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← 2022-06-03 | 2022-06-05 →
00:14 verisimilitude Say, asciilifeform, how is Endianness handled for the Interfaces.Unsigned_N types, such as here?
00:16 verisimilitude Does Unsigned_16'Write write big or little endian?
00:29 verisimilitude I've checked the ARM and found naught so far.
~ 37 minutes ~
01:06 verisimilitude It's implementation-defined.
~ 3 hours 56 minutes ~
05:03 asciilifeform http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-06-03#1104667 << by default, goes with the endianness of the local machine. arguably oughta nail it down there. could be bothered, if bigendians weren't extinct...
05:03 dulapbot Logged on 2022-06-03 20:14:05 verisimilitude: Does Unsigned_16'Write write big or little endian?
05:04 asciilifeform ( well, e.g. 'm' has a bigendian mode, but even there off by default... )
05:04 * asciilifeform hasn't a bigendian iron in torture room or in dc, to try on, sadly
05:06 asciilifeform ftr ffa is 100% endianism-free, by design.
05:19 verisimilitude So, as soon as the input must be described exactly, this Ada feature is on the same level as ``look, I named the function which writes it, and call that instead''.
05:19 verisimilitude I'll be stuck reading individual octets to get what I need.
05:20 verisimilitude s/writes/reads/
05:26 verisimilitude I like Ada, but sometimes the chastity cage really itches.
05:33 asciilifeform verisimilitude: what's the problem w/ specifying bit order when the latter actually matters ?
05:34 verisimilitude Well, take that earlier code; the Interfaces.Unsigned_N Write attributes can't be changed, so now either subtypes must be made, or every call changed.
05:34 asciilifeform so make a subtype. e.g. ffa doesn't use naked unsigned_xyz
05:34 verisimilitude By not allowing one to just specify endianness, they're almost useless.
05:34 asciilifeform verisimilitude: in most cases there's 0 reason to giveafuck re endianism
05:35 verisimilitude Common Lisp is actually a little better, because with that I've LDB and DPB.
05:35 asciilifeform when there aint any external wholesale swallowings of unsigned_x for x>8
05:35 asciilifeform ( and when yer only eating what you've previously shat yerself )
05:36 verisimilitude Just disregard me; this sucks in general anyway. Damn near every time I need to get data into a program from a format, it's the most complicated and fragile part of the program.
05:36 asciilifeform in general this is to be blamed on the ctard side
05:37 verisimilitude Yes; there should be no need to do any of this.
05:37 verisimilitude It should be done in the underlying system, but that would actually be useful, so no.
05:37 asciilifeform the obv solution finally, could say, implemented -- the extermination of 'wrong'-endian irons
05:37 verisimilitude Little endian delenda est.
05:37 asciilifeform sure, but will need time machine.
05:39 verisimilitude It's not too late to change Pest to use the proper endian, the network order.
05:39 asciilifeform inherited from extinct sparc ? why ?
05:39 asciilifeform ( see also... )
05:39 dulapbot (trilema) 2015-04-07 mircea_popescu: which reminds me of a joke : when they entered the eu, the romanians starting bidding on all sorts of contracts. like for instance, a 1947 british rfq to move the country to european style driving.
05:40 verisimilitude Well, we agree on the extermination of wrong endianness.
05:40 asciilifeform erryone, lol, agrees...
05:41 verisimilitude Either big endian or, better, no endian.
05:42 asciilifeform on sane iron -- no endianism (cuz no unaligned access)
05:42 asciilifeform nao where to get any..
05:44 * asciilifeform bbl
05:44 verisimilitude We're back at the start of the circle, again.
~ 1 hours 42 minutes ~
07:27 crtdaydreams billymg: new comment re: Gentoo Tut. I think it might've been butchered, the lower half of the comment seems to have disappeared.
07:28 crtdaydreams had a <a href=""></a> tag there, I thought I did, but may not have closed it correctly.
~ 1 hours 13 minutes ~
08:42 verisimilitude http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-06-03#1104619 This was an interesting day.
08:42 dulapbot Logged on 2022-06-03 12:36:52 asciilifeform: 's 'official position' to this day -- if somehow suddenly appears a replacement for ada which actually meets asciilifeform's reqs -- would use !
