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← 2020-09-24 | 2020-09-26 →
00:12 feedbot http://verisimilitudes.net/2020-09-24 << A Syndication of Verisimilitudes -- Disillusionment with History
~ 10 hours 36 minutes ~
10:49 asciilifeform !w poll
10:49 watchglass Polling 16 nodes...
10:49 watchglass : Could not connect!
10:49 watchglass : (172-4.core.ai.net) Alive: (0.083s) V=70001 (/therealbitcoin.org: Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=649944
10:49 watchglass : Alive: (0.085s) V=99999 (/therealbitcoin.org: Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=649944 (Operator: asciilifeform)
10:49 watchglass : Alive: (0.142s) V=99999 (/therealbitcoin.org: Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=649944
10:49 watchglass : (pool-108-31-170-3.washdc.fios.verizon.net) Alive: (0.157s) V=99999 (/therealbitcoin.org: Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=649944 (Operator: asciilifeform)
10:49 watchglass : (ns562940.ip-54-39-156.net) Alive: (0.177s) V=99999 (/therealbitcoin.org: Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=649944
10:49 watchglass : Alive: (0.172s) V=70001 (/therealbitcoin.org: Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=649944
10:49 watchglass : Alive: (0.175s) V=99999 (/therealbitcoin.org: Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=649944
10:49 watchglass : Alive: (0.237s) V=70001 (/therealbitcoin.org: Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=649944
10:49 watchglass : (static. Alive: (0.325s) V=99999 (/therealbitcoin.org: Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=391650 (Operator: jurov)
10:49 watchglass : Alive: (0.271s) V=99999 (/therealbitcoin.org: Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=649807
10:49 watchglass : (182518.pk.3pp.slovanet.sk) Alive: (0.346s) V=99999 (/therealbitcoin.org: Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=414200
10:49 watchglass : (tlapnet-38-54.cust.tlapnet.cz) Alive: (0.322s) V=99999 (/therealbitcoin.org: Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=649944
10:50 watchglass : Violated BTC Protocol: Bad header length! (Operator: whaack)
10:50 asciilifeform $vwap
10:50 BusyBot The 24-Hour VWAP for BTC is $ 10628.55 USD
10:51 watchglass : Could not connect!
~ 26 minutes ~
11:17 whaack asciilifeform: is "Violated BTC Protocol: Bad header length!" something that needs investigating?
11:17 whaack seems like my node is still marching forward
11:32 asciilifeform whaack: prolly simply timeout mid-handshake
11:32 snsabot Logged on 2020-09-10 14:04:52 asciilifeform: ( lol, jurov's actually got hung up mid-timeout )
~ 1 hours 22 minutes ~
12:54 asciilifeform !w probe
12:55 watchglass : Violated BTC Protocol: Bad header length!
12:57 asciilifeform whaack: this happens on account of the asinine pseudo-multithreading in trb. i.e. noad accepts connection, but does not answer commands, when verifying a block
12:57 asciilifeform ( and, evidently, verification nao routinely takes >2min , on decent box w/ samsung ssd etc )
~ 30 minutes ~
13:28 asciilifeform wb gregorynyssa
~ 16 minutes ~
13:44 asciilifeform http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2020-09-25#1022133 << imho quite good piece, verisimilitude . the description of state of software rot is entirely correct. would be interesting tho to consider in detail the causes.
13:44 snsabot Logged on 2020-09-25 00:12:36 feedbot: http://verisimilitudes.net/2020-09-24 << A Syndication of Verisimilitudes -- Disillusionment with History
13:46 verisimilitude I appreciate the praise, asciilifeform; I could've elaborated more, but chose instead to maintain a more narrow focus and leave related thoughts for later.
13:46 asciilifeform asciilifeform, for instance, at one point blamed strictly the commercial softs world for e.g. 'automation is unnecessarily difficult to achieve'. whereas today is patently laughable, the opensores folx followed exactly same trajectory w/out any appreciable 'top-down' pressure
13:47 verisimilitude There's good money in thwarting automation, yes, which I elided there.
