Show Idle (>14 d.) Chans

← 2016-10-13 | 2016-10-15 →
07:14 thestringpuller trinque: dunno if this is reasonable: but for !!wot could we possibly also get !!signedwot ? That is deedbot returns a signed wot-sexp timestamped from some point? doesn't have to update in real time, maybe once a week? ty for your time.
07:15 thestringpuller mod6: what's jeezy's numba one rule ? ;)
~ 1 hours 19 minutes ~
08:34 mircea_popescu these "social sciences" idiots. so don't you know, online polls are "unscientific" because they're "opt-in", ie they reflect the views of people who wish their views reflected. meanwhile their "scientific" polls are what, they call people up, ask them some questions, and if those people hang up they ??? get a court order ? get the schmuck sentenced to jail without a definite term, us style, "the key is in your pocket mr!" ?
~ 21 minutes ~
08:56 mircea_popescu and in other webforum lulz,
08:56 mircea_popescu "we allow trivial enumeration of users! just like facebook! and reddit! whoooo!"
~ 33 minutes ~
09:29 PeterL pete_dushenski
~ 47 minutes ~
10:17 mircea_popescu the terms of art are giant douche and turd sandwich pete_dushenski
10:17 mircea_popescu oops i mean PeterL
10:18 thestringpuller interestingly the masses want to bring that same choice to bitcoin. luckily its kinda immune to the stupidity.
10:18 thestringpuller maybe people just want to choose between a turd sandwich and giant douche.
10:21 mircea_popescu i dunno about that.
10:21 shinohai choose thy master for next 4 years
10:22 thestringpuller or any debate really. BingoBoingo made a really good blog post about it in relation to sports fanatics.
10:32 mod6 <+thestringpuller> mod6: what's jeezy's numba one rule ? ;) << don't get caught
10:38 PeterL mircea_popescu in this case it is fun to go with the anatomical descriptions to complement Johnson
10:46 mircea_popescu lol
~ 33 minutes ~
11:19 trinque thestringpuller: I would rather change !!wot to encrypt to the key making the request.
11:20 mircea_popescu not like it's not public ?
11:20 trinque isn't that, but rather, he wants to know he got the wot dump I sent
11:20 trinque really this is a problem of the wire, not the bot
11:21 mircea_popescu but he doesn't get to know that.
11:21 trinque yeah, as I think about it, seems like not a thing.
11:22 mircea_popescu did i miss this discussion in the log ?
11:22 trinque
11:22 a111 Logged on 2016-10-14 11:14 thestringpuller: trinque: dunno if this is reasonable: but for !!wot could we possibly also get !!signedwot ? That is deedbot returns a signed wot-sexp timestamped from some point? doesn't have to update in real time, maybe once a week? ty for your time.
11:23 mircea_popescu if you're gonna sign it might as well dump it in the deeds. but it seems rather excessive.
11:24 thestringpuller never thought i'd hear that from mircea_popescu
11:24 mircea_popescu !#s excessive from:mirc
11:24 a111 34 results for "excessive from:mirc",
11:25 mircea_popescu anyway. jus wait for gossipd, it'll solve this.
11:25 trinque ^^^
~ 15 minutes ~
11:40 thestringpuller :D
~ 30 minutes ~
12:10 kmalkki apu2 (with AMD PSP) does respond properly to JTAG IDCODE
12:11 kmalkki but there is off-by-one error in the bitstream in shift DR stage for HDT commands
12:12 asciilifeform kmalkki: iirc in evil mode, it jtags (for pin testing) but won't halt
~ 27 minutes ~
12:40 Framedragger couldn't find anything after (very) cursory glance at logs, so, random question #667: has anyone considered crawling tor hidden services for their rsa (1024 bit iirc!) keys, and dumping them into phuctor? apologies if there was already a discussion with regards to this.
12:41 Framedragger as of now this is more-or-less trivially doable. later, tor will move to a new hidden service model where it'll be more difficult to crawl for things. (right now, you can run a node which after a while (if stable enough, etc.) becomes a hidden service directory, and then (if you're sneaky enough) you can log all hidden service key requests, therefore obtaining a large bunch of fingerprints -> public keys.)
12:42 mircea_popescu iirc was briefly discussed, nobody gave much of a shit about tor
12:42 asciilifeform Framedragger: iirc this was suggested but nobody did
12:42 Framedragger keyword for future log searches: hsdir
12:42 mircea_popescu i think you might be the only fan here.
