Show Idle (>14 d.) Chans

← 2016-08-26 | 2016-08-28 →
00:48 BingoBoingo Starting to seem like the only thing that could have saved broken elliot would have been going all in on the booze. Not getting girls drunk, but getting himself black out drunk until he developed the alcoholism and his life became unmanageable for relateable reasons.
00:49 BingoBoingo Maybe he's get lucky and the B12 deficiency encephaly would break his brain into working
00:50 BingoBoingo "Both my friends James and Philip seem to be the weak, accepting type; whereas I am the fighter. I will never stand to be insulted, and I will eventually have my revenge against all those who insult me, no matter how long it takes." << Dude needed a real enemy
~ 18 minutes ~
01:09 BingoBoingo "Somehow the thought that he could have just taken that [shiny new BMW, by the way] ride of his over to Burbank or something and picked up one (or two, or three) of the black girls that perenially prop the street lights waiting for something [such as private movie theatres in Malibu mansions] to happen never occurs. Hell is other people for some people ; but apparently sometimes hell is just the hole in one's own head." << "And through w
01:09 BingoBoingo orking these steps we shall find a new Freedom and a new happiness... We will intuitively know how to handle situations which used to baffle us" (TM)(R)
~ 23 minutes ~
01:32 mircea_popescu heh
~ 16 minutes ~
01:48 asciilifeform << iirc someone suggested dope earlier
01:48 a111 Logged on 2016-08-27 04:48 BingoBoingo: Starting to seem like the only thing that could have saved broken elliot would have been going all in on the booze. Not getting girls drunk, but getting himself black out drunk until he developed the alcoholism and his life became unmanageable for relateable reasons.
01:49 asciilifeform but! it generally #includes <sociallife.h>
01:49 asciilifeform so likely herr rodger was 'invsober'.
01:50 asciilifeform ( except, of course, when drinking his 1985 mega-winez.. )
01:51 asciilifeform now if dope were something one could download! then.
01:52 asciilifeform << maybe did not care for black chix?
01:52 a111 Logged on 2016-08-27 05:09 BingoBoingo: "Somehow the thought that he could have just taken that [shiny new BMW, by the way] ride of his over to Burbank or something and picked up one (or two, or three) of the black girls that perenially prop the street lights waiting for something [such as private movie theatres in Malibu mansions] to happen never occurs. Hell is other people for some people ; but apparently sometimes hell is just the hole in one's own head." << "And through w
01:55 asciilifeform schmuck in bmw is just a schmuck in bmw, not a picker of chix, just as if asciilifeform were to put on a priceless 16th c. samurai armour, he would not thereby become a samurai.
01:57 asciilifeform (and in usa, bmw is not a rare or esp. precious item, this is not moscow circa '92, any idiot can max out his reddit card & 'own' one)
01:57 asciilifeform it is not a boeing, no.
~ 7 hours 23 minutes ~
09:21 mircea_popescu asciilifeform yeah lol. me.
09:21 mircea_popescu cuz i had nfi there was anyone left in california who didn't ganja
09:25 mircea_popescu kid is a wonder to behold, he effortlessly succeeds at things virtually none of his compatriots ever do, such as killing people (note how many of the "i shot a buncha losers" types are actually first generation or further as opposed to malibu-beachouse-timesharing-lizzardkin) or keeping his nose clean (seriously, find someone in californa born 80s or prior who is not and will not smoke), and then is all bitter and butthurt o
09:25 mircea_popescu ver his "failure" (rather, deliberate avoidance) of cunt.
09:26 mircea_popescu sexuate copulation being, in ALL species, the absolute lowest bar conceivable. numeration is a higher achievement.
09:36 mircea_popescu asciilifeform this hallucination of choice, "i am getting none and will tell you what i won't accept" is the universal symptom of elliot-idiocy not just in elliot, but in everyone. AFTER you get MORE than you can handle, THEN you can express preference. not before. never before.
09:37 mircea_popescu when it's a case that you're already fucking tanja, jennifer, rachel and the bubblebutt sisters, and this hottie cinema user begs you to let her come in with you and massage your feet while you watch the movie, and you're too exhausted to think that's a good idea, THEN you start thinking what you prefer, and ditch some of the crowd.
09:38 mircea_popescu when it's a case that your boss wants you to do overtime, his competitor wants you to move over and there's five headhunters heating your phone, THEN you consider it's time to ask for a raise.
09:38 mircea_popescu etcetera etcetera.
09:38 mircea_popescu there is no such thing as "the preferences" of the virgin. virgins have no preferences.
