Show Idle (>14 d.) Chans

← 2015-05-18 | 2015-05-20 →
00:03 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33700 @ 0.00025401 = 8.5601 BTC [+]
~ 18 minutes ~
00:21 mats
00:22 mats "The average class of 2015 borrower will graduate college with just over $35,000 in debt, according to an analysis by Edvisors, ...[that] makes the class of 2015 the most indebted class in history, graduating with a whopping $56 billion in student loan debt."
~ 15 minutes ~
00:37 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 86364 @ 0.00025372 = 21.9123 BTC [-] {2}
00:50 deedbot- [Trilema] The Fetlife Meatlist - Volume XII -
00:54 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18650 @ 0.00027024 = 5.04 BTC [+]
00:59 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20108 @ 0.00027624 = 5.5546 BTC [+]
01:01 asciilifeform <mats> fun fact: there is a Turing-complete printer control VM in the winders kernel << the contents of winblows kernel are - imho - approximately as interesting as buruli ulcer. and for the same reason.
01:01 asciilifeform (not i did not say, 'uninteresting.')
01:01 asciilifeform trinque> praise to the guy still using the DOS point of sale << saw this alive in b-a
01:03 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23500 @ 0.00027881 = 6.552 BTC [+]
01:04 mats windows could just rasterize PostScript and run the VM in user mode
01:07 mats wasn't reasonably quick in early 90s but now...
01:13 mats dear god EMET is a shitshow
~ 20 minutes ~
01:33 trinque asciilifeform: I tend to think if it survived that long something's right about it
01:47 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 93592 @ 0.00027419 = 25.662 BTC [-] {2}
01:54 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 67700 @ 0.00027881 = 18.8754 BTC [+]
02:00 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 98800 @ 0.00028103 = 27.7658 BTC [+] {3}
02:05 BingoBoingo ;;ticker --market buttchina
02:05 gribble BTCChina BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 233.827048, Best ask: 233.831884, Bid-ask spread: 0.00484, Last trade: 233.82866, 24 hour volume: 17755.83700000, 24 hour low: 232.935612, 24 hour high: 236.89952, 24 hour vwap: 235.370633812
02:05 BingoBoingo ;;ticker --market itbutt
02:05 gribble Error: This is not one of the supported markets. Please choose one of ['bcent', 'okc', 'btcn', 'coinbase', 'cbx', 'btce', 'bfx', 'btcavg', 'btcde', 'krk', 'bitmynt', 'btsp'] or 'all'
02:05 BingoBoingo ^ nanotube can gribble get itbutt ticker pls?
02:09 mircea_popescu trinque hey, you gonna make deedbot announce bitbet bets too ?
02:11 mircea_popescu << imo dos is actually better than unix.
02:11 assbot Logged on 19-05-2015 05:33:47; trinque: asciilifeform: I tend to think if it survived that long something's right about it
02:13 trinque mircea_popescu: bitbets sure, it's RSS?
02:13 mircea_popescu json iirc
02:13 mircea_popescu it was new props, and bets > 1 btc iirc.
02:15 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16000 @ 0.00028176 = 4.5082 BTC [+] {2}
02:17 mircea_popescu << for the record, corruption is the only thing that's actually good, just, sane and humane in that discussion.
02:17 assbot Logged on 19-05-2015 00:56:48; justJanne: mike_c: kinda. But corruption makes discussion always useless.
02:17 mircea_popescu all the shoulding and oughting and wanting is outright criminal.
02:17 trinque is that like, paying people to do things?
02:17 mircea_popescu ikr?
02:17 trinque fucking evil
02:18 mircea_popescu me persuading people to betray uncle sam = corruption!111 ; congress coming up with fatca to FORCE people into betraying their own customers = rule of law
02:18 mircea_popescu go fig.
02:20 trinque they're incredibly obedient, which is probably fine under sane circumstances
02:20 mircea_popescu corruption is commerce that dares work against one's ideological goals. the mere fact that this could happen invalidates that one's thinking, and the fact it happens i npractice, and not even exceptionally but to the degree it can no longe be ignored even by the wilfully ignorant ...
02:20 mircea_popescu basically if corruption is a problem you're hitler.
02:22 mircea_popescu << yes, it is. so is germany. the situation here is that a leper and a phtysic point at each other.
02:22 assbot Logged on 19-05-2015 00:59:33; justJanne: Because the US is a reference point as worst case civilized country.
02:22 mircea_popescu yes, yes, the one with tb will die first and the one with leprosy stinks worst. big whoop.
02:24 mircea_popescu and on which, incidentally,
02:25 mircea_popescu "Doubtless the danger of infection is exaggerated to-day in its sociological dangerous manner."
02:25 mircea_popescu century ago, same problems.
02:28 mircea_popescu << yes. and it only works for as long as there's free herring in the scania straight, or for as long as kennedy is ein berliner and airlifts food for free, or for as long as the north sea oil lasts, or for as long as insane luck rolls keep going. otherwise, fuckall, german peasants were the most unfortunate wretches throughout the intermediate period between first
02:28 assbot Logged on 19-05-2015 00:58:49; justJanne: And the personal freedom in the Nordic model is larger than in the US.
02:28 mircea_popescu and second example.
02:29 mircea_popescu i get it, you got how to throw a great party down, once someone prepares the cupboards. very impressed.
02:30 mircea_popescu << epic.
02:30 assbot Logged on 19-05-2015 01:04:12; justJanne: Your employer has to send that money to the govt.
02:30 mircea_popescu "youy have to fuck this drake on cam. go ahead."
02:31 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 108648 @ 0.000286 = 31.0733 BTC [+] {2}
02:32 mircea_popescu << no. and neither will slovakia. unless it's a good deal for them, making it a cheap way to acquire publicity rights for your case for instance.
02:32 assbot Logged on 19-05-2015 01:07:21; jurov: will The Most Serene Republic cover your medical expenses in case of accident?
02:32 mircea_popescu << then you suck and should be dead in the first place.
02:32 assbot Logged on 19-05-2015 01:09:19; justJanne: And what if you can't afford it at that point?
02:33 mircea_popescu there's no rule that "everyone must has", be it equal chances or whatever else. there's also no rule that everyone's just as good as everyone else.
02:33 mircea_popescu not everything has to be preserved. some shit dies, thanks fucking god.
02:34 mircea_popescu << this is true. famine is what made eastern european girls such hotties the past 2-3 decades. it's fading, of course.
02:34 assbot Logged on 19-05-2015 01:12:44; justJanne: With less than 47% of the people owning cars, and everyone using bikes, public transport, and walking, the amount of overweight people reduces drastically.
02:36 mircea_popescu << i'm with him. i love walking.
02:36 assbot Logged on 19-05-2015 01:15:12; BingoBoingo: I dunno anything beats walking.
02:37 mircea_popescu << why would anyone sane live in a rookery.
02:37 assbot Logged on 19-05-2015 01:15:30; justJanne: If you have small narrow streets, distances between 10 and 15 km, and a huge amount of people on tiny space,
02:38 BingoBoingo The natural order of things is you walk around town and drive (car, horse, rocket) between towns.
02:38 mircea_popescu yeh
02:38 BingoBoingo A bicycle is just dead wait that's going to get stolen as soon as you have to go inside a building
02:39 mircea_popescu "on this point, there can be no debate!"
02:41 BingoBoingo And if one can't walk with leisure to all places of import in the town, the town sucks
02:41 trinque driving alone on a road being a close second
02:42 trinque I used to get a lot of thinking done driving between the major cities in TX; past a certain hour there's nobody out there
02:42 BingoBoingo driving alone on a road in the middle of nowhere during the day, just might take first place
02:43 mircea_popescu << sounds exactly like the chinese palace of pu yi
02:43 assbot Logged on 19-05-2015 02:00:50; mats: this occurred under the management of three supply dudes, each of them who successively transferred to another unit before shit hit the fan, and to my knowledge nobody's been locked up yet
02:43 trinque try making angry plans for your life on your fucking bicycle
02:43 trinque impossible
02:43 mircea_popescu trinque or while having secx.
02:44 trinque lol, I give that a 50/50 on working out
02:45 trinque could be like "and then we're going to own half this city" and so on, with thrusts
02:45 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 54500 @ 0.00028775 = 15.6824 BTC [+] {3}
02:46 mircea_popescu >D
02:46 mircea_popescu so try it sometime
02:48 mircea_popescu << well, what they say they're doing and what they're actually doing in training exercises is famously divorced.
02:48 assbot Logged on 19-05-2015 02:45:32; decimation: he might have been bullshitting
02:48 mircea_popescu "This room has vx gas in it!11" "no, not really, act as if it did."
02:49 mircea_popescu << nukes, smaller.
02:49 assbot Logged on 19-05-2015 02:49:42; mats: chemical weapons are only useful for propaganda
02:49 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31900 @ 0.00028823 = 9.1945 BTC [+] {2}
02:51 mircea_popescu << obv, as displayed in chat. the most amusing part being the implicit expectation one'd care. which apparently only exists because it was never challenged.
02:51 assbot Logged on 19-05-2015 03:06:37; decimation: I suspect one cannot be against 'basic income' and 'insurance for all' without being a nazi in modern germany
02:52 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 176448 @ 0.00028307 = 49.9471 BTC [-] {3}
02:57 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 93600 @ 0.00026658 = 24.9519 BTC [-]
03:05 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 45252 @ 0.00026658 = 12.0633 BTC [-]
03:20 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 84600 @ 0.00028762 = 24.3327 BTC [+] {2}
03:25 ben_vulpes kakobrekla: does have some weird filtering?
03:25 ben_vulpes pnohe does not want to resolve dns even apparently
03:26 ben_vulpes raptop, howeverz...
03:36 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6750 @ 0.00028227 = 1.9053 BTC [-]
03:39 justJanne BingoBingo: the issue is that you can't walk around in larger towns anymore, and that's where bikes become useful. And no, people don't steal it. Hell, I've left my laptop hundreds of times on random park benches in heavily frequented parks, never stolen. In my neighborhood most people don't even lock their doors.
03:42 ben_vulpes <justJanne> danielpbarron: unless you lose it all, and have no money and are starving << people who should starve should starve
03:42 justJanne And that's where you are wrong.
03:43 ben_vulpes justJanne: there are simply too many people on this planet
03:43 justJanne Nope.
03:43 justJanne Currently the food production of the world could support 10 billion people.
03:44 justJanne But about 40% of the produced food is wasted.
03:44 ben_vulpes were it all dispersed evenly across everyone, rather than proportionately to their ability to pay.
03:44 trinque "at this rate of emptying the tank we could support infinite trucks"
03:44 justJanne Not really.
03:44 ben_vulpes suuuure, if all the food were spread really thinly across the whole population base, we could all live on gruel!
03:44 justJanne No.
03:45 williamdunne Waste is a fact, there is no real way around it
03:45 ben_vulpes this contradiction routine wears thin, justJanne.
03:45 williamdunne We could have more people if people wanted to fuck ugly chicks
03:45 williamdunne But they don't
03:45 justJanne I am saying: just the food you let go to waste would be enough to feed the starving people in Africa.
03:45 trinque justJanne: bringing things places costs money
03:46 ben_vulpes i literally give zero shits about starving people in africa.
03:46 justJanne And that's the issue what's wrong with this world.
03:46 justJanne Or rather, how to get wars.
03:46 ben_vulpes show me how to save my wot from impending doom, and i'll give a shit.
03:46 ben_vulpes but saving randos on another continent? idgaf.
03:46 williamdunne Africa might actually stand a chance of doing something if it weren't for various restrictions placed by EU, USG and co
03:46 justJanne True.
03:47 williamdunne Feeding them is useless
03:47 trinque justJanne: does europe now think it is "beyond" war?
03:47 ben_vulpes "war is interested in you"
03:47 trinque ^
03:47 justJanne War might be interested in Europe, as an entity
03:47 justJanne But the wars inside of EU are history.
03:48 justJanne For the first time in the past 3000 years we have no wars between EU countries.
03:48 ben_vulpes bwahaha
03:48 trinque fascinating...
03:48 ben_vulpes for this brief period
03:48 trinque does germany own the EU politically now?
03:48 justJanne Nah.
03:48 trinque justJanne: you're german right?
03:48 justJanne The EU council has actually no say.
03:48 trinque whoever has money has say
03:48 justJanne The power is in the commission and the parliament
03:49 ben_vulpes heh, cute
03:49 ben_vulpes not those who buy the votes. no never that.
03:49 justJanne You can't pass a law without either bribing half of them,
03:49 justJanne Or changing the constitution first.
03:50 ben_vulpes in what world are all of the politicians in any situation not wholly owned by capital?
03:50 ben_vulpes this Janne babe's doing a number on the chan, smack in the middle of the keymageddon.
03:51 williamdunne A magic world without capital
03:51 justJanne The EU commissioners, albeit getting lobbied to by many companies to pass TTIP just leaked all secret treaties they are working on.
03:51 williamdunne TTIP seems like an interesting idea, IMO
03:51 justJanne They might be corrupt, but they aren't that corrupt.
03:51 williamdunne Keep governments liable for damages
03:51 williamdunne Do it
03:51 justJanne Lol
03:51 ben_vulpes !rate justJanne -1 some girl with notions
03:51 assbot Request successful, get your OTP:
03:51 justJanne We've seen what happened before.
03:51 justJanne Romania reduced subsidies,
03:52 justJanne And had to pay 250 million in damages.
03:52 justJanne Per suing company.
03:52 justJanne Subsidies can't be what you want, right?
03:52 * williamdunne admittedly only read about the "er mer gerd evul cerperatshuns rapin guv"
03:52 ben_vulpes !v assbot:ben_vulpes.rate.justJanne.-1:27e8f6ad997dec923ad3c861be03ff72636087cdaac99dd9e535179a33aa1675
03:52 assbot Successfully added a rating of -1 for justJanne with note: some girl with notions
03:52 williamdunne Don't want subsidies
03:52 williamdunne Don't want taxes
03:52 williamdunne Don't want gov
03:53 justJanne Then you should be against TTIP
03:53 justJanne Because it forces governments to keep subsidies, or increase them.
03:53 justJanne It also leads to restrictions for some companies.
03:53 justJanne And adds European IP law in the US, and US IP law in Europe.
03:54 justJanne So no, you can't produce cheese and call it Gouda or Cheddar in the US anymore.
03:54 justJanne Ad that's copyrighted.
03:54 justJanne *as
03:54 justJanne TTIP is bad for almost everyone.
03:54 williamdunne Don't want IP
03:54 williamdunne I just like the idea of suing government, wasn't aware that you could sue for removed subsidies
03:55 justJanne Then you don't want TTIP
03:55 justJanne You should read the treaty.
03:55 williamdunne I should, I'll do that later
03:55 williamdunne Although in this case I like subsidies, I change my mind
03:55 trinque what I do want is other people signing contracts on my behalf.
03:55 trinque dictating terms to me
03:55 trinque this is freedom
03:55 justJanne Nah.
03:55 trinque yes.
03:55 williamdunne ^ +1, trinque you want my GPG key?
03:55 trinque you're too young to have ever had anything
03:56 justJanne Freedom is when you'd get to vote on it.
03:56 williamdunne Wut?
03:56 trinque williamdunne: for what
03:56 williamdunne trinque: Signing contracts on my behalf
03:56 ben_vulpes i'm looking forward to ttip draining medicaid for hilaribad training proggys
03:56 trinque williamdunne: oh, I do not
03:56 justJanne Without even the ability to vote on this, TTIP is unconstitutional.
03:56 williamdunne Voting ain't freedom
03:56 justJanne Nah.
03:56 justJanne But without voting there is 0 freedom.
03:57 ben_vulpes kakobrekla: how long do i have to wait for assbot to accept and act on my raitings?
03:57 williamdunne Voting arguably reduces freedom
03:57 justJanne Voting makes it 50% freedom, as at least 50% of the people gets their choice.
03:57 ben_vulpes ratings*
03:57 justJanne Without voting, there is 0 freedom
03:57 trinque justJanne: 435/320mil are going to rubber stamp this thing and make me ok with it?
03:57 williamdunne In that case with voting there is -1 freedom
03:57 williamdunne It gives the idea of legitimacy to bad things
03:57 justJanne Why?
03:57 williamdunne If that is freedom, so is gangrape
03:58 justJanne Not everything is bad, just because you don't like it.
03:58 williamdunne Subjectively it is
03:58 ben_vulpes but the average of opinions is good, because it includes everyone!1
03:58 cazalla russians need to send more reds to rape german women tbh, fuck this shit
03:58 justJanne But objectively not.
03:58 williamdunne Objectively speaking stealing from people is bad
03:58 williamdunne The fact that there is an organization doing it on your behalf makes it no better
03:58 justJanne There is no stealing.
03:59 williamdunne Regardless if you've got your popular mandate
03:59 williamdunne *of if
03:59 justJanne You do it voluntarily.
03:59 ben_vulpes <williamdunne> Objectively speaking stealing from people is bad << nope, stealing from my enemies is grand.
03:59 trinque justJanne: there is allowing the state to control the definition of money and of ownership.
03:59 trinque the fucking end
03:59 justJanne You could just move to Somalia.
03:59 justJanne No taxes anymore.
03:59 justJanne See?
03:59 justJanne No stealing.
03:59 williamdunne Thats not how this works
03:59 justJanne It's your choice to live in a place with taxes.
03:59 williamdunne No it isn't, I was born here
03:59 justJanne We had that earlier.
04:00 ben_vulpes lol and this is a 19yo girl
04:00 justJanne And you said people deserve to be punished for the actions for their ancestors.
04:00 williamdunne When did I say this?
04:00 justJanne In this case, you deserve to be taxed because your parents were to stupid to move away
04:00 trinque heh
04:00 ben_vulpes and you deserve to be raped for supporting socialism then?
