Show Idle (>14 d.) Chans

← 2016-03-30 | 2016-04-01 →
00:00 mircea_popescu (generally "original greek" refers to the septuagint, ie, the result of an effort that actually predates and likely likely caused christ, to translate the hebrew texts into greek. it was a committee affair sponsored by the ptolemaic autarchy in power in egypt.)
00:01 mircea_popescu but this text was set aside as obscure by scholars as early as five centuries later.
00:02 phf well, i think in this case it's an attempt to throw sand, like "other early scholarly texts i read that you idiots didn't have wholly different words in there"
00:03 mircea_popescu except the ridiculousness of such on the fucking internet... really ?
00:03 mircea_popescu you're gonna be the best read smartest dude out here ? fancy that!
00:03 phf it literally takes an hour of research to refute his claims
00:04 mircea_popescu anyway. there's little doubt, if nothing else for gm reasons, that the original #bible-a was rather anti-establishment ; and then got reshaped into something more tolerant once the wot involved ended up in power irl.
00:04 mircea_popescu ta-da.
~ 18 minutes ~
00:22 danielpbarron that's generally my position: not thrilled about non-Bible establishment, but totally in favor of kingdom in which Biblical law is enforced
~ 30 minutes ~
00:53 phf the savages is painful
~ 2 hours 13 minutes ~
03:06 ben_vulpes asciilifeform: << more truecrypt
~ 4 hours 54 minutes ~
08:01 PeterL <asciilifeform> ben_vulpes: i still can't fathom why bicycle is permitted but not horse. << horses leave piles of stinky shit lying everywhere, nobody wants their roads covered in shit
08:08 shinohai As opposed to stinking hipsters everywhere on bikes?
08:21 PeterL shinohai hipster don't shit in the road
08:22 PeterL danielpbarron do you read things like the gospel of thomas, or do you just stick with what is in the traditional bible?
~ 22 minutes ~
08:44 mircea_popescu phf is it ? whyssat ?
08:59 asciilifeform <ben_vulpes> asciilifeform: << more truecrypt <<<<< see the other logz. some derp did a 'newsweeksatoshi' re truecrypt (shat forth a 'thrilling!111' bio of some schmuck, and - without anything like evidence - tagged him with the authorship based on 'glove fits')
09:00 mircea_popescu hey, it's how the legal process works in the us
09:00 mircea_popescu why would the journashits use a diff process ?
09:01 asciilifeform absolutely no reason.
09:01 asciilifeform see also 'piltdown man', classic american paleontology.
09:01 asciilifeform same principle.
09:02 asciilifeform hey, monkey's arse can fit this dog's neck! let's sew them !
09:02 mircea_popescu imagine leah's disconcert when teh republic pissed all over her face for JUSRT DOING HER JERB
09:02 mircea_popescu (which is exactly what the derp said, too)
09:02 asciilifeform aiiiy wazzzz oonly foolowing oorderz!!11111
09:02 mircea_popescu not even.
09:03 mircea_popescu "i was merely following along with the crowd"
09:03 mircea_popescu one of the best things to do after breaking up a strike/protest/other "democratic" bs is to isolater hte participants, beat the shit out of them and inquire wtf they thought they were doing there.
09:03 asciilifeform favourite pasttime in ru police station
09:04 asciilifeform may as well ask lone ant.
09:04 mircea_popescu which way it's going
09:04 asciilifeform aha.
09:04 asciilifeform speaking of vermin,
09:04 asciilifeform << lulz
09:04 asciilifeform ^ tldr: 2-3 moar yearz of gavinatronics
09:04 mircea_popescu hurr. they hired diablo ?
09:05 asciilifeform sponsored by, e.g., nasdaq
09:05 asciilifeform 'Do the developers physically work at MIT?
09:05 asciilifeform No. They are free (and welcome to!) work from MIT at any time, but they mostly work remotely.'
09:05 asciilifeform ^ answers the old riddle, 'does gavin have to rot in an office'
09:06 * asciilifeform goes off to rot in office, bbl
09:06 mircea_popescu later.
~ 23 minutes ~
09:29 shinohai +asciilifeform ^ answers the old riddle, 'does gavin have to rot in an office' <<< a cage is a cage still, isn't it?
09:29 shinohai whether in home office or standard one.
09:31 mircea_popescu he has his idiosyncratic criteria, which fit the events. and change with teh events.
~ 42 minutes ~
10:13 danielpbarron PeterL> danielpbarron do you read things like the gospel of thomas << no. just the 66 books
10:14 mircea_popescu if only god had the common sense ot include a hash with the material.
10:15 shinohai ^
10:15 shinohai my sides
10:16 shinohai Aren't there kabbalists that look for such hashes in Scripture?
10:16 mircea_popescu i guess in a sense that's what they're doing yeah
10:16 mod6 "BCD1
10:16 mod6 "
~ 18 minutes ~
10:35 phf mircea_popescu: it's very spot on, it's like everything that happens is a neurotic mannerism, "of course that's what she would say, of course that's what he would do", all the props fit too. painful, because i'm not in argentina and these people are way too familiar
10:35 mircea_popescu aha.
10:35 mircea_popescu these schmucks are no better, just different.
10:35 mircea_popescu of course... different is better to the weary.
10:44 phf i can also see why it would have a 7/10 rating, because it won't be seen as a satire, the characters are also the audience, words like "poignant" "reconnecting" "estranged" will be used, but of course there all kinds of things to nit pick for connoisseurs of independent movies which are better than hollywood, but are easy to apply npr-speak while completely missing the point, and the meta circularity makes my head heart. hence-- painful
10:46 mircea_popescu now tell me this. you familiar with the five stages of a narrative ?
10:47 phf sure
10:47 mircea_popescu ok, plox to identify the climax.
10:48 phf hmm
10:52 phf i thought it was somewhere around the dinner scene where they ask dad questions
10:52 mircea_popescu mno.