~ 46 minutes ~
10:25 mircea_popescu and in further historical trilema lulz,
10:31 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: we did, iirc, have a crashed pilot thread
10:31 asciilifeform (re the ww2 folk who starved on account of refusing to eat insect)
10:31 mircea_popescu not what's called a preference.
10:32 asciilifeform how is that not 'preference' ?
10:32 asciilifeform ants are protein like any other...
10:32 mircea_popescu because preference, definitionally, is a choice between two or more present things.
10:33 mircea_popescu choice between one or fewer present things is not preference, but ideology/insanity/identity/whatever you wish to call it.
10:33 asciilifeform well they had two present things, insect protein, and death of starvation... picked the latter.
10:33 mircea_popescu death of starvation is not one present thing.
10:33 mircea_popescu if they ate dragonflies rather than wasps, they'd have had a preference for dragonflies and preferred dragonflies.
10:33 mircea_popescu if they won't eat the cockroach, they don't have a preference, they just gave up, or whatever.
10:34 mircea_popescu and you're way too liberal with this "oh, bigint ? sure i'll smush a string in there!"
10:34 asciilifeform waiwat
10:34 mircea_popescu how the hell did you end up with the idea death is ? fucking ancients knew proof to the contrary.
10:35 mircea_popescu if you didn't know geometry known in ancient greece you'd be worried. but this ?
10:36 asciilifeform folks of rational and upstanding character pick deaths all the time. instead of betrayal, instead of retreat, dishonour, etc.
10:36 asciilifeform what's the problem mircea_popescu has with this ?
10:36 mircea_popescu that whatever they pick, death isn't a present thing.
10:37 asciilifeform as far as i can see, this is a distinction without a difference
10:37 mircea_popescu this qualifies as insanity. wtf do you mean the realia-idealia is "distinction without a difference" ?
10:38 mircea_popescu exact fucking definition of derealisation, as in the psychosis symptom. "can't distinguish between things present and things in own head."
10:38 asciilifeform well i work with these for a living, what.
10:38 asciilifeform realia with idealia welded on, if you like.
10:38 asciilifeform (and vice-versa)
10:39 mircea_popescu the idea is to protect yourself from workplace injuries, not to embrace them. what is this, 1800s sulphur mine kids in sicily ? hunchback and sideways ?
10:39 asciilifeform fefelaga's blinded horse.
10:40 mircea_popescu trist.
10:40 mircea_popescu anyway : your death is never present to you, because for while you're here, it is not yet, and once it is, you are no more.
10:41 asciilifeform and what of this 'not present' thing ?
10:41 asciilifeform what practical diff it makes ?
10:45 mircea_popescu the practical difference it makes is that if you stuprum definitions the results are - by definition - undefined. just like when you smash buffers, what you get is a no-longer-working machine. irrespective of what "practical" difference it makes understood as "i still see tiled windows so all is well"
10:45 asciilifeform you gotta point out the absurdum yer reductio-ing this ad to.
10:46 asciilifeform i.e. the div by 0, or overflow, etc.
10:46 mircea_popescu going out of bounds is the exact equivalent in practice of the medieval notion of "losing communion with god". you're... lost.
10:46 asciilifeform if no crash, the bound was no bound.
10:48 asciilifeform that's the difference between mathematics and talmudism.
10:49 asciilifeform because i just pissed all over 'operating machinery on sabbath' prohibition, and guess what.
10:49 asciilifeform no crash.
10:50 * asciilifeform switches on emulated mircea_popescutron, who answers with the inevitable mussolini quote
10:52 mircea_popescu ahaha what!
10:53 mircea_popescu so wait, wait, if "nobody's key got compromised" then koch bug was no bug ?
10:53 asciilifeform well no, but to demonstrate the bug you gotta demonstrate the possibility.
10:53 asciilifeform 'if planets align like-so, you get crater'
10:53 mircea_popescu nope. it is sufficient to demonstrate incorectness.
10:53 asciilifeform that's what incorrectness ~is~
10:54 mircea_popescu nope.
10:54 mircea_popescu incorectness is "your array is 4 bytes and your malloc is 2 bytes", not "if you run this code you get crater"
10:54 mircea_popescu a deductive, not an inductive concern.
10:55 mircea_popescu which is why all the scorn for their inevitable "oh but this rarely if ev er happens".
10:55 mircea_popescu bitch, it dun care how often you tihnk it happens.
10:55 asciilifeform it is trivially demonstrated that advancing pointer by 4 bt when you alloced 2 will result in unexpected behaviour.
10:55 thestringpuller asciilifeform: probably not your foray, but asking for friend. what's the best way to debug "copy_from_user" without GDB (linux syscall)?
10:55 asciilifeform now demonstrate for the deaths thing.