04:00 williamdunne [citation needed]
04:00 justJanne I think trinque was the one saying it?
04:01 cazalla justJanne, hope you get raped by a gang of marauding muslims over there
04:01 trinque I'll take it
04:01 williamdunne Trinque's statements aren't my own, this isn't a government
04:01 trinque yep
04:01 justJanne So, williamdunne, you say people don't deserve to be punished for the actions of their ancestors?
04:02 williamdunne Yes
04:02 justJanne So everyone should, after birth, have the same chances?
04:02 ben_vulpes <justJanne> mats: DS9-Star Trek is pretty much real. << aha she thinks scifi's real
04:02 williamdunne No
04:02 justJanne Why not?
04:02 williamdunne Something can be without being enacted
04:02 williamdunne The difference is the initiation
04:02 justJanne Why should they be punished for their parents poorness?
04:02 trinque justJanne: you use should to leap across things you don't want to have to think about.
04:02 ben_vulpes <justJanne> Why not? << needs some context
04:02 trinque this is nothing bad, just being young and not knowing anything
04:02 mircea_popescu !up referredbyloper
04:02 williamdunne They aren't being punished, they simply are
04:03 justJanne Punishment through inaction is still punishment.
04:03 williamdunne No, it isn't
04:03 trinque you know, if socialists are happy in socialism, why isn't that fine?
04:03 trinque I say sit in it
04:03 williamdunne Because they enforce it on others, if they want to create a commune go for it
04:03 ben_vulpes rot in your poo!
04:03 justJanne I don't know. I have no issues with you guys building a state of anarchy,
04:03 trinque anarchy lol
04:03 justJanne As long as this place can stay the way it is.
04:04 williamdunne You don't really get a choice in what happens
04:04 ben_vulpes and how would you know how this place is, justJanne
04:04 mircea_popescu <justJanne> Currently the food production of the world could support 10 billion people. << that's not the point. sure, food could be produced to feed 10, 100, one trillion. does not mean anyone wants more idiots running around. too many as it is.
04:04 justJanne trinque: you guys said you wanted a place where "no man rules over other men", no taxes, no government, no controls, no streets.
04:04 justJanne That's pretty much anarchy.
04:04 trinque no one speaks for me
04:04 mircea_popescu who said this and where did they say it ?
04:04 justJanne williamdunne said it, for example.
04:04 ben_vulpes <justJanne> trinque: you guys said you wanted a place where "no man rules over other men", no taxes, no government, no controls, no streets. << source or seriously get the fuck out
04:05 justJanne Several others said the same before.
04:05 ben_vulpes williamdunne does not count.
04:05 trinque scam
04:05 trinque ben_vulpes: provacateur!
04:05 williamdunne Once again, my opinions are my own
04:05 williamdunne Something I have said does not apply to others here
04:05 mircea_popescu justJanne you will have to learn to cite.
04:05 justJanne williamdunne Don't want taxes
04:05 williamdunne And I am not a lord
04:05 justJanne williamdunne Don't want gov
04:05 ben_vulpes <justJanne> williamdunne Don't want taxes << so what and whatever
04:05 ben_vulpes kid doesn't matter
04:05 mircea_popescu not merely because to prevail in arguments, but because a mind that's organised without strong sourcing of propositions is windows in a skullbox.
04:05 williamdunne justJanne: Once again, you're quoting me
04:06 ben_vulpes can't keep an irc bot up
04:06 justJanne Yes, and I'm arguing with you.
04:06 mircea_popescu aww why so mean!
04:06 williamdunne On that note, scoop will be back later today
04:06 williamdunne for good this time
04:06 williamdunne I swearsies
04:06 mircea_popescu good.
04:06 justJanne If the others want to join the argument, they have to also measure themselves to your statements.
04:06 mircea_popescu not how this works justJanne
04:06 williamdunne Read the logs
04:07 williamdunne Their positions are all in there
04:07 ben_vulpes williamdunne: better to demonstrate than postulate.
04:07 williamdunne justJanne: You're joining the argument, not the other way around
04:07 justJanne No.
04:07 justJanne I made yesterday some statements,
04:07 justJanne That were picked out of context and attacked today.
04:07 williamdunne What meanies
04:07 trinque people review the logs and respond; get used to it
04:07 justJanne By people saying they want no subsidies, but TTIP
04:08 mircea_popescu they were taken out of the context you intended them in and placed in the wider context prevailing here.
04:08 mircea_popescu this gives you an opportunity to explain yourself, or to go nuts i guess.
04:08 justJanne I didn't go nuts yet.
04:08 mircea_popescu not yet, no :)
04:08 mircea_popescu incidentally, anyone ever tried nut-aged cheese ?
04:09 justJanne I wonder how you guys actually think your social system will work in reality.
04:09 mircea_popescu ever read anythng on the topic ?
04:09 justJanne Yeah, a friend of mine was an extreme anarchist.
04:09 justJanne So I read and learned a lot about it.
04:09 mircea_popescu woman. your derpy friends are immaterial.
04:10 justJanne Interesting idea, unless it is implemented, within of a dozen generations it often stops working.
04:10 mircea_popescu i've known a bunch of german sluts, i don't go around assuming you're one, right ?
04:10 justJanne Nah.
04:10 williamdunne justJanne: What is implemented? WoT is alive and well
04:10 justJanne But we talked through your topic a bunch of times.
04:10 mircea_popescu yeah i guess time for a reading list.
04:10 justJanne williamdunne: when you'd try to implement this system in reality, as a social system.
04:10 williamdunne We're being social now
04:10 mircea_popescu justJanne << start there.
04:11 williamdunne It is implemented in reality
04:11 ben_vulpes this is why we must insist on the log-reading, regardless of how cute or female.
04:11 justJanne Especially the "let poor people become poorer" and the "rich become richer" part.
04:11 ben_vulpes neither of which etc etc
04:11 williamdunne Wut?
04:11 mircea_popescu ben_vulpes also must give people rope to hang with, it's a tandem process.
04:11 ben_vulpes NO
04:11 ben_vulpes KILL NAO
04:11 BingoBoingo <mircea_popescu> <justJanne> Currently the food production of the world could support 10 billion people. << that's not the point. sure, food could be produced to feed 10, 100, one trillion. does not mean anyone wants more idiots running around. too many as it is. << Speaking about agriculture. Lots of fallow fields this year.
04:11 justJanne After just a dozen generations, your poor will rise up against you.
04:12 * ben_vulpes tries to imagine the wealth of nagants bequeathed after a dozen cycles
04:12 williamdunne justJanne: I shared all of your opinions at first, thought MP was a cock etc. I then had the decency to spend ~9 months reading logs and blogs before speaking
04:12 ben_vulpes honey read logs
04:12 ben_vulpes stop derpin
04:12 mircea_popescu BingoBoingo from what i hear a major battle is raging in us agriculture. monsanto vs agrobiz
04:12 williamdunne justJanne: Poor would benefit as much as anyone else, well, the working poor
04:12 ben_vulpes this handle of your'n already burtn
04:12 ben_vulpes burnt
04:12 justJanne williamdunne: I read blogs about it for 3 years.
04:12 williamdunne justJanne: Not about it
04:13 williamdunne The blogs here
04:13 williamdunne Scoopbots reading list
04:13 mircea_popescu about something else masquerading as it.
04:13 justJanne And it made me even more convinced it is a great system in theory. Not in reality.
04:13 justJanne No, literally your ideas and statements.
04:13 ben_vulpes <mircea_popescu> ben_vulpes also must give people rope to hang with, it's a tandem process. << maybe next cycle i can refrain
04:13 mircea_popescu you've done what a hacker news reader would do, reading the usg piece instead of my piece and imagining "oh i read about crypto"
04:13 mircea_popescu no, you have not.
04:13 justJanne I even read dozens of logs of the chat before.
04:13 mircea_popescu it doesn't show, somehow.
04:13 williamdunne justJanne: No, you haven't
04:13 justJanne Because I still don't believe it is a good idea.
04:13 BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: There's always the lover's quarrels with those two. Could just be phosphorous is getting expensive...
04:14 mircea_popescu no, not because of what you believe. because of how you proceed.
04:14 justJanne One can have an opinion different of yours.
04:14 williamdunne No shit
04:14 mircea_popescu actually everyone does, is the amusing thing.
04:14 justJanne mircea_popescu: I didn't start any process.
04:14 justJanne Someone yesterday asked what's so bad about abolishing the Nordic model.
04:14 mircea_popescu justJanne how you proceed means "how you go about it"
04:14 justJanne That's how the whole thing started.
04:14 mircea_popescu the nordic model consists of being lucky, is all.
04:15 justJanne Since then, I'm just defending the current position.
04:15 ben_vulpes mircea_popescu: how are you even awake
04:15 mircea_popescu << there is your controlling counter justJanne. do you know what the scania thing references ?
04:15 assbot Logged on 19-05-2015 06:28:51; mircea_popescu: << yes. and it only works for as long as there's free herring in the scania straight, or for as long as kennedy is ein berliner and airlifts food for free, or for as long as the north sea oil lasts, or for as long as insane luck rolls keep going. otherwise, fuckall, german peasants were the most unfortunate wretches throughout the intermediate pe
04:15 mircea_popescu ben_vulpes i don't sleep, i wait.
04:15 * ben_vulpes cowers
04:16 justJanne Ofc I know that shit.
04:16 ben_vulpes <justJanne> If you want total anarchy, go to somalia, they live it. << lol u and somalia
04:16 justJanne Bit that's not the case.
04:16 williamdunne On a similar note, I considered and as alternative to
04:16 mircea_popescu what do you mean "it's not the case" ?
04:16 ben_vulpes anyways i got magical tits runnin around i'm off
04:16 davout <<< volunteer firemen work for the extra cunt
04:16 assbot Logged on 18-05-2015 23:51:02; justJanne: because they are volunteers.
04:16 mircea_popescu davout she's not figured that out yet.
04:17 justJanne >_>
04:18 BingoBoingo <justJanne> Bit that's not the case. << Why do the Greeks and Spaniards work longer hours and yet Krautenvacations are longest vacations?
04:18 mircea_popescu "work" vs work
04:18 BingoBoingo Luck? The benevolent ghost of the Kaiser
04:19 justJanne davout: and what about volunteer librarians? They too?
04:19 mircea_popescu nah, latinos mostly do c style work (figure out the least you can get away with and do less htan that).
04:19 BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: But it's all calories!
04:19 mircea_popescu justJanne they especially.
04:19 justJanne And volunteer garbage workers?
04:19 justJanne They too?
04:19 mircea_popescu you have any idea what bdsm is ?
04:19 trinque justJanne: you cannot begin to imagine the bore of a planned out life for a male... good fucking god
04:19 trinque seems like it sounds fantastic to you
04:19 mircea_popescu lots of pedos volunteer to be teachers. is scarcely a proof your system works.
04:19 davout justJanne: i don't know lol, you were talking about firemen, guess they're bored or something, but then again, you don't only see volunteer librarians in societies that "work well"
04:20 trinque everyone has their place!
04:20 williamdunne Some in the gutter..
04:20 justJanne True. But it shows that people have the will and ability to do good without pay.
04:20 mircea_popescu trinque you think it's a gender issue ? i dun think she's old enough yet.
04:20 davout justJanne: just because you don't see what folks get out of a deal doesn't mean they're not getting anything
04:20 mircea_popescu justJanne if it's not worth paying for it wasn't that good in the first place.
04:20 mircea_popescu & what d said.
04:20 gribble Error: "what" is not a valid command.
04:21 BingoBoingo <justJanne> davout: and what about volunteer librarians? They too? << I am a librarian. Volunteering without compensation is a violation of my professional ethics.
04:21 williamdunne Interesting, didn't realise ampersand was a gribble thing
04:21 davout BingoBoingo: don't you get to steal a TP roll a day already?
04:21 trinque mircea_popescu: could just as well be something taught to everyone, that risk is terrible and to be avoided
04:21 justJanne BingoBoingo: then you'd have a hard time here, 90% of all librarians are volunteers.
04:21 mircea_popescu gribble's a control sequence slut. CSS
04:21 mircea_popescu trinque and yet she is here.
04:22 davout justJanne: you underestimate the percentage of people that would do anything to merely get some social interaction, aka feel lonely
04:22 mircea_popescu ESPECIALLY in societies that "Work well" by old woman standards.
04:22 BingoBoingo justJanne: Seeing as the library profession here requires a graduate degree it wouldn't be sustainable here.
04:22 mircea_popescu such as "northern countries" w/e that may mean.
04:23 justJanne That's no issue, davout. Such immaterial payments are just what I originally meant.
04:23 trinque so they're all already smashed into obedience, and were born there
04:23 mircea_popescu amusingly, the only place where that model is actually sustainable is... israel.
04:23 trinque so yeah the cell's fine whatever, sun's shining out there today
04:23 mircea_popescu where the old woman doctrine has the nice counterpart of the freely provided fun stuff to do by the palestinians.
04:23 mircea_popescu if those schmucks had any idea about their important place in keeping adlai happy...
04:24 mircea_popescu justJanne do you read french ?
04:24 justJanne Not really, I didn't take it as 3rd or 4th language in school
04:24 mircea_popescu a, that's a pity.
04:24 davout <<< top kek
04:24 assbot Logged on 19-05-2015 00:14:48; hanbot: how about jealous wives?
04:24 mircea_popescu i lol'd too >D
04:25 davout srsly, catching up with log, you guys have been going for like 8 hours now?
04:25 mircea_popescu she's insatiable.
04:25 davout haha
04:25 mircea_popescu we're reduced to taking turns and losing sleep.
04:25 justJanne I have no issue explaining people why removing the Nordic model would be bad.
04:25 mircea_popescu which is thefundamental problem with manhood.
04:25 justJanne I've slept 3h and skipped 2 lectures -.-
04:26 mircea_popescu justJanne so far you've not considered the part where it is already collapsing on its own, bnecause it doesn't work, because it's strictly based on getting lucky.
04:26 mircea_popescu VERY lucky.
04:26 BingoBoingo No wonder the Greeks are taking over the EU's jools
04:26 justJanne True.
04:26 mircea_popescu well, you need a system that works without assumptions.
04:27 justJanne Germany can only have a positive state household by exploiting southern Europe.
04:27 justJanne Which is not a good thing.
04:27 mircea_popescu sure, if you get a shitton of oil when oil's valuable / fish when fish is valuable etc, the "nordic model" is a great way to share it.
04:27 mircea_popescu what do you do when you don't ?
04:27 williamdunne I'm impressed with how quick shes climbing the stats
04:27 justJanne So, like you said, we need to reduce it.
04:27 williamdunne mircea_popescu: Share the dead bodies
04:28 mircea_popescu williamdunne people generally don't wish to accept that nazism was absolutely unavoidable, FOR THIS REASON
04:28 justJanne mircea_popescu: the Nordic model is possible without any valuable resources.
04:28 justJanne As seen in places like Switzerland.
04:28 mircea_popescu purely economic. as hitler actually pointed out : we don't have enough land to exploit. either we fight or "the way of life" has to change.
04:28 justJanne And the solution for that was:
04:28 mircea_popescu justJanne are you kidding ? switzerland is exploiting a resource
04:28 justJanne High tech industry.
04:28 williamdunne mircea_popescu when you're willing to accept that theft is okay, how many more steps is murder? Europe and the US already murders vast quantities of people in Africa
04:28 mircea_popescu banking, mostly. but the us raped them.
04:29 justJanne True.
04:29 mircea_popescu williamdunne "murder". in the immortal words of butch, "if he were a better boxer he'd still be alive"
04:29 justJanne I'll brb
04:29 mircea_popescu justJanne don't die over b-a hon. it's eternal, will be here when you're 69, too.
04:30 williamdunne mircea_popescu: I largely agree, Africa doesn't have much going for it but I do think it stands a chance of doing a helluva lot better without various EU/US laws.
04:30 mircea_popescu williamdunne one of the most amusing things, to me, is that the entire "black domination" subtrend in porn is driven almost entirely by white men.
04:31 mircea_popescu it's like... we're so far ahead of the curve, we will PRETEND to be playing all others' hands, too. because... w/e.
04:31 williamdunne cuckold too
04:31 mircea_popescu certainly.
04:32 williamdunne But do you not think that without various shitty laws preventing any African from doing something other than eating dirt?
04:32 williamdunne i.e AML bullshit, trade sanctions/restrictions etc
04:32 mircea_popescu you vastly overrepresent their reach.
04:33 mircea_popescu pretty much everyone in the civilised world (us and eu excluded) lives fine without ever touching those.
04:33 williamdunne Sure, but they put someone without money at a disadvantage
04:33 williamdunne *further
04:34 mircea_popescu but anyway, to round off the "social marketplace" thing : if one is to reclassify slave labour as "voluntaryism", which is undoubtedly erroneous but nevertheless coherent with the presupositions proposed, then sure, i am a champion of "the northern model"
04:34 williamdunne Don't think we all should be equal in fairyland but creating additional barriers is about the equivalent of kicking a man while he is down
04:34 mircea_popescu williamdunne someone without money has the disadvantage of not what to spend and the advantage of not having what to protect.
04:36 williamdunne Ofc
04:36 mircea_popescu you ever play cards ?
04:36 williamdunne Only in the drunken manner, not the competitive
04:37 mircea_popescu mkay. so take poker. a very simple description of poker is that you can either play hooker or bluffer. to play hooker you need card superiority, and try to trick your opponent into paying.
04:37 mircea_popescu to play bluffer you nbeed card inferiority, and try to trick your opponent into folding.
04:38 mircea_popescu now, if one's afore-decided they will be bluffing, a) they won't make very good poker players and b) any hand they get can "put them at a disadvantage".
