sell --market mtgox 25000
22:41 gribble A market order to sell 25000 bitcoins right now would net 5136084.7808 USD and would take the last price down to 100.0000 USD, resulting in an average price of 205.4434 USD/BTC. | Data vintage: 27.7914 seconds
22:41 mircea_popescu it is the default.
22:42 taub yea
22:42 mircea_popescu bs.
22:42 mircea_popescu
22:43 ThickAsThieves lol
22:44 herbijudlestoids valentines day in aus already.
22:45 herbijudlestoids gotta say, funniest vday on facebook iv ever seen, people are making good jokes
22:45 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 100 @ 0.00531947 = 0.5319 BTC [-] {3}
22:45 ThickAsThieves does it involve Australian kisses?
22:45 herbijudlestoids are Australian kisses something people overseas think we do but actually dont? :P
22:46 B007 ;;market sell 100000
22:46 gribble A market order to sell 100000 bitcoins right now would net 7106160.6930 USD and would take the last price down to 2.6954 USD, resulting in an average price of 71.0616 USD/BTC. | Data vintage: 0.1413 seconds
22:46 assbot [HAVELOCK] [SFI] 213 @ 0.00083555 = 0.178 BTC [+]
22:46 ThickAsThieves they are kisses "down under"
22:46 herbijudlestoids ahha ThickAsThieves, this is one of the posts "Fuck roses, lick 'er cunt."
22:46 B007 ;;market sell 10000000
22:46 gribble A market order to sell 10000000 bitcoins right now would net 7228836.5211 USD and would take the last price down to 0.0001 USD, resulting in an average price of 0.7229 USD/BTC. | Data vintage: 34.2271 seconds
22:46 ThickAsThieves lol
22:47 mircea_popescu wasn't it "in the bush" ?
22:47 KRS-One .bait
22:47 ozbot
22:47 herbijudlestoids also lots of people are saying happy Vladintines day, with pictures of putin being seductive, fucken hilarious
22:47 benkay does namecoin work?
22:48 ThickAsThieves supposedly they have a new browser plugin for it
22:48 ThickAsThieves some PR about it today
22:48 benkay as in does what ams said on tin?
22:48 B007 ;;market sell 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
22:48 gribble This order would exceed the size of the order book. You would sell 0 bitcoins, for a total of 7229404.4576 USD and take the price to 0. | Data vintage: 123.7412 seconds
22:48 mircea_popescu it sort-of works
22:48 herbijudlestoids benkay: i thought there was an issue that broke it, but apparently its been fixed, so i assume so
22:48 KRS-One ;;market buy .bait
22:48 gribble Error: '.bait' is not a valid non-negative floating point number.
22:48 B007 ;;market sell 10
22:48 gribble A market order to sell 10 bitcoins right now would net 3909.1550 USD and would take the last price down to 387.0100 USD, resulting in an average price of 390.9155 USD/BTC. | Data vintage: 158.0034 seconds
22:49 herbijudlestoids B007: having fun there?
22:49 B007 wait where can i buy for 390
22:49 herbijudlestoids ...
22:49 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 6 @ 0.071625 = 0.4298 BTC [+] {3}
22:49 KRS-One mtgox ...go
22:49 benkay ;;market sell KRS-One
22:49 gribble Error: 'KRS-One' is not a valid non-negative floating point number.
22:49 KRS-One cant afford meh
22:50 ThickAsThieves ;;market sell 1 kilo
22:50 gribble (market sell [--usd] [--market <market>] <value>) -- Calculate the effect on the market depth of a market sell order of <value> bitcoins. If <market> is provided, uses that exchange. Default is mtgox. If '--usd' option is given, <value> denotes the size of the order in USD.
22:50 Namworld Oh fuckin bullshit
22:50 mircea_popescu ThickAsThieves take you about three weeks.
22:50 ThickAsThieves ;;market sell --silkroad 1 kilo
22:50 gribble (market sell [--usd] [--market <market>] <value>) -- Calculate the effect on the market depth of a market sell order of <value> bitcoins. If <market> is provided, uses that exchange. Default is mtgox. If '--usd' option is given, <value> denotes the size of the order in USD.
22:50 ThickAsThieves oh wait
22:50 Namworld Yet again I can't do stuff not related to driving because they only take driver's license as a form of ID.
22:50 ThickAsThieves ;;market sell --silkroad 2 1 kilo
22:50 gribble (market sell [--usd] [--market <market>] <value>) -- Calculate the effect on the market depth of a market sell order of <value> bitcoins. If <market> is provided, uses that exchange. Default is mtgox. If '--usd' option is given, <value> denotes the size of the order in USD.