10:56 mircea_popescu your calling induction "demonstration" and you pretending a nude call as to the future counts as either doth not actually change how reason works, you know.
10:56 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: what's a nude call ?
10:56 mircea_popescu a) your nonsense above is no demonstration ; b) my is.
10:56 a111 Logged on 2016-08-27 14:40 mircea_popescu: anyway : your death is never present to you, because for while you're here, it is not yet, and once it is, you are no more.
10:57 asciilifeform thestringpuller: it's a kernelism, debug the way sane people debug kernels, on emulator with gdb hose.
10:57 asciilifeform thestringpuller: and this sounds like a homework question.
10:57 mircea_popescu a nude call is a call that is not dressed. by parts : a call is an act of judgement, what's normally called "an expert call". when you produce through human heuristic a result that'd better be good enoughy because it's all there is.
10:58 mircea_popescu whether it's nude or dressed discusses the pacification of society. common man tends to be (through herd socialisation) ... "upset" by nudity.
10:58 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: what'd be an example of a 'dressed call' ?
10:59 mircea_popescu (btw since stuprum, stupeo was mentioned, let's point out to trinque that the ancient word for rape actually denotes the very benumbment in question.)
11:00 mircea_popescu asciilifeform most egregiously, "hussein had wmds!"
11:00 asciilifeform and what would nude variant of this look like ?
11:01 mircea_popescu "we gotta fuck up iraq"
11:01 asciilifeform ah ok.
11:01 mircea_popescu no, nude isn't a pejorative, it's not better to be dressed than naked.
11:01 mircea_popescu all calls should be as nude as possible. harem-like!
11:02 asciilifeform the problem with the greek pov, as re-told by mircea_popescu, is that folks are still stuck logically operating on own deaths all the time, whether they like to or not.
11:02 mircea_popescu this is not so.
11:03 mircea_popescu moreover, the fact that folk are "stuck" operating on windows/other tiling wm "all the time" is really no excuse to smash your stack, as in
11:03 mircea_popescu "if i make it what i think it should be it crashes"
11:03 asciilifeform and not even only when finally eating nagant, but when weighing millimortage of whatever act.
11:03 mircea_popescu asciilifeform omfg you're going to be an unwashed pop-statistician now too ?!
11:03 asciilifeform actuarial stat is a thing.
11:04 mircea_popescu look here : risk, as a statistical concern, and phenomenology, as a discrete history of the world, are entirely separate domains.
11:04 asciilifeform nobody cancelled it.
11:04 mircea_popescu it's one thing to say "most black people are uneployed". it is another thing to say "this man is unemmployed because black"
11:04 asciilifeform nothing i said imports this nonsense.
11:05 asciilifeform even if 10,000,001 derps connect them.
11:05 mircea_popescu asciilifeform both the "milimort" nonsense and the "operate on own deaths" nonsense do. and it's not coincidental, you evidently build this crap on top of itself.
11:06 asciilifeform say i have option of walking through 2 minefields. one with 1 booby per 10 sq. m., the other - per 20.
11:06 mircea_popescu ok
11:06 asciilifeform all else - same.
11:06 asciilifeform this, too, is 'millimort nonsense' ?
11:06 mircea_popescu this so far is merely a minefield.
11:06 asciilifeform or not? and if so where is the cut mircea_popescu draws.
11:08 mircea_popescu anyway, i'd guess you pivoted the definition. "milimort nonsense" refers to the ridiculous pretense that statistics discusses discrete events ; it is not a proposition that statistical aproaches to risk management are infeasible or their lingo inacceptable.
11:08 asciilifeform and incidentally i can readily see why mircea_popescu might barf at idea of millimort as applied to, e.g., road fatality
11:08 mircea_popescu i barf at the idea that you dicking around with a statistical model has allowed you to cogently discuss the actual events.
11:08 mircea_popescu "oh, i spend all my time counting milimorts so i know a lot about death"
11:09 asciilifeform idea is not 'know' but specifically reasoning about it in the mine field density sense.
11:09 mircea_popescu gtfo, by the same token elliot knows a lot about fucking ; and the exact-copies of him in charge of the circus act that in the us passes for finance now that the arabs have entirely decapitated it know a lot about bankruptcy
11:09 mircea_popescu asciilifeform you aren't reasoning about IT. you're reasoning around it.
11:10 thestringpuller asciilifeform: not homework question. kid is entry level linux engineer and was like "this keeps returnngin full bytes. it won't copy"
11:10 thestringpuller don't stab the messenger!
11:10 asciilifeform the other observation re the greeks is that they did ~not~, by any indication, believe that a man who walks headfront into his death is necessarily acting illogically.