10:53 mircea_popescu whydja think so ?
10:57 asciilifeform Mar 31 09:31:56 <mircea_popescu>he has his idiosyncratic criteria, which fit the events. and change with teh events. << this is unfounded. all i ever said on subj is 'gavin is exempt from arbeit macht frei, doesn't commute, doesn't punch clock'. turns out - true. (unless mircea_popescu has intel suggesting otherwise ?)
10:59 phf well, it's the end of any action on the part of characters, they are sort of agitated from their state by external factors, they act to the limit of their meagre abilities, and that's that. everything else is them settling back into their passivity as a result of that initial agitation
10:59 mircea_popescu phf what is the definition of climax ?
10:59 mircea_popescu asciilifeform let's call it confounded and settle ?
10:59 asciilifeform l0l sure
11:00 phf mircea_popescu: the peak of plot?
11:00 mircea_popescu you call this a definition ?
11:00 asciilifeform at any rate one probably ought to regard 'gavin gets xxx for gavining' with the same salt as 'red army soldier gets x grams of chocolate in surrender camp'
11:00 mircea_popescu what's next, "the exciting bit" like ?
11:01 mircea_popescu holy shit is the internet braindead btw. fucking websites.
11:01 danielpbarron gavin can't say the things that i can say, and in that sense he is much less free than I am
11:01 mircea_popescu danielpbarron doesn't matter because isn't going around pretending like what you say matters!!!1eleventeen
11:02 danielpbarron just like Obama can't be that powerful if he can't publicly have a harem
11:03 mircea_popescu phf "the singular act towards which all exposition leads and from which all conclusion follows". that's the classical climax. yes, modern and adultcontempo storytelling does not strictly follow classicism, just like they abandoned the unity of time and place. but the thing still is what it always was.
11:03 mircea_popescu this happens to be a very strictly classical narrative, much to its merit, and adding to its valor. so find it.
11:05 phf hmm
11:08 mircea_popescu danielpbarron> just like Obama can't be that powerful if he can't publicly have a harem << the excuse here would be that "he could if he wanted to - doesn't want to".
11:09 mircea_popescu phf anyway, take your time. mebbe alf watches it too and he can catch up with teh rest of the class!
11:09 mircea_popescu tmsr-chan now doing literary criticism master's degrees of all things.
11:09 asciilifeform i will watch it, atm busy having my fingernails pulled out and entrails unwound
11:09 phf yeah, seriously that part of my brain hasn't worked in 20 some years
11:10 asciilifeform then at the end of the day will put'em back in, rinse, repeat.
11:10 mircea_popescu phf hey, and you wanted to teach a computer how to do it!
11:10 * shinohai thinks asciilifeform believes himself the Russian Prometheus.
11:11 asciilifeform << mega-4uct10n
11:11 phf it's emergent, neural nets will do it for me
11:11 mircea_popescu oh i see.
11:11 mircea_popescu fucking tin women everywhere.
11:13 danielpbarron yeah b.s. Every man would have a harem if he could
11:15 danielpbarron aww someone topped my denarius bid
11:18 mircea_popescu you think ? why ?
11:18 mircea_popescu fwis, nine tenths of everyone'd wear one of those penis shrinker thing and be kept in diapers by a crumb-like woman.
11:19 asciilifeform voluntarily?!
11:19 mircea_popescu quite.
11:19 asciilifeform share the lsd?
11:19 * danielpbarron wouldn't, ew.
11:19 mircea_popescu what, you've not noticed the neoteny trend ?
11:19 asciilifeform it is from the cage
11:19 shinohai ;;google crumb-like woman
11:19 gribble No Girls Allowed!: Crumb and the Comix Counterculture | PopMatters: <>; An Eye for the Ladies - <>; Robert Crumb - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <>
11:19 asciilifeform not from any decision on part of the dulapped
11:19 mircea_popescu ha-ha. cage my foot.
11:20 mircea_popescu the CAGE is FROM IT!
11:20 mircea_popescu what, you think the usg is a pos because aliens ?
11:20 mircea_popescu no dude. every place, the government it wants and earns.
11:20 mircea_popescu yes decision on part of dulapped. if you ever find an island of castrated males, you found an island of dudes who thought balls hang too heavy for comfort.
11:20 asciilifeform this - yes
11:20 asciilifeform but i pwersonally must've been put here from sins in past lives or what.
11:21 mircea_popescu hey, there's good arguments against moving to other place. your parents took you there neh ?
11:21 mircea_popescu do that to a child, he'll have to... wait for it... adapt to the new environment!!11
11:21 mircea_popescu odds are he won't find the popular girls sexy or even interesting, and so on.
11:22 asciilifeform aha, this is how i became asocial monster
11:22 asciilifeform by and large i find the local fauna repulsive.
11:23 shinohai I saw Vexual in the logs lmao
11:25 mircea_popescu asciilifeform you know, intelligence is an adaptive trait!
11:26 asciilifeform go, adapt to chimps in the zoo.
11:26 trinque the texan babes behave just fine. you're in hell.
11:26 trinque and apparently prefer it, lol
11:26 mircea_popescu if stuck in zoo i think i'd try to enjoy chimp cunt.
11:26 asciilifeform trinque: i gotta say, i envy your blindness.
11:27 mircea_popescu i wonder... just as muscular as chimp otherwise ?
11:27 mircea_popescu can she do the she-dolphin trick ?
11:27 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: i knew a buncha similar kidz who , yes, adapted to chimp cunt.
11:27 mircea_popescu (intromission in marine mammals doesn't work as in terrestrials. you'd prolly call it... milking.)
11:27 trinque poor alf thinks people put up with fat, stupid people of walmart everywhere on this continent
11:28 asciilifeform trinque: on the contrary, we have the other thing here.
11:28 trinque ah right, those fembots you mentioned?
11:28 asciilifeform aha
11:28 asciilifeform i've never actually seen the folks BingoBoingo links to
11:28 asciilifeform (in the flesh)
11:29 mircea_popescu fembots ?!