22:50 ThickAsThieves ok ill stop
22:50 Namworld Seriously...
22:51 B007 wait coinbase you can sell for 600
22:51 mircea_popescu good idea.
22:51 B007 are mtgox buys not going though?
22:51 mircea_popescu Namworld clearly you're a terrorist, because everyone drives
22:51 mircea_popescu only the terrorists fly.
22:52 Namworld Yes. Obviously. Planning to take over the world with my flying fortress that rains doom.
22:52 ThickAsThieves Canada doesnt have an ID card that works just like license?
22:52 mircea_popescu canada has something that works ?!
22:53 B007 canada is like mini usa
22:53 Namworld No. Not in French Canada.
22:53 Namworld And it's a canadian business. Photo ID or Driver's license - No passport or provincial health card.
22:54 benkay a coupla chainsaws mebbe
22:54 B007 ;;market buy 10000
22:54 gribble A market order to buy 10000 bitcoins right now would take 6752680.8043 USD and would take the last price up to 949.2028 USD, resulting in an average price of 675.2681 USD/BTC. | Data vintage: 56.0308 seconds
22:54 Namworld I only have passport and health card available here.
22:54 benkay a bicycle?
22:55 moiety morning, muffins are atually in the process of being made finally! [kiwi/apple]
22:56 herbijudlestoids moiety: how much do kiwis cost in scotland!
22:56 B007 I have a $50,000.00 USD sell limit; anybody wanna sell?
22:56 moiety kiwis are so underrated
22:57 herbijudlestoids moiety: we get em cheap here cos just across the pond from NZ
22:57 moiety just using jam herbi, its the bestthing to use for muffins
22:57 herbijudlestoids ah true
22:57 moiety i love the NZ accent, i wonder if they all sound so cheeky
22:57 ThickAsThieves kiwis are so so
22:57 moiety i wonder if my muffins will turn out green, hope so
22:57 moiety might make them blue, i have dye
22:58 ThickAsThieves they will turn out acidic
22:58 bloctoc B007 that's a question for bitcoin-otc this forum is exclusively for smart-ass commentary
22:58 benkay
22:58 benkay polizei in america
22:59 B007 scary
22:59 Duffer1 r/Bad_cop_no_donut
23:00 B007 ;;market buy 100000
23:00 gribble This order would exceed the size of the order book. You would buy 31159.02 bitcoins, for a total of 594758785.7867 USD and take the price to 1000000000.0000. | Data vintage: 202.6239 seconds
23:02 herbijudlestoids B007: just for the record, you know you can talk to gribble in /query right? :)
23:04 B007 yeah I should probably do that
23:05 moiety ye of little faith ThickAsThieves
23:05 assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 1175 @ 0.0027757 = 3.2614 BTC [-] {8}
23:06 herbijudlestoids benkay: yo that article is fucked right up.
23:08 assbot [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 12000 @ 0.00025694 = 3.0833 BTC [+] {7}
23:09 benkay nah, right in line with predictions.
23:09 assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 140 @ 0.00275 = 0.385 BTC [-] {3}
23:10 Namworld Can someone explain to me why CasinoBitcoin trades at 400 MONTHS of profits now? Keeps raising.
23:11 herbijudlestoids benkay: true enough
23:11 benkay did you hear about the kid who got sent away for more than just one night for getting sarcastic on the internet?
23:11 benkay
23:11 ozbot The Facebook Comment That Ruined a Life - - News - Dallas - Dallas Observer
23:11 Duffer1 Namworld probably gambling on possible buyout price
23:11 assbot [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 1946 @ 0.00025749 = 0.5011 BTC [+] {3}
23:13 herbijudlestoids benkay: yea heard plenty of those stories
23:13 herbijudlestoids holllyyyyy shitballs! YESSSSS
23:13 herbijudlestoids i just got word
23:13 Duffer1 oh Namworld they acquired bit777 and peerbet
23:13 herbijudlestoids my company landed the big customer we have been courting :)
23:13 herbijudlestoids let the cash flowwwww
23:13 Duffer1 announced yesterday
23:15 moiety i remember that benkay, ridiculous
23:16 mircea_popescu herbijudlestoids wd.
23:16 mircea_popescu Duffer1 how much does one pay for one of the casinos ?
23:16 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14063 @ 0.00087096 = 12.2483 BTC [+] {2}
23:17 benkay congrats herbi, we just fired a client.