12:42 Framedragger such fan!11
12:43 Framedragger well it'd amount to public service for current HS operators; perhaps indeed too much effort. but many lulz, and educational. ok, gotcha. not committing to anything, will ping asciilifeform if i obtain anything. :)
12:44 mircea_popescu there was (perhaps more usbstantially interesting) an effort to get the historical databases with silk road junk as maintained by some pothead sifted, both for rsa keys and whatever else
12:44 mircea_popescu but this also went nowhere.
12:44 Framedragger also for future logs: (i know i know, noone cares)
12:45 Framedragger mircea_popescu: oh, yea. maybe it was this gwern dude. (his summary of studies on melatonin *was* helpful for me, so there's that...)
12:45 Framedragger gotcha.
12:45 mircea_popescu yeah, pretty sure it was
12:45 mircea_popescu !#s gwern
12:45 a111 34 results for "gwern",
12:45 Framedragger (gwern is this eclectic fella who collects all kinds of trash on his site. interestingly, sometimes it piques one's curiosity. )
12:45 Framedragger aha, okay
12:45 asciilifeform at one point i was interested in tor, and ran several nodes, but strictly from the point of view of malware collection.
12:47 Framedragger asciilifeform: right, cool. i guess if one runs a node they may as well collect some additional info.. i may still have a 'respected' node private key laying about, may be possible to collect those HSDir requests. (but i agree that it may not be very productive effort)
12:54 mircea_popescu iirc even at the peak of the whole "anyone could have sent me fake ids with my picture on them because there exists this thing online called silkroad i'm not related to" pothead mania, less than hjalf the idiots used encryption at all, and a tiny fraction of traffic was actually encrypted coming from relatively few keys. as in hundreds rather than hudreds of thousands.
12:54 mircea_popescu who knows, possibly shitter than average though.
12:57 mircea_popescu speaking of tor & the rest of the retard community, ""Mariana's Web" does not exist. For anyone trying to be the "Jacques Cousteau of the Dark Web": There is no "going deeper". There are no "levels". Please stop asking how to get there."
12:57 mircea_popescu via, of course,
13:07 mircea_popescu ahahaha man. THE DEEP WEB! such a comedy goldmine.
13:09 Framedragger "I had to be quick and stelth" probably apt description of deep web security
13:09 Framedragger iirc there *was* a buncha keys on silk road v1. but, not ruling out key re-use / sybil identities.
13:09 mircea_popescu << if anyone has an email hacker.
13:10 mircea_popescu Framedragger i vaguely recall some data about how 1/3 of all encrypted comms on sr historically was from/to usg and its merry band of thieves under another name.
13:11 Framedragger hahaha. well, fair enough, can't see why that couldn't have been the case. but if so, even more hilarious!
13:11 mircea_popescu this guy is epic.
13:11 mircea_popescu
13:12 asciilifeform chesterton was there first, in 'man who was thursday'
13:12 * Framedragger learns of "red rooms"
13:13 mircea_popescu asciilifeform that story was so fucking retarded...
13:14 mircea_popescu what, the central council of anarchism and the conveniently-involved uninvolved poet ?
13:14 asciilifeform no moar retarded than life
13:14 mircea_popescu i guess ; at least for any definition of life that permits the continued existence of the reddit scum.
13:15 asciilifeform 'the scum you will always have with you' or how did it go.
13:15 mircea_popescu in other news, "i am vampyr and you can't be vladimir because it's too close to vampyr"
13:15 thestringpuller ^^^^^^^^^
13:15 thestringpuller YES
13:16 thestringpuller "Burn burn burn down hot topic. Don't let it steal your soul...../ Burnin' down. / Hot topic." - In depeche mode mode
13:16 mircea_popescu check out who had his sp history current :p
13:17 thestringpuller That was my favorite SP episode for about 3-4 years.
13:19 thestringpuller something about the kindergoth's hardcore attitude that is inspiring...
13:20 mircea_popescu poor kids.
13:26 mircea_popescu first they can't have halloween candy ; then they can't fight, or climb trees ; or be home alone ; or touch ; or etcetera. by now it's ... pretty much endless re-dos of carmen winstead.
~ 15 minutes ~
13:41 pete_dushenski PeterL:
13:42 mircea_popescu in the unlikely case anyone gives a shit.
