Show Idle (>14 d.) Chans

← 2019-07-10 | 2019-07-12 →
03:22 mp_en_viaje that's ok, personal struggle is the most important part of achievement.
03:23 mp_en_viaje there's no innate talent anyway.
~ 5 hours 20 minutes ~
08:43 feedbot << Trilema -- Continuing with the reflective history of the republican forum -- still on logday 659 (year 6 d.Tr.)
~ 1 hours 35 minutes ~
10:19 diana_coman ben_vulpes can I have #ossasepia logged too please?
10:22 diana_coman spyked: I pressed the logbot to logbot_command_router_python_genesis.vpatch - at a quick look it seems to me that it contains the core but not the web-publishing glue, am I missing something?
~ 42 minutes ~
11:05 BingoBoingo <mp_en_viaje> that's ok, personal struggle is the most important part of achievement. << This is true
~ 17 minutes ~
11:22 mp_en_viaje meanwhile in america,
11:22 * asciilifeform confirms : in america -- this.
11:23 mp_en_viaje << amusingly, herem is ~this : shoppingbot, follows you around grocery store, carries bags home, then buys accordingly from then on.
11:23 a111 Logged on 2014-01-31 17:06 benkay: i just want a robot that follows me to the grocery store and back
11:23 mp_en_viaje aaaaand i fucking love it.
~ 37 minutes ~
12:01 BingoBoingo Forward looking Prelude to Forward looking statement: I plan to be finished producing it tomorrow afternoon. Weekly auctions are looking like the trick to put our fiat reserve to work on auctions, because with Bitcoin climbing its become a sort of albatross just passively sitting as an "Oh shit fund" and depreciating.
~ 16 minutes ~
12:18 lobbesbot !!up lobbes_field
12:18 deedbot lobbes_field voiced for 30 minutes.
12:18 lobbes_field << currently there exists no logotron web publishing glue. spyked is currently making headway on the 'cl-www kit' tho >>
12:18 a111 Logged on 2019-07-11 14:22 diana_coman: spyked: I pressed the logbot to logbot_command_router_python_genesis.vpatch - at a quick look it seems to me that it contains the core but not the web-publishing glue, am I missing something?
12:19 lobbes_field Relatedly, I'm thinking that once I produce the mod_lisp vpatch, I may just leave the rest of the cl-www project to spyked, while I instead work on a 'python/php www kit.
12:19 lobbes_field This on the grounds that a) after reading the various cuntoo ebuild threads, it isn't clear to me that pythonisms are actually not needed and b) I actually know python/php, whereas I do not know cl
12:21 * lobbes_field back to mines
~ 5 hours 14 minutes ~
17:35 feedbot << Qntra -- Brit Cop Pleas Guilty After Using His Access To Police DB To See Investigations Into Himself
← 2019-07-10 | 2019-07-12 →