11:11 mircea_popescu thestringpuller don't be the messenger. kid can gpg like anyone else.
11:11 * thestringpuller is too nice
11:11 mircea_popescu asciilifeform they didn't, nor do i, nor does anyone capable of thinking.
11:11 thestringpuller BingoBoingo: << not quite news, but still amusing
11:11 asciilifeform so how does this square up with the 'not present' item ?
11:11 mircea_popescu that it's present to you dun mean it's present to them.
11:12 mircea_popescu which is why "life" scarcely prepares one for leadership.
11:13 mircea_popescu also known as "i see dead people."
11:14 asciilifeform ability to usefully juggle idealia, and not only realia, is what distinguishes man from dog.
11:14 asciilifeform including the ideal of his own burning corpse, yes.
11:15 mircea_popescu usefully, as a byproduct of correctly.
11:15 mircea_popescu usefully at the destruction of correctly is pretty much the "western world" example.
11:16 asciilifeform i don't partake in the 'aristotelian' notion of correctness - 'do this because fella with a beard 3 metres long said it to be correct'. gotta show example of the kind of disaster one might arrive at via the incorrectness.
11:17 asciilifeform 'fella thought that 1==2 and looky how long are his guts'
~ 40 minutes ~
11:57 mircea_popescu the field is not "argument from authority"
11:57 mircea_popescu the field is not "argument from authority or argument from induction"
11:57 mircea_popescu the field is "deduction, or induction"
11:58 mircea_popescu no example is required to decide any dispute. the example is a teaching tool, not a reasoning tool.
~ 25 minutes ~
12:23 asciilifeform incidentally, does mircea_popescu also object to manipulations on, e.g., complex numbers ?
12:24 asciilifeform just as much 'nonpresent idealia', neh ?
12:26 mircea_popescu what's "manipulation" to do with it ? if you claimed you sat down to have tea with some complex numbers, i'd point out the batshit insanity of that notion just like above, yes.
12:26 asciilifeform everybody who builds, e.g., 3phase motor, 'sits down for tea with complex numbers'
12:27 mircea_popescu this is not so.
12:27 asciilifeform plox to expand on this ?
12:27 mircea_popescu but i am starting to udnerstand why ~any math phd i ever encountered has major social function issues.
12:27 asciilifeform is it simply that engineer, at the end of the day, puts the complex nums back into their drawers ?
12:28 mircea_popescu asciilifeform a man who is a plumber is not by this measure "a plague victim". yes, the man works in shit all day. but : he does the work in shit with shit tools, and then he presumably eats with eat tools. he doesn't mix the two.
12:28 asciilifeform rather than ask machinist to cut a complex length of steel
12:28 mircea_popescu there's a long history of playing fast and loose with domain before one arrives at this wretched state where he "prefers complex numbers".
12:29 asciilifeform i will not disagree that if engineer gets up from his desk and asks for a sqrt(-2)-metre long stick, he has problem.
12:30 mircea_popescu the notion that one "prefers death" is very similar to "cut me e length of rope"
12:30 mircea_popescu yes, "obvicously" what's "meant" is an approximation. then through practice that obvious goes away, much like rubber gloves one never changes or reviews,
12:30 mircea_popescu soon enough you're labsick and "i wonder why".
12:30 mircea_popescu why. because gotta keep work hygiene, is why!
12:31 asciilifeform typically 'prefer death', for soldier who won't retreat, or whoever, is simply a fallthrough case in a switch(), if you will
12:31 asciilifeform from refusal to take whatever else is on the table.
12:31 mircea_popescu yes, but it induces a whole slew of shit that then passes for thought.
12:32 mircea_popescu much like badly designed code, yes.,
12:32 asciilifeform and i can even see where mircea_popescu makes the cut, 'this is not same as to prefer the death'
12:32 asciilifeform what i cannot yet see is why.
12:32 mircea_popescu you can't prefer among a set with cardinality less than two, that's why. sure, your identity may require you to not do x. this is fine, BUT IT IS ALSO NOT A PREFERENCE. it's your identity.
12:33 mircea_popescu the buddhist monk rescuing scorpion koan is directly linked here.
12:34 asciilifeform what's identity if not a set of deep habits
12:34 asciilifeform and doesn't mircea_popescu surgically operate on identities in his spare time every night ?
12:34 mircea_popescu if identity is in fact "a set of deep habits" then you are a woman in the greek sense of that term ; and moreover i have nfi why you wouldn't be happy in the inca state.
12:35 mircea_popescu i do, but to quote myself, "Grecii sunt scutul, nu sulita, ca de obicei exact altfel, exact invers, exact pe dos decat ne asteptam noi, in convingerea noastra ca i-am inteles. Si ca de obicei, au dreptate."