13:43 pete_dushenski yumm, replica watches
13:45 pete_dushenski << lol
13:45 a111 Logged on 2016-10-14 16:57 mircea_popescu: speaking of tor & the rest of the retard community, ""Mariana's Web" does not exist. For anyone trying to be the "Jacques Cousteau of the Dark Web": There is no "going deeper". There are no "levels". Please stop asking how to get there."
13:46 trinque pete_dushenski: people have been making Gary Johnson dick jokes for a while now
13:46 trinque #feelthejohnson
13:46 pete_dushenski aha. much like the bern.
13:47 pete_dushenski berning johnson anyone ? get that shit checked out.
13:48 BingoBoingo <mircea_popescu> in other news, "i am vampyr and you can't be vladimir because it's too close to vampyr"<< LOL
13:48 mircea_popescu for srs
13:49 mircea_popescu names dude. the only reality allowed the lost.
13:49 pete_dushenski !#s lael brainard
13:49 a111 0 results for "lael brainard",
13:51 pete_dushenski "Lael Brainard, the Federal Reserve governor overseeing new technology, says the decentralized method of record-keeping introduced by Bitcoin has the potential to transform multiple aspects of the financial system." << mkay glhf with that 'blockchain' bizniz
13:51 pete_dushenski << cancerous looking ol hag
13:53 pete_dushenski << in other murders, an entire article on how 'latin america could cut its murder rate by 50 percent' and yet somehow neglects to mention 'be more argentine' anywhere.
13:54 pete_dushenski << sounds deadly delectable
13:54 a111 Logged on 2016-10-13 01:27 mircea_popescu: in other kickass smoothie news : seven almonds, a dab of purely dark chocolate and two cloves go in the coffee grinder ; then a banana, fresh brewed coffee, milk, ice and the ground dusts + some vanilla go in the blender.
13:57 pete_dushenski << wasn't this milo guy in the ben shapiro camp of mainstream alt-right ?
13:57 a111 Logged on 2016-10-12 04:17 mats: "Milo: Why Islamic Preachers Prey On Gingers ... MILO explained why gingers are more likely to become Islamic extremists — because they’re ugly and unloved."
13:58 * pete_dushenski had a cat named milo, probably the best of the 7 or 8 he ever had.
13:58 pete_dushenski << vive la fleur de lis!
13:58 a111 Logged on 2016-10-12 12:10 asciilifeform: << quebec !
14:00 pete_dushenski << same as market in sexual assault, verbal abuse, chauvenism, and the rest of the made-up excuses for firing capable dudes in a power grab and replacing them with hags like lael.
14:00 a111 Logged on 2016-10-12 19:46 mircea_popescu: much to everyone's couldn't have predicted, there's no genuine MARKET in child porn etc.
14:02 mircea_popescu how do these relate ?
14:03 mircea_popescu there's an obvious incentive for someone to fuck his coworkers : they're there ; i have nfi what "verbal abuse" is, but in principle putting people in their place through means other than hitting them in the head is cheaper, so there's evidently a market ; chauvinism is like revolution or progress, anything to anyone and therefore uninteresting.
14:07 pete_dushenski maybe they don't relate except as loosely applied tags or labels for individuals disliked by socialists. not knowing or caring what the words actually mean, libtards just conjure up accusations like 'child pornographer' or 'verbal abuser' when being dismissive.
14:09 mircea_popescu anyway. there's evidently stuff like say peter scully's being produced. the notion that some sort of market drives this however is ridoinculous.
14:09 pete_dushenski !#s peter scully
14:09 a111 1 result for "peter scully",
14:10 pete_dushenski so not the scully from xfiles cuz that was a chick.
14:10 mircea_popescu some dude, tall old total nut face, butchered an infant in a very sexual manner on tape, apparently tortured a bunch of others. had ran off from au to the philipines for some legal reason.
14:11 pete_dushenski aha
14:13 pete_dushenski anyways, looks like a hot chocolate kind of day today. the snow started lightly last week but is coming down in earnest today. prolly 10cm on the way.
14:13 pete_dushenski too bad there's not more logs to keep me warm. quieter around here without turbo-alf.
14:13 mircea_popescu evidently teh enlightened policies of the centralised socialist state, from misrepresenting it as a market to whatever the fuck they do work splendidly : the worst on record dates from last year.
14:13 mircea_popescu such success etc.
14:17 asciilifeform pete_dushenski: believe or not, i am doing something useful
14:18 mircea_popescu #somethinguseful
14:18 pete_dushenski in other success, looks like there's increasing traction for the theory that the terracotta warriors were directly inspired by the greeks and may have even been overseen by greek sculptors, predating marco polo by a millennia in terms of contact between east and west.