04:38 mircea_popescu because it's not what they expected / wish to play / etc.
04:38 mircea_popescu why should this matter ? play the fucking hand. you adjust to fit it, not the other way around.
04:39 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 81200 @ 0.00028126 = 22.8383 BTC [-] {2}
04:40 williamdunne In this case its more like the bluffer having to play with a different set of superiority rules
04:40 mircea_popescu how would that work ? does being rich change thermodynamics or something ?
04:40 mircea_popescu rich man's bridge will collapse just like poor man's bridge will.
04:41 mircea_popescu but yes, the set of rules that control the game are different for hookers and bluffers. for hookers, the rules that control are "A > K > Q" etc.
04:41 mircea_popescu for bluffers, "you don't get to see my cards if you fold"
04:41 mircea_popescu so yes, different. necessarily so.
04:41 williamdunne Sure, but I don't think it's a very controversial idea that various rules such as the AML set put entire regions of people at a disadvantage
04:41 mircea_popescu depends in what terms.
04:42 williamdunne Well
04:42 mircea_popescu obviously, if you refuse to trade with putin, this puts "putin as seen through our trade with him" at a disadvantage.
04:42 mircea_popescu but then putin turns around, alligns with china economically in exchange for support for his "regions of eurasia" political model
04:42 mircea_popescu and you're well fucked.
04:42 williamdunne If I want to start a business in the UK, I can pretty easily sell my product wherever the fuck I want. Banks are willing to work with me, that will be fine. If I was from random-istan not so much
04:42 mircea_popescu or, alternatively, you discontinue support for israel and so the saudis no longer have what to fear so they dump your alliance.
04:42 mircea_popescu no, you can't.
04:42 mircea_popescu try this.
04:43 mircea_popescu you can't sell in randomistan anymore than randomistan can sell in the uk.
04:43 williamdunne Well, various African shitholes don't help themselves and won't allow foreigners to open accounts
04:43 williamdunne But this is their own fault
04:43 mircea_popescu ...
04:43 mircea_popescu but you see how this is entirely you calling things names ?
04:43 williamdunne mircea_popescu: Well yes, thats what I'm talking about but the reverse
04:43 mircea_popescu from their pov it's backwards.
04:44 mircea_popescu "oh, that's because uk shithole won't help itself and won't allow foreigners to whatever"
04:44 mircea_popescu why do you think the empire's been going to shit for a century ?
04:44 williamdunne Okay I see what you mean, but the UK needs it less
04:44 mircea_popescu africa at least is more or less where it was in 1880.
04:44 mircea_popescu the uk... god help it. no country in memory sunk as bad as they have.
04:44 mircea_popescu germany's pretty much recovered, the uk will never recover.
04:45 williamdunne Probably, then again we are largely responsible for modern socialism, so what do you expect?
04:45 williamdunne London subsidises the rest of the country anyway
04:45 mircea_popescu i dun expect, just putting things in perspective :)
04:46 williamdunne Well, that was more directed at an onlooker
04:46 williamdunne rather than you
04:46 williamdunne But yeah
04:46 mircea_popescu yeah they do, lmao, which is outright ridiculous. all good things are supposed to flow TO the city, not from it.
04:46 mircea_popescu and even WITH all that huge expenditure, scotland wants more and nearly seceded.
04:46 mircea_popescu which was one of the lulziest things i saw that year.
04:46 williamdunne Precisely, I've been ranting far too often recently about how London should tell the rest of the UK to fuck off
04:46 williamdunne Yes
04:46 williamdunne I hoped they would do it
04:47 williamdunne Remove one of the parasites
04:47 mircea_popescu well, it can't. because the one remaining hanging nail on the historical uk is the coupla nuke subs the us allows them to keep
04:47 mircea_popescu and they're in glasgow.
04:47 mircea_popescu so..
04:47 mircea_popescu just pay the dizzy sluts more :D
04:47 mircea_popescu which you know... scotland's going to oh so judiciously use
04:47 williamdunne I would imagine that they'd be moved to Plymouth or Bristol or summin
04:47 mircea_popescu btw, you familiar with the hilarious history of the scottish new world settlement thing ?
04:48 williamdunne Nope, shall I have a google?
04:48 mircea_popescu by all means.
04:48 mircea_popescu top keks in there.
04:48 mircea_popescu "darien scheme"
04:51 justJanne Meh.
04:51 justJanne I hope the UK leaves the EU.
04:51 justJanne It would finally kill their economy
04:52 mircea_popescu if they leave the eu they join the us.
04:52 justJanne As their economy right now is "European companies open an Ltd in London"
04:52 williamdunne "Returning to Edinburgh, the Company of Scotland for Trading to Africa raised £400,000 sterling in a few weeks (equivalent to roughly £46 million today),[b] with investments from every level of society, and totaling about a fifth of the wealth of Scotland.[7][8] It was, for Scotland, a massive amount of capital.[9]"
04:52 mircea_popescu uk as an independent state is about as ludicrous today as the kingdom of scotland was in 1715
04:52 williamdunne justJanne: London actually matters
04:52 williamdunne justJanne: Rest of the UK... not so much
04:52 justJanne That's noticeable.
04:53 williamdunne But it likely won't matter nearly as much outside of EU
04:53 mircea_popescu only matters because it's a relative tax heaven from the patently insane french (and german) communists.
04:53 mircea_popescu 50% my foot.
04:53 justJanne Outside of London, the average waiting time for an ambulance is 4 hours.
04:53 justJanne Exactly.
04:53 williamdunne Currently if you set up a financial company in the EU, the standard procedure is London
04:53 justJanne Wait until the UK leaves, and their tax-haven-economy breaks down.
04:53 mircea_popescu justJanne you know i pay 3% in romania.
04:53 mircea_popescu also eu member.
04:53 justJanne Yes.
04:53 justJanne See?
04:54 mircea_popescu there is NEVER going to be a way for the bs taxation of socialists to be enforced. ever.
04:54 justJanne The tax haven will move to Romania, or Liechtenstein.
04:54 justJanne But London will be piss poor.
04:54 williamdunne mircea_popescu: Wrote another article about that the other day, not too good though
04:54 williamdunne justJanne: Yes, I agree if it leaves the EU
04:54 williamdunne Gibraltar might be good
04:54 williamdunne I could imagine a fair amount moving there
04:54 justJanne Gibraltar is UK, would also leave.
04:54 mircea_popescu might just as well move here.
04:55 justJanne I hope the UK leaves the EU.
04:55 mircea_popescu b,tmsro~ only charges 0.1% after all.
04:55 justJanne So the Brits see the shit Cameron is doing.
04:55 williamdunne justJanne: It could probably work its way in there either way, IoM for example is not EU dependent
04:55 williamdunne justJanne: We can choose between Cameron or Labour, at least Cameron doesn't want to remove our main advantage.. being a tax haven
04:56 justJanne Yup. FPTP sucks.
04:56 williamdunne Proportional representation sucks worse
04:56 williamdunne Thats how you get communists
04:56 justJanne And?
04:56 justJanne You also get right-wingers,
04:56 williamdunne And I like the current availability of toilet paper
04:56 justJanne Liberals, and communists.
04:57 justJanne At the same time.
04:57 williamdunne My hand might be as soft as loo roll, but its not too hygienic
04:57 justJanne At least parliament debates are fun with all of them at once.
04:57 mircea_popescu lol
04:57 mircea_popescu she has a point there.
04:57 mircea_popescu that's how the shoe incidents happen
04:57 williamdunne Indeed
04:57 williamdunne lol
04:58 justJanne And more democratic, cause the government won't risk ignoring the 7% people who voted liberals, nor the 7% who voted communist, as if they'd ignore them, those parties would just start a fight in Parliament.
04:58 williamdunne The problem is the UK is mostly shit, as we have discussed. And the shit areas would be far more likely to vote Communist
04:58 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 95396 @ 0.00027971 = 26.6832 BTC [-]
04:58 williamdunne justJanne: Ignoring is the right action
04:58 justJanne Nah.
04:59 mircea_popescu depends which %.
04:59 justJanne Let liberals and communists fight in parliament.
04:59 mircea_popescu 99% of the 1%s you can ignore. the other 1%...
04:59 justJanne The winner of the box fight gets to make a paw.
04:59 justJanne *law
04:59 trinque so you get an incomprehensible society
04:59 mircea_popescu justJanne that there is an apparent need for new laws already invalidates the entire proposition of having a state in the first place.
04:59 mircea_popescu either come up with a contract and stick to it, or go home.
05:00 justJanne mircea_popescu: not really — most of the laws are adapting existing situations.
05:00 mircea_popescu im not going for these ARM bankruptcy mortgage deals.
05:00 mircea_popescu no.
05:00 justJanne Yes?
05:00 mircea_popescu either you have the whole contract written down, or i'm not signing.
05:00 mircea_popescu and you don't get to have a state.
05:00 mircea_popescu no parliament has the authority to make new law. ever.
05:00 justJanne Again, if you want, you can move out.
05:01 mircea_popescu no, you move out.
05:01 justJanne Unless the majority is for a law.
05:01 williamdunne If you don't move out of Germany I will rape you
05:01 mircea_popescu i don't care if it's unanimity.
05:01 mircea_popescu you're taking your stupid shit to somewhere not near me.
05:01 justJanne Then the minority can decide if they want to move out or accept it.
05:01 mircea_popescu mnope.
05:01 mircea_popescu the majority can make sense or get lost.
05:01 justJanne So start a rebellion.
05:01 williamdunne In which case you get shot
05:01 mircea_popescu and here we are.
05:01 justJanne We'll see how it works out. Hint: it won't.
05:02 mircea_popescu i've been in open rebellion for years now.
05:02 justJanne Meh.
05:02 mircea_popescu works just fine.,
05:02 mircea_popescu and if it doesn't, fuckall and i dun care.
05:02 justJanne Open rebellion?
05:02 justJanne So, you don't pay taxes or anything?
05:02 williamdunne Public in other words
05:02 justJanne Or do you support the parliament that, according to you, never should make new laws?
05:02 williamdunne He pays taxes to the most serene republic IIRC
05:02 mircea_popescu justJanne < start there.
05:03 williamdunne +1
05:03 williamdunne And then GPG contracts
05:03 williamdunne Kinda explains the no-laws thing
05:04 williamdunne
05:05 justJanne Ah, that kind of "I question your authority" letter.
05:05 mircea_popescu but anyway : i, personally, pay no taxes. agents i own pay taxes in the jurisdictions i've incorporated them in, as you'd expect.
05:05 mircea_popescu which is what the deal is.
05:05 mircea_popescu and if the deal changes, they dissolve an' that's that.
05:05 justJanne Ah.
05:05 justJanne So, are you using roads? Water supply?
05:05 williamdunne Pisses in rivers
05:05 mircea_popescu i am buying access to anything i feel like.
05:05 justJanne Do you use any public roads?
05:05 justJanne I ask again.
05:05 mircea_popescu certainly.
05:06 justJanne Then you are committing theft.
05:06 mircea_popescu according to whom ?
05:06 justJanne As you stated before you aren't paying for them.
05:06 williamdunne Retard
05:06 williamdunne lol
05:06 mircea_popescu are you commiting theft when those volunteer firemen come put your hair out ?
05:06 justJanne No.
05:06 williamdunne "Who will build the roads!11"
05:06 mircea_popescu but you were extolling the virtues of not paying for their work a moment ago.
05:06 justJanne But the roads in the country you live in are for you to use, in return you pay taxes.
05:06 williamdunne If private companies can't build roads, they shouldn't exist
05:06 mircea_popescu i don't recall signing this deal.
05:06 williamdunne The state removed the market for them
05:07 justJanne Ofc private companies can build roads.
05:07 justJanne They do all the time.
05:07 williamdunne Ok, well state enforced monopoly doesn't justify theft, no more than my ejaculate justifies rape
05:07 mircea_popescu the notion that some govt owns the roads, seriously...
05:07 justJanne A danish private company just builds a tunnel to Germany right now.
05:07 mircea_popescu listen, is merkel paying you for using the public space ?
05:08 williamdunne justJanne: Right, this is the point. We didn't choose for Gov to build roads and would pay tolls if owned by private companies
05:08 justJanne See?
05:08 williamdunne Well, I would
05:08 justJanne Taxes are just tolls, too.
05:08 mircea_popescu no.
05:08 williamdunne No, they aren't
05:08 justJanne Yes.
05:08 mircea_popescu GOTTA SIGN A DEAL!11
05:08 justJanne No.
05:08 mircea_popescu you don't get to foist some random "law" on me.
05:08 justJanne There are implicit deals.
05:08 mircea_popescu you come up with a deal, if i agree you get away with it.
05:08 justJanne Like ToS.
05:08 mircea_popescu no such thing.
05:08 williamdunne I click "I agree to the ToS"
05:09 justJanne Not always.
05:09 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19050 @ 0.00029061 = 5.5361 BTC [+]
05:09 williamdunne I don't click "I agree to give up 40% of my income"
05:09 mircea_popescu"implicit".deals.
05:09 justJanne Did you click "I agree to Freenode"'s ToS, ever?
05:09 williamdunne I drive onto a tollroad, pay them for that
05:09 justJanne And still you are subject to them.
05:09 mircea_popescu justJanne listen, you agree women that dress sluttily should be fucked byu whoever feels like ?
05:09 mircea_popescu because hey, implicit deal.
05:09 williamdunne ^+1
05:09 mircea_popescu they don't want the cock, they shouldn't have clicked the short skirt tos.
05:09 justJanne Oh, THAT argument again.
05:09 mircea_popescu we had it befoar ?
05:10 justJanne Your argument is retarded.
05:10 williamdunne Comparing freenode to government is a little ridiculous, don't you think?
05:10 justJanne Please try to find another one.
05:10 mircea_popescu looky : there are no implicit deals. ever.
05:10 justJanne williamdunne: not really.
05:10 williamdunne justJanne: yes, really
05:10 justJanne How?
05:10 williamdunne Freenode asks for nothing from me
05:10 justJanne Yet.
05:10 williamdunne And if they do I will move
05:11 williamdunne If the deal changes..
05:11 justJanne See?
05:11 williamdunne But moving from freenode is a click
05:11 williamdunne Not a flight, not leaving family etc
05:11 justJanne Same with countries. If the deal changes, you can move.
05:11 williamdunne These two things are not the same
05:11 justJanne Moving from Freenode isn't easy either.
05:11 williamdunne Yes it is
05:11 mircea_popescu whoever changes the deal moves.
05:11 mircea_popescu not he who stayed true.
05:11 justJanne You have to convince all your peers to move, too
05:11 mircea_popescu government wants to change the rules, IT HAS TO MOVE.
05:11 justJanne All your friends, channels, etc.
05:12 justJanne Or leave them behind.
05:12 williamdunne I have to convince people to make some clicks, not hard if freenode implements a tax
05:12 justJanne depends.
05:12 justJanne Look at whatsapp.
05:12 justJanne They introduced a "tax"
05:12 justJanne And people still stayed there.
05:12 justJanne It's a similar situation.
05:12 williamdunne Very different userbase
05:13 trinque the fuck whatsapp is a government now
05:13 trinque stahhhhhp
05:13 williamdunne Apparently
05:13 mircea_popescu the fact that someone did something stupid does not make the stupid thing right.
05:13 justJanne You want governments to sign contracts with all citizen, what's more realistic?
05:13 williamdunne Apparently moving IRC servers and tos are equivalent to the violent rule of gov
05:13 mircea_popescu and what "the people" do or don't do is no basis for either law or sense.
05:13 mircea_popescu justJanne it's not a matter of "realistic"
05:13 justJanne It is the only basis.
05:13 mircea_popescu according to whom ?
05:14 justJanne According to every not-retarded politician, ever?
05:14 mircea_popescu the only realistic thing is to eat raw meat and dress in dead children.
05:14 mircea_popescu nutty bs. who ever asked any politician anything for crying out loud.
05:14 justJanne All politicians who said the opposite ended up as dictators.
05:14 williamdunne mm kinda
05:14 williamdunne
05:15 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20036 @ 0.00027971 = 5.6043 BTC [-]
05:15 mircea_popescu what are you, going through the non sequitur book in order ?
05:15 justJanne -.-
05:15 justJanne Guys, please take some college courses in economy, politics, and philosophy.
05:15 mircea_popescu "ima call anyone that doesn't promote socialism a dictator and then say that not being socialist makes dictators"
05:15 mircea_popescu sure, it does. well done.
05:15 mircea_popescu might as well have the same argument about believing in christ and move to 1555 to be a nun.
05:15 williamdunne I want no leaders = dictator
05:15 justJanne It's hard to argue with you when you ask the same questions over and over again, and just goalpost all he time
05:15 davout justJanne: you sure have lots of stamina points
05:15 williamdunne davout: she's burning mana for the energy regen spell
05:16 mircea_popescu justJanne the reason it is hard to argue is because the list of places where your ideas fail is about eighteen entries long by now, and you're not directly interested in examining the holes and fixing your head, but instead would prefer us to somehow accept the nonsense.
05:16 mircea_popescu try the other tack, it'll go a lot easier.
05:16 justJanne There are holes, but the result still works better than any alternative.
05:17 justJanne Again, I have no issue with your system.
05:17 justJanne If you want, you can try it as a state.
05:17 justJanne Declare independency, make your own laws.
05:17 williamdunne We're already doing so
05:17 williamdunne *Have done
05:17 williamdunne Well
05:17 mircea_popescu this is kinda old by now, but yes.
05:17 justJanne We'll see in 30 years how it ends.
05:17 williamdunne I say we, I'm not involved
05:17 mircea_popescu if there's still a germany in 30 years, it may see how itshould behave and copy us, yes.
05:17 williamdunne justJanne:
05:18 mircea_popescu if there isn't, a well. you're lucky enough to have come in early.