23:17 benkay let me know if you need ops support ;)
23:17 Duffer1 "Terms of the deal have not been disclosed. "
23:17 mircea_popescu derp.
23:17 Duffer1
23:17 herbijudlestoids mircea_popescu: we got a buyout offer from a large company, now we can tell them to f off or value us at 10-20 times more
23:17 Duffer1 Updates tab has the announce
23:17 herbijudlestoids this huge
23:17 benkay us-pacific tz
23:18 mircea_popescu lol ultraplay actually owned those shits ?!
23:18 mircea_popescu this must be a misnomer.
23:19 mircea_popescu " (CBTC) was the first Bitcoin-only gaming establishment to offer unique, provably-fair games along with a full Sportsbook. Operating successfully since May 2013"
23:19 mircea_popescu derp.
23:19 mircea_popescu how retarded do you have to be to claim first=anything in 2013 ?!
23:19 the20year1 i'm the first rentalstarter on bitcoin in 2013
23:19 mircea_popescu "trong financials Bit777/Peerbet"
23:20 Duffer1 i'm shocked kenilworth still hasn't been listed, it's been a month
23:20 mircea_popescu i wonder what the strong financials those'd be. undisclosed as is customary ?
23:20 mircea_popescu the20year1 you may well be, actually.
23:20 the20year1 I don't know why Duffer1. They said they were listing at HL, and it took me from Jan 9th to Feb 7th to get listed.
23:20 the20year1 And that's with 10 days of them having lost our paperwork
23:20 Duffer1 cbtc financials: we took in the pooper but since we were so overvalued to begin with we used the remainder to buy the competition
23:21 mircea_popescu ahahaha check out this nonsense
23:21 ozbot – Bitcoin Gambling Market Analysis | | Bitcoin Gaming
23:21 Duffer1 took it*
23:21 benkay how much of your ipo have you sold, the20year1?
23:23 mike_c !t h rent
23:23 assbot [HAVELOCK:RENT] 1D: 0.00550000 / 0.0055 / 0.00550000 (1183 shares, 6.50650000 BTC), 7D: 0.00550000 / 0.0055 / 0.00550000 (30188 shares, 166.03400000 BTC), 30D: 0.00550000 / 0.0055 / 0.00550000 (30188 shares, 166.03400000 BTC)
23:23 the20year1 48346 out of 78534
23:23 mike_c assbot is lagged? he says 30188
23:24 assbot [HAVELOCK] [DEALCO] 50 @ 0.00491499 = 0.2457 BTC [-] {5}
23:24 the20year1 So what, 39% or so of the first round has been sold
23:24 mircea_popescu !jd
23:24 assbot Just-Dice stat: 14272 BTC profit, 41.5k BTC invested, 630.69 mio bets, 5.00 mio BTC wagered
23:24 the20year1 I'm not sure how the calculate it, since we had shares from bitfunder that migrated
23:25 assbot [HAVELOCK] [DEALCO] 32 @ 0.0049143 = 0.1573 BTC [-] {2}
23:25 mike_c some guy just dropped 1k btc on jd. it was a ride.
23:25 moiety o.o
23:26 moiety \o/ muffins turned out :D
23:26 ThickAsThieves <Duffer1> i'm shocked kenilworth still hasn't been listed, it's been a month <<< they probly cant afford the listing fees
23:26 benkay who's responsible for keeping track of that?
23:26 ThickAsThieves plus theyre a scam anyway
23:26 Vexual i'm shocked asic hasn't told em off yet
23:26 benkay hl?
23:26 Duffer1 i know lol that's why i'm surprised havelock hasn't fallen all over itself to list them
23:26 moiety my muffins are not a scam, how dare you
23:27 ThickAsThieves i believe!
23:27 benkay it's kinda crazy there's nowhere you can point and be like "look: notional float adds up simply"
23:27 Duffer1 maybe kenilworth too greedy to share the spoils of their scam with havelock
23:28 ThickAsThieves no kenilworth just didnt fool enough people to get any volume
23:28 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15738 @ 0.00087297 = 13.7388 BTC [+]
23:28 Vexual but they got a new landcruiser
23:28 benkay el oh el everything's a scam
23:28 benkay i'm going for a slice of pizza
23:28 ThickAsThieves is that what the call kangaroos now?
23:28 Duffer1 i'm pretty sure they got thousands
23:29 assbot [HAVELOCK] [SFI] 1075 @ 0.00083462 = 0.8972 BTC [-] {5}
23:29 ThickAsThieves cuz they got em from you?