14:19 mircea_popescu i thought teh anabasis was the first foray.
14:20 pete_dushenski asciilifeform: while useful conversations happen in channel, i have little doubt that shiva would be more productive if he weren't reading and reposting yarvin, bbc, el reg, or whatever 'sekoority' bloggers. it's really not hard for anyone to imagine.
14:21 pete_dushenski mircea_popescu: xenophon, rite. /me is actually working on this tome atm.
14:21 mircea_popescu pete_dushenski tu quoque.
14:22 pete_dushenski in degrees!
14:30 * pete_dushenski wonders what planet he is living on where he is as useful to republic as alf
14:35 asciilifeform pete_dushenski: << have a cheer-up
14:40 pete_dushenski lol i have a badass life all things considered and need no cheering up, though i appreciate the thought. but i can be no more lenin nor laika than alf. i'm boyar, not barbarossa.
14:41 pete_dushenski pleasant tune tho
14:41 asciilifeform mega-classic
14:42 asciilifeform pete_dushenski: << the original words, without the englishism.
14:42 * asciilifeform back to wurk
14:44 pete_dushenski cheers
~ 23 minutes ~
15:07 deedbot << » Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski - The incremental degrees of observance on Yom Kippur.
15:14 trinque what the hell is this "no brushing teeth" ?
15:14 mats plaque is sacred
15:28 ben_vulpes my node cracked 4gb res yesterday
15:28 ben_vulpes > 4137
15:28 pete_dushenski still over 70 connex ?
15:28 ben_vulpes down to 47, actually
15:29 pete_dushenski huh. mine's up to 73
15:29 ben_vulpes what
15:29 ben_vulpes dat
~ 34 minutes ~
16:04 asciilifeform phf, ben_vulpes , et al : can any of you describe to me how /dev/random works on crapple's os ?
16:06 asciilifeform and incidentally, this goes for everybody, i'm collecting dd if=/dev/random of=shitball.bin bs=1 count=8388608 && dieharder -a -g 201 -f shitball.bin && ent shitball.bin outputs from anyone who can be bothered
16:06 asciilifeform as many types of box as can be had
16:06 shinohai >.>
~ 20 minutes ~
16:27 ben_vulpes asciilifeform: not offhand, no
~ 15 minutes ~
16:42 asciilifeform ben_vulpes: it is suspiciously fast
16:42 asciilifeform about same speed as /dev/urandom on my gentoo boxen, even.
~ 23 minutes ~
17:06 thestringpuller suspiciously fast?
17:06 thestringpuller like libsecp256k1 or whatever crap those power rangers created
17:18 mod6 asciilifeform: what's the diff between -g 201 and '-g 200' mentioned in lastnight's link?
17:18 mod6 also, if you want, i can try to run the above command on this apple macbook pro i have access to; if you like.
17:19 mod6 version 3.31.1 ok?
17:21 mod6 running...
17:24 mircea_popescu Framedragger btw ever got around to fixing that thing which makes scriba go dysfunctional ?
17:27 Framedragger mircea_popescu: no. i know it's still there, and i know it's been a long time. it's in my plan. maybe even this weekend, if i can make time. i'll ping you. apologies for rapid slow-down of productivity with regards to #trilema :)
17:28 asciilifeform mod6: 200 reads from stdin
17:29 Framedragger oh and << thanks trinque! i'll maybe ping you. need to find time to sit down. behind on afk-stuff, but getting back on track (or so i hope)
17:29 a111 Logged on 2016-10-03 18:34 trinque: Framedragger: I can help you fix that python error; ping me when available.
17:30 Framedragger such anagram adlai
17:30 asciilifeform << BingoBoingo -- qntra ?
17:31 mircea_popescu aite.
17:31 mircea_popescu Framedragger only asked because earlier you were talking about doing more stuff lol
17:33 BingoBoingo asciilifeform: Y not, I'll get started
17:33 Framedragger mircea_popescu: no fair enough, i mean that's the plan! and i wouldnt do that before doing this other more important stuff first. :)
17:38 mircea_popescu in other flavour news, /me household proceeded to turn a dozen hard boiled eggs + five unboiled eggs into deviled eggs. the final production was evaluated at a shade under 3000 calories, of which i ingurgitated half in one sitting. i feel very pleasantly full ; and may turn into a boa.