12:35 asciilifeform hey, pitch is a liquid.
12:35 asciilifeform dun mean you can go and pour a glass.
12:35 asciilifeform (glass, contrary to the mysteriously popular delusion, is ~not~ a liquid)
12:35 mircea_popescu but for everyone else, identity is a deductive result, which is why there can't be such a thing as "an example of you"
12:36 asciilifeform i was referring to identity in the psychiatric, rather than mathematical sense.
12:36 mircea_popescu me too.
12:39 asciilifeform i dunno that it even makes sense to attempt rigorous def of this 'identity', at least in any more detail than we define 'earth's crust' -- 'the layer we can drill without the drill melting'
12:40 mircea_popescu sure.
12:41 mircea_popescu which is why it takes man his entire life to find out who he is.
12:41 asciilifeform supposing he even does.
12:42 mats if there are any folks still looking to exit their s.nsa holdings, i would like to discuss buying your shares
12:48 mats and on a similar subject, do you folks suppose there'll delivery of cardanos this xmas?
~ 42 minutes ~
13:30 mod6 $orders
~ 22 minutes ~
13:53 * shinohai imagines mats making keyserver tied to s.nsa
~ 23 minutes ~
14:17 asciilifeform << in other lulz
14:17 asciilifeform 'GnuPG maintainer Werner Koch presented the Sunday keynote at GUADEC 2016 in Karlsruhe, Germany. He used the session to push back against the present trends in Internet architecture ... '
14:17 asciilifeform yes, that koch.
~ 16 minutes ~
14:33 asciilifeform mats: i would buy yours if i had in what to put.
14:34 asciilifeform ( i do not have an mpex acct. )
14:42 asciilifeform << 'keyserver' is a fundamentally braindamaged concept.
14:42 a111 Logged on 2016-08-27 17:53 shinohai imagines mats making keyserver tied to s.nsa
14:43 shinohai mmm
14:44 asciilifeform emulated mircea_popescutron sayeth: 'nobody said that letting go of comfortable centralization would be easy.'
~ 20 minutes ~
15:04 mod6 <+mats> if there are any folks still looking to exit their s.nsa holdings, i would like to discuss buying your shares <+asciilifeform> mats: i would buy yours if i had in what to put. << looks like he's trying to buy, not sell.
15:04 mod6 it'd be cool if we had or own TMSR orderbook.
15:04 asciilifeform well this is for when he buys and gets tired!111
15:04 mod6 ah.
~ 16 minutes ~
15:21 asciilifeform ;;later tell mircea_popescu << vintage rodgerism lulz
15:21 BingoBoingo ;;later tell pete_dushenski You would be pround to know I am now that asshole who brings his own oil to quick change place and tips the labor.
15:21 mircea_popescu ha!
15:22 mircea_popescu oh, next installment coming soonish too
15:22 asciilifeform i think gribble needs an oil change
15:22 BingoBoingo As plasticar approaches 200,000 miles I kinda wanna see if 300,000 is possibru
15:22 mircea_popescu gribble's unvoiced, plox to use shinohai s' thing
15:22 asciilifeform ah hm
15:22 BingoBoingo ~later tell pete_dushenski You would be pround to know I am now that asshole who brings his own oil to quick change place and tips the labor.
15:22 danielpbarron !later tell asciilifeform it's jhvh1 now
15:23 danielpbarron !~list
15:23 mircea_popescu hm.
15:23 danielpbarron $list
15:25 asciilifeform moar recent völkischer beobachter lulz, >> 'Federal agents searched the home of a former employee-turned-outspoken critic of the College Board, the standardized testing giant, as part of an investigation into the breach of hundreds of questions from the SAT college entrance exam.'
15:25 BingoBoingo
15:25 asciilifeform danielpbarron: interestingly, message came out of... gribble?!
15:27 danielpbarron the command character is still being sorted out i think, and ! also triggers gribble who apparently still takes orders even though muted
15:27 asciilifeform 'Alfaro had contacted officials of seven state governments in recent months, accusing the College Board of making false claims about its tests when bidding for public contracts with the states. The College Board, he alleged, misled the states about the process it used to create questions for the new version of the SAT, resulting in an inferior exam. He also aired those allegations publicly, largely through postings on his LinkedIn ac
15:27 asciilifeform count. Lawyers for Alfaro could not be reached for comment. An FBI official confirmed that agents were present at Alfaro’s home in Maryland but declined to elaborate. College Board spokesman Zach Goldberg said the leak of test questions constituted a crime. “We are pleased that this crime is being pursued aggressively,” he said. He dismissed Alfaro’s criticisms of the SAT test-making process as “patently false.”'