11:29 asciilifeform brb, the crypt0graph3rz are here
11:29 mircea_popescu just how long was i asleep!
11:31 phf ascii perhaps refers to strong dc culture of clubsluts and sorority girls
11:31 trinque he said something about the women having robot faces
11:31 phf right
11:31 mircea_popescu phf i dunno fucking comprehend the disdain affected (perhaps to the point of believing themselves) by intellectual folk re the pro sluts.
11:31 mircea_popescu srsly now. how can you not respect them!
11:32 * trinque shrugs
11:32 phf well, it's masked fear
11:32 trinque how is "I am signaling for cock as hard as I can" fear?
11:32 mircea_popescu "the culture of clubsluts and sorority girls" beats any other female culture so far out of the field it can't even be discussed, wtf. you can take one of those and make her a fat borderline sleeve in six weeks. try the fucking other way around
11:33 mircea_popescu "oh these shoes hurt!11"
11:33 phf on part of intellectual folk
11:33 trinque ah
11:34 phf i have nothing but warm feelings towards clubsluts, they made my mid 20s quite pleasant, before i left dc
11:34 mircea_popescu i'd much rather discuss the scrolls with them than with the others.
11:34 phf but i'm saying i grok what ascii is talking about, because there's strong sorority culture in dc
11:35 mircea_popescu generally, better a clever girl that thinks herself dumb than a dumb girl that thinks she must be clever.
11:36 phf fwiw there's plenty of clever girls in dc club scene, they are predominantly american,gwu,georgetown or else educated transplants, not to mention lots of foreigners
11:36 mircea_popescu trinque not even signalling for cock. anti-signalling for male fears > 9000.
11:36 phf it's just not the "easy" clever
11:37 mircea_popescu phf half the time it's not the schooled clever, which is just as well.
11:42 mircea_popescu local lulz here. tall blondy aspiring to be a stewardess wants to know where i work. "i don't work" "then what do you do ?" "whatever i feel like." she's thoroughly confused, enlists help. "how do i pay for things ??" "with money." "yes!!!". eventually girl that knows me rescues them, "oh, he's in finance". NOW they're satisfied! "omg you liar!11"
11:42 mircea_popescu because apparently work doesn't mean iho what i thought it would.
11:43 mircea_popescu it's not "what you do, whether you make any money or not, ie work", but "how do you get the money, whether you do anything or not, ie, social-proof".
11:43 phf i work in mergers and acquisitions
11:44 trinque heh, she met a quasi-mythical creature. an owner.
11:45 mircea_popescu trinque quite unheard of here. whole fucking place is a socialist wet dream, nobody owns anything. did i recount the lulz of the local gambling baron ?
11:45 trinque I don't recall.
11:45 phf i thought owners are always mercurial about their answers that sort of questions. i'm yet to see one who goes "yeah, i own companies"
11:46 mircea_popescu phf i met tons of guys that went "yeah baby i'm ap roducer"
11:47 mircea_popescu trinque ok, ima befoul the logs with this nonsense then.
11:48 mircea_popescu so, one cristobal lopez is one of the country's greatest "owners". originally, there was a gambling boat made by some spanish company, taking advantage of the unclear jurisdiction situation and the inept and slow workings of the ar courts. they invested 10mn and took home 100mn the first year.
11:48 mircea_popescu the local smartasses took over, and created "the largest agglomeration of slot machines in the world" in this circus tent on the grounds of the old hippodrome
11:48 phf well, exactly those guys are not producers
11:48 mircea_popescu the thing owes in taxes, if its own word is to be believed, about half a BILLION dollars for the past decade.
11:49 mircea_popescu during which decade it paid NOTHING. nor kept any sort of auditable books.
11:49 mircea_popescu the reason is, that there was some dispute between city and federal government as to who should be paid. and this derp went whatevers, and never paid anything.
11:49 mircea_popescu so now "his" media, which obviously was cristina-friendly, pissed off macri, who won. and so they're going to have a falling out and the thing is going to be "privatized" or somesuch.
11:49 mircea_popescu what owners ?
11:51 mircea_popescu the whole charade is, government borrows, spends and taxes, creates cardboard "businessmen" that exist principally to have what to hang whenever needed and vorwarts!
11:51 trinque heh, what a mess.
11:51 mircea_popescu 4500 tragamonedas, fancy that.
11:52 * trinque went on a tirade to new lady friend yesterday about the complete lack of ownership in USistan.
11:52 mircea_popescu and the start and end of it all is, these atrocious fucktards, who think "sadly there's too many bars" and the whole surface of club in buenos aires would fit in one sane club in a sane place,
11:52 mircea_popescu nevertheless spent billions of dollars in the shitty slots.
11:52 mircea_popescu what horse races ? what anything ? all they want is the shitty slot machine, because there they can sit in their own stinky juices.
11:52 mircea_popescu no need to interact or anything. EASIEST!11
11:53 mircea_popescu that's the whole argentinian life. that's what derpy chick does : dreams about being stewardess, watches netflix and plays slots.
11:54 mircea_popescu parillada libre!!1 mate en el parque!!11 they're cheaper to keep than hens.
11:54 mircea_popescu i don't mean "than their weight in hens" even. headcount ffs. not even footcount.
12:04 asciilifeform 11:31 <+mircea_popescu> phf i dunno fucking comprehend the disdain affected (perhaps to the point of believing themselves) by intellectual folk re the pro sluts. << nonono i just loathe the hump of the bell curve, sluts, no sluts, whatever
12:05 asciilifeform 11:35 <+mircea_popescu> generally, better a clever girl that thinks herself dumb than a dumb girl that thinks she must be clever. << how about CLEVER girl that thinks itself clever
12:05 mircea_popescu aha.
12:05 asciilifeform huh?!
12:05 mircea_popescu was to first line.