~ 8 hours 14 minutes ~
16:56 phf i think the question of endianness is inherently c-ism-- you always have to have a reader and a writer for your data, to use lisp terminology, if you're going to serialize, and your reader should take octets and convert them to internal presentation accordingly. so e.g. read-number -> (logand (ash (read-byte s) 0) (ash (read-byte s) 8) ...)
16:57 phf rob pike maked similar point, and i think his is a solid treatment of subject https://commandcenter.blogspot.com/2012/04/byte-order-fallacy.html
17:02 billymg crtdaydreams: the comment indeed cuts off, even in what i can see in the admin panel. would you like me to delete the comment so that you can resubmit? otherwise you're free to add the chopped off bit in a subsequent comment, up to you
17:02 phf so your reader is built of smaller functions, that are format specific, e.g. you have read-number, read-text, read-array or whatever, which you then combine into larger blocks (defun read-header (s) (let ((version (read-number s)) ...)) (make-%header :version version ...))
17:03 phf which makes endianness or really serialization concerns to be entirely irrelevant. format author might choose to pack his numbers in whatever hairbrained way
17:05 phf i'm a fan of network byte order, which is bigendian, which is that way for historic reasons, and is pretty much all through the rfcs and early specs, but only like it because "it's always been done that way" etc.
17:05 phf ...when specifying network standards
17:08 phf lisp machines including genera had clear dileation of boundaries: if you wanted to read a serialized format you'd have a reader and write for it, but then you store the result in fasl, which is a way to dump any internal representation to disc. so e.g. you read-jpeg -> which gives you image object, which is some struct wrapped arrays, which you then can "save" to a genera fasl if you need to (or keep it in state)
17:10 phf and to further clarify read number: png:read-number would be different from bitcoin-serializer:read-number because the underlying storage formats are different, whether endianness or whatever other concerns
17:11 phf (i prefer to treat everything as a "reader" but "serialize-" or "parse-" are also acceptable terms)
17:20 asciilifeform http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-06-04#1104714 << asciilifeform historically has 'positive associations' with bigendianism -- from assoc. with 'serious irons', salivated over '90s 'workstations' etc. which at one time were 'what one connects to net', vs 'toy' comps where littleendianism was ~exclusively found. but today is rather 'dead hand' imho, the 'serious irons' extinct, and the massaging of endi
17:20 asciilifeform anism is simply waste of kilowattage and a largely pointless mine for n00bs to step on, imho
17:20 dulapbot Logged on 2022-06-04 13:03:02 phf: i'm a fan of network byte order, which is bigendian, which is that way for historic reasons, and is pretty much all through the rfcs and early specs, but only like it because "it's always been done that way" etc.
17:21 asciilifeform and yes as pike et al point out, and as demonstrated in e.g. ffa, if you serialize bytewise, endianism is irrelevant
17:21 asciilifeform sadly not erryone serializes bytewise
17:23 asciilifeform imho the ada way is civilized -- can explicitly mark the expected endianness of a word, and machine will do Right Thing (incl. for bit positions in bitmasks, from which ultimately no escape if yer twiddling bits for 'electric' reasons)
17:26 * asciilifeform erry time asks bigendian aficionados 'what'd be gained, for the burned cpu cycles, from making a ~new~ protocol 'network-endian' ?' -- gets blank stare
17:29 asciilifeform imho is a (relatively light) symptom of a serious disease, where 'other people's cpu cycles' are considered 'free'
17:29 asciilifeform they aint phree.
17:33 * asciilifeform must bbl
~ 25 minutes ~
17:58 mats https://archive.ph/20220603185518/https://asia.nikkei.com/Politics/International-relations/Indo-Pacific/China-nears-launch-of-third-carrier-turning-up-pressure-on-Taiwan
~ 1 hours 47 minutes ~
19:45 verisimilitude http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-06-04#1104725 This is similar to the argument C language idiots use to ignore necessary checks, although the solution really is to just use better hardware, we agree.
19:45 dulapbot Logged on 2022-06-04 13:23:57 asciilifeform: erry time asks bigendian aficionados 'what'd be gained, for the burned cpu cycles, from making a ~new~ protocol 'network-endian' ?' -- gets blank stare
19:49 verisimilitude http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-06-04#1104726 I meant to reference the next message.
19:49 dulapbot Logged on 2022-06-04 13:27:28 asciilifeform: imho is a (relatively light) symptom of a serious disease, where 'other people's cpu cycles' are considered 'free'
← 2022-06-03 | 2022-06-05 →