~ 19 minutes ~
15:47 deedbot << Trilema - The Story of Elliot Rodger. By Elliot Rodger. Adnotated. Part Seven.
~ 17 minutes ~
16:04 deedbot << Qntra - Argentine Government And Monsanto Approaching Peace Deal
16:12 asciilifeform BingoBoingo:
16:13 BingoBoingo asciilifeform:
16:22 asciilifeform in other lulz, invoking, md5 hash, using microshit winblowz api, apparently only saves ~half of the lines it takes to write the algo from scratch...
16:23 asciilifeform (and about 10x the memory footprint. COST, not save. aha.)
16:26 mircea_popescu which algo ?
16:27 BingoBoingo $s noose
16:27 a111 59 results for "noose",
16:37 mircea_popescu and in other high performance piston engine news, and did you know the worldwide cunt economy is 18.5 liters / 100km ?
~ 20 minutes ~
16:57 shinohai > is command until I can apply lobbes fix
16:57 jhvh1 shinohai: Error: "is" is not a valid command.
16:58 shinohai >bcstats
16:58 jhvh1 shinohai: Current Blocks: 427118 | Current Difficulty: 2.1737548275723764E11 | Next Difficulty At Block: 427391 | Next Difficulty In: 273 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 day, 22 hours, 8 minutes, and 27 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None
17:02 asciilifeform << md5
17:02 a111 Logged on 2016-08-27 20:26 mircea_popescu: which algo ?
17:09 asciilifeform << in other comedy
17:10 asciilifeform 'We can sometimes see decades-old capacitors (such as ones made in the USSR) still working. They are bigger and heavier, but durable and not desiccating. Modern aluminium capacitors serve for about 11 years, if you are lucky, then become dry and quietly fail. I remember early 2000s devices where capacitors failed after 3–4 years of service, and not necessarily low-end devices (one example is E-TECH ICE-200 cable modem worth ∼ 240
17:10 asciilifeform rs became a commonplace, something uncharacteristic for 1980s.'
17:18 asciilifeform << apparently this is nyoozworthy
17:19 deedbot << Qntra - Not Quite News Roundup Xtend 3 (TM)(R)
17:22 asciilifeform << oh better still, it takes no fewer than THREE api calls, any or all of which MAY FAIL.
17:22 a111 Logged on 2016-08-27 20:22 asciilifeform: in other lulz, invoking, md5 hash, using microshit winblowz api, apparently only saves ~half of the lines it takes to write the algo from scratch...
17:22 asciilifeform i shit thee not.
17:24 asciilifeform re the capacitors, the chinese story is a lie of omission, i've been swapping caps routinely in hardware made since 1990 or so.
17:25 asciilifeform the 'great plague of 2001' is factual but wholly incomplete picture.
17:26 mircea_popescu asciilifeform it's not newsworthy per se, it's the aparatchicks boiling and festering over some means of jumping ship
17:26 BingoBoingo "On weekend nights, I took a few shots from my vodka bottle and set out on walks around the town, desperately hoping that I would stumble across some opportunity to make friends. I often ended up sitting alone at some café, hoping girls would talk to me before I sobered up." << Doing it wrong. SHould have drank the whole bottle.
17:26 mircea_popescu it's clear to them survival depends on switching over to china - this boat they've managed to sunk.
17:26 mircea_popescu it's yet unclear to them that china already has its own class.
17:27 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: the tampons?! how?
17:27 mircea_popescu no dude, the "feminism"
17:33 asciilifeform switch how? to move there?
17:33 mircea_popescu eh, how. in whichever way.
17:33 asciilifeform i cannot picture anyone, even anglotards, conceiving of such a thing.
17:34 mircea_popescu ideally, if the chinese govt would just give them money to keep doing what they're doing.
17:34 asciilifeform that boat sailed in the 1890s.
17:34 mircea_popescu i don't think you understand how this works.
17:34 asciilifeform possibly not
17:34 asciilifeform i could see'em positioning themselves as prospective gauleiters for chinese repo crew.
17:35 asciilifeform but in what imagined universe said crew might conceivably ~need~ these remoras for something, is beyond me
17:36 mircea_popescu you keep going on about the wrong angle of this.
17:36 mircea_popescu dude, who the fuck cares about all that ? not elliot. he cares about what he WANTS
17:36 mircea_popescu get it ? that. no more. nothing more.
17:36 asciilifeform well yes. but elliot at least showed up where there were gurlz. not in refrigerator store.
17:36 mircea_popescu absolutely nothing more at all not in the slightest bit ever, at all.
17:37 mircea_popescu he showed ~wherever he happened to anyway be going~.