12:05 asciilifeform 'better be rich and healthy than poor and diseases' (tm) (r)
12:05 mircea_popescu i don't particularly like clever girl that thinks self clever, no.
12:05 asciilifeform mega-unsurprise
12:05 mircea_popescu clever woman that thinks self clever, sure. provided ACTUALLY IS.
12:05 mircea_popescu otherwise, prolly setting itself up to be shot.
12:06 asciilifeform no shit - provided ~actually is~
12:06 mircea_popescu hey, i've made all sorts of beautiful things with clever women that were self-aware.
12:06 mircea_popescu purpose o' life.
12:07 asciilifeform 11:36 <+phf> fwiw there's plenty of clever girls in dc club scene << ~definitionally~ not what i consider usable.
12:07 mircea_popescu how so ?
12:07 phf i don't grok, explain
12:07 trinque << I like girls that get shown Oglaf and give me one of these 2wks later.
12:07 asciilifeform because club scene.
12:07 mircea_popescu this made no sense alfie.
12:07 trinque not a human skull, but y'know, WIP!!
12:07 mircea_popescu you don't like truffles because underground also ?
12:08 phf don't like outside, because need to put on pants
12:08 mircea_popescu ahahah trinque wtf is that!
12:08 asciilifeform i'm allergic to the mass culture thing.
12:08 mircea_popescu how is this mass culture ?!
12:08 trinque fuckin skullberries!
12:08 asciilifeform proper gurl hangs out in maths library, among the theorems.
12:08 asciilifeform or similar.
12:08 mircea_popescu says who ?
12:09 trinque
12:09 asciilifeform says ~only me.
12:09 mircea_popescu proper boy hangs around hunting camp, too. wtf is htis
12:09 mircea_popescu you get a pass, she doesn't ?!
12:09 asciilifeform who said i got pass.
12:09 asciilifeform i get nothing.
12:09 mircea_popescu so then wut ?
12:09 asciilifeform but it is well-specified nothing!111
12:09 mircea_popescu trinque great. is she got tits too ? :D
12:10 mircea_popescu asciilifeform well specified is not in itself valuable. gotta be REASONED.
12:10 trinque nice tits, and A+++ booty
12:10 mircea_popescu anyone can make well specified!
12:10 trinque cooks like a champ too
12:10 hanbot <asciilifeform> proper gurl hangs out in maths library, among the theorems. << why can't she do both?
12:10 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: i'm allergic, what of it. just can't do the zoophilia thing, never could.
12:10 mircea_popescu trinque is she maing 0.1 btc ?
12:10 trinque heh doubtful.
12:10 mircea_popescu skullberries lol.
12:11 phf i guess the point is that asciilifeform doesn't like club sluts, wants his girls as math phds only. but periodically, and that was the issue, he sneaks in the idea that there's something deficient about girls that go to clubs, i.e. they are not clever or smart, they are animals, etc.
12:11 asciilifeform hanbot: the ones who do both, if even exist, are prolly all living in mircea_popescu's house already.
12:11 mircea_popescu he has an entire list of these that he keeps restating no matter what.
12:11 mircea_popescu asciilifeform how would ytou know this ?!
12:11 phf asciilifeform: that is outright wrong
12:11 mircea_popescu i agree.
12:12 asciilifeform phf: not necessarily 'are animal', but 'smell of animal', trigger my personal allergy.
12:12 asciilifeform i only even mention it because came up, in thread.
12:12 asciilifeform there is no particularly good reason for anyone to give a shit.
12:12 mircea_popescu you understand how very fucking vulnerable this thing makes you ?
12:12 phf i.e. they smell of sweat because they were dancing?
12:12 hanbot heh asciilifeform or they're lonely af because men who'd be into 'em make all kinds of assumptions.
12:12 mircea_popescu if "smell of animal" matters, i bet you i can get you married with an utter imbecile just by exploiting "smells of library".
12:12 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: it just makes me a hermit, who keeps 1 pet, and not 3 etc.
12:13 phf mircea_popescu: it's a thing, look at recent usg "nerd culture"
12:13 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: this was attempted, i had the elementary nervous system to resist
12:13 mircea_popescu phf actually there's a very funny thing re that, girls never smell of earnest sweat. every place has a consensus-chosen chem barrier for that.
12:13 asciilifeform 'smell of library' only works on poseur imbeciles.
12:13 mircea_popescu the "slut scent".
12:13 trinque asciilifeform: what's wrong with you teaching her math?
12:13 trinque I've at least taught every gf I've had to code.
12:13 mircea_popescu asciilifeform so your resistence is chiefly based on, "nsa is incompetent, never got an actual intellect behind the effort to fuck up my miserable rng source"
12:14 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: finally, meta-nsa !111
12:14 mircea_popescu lollers
12:14 trinque last one lisp even!
12:14 asciilifeform can haz the gassing for phree?? it was late! (like domino's pizza !)
12:14 mircea_popescu hey, i taught a girl how to lisp also.
12:15 mircea_popescu required for spanish.
12:15 asciilifeform i did also.
12:15 asciilifeform in 2 separate cases.
12:15 phf asciilifeform: i think we're saying that you're making familiar assumptions, that are not true, and that you're missing out from that, or at the very least are saying falsehoods.
12:15 mircea_popescu i don't credit the "missing out" angle, he can't possibly be missing what he's not missing.
12:15 mircea_popescu but falsehoods, yes.
12:15 asciilifeform phf: i'm allergic to 'female culture', shoes, piles of gaudy clothing idiocy, etc. what of it.
12:16 mircea_popescu why!
12:16 asciilifeform на вкус и цвет товарищей нет (tm) (r)
12:16 trinque asciilifeform: so you're a dude!
12:16 trinque lol, ignore it!
12:16 trinque and what's wrong with her looking nice?
12:16 mircea_popescu this is like despising cooking. it's a fucking seat in the academy, for rights!
12:16 asciilifeform trinque: because the robot suit is not 'nice' in my hindbrain.