17:39 Framedragger sounds..energetically efficient? dat protein. also cholesterol? :)
17:39 mircea_popescu im sure.
17:40 mircea_popescu but i'm cutting it with cognac now, so should be ok.
17:40 mircea_popescu if not, there's always paint thinner.
17:45 mod6 lol
17:45 mod6 asciilifeform: still running; on rgb_lagged_sum test #19
17:48 shinohai preeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet
17:49 deedbot << Qntra - Brit Faces Extradition For Trading On US Markets
17:50 deedbot << Trilema - MP's Definitive Dark / Deep / Etc Web FAQ
17:53 mircea_popescu in other revolutionary ideas the world's not ready for :
17:55 shinohai O.o
17:55 shinohai how many bitcoin would it take to get danielpbarron to send the night in one
17:55 mircea_popescu why him specifically ?
17:56 shinohai he has faith power :D
17:56 mircea_popescu lol
17:56 shinohai it's like snake handling, but with bees!
17:56 mircea_popescu lol
17:57 * shinohai buys adspace on this page for epi-pens, profits
18:06 mod6 lol, "this isn't fucking tanning."
18:10 mircea_popescu :p
18:12 pete_dushenski o hey former alberta premier from two terms ago can 'has accident' in style of total ceo. a memorable departure for an otherwise forgettable figure.
18:14 pete_dushenski king of siam also took a final bow today
18:17 mod6 asciilifeform:
18:17 asciilifeform ty mod6
18:17 mod6 check out the last line of the test. "command not found: ent", however, i copied the command exactly from your original:
18:18 mod6 (20:06) <+asciilifeform> and incidentally, this goes for everybody, i'm collecting dd if=/dev/random of=shitball.bin bs=1 count=8388608 && dieharder -a -g 201 -f shitball.bin && ent shitball.bin outputs from anyone who can be bothered
18:18 asciilifeform mod6: you might not have the proggy
18:18 asciilifeform get it via macports or build from src
18:18 mod6 yah, i just noticed -- and installed it via brew
18:18 mod6 i'll re-run the thing.
18:19 mod6 give it another hour figure, sorry :/
18:19 shinohai !~date
18:19 jhvh1 12th of Tishrei, 5777
18:19 mod6 the future sucks.
18:19 pete_dushenski lol!
18:19 pete_dushenski shinohai: well played
18:19 shinohai ^.^
18:19 pete_dushenski what's old is new
18:20 ben_vulpes doesn't count from bitcoinday?
18:20 ben_vulpes scam
~ 26 minutes ~
18:47 shinohai <<< step 1, tell ur enemy "we r gonna hack u"
18:47 pete_dushenski sounds like verbal abuse to me
18:53 BingoBoingo OMG shinohai I was writing the qntra!!!
18:53 shinohai sorry >.>
19:05 deedbot << Qntra - "Covert" CIA Plan Makes Evening News
19:08 pete_dushenski bbl. to dinner and dieharder fiddling.
19:18 mod6 ok here we go
19:19 mod6
19:19 mod6 asciilifeform: ^
~ 2 hours 8 minutes ~
21:28 asciilifeform ty mod6
~ 1 hours 8 minutes ~
22:36 mircea_popescu oo we have alt calendar ?
22:36 mircea_popescu !~date
22:36 jhvh1 12th of Tishrei, 5777
22:36 mircea_popescu win.
22:37 asciilifeform talmudic system
22:37 asciilifeform tishrei - 1st mo.
22:39 mircea_popescu ah right you are. i was for some reason thinking of the byzantine style
22:39 mircea_popescu but that's more like 7.7k
22:40 shinohai do we need a byzantine calender?
22:41 mircea_popescu well... not exactly need. but apparently we have fun subverting the socialist superstate notions of political time.
22:41 shinohai its a tome free for all! stamp in the babel of choice
22:41 shinohai !!u th3nolo
22:42 shinohai !!up th3nolo
22:42 deedbot th3nolo voiced for 30 minutes.
22:42 th3nolo hehe recover access to my account
22:45 mircea_popescu fun fact : 1492 (expulsion of jews from spain and discovery of america) was year 7000 ; drove a buncha people wild.
22:46 mircea_popescu shinohai did you get an ygood stuff from those slamms then ?