17:37 mircea_popescu same with these other, lesser elliots and elliettes.
17:37 asciilifeform text contains multiple 'and then i went to this empty street because saw girl there once'
17:37 mircea_popescu they write "news" in theguardian about how the chinese should give them moar attentions, and a car.
17:37 mircea_popescu asciilifeform yes, but what he says he does and what he actually does are not so related. he only goes to the streets he'd be going.
17:38 mircea_popescu ie, theguardian. sure, "because we saw chinese people there once", if you prefer this because. and if you'd like another, he got others. what ain't changing is teh fucking guardian.
17:40 BingoBoingo "Their names were Ryan and Angel, and to my dismay they were of Hispanic race." << Gardening 101: to kill scale bugs use potassium soap, to kill fungi use copper soap, to kill Anglotards use sopapillas
17:46 BingoBoingo "James became deeply disturbed by my anger. I wished that he wasn’t disturbed. I wished he could be a friend that felt the same way about the world that I did. But he wasn’t that kind of person. He was a weakling." << Twu Wuv
17:55 BingoBoingo
18:01 BingoBoingo
18:01 BingoBoingo ~ticker --market all
18:02 BingoBoingo >ticker --market all --currency rmb
18:02 jhvh1 BingoBoingo: BTCChina BTCRMB last: 3790.93, vol: 73664.99830000 | Volume-weighted last average: 3790.93
18:02 BingoBoingo >ty jhvh1 ;
18:02 jhvh1 BingoBoingo: Error: "ty" is not a valid command.
18:03 BingoBoingo shinohai: You're missing a command. ">ty" should be answered with "You are very welcome Daddy"
18:05 shinohai lolz
18:07 shinohai >ty
18:07 jhvh1 You are very welcome Daddy
18:11 BingoBoingo Very good
18:11 shinohai also haz an experimental >bash script
18:14 shinohai >bash 4
18:14 jhvh1 Last 4 lines bashed and pending publication
~ 1 hours 27 minutes ~
19:42 mircea_popescu o hey
19:43 mircea_popescu BingoBoingo lmao sopapilla
19:45 mircea_popescu shinohai why does your bot sound like a submissive streetwalker ?
19:49 shinohai gotta learn that variety speak
19:54 asciilifeform << luuuuuuv bloatware!11111
19:55 asciilifeform << further dispatches from the bureau of wishful thinking
19:57 asciilifeform 'The bigger problem for China is its workforce. Even though China is graduating far more than 1 million engineers every year, the quality of their education is so poor that they are not employable in technical professions. This was documented by my research teams at Duke and Harvard. ' << gold.
20:03 mircea_popescu ahahaha
20:03 mircea_popescu i very much doubt there will be a signle employable engineer graduating from ivy league this year.
20:03 asciilifeform not so many a decade ago.
20:04 mircea_popescu community colleges still turn out the occasional useful bloke, but really, there's no comparison with china.
20:05 mircea_popescu >buttseks
20:05 jhvh1 mircea_popescu: Error: "buttseks" is not a valid command.
20:05 mircea_popescu >""
20:05 jhvh1 mircea_popescu: Error: "" is not a valid command.
20:05 mircea_popescu >"""
20:05 jhvh1 mircea_popescu: Error: No closing quotation
20:05 mircea_popescu >\"
20:05 jhvh1 mircea_popescu: Error: "\"" is not a valid command.
20:07 asciilifeform re chinese engineering, i had a float valve, of the usual type, in toilet - EXPLODE the other day
20:07 asciilifeform thing was <1y old.
20:07 mircea_popescu uh
20:07 mircea_popescu what was it filled with ?
20:07 asciilifeform filled ?
20:08 asciilifeform it's a float valve. it lives whatever pressure the water pipe supplies.
20:09 mircea_popescu oh i thought you meant the actual floating device
20:10 asciilifeform << this.
20:10 asciilifeform the plastic stem ruptured.
20:10 asciilifeform never seen anything of the kind before.
20:11 asciilifeform mircea_popescu's knife (i also had this knife) or my saw from 2 wks ago, these made sense, the mechanical forces on the atrocious dried snot from which they were made, were formidable
20:11 asciilifeform but this - is a new thing.
20:12 asciilifeform i suspect that it actually... dissolved.
20:13 mircea_popescu heh
20:14 asciilifeform the wc in the flat i grew up in, back on other side of ocean, was 100+ years old. and had ORIGINAL float when i met it. grandfather - cleaned it. copper thing, ancient with patina, quite functional
20:14 asciilifeform i would bet that it is there still.
20:15 asciilifeform there is no reason for this part to wear out other than on ~geological~ time scale.