12:16 mircea_popescu mr. duchemin occupies it. you know mr. duchemin ?
12:17 asciilifeform this is not 'cooking' (which i quite approve of) but room-temperature-cheese.
12:17 phf asciilifeform: sure, i don't take issue with your preferences, it's your trying to frame it in value terms that we share. oh club sluts are stupid, real smart girls only hang out at libraries where alf feels it safe to approach them
12:18 mircea_popescu it's outrageous, i don't think i ever saw an intelligent girl in a library.
12:18 asciilifeform wasn't trying to frame as prescription. describing own desires. not any more portable than mircea_popescu's golden shower thing
12:18 mircea_popescu unless you count
12:18 mircea_popescu asciilifeform which ?
12:19 asciilifeform mircea_popescu's 'pissed in the back alley of cairo' example
12:19 mircea_popescu oh.
12:19 mircea_popescu tis complicated ; but anyway.
12:20 mircea_popescu phf fwiw, i did personally see him in the nude and fuck whoever club, he didn't melt.
12:20 asciilifeform how did i even end up in this thread, this is the perfect example of mircea_popescu's 'gynaeceum material, dun work in forum' thing.
12:20 mircea_popescu never actually saw him in a library tho!
12:20 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: l0l, it was hilarious, no one fucked in the club
12:20 mircea_popescu you possibly didn't look close enough.
12:20 asciilifeform it was like a sports bar with no tv
12:20 asciilifeform everyone started at ???
12:21 phf mircea_popescu: you saw asciilifeform in the nude? now i too am confused by this thread
12:21 trinque ahahah
12:21 mircea_popescu personally i was rooting on davout taking the weirdo german chick home. or at least pistols at dawn with ben_vulpes ; something. but alas...
12:21 asciilifeform phf: parse ll(1)
12:21 phf presumably in this sort of setting
12:21 mircea_popescu phf nah, HE wasn't naked. it's not obligatory.
12:22 phf oh oh got it
12:22 asciilifeform mircea_popescu and i and buncha folks went to a club, nominally s&m-tronic, but ~nobody (as far as my naked eye could see) was naked
12:23 asciilifeform from my pov it was ~as much fun as standing in a rush hour train.
12:23 mircea_popescu hahaha!
12:23 mircea_popescu well, ok, but look at the benefits. you can now scare people with your personal history!
12:24 asciilifeform aha! actually the failed reddit thing, more so. some months ago i was fingered in some derp comment, ' mircea_popescu's demented lieutenant, in charge of argentinian bsdm....' or the like, i almost fell to the ground from my stake
12:24 mircea_popescu ahahahaha
12:25 mircea_popescu see ?
12:25 asciilifeform aha!
12:25 mircea_popescu now we finally understand all those anal insertion and genital mutilation comments IN THEIR RIGHTFUL CONTEXT.
12:26 asciilifeform there we go.
12:27 asciilifeform hey in america this is how 'experts' usually develop 'reputation', by maybe walking past a warehouse that was a lab once in 1950s on a stroll etc.
12:27 mircea_popescu hanbot do you rtecall which te fuck this was btw ? i thought it was the subasta de esclavas thing, buncha naked girlies on sale
12:27 asciilifeform there were !
12:27 hanbot ah yeah, but they were local-nekkid
12:27 mircea_popescu didn't you just say everyone was dressed!
12:27 hanbot pubis necessarily covered
12:27 asciilifeform aha
12:28 mircea_popescu hanbot was agustina topless or is that a diff one
12:28 mircea_popescu oh oh.
12:28 asciilifeform they were swimming-pool 'naked'
12:28 hanbot mircea_popescu she wasn't
12:28 mircea_popescu asciilifeform you know you could have just walked to any and asked to see her parts.
12:28 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: and after that, i could have walked to confectionary and asked to smell a good cake !
12:28 mircea_popescu sure ?
12:29 mircea_popescu lick, also. not made of sugar.
12:29 asciilifeform unlike m. gandhi, i dun do the self-mortification thing
12:29 mircea_popescu how are you going to get your immunity up if you don't ingest enough viral load ?
12:30 asciilifeform eh setting foot in the virus pit was a good start imho.
12:30 mircea_popescu true. ever tried the subte also ?
12:30 asciilifeform if ever i end up there again i can even try without gas mask.
12:30 mircea_popescu yeah iirc.
12:30 mircea_popescu +9000 imunopoints, at a cost of a mere 1.5 milimorts.
12:30 hanbot subte is pretty cruel.
12:30 mircea_popescu hanbot i think chetty took them for a death spin or something.
12:30 asciilifeform subte i assume is their subway ?
12:30 asciilifeform i didn't get to it
12:31 mircea_popescu oh ?
12:31 asciilifeform was shuttered by the time ben_vulpes and i thought of it
12:31 asciilifeform so we walked across ~whole city
12:31 asciilifeform in one night
12:31 mircea_popescu possibly best collection of obscure pathogens in the world. whenever i go my eyes water.
12:31 asciilifeform i forget why, i think we had 1 bottle tooo many
12:32 mircea_popescu drinking by the bottle, going to pervy clubs, all the while pretending library is criteria! YOUR HIPOCRISY IS NAO EXPOSED!
12:32 asciilifeform speaking of subways,
12:32 asciilifeform l0l!
12:32 asciilifeform ^ tldr - washington metro will close entire lines
12:32 mircea_popescu just you wait when alf-jr finds this and you have some 'splainin' to do.
12:33 asciilifeform l0ltr0n
12:40 mircea_popescu asciilifeform> hey in america this is how 'experts' usually develop 'reputation', by maybe walking past a warehouse that was a lab once in 1950s on a stroll etc. <<< #trilema, with a collective pervy experience of > 50 years...
12:41 phf they are not touching red line, because there's where white people are at
12:42 mircea_popescu hm ?
12:42 phf ascii's link
12:42 mircea_popescu oh dc. heh.