22:46 mircea_popescu smalls lol
22:46 shinohai grass
22:47 shinohai stones such as being purveyed by hanbot
22:47 shinohai nests
22:47 th3nolo few years later.. they come to Venezuela.. name because they think Venezuela looks like Venecia but small venecia
22:47 shinohai other items to numerous to list
22:47 th3nolo hehe
22:48 shinohai El Relámpago del Catatumbo lo mando!
22:54 danielpbarron << enough to cover whatever expenses it takes to get one to me; i don't mind bees.
22:54 a111 Logged on 2016-10-14 21:55 shinohai: how many bitcoin would it take to get danielpbarron to send the night in one
22:55 shinohai mpex. powered by bees (tm)
22:56 th3nolo shinohai el Relampago del Catatumbo is one of the best thing of this country!
22:57 shinohai Relampago por presidente
22:58 th3nolo JAJAJ
22:58 th3nolo rt+
23:03 danielpbarron in other pay a christian to sleep with dangerous things news,
23:03 mircea_popescu danielpbarron it's prolly be more practical to go to them ; bees don't move so well.
23:04 mircea_popescu lol they even got a tall young chick to go towel-naked in their thing ? someone's seriously dedicated to these stilted coffins.
23:05 shinohai so your god has power to protect hot girls from bees
23:05 shinohai impressive
23:05 mircea_popescu shinohai hey, a micropenis is a micropenis, whether flying or just buzzed.
23:07 mircea_popescu in other early christian obscura : the 6th bishop of antioch (teofil, dead by 200) wrote a book "To Autolickus".
23:07 shinohai !~google "To Autolickus"
23:07 jhvh1 shinohai: CHURCH FATHERS: To Autolycus , Book I (Theophilus of Antioch): <>; CHURCH FATHERS: To Autolycus , Book II (Theophilus of Antioch): <>; CHURCH FATHERS: To Autolycus (Theophilus of Antioch): <>
23:07 mircea_popescu ehehehe
23:08 mircea_popescu overheard in my room : "ehm... that must've been a happy man..."
23:13 pete_dushenski ben_vulpes, phf, asciilifeform etc : casting call for man who can host and sign xcode 4.2 plzthx
23:14 mircea_popescu ugh what ?
23:19 mats i have five boxes of varying models i can test, but will need to wait til sunday evening
23:20 pete_dushenski mats: all good. looks like the apple 'developer' page hosts all the old ones after all. surprising but true.
23:20 thestringpuller Didn't realize how easy it is to connect to IRC via sockets. Far simpler than HTTP by a long shot...
23:20 thestringpuller God I hate you HTTP, but not as much as SOAP
23:21 pete_dushenski mircea_popescu: it's a mac thing needed to run alf's dieharder tests.
23:22 jhvh1 you have no idea @ thestringpuller
23:22 mircea_popescu it's an ide irrc.
23:24 pete_dushenski seems like brew requires xcode, which is required by git, which is required by dieharder
23:24 thestringpuller you can get build essentials on mac without xcode
23:24 thestringpuller altho xcode is "easiest" way to get "gcc"
23:25 thestringpuller but if you get build essentials without xcode you can compile git
23:26 pete_dushenski aha
23:31 BingoBoingo !~google degrowth
23:31 jhvh1 BingoBoingo: Degrowth - Wikipedia: <>; Degrowth - Wikipedia: <>; Life in a ' degrowth ' economy, and why you might actually enjoy it: <>
~ 17 minutes ~
23:49 mircea_popescu BingoBoingo lol at usg online redo of tikrit offensive. lemme guess, they got a bunch of merceniaries
23:51 BingoBoingo Who knows anymoar
23:51 mats on the subject of iraq, seems the attack on mosul is imminent
23:51 BingoBoingo Maybe they got balloons?
23:52 mats nao taking bets for how many hours it'll take for iraqi forces to abandon arms and flee
23:53 ben_vulpes pete_dushenski: i don't archive xcodes
23:54 ben_vulpes in the sense of not deleting old ones
23:55 pete_dushenski turns out there was no need anyways. aapl mysteriously hosts them. quite despite expectations to the contrary.
23:55 ben_vulpes macs belong to apple, customer just gets to depreciate them while running xcode or chrome
23:55 mircea_popescu mats 8 to 12.
23:56 ben_vulpes pete_dushenski: yeah, surprising
23:56 ben_vulpes "gotta catch 'em all"
23:56 mircea_popescu (guess based on the observation that much as was the case in medieval warfare (among people disinclined to fight, such as italians), the arabs arrived at a courtier's agreement as to what constitutes "sufficient honorable defense".)
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