13:51 asciilifeform verisimilitude: interestingly, not only money. piles o'shit attract 'fixers'. working systems -- not so much.
13:51 snsabot (agriculturalsupremacy) 2020-06-05 asciilifeform: shinohai: imho naggum's argument where prog. lang. popularity is ~directly~ proportional to certain kinds of dysfunction, was solid
13:52 verisimilitude Applying quick fixes is easier than thinking how to design a better system, yes.
13:53 asciilifeform verisimilitude: that's only half the story. does not explain why simplified/corrected/orthogonalized variants of $item are rejected by 'community', while pile of shit -- eagerly eaten up, in typical practice
13:55 asciilifeform verisimilitude: part of the underlying disaster, i suspect, was the 'gold rush' that pulled 1e8 mediocrities into pretending to 'program'. sadly aint even over.
13:55 verisimilitude I agree.
~ 15 minutes ~
14:11 asciilifeform verisimilitude: it's vaguely similar to what happened in re medicine at various times ( 1400s, 1600s, 1800s ) -- some small breakthroughs (often rediscovered from past) and suddenly erry mountebank puts on costume and goes 'doctoring', leaving trail of gangrenous devastation as he goes
14:21 asciilifeform sadly no one knows how to insulate a field ( even a very gnarly niche ) from prestige-seekers . observe, physics succumbed, in less than half century to this type of degeneration.
14:21 snsabot (trilema) 2017-05-18 asciilifeform: and the reason why asciilifeform has low opinion of ligo et al is that physics has been growing like winblowz api, like prb, like tumour, and not like growing child ( or 1600-1950 physics, for that matter )
14:24 asciilifeform ( see also. )
14:24 snsabot (trilema) 2016-07-11 asciilifeform: the 'cernification' of physics is encouraged at every level.
14:26 thimbronion asciilifeform: ban women
14:27 asciilifeform thimbronion: i'm not aware of any mass involvement of women (in any of given examples) until ~decades~ after corpse was cold
14:28 thimbronion asciilifeform: ban women of all sexes then
14:28 asciilifeform thimbronion: elaborate ?
14:34 thimbronion asciilifeform: I don't know if I can other than to say not enough people die in wars these days.
14:35 asciilifeform thimbronion: elementarily true. catastrophically overdue for a mass cleansing.
14:36 asciilifeform there's exactly 1 known antidote for -- not only 'too many walkers' -- but 'oh, tech dun ~really~ need to work...', 'ounce of image is worth pound of performance..', etc
14:37 thimbronion We may be embarking on some good old fashioned relgious wars soon, however.
14:37 asciilifeform these do 0 good if they take place on reddit etc. tho.
14:39 thimbronion They seem to be taking on more and more physicality. See this mural behind my ancient apartment: http://thimbron.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/sacramento9.jpeg-small.jpg
14:39 asciilifeform thimbronion: what of it ? i recall similar from 20+y ago
14:40 thimbronion New to me!
14:40 asciilifeform that's the thing. in e.g. 1950s colombia, folx were not painting murals, they were busy setting up mines on city buses
14:40 asciilifeform 'modern man' -- paints murals.
14:41 asciilifeform or spams forums. result, same
14:41 thimbronion Yesterday here in Sac several fires were started in a coordinated fashion.
14:41 thimbronion Recycling facility set ablaze, and a literal dumpster fire billowing suddenly a block from where I stood.
14:43 asciilifeform thimbronion: where i live, dumpsters etc were routinely torched simply as part of sports-match revelry. nao, if $1m+ ~houses~ coordinatedly torched, ~then~...
14:46 asciilifeform so far exactly 0 of the usa 'uprisings' pose any threat to the ~actual~ power vertical there. exactly, in fact, the opposite.
14:47 thimbronion asciilifeform: true. they are controlled burns.