12:43 asciilifeform aha, 'red' is how the bureaucrats get to/from their stakes, from/to the posh suburban mcmansions.
~ 24 minutes ~
13:08 asciilifeform dispatch from planet earth (old #b-a) - i bid a few coinz for poor old bbet, and kako thinks i went off my sanity
13:15 phf perhaps kako is convinced that there's no possible future for bitbet post-receivership?
13:15 asciilifeform seems like it.
13:15 asciilifeform imho it could be repaired.
13:16 asciilifeform like old t-34 pulled from the swamps.
13:16 asciilifeform get the skeletons, bogwater, dirt out - engine will purr.
13:20 phf i left because conversation is dead and there's no attempt to revive it. it seems like the only shared thing between those left is hatred for mp, which is not particularly good community builder. last thing i saw was nubbins repeating the same point he made about 4 times now about MPEX trade volume
13:20 asciilifeform phf: presently it's kako and i re bbet auction
13:20 asciilifeform he's the only same fella left in old #b-a i think
13:20 asciilifeform *sane
13:25 mircea_popescu so what's the big deal. have fun running it.
13:25 mircea_popescu what exactly is broken anyway ?
13:25 mircea_popescu great way to learn how to be useful, imo.
13:25 asciilifeform afaik nothing but the reputation
13:25 mircea_popescu how exactly "the reputation"
13:26 mircea_popescu it got in trouble, was reorganized, works again. this is more reputation than apple has
13:26 mircea_popescu nothing in btc ever even came very vaguely close.
13:26 asciilifeform anyway i can't imagine mine is the winning bid, the thing is a valuable mechanism, surely worth a fat bag of coinz
13:28 mircea_popescu certainly a cheap answer to "who are you again". spend whatever to buy it, put in the time to keep it going, problem solved.
13:28 mircea_popescu arguably easier (or at least more accessible) work than slaving butt off to recreate ai like phf's been trying.
13:29 asciilifeform if i win the auction (l0l) i will make the pet operate it.
13:30 mircea_popescu also make her get a wot and speak in forum ?
13:30 asciilifeform ideally.
13:30 mircea_popescu not a bad move.
13:31 mircea_popescu phf wait ppls hate me nao ?!
13:31 mircea_popescu da fuck.
13:33 mircea_popescu hey trinque what's the eta on voicing deedbot- ?
13:34 mircea_popescu i suppose teh peanut gallery be getting antsy by now.
13:38 trinque later today or tomorrow, nearly done.
13:39 mircea_popescu a splendid.
13:45 mircea_popescu davout the thing you published misses a crucial element. there's a (or two) lists of addresses bitbet was to use, signed by me. got them ?
13:46 phf (davout shouldn't auction bids be signed?)
13:48 * asciilifeform reposted bid, signed
13:49 asciilifeform << dpaste, in case comment mangled
13:51 danielpbarron we never signed euloran bids
13:51 danielpbarron never went higher than 2 btc though
13:51 asciilifeform anyway i signed, because apparently nobody believes that i am this far gone into insanity
13:53 shinohai If only there was a BitBet to bet on who will win BB in auction.
13:53 asciilifeform l0l
13:56 deedbot- [Qntra] BitBet Reciever Opens Bidding For BitBet Assets -
13:59 trinque deedbot-
13:59 deedbot- rejected: 1
13:59 trinque lolwat
13:59 trinque perhaps I lack that key
14:00 asciilifeform newlines ?
14:00 phf *compute compute compute* REJECTED
14:01 * asciilifeform mutters malignantly about the idiocy of clearsigning and 'plain text'
14:01 trinque deedbot-
14:01 deedbot- Bad URL or network outage.
14:02 * trinque head explodes
14:02 asciilifeform in-band!1111
14:02 * shinohai oils deedbot, makes tea.
14:02 trinque ahaha I copied wrong.
14:03 trinque deedbot-
14:03 deedbot- rejected: 1
14:04 asciilifeform wut
14:04 trinque it's bitching about expired key on the server side
14:04 trinque could be it, dunno
14:05 asciilifeform so update the key.
14:05 asciilifeform my keys are renewed every year.
14:05 asciilifeform use the one in the wot.
14:06 asciilifeform (this thing where folks expect keys to never change, is lulzy, yes i get it, mircea_popescu gotta prevent mpex account resale, but it is dumb in any other context)
14:12 shinohai Now it just can't get moar white trash than this:
14:12 trinque deedbot-
14:12 deedbot- accepted: 1
14:12 trinque yep, was the key
14:17 asciilifeform trinque: neato
14:20 asciilifeform in other lulz,
14:20 deedbot- [Qntra] Cloudflare Pressures Tor Developers and Users To Implement Identifiers -
14:22 asciilifeform 'Prince suggests that the incidents of CAPTCHA-challenge could be reduced if Tor adopted a plugin that could send ‘a cryptographically secure but anonymous token to services like CloudFlare in order to verify that the request is not coming from an automated system’. Draft code for the plugin has been provided by CloudFlare on GitHub.' << l0l!!
14:27 deedbot- [Qntra] FBI Now Offering To Unlock iPhones Just Because It Can -
14:28 BingoBoingo ty asciilifeform
14:30 trinque I assume they plan to beat Apple on the head with "your phones aren't as s3kur3 as you claim" until... something
14:30 trinque presumably bending over more obediently
14:30 trinque or simply publically normalizing overt collaboration with govt
14:35 BingoBoingo Prolly Just something Apple's going to use to speed adoption of iOSX
14:40 BingoBoingo Other lulz stumbled upon in researching these qntras
14:43 mircea_popescu shinohai> If only there was a BitBet to bet on who will win BB in auction. << bwahaha
14:44 mircea_popescu deedbot-> rejected: 1 >>> i lulzed heartily.
14:44 mircea_popescu <asciilifeform> (but it is dumb in any other context) << orly. because why, because "everyone" is held to UPDATE crypto material at hitler's beak an' call, through a poorly specified process ?
