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← 2019-12-07 | 2019-12-09 →
01:32 feedbot http://qntra.net/2019/12/saudi-air-force-lieutenant-shoots-up-naval-air-station-pensacola/ << Qntra -- Saudi Air Force Lieutenant Shoots Up Naval Air Station Pensacola
~ 16 hours 9 minutes ~
17:41 danielpbarron trinque, i did a deedbot withdraw some time ago and i'm still not seeing it. did I do something wrong?
17:42 danielpbarron asciilifeform, I may have messed up my rockchip by messing with emerge --sync. Is that not something I should touch? What's the latest recipe on getting mp-wp working on it?
~ 1 hours 22 minutes ~
19:04 trinque danielpbarron: will dispatch today; sorry for the delay
19:05 trinque btw mod6, I am trying to build from your keccak regrind. will report results in a bit
19:05 trinque I have a patch to layer atop.
~ 39 minutes ~
19:44 trinque mod6: http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=8he_ << curious what you make of that error
19:46 trinque it seems unusual that the system gcc is being used, rather than the one in build/toolchain
19:49 trinque or actually, seems we build the toolchain gcc in there.
19:50 trinque at any rate, https://github.com/pbouda/buildroot-qt-dev/issues/6 appears to have a pill
19:50 trinque not sure why I'm hitting this now!
~ 1 hours 25 minutes ~
21:16 trinque actually doing CPPFLAGS=-P in the build/Makefile solved it. The flag prevents "linemarkers" in preprocessor output, which is gagging the buildroot build on devuan with host gcc-4.9
21:21 * mod6 looks
21:23 mod6 Ah, alright. yeah, if CPPFLAGS=-P seems to remedy, that's good to know.
21:24 mod6 I've never hit that error when building my keccak regrind, or traditional SHA512 tree, fwiw.
21:25 trinque this whole system within a system thing isn't great. I'm inclined to introduce a patch to cleave off the entire trb build system once I've got vpatches for my busybox distro.
21:26 mod6 Sounds good to me.
21:28 mod6 I made/published a similar vpatch that chops off just about everything except bdb, openssl, and boost. but the context here is that one has built & deployed ave1's gcc/ada/et al. to the host first.
21:29 mod6 http://www.mod6.net/2019/May/22/building_trb_on_cuntoo_part1.html << fwiw
21:29 shinohai ave1 had a gcc build? Might have saved me some headeaches when doing my musl build a few weeks ago.
21:29 trinque eh yeah, I'm going to avoid "here's this other guy's ball of shell scripts" too, but it's in the same spirit.
21:29 trinque that was my big mistake with cuntoo.
21:30 trinque "I understand this, because look, the part I understand is in this script which I signed"
21:30 mod6 yeah, if you get to a point of having a system ready to go so we don't need to build all of this trash, i'd certainly welcome that.
21:30 trinque the feedback from mp at the time was actually "wtf, why isn't the source in the vpatch?"
21:31 trinque which is entirely valid, but begs the question of whether owning gentoo is something anyone should do.
21:31 trinque because the fucking genesis would've been a gig.
21:36 mod6 *nod*
21:40 asciilifeform danielpbarron: i can reimage the box for you tonight. lemme know if 100% backed up and can begin then asap.
21:40 * asciilifeform was quite certain that he warned, repeatedly, all asciilifeform-gentoo users : DO NOT EVER EMERGE-SYNC !!
21:54 asciilifeform danielpbarron: this afaik is the most detailed guide to mp's wp
21:55 * asciilifeform brb in ~1h
~ 40 minutes ~
22:35 asciilifeform http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2019-12-08#1003407 << interesting -- 1st time this particular barf reported, afaik. on what was trinque building ?
22:35 snsabot Logged on 2019-12-08 21:16:09 trinque: actually doing CPPFLAGS=-P in the build/Makefile solved it. The flag prevents "linemarkers" in preprocessor output, which is gagging the buildroot build on devuan with host gcc-4.9
22:36 asciilifeform http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2019-12-08#1003411 << not great at all. but in '15 was only method i knew for actually getting hold of a statically-linked proggy.
22:36 snsabot Logged on 2019-12-08 21:25:52 trinque: this whole system within a system thing isn't great. I'm inclined to introduce a patch to cleave off the entire trb build system once I've got vpatches for my busybox distro.
22:44 trinque yep, comment's not a shot at the decision within its context at the time.
22:45 trinque was building on devuan with gcc-4.9
22:45 trinque I don't know whether said gcc contains mystery patches, possibly does.
~ 53 minutes ~
23:39 asciilifeform 'Devuan GNU+Linux is a fork of Debian without systemd...' << interesting, never seen before
23:40 asciilifeform danielpbarron: when you get back, plox to make a signed req , pgp's to asciilifeform , re what you want done to your box exactly. ( if in next 2h you do it -- i can do today; otherwise will have to be when wake up )
23:44 asciilifeform http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2019-12-08#1003415 << he has a static gnat; and in fact it is the official test gnat system for e.g. all ffa starting w/ ch. 11 .
23:44 snsabot Logged on 2019-12-08 21:29:21 shinohai: ave1 had a gcc build? Might have saved me some headeaches when doing my musl build a few weeks ago.
23:44 asciilifeform ( and, being a gnat, is also a gcc, can be used to compile c/cpp proggies in the traditional way )
23:45 asciilifeform afaik most recent revision there.
23:45 shinohai ah kk, pretty sure I had link to his gnat build about here somewhere was on the "todo" lisr
← 2019-12-07 | 2019-12-09 →