14:47 asciilifeform exactly
14:48 asciilifeform see also.
14:48 snsabot (trilema) 2014-03-05 asciilifeform: mircea_popescu, others: if you think that the enemy is foolish, and has no plan, this is a dangerous mistake: he is clever and knows the ancient chinese formula 'Yi yi zhi yi' (以夷治夷 ?) - 'control the barbarians using barbarians.'
~ 27 minutes ~
15:15 thimbronion asciilifeform: The Enemy should of course also be aware that the frankenstine he creates may turn on him Taliban style.
15:16 thimbronion s/Taliban/Al Qaeda
15:17 thimbronion lol Frankenstein
~ 20 minutes ~
15:37 mats pakistan has been successful grasping the tail of the afghan taliban to date
15:40 mats i think AQ has learned its lesson, on its role as a competitor to (rather than client) states, from its experiences in the sudan and then more recent history
15:41 mats zawahiri emphasises their independence in his 9/11 address
15:47 thimbronion mats: are you saying AQ has learned the lesson that it should not attempt to be a competitor to states?
15:48 mats ah, that was badly written, i mean it has realized its precarious to be a client to states
15:50 mats they were hosted in sudan for a few years and then expelled after a failed assassination on mubarak
15:59 thimbronion Nonetheless, I would say AQ struck a fatal blow to the US. Likewise whichever Germans funded Lenin's return to Russia surely regretted it later.
16:03 mats sure
16:05 mats a usg representative declared almost-victory against AQ for the second time since john brennan in another recent 9/11 address
16:07 mats meanwhile they and their affiliates are live in at least a dozen countries, including places like afghan where both the taliban and dod strenuously emphasize they are not (perhaps a face saving measure related to talks in doha)
16:09 mats for whatever reason this representative decided to say that zawahiri (who has successfully been on the run for 20 years) might die of natural causes, which is decidedly not face saving
16:15 Aerthean Can speak a little about physics, having spent some amount of time in those salt mines. It has thoroughly damaged much of my respect for both that field and most other "scientific" fields. Not saying that from a perspective of having done good work mind, my work at best sorta-ok. As a field it still has competent people, but for the most part the beauracracy has grown into something that
16:15 Aerthean prevents any interesting work from getting done.
16:16 Aerthean The saddest thing to me, has come from watching very technically (bench-wise) good people get forced into management tracks in order to further their career.
~ 47 minutes ~
17:04 trinque Aerthean: what do you think of what Wolfram's up to currently?
17:04 trinque this "nothing ever happens" meme seems a great excuse to do nothing
17:08 trinque notably he's doing it outside the university machine.
~ 47 minutes ~
17:55 asciilifeform trinque: you prolly already know, but he's been 'doing it' for decades .
17:55 snsabot (trilema) 2015-04-09 ascii_field: 'The real problem with this result, however, is that it is not Wolfram's. He didn't invent cyclic tag systems, and he didn't come up with the incredibly intricate construction needed to implement them in Rule 110. This was done rather by one Matthew Cook, while working in Wolfram's employ under a contract with some truly remarkable provisions about intellectual property. In short, Wolfram got to control not only when and
17:57 asciilifeform d00d's was 'raised to be prodigy' and fixated on 'acclaim of genius' for four decades now. motivated him to carry out all kinds of scam biz, and sometimes even successfully -- simply to fund this effort.
17:57 asciilifeform ( e.g. founded own tame journal, simply so that 'i get printed! in journals!!' etc )
18:05 asciilifeform http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2020-09-25#1022215 << not only physics. for ~2decade nao, a 'doctor of sciences' is someone who (1) was good at solving trivial problems quickly in grade school (2) wanted to continue in this pony circus for N moar yrs (3) in usa in particular -- coolie from asia & post-sovok for whom $30k/y is 'megabux' and happy to wash glass (4) has no concept of plagiarism and why anyone would th
18:05 snsabot Logged on 2020-09-25 16:15:20 Aerthean: Can speak a little about physics, having spent some amount of time in those salt mines. It has thoroughly damaged much of my respect for both that field and most other "scientific" fields. Not saying that from a perspective of having done good work mind, my work at best sorta-ok. As a field it still has competent people, but for the most part the beauracracy has grown into something that
18:05 asciilifeform ink it to be a sin
18:12 trinque I don't have the standing to vet the guy, which is why I asked.
