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← 2021-07-01 | 2021-07-03 →
01:49 asciilifeform shinohai: not mega-surprise -- here, handful of folx, on a 32cpu box; fleanode -- thousands (?) on erry particular piece of junk
~ 5 hours 47 minutes ~
07:36 jurov hello
~ 4 hours 7 minutes ~
11:43 shinohai wb jurov!
~ 2 hours 5 minutes ~
13:49 asciilifeform wb jurov !
~ 30 minutes ~
14:19 asciilifeform jurov: let's discuss rebooting tbf when you have a chance.
~ 26 minutes ~
14:46 thestringpuller hooray! wb jurov. hope you are well.
14:48 thestringpuller asciilifeform: may start pushing future transactions through "watchglass network" (as i've internally canonized it), rather than samourai network
~ 29 minutes ~
15:17 asciilifeform thestringpuller: it very rarely makes sense to go through the bother of manually injecting a tx into particular remote noad. (normally you throw it in yours and it broadcasts to errybody in its cache, which normally includes other trb folx)
15:19 asciilifeform speaking of nodez, asciilifeform's is awol, on acct of downed fiber. and asciilifeform himself is on shite gsm fallback, will be on & off today
~ 20 minutes ~
15:39 shinohai Run moar Verizon?
15:40 asciilifeform shinohai: in this case yes. moar generally speaking 'run moar cities w/ aboveground utils'
15:41 asciilifeform ( see also vintagelulz )
15:42 shinohai lmao I remember this for the "You smoke too much weed." comment. xD
15:45 thestringpuller https://www.windowscentral.com/heres-how-microsoft-employee-stole-10-million-xbox-gift-cards << "singularly responsible for global fluctuations in the price of Xbox gift cards on reseller markets"
15:56 asciilifeform thestringpuller: lol, loox like mp's 'plan for wealth'(tm)(r)(c) didn't quite work for this fella
16:04 jurov I'm fine, thanks.
16:05 jurov And about restart, well last I asked what are we actually doing and why, the discussion died.
16:05 asciilifeform jurov: imho 1st thing to do is to get the ml running again
16:05 asciilifeform jurov: i recently baked a patch, had nowhere but own www + logs to put it
16:06 asciilifeform jurov: the other thing, i'd like to start writing broadcasts again (quarterly, say) ; willing to do w/ own hands
16:07 asciilifeform as for 'why' -- asciilifeform + a number of known folx + some unknown number of unknowns , use trb, and per investigations carried out by billymg & whaack , trb noades may in fact constitute a substantial % of the network's functioning carrying capacity.
16:08 asciilifeform additionally, trb is imho valuable for its original, per asciilifeform , purpose -- to serve as gold standard ref for work on replacement client.
16:08 * asciilifeform intends to continue maintaining trb, and would prefer to do it w/ jurov et al.
16:10 asciilifeform jurov: also interested in your old idea re potentially offering bounties for trb work. (but this -- later)
16:11 asciilifeform jurov: see logs re whaack's and billymg's node explorer projects, also.
16:17 shinohai Sing out jurov asciilifeform if any trb help needed on this end aside from maintaining mirror and such that am already doing.
16:17 shinohai Otherwise I'll just shitpost all day.
16:20 jurov Ok I'll have to get up to speed. The old ml isn't coming back, but a simple web app with a form that checks submission with gpg and publishes it.
16:21 asciilifeform jurov: would imho entirely suffice to have web hopper
16:23 jurov I thought maybe trb will be in vain as the power rangers eventually succeed completely replacing the bitcoin protocol. But all the ways to "save" block space they did aren't very effective, so not happening.
16:24 asciilifeform jurov: indeed trb still entirely worx!
16:24 asciilifeform jurov: btw in case you missed, hitler kaput!
16:24 dulapbot Logged on 2021-06-26 22:08:15 asciilifeform: meanwhile, apparently: RIP mp ?
16:25 shinohai jurov: My "covert" twitter research shows they are so gaga over "L2" solutions and "taproot" right now, nothing of consequence has changed with underlying protocol.
16:26 jurov i read about mp yesterday, then said to myself stop procrastinating and check back
16:27 asciilifeform jurov: lotsa interesting things happening. asciilifeform for instance is trying to get p2p irc/irclike net off the ground.
16:27 dulapbot Logged on 2021-06-18 18:35:02 asciilifeform: the troo p2p topology i propose removes all kindsa fundamentally palace-flavoured concepts -- 'joining', 'kicking', 'banning' -- and replaces simply w/ freedom of association, i.e. peering & unpeering.
16:27 asciilifeform (with signpost(trinque) and other folx)
~ 3 hours 50 minutes ~
20:17 asciilifeform jurov: are you able to log in as op of #therealbitcoin ? it's become infested with liquishit
20:18 asciilifeform if it cannot be cleansed, i'ma have to drop it from my logger. the spamola is nauseating.
~ 21 minutes ~
20:39 shinohai Alas I dropped chan because of same, guess if jurov is unwilling I'll go and see if they'll expedite registry if we need a heathen chan for trb
~ 43 minutes ~
21:23 shinohai jurov appears if you formerly were founder of #therealbitcoin, you gotta go to #ChanHelp to get it back now :/
21:36 shinohai Nevermind I got someone from staff to let me reg it
~ 1 hours 15 minutes ~
22:52 thestringpuller shinohai with the clutch
22:52 thestringpuller shinohai: are you going to be going to Tonga with the Bitcoin Delegation?
22:54 shinohai thestringpuller: Tonga already made it perfectly clear the kiddy-diddler led "Bitcoin delegation" ain't welcome there. xD
~ 49 minutes ~
23:43 verisimilitude So sex slaves are only fine when they're adults?
← 2021-07-01 | 2021-07-03 →