05:18 justJanne In other news,
05:18 williamdunne justJanne: Declaration of sovereignty
05:18 justJanne Denmark stopped printing cash last week.
05:18 mircea_popescu williamdunne quick : what's the difference between "Declaration of sovereignty" and "Declaration of independence" ?
05:18 justJanne From 2017 on, Denmark plans to do everything via digital money transfers.
05:18 trinque where's danielpbarron, it's the mark of the beast
05:18 justJanne No matter how, or using what currency.
05:18 williamdunne mircea_popescu: No clue, tbh
05:19 mircea_popescu the latter recognises the sovereignty of the entity it secedes from. the former does not.
05:19 williamdunne Ah, well I prefer the former in this case then
05:19 mircea_popescu which is how it got to be htere.
05:19 mircea_popescu justJanne you know i use cash almost exclusively ?
05:20 mircea_popescu funny to do here, too, a brick is worth like 800 bucks or so.
05:20 davout justJanne: btw, how did you end up here?
05:20 mircea_popescu hn
05:20 williamdunne mircea_popescu: Wondered, can you not get a lot more for your money if you pay with USD? Or would that get you shot?
05:21 justJanne davout: discussion about RSA, tbh.
05:21 mircea_popescu williamdunne official dollar is 8.6 pesos, unoficcial like 13.
05:21 mircea_popescu amusingly enough, they pay like 10% less for 20 dollar bills. only want 100s.
05:21 mircea_popescu which iirc don't even exist in the us.
05:21 williamdunne Wait what?
05:22 mircea_popescu yup
05:22 williamdunne Are they official mintage or..?
05:22 mircea_popescu yup.
05:22 williamdunne Sorta like the £1,000,000 note in the UK I guess
05:22 justJanne mircea_popescu: in Denmark, almost all transfers are digital anyway. As the official system is cheaper, faster, and easier than bitcoin even.
05:22 BingoBoingo <mircea_popescu> which iirc don't even exist in the us. << 100's still exist here
05:22 mircea_popescu and reported. i would never use it.
05:22 williamdunne justJanne: well ofc
05:23 mircea_popescu BingoBoingo forcing a point.
05:23 williamdunne justJanne: bitcoin isn't that cheap or fast
05:23 williamdunne Well, it is currently pretty cheap and fast
05:23 williamdunne But it shouldn't be compared to centralized systems
05:23 mircea_popescu the idea that i'd allow a third party to look into my accounts... what the fuck is this, the future ?
05:23 williamdunne Thats just the derpery of governments
05:23 BingoBoingo It prolly won't bee too long before they bring back 100,000 bills with the Woodrow Wilson and everything
05:23 justJanne They aren't really centralized either.
05:23 justJanne More like a web of hundreds of central points
05:24 mircea_popescu that's centralized.
05:24 justJanne While bitcoin has millions of nodes.
05:24 williamdunne Central bank decentralized now?
05:24 justJanne Denmark has no digital central bank — the money flows from node to node.
05:24 trinque the point is the fucking records
05:24 justJanne I can send money to another merchant without it ever touching a bank
05:24 trinque not how many buildings they have
05:24 mircea_popescu i don't think you understand what centralized-decentralized mean.
05:24 justJanne Just because my money is only a cryptographic signature on my credit card.
05:25 williamdunne justJanne: How is current issuance handled then? Banks trusted to issue their authorised balance?
05:25 williamdunne I know in the UK it works with central bank reserve/payment accounts
05:25 williamdunne Which all settlement systems are built on top of
05:25 justJanne Kinda.
05:25 justJanne The thing is, the reason why German debit cards don't work in any other place,
05:25 williamdunne Just another meta layer
05:26 justJanne Is because they store the money as a cryptographically signed transaction history on the card.
05:26 trinque how about less this bullshit and more on the definition of centralized vs decentralized
05:27 mircea_popescu im really curious what'll come of this.
05:27 mircea_popescu clever chick with a head fulla stupid meets #b-a. anyone care to bet on the linecount total ?
05:28 trinque been all day
05:28 mircea_popescu what is it, 1k by now ?
05:28 mircea_popescu 545. nevertheless a record i think ?
05:29 williamdunne From the frequency of messages don't think she even read the GPG contracts etc, let alone historical logs
05:30 justJanne Hmm.
05:30 justJanne I wonder how much calculation power it would take to break 4096-bit RSA.
05:30 mircea_popescu williamdunne skimming, it's how intelligent kids end up coping with school.
05:31 mircea_popescu horrible habit, but what are yo ugoing to do.
05:31 mircea_popescu can't shoot the retards amirite.
05:31 williamdunne I've been trying to break that habit, think I'm about there
05:31 justJanne I mean, a startup in my city sells FPGA clusters that can be used for that (or for crypto mining), and the NSA bought 256 clusters, each should be enough to break AES256 in 2 weeks.
05:31 trinque we're not gonna get a definition of centralized/decentralized
05:32 justJanne decentralized is a system where all nodes are equal.
05:32 williamdunne Too much effort for her to google
05:32 williamdunne ..
05:32 justJanne It's as easy as that.
05:32 mircea_popescu it's not, no.
05:32 justJanne Yes, it is.
05:32 williamdunne Are all nodes in bitcoin equal? News to me
05:33 mircea_popescu justJanne da fuck do you mean "yes it is".
05:33 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 36164 @ 0.00027707 = 10.02 BTC [-]
05:33 mircea_popescu what do you take yourself for, some sort of equal or something ?
05:33 justJanne Any homogenous graph is decentralized.
05:33 mircea_popescu that's true for graphs.
05:33 justJanne Every web of nodes is just a graph.
05:33 mircea_popescu but in graph theory, decentralized is a term of art.
05:33 mircea_popescu no, it's not. because the map is not the territory.
05:34 justJanne A web of nodes is a graph, as a graph, per definition, is just a set of nodes, and a set of relations between nodes.
05:34 mircea_popescu do you understand what "the map is not the territory" means ?
05:34 trinque what's the command structure of the society within which your decentralized banks operate?
05:35 justJanne The banks aren't either fully centralized, nor fully decentralized. Anyone can just open a bank, the question is if other banks will accept money from your customers as payment, as they don't know if they can trust your cryptographic signature.
05:35 trinque the fuck is this where they're both or neither
05:36 williamdunne "anyone can just open a bank" < or rly?
05:36 justJanne It's the same as minimum and smallest, two completely different definitions.
05:36 mircea_popescu so what is "Danmarks Nationalbank" then ?
05:37 justJanne I'm currently talking about northern Germany, as I don't know the internals of Denmark, it's the same, though.
05:37 justJanne There is a difference between the printed money and and the way digital money works.
05:37 trinque the whole EU sounds like what they do in portland tech companies
05:37 trinque where everyone smiles and no one's like, your boss, man
05:37 justJanne GeldKarte is one example.
05:38 mircea_popescu you don't know but it's the same ?
05:38 justJanne Person A can pay person B, person B can pay person C
05:38 trinque the banks are totally decentralized because they've got various sub-departments of some huge central authority
05:38 justJanne All this while they are completely offline.
05:38 mircea_popescu trinque depends who's describing it ya know ?
05:38 justJanne Okay, again, please listen.
05:38 trinque of course
05:38 trinque mircea_popescu: ^
05:38 justJanne Imagine we have 3 people, completely offline.
05:38 mircea_popescu okay.
05:39 justJanne A pays person B money.
05:39 justJanne Person B pays person C money.
05:39 justJanne (All through GeldKarte)
05:39 mircea_popescu which is offline throughout.
05:39 justJanne yes.
05:39 mircea_popescu go on.
05:39 justJanne Person C now goes online and can spend the money.
05:39 mircea_popescu what happens in the following scenario :
05:39 justJanne You can transfer money offline, and it is valid.
05:39 mircea_popescu b has no money. a gives him 100 moneys. b sends 100 money to C and 100 money to D.
05:40 mircea_popescu can c and d each now spend 100 ?
05:40 justJanne No.
05:40 mircea_popescu because ?
05:40 justJanne They can't spend anything, as the last two statements are invalid.
05:40 justJanne You have at the beginning 0 money.
05:40 mircea_popescu show, don't tell.
05:40 williamdunne Thats pretty impractical
05:41 justJanne Your card stores a list of cryptographically signed money from the sender.
05:41 justJanne So, I send you money, by sending you a cryptographically signed info "I sent you n money"
05:41 mircea_popescu justJanne yes. so i copy that list and send money to 500 people
05:41 justJanne You can't.
05:41 mircea_popescu because why not ?
05:42 justJanne Copying is prevented through unique salts for each transaction.
05:42 mircea_popescu derp.
05:42 mircea_popescu if i can send money to either a or b
05:42 mircea_popescu then necessarily i can send to both. so i do. what now.
05:42 punkman justJanne: I mean, a startup in my city sells FPGA clusters that can be used for that (or for crypto mining), and the NSA bought 256 clusters, each should be enough to break AES256 in 2 weeks. << lolwut
05:42 justJanne Then the last person receiving it won't be able to use it.
05:42 mircea_popescu i'll tell you what now : whoever gets first online spends it.
05:42 williamdunne justJanne: Do you have a paper or something for this?
05:42 punkman GeldKarte > "This system is protected against double-spending by not allowing the user to read the keys from their smart card."
05:42 mircea_popescu the other fails, the bank gets alerted that this was copied and the police shows up
05:42 mircea_popescu denmark has got a stupid, centralist bitcoin.
05:42 justJanne Yup.
05:43 justJanne It existed 10 years before bitcoin, though.
05:43 williamdunne Oh
05:43 mircea_popescu it will never work. the only reason its not being raped wide open is because atm nobody gives a shit about swine country.
05:43 williamdunne Nevermind, I'll ignore the paper that is derpy
05:43 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 69050 @ 0.0002832 = 19.555 BTC [+] {2}
05:43 williamdunne Can you use this card for luxury purchases?
05:43 punkman " Funds cannot move freely within the system. They can move from a bank account (or cash) to a Geldkarte. From there, they can only be moved to a merchant's card and from the merchant's card, they can only go to the merchant's bank account."
05:43 mircea_popescu punkman because this can be done now.
05:43 justJanne that's an old article then.
05:43 williamdunne i.e cars, jewellery etc
05:44 justJanne Or it was a different system.
05:44 justJanne Because we have so many different debit card companies >_>
05:44 mircea_popescu justJanne odds are you just had a superificial understanding of it.
05:44 williamdunne Which surely rely on banks
05:44 justJanne GeldKarte, EC Karte, etc.
05:45 justJanne so, williamdunne, your question:
05:45 mircea_popescu anyway, denmark is probably the best example of usistan. "The worlds largest public sector (30% of the entire workforce on a full-time basis) is financed by the world's highest taxes."
05:45 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28350 @ 0.00028957 = 8.2093 BTC [+]
05:45 justJanne The company is SciEngines GmbH (they have a Wikipedia article)
05:46 trinque man... justJanne you have recalibrated me for tolerating canadians
05:46 mircea_popescu lmao
05:46 justJanne mircea_popescu: the Nordics still pay about the same taxes as the US, but you get free healthcare, free college, welfare, and an almost unregulated market.
05:47 justJanne You pay like 6% more.
05:47 mircea_popescu justJanne how much have you travelled ? outside of the eu i mean
05:47 justJanne Definitely worth it.
05:47 justJanne I haven't travelled outside EU yet. Never had the money to do so.
05:47 justJanne Parents aren't exactly rich xD
05:48 mircea_popescu aha. well the thing is, the books you read are kinda deliberately written so as to make you think you're in the best possible place.
05:48 mircea_popescu what are you doing this summer ?
05:48 justJanne (And no, without free college I couldn't go to university.)
05:48 justJanne This summer? I'll work on several open source projects, like the IRC client I use right now.
05:49 mircea_popescu ben_vulpes trinque hey lot, if i buy her plane tickets do you show her portland ? a week or so ?
05:49 mircea_popescu i don't imagine she takes up much space.
05:49 trinque ha sure why not
05:49 mircea_popescu justJanne you wanna go ?
05:49 justJanne Nah thanks, don't wanna go into a country where anyone can be declared terrorist and stripped of their rights
05:50 williamdunne justJanne: Don't need university
05:50 trinque portland would be too capitalist for her
05:50 justJanne (Yes, the laws in Germany apply to all "people", not just citizens)
05:50 trinque there should be a lot less citizens.
05:50 justJanne Already happening.
05:51 justJanne Germany has a child per family rate of 1.4
05:51 mircea_popescu interesting.
05:51 justJanne So far below the replacement rate of 2.25
05:51 justJanne All the Nordics have 1.4, too
05:51 mircea_popescu clearly the system works and is sustainable.
05:51 justJanne Automatically shrinking the population to a point where it is sustainable.
05:51 mircea_popescu perhaps.
05:52 williamdunne Yes, plenty of children to pay for their communist parents
05:52 trinque I don't buy it
05:52 mircea_popescu or to a point where the muslims can just come in and rape you stupid lot into shape.,
05:52 mircea_popescu either way
05:54 justJanne They are already here.
05:54 justJanne 19% of the population are foreigners and migrants
05:55 mircea_popescu how's the female circumcision factor ?
05:55 justJanne Approx 0
05:56 justJanne You don't get it without a degree and a guarantee for a job, and the circumcised people rarely have the qualifications anyway
05:56 justJanne *don't get in
05:57 mircea_popescu
05:58 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 55299 @ 0.00028957 = 16.0129 BTC [+]
05:58 mircea_popescu Germany is home to at least 24,000 women from African countries who've undergone female circumcision (as reported by DW in 2004)
05:58 mircea_popescu prolly 100k by now ?
05:58 chetty ouch, you makes me squirm
05:58 justJanne Not really.
05:58 justJanne Almost no immigration since then.
05:58 justJanne The largest wave of immigration was in the 70s and 80s
05:58 justJanne So, 24 thousand immigrants are mutilated.
05:59 justJanne And we pay them free healthcare to fix it.
05:59 williamdunne How do you fix it?
05:59 mircea_popescu o you're gonna fix it ?
05:59 mircea_popescu damn i like the nordic model more and more
05:59 mircea_popescu williamdunne shut up they're fixing it.
05:59 justJanne That's no a problem.
05:59 williamdunne Sorry Charles about hacking your head off, I'll stitch it back on in just a jiffy! Universal healthcare ftw
05:59 mircea_popescu chetty imagine, that's like a quarter ton of bits ?
05:59 justJanne Ofc it is shit.
06:00 mircea_popescu justJanne maybe it's good for you, how do you know ?
06:00 mircea_popescu i thought all people should have equal chances.
06:00 justJanne But again, those are immigrants — they moved here decades after they were mutilated.
06:00 mircea_popescu and you know this the same way it was 0, right ?
06:00 justJanne No.
06:00 justJanne But I know this because your quote and your article say it.
06:01 justJanne People, immigrants, from African countries, who got mutilated and then moved here
06:01 justJanne So no, it's not a German issue. We still try to do our best to fix the mistakes someone else did.
06:02 davout the logs are soon going to be harder to catch up on than the very fucking blockchain
06:02 williamdunne Have you looked at name-first log synchronization?
06:02 mircea_popescu davout we just made larger logblocks, how you like it ?
06:02 mircea_popescu justJanne didn't you say all people should be equal ?
06:02 davout well, adoption is on the rise, so what can i say
06:02 mircea_popescu how are these migrants any worse than you ?
06:02 mircea_popescu maybe you should try the mutilation thing.
06:03 williamdunne Socialism to me does seem a lot like the "no kid left behind" school bullshit that appeals to the lowest common denominator and lowers the median
06:03 justJanne You got it wrong.
06:03 mircea_popescu in any case the poor girls without the bits can't grow them back up, so in order for everyone to have equal chances at an orgasm, off with your clit!
06:04 justJanne It lowers the average, but increases the median
06:04 mircea_popescu and because the government can alter the deal, here, it's a new law now.
06:04 mircea_popescu enjoy socialism!
06:04 williamdunne justJanne: Median is average
06:04 justJanne No.
06:04 justJanne Average is the sum divided by the amount.
06:04 mircea_popescu she has a point. it does lower the average but increase the median
06:04 mircea_popescu which is EXACTLY what the problem is.
06:04 justJanne Median is the middle person.
06:04 mircea_popescu places with high medians are places not worth living in.
06:05 justJanne That's what you think.
06:05 mircea_popescu the entire point of life is diferentiation from the median.
06:05 mircea_popescu of course it is, that's why i say it.
06:05 justJanne I think places with low median aren't worth living in.
06:05 williamdunne
06:06 mircea_popescu the difference being that this isn't what you think,
06:06 mircea_popescu just what you've been told to think.
06:06 justJanne williamdunne: please take stochastics 101 at a university,
06:06 justJanne You'll know what mean and average are.
06:06 mircea_popescu stochastics 101 o.O ?!
06:06 mircea_popescu this actually is a thing ?!
06:06 williamdunne Sounds like a musician "Stoch"
06:06 justJanne Introduction into stochastic, yeah.
06:06 williamdunne And he's German most likely
06:06 williamdunne So it fits
06:06 justJanne Theoretical statistics.
06:07 mircea_popescu but this in physics ? as in, stochastics mechanics ?
06:07 mircea_popescu oh.
06:07 justJanne No.
06:07 williamdunne "Did you see Stoch's latest concert? It was Stochastic!"
06:07 mircea_popescu so statistics 101 ?
06:07 justJanne No.
06:07 justJanne Statistics is different.
06:07 mircea_popescu can you link the course ?
06:07 justJanne I'm on mobile, sadly no.
06:07 justJanne Also, it would be in German anyway.
06:07 mircea_popescu !s kiel
06:07 assbot 0 results for 'kiel' :
06:08 mircea_popescu you may not speak french, but i do read german nooblet.