18:13 trinque but, it's a little weird to both fault the university machine and the guy *for* avoiding it
18:13 asciilifeform trinque: i was at one pt a naive fan. and a five-figure customer, of his. bought the '01 b00k even.
18:14 asciilifeform trinque: thing is, he did not actually avoid it, in the sense of fully setting bozo bit. used his biz profits to try & build a miniature, tame copy of the thing.
~ 38 minutes ~
18:53 feedbot http://mvdstandard.net/2020/09/argentine-legislator-suspended-for-kissing-tits-during-session/ << The Montevideo Standard -- Argentine Legislator Suspended For Kissing Tits During Session
19:07 gregorynyssa asciilifeform: verisimilitude: I still think the 1990s was the decade when programming went horribly wrong.
19:08 gregorynyssa of course the seeds of destruction could be found beforehand, but the mid 1990s gave rise to a particular milestone.
19:09 gregorynyssa that was the relegation of files, formats, and drivers to the status of niche-pursuits, outside of the purview of the ordinary programmer.
19:12 gregorynyssa this was accompanied by the emergence of "library programmers" as a distinct caste.
19:15 gregorynyssa I think John Carmack represents the last wave of programmers who matured before this change in landscape.
19:24 asciilifeform gregorynyssa: not simply mid-90s, but specifically end of msdos era.
19:29 Aerthean trinque: I found some of the ideas he puts forward interesting, and enjoyed his work when younger. I haven't really kept up with him much, and aside from Mathematica no one usually mentions him or his work in my physics community.
19:33 asciilifeform Aerthean: btw mathematica was 'his' work in approx. same sense as msdos -- gates's. see also.
19:33 snsabot (trilema) 2015-04-09 ascii_field: what he did was, essentially, steal a usg mega-product - macsyma, the first really universal computer algebra system, thousands of man-years of
19:34 Aerthean gregorynyssa, asciilifeform: As a poor hypothesis, I think that the more software practitioners abstract away from hardware the worse things become.
19:35 asciilifeform Aerthean: not only 'from hardware'. in general.
19:35 snsabot (trilema) 2018-10-25 asciilifeform: when you add compatibility spackle, serious reader is not saved from reading the thing you spackled over -- on the contrary nao he has to read the ~original~ rubbish ~plus~ your spackle, however much it weighs.
19:36 asciilifeform accretion as default behaviour is simply evil.
19:40 asciilifeform revisiting wolfram -- it aint clear to me that he had ever, in whole life, had an idea (in the claimed sense.) specifically 'automata physics' aint his idea. belongs to von neumann & co. likewise 'rule 110' -- m. cook.
19:41 Aerthean asciilifeform: Populizer of an idea then? Sorta like a member of a higher-level grifter class
19:42 asciilifeform fella aint entirely talentless -- rather a kind of little-league t. edison, notbad at making some dough selling ideas stolen from others. or at least, at one point was.
19:42 asciilifeform Aerthean: not clear to me that w. is successful popularizer of e.g. 'cellular physics.' if anyffin, has made the notion into a kind of laughingstock.
19:43 asciilifeform i recall mindblowing hype when he started taking pre-orders for 'NKS' b00k. (i bought -- like idiot..)
19:43 asciilifeform promised, iirc, 'in coupla years, physics undergrads will no longer study diff. eqns., from lack of continued relevance'
19:44 asciilifeform in ratio of 'promised to delivered goods' , wolfram managed to approach pons&fleischmann...
19:44 asciilifeform ... twice ! 2nd time, when 'wolfram alpha' hype-demo circus.
