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← 2020-01-24 | 2020-01-26 →
02:28 auctionbot S#1077 O=17mn LB=None E=2020-01-29 05:43:03.567830 (93h18) >>> Dell R610 PE Server ships from U.S. (Server-A)
02:28 auctionbot S#1078 O=17mn LB=18mn E=2020-01-29 05:43:42.679910 (93h18) >>> Dell R610 PE Server ships from Uruguay (Server-B)
02:28 auctionbot --- end of auction list, 18mn total bids ---
~ 4 hours 59 minutes ~
07:28 auctionbot S#1077 O=17mn LB=None E=2020-01-29 05:43:03.567830 (88h18) >>> Dell R610 PE Server ships from U.S. (Server-A)
07:28 auctionbot S#1078 O=17mn LB=18mn E=2020-01-29 05:43:42.679910 (88h18) >>> Dell R610 PE Server ships from Uruguay (Server-B)
07:28 auctionbot --- end of auction list, 18mn total bids ---
~ 4 hours 59 minutes ~
12:28 auctionbot S#1077 O=17mn LB=None E=2020-01-29 05:43:03.567830 (83h18) >>> Dell R610 PE Server ships from U.S. (Server-A)
12:28 auctionbot S#1078 O=17mn LB=18mn E=2020-01-29 05:43:42.679910 (83h18) >>> Dell R610 PE Server ships from Uruguay (Server-B)
12:28 auctionbot --- end of auction list, 18mn total bids ---
~ 4 hours 40 minutes ~
17:09 shinohai <<< Currently in Valle del Cauca attending to business w/ the girls but have been mulling this quite a bit. I haven't convinced myself that there just isn't too much bad blood between what remains of Republic and myself to make it feasible.
17:09 snsabot (trilema) 2020-01-25 BingoBoingo: The only walk in on irc has been shinohai, but so far he's not come with written pieces in hand or expressed interest in trying to establish a disciplined writing workflow. He's just expressed interest without having one of the two things I can say yes to. I can say yes to a piece or I can say yes to the desire to put together a workflow to make pieces. So far he isn't bringing either.
17:10 BingoBoingo shinohai: Well, if you come with news in hand or with a desire to put together a disciplined writing work flow, I can work with that.
17:12 shinohai I had pretty good work flow going before, but then Qntra went down about same time the bitpay brouhaha kilt my camho biz.
17:25 BingoBoingo shinohai: Well, what was you workflow like before? Maybe that could be a start?
17:28 BingoBoingo I'm looking at your archives now and in 2017 you had a good, steady output. Even in early 2018 as qntra was resurrecting, you had a good steady output before the drama over where you belong on the WoT graph.
17:28 auctionbot S#1077 O=17mn LB=None E=2020-01-29 05:43:03.567830 (78h18) >>> Dell R610 PE Server ships from U.S. (Server-A)
17:28 auctionbot S#1078 O=17mn LB=18mn E=2020-01-29 05:43:42.679910 (78h18) >>> Dell R610 PE Server ships from Uruguay (Server-B)
17:28 auctionbot --- end of auction list, 18mn total bids ---
17:29 shinohai Normal day starts much as before, read logs and rss feeds w/ un cafecito in the morning, jot down notes on interesting items that might possibly turn into a piece to publish.
17:31 BingoBoingo So where's the block coming in that has you struggling to publish on your blog(s) monthly where before you could steadily do 2 or more pieces a day?
17:32 BingoBoingo *week
17:32 BingoBoingo Though you do have some days where you did hit two pieces
17:34 shinohai Publishing on blog isn't a struggle per se, I just now have dedicated more time to shitcoin business (which is decidedly uninteresting to write about).
17:34 shinohai Qntra was a thing that was pleasant to do, despite me "not thriving" and all.
17:35 shinohai Now you have MP sitting around wondering what went wrong ala
17:35 snsabot (trilema) 2020-01-25 mircea_popescu: this situation where qnta is BingoBoingo's "other blog" can't well continue, it's neither interesting nor useful.
17:36 BingoBoingo shinohai: Well, what do you know about the Taproot thing the Power Rangers are doing?
17:36 shinohai It's an attempt to make BTC behave as it were mETHereum
17:37 BingoBoingo shinohai: The way I see it I'm not exactly thriving.
17:37 shinohai (iirc is brainchild of Gmaxwell)
17:37 BingoBoingo shinohai: Are your notes on the Taproot thing good enough to spin into a Qntra piece?
17:38 shinohai Not at present, but I fly back to within the wire on Monday, can look at what I have then.
17:39 shinohai (also don't forget there is also )
17:39 BingoBoingo shinohai: Aite, give it a though. Now with your shitcoin thing, how many derps do you manage to regularly engage?
17:41 BingoBoingo Or is the shitcoin business more of a reading derps and shorting them sort of thing?
17:42 shinohai I can't make any claims to actually "engaging" any ... they are well aware of my stance as BTC maximalist. I simply clean up issues on Shithub, get coins, then turn it into BTC.
17:42 shinohai I don't make promises I won't keep, so that puts me ahead of 99% of the derps advertising on tardstalk.
17:43 BingoBoingo That's a start. Any of them have their own press outlets?
17:44 shinohai Not that I know of, most are the type that get all their info from places such as cointelegraph and consider it gospel.
17:46 BingoBoingo Aite, I think we have enough to start working towards something.
17:47 shinohai Since I skim trilema logs now instead of absorbing them, is Qntra still doing the share-per-word thing?
17:51 shinohai I'd have to see if my coinbr account still worx if so, I've learned my lesson about promisetronics.
17:51 snsabot (trilema) 2016-09-01 shinohai: mircea_popescu: I will always accept payment in shares in lieu of picks
17:51 BingoBoingo shinohai: It is, but since the value of the shares is indeterminate, I'm willing to work something out with you to get you paid for your work out of my pocket while the situation moves to resolve one way or the other with shares. I'm thinking a calendar quarter would be a good place to start.
17:52 BingoBoingo shinohai: Jurov still does CoinBR, but he does it as a manual pass GPG signed instructions to Jurov arrangement now.
17:53 shinohai If BingoBoingo still hoards s.qntra shares, I'd certainly be willing to work out system whereby I sell them directly to you.
17:54 BingoBoingo shinohai: This can work too.
17:58 BingoBoingo shinohai: Anyways, the two important lines of action are 1. Getting you writing on the steady 2. Driving engagement and shoving Qntra deep into the derps. For Monday, I want you to think about how you can help along these lines with an emphasis on getting your writing up to speed. Along the second line, productive places I can start shoving Qntra would be appreciated.
18:00 BingoBoingo One thing I appreciated a lot when you were writing steady is that you took a lot of initiative to get what you wrote for Qntra out ther in people's faces.
18:01 shinohai Well I can certainly add Qntra rss feed to my Telegram bot. I'd say at present 75%+ of my personal blog traffic comes because of that.
18:01 BingoBoingo shinohai: That would be great.
~ 4 hours 26 minutes ~
22:28 auctionbot S#1077 O=17mn LB=None E=2020-01-29 05:43:03.567830 (73h18) >>> Dell R610 PE Server ships from U.S. (Server-A)
22:28 auctionbot S#1078 O=17mn LB=18mn E=2020-01-29 05:43:42.679910 (73h18) >>> Dell R610 PE Server ships from Uruguay (Server-B)
22:28 auctionbot --- end of auction list, 18mn total bids ---
← 2020-01-24 | 2020-01-26 →