06:08 mircea_popescu this ?
06:09 justJanne Nah.
06:09 justJanne That's a master module.
06:09 mircea_popescu ikr ?
06:09 justJanne Uni Köln has a nice transcript.
06:09 justJanne The mathematicians in Kiel still refuse to use calculators or computers.
06:09 mircea_popescu i thought you went to kiel.
06:09 justJanne I do.
06:10 justJanne But Kiel's mathematicians refuse to put anything on the public web.
06:10 justJanne You can get it if you are in their intranet, though.
06:10 mircea_popescu lol
06:10 williamdunne setup a proxy to the intranet
06:10 justJanne They have.
06:10 williamdunne No a public one
06:10 justJanne Nope.
06:10 mircea_popescu what, you want her to end up in aaron schwartz's cell ?
06:11 justJanne As access to the intranet is bound through X.509 to a user account
06:11 williamdunne A university dedicate to not sharing information, not very socialist of them
06:11 justJanne Anyway, we are going way off topic.
06:11 williamdunne Yes, we should be discussing bitcoin assets
06:11 davout justJanne: for like 12 hours now...
06:11 justJanne Not that far.
06:12 mircea_popescu speaking of the broke ass pki,
06:13 justJanne Anyway, why are we still arguing? I said I have no issue with you trying to build your state system, I just don't believe it will last, and you guys spending 14h trying to convince me the system I like most is shit.
06:14 mircea_popescu the problem isn't that we're going "off topic", as there isn't a topic. the problem is that you very badly suck at most verbal and cognitive tasks. but hopefully we've run the gamut by now.
06:14 chetty I havent read the whole log but I am curious, is anyone trying to convince, or just stating facts?
06:14 justJanne Mostly stating facts.
06:14 davout *ahem*
06:14 justJanne Mostly.
06:15 mircea_popescu most of the discussion flows as "comonly held belief 1" "why" "because 2" "why" "because 3" why" "because 1.1" etc
06:15 mircea_popescu anyway, nothing a summer's worth of lurk moar can't fix.
06:15 justJanne The largest issue is that many people discussed with me, each having different opinions.
06:16 williamdunne Thats what happens when you talk to a group of people
06:16 mircea_popescu we suck at being a cult.
06:16 justJanne And combined, these people's opinions would cancel each other our.
06:16 justJanne *out
06:16 mircea_popescu is it ?
06:16 williamdunne Ey?
06:16 justJanne Yes.
06:17 trinque we are all different forces on different vectors and we cancel out?
06:17 justJanne Some people said, before, people should be held responsible for the decisions of their ancestors, they can even be punished for them.
06:17 justJanne Some others said taxes are bad, because you personally aren't responsible for them.
06:17 justJanne Combined, the statements are nuts.
06:18 williamdunne Some people said, before, people should be held responsible for the decisions of their ancestors, they can even be punished for them. <<< who actually said this, I'm curious about the justification
06:18 mircea_popescu justJanne the impression you get comes from you observing what's being said with too broad a brush.
06:19 justJanne williamdunne: it was used as defense against my argument that "children should have equal chances, no matter if their parents are poor or rich"
06:19 mircea_popescu for instance, i didn't say people should be punished for what ancestors did. you conflated two statements : 1) that you can't expect me to pay for the poor behaviour of one's ancestors and 2) that i punish people by what they are rather than they wish to be.
06:19 williamdunne What was the actual answer, because not giving them equal chances is very different
06:19 justJanne Because I said "people aren't responsible for the actions of their ancestors"
06:19 mircea_popescu these have precise and rather subtle meanings, is all.
06:19 justJanne So, people should be held responsible for the actions of their ancestors.
06:19 williamdunne Yeah thats what I expected
06:19 williamdunne No
06:20 mircea_popescu there's a difference between punishment and responsibility.
06:20 justJanne But they shouldn't.
06:20 mircea_popescu moreover, the situation where you're poor because daddy was a drunk is neither your punishment nor your responsibility.
06:20 mircea_popescu it is, merely, YOUR SITUATION.
06:20 mircea_popescu improve it and that's that.
06:20 williamdunne We're not all equal, but I don't want to make it worse for you
06:20 justJanne Okay, so, mircea_popescu, taxes are the same
06:20 mircea_popescu the same needs two operands.
06:21 justJanne The situation that you live in a place with taxes is neither your punishment nor you'd responsibility.
06:21 justJanne It is, merely, Your situation.
06:21 williamdunne Yes it is
06:21 mircea_popescu i don't live in a place owned by someone else.
06:21 williamdunne Its a punishment
06:21 williamdunne Its an active force
06:21 justJanne How so?
06:21 mircea_popescu what do you mean "how" ?
06:21 williamdunne If you don't pay someone rapes you
06:21 justJanne Where is the difference between having to pay the debts of your parents
06:21 williamdunne If you're poor.. you can't do something, but nothing actually happens
06:21 justJanne And having to pay taxes.
06:21 williamdunne Who says you pay your parents debt?
06:21 mircea_popescu the debts of your parents is a novel development, wasn't discussed before.
06:22 justJanne It is part of the poor debate.
06:22 mircea_popescu apparently it's not.
06:22 williamdunne No it isn't, no one should inherit debt
06:22 justJanne May those debts be monetary, or indirect.
06:22 mircea_popescu you don't get to call any negative number "a debt"
06:22 justJanne williamdunne: and what is with indirect debt?
06:22 mircea_popescu the word has a specific meaning.
06:22 williamdunne What are we calling indirect debt?
06:22 justJanne When your parents are so piss poor you have to work as a child to not starve.
06:23 williamdunne Thats a lack of a think
06:23 williamdunne Debt is a thing you have
06:23 williamdunne Not a lack of a thing
06:23 justJanne Debt is a responsibility of having to pay, yes.
06:23 justJanne But for the person, it is the same.
06:23 williamdunne No, it isn't
06:23 mircea_popescu so a bottle and a penis are, for a flatworm, "the same"
06:24 mircea_popescu doesn't mean you can run around sticking bottles up your ass.
06:24 justJanne Okay, back then.
06:24 chetty <justJanne> When your parents are so piss poor you have to work as a child to not starve.// some might consider that an advantage
06:24 justJanne If you think so.
06:24 justJanne Thing is, of you have to work and can't go to school,
06:24 justJanne You lose something due to the bad choices of your parents.
06:24 williamdunne Did me good
06:25 mircea_popescu justJanne you lose something, gain something else.
06:25 justJanne williamdunne: it shows. It shows very much.
06:25 mircea_popescu that's the way it goes. if you have children, you lose your juvenile figure.
06:25 mircea_popescu if you don't, you don't have children.
06:25 justJanne It's not the same.
06:25 justJanne The question here is:
06:25 justJanne Why is inheriting debts different?
06:25 justJanne You said inheriting debts shouldn't be a thing.
06:25 mircea_popescu because debt flows from a contrat.
06:26 justJanne But inheriting money is okay?
06:26 mircea_popescu and a contract can only be enforced by its parties.
06:26 williamdunne Yes
06:26 mircea_popescu what problem do you see with it ?
06:26 trinque also a contract
06:26 justJanne And what about inheriting stocks?
06:26 williamdunne No one enforces inheritance, its not a contract
06:26 williamdunne give it away
06:26 williamdunne justJanne: Stocks with liability?
06:27 mircea_popescu stocks don't carry liability, nor have they ever.
06:27 justJanne Most stocks are a contract saying that you pay money, in return get a part of the profits and the power over a company.
06:27 justJanne But the contract is specifically signed to you.
06:27 mircea_popescu no. stocks are a contract saying that you PAID money,
06:27 mircea_popescu and forevermore get a share of the company.
06:27 justJanne Yes.
06:27 williamdunne derp on my part
06:27 justJanne But the contract is again bound to you.
06:27 mircea_popescu they are negotiable instruments, just like any other.
06:28 justJanne So, the question is, should inheriting these contracts be possible?
06:28 mircea_popescu the contract is not inherited.
06:28 mircea_popescu it is conveyed.
06:28 justJanne And if yes, why are they so different from debt contracts?
06:28 williamdunne Liability
06:28 justJanne And what about inverse debt?
06:28 justJanne You lend someone money. You die.
06:29 * mircea_popescu perceives the deep, faint marks of ancient saxon legal strictures in the girl's attempt.
06:29 justJanne Can your children force the person to pay?
06:29 mircea_popescu fascinating what cultural nationality turns out to be.
06:29 mircea_popescu justJanne depends how the contract was worded.
06:29 mircea_popescu is it assignable ? have you assigned it to them ?
06:29 justJanne So, then debt is only inheritable in some cases?
06:29 mircea_popescu debt is never inheritable.
06:30 justJanne This creates an issue with williamdunne's comment.
06:30 justJanne Because either contracts are inheritable, or they are not.
06:30 williamdunne justJanne: No it doesn't, you know I meant debt as if in the liability not the asset
06:30 mircea_popescu the fact that i convey a claim against you to him does not mean he inherited it from me.
06:30 mircea_popescu it merely means i conveyed it to him.
06:30 justJanne Debt as a liability and debt as an asset have to be treated the same.
06:30 williamdunne No, they don't
06:30 mircea_popescu i'm not even sure what that aims to mean.
06:31 justJanne So, again,
06:31 justJanne We have a contract between two parties.
06:31 mircea_popescu right.
06:31 justJanne One party can give the contract to another person,
06:31 justJanne But the other party is always bound to it?
06:31 justJanne That sounds very unfair.
06:31 mircea_popescu if the contract is so phrased, yes.
06:31 mircea_popescu hey, lex pacta. you can make a contract say whatever you wish it to say
06:31 justJanne No, you can't.
06:31 mircea_popescu the counterpart being that you can never impose a contract on anyone.
06:32 justJanne If the contract is worded so that it provides and obvious disadvantage for one party, it is void.
06:32 mircea_popescu well obviously i can.
06:32 mircea_popescu not here.
06:32 justJanne In most of the world, yes.
06:32 justJanne For good reason.
06:32 mircea_popescu irrelevant.
06:32 justJanne No.
06:33 williamdunne Yes.
06:33 mircea_popescu in most of the world (defined as africa), females must have their bits cut off.
06:33 trinque dear god europe allows "it's not fair" to dissolve contracts?
06:33 mircea_popescu so what of it. the most of the world can go hang.
06:33 davout cat freenode_\#bitcoin-assets_2015051* | grep justJanne | wc -l
06:33 justJanne Just because the legal system of The most serene dictatorship was written by amateurs doesn't mean it's good.
06:33 davout 967
06:33 davout oO
06:33 mircea_popescu trinque german law, yes.
06:33 justJanne trinque: most European law, yes.
06:33 mircea_popescu justJanne just because you think yourself equal to things you don't understand doesn't make 'em so :D
06:34 mircea_popescu davout you got a bet ?
06:34 justJanne I took several undergrad classes in politics, macroeconomy, and political philosophy, I know what I'm talking about ;P
06:34 mircea_popescu tbh the best part was where she didn't wanna take a trip to the us because satan lives there.
06:34 davout mircea_popescu: howso?
06:34 mircea_popescu readthelogs.pdf
06:34 davout i have, pls to link
06:35 mircea_popescu
06:35 assbot Logged on 19-05-2015 09:49:23; mircea_popescu: justJanne you wanna go ?
06:35 mircea_popescu amusingly enough, we agree. i don't visit the us for the exact same reasons.
06:36 mircea_popescu clearly those undergrad classes are paying off.
06:36 justJanne Yes, they do.
06:36 davout i was referring to "davout you got a bet ?"
06:36 chetty <justJanne> I took several undergrad classes in politics, macroeconomy, and political philosophy, I know what I'm talking about ;P//OH MY
06:36 mircea_popescu oh oh. i got that, too.
06:36 * davout puts ms office paperclip costume on
06:36 davout "DID YOU MEAN, 'A BED' ?"
06:36 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26963 @ 0.00029017 = 7.8239 BTC [+] {2}
06:36 justJanne Most other people would have fallen for your propagandistic claims.
06:37 * williamdunne tips fedora
06:37 mircea_popescu davout
06:37 assbot Logged on 19-05-2015 09:27:49; mircea_popescu: clever chick with a head fulla stupid meets #b-a. anyone care to bet on the linecount total ?
06:38 davout oic
06:38 mircea_popescu justJanne wait wut ?
06:38 davout i kind of expected more tbh
06:38 mircea_popescu 1k's not bad.
06:38 davout yea, i probably suck at such estimates
06:39 williamdunne “Just to be clear, I’m not a professional ‘politician’. I’m just a german teenager who greatly values her intelligence and political fact over any silly idea conjured up some years ago. This being said, I am open to any and all criticism.
06:39 williamdunne ‘In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any popescu’s blessing. But because, I am enlightened by my intelligence and state-funded education system.’"
06:39 davout i have like less than half this for may
06:39 mircea_popescu and, in a fascinating turn of what sexism really is, remember that one time when ben_vulpes had a friend over, about the same age, about the same ideas and i bit his head off ?
06:39 mircea_popescu apparently it pays being female.
06:39 mircea_popescu williamdunne wait wut ?
06:39 justJanne The issue is that most women prefer social stability over the chance to get rich.
06:40 mircea_popescu this is not an issue, for as long as they understand that this is ok for them and unpleasant for others.
06:40 mircea_popescu and they wear heels.
06:40 justJanne Most people here agree on this, though.
06:40 mircea_popescu this=?
06:40 justJanne The stuff most women prefer in general,
06:40 mircea_popescu dun make those statements, they're stupid things for stupid people. here, this, blah.
06:40 williamdunne mircea_popescu:
06:40 assbot Logged on 19-05-2015 10:34:24; justJanne: I took several undergrad classes in politics, macroeconomy, and political philosophy, I know what I'm talking about ;P
06:40 williamdunne
06:40 assbot Logged on 19-05-2015 10:36:43; justJanne: Most other people would have fallen for your propagandistic claims.
06:40 justJanne Is preferred by most of society here.
06:41 justJanne Anyway,
06:41 justJanne Interestingly, you should read about the veil of ignorance.
06:41 justJanne It's a nice thought experiment.
06:41 mircea_popescu justJanne "most of society" that gets a voice, which is bored women.
06:41 justJanne And, interestingly, this thought experiment almost always ends in the Nordic model.
06:41 justJanne The thought experiment is:
06:41 mircea_popescu you seriously contemplate teh notion i'm not aware of "veil of ignorance" etc ?
06:41 justJanne Oh, cool.
06:42 justJanne So, assuming this experiment, how can you be for an anarchist society,
06:42 justJanne When you yourself might end up a piss poor person?
06:42 mircea_popescu you think i care ?
06:42 williamdunne I'm not familiar, give me a mo'
06:42 justJanne Okay:
06:42 williamdunne When you yourself might end up a piss poor person? << being well off isn't left to chance
06:42 mircea_popescu i built more fortunes thjan you had boyfriends to date
06:42 mircea_popescu and burned just as many.
06:43 mircea_popescu being poor is only a problem if you belong there. otherwise, it's like being dirty.
06:43 mircea_popescu washes right off.
06:43 justJanne How would you design a society, assuming you have to live in it later, you can be any person in it, it is random.
06:43 mircea_popescu i don't believe in this cultural warfare bs.
06:43 williamdunne justJanne: Everyone executed except the rich
06:43 mircea_popescu people are not "random", leaves in the wind at the mercy of 1984-esque government.
06:43 justJanne Of course most people end up designing a society where everyone has enough to live, but also has chance to become rich.
06:43 mircea_popescu you don't follow the important point.
06:43 justJanne Which is the Nordic model.
06:43 mircea_popescu again : people are not rootless, leaves in the wind of "society".
06:45 mircea_popescu to propose that you can randomly switch people around as if they were interchangeable parts is already to introduce socialism as a given
06:45 mircea_popescu socialism is not only not a given, it is the system of organised stupidity.
06:45 mircea_popescu and no matter what happens, you can't be me. maybe being you is still cool and worth being. maybe it isn't.
06:45 mircea_popescu if it isn't your'e fucked, because that's what you'll ever be.
06:46 justJanne The idea is to create a society where every person has an acceptable life.
06:46 mircea_popescu that idea is about on par with "i wonder if superman could beat batman"
06:46 mircea_popescu idle masturbation for the infantile mind.
06:46 justJanne The difference is, it works.
06:47 mircea_popescu like collodial silver works :
06:47 williamdunne mircea_popescu: Thats actually becoming a film I think
06:47 mircea_popescu if you take the vouches of idiots seriously, it works, sure.
06:47 mircea_popescu williamdunne im sure.
06:47 justJanne No.
06:47 mircea_popescu teh lady doth say no too much.
06:47 williamdunne
06:48 justJanne Take for example my father, no money, piss poor. Would have had no money for studying. But also not able to work heavy work.
06:48 justJanne Thanks to free education, he studied law.
06:48 williamdunne justJanne: Don't mistake this for being a channel where everyone had rich parents
06:48 justJanne Without free education, he couldn't have ever afforded it.
06:48 mircea_popescu justJanne so he studied law and you still need the state to put you through college ?
06:49 mircea_popescu apparently with education he never got very far ?
06:49 williamdunne Too many lawyers, education diluted the market I'm guessing
06:49 mircea_popescu williamdunne nah, in germany being a lawyer is like being a clerk.
06:49 justJanne No, the issue is a different one.
06:49 mircea_popescu they make jack shit.
06:49 mircea_popescu none of that 10mn / year + benefits.
06:49 williamdunne Gender Studies a better option?
06:49 justJanne Also, there are different kinds of lawyers.
06:50 mircea_popescu williamdunne socialism, so: everything an equally shitty option, but
06:50 justJanne There are also corporal lawyers working in companies writing legal terms for contracts all day long.