19:45 * asciilifeform was invited into the 'closed beta' , turned out -- mega-downer
19:46 Aerthean asciilifeform: Hah! I missed much of the hype around NKS, read it years later. I do remember the Alpha hype. I also remember having a cynical attitude about it, but was cynical about most things those days.
19:47 asciilifeform Aerthean: i was using, at the time, mathematica for industrial work. had 'own' sales rep, support contract, etc
19:47 asciilifeform in the time when 'alpha' was being pushed, that is
19:47 asciilifeform ( when nks -- was in school )
19:50 shinohai BingoBoingo: I almost find it hard to believe she had tit implants 10 days and the guy hadn't motorboated 'em yet. xD
19:50 asciilifeform shinohai: motorboated ?
19:50 Aerthean asciilifeform: I work with a guy who uses Mathematica for a lot of stuff, and tried to sell me on it a year or two ago. He has the whole 9 yards, support contract, rapid updates, etc etc. Not my cup of tea.
19:51 shinohai asciilifeform: "motorboat" v. int. The act of pushing one's face in between two ample breasts, and rocking one's head side to side very rapidly while making a vigorous, lip-vibrating "brrr" sound.
19:51 asciilifeform lol!
19:52 asciilifeform Aerthean: generally if one finds that it is possible to solve $problem with ~anything~ other than mathematica -- oughta do so. ( and if cannot -- consider switching problem, and even profession... )
19:53 asciilifeform and not simply because of cost, vendor-lock, etc. wolfram's support & bug handling makes microshit's look responsive and sane in comparison.
19:54 asciilifeform at least this was the case 10y ago when asciilifeform last suffered the misfortune of dealing with said vendor.
19:56 Aerthean In this case I think the guy either met or knew people close to Wolfram, so unlikely to change. I'm not sure he even has to pay for his copy.
19:58 asciilifeform Aerthean: i dun think i've ever met anyone who actually paid for the thing, outside of corporate/usg context. and don't expect to.
20:04 asciilifeform http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2020-09-25#1022262 << possibly admitted this before, but asciilifeform is blind to the supposed beauty of the tit implants etc. in fact is 1 of them mutants who finds ~bottom~ half of a chix moar interesting..
20:04 snsabot Logged on 2020-09-25 19:51:18 shinohai: asciilifeform: "motorboat" v. int. The act of pushing one's face in between two ample breasts, and rocking one's head side to side very rapidly while making a vigorous, lip-vibrating "brrr" sound.
~ 16 minutes ~
20:21 shinohai asciilifeform: despite being former tits baron, I'm actually bottom guy myself.
20:21 shinohai mp certainly didn't get to see THOSE goods. ^.^
~ 56 minutes ~
21:18 trinque asciilifeform: interesting, at any rate he's put together a cult to try to run the cellular physics over the line
21:18 trinque which is my first exposure to the idea
~ 17 minutes ~
21:36 asciilifeform trinque: i developed allergy. (to wolfram, not cell-physics.) but if you get into subj and find sumthing that wasn't in nks -- plox to write in.
21:37 * asciilifeform wonders whether rebrand from 'new kind of science'(tm)(r)(c) to 'wolfram's physics'(tm)(r)(c) is step up or down in degree of megalomania ...
~ 24 minutes ~
22:02 verisimilitude I also find the rear to be better.
22:02 verisimilitude I still need to finish Konrad Zuse's ``Calculating Space''.
22:05 verisimilitude On the topic of cellular automata, I implemented an old maze generation algorithm from an Atari VCS game, which was just a cellular automata with two five-bit tables and some non-detperminism:
22:05 verisimilitude https://arxiv.org/abs/1811.02035
22:05 verisimilitude Well, just a cellular automaton, that is.
22:06 verisimilitude I've not published it yet, because it's in CHIP-8, and a maze isn't a game alone.
← 2020-09-24 | 2020-09-26 →