14:45 mircea_popescu pfff! i say!
14:45 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: who said 'through poorly specified'
14:45 mircea_popescu and fuck fucking cloudflare. it m,ay not fucking exist.
14:45 asciilifeform what is wrong with 'new key signed with old.'
14:45 mircea_popescu this is not how key update actually works atm, is it.
14:46 PeterL what benefit does having new key offer?
14:46 asciilifeform hey i was not counting on the idiot sks update process
14:46 mircea_popescu and there's plenty wrong with new key signed with old. sign both with the same master.
14:46 asciilifeform and just recently mircea_popescu published a spare key !
14:46 asciilifeform this was deedbotted
14:46 mircea_popescu so i did. none of this maps on the "update" process in any way extant.
14:46 asciilifeform and the instructions were, and i recall, 'if this one is used, old one is to be considered dead'
14:46 mircea_popescu it's more of a "end of b-a" thing than a "update"
14:46 asciilifeform nothing about same-masters in there.
14:47 mircea_popescu shit, even the word update is ignominous now.
14:47 asciilifeform l0l
14:47 asciilifeform 14:46 <+mircea_popescu> it's more of a "end of b-a" thing than a "update" << waiwut
14:48 mircea_popescu can you ask a question with words in it!
14:48 asciilifeform how is it not an update mechanism ?
14:48 mircea_popescu because it isn't a mechanism at all.
14:49 asciilifeform well not 100% mechanical, it has meat in it.
14:49 asciilifeform as does most of life.
14:50 mircea_popescu it isn't a mechanism.
14:50 asciilifeform incidentally the 'same master' algo is catastrophically dangerous because it does not allow you to retire a broken ciphersystem COMPLETELY
14:50 mircea_popescu hey, chet managed.
14:50 asciilifeform it rsa is broken, the dead will 'walk.'
14:51 mircea_popescu if rsa is broken, we have an event of the nature of "end of b-a" not of the nature of "an update".
14:51 mircea_popescu and there's no "mechanism" involved in this.
14:51 mircea_popescu nor will there be.
14:51 asciilifeform only if no parachute.
14:52 asciilifeform incidentally ~gpg~ is broken NOW, i can make a fresh key with, e.g., mircea_popescu's fingerprint, for less than the cost of a bus.
14:52 asciilifeform (sha1 collision)
14:52 asciilifeform but this is not a cryptographic break.
14:53 asciilifeform (yet imho it is worth asking, what tmsr systems are affected by this fact?)
14:54 mod6 we need a loggerthingy for #trilema
14:54 * asciilifeform also finds it interesting that enemy is not yet doing this to anyone, afaik. 'glass cannon' ?
14:54 mod6 or is someone working on that?
14:54 asciilifeform mod6: iirc phf is
14:54 mod6 aight
14:54 mod6 thx
14:56 asciilifeform << holy fuck, is anyone else seeing spam in there ?
14:57 asciilifeform davout ^^^^
14:57 danielpbarron yeah all numbers are getting turned into videos
14:57 asciilifeform << snapshot with spamola
14:57 asciilifeform wtf
14:58 danielpbarron i thought that guy was adding it himself until i saw one in the middle of your signed bid
15:00 PeterL or did he just copy alf's signed comment and insert the junk inside?
15:00 phf that's only signed comment
15:00 asciilifeform davout's box 0wn3d ?
15:01 PeterL ah, nevermind
15:01 phf all coined transfered to malasia!
15:01 PeterL good thing you signed the bid, I guess
15:03 asciilifeform e.g., I bid </p>
15:03 asciilifeform <div class="embed-vimeo" style="text-align: center;"><iframe src="" width="625" height="352" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe></div>
15:03 asciilifeform <p> BTC on davout&#8217;s BBET auction.</p>
15:03 asciilifeform forfuckssake.
15:03 asciilifeform why is davout hosting in googlecrapolade anyway.
15:04 asciilifeform or shitpress, etc
15:04 * asciilifeform mind boggles
15:05 asciilifeform mircea_popescu ^^^^ yer l00000vely in-band signalling at wurk !!11111
15:06 asciilifeform didja know, the string 405145 now means embed_spam_video() !111
15:07 danielpbarron all the numbers. the other guys' "my 2 cents" became "my <video> cents"
15:07 asciilifeform l0l!11
15:08 asciilifeform i bet one of the innumerable items linked from external (google & shitpress) boxes got 0wn3d
15:08 asciilifeform e.g., css, js
15:08 asciilifeform i can't be arsed to figure out which.
15:08 asciilifeform ^^^ davout ^^^ wake up !
15:09 davout lol wtf
15:10 PeterL right, davout wtf
15:15 davout ok, so apparently it's one of the plugins i had installed
15:16 davout asciilifeform: ty for screaming loud enough to wake me up!
15:16 asciilifeform np davout
15:16 asciilifeform which plugin?
15:19 davout jetpack
15:20 davout asciilifeform: "room-temperature-cheese." <<< where i'm from, all cheese is room temperature cheese
15:20 asciilifeform << it ??
15:20 asciilifeform davout: no, i mean a specific atrocity, petro-garbage that is sold as 'cheese' in usa, NEVER refrigerated
15:21 asciilifeform likely davout has never seen, heard of, or even contemplated such a thing
15:21 davout i have, in the us, but we also have that kind of food here, food that doesn't rot
15:21 asciilifeform how does that work
15:22 PeterL velveeta? my mother-in-law uses the stuff to make mac-and-cheese, even my kids think it is kinda gross
15:22 * asciilifeform queasy just from thinking about it
15:22 PeterL proper preservative techniques?
15:23 asciilifeform how? formaldehyde ??1
15:32 davout nfi
15:35 PeterL davout do you mean you have "real food" that does not rot, or that you also have non-rotting "food" like in US?