23:29 Duffer1 they didn't get a satoshi from me
23:29 moiety kangaroos are scary
23:30 assbot [HAVELOCK] [SFI] 272 @ 0.00083402 = 0.2269 BTC [-] {2}
23:31 Vexual landcruiser is rock where kangaroo is scissors
23:31 the20year1 i imagine they're like all sorts of real world IPOs, milk the capital till it's dry, move on
23:31 Vexual ?
23:31 mircea_popescu what, moiety's muffin is a scam ?!
23:31 moiety FUD mircea_popescu!!
23:32 mircea_popescu "fuck you doo" ?
23:32 Vexual dont ill bust another gut
23:32 mircea_popescu the20year1 like facebook, groupon, twitter etc ?
23:33 mircea_popescu !t h cbtc
23:33 assbot [HAVELOCK:CBTC] 1D: 0.00012000 / 0.00020914 / 0.00025998 (246707 shares, 51.59604926 BTC), 7D: 0.00002001 / 0.00015478 / 0.00025998 (1080713 shares, 167.27789495 BTC), 30D: 0.00002001 / 0.00012483 / 0.00025998 (2308771 shares, 288.19321627 BTC)
23:33 mircea_popescu ;;calc 3000000 * 0.00012483
23:33 gribble 374.49
23:33 ThickAsThieves facebook will let you choose special genders now
23:34 Vexual so will aussie passports
23:34 moiety no, the muffins are not a lie!
23:34 mircea_popescu derp. the largest casino IN THE WORLD is worth less than pocket change
23:34 moiety special genders?
23:34 mircea_popescu yet it "Acquires" things and whatnot
23:34 Vexual other
23:34 asciilifeform
23:34 ozbot NNSA Reaches B61-12 Life Extension Program Milestone: First Full-System Mechanical Environment Test
23:34 moiety retarded bi?
23:34 Vexual necessity
23:34 asciilifeform (but no pop! disappointment.)
23:34 ThickAsThieves Havelock says CBTC market is 2034btc
23:35 mircea_popescu wait! t\hey trade at a deep discount!
23:35 ThickAsThieves it also says AM1 is 10899btc
23:35 ThickAsThieves which is pretty funny
23:36 ThickAsThieves cuz it'd be way higher, yet could never ever survive slippage
23:36 herbijudlestoids 302 looks like its holding the lows on gox
23:36 herbijudlestoids light activity ~400ish
23:37 Vexual who cares about magic the gathering, whats atc doing?
23:37 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 100 @ 0.00547192 = 0.5472 BTC [+] {4}
23:37 ThickAsThieves i managed some coinbase buys at 550
23:37 herbijudlestoids Vexual: currently im frustrating all of BingoBoingos attempts to get the price to read 700 :P
23:37 Vexual you need some collateral mate?
23:37 mircea_popescu omg aussie conspiraci
23:38 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20750 @ 0.00086822 = 18.0156 BTC [-] {4}
23:38 herbijudlestoids nah plenty of ATC on hand, he can easily stop my efforts by continuing to fatten out the book
23:38 ThickAsThieves aboriginal espionage
23:38 herbijudlestoids actually looks quite nice now
23:38 mircea_popescu herbijudlestoids does that clarify the point, incidentally ?
23:38 the20year1 mircea_popescu: sort of. All these little tech startups suck their funding dry and then move on to 'the next big thing' and screw over some other institutional investor
23:38 herbijudlestoids mircea_popescu?
23:38 moiety how is ATC doing ThickAsThieves should i have a wallet by now?
23:39 ThickAsThieves you dont need a wallet til you buy some
23:39 the20year1 For a few years my brother worked for one such tech startup, their stupidity was amazing
23:39 assbot AMAZING COMPANY!
23:39 ThickAsThieves so far ATC has seen lows of like 150sat to highs of 700
23:39 herbijudlestoids moiety: get a wallet and i will send you one freshly mined ATC no strings attached!
23:40 herbijudlestoids well..its 120 blocks old...
23:40 the20year1 Spent several million dollars on a rock band for pc where you used your keyboard. First week sales were a couple hundred dollars
23:40 mircea_popescu ThickAsThieves it had lows of like 125 fo sho
23:40 ThickAsThieves word
23:40 mircea_popescu the20year you mean like guitar hero ?
23:40 ThickAsThieves i'd value it at about 1750sat
23:40 herbijudlestoids lows were 110 yall.
23:40 the20year1 yeah mircea_popescu that too
23:40 mircea_popescu ThickAsThieves get out of here, 10x doge ?