06:50 mircea_popescu "hey, be thankful for the little you get" and all that jazz.
06:50 mircea_popescu justJanne corporate.
06:50 williamdunne It’s not an endlessly expanding list of rights — the ‘right’ to education, the ‘right’ to health care, the ‘right’ to food and housing. That’s not freedom, that’s dependency. Those aren’t rights, those are the rations of slavery — hay and a barn for human cattle.
06:50 justJanne He could have worked as legal attorney,
06:51 justJanne But he preferred the stable job in a company over the risk of having to depend on clients.
06:51 mircea_popescu heh.
06:51 mircea_popescu well, don't you think he should be ashamed of himself, in front of you ?
06:51 justJanne Nah.
06:51 mircea_popescu other people's dads did a lot better, unlike his lazy ass.
06:51 justJanne He did the right thing.
06:51 mircea_popescu i'd hold him up to task.
06:52 davout aaand we broke 1000
06:52 mircea_popescu you wanna be ~my~ father, you shoulda done a shitload better than this stupid shit.
06:52 williamdunne Being risk averse isn't a good idea generally speaking, if you want to be succeeding at anything.
06:52 justJanne Being risk averse is a very stable solution, though.
06:52 mircea_popescu i can't stand it in people, and especially not in men. imagine the unbearable conversation of someone who prefers the stability of bureaucratism and "not having to depend on clients"
06:53 mircea_popescu aka im too lazy to do a good job.
06:53 williamdunne 'Conversation'
06:53 justJanne This is Germany. The place where people will wait at an empty crosswalk at 3am on Sunday.
06:53 mircea_popescu justJanne i'm just forcing a point.
06:53 justJanne Stability and safety über allies.
06:53 justJanne *alles
06:54 mircea_popescu the signs of a dead civilisation.
06:54 mircea_popescu you ever read nietzsche btw ?
06:54 williamdunne Safety is the precedent for anything dystopian
06:54 justJanne Ofc I did.
06:54 mircea_popescu since in her world sartre never happened, as didn't voltaire.
06:54 mircea_popescu justJanne so what do you make of it ?
06:55 justJanne Meh.
06:55 mircea_popescu care to be specific ?
06:55 justJanne I don't like most of it.
06:55 mircea_popescu you know, that's how rich men dump young girls ? "what did you think of the film" "meh" "specifically ?" "i just didn't like it"
06:55 justJanne But it was 3 years ago, and in school, so I don't remember much more except for getting in an argument with my teacher.
06:55 mircea_popescu the next thing coming is "you know, i don't think we should be seeing each other anymore"
06:58 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 81697 @ 0.00027937 = 22.8237 BTC [-] {2}
06:58 mircea_popescu williamdunne i was reduced to googling for your coupla phrases. reddit comes up.
06:58 williamdunne mircea_popescu: You mean the euphoria ones?
06:58 mircea_popescu yes
06:58 williamdunne Yeah it was some atheist euphoric kid
06:59 BingoBoingo ;;lasers
06:59 williamdunne What she said reminded me of it
06:59 gribble ┌━ ┄ ┄ ┄ ┄ ┄ ┄ *pew!* *pew!* *pew!*
07:01 justJanne Also, you often don't need laws or regulations, as they are often ignored, if you use society or physics, it works better. Example: the streets in my city. If you have no parking lots anywhere in the city, people will have to use public transport. And private investors are happy too, because they can build parking lots and charge moon prices. 8$/h
07:03 mircea_popescu and if you have no toilet paper or jeans, eager kiel sluts will suck capitalist cock for a song
07:03 mircea_popescu i approve of this plan, yes.
07:03 mircea_popescu worked fine in the 80s, will work fine again.
07:03 justJanne The market will correct itself, if there is a market.
07:03 mircea_popescu who knew that the reunification of germany was going to go the other way.
07:03 justJanne As seen with the parking lots.
07:03 justJanne Nah, it didn't.
07:04 justJanne The current nordic model was already discussed and partially implemented in the 1800s
07:04 mircea_popescu lol. what is with socialism and its desperate need to a) pretend it has a different name now and b) pretend it has historical roots ?
07:04 justJanne The Nordic model is what Marx meant, but Lenin and Stalin went totally retarded.
07:04 mircea_popescu riiight.
07:04 justJanne Yes. Read Marx.
07:05 mircea_popescu i'd have to borrow your glasses
07:05 mircea_popescu an' i dun think they fit my head.
07:05 justJanne He really only complains about cartels, monopolies, unfair wages, and in general no public services.
07:06 justJanne Tbh, even the US nowadays is quite close to what Marx described.
07:07 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 45397 @ 0.00027814 = 12.6267 BTC [-]
07:07 justJanne Socialism, originally, was intended to do exactly this: give everyone equal chances, but then let them do their own thing. Of course you can start a company and become rich, this is no issue, as long as no one starves to death.
07:08 mircea_popescu "you can start a company as long as it doesn't matter or do anything important"
07:08 mircea_popescu yes yes. except, men are not babies.
07:08 justJanne No.
07:09 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32450 @ 0.00026973 = 8.7527 BTC [-] {2}
07:09 justJanne You can start a company, and become a huge multinational even, as long as everyone has enough to fulfill their basic needs.
07:09 mircea_popescu how about, i have the money, i make the rules ?
07:09 justJanne And there are many successful Nordic startups and companies.
07:09 justJanne Money is a thing invented by people.
07:10 mircea_popescu so are rules.
07:10 williamdunne What do you mean "Invented"
07:10 justJanne Yes.
07:10 williamdunne Its sort of not invented but pretty much inherent to humans
07:10 mircea_popescu gravity is also a thing invented by people.
07:10 williamdunne Hence why the Indians die and Europeans rule the world
07:10 justJanne No.
07:10 mircea_popescu doesn't mean rocks didn't fall before, but it does mean it wasn't called gravity.
07:11 williamdunne doesn't mean rocks didn't fall before, but it does mean it wasn't called gravity. << this is exactly what I mean
07:11 mircea_popescu right.
07:11 mircea_popescu so, yes, the idiocy of socialism, no matter how named, and the superiority of la serenissima, etc, are rules of the world, and drive it whether named or unnamed.
07:11 justJanne No.
07:11 justJanne Money is invented just like laws, or countriez
07:12 mircea_popescu but other than that, money was invented and reinvented by people, most recently being called bitcoin.
07:12 williamdunne Money has existed since before government was a concept that meant anything other than some tribe leader with a bone through his nose
07:12 mircea_popescu justJanne was the number 7 invented by people, iyo ?
07:13 williamdunne And it has been "invented" god knows how many times independently
07:13 williamdunne It stems from the idea of ownership and necessity of a common unit
07:13 williamdunne Thats literally all it is
07:15 williamdunne Anyone who didn't invent it was crushed
07:17 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15747 @ 0.00027036 = 4.2574 BTC [+]
~ 15 minutes ~
07:32 williamdunne You know those dead bikers? Turns out they didn't actually kill anyone
07:33 williamdunne It was the police that killed them
07:33 williamdunne Not them killing each other
07:33 williamdunne
07:34 mircea_popescu ahahaha
07:34 mircea_popescu the texas shootout thing ?
07:34 williamdunne Yep, thats the one
07:35 williamdunne It was a knife fight, and as soon as one biker pulled a gun the swat opened automatic fire
07:35 mircea_popescu in other news,
07:36 justJanne More kills in one day than the police here in 70 years -.-
07:36 williamdunne justJanne: When it comes to it, the German soldiers will either massacre civilians or execute gov officials
07:36 williamdunne But considering who pays their salaries..
07:38 mircea_popescu Sergeant Patrick Swanton, a spokesman for the Waco Police Department, called the attendees. “A bunch of criminal element biker members that came to Waco and tried to instill violence into our community and unfortunately did just that…. This is not a bunch of doctors and dentists and lawyers riding Harleys. These are criminals on Harley-Davidsons.”
07:38 mircea_popescu no further professions allowed in the ussa.
07:38 mircea_popescu be a doctor, lawyer or a dentist. or fuck you.
07:39 mircea_popescu sucks that most of the kids are online geeks / webexperts i guess.
07:39 williamdunne Thats pretty meta - isn't it. Sergeant is on the list of criminals
07:39 mircea_popescu Sergeant Swanton said, “What occurred here today is the worst-case scenario when a business owner puts profit over human lives. It’s sad. This could have all been avoided.”
07:39 mircea_popescu ahahaha "Waco police claim the violence could have prevented if Jay Patel, the operating partner at the independently owned Waco franchise, had simply banned the Confederation of Clubs from meeting there"
07:39 mircea_popescu dude that country's so fucked...
07:40 williamdunne Its not even that country, I'm pretty sure the same would be said elsewhere in fairness
07:41 williamdunne But yeah thats pretty fucked
07:41 mircea_popescu eslewhere where, in the "democratic" republic of germany ? (following kruschev's revelation on stalin!)
07:42 mircea_popescu Since the massacre, police have announced that there is “credible information about threats toward law enforcement.” Waco police issued a bulletin at 10:13 Sunday night that announced: “Our agency has recieved (sic) information that the Cosaks (sic) and Banditos (sic) have issued an order to kill anyone in uniform.”
07:42 davout deedbot-:
07:43 deedbot- accepted: 1
07:43 mircea_popescu hey, i can see it.
07:43 mircea_popescu kill everyone in uniform.
07:43 mircea_popescu getting back to the softer side,
07:45 williamdunne mircea_popescu: Oh noes, the lawyers and doctors too!
07:47 davout deedbot-: add feed
07:48 mircea_popescu kinda funny how the "we totally fucked up. it was our job to keep things smooth and well... we blew it" thing never comes out of us police.
07:48 davout trinque: did it werked? ^
07:48 davout
07:49 chetty <mircea_popescu> ahahaha "Waco police claim the violence could have prevented if Jay Patel, the operating partner at the independently owned Waco franchise, had simply banned the Confederation of Clubs from meeting there"//of course that would work, would have happened at the place down the street instead.
07:49 mircea_popescu chetty ikr ? nuts, these people.
07:49 mircea_popescu "it's julia's fault! do it to julia! not me!"
07:50 mircea_popescu wtf, buncha felons.
07:50 mircea_popescu "we didn't just butcher a bunch of marginal retards in a parking lot. it was because of the moon. the guy that made the roof 15 years ago is to blame. it';s because texas has straight borders"
07:51 mircea_popescu how about you know, you just suck about as bad as the car mechanic that sets customers' cars on fire.
07:58 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 89471 @ 0.00029065 = 26.0047 BTC [+] {2}
~ 28 minutes ~
08:26 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 50503 @ 0.00028874 = 14.5822 BTC [-]
08:35 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 49001 @ 0.00026862 = 13.1626 BTC [-] {2}
08:46 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 50600 @ 0.00028291 = 14.3152 BTC [+] {3}
09:00 funkenstein_ ooh look non-sychophant in channel, nice logs :)
~ 20 minutes ~
09:20 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 63950 @ 0.00026798 = 17.1373 BTC [-]
09:27 mircea_popescu asciilifeform << there! finally it's all been shanonized properly.
09:28 mircea_popescu funkenstein_ omfg what are you like the socialist party in hiding, waiting for reinforcements ?
09:30 punkman mircea_popescu, that's a peculiar text, I wonder how it was made
09:31 mircea_popescu sentence level mixing i'd guess
09:33 funkenstein_ perhaps for some value of "socialist party" :)
09:37 * mircea_popescu calls for purge of trotskyst elements &c
09:37 scoopbot_revived Testing Scoop
09:37 funkenstein_ what is a "confidence researcher"?
09:38 mircea_popescu like a con man, but with science.
09:40 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: wtf, chinese to english or what
09:40 mircea_popescu no idea.
09:41 williamdunne Okay, Scoop should be 24/7 now, and even if he crashes the things he has posted should be persistent nao
09:41 williamdunne Just gonna test his persistence
09:42 mircea_popescu le cool.
09:42 jurov !kill scoobot
09:42 mircea_popescu you gonna add the bitbet posting functionality ? a lot more sensible i nscoop than i ndeedbot
09:42 jurov williamdunne: wd!
09:42 williamdunne I can, I hadn't seen the request but I'm happy to add it
09:43 mircea_popescu splendeed.
09:43 williamdunne Can't see an API or anything tho
09:44 mircea_popescu jsons
09:44 * asciilifeform caught up with log, many lulz
09:44 jurov
09:45 williamdunne Ah perfcet
09:45 williamdunne *perfect
09:45 jurov !mpif
09:45 assbot F.MPIF Tracker estimated NAV per share: 0.00021368 B (Total: 467.27 B). Delta: 0.09 B. Last trade for F.MPIF on MPEX was at 0.000207 BTC [+]
09:45 williamdunne What features are wanted in said bot?
09:45 mircea_popescu announce new propositions and bets > 1 btc in value
09:45 jurov and accurate predictions!
09:46 jurov !t m f.mpif
09:46 assbot [MPEX:F.MPIF] 1D: 0 / 0 / 0 (0 shares, 0 BTC), 7D: 0.000207 / 0.000207 / 0.000207 (20000 shares, 4.14 BTC), 30D: 0.000206 / 0.00020659 / 0.000207 (74560 shares, 15.40 BTC)
09:47 mircea_popescu asciilifeform so you have a bet ?
09:47 mircea_popescu check it out, they gave out the internet rations in twodogs today
09:47 nubbins` a wild key collision appears
09:47 nubbins` what's this about a banner then
09:47 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: waiwut, bet ?
09:48 jurov welcome nubbins`
09:48 nubbins` hi
09:48 mircea_popescu listen nubsy, make a banner for your dubious publisher of offensive posters
09:48 mircea_popescu asciilifeform how manyl lines she takes.
09:48 asciilifeform l0l
09:48 nubbins` mircea_popescu like any ol' banner, or something more specific?
09:49 mircea_popescu 728x90
09:49 nubbins` inches?
09:49 nubbins` pixels?
09:49 mircea_popescu lol. << see that banner there at the top ?
09:50 nubbins` o you mean a web banner or smth don't you.
09:50 * nubbins` puts away the rolls of paper
09:50 mircea_popescu lol
09:50 jurov well, you can make paper one and scan it it
09:50 mircea_popescu or papier mache
09:50 jurov for the derps to "tell by the pixels not professionally done"
09:50 nubbins` heh
09:50 nubbins` how many times so far this year have derps sent me files at terrible resolution for screenprinting
09:51 nubbins` "but it looks ok on my screen"
09:51 mircea_popescu 726
09:51 nubbins` kill yourself; get out
09:51 mircea_popescu nubbins` you DID SAY it was SCREEN printing
09:51 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 100149 @ 0.00026827 = 26.867 BTC [+] {2}
09:51 mircea_popescu god damned scammers ruining everything.
09:51 nubbins` hey now, you computer folk misappropriated the word.
09:51 mircea_popescu this we did.
09:51 nubbins` that box of lights is no more a screen than my left shoe!!
09:52 nubbins` anyway, summertime rush is picking up
09:54 nubbins` and i've somehow decided to publish a fully-silkscreened book that'll cost $100 per issue
09:54 nubbins` o.O
09:55 jurov what? stan's book is finished?
09:55 nubbins` no, jesus
09:55 jurov :D
09:55 nubbins` i'd be surprised if that thing gets printed before 2020
09:55 nubbins` and this book is like 20 pages
09:55 nubbins` so.
09:55 mircea_popescu well by 2020, stan's book is also gonna be 20 pages
09:55 mircea_popescu ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((do)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
09:55 mod6 :]
09:55 nubbins` aha!
09:55 nubbins` "what's 'do' do?" "the thing"
09:55 mircea_popescu fu, it looks ok on my left shoe!
09:56 nubbins` did i mention that i was detained in a security room at cleveland hopkins airport for 13 hours because of this place?
09:57 mircea_popescu no wai ?!
09:58 mircea_popescu and you didn't even come to conference ?
09:58 jurov and so it begins
09:58 jurov do tell
09:58 nubbins` heh. naw, just kidding
09:59 nubbins` they did make me hold my arms out like an airplane while they touched my dick tho
09:59 jurov did they found the rsa keys?
09:59 williamdunne Yeah, they factored them
09:59 * williamdunne wonders if persistence thingy will work this time
10:05 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18500 @ 0.00026858 = 4.9687 BTC [+]
10:09 williamdunne Well, Scoop is now working, although Assbot won't listen to commands so he can't up himself
10:09 williamdunne yay
10:09 * williamdunne wonders why people are worried about an AI takeover
10:10 nubbins`
10:11 nubbins` lel @ yellow shirt man @ 1:00
10:11 nubbins` for those of you who are not canadian, yellow shirt man got fired from his $100k/yr job as an engineer at a public utility the day after this video came out
10:11 nubbins` mis lados etc
10:17 mircea_popescu lol buncha derps.
10:17 mircea_popescu "we just work here. not you... it's like...."
10:19 mircea_popescu if you are gonna do it, then what happened to "yeah bitch, exactly."
10:19 mircea_popescu fucking do it.
10:24 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 55550 @ 0.00026858 = 14.9196 BTC [+]
10:30 williamdunne !h
10:30 assbot
10:30 williamdunne w00t
10:30 davout !rated jurov
10:30 assbot You rated user jurov on 22-Apr-2014, with a rating of 3, and supplied these additional notes: this nick maps to a real person i have met IRL, also CoinBR.
10:30 davout seems to werk fine
10:35 davout deedbot-:
10:36 deedbot- accepted: 1
10:36 scoopbot_revived Scoop Test
10:36 williamdunne Scoop werks
10:41 mod6 Ok, the v0_5_3_1-RELEASE performance test is complete. Charts are posted here if you'd like to view:
10:42 mod6 You'll notice that there are two times that during the full blockchain sync, bitcoind got oomkill'd.