20:19 mircea_popescu just about.
~ 17 minutes ~
20:37 BingoBoingo Did you try casting a replacement out of pewter?
20:38 BingoBoingo Possible that mebbe your local water system sucks and the pressure spiked to break the plastic.
20:41 BingoBoingo Occasionally neighborhoods in USia will experience much broken plasic and galvanized material when pressure goes from reasonable 40-90 psi to 140-240 psi.
20:41 BingoBoingo Welcome to post-Rhodesian infrastructure.
20:42 asciilifeform << for valve?!
20:42 a111 Logged on 2016-08-28 00:37 BingoBoingo: Did you try casting a replacement out of pewter?
20:42 BingoBoingo asciilifeform: yes. You don't drink out of toilet do you? Lead should be no concern.
20:43 BingoBoingo shape to fit with emery, cloth, and patience
20:43 asciilifeform aaaaha i'ma spend a month on a $5 part. suuuure.
20:44 BingoBoingo But if it were a capacitor!
20:44 asciilifeform (and shit in bucket while working, yes)
20:45 asciilifeform i dun make capacitors here, either,
20:45 asciilifeform life is not long enough to make own valves.
20:46 asciilifeform (betcha gabriel_laddel makes valves. and nails)
20:46 asciilifeform cuts, aha, own screws.
20:47 hanbot asciilifeform perhaps the mongoloids merely sealed your valve completely with their affronts to geometry.
20:48 asciilifeform waiwat
20:49 * asciilifeform does often wonder whether there exists a black market in old-new stock parts such as toilet valve.
20:50 * hanbot is having a fit of ignatius j. reilly-isms doubtlessly conjured up by the current trilema rodger telenovella
20:50 asciilifeform 'pssst hey kid, wanna buy 100year float??'
20:57 BingoBoingo >bc,stats
20:57 jhvh1 BingoBoingo: Error: "bc,stats" is not a valid command.
20:58 BingoBoingo >bcstats
20:58 jhvh1 BingoBoingo: Current Blocks: 427139 | Current Difficulty: 2.1737548275723764E11 | Next Difficulty At Block: 427391 | Next Difficulty In: 252 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 day, 19 hours, 12 minutes, and 0 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None
20:58 BingoBoingo >ty
20:58 jhvh1 You are very welcome Daddy
~ 1 hours 14 minutes ~
22:12 shinohai >lazerkittens
22:12 jhvh1 shinohai: Error: "lazerkittens" is not a valid command.
~ 22 minutes ~
22:35 shinohai BingoBoingo:
22:35 shinohai >roundhouse
22:35 jhvh1 And so I called the Roundhouse the Roundhouse
22:35 BingoBoingo > My Belongings
22:35 jhvh1 BingoBoingo: Error: "My" is not a valid command.
22:35 BingoBoingo >My Belongings
22:35 jhvh1 BingoBoingo: Error: "My" is not a valid command.
22:35 shinohai yeah ill change it to be error
22:35 shinohai :D
22:36 BingoBoingo >puppies
22:36 jhvh1 BingoBoingo: Error: "puppies" is not a valid command.
22:41 asciilifeform $up gabriel_laddel
22:41 deedbot gabriel_laddel voiced for 30 minutes.
22:41 asciilifeform lemme guess, no key?
22:41 BingoBoingo Oh the lawgz
22:43 gabriel_laddel $s 1-5 months
22:43 a111 1 result for "1-5 months",
22:43 gabriel_laddel < I have nfi what this is supposed to mean?
22:43 a111 Logged on 2016-08-28 00:46 asciilifeform: (betcha gabriel_laddel makes valves. and nails)
22:44 asciilifeform gabriel_laddel: young folk with time on their hands.
22:44 mircea_popescu alf's humour is often hermetic.
22:44 asciilifeform gabriel_laddel: when you're a student and time is 'worth 0', you do things like making own lab instruments out of rubbish
22:45 asciilifeform 'i want a waveform generator box, i could spend fiddybux on it instead of drink, or hey! neighbour threw out tape deck and...'
22:51 asciilifeform $up gabriel_laddel
22:51 deedbot gabriel_laddel voiced for 30 minutes.
22:52 gabriel_laddel mircea_popescu: < I'm flattered, thank you.
22:52 a111 Logged on 2016-08-26 17:25 mircea_popescu: has anyone a spare bedroom/garage/whatever willing to rent to me for a reasoble sum and park gabriel there for a few months ?
22:52 mircea_popescu not much in the way of offers so far.
23:00 BingoBoingo If gabriel_laddel's stimulant habits didn't seem so threatening to the sobriety there might be an offer, but I doubt he'd approve of my rural spider hole.
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