23:41 mircea_popescu or is it 100x doge by now
23:41 ThickAsThieves well doge has more coins
23:41 Vexual how many more?
23:41 ThickAsThieves tons
23:41 herbijudlestoids only a few satoshis above doge
23:41 ThickAsThieves cant compare just by mkt price
23:41 herbijudlestoids can so :P
23:42 ThickAsThieves probly how everyone else does...
23:42 mircea_popescu srsly, why can't i
23:42 Vexual noone knows, they moved the cap
23:42 moiety that's really kind herbi, but it's ok, i could try and mine one myself... OH I got my vanity! but its all mixed case D:
23:42 ThickAsThieves total supply of doge is listed at 50trilliom
23:42 mircea_popescu actually atc book looks deeper than doge book
23:42 ThickAsThieves n
23:43 ThickAsThieves total supply of ATC is like 268m
23:43 herbijudlestoids mircea_popescu: i think bingo has been thickening it up while we argued earlier, cos i kept pinging his bids hehe
23:43 herbijudlestoids looks good now i admit
23:43 ThickAsThieves i'm in there too ;)
23:43 herbijudlestoids yey
23:45 herbijudlestoids ThickAsThieves: regardless of the total supply, if i can go to market and get more satoshis per dogecoin (and i can, the liquidity is way better) then....
23:45 ThickAsThieves lol these coins i bought on coinbase like an hour ago are +$70
23:46 mircea_popescu
23:46 mircea_popescu derp. "i wasn't here so nothing happened"
23:46 ozbot Is mcxNow trustful?
23:46 mircea_popescu pankkake
23:47 ThickAsThieves lol
23:48 herbijudlestoids Vexual:
23:48 ThickAsThieves seems to have died
23:49 ThickAsThieves Scrat ^
23:49 ThickAsThieves meh scrat aint here and dont care probly
23:49 mircea_popescu what was bitfetch ?
23:49 ThickAsThieves torrent dl condom
23:50 herbijudlestoids ok so another idea i had
23:50 herbijudlestoids was AWS S3 style storage
23:50 herbijudlestoids but billed in bitcoin
23:50 herbijudlestoids crazy? stupid? useful?
23:50 ThickAsThieves billed?
23:51 herbijudlestoids ThickAsThieves: cloud storage is billed usually by the GB/month
23:51 herbijudlestoids like 10c/GB/month
23:51 herbijudlestoids so instead of 10c its 10c equiv of bitcoin
23:51 ThickAsThieves so billed in fiat, but payable in btc
23:52 mircea_popescu herbijudlestoids just kind-of old.
23:52 mircea_popescu nobody has yet done a splendid job of bitcoin-based hosting, and there'd definitely be demand.
23:52 herbijudlestoids web hosting you mean?
23:52 mircea_popescu aws w/e
23:53 herbijudlestoids right
23:54 mod6 can you withdraw atc @ openex? or just btc?
23:54 mircea_popescu you'll likely move from offering just storage to offering processing too anyway
23:54 Bunnyh how come some of my Altcoin block rewards are only 50 ATC ? i've mined a couple hundred blocks and most are 512, but three blocks are only 50
23:54 herbijudlestoids mod6: yea anything they trade is withdrawable
23:54 mod6 cool, thx her
23:54 mircea_popescu Bunnyh nopw that sounds like a bug
23:54 mircea_popescu can you identify such a block ?
23:54 mod6 herb*
23:55 Bunnyh txids: 600b598d44a39d0d6c98a02462ce453296ce0733b8febd039a1173f205519d7f 64c330b169c013de2da3137b11a9bf110f91118b9c00af7f4a4ce4921f674c9c f50ed30a51ad8b40660fb96c43f3b44dffb57652e4c3ee208fa768f5fcff4684
23:55 Bunnyh
23:56 mircea_popescu weird.
23:56 Vexual shit
23:57 herbijudlestoids mod6: withdrawals seem to require manual admin approval while theyre still in beta so keep that in mind
23:57 herbijudlestoids i seen lots of people complaining in the chat cos they thought theyre automatic
23:58 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 1 @ 0.19376446 BTC [+]
23:58 herbijudlestoids Bunnyh: that is kind of weird yeah.
23:58 herbijudlestoids Bunnyh: got debug.log from your altcoind?
23:59 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 139 @ 0.50462769 = 70.1432 BTC [-] {43}
23:59 ThickAsThieves maybe we discover how to hack bitcoin to have smaller block rewards
23:59 Bunnyh yes i think so, unless it has already rotated enough so that those blocks aren't visible
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