10:42 mod6 Again, this is just the bitcoin-v0_5_3_1-RELEASE -- no patches added.
10:43 davout
10:44 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24527 @ 0.00027005 = 6.6235 BTC [+] {3}
10:44 davout "As a global index leader and administrator of ICE LIBOR, ICE Futures U.S. Dollar Index and many other notable benchmarks, we are pleased to bring transparency to this market."
10:44 mod6 And for reference, here's where you can view the performance test charts that were with the OrphanageThermonuke patched in:
10:45 davout "We are now going to use our name, reputation and global index provider stature to provide bitcoin values that the rest of the market can look to," says Tom Farley, who serves as president of NYSE, the venerable financial institution that has come to symbolize Wall Street and capitalism more broadly.
10:45 davout right.
10:45 williamdunne "Sorry we're late to the party, hey girlz, wanna see my handstand?"
10:45 davout it's not that they're late, it's just... wtf
10:46 davout "NYXBT utilizes a unique methodology that relies on rules-based logic to analyze a dataset of matched transactions and verify the integrity of the data to ultimately produce an objective and fair daily value for one bitcoin in U.S. Dollars as of 16:00 London time."
10:48 funkenstein_ bringing transparency to US markets, at 16:00 London Time
11:02 mod6 Process_Switches hits >4000 on v0_5_3_1-RELEASE-Charts when it oomkill'd
11:03 mod6 then straight down to 0.
11:04 punkman "The NYSE Bitcoin Index will initially feature data from transactions from Coinbase Exchange, the leading U.S.-based bitcoin exchange. In 2015, NYSE made a minority investment in Coinbase"
11:07 punkman well that's gonna be fun to watch
11:16 justJanne Anyway, I'm sorry, but I don't have much time arguing with people like you stupidly about fictional politics.
11:18 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28400 @ 0.00026788 = 7.6078 BTC [-] {2}
11:24 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 42026 @ 0.00026419 = 11.1028 BTC [-] {2}
11:26 williamdunne What on earth.
11:37 danielpbarron !up tcrypt
11:37 ben_vulpes this thread's still going, eh?
11:37 davout doesn't look like it
11:37 davout she did broke the 1000 lines count while at it though
11:37 davout notbad.jpg
11:39 ben_vulpes > arguing stupidly << accidentally totally spot on
11:43 ben_vulpes << they're /both/ problems.
11:43 assbot Logged on 18-05-2015 23:03:57; justJanne: mod6: power is not the issue.
11:45 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 35000 @ 0.00027836 = 9.7426 BTC [+]
11:45 mircea_popescu davout vague stuff is vague, but anyway
11:45 mircea_popescu how is coinbase leading anything anyway ?
11:46 mircea_popescu !up tcrypt
11:46 mircea_popescu williamdunne What on earth. << late onset butthurt.
11:48 mircea_popescu one wonders what'd be the bar for non-fictional politics.
11:48 mircea_popescu moses' tablets, perhaps.
11:50 mircea_popescu justJanne 846 << what 1k ? scam.
11:55 jurov well, i saw nobody explain to her how does the nordic model actually does not exist
11:55 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28684 @ 0.00027836 = 7.9845 BTC [+]
11:55 jurov there were mostly fictional counterexamples
11:56 jurov and mircea's "i do what i want"
11:56 mircea_popescu yeah i did, she just ignored it.
11:57 mircea_popescu the age old problem with being clueless - it impairs metacognition too.
12:01 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25766 @ 0.00028789 = 7.4178 BTC [+]
12:01 mod6 10 moduli broken
12:02 mircea_popescu aha.
12:03 mircea_popescu >> this is like the most retarded thing i've seen today.
12:04 mircea_popescu look at the cute idiots, they're going to call no philosophies. because that's how it works, for keepsies! they called it!
12:05 mod6 "lists are for nerds."
12:06 ben_vulpes mircea_popescu: what's with the ~ in b,tmsro~ ?
12:06 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 42185 @ 0.00027136 = 11.4473 BTC [-]
12:07 mircea_popescu ben_vulpes old library convention, so the list doesn't consist of half the items filed under TH
12:07 mircea_popescu America, The History Of ~
12:07 ben_vulpes aha
12:08 * ben_vulpes searches memory for previous occurrences of the ~
12:08 ben_vulpes dude you know i think this is another thing americans simply shrugged and decided to not bother with
12:08 mircea_popescu mod6 as an item in a list.
12:08 mircea_popescu ben_vulpes they might have decided not to teach kids anymore, but it was in use back in the day
12:09 ben_vulpes not even not taught, but not even used
12:09 * ben_vulpes spent rather a lot of time in libraries as a wee one
12:09 mircea_popescu but after computers neh ?
12:09 mircea_popescu computers made all other things stupider.
12:10 mircea_popescu anyway, this particular usage is the reason tilde even exists on computer keyboards.
12:11 ben_vulpes i'm deeming the justJanne word salad as skippable
12:11 ben_vulpes << too many
12:11 assbot Logged on 19-05-2015 09:27:49; mircea_popescu: clever chick with a head fulla stupid meets #b-a. anyone care to bet on the linecount total ?
12:12 mircea_popescu you nearly ended up hosting her.
12:12 ben_vulpes lolwut
12:12 mircea_popescu talk to trinque, he signed you up.
12:12 mod6 <+mircea_popescu> mod6 as an item in a list. << hehe
12:12 ben_vulpes waaaat
12:13 ben_vulpes << ahaha
12:13 assbot Logged on 19-05-2015 09:49:00; mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes trinque hey lot, if i buy her plane tickets do you show her portland ? a week or so ?
12:13 ben_vulpes sure.
12:13 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 58550 @ 0.00026142 = 15.3061 BTC [-] {2}
12:15 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21306 @ 0.00025917 = 5.5219 BTC [-]
12:17 ben_vulpes << i contest this point:
12:17 assbot Logged on 19-05-2015 10:24:05; mircea_popescu: doesn't mean you can run around sticking bottles up your ass.
12:21 ben_vulpes << sounds familiar
12:21 assbot Logged on 19-05-2015 11:08:18; mircea_popescu: "you can start a company as long as it doesn't matter or do anything important"
12:22 ben_vulpes << /me imagines nubsy making airplane noises whilst being groped
12:22 assbot Logged on 19-05-2015 13:59:00; nubbins`: they did make me hold my arms out like an airplane while they touched my dick tho
12:22 mircea_popescu laters!
12:23 * ben_vulpes off to not matter and do things of nil importance
12:33 danielpbarron !up t-
12:34 danielpbarron !up aabtc
12:39 ben_vulpes << attn danielpbarron pete_dushenski and bikers of all stripes
12:45 danielpbarron sounds too much like pedopalooza; even has the bear
12:48 ben_vulpes it is pedalpalooza
12:48 ben_vulpes why u no pedalpalooza?
12:49 danielpbarron it overlaps with porcfest, among other reasons
12:49 ben_vulpes plus lib'ruhls, no doubt
12:49 danielpbarron other side of country, is in portland, is a month long!?
12:50 ben_vulpes what, you have a job or something?
13:02 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 82193 @ 0.00025908 = 21.2946 BTC [-] {2}
13:09 Apocalyptic // for the record I misstated the length of the bugger, 311 is the length above which msieve presently refuses to crunch the number, the remaining factor is 1223 digit long
13:09 assbot Logged on 18-05-2015 18:56:11; Apocalyptic: on a 311 decimal base number I have my doubts, even msieve refuses to crunch it
13:17 asciilifeform !up ascii_field
13:17 ascii_field ;;later tell mircea_popescu
13:18 gribble The operation succeeded.
13:25 ascii_field ;;later tell mircea_popescu *exactly like the one i showed you earlier. virtually same type of modifications.*
13:25 gribble The operation succeeded.
13:26 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 40099 @ 0.00025515 = 10.2313 BTC [-] {2}
13:31 funkenstein_ "You are encouraged to associate your ORCID with your arXiv account." <-- Orcs, get your IDs ready <--
13:32 ben_vulpes truly orcish tekmology
13:34 ascii_field ;;later tell mircea_popescu aaand you've got mail
13:34 gribble The operation succeeded.
13:41 funkenstein_ I saw my first advert-in-captcha this week. Nasty.
13:47 mats 'FLUSH+RELOAD: a High Resolution, Low Noise,L3 Cache Side-Channel Attack'
13:48 mats 'S$A: A Shared Cache Attack that Works Across Cores and Defies VMSandboxing—and its Application to AES'
13:52 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 66706 @ 0.00025329 = 16.896 BTC [-] {2}
13:53 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 57694 @ 0.00025169 = 14.521 BTC [-] {2}
13:54 asciilifeform !up ascii_field
13:54 ascii_field ;;later tell mircea_popescu very relevant >>
13:55 gribble The operation succeeded.
14:04 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 117200 @ 0.00025037 = 29.3434 BTC [-] {2}
14:06 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 57950 @ 0.00025892 = 15.0044 BTC [+]
14:20 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9087 @ 0.00025892 = 2.3528 BTC [+]
14:23 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 51465 @ 0.00026105 = 13.4349 BTC [+]
14:24 deedbot- [Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski » Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski] Ex Machina -
14:25 trinque scoopy still not working?
14:25 scoopbot_revived Ex Machina
14:25 trinque ah there it goes, good deal.
14:25 * trinque turns off deedbot-'s rss-er
14:26 asciilifeform !up ascii_field
14:26 ascii_field << just picture her as an indoor cat explaining to alley cats the advantages of being pet... and you can like her again!
14:26 assbot Logged on 19-05-2015 16:11:34; ben_vulpes: i'm deeming the justJanne word salad as skippable
14:27 mod6 +1
14:28 ascii_field ben_vulpes: t0p p3t
14:28 trinque just a kid yelling about how they want to be the change they want to see...
14:29 trinque I think at 19 I considered myself an "anarchocapitalist"
14:41 jurov i consider everyone here (maybe except mircea) a proud wannabe alley cats,still hooked to petting and milk
14:42 jurov both sides of that discussion made me cringe
14:42 * ascii_field laboratory cat, gets milk, not so much petting, and occasional medical experiments
14:42 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26000 @ 0.00026713 = 6.9454 BTC [+]
14:50 ascii_field << l0ltr0n1c
14:54 mats jesus
14:56 trinque "potential terrorist activity" << nice orwellian term there
14:57 trinque Congressman Mike Rogers told the RSA audience more than once that metadata in bulk surveillance collection "is just the 'To: From:' like the front of an envelope."
15:01 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11035 @ 0.00026713 = 2.9478 BTC [+]
15:03 decimation ascii_field, mod6, ben_vulpes > have you seen this tool for managing patches? >
15:04 decimation you can push & pop patches to a source tree easily
15:04 decimation available here
15:05 trinque that's pretty cool
15:05 decimation apparently used in the kernel world to manage massive patchsets
15:09 jurov well, our problem is not patch management, but *reading* them
15:09 decimation < anarchy is retarded
15:09 assbot Logged on 19-05-2015 08:03:40; justJanne: I don't know. I have no issues with you guys building a state of anarchy,
15:11 jurov !s "is retarded"
15:11 assbot 87 results for '"is retarded"' :
15:12 trinque stand back guys; I'm going to build an anarchy
15:14 decimation if the magic to living the 'nordic freedom' dream is 50% tax plus redistribution, why doesn't that seem to work in somalia? are they too stupid to understand the concept?
15:15 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 95550 @ 0.00027405 = 26.1855 BTC [+]
15:16 asciilifeform !up ascii_field
15:16 * ascii_field gets 50% taxed without (seeing any of the) redistribution
15:17 ascii_field can't help but imagine this being the reason why so many folks who aren't obviously retarded, are in favour of the handouts
15:17 ascii_field scarcely anyone imagines that the theft might stop,
15:17 ascii_field but it is a slightly less outlandish fantasy to picture getting some of it back as bread&circuses or whichever.
15:19 jurov fantasies don't count
15:19 ascii_field jurov: they 'count' in the psychiatric sense of explaining where the voices the patient listened to when he swung the axe appeared to come from.
15:21 decimation mircea seems to credit the german geography for why 'nordic freedom' 'seems to work'. but I suggest it is the people themselves - having been beaten by the romans for centuries, and then forced by the church to mate outside their immediate family, they developed a concept of 'kinship' beyond L2 cousins
15:23 decimation anyway, back to the mines for me
15:25 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31684 @ 0.00027711 = 8.78 BTC [+] {2}
15:38 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 59050 @ 0.00027595 = 16.2948 BTC [-] {2}
~ 19 minutes ~
15:57 jurov hooray for citizen psychiatry!
15:59 jurov !up schmidty
15:59 jurov !up NewLiberty
16:03 jurov !up joshbuddy
16:12 mats Ex Machina was a huge disappointment
16:13 mats camera at the door takes his pic, prints access card with his face on it, but for whatever reason a super-secure AI dev facility doesn't so much as use the pic for user verification
16:21 punkman ^ agreed, it was pretty stupid
16:32 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 82600 @ 0.00028318 = 23.3907 BTC [+] {3}
16:39 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16743 @ 0.00028455 = 4.7642 BTC [+]
16:45 decimation ascii_field: < fanless 400 watt ATX supply
16:46 asciilifeform !up ascii_field
16:46 decimation < teardown
16:47 ascii_field decimation: from my experience, these 'fanless' things invariably rely on -some- case fan being present
16:47 decimation yeah, it would be interesting to try it out
16:48 ascii_field a gadget which has no 'hedgehog' open to room air is a nonstarter for true fanlessness
16:48 ascii_field just from examination by naked eye.
16:50 decimation maybe. < it appears to come with a 5 year warranty, so you can exchange it if it burns out
16:51 ascii_field can i also exchange the downstream devices it will nuke when it does? l0l
16:51 decimation heh
16:51 decimation usually power supplies don't nuke the downstream stuff, but it can happen
16:51 decimation especially if it undervolts
16:53 ascii_field decimation: some years ago, i purchased a 'fanless' ps and discovered, to my grief, that a number of misc. components on the (cpu water-cooled) mb relied on having -some- airflow
16:54 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 124550 @ 0.00028482 = 35.4743 BTC [+]
16:54 decimation yeah, they don't put that in the spec, but who knows. if the supply is really efficient, it ought not generate much heat
16:54 ascii_field voltage regulators, fets, various logic
16:55 ascii_field on mb proper
16:55 kakobrekla i dun have a fanless seasonic but it has its fan off most of the time
16:55 kakobrekla even when it goes on, dun hear it really
16:55 ascii_field kakobrekla: how often is 'most' ?
16:55 kakobrekla unless i start gayming
16:56 ascii_field i've seen systems like this, but, sadly, nothing with amd (nor do i expect to. they're 'frying pans.')
16:57 kakobrekla 'Seasonic P-760'
16:57 ascii_field kakobrekla: aha but what is it plugged into
16:58 kakobrekla 230v mains
16:58 ascii_field -other- end
16:59 kakobrekla 4770K, 32gig, amd r9 280x, a few ssds
17:00 ascii_field aha so intel box.
17:00 kakobrekla yes
17:08 ben_vulpes <jurov> i consider everyone here (maybe except mircea) a proud wannabe alley cats,still hooked to petting and milk << and i the mangiest
17:09 jurov lol.. your know how to hide your patchy fur in photos then
17:10 ben_vulpes my patchy beauty is on THE INSIDE, jurov!
17:11 * jurov pets ben_vulpes
17:13 ben_vulpes halp
17:13 ben_vulpes this is supposed to be a safe space
17:13 ben_vulpes jurov is molestering me
17:14 ben_vulpes
17:15 ben_vulpes it's like sequestration, but...
17:15 mats halp halp im being oppressed
17:16 ben_vulpes i'm just being pressed
17:16 mats bloody peasant
17:19 jurov !up ascii_field
17:21 ascii_field wat even
17:22 jurov we're having a contest who's mangiest inside
17:22 ascii_field '2015-05-19 20:12:17One or More Panels Have Begun Manual SMT Placement'
17:22 * ascii_field pictures slaves sweating
17:22 jurov for rng or cardano?
17:23 ascii_field rng
17:23 ascii_field batch of 32
17:23 ascii_field in other news, 10 moduli as of a few hrs ago
17:31 mod6 i noticed. cool!
17:32 trinque *applause*
17:33 ascii_field some very... interesting output, also.
17:34 Apocalyptic figures
17:35 Apocalyptic ascii_field likes to tease
17:39 ben_vulpes interesting how?!
17:39 ascii_field all in good time, l0l
~ 41 minutes ~
18:21 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 110800 @ 0.00027802 = 30.8046 BTC [-]
18:29 williamdunne Has scoop been behaving
18:31 jurov ;;seen scoopbot_revived
18:31 gribble scoopbot_revived was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 4 hours, 6 minutes, and 26 seconds ago: <scoopbot_revived> Ex Machina
18:33 jurov !t m s.qntr
18:33 assbot [MPEX:S.QNTR] 1D: 0 / 0 / 0 (0 shares, 0 BTC), 7D: 0.00032592 / 0.00034038 / 0.00035271 (3400 shares, 1.16 BTC), 30D: 0.00025534 / 0.00031692 / 0.00035271 (13584 shares, 4.31 BTC)
18:34 trinque williamdunne: turned the deedbot- rss'er off
18:35 williamdunne Perfect
18:35 williamdunne Should be 24/7, on an actual server and is cloaked
18:35 trinque nice.
18:35 williamdunne Is 4.31 the market cap of Qntra?
18:36 jurov lol
18:36 jurov no it's 30D volume
18:37 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 60250 @ 0.00028141 = 16.955 BTC [+] {2}
18:37 williamdunne I was going to say
18:37 williamdunne Was considering buying out Qntra for a sec
18:38 williamdunne Anyone seen this? From a glance looks like a good scalability solution.
18:38 williamdunne
18:40 jurov !s sidechains
18:40 assbot 36 results for 'sidechains' :
18:41 jurov or if it's meant for misc data, then it's done by deedbot already
18:42 jurov smells like something a patent troll could put together
18:43 williamdunne Its like sidechains but doesn't require a fork
18:43 williamdunne Stores hashes of the blocks in the bitcoin blockchain
18:43 williamdunne So kinda like deedbot in a way
18:44 jurov oh i wanted to ask, did you think about prevention of resubmitting same clearsigned text many times?
18:45 trinque who me?
18:45 jurov trinque ^
18:45 trinque I'll negrate people who abuse it
18:45 trinque aside that nah, if it's signed by L1 or L2 it goes out
18:46 jurov um. with email submission, i don't even know
18:47 jurov it already does SHA sum of whole clearsigned text, but comment can be changed so this is useless
18:47 trinque hm?
18:47 jurov you know clearsigned text has modifiable comment line?
18:47 trinque yeah so?
18:48 trinque either somebody produces the original text of the thing or deedbot has nothing to say about it
18:50 jurov if someone uses temporary voice to resubmit existing deed 1000 times, deedbot has nothing to say about it?
18:51 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 93900 @ 0.00028296 = 26.5699 BTC [+] {2}
18:52 jurov since you're paranoid enough to have a whitelist of sources, i thought you thought about that
19:01 trinque jurov: couldn't remember so I went and looked
19:01 ben_vulpes > blue text in email
19:02 ben_vulpes > sender confirmed for msexchange user
19:02 trinque it will do a crappy check against the json api to see if the nick plonking in a deed is trusted, however, I don't know of an api that gives whether the nick on IRC is authenticated
19:02 trinque so it could be improved
19:03 trinque if there's a URL for that it'd be trivial to add
19:03 jurov i decided to make sha1sums of decrypted text (and in future check them for duplicity)
19:04 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 40800 @ 0.00028528 = 11.6394 BTC [+] {2}
19:05 jurov pity that gpg offers no facilities to distinguish signatures except for date
19:05 trinque afaik using a deedbot against the blockchain is the only actually verifiable way of timestamping data that exists
19:06 jurov yes but i'm not about timestamping. i'm about checking if two clearsigned files are identical
19:07 jurov !up nubbins`
19:07 trinque ah got ya
19:07 jurov !up asciilifeform
19:07 mod6 ok, so v0.5.3 is compiled and running -- im doing a nmon perf collection on that as well. then we'll have all three to compare.
19:10 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31950 @ 0.00028717 = 9.1751 BTC [+] {2}
19:19 asciilifeform mod6: 3 ?
19:26 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 114000 @ 0.00027757 = 31.643 BTC [-] {2}
19:27 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 78876 @ 0.00027686 = 21.8376 BTC [-] {2}
19:27 ben_vulpes asciilifeform: 0.5.3 (virginal, aside from db lock patch), and + orphanage thermonuke
19:28 asciilifeform aha
19:28 asciilifeform why would we expect a meaningful difference in performance between 1 and 2 ?
19:31 jurov it's the nubbins` tax patch
19:31 asciilifeform l0l
19:32 asciilifeform ben_vulpes: one good test is to hard-config all 3 to connect exclusively to same (fully-synced) node
19:32 asciilifeform simultaneously, from 0
19:33 asciilifeform (this could underplay the effect of 'bastards' however)
19:34 BingoBoingo !up schmidty
19:42 mod6 <+asciilifeform> why would we expect a meaningful difference in performance between 1 and 2 ? << i don't, but we need a benchmark anyway so we can make some assertions
19:43 asciilifeform ah
19:43 mod6 <+asciilifeform> mod6: 3 ? <+mod6> Ok, the v0_5_3_1-RELEASE performance test is complete. Charts are posted here if you'd like to view: <+mod6> You'll notice that there are two times that during the full blockchain sync, bitcoind got oomkill'd. <+mod6> Again, this is just the bitcoin-v0_5_3_1-RELEASE -- no patches added. <+mod6> And for reference, here's where you can view the performance tes
19:44 mod6 :]
19:44 asciilifeform neato
19:46 mod6 we'll be correlating all the data and putting together a bit of a press-release and notes along with it as soon as the v0.5.3 perf test is complete
~ 24 minutes ~
20:10 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 60600 @ 0.00028226 = 17.105 BTC [+] {2}
20:11 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7450 @ 0.00029176 = 2.1736 BTC [+]
20:21 danielpbarron !up gnnr who are you?
20:22 decimation asciilifeform: re: smt placement < according to the podcast, the macrofab guys said they often hand-place stuff if it is going to be a pain in the ass to configure the pick n place for it
20:23 gnnr hello just a reader of the logs, joining here
20:23 decimation !up samO
20:24 decimation asciilifeform: in fact, they implied that pretty much only house parts are placed on the pick n place, the rest are hand placed
20:24 asciilifeform suggests that they severely, catastrophically undercharge then.
20:25 decimation actually they asked him about that and he said no
20:25 decimation apparently they have a supply of skilled techs
20:25 decimation they are apparently profitable at these price levels
20:26 decimation but they were going to branch out into more 'turnkey' design services so they can feed off of the kickstart idiocy
20:27 mod6 asciilifeform: you're familiar with mpi right?
20:28 asciilifeform aha
20:28 asciilifeform why
20:29 mod6 take a look at this: Is there any reason when allocating the space for p & q to do Eulers totient they would initialize the space with 'p' and 'p', instead of 'p' & 'q'?
20:30 mod6 i see below the actual maff is being carried out in here:
20:30 mod6 mpi_sub_ui( t1, p, 1 );
20:30 mod6 mpi_sub_ui( t2, q, 1 );
20:30 mod6 they're both declared with type MPI, was just curious i guess.
20:31 ben_vulpes hola pete_dushenski
20:31 pete_dushenski looks like ex machina wasn't popular with the b-a crowd. no huge shock, i suppose.
20:31 pete_dushenski heya ben_vulpes
20:32 asciilifeform mod6: no reason that i can think of
20:32 asciilifeform suspicious as hell
20:32 mod6 ikr?
20:32 asciilifeform where found this
20:33 trinque ahaha this is rsa.c
20:33 pete_dushenski not sure why i decided to write-up ex machina, which i didn't particularly enjoy, instead of dirty rotten scoundrels, which i also just watched and found to be quite a bit more of a hoot.
20:33 mod6 gnupg v1.4.13's rsa.c yup
20:33 mod6 seems, like it also exists at least in 1.4.12 too
20:33 asciilifeform can we get the maintainer in here ?
20:33 pete_dushenski 1.4.9 too ?
20:34 pete_dushenski what of 2.x ?
20:34 danielpbarron !v assbot:danielpbarron.rate.gnnr.1:009c9a042d08395c24ba1117d6762c37db01e0d328c4e91cf3d868bdbc0e6b52
20:34 assbot Successfully added a rating of 1 for gnnr with note: just a reader of the logs
20:34 gnnr thanks daniel
20:35 mod6 so above there they do a swap of 'p' & 'q' to make p the smaller of the two. then they take the nlimbs of 'p' twice to allocate the space for each t1 & t2. which i thought was kinda strange.
20:36 asciilifeform because it is.
20:37 decimation does anyone maintain gpg v1?
20:38 danielpbarron !v assbot:danielpbarron.rate.trinque.2:4f4362b537fda69e14eadb8f693ed355d615a96b8dbd73f36e90c02b2605401f
20:38 assbot Successfully added a rating of 2 for trinque with note: coder formerly known as undata; deedbot maintainer
20:38 decimation I guess david shaw
20:38 * trinque tips hat at danielpbarron
20:40 pete_dushenski howdy bitstein
20:40 mats wtf is going on
20:40 bitstein pete_dushenski: Nice write-up. I could use a party button in my home, though:
20:41 mats gpg is broke
20:41 mats where's my pistol
20:41 pete_dushenski bitstein lol. and a sex robot too !
20:42 trinque mats: get your blowtorch too
20:42 decimation so can someone explain why the nyse would have a bitcoin index without any actual bitcoin-backed securities for trade?
20:44 bitstein pete_dushenski: midwit-level analysis of AI aside, I wish they had explored Nathan's fear of his own invention more. I also thought that it ended two minutes later than it should have.
20:44 pete_dushenski decimation for the same reason that cnn and the rest of the sideline jockeys report on news. they dun make it. just talk about it.
20:45 pete_dushenski bitstein interesting. i was pleasantly surprised that ex machina ended where it did.
20:45 pete_dushenski the movie was actually pretty tight for something made in the past 5 years.
20:45 decimation pete_dushenski: I guess, but they are supposed to be running - a market?
20:46 pete_dushenski decimation and obama is supposed to be president of the free world.
20:46 decimation does your local grocery store display the spot price of tuna in tsukiji?
20:46 pete_dushenski no, my local grocer is actually in business
20:46 pete_dushenski and isn't tbtf
20:47 bitstein pete_dushenski: agreed. I'm glad I went to the theater to see it. Not many movies worth the trip anymore.
20:47 pete_dushenski decimation so he doesn't *have* to pretend.
20:47 mod6 holy shit gnupg v2 is bizzare! X_X
20:49 decimation pete_dushenski: are you in calgary? I've heard they have the 'chinook winds' there
20:49 pete_dushenski decimation i'm in edmonton, but what you've heard is true
20:49 pete_dushenski calgary is a good bit more temperate than edmonton (300km further north) as a result of the chinook winds
20:50 pete_dushenski bitstein it definitely yielded stimulating conversation, even if it had some holes in the plot and storyline
20:51 bitstein and it brought the funk
20:51 danielpbarron !v assbot:danielpbarron.rate.pete_dushenski.3:c98198ca05e3d0fbae176f4dd3d4c57d69ab18ddf0bb904993b5394155e8bfaa
20:51 assbot Successfully updated the rating for pete_dushenski from 2 to 3 with note: prolific writer and traveler of the world
20:51 pete_dushenski danielpbarron ahoy. cheers mate.
20:53 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 39307 @ 0.00029176 = 11.4682 BTC [+]
20:53 mod6 yikes! well, that confirms it, not that i was ever going to use gnupg v2 anyway, but now that i've looked at the code, CERTAINLY NOT.
20:54 pete_dushenski hah.
20:55 pete_dushenski << lulz.
20:57 mod6 heheh, there are like even random '^L's in this file.
20:58 pete_dushenski and in other news, livejasmin is accepting btc, ripple raised $28 mn, and bitcoin is "leaderless" now :
21:03 asciilifeform tr0l0l0l
21:04 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19850 @ 0.00028761 = 5.7091 BTC [-]
21:08 pete_dushenski and 'gbtc' is back down to $29. for 'approximately' 0.1 btc.
21:08 pete_dushenski still a healthy premium but also about half what it was in the first few manic days of trading.
21:11 BingoBoingo Today was the day of the planting of ornamental amaranths (Celosia). See cazalla I'm totally planting edible plants if I want to eat like the world's desperately poor!
21:11 asciilifeform aaaand 12 moduli
21:13 asciilifeform ... same pattern as others.
21:14 ben_vulpes <pete_dushenski> looks like ex machina wasn't popular with the b-a crowd. no huge shock, i suppose. << whattabout Fury Road?
21:14 pete_dushenski what about it ?
21:14 ben_vulpes seen it?
21:14 pete_dushenski nope.
21:15 pete_dushenski it's rare that i see a mainstream flick, ex machina was definitely an exception.
21:15 ben_vulpes i only watch action movies.
21:15 pete_dushenski furious 7 was the last, before that i dun even remember.
21:15 pete_dushenski ben_vulpes lol for real ?
21:15 ben_vulpes more or less.
21:15 ben_vulpes of the modern releases.
21:16 pete_dushenski i'm more of a comedy man myself, but there aren't really 'modern releases' in this genre that aren't animated.
21:16 pete_dushenski so i see more than my share of 'kids movies'
21:16 danielpbarron !v assbot:danielpbarron.unrate.gnnr:206844c78527cf3ce6cb27be9da39dc925da14b231de91645151ea1dae55c5e9
21:16 assbot Successfully unrated gnnr
21:16 ben_vulpes ah i do enjoy the odd kids' movie, but those are largely action movies as well
21:17 bitstein The Lego Movie was absolutely fantastic.
21:17 ben_vulpes Big Hero 6 was rather good.
21:17 pete_dushenski but i'm off for persian dinner. laters !!
21:18 asciilifeform ;;later tell mircea_popescu i've developed a heuristic. see on dulap.
21:18 gribble The operation succeeded.
21:18 ben_vulpes <decimation> so can someone explain why the nyse would have a bitcoin index without any actual bitcoin-backed securities for trade? << "price signal" is necessary for securities.
21:18 asciilifeform ;;later tell mircea_popescu it is presently searching for, well... them.
21:18 gribble The operation succeeded.
21:18 ben_vulpes asciilifeform: you tease!
21:18 ben_vulpes you miserable tease
21:19 asciilifeform ben_vulpes: so i walk into $redacted on monday and folks compare me to pons & fleischmann. so there'll be teasing, yes.
21:19 * ben_vulpes to tango
21:19 ben_vulpes i'll follow up on this later.
21:20 danielpbarron !v assbot:danielpbarron.rate.gavmatic.1:f816f77aa8eb6a0413d5a888793ee7bb0f27c041908de5885003e5fb510ee6fe
21:20 assbot Successfully added a rating of 1 for gavmatic with note: claims to be gnnr and lost his key; writes at
21:22 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 52200 @ 0.00027731 = 14.4756 BTC [-]
21:23 BingoBoingo <ben_vulpes> <pete_dushenski> looks like ex machina wasn't popular with the b-a crowd. no huge shock, i suppose. << whattabout Fury Road? << No One's going to talk about the blantant pro-Doge propaganda in Age of Ultron?
21:32 gavmatic yes it's just some of my ramblings, and a couple projects need to update thanks danielpbarron
~ 20 minutes ~
21:52 decimation ben_vulpes: right but the 'price signal' comes from - you know - trading?
21:53 decimation or is the 'price signal' one of those things usg can will into existance?
21:58 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 65100 @ 0.00028362 = 18.4637 BTC [+] {2}
21:59 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26638 @ 0.00029101 = 7.7519 BTC [+]
22:09 mod6 looks like that part of the code hasn't changed since the initial checkin of the code back in nov. of 97: committer Werner Koch <> Tue, 18 Nov 1997 14:06:00 +0000 (14:06 +0000) 5393dd53c5e06f0458949217317601b2eaed8350;a=commit;h=5393dd53c5e06f0458949217317601b2eaed8350
22:10 mod6 hmm
22:10 BingoBoingo Have to take that timestamp on a bit of faith since... git didn't exist yet
22:12 BingoBoingo gavmatic: Hang around a bit and maybe think about submitting some pieces to qntra?
22:16 mod6 BingoBoingo: yeah, probably was ported 2x since then would be my guess; first from CVS to SVN then from SVN to GIT
22:19 gavmatic sure thank you
22:21 trinque << the biggest lol is that notice which accompanies the thread being closed
22:22 asciilifeform mod6 et al: iirc mircea_popescu once posted his vintage tarball of gpg src
22:22 trinque all hail glorious corporate HR department mothering
22:22 asciilifeform does anyone have it handy ?
22:23 trinque !s tar gpg
22:23 assbot 1 results for 'tar gpg' :
22:23 trinque !s tar gnupg
22:23 assbot 0 results for 'tar gnupg' :
22:23 mod6 asciilifeform: naw, im searching for it.
22:24 asciilifeform i have a 1.4.11 from 2010 if that helps
22:24 asciilifeform but would prefer another
22:24 asciilifeform would have to plug ancient disks in, though, something to be avoided if possible
22:26 mod6 i see one here as old as 1.2.0
22:26 gavmatic
22:26 mod6
22:27 gavmatic they have 0.2.8
22:27 asciilifeform mod6: i'd like to see ones from wot folks' disks.
22:27 asciilifeform signed by them
22:28 mod6 *nod* fair enough.
22:29 BingoBoingo ;;later tell justJanne Parts of the US have Nordic Systen style laws
22:30 gribble The operation succeeded.
22:30 trinque I'm spelunking in the wayback machine for shasums or something
22:30 BingoBoingo !up tidus
22:30 tidus Is bitcoin safe from obama?
22:31 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 110200 @ 0.00028278 = 31.1624 BTC [-]
22:32 tidus I love my nexus 6 and nexus 9
22:32 asciilifeform meowmix has a cloak ?!
22:33 tidus No meowmix is on 4g smartphone
22:33 tidus Ban me
22:33 BingoBoingo !down tidus
22:33 trinque mod6: << fwiw
22:34 trinque asciilifeform: if you end up opening your treasure chest please deedbot- the sha256sums
22:35 mod6 thx trinque
22:36 mod6 bbs
22:39 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12300 @ 0.00027731 = 3.4109 BTC [-]
22:44 BingoBoingo !up thestringpuller
22:51 BingoBoingo
22:58 decimation < lol now intel wants to build a linux distribution
23:03 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 69704 @ 0.00028526 = 19.8838 BTC [+] {2}
23:04 decimation BingoBoingo: lol bullfrogs are hardcore
23:13 mod6 ok, so gnupg v2 relies on libgcrypt to generate the keys, i finally found the code: Seems that it does the same thing as v1 when doing the Euler totient.
23:13 mod6 there's a link at the top of that paste to where I found it.
23:18 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 66450 @ 0.00027796 = 18.4704 BTC [-] {4}
~ 25 minutes ~
23:43 mike_c ;;later tell jurov sorry for the wait, found this lying around on my todo list -
23:44 gribble The operation succeeded.
23:51 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 148602 @ 0.0002852 = 42.3813 BTC [+] {2}
23:53 danielpbarron
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