15:40 mircea_popescu asciilifeform> davout's box 0wn3d ? << seems that way ? o.O
15:41 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: see l0g
15:41 mircea_popescu nuts.
15:42 mircea_popescu asciilifeform proper cheese is never refrigerated either.
15:42 mircea_popescu some exceptions, but by and large cheese exists so you can preserve food in cool conditions.
15:42 asciilifeform eaten straight from the cellar, sure
15:42 asciilifeform on dirigible.
15:42 mircea_popescu hey, i think i even had some served in ro.
15:42 mircea_popescu the proper aged guy.\
15:42 mircea_popescu cave cheese. specific.
15:43 asciilifeform i vaguely recall this.
15:43 mircea_popescu vaguely orange.
15:44 mircea_popescu ;;google nasal cheese
15:44 gribble Năsal cheese - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <>; FrieslandCampina Transylvanian cheese cave reopens after Nasal ...: <>; Sinus and Food: How Food Can Affect the Sinuses: <>
15:44 asciilifeform ^l0l!
15:44 asciilifeform nasal, scrotal...
15:46 mircea_popescu lol. it's not the english "nasal". sounds more like the voewel in undEr.
15:46 mircea_popescu anyway. century old cheese invented literally in the place i was born.
15:46 asciilifeform ah neato.
15:47 PeterL the cheese keeps for a century?
15:47 mircea_popescu theoretically ; oldest was maybe 30-40 yo iirc.
15:47 mircea_popescu but it was uniquely made in that particular cave, twenty miles from cluj
15:49 mircea_popescu generally spent three seasons in there to mature.
15:53 mircea_popescu even something as banal as caciocavallo, once properly sealed will be happy for many years.
15:54 * asciilifeform implodes, covetously
15:54 mircea_popescu it's actually very good, but it's also not possible a decent italian colonials/grocer doesn't have some.
15:54 mircea_popescu possibly oldest cheese in the world, herodotus attests.
15:55 * asciilifeform puts on list
15:55 BingoBoingo Few thing more worth fighting over than a good cave
15:55 mircea_popescu word.
15:57 asciilifeform who played 'cave wars' ?
15:57 asciilifeform ;;google cave wars
15:57 gribble Cave Wars - Mammoth Cave National Park (US National Park Service): <>; The Kentucky Cave Wars - Appalachian History: <>; Cavewars gameplay (PC Game, 1996) - YouTube: <>
15:57 mircea_popescu not me ? what was this ?
15:57 asciilifeform 2nd link
15:57 asciilifeform 3rd rather
15:57 asciilifeform msdos game.
15:57 mircea_popescu alf fencing error.
15:58 mircea_popescu well i never had it.
15:58 asciilifeform mega-game.
15:58 mircea_popescu i did play prehistorik but seems unsimilar.
15:58 asciilifeform
16:06 pete_dushenski lol at the jetpack hole. that plugin has been known to be problematic for some time. eg.
16:07 pete_dushenski in better news, praise be to eligius for incorporating yesterday's [absent-minded] 0feetx! only took ~22hrs...
16:10 pete_dushenski re: auction, i've taken the liberty of putting the bug in a few ears to see if some interest can't be drummed up.
16:10 pete_dushenski congrats to asciilifeform on being top bidder thus far. i'd actually like to see him take it down.
16:11 pete_dushenski ;;nethash
16:11 gribble 1182508974.98
16:12 mircea_popescu what's it up to yet ?
16:12 pete_dushenski 9 btc
16:12 mircea_popescu o wow.
16:12 mircea_popescu check that out danielpbarron close to one billion ecu!
16:13 mircea_popescu kinda blows all eulora auctions outta water this
16:16 pete_dushenski i could see bbet fetching 20 btc. more than that would be [pleasantly] surprising.
16:17 mircea_popescu you in the race yourself ?
16:17 pete_dushenski possibly.
16:18 mircea_popescu anyway, not that many business extant whose liquidation value actually goes into double digit btc.
16:18 mircea_popescu certainly nothing in bitcoin, whatever derpy webwallet, vertified domain name etc.
16:18 davout mircea_popescu: re the signed addresses list: i'm looking into it
16:18 mircea_popescu kk.
16:19 danielpbarron what what point in an Euloran auction would the bidders be asked to sign something?
16:19 mircea_popescu i dunno.
16:19 davout pete_dushenski: i did not know jetpack was such a pos, learn something new everyday
16:20 danielpbarron pretty sure we'd get up to 10 btc and still not sign anything
16:20 mircea_popescu i doubt it really, prolly just ban the offender from future auctions.
16:20 danielpbarron yeah
16:20 mircea_popescu likely, yeah.
16:20 mircea_popescu davout very dubious idea to run plugins or w/e you've not [had] read.
16:20 mircea_popescu they're all shit. wordpress itself exists, as the deliberately-maintained ddos feature attests, principally FOR this.
16:21 mircea_popescu it's what automattic / mullenberg dedicate their working hours to.
16:22 pete_dushenski davout: iirc jetpack offers some nifty functionality, i even ran it myself back in the car blogging days, but yea, it's too messy to audit, so too messy to use anymore
16:23 mircea_popescu danielpbarron tho in fairness if you add all official auctions up, you get something more like 6 btc i think ? so yeah. totallies.
16:31 BingoBoingo Autocrappic has been moving basic wordpress functions into Jetpack's outsourcing for years. Eventually Wordpress is going to be a jetpack plugin
16:35 asciilifeform i've never even heard of 'jetpack' before now.
16:35 asciilifeform and i've been running a (cut-down) wp thing since '07.
16:36 mircea_popescu same here.
16:36 BingoBoingo asciilifeform: It's a newer cancer
16:38 asciilifeform incidentall i don't recall, davout , didja specify that only wot folks can bid ?
16:38 davout asciilifeform: no, which is why no mandatory sigs
16:38 asciilifeform what's to keep hitler from bidding 9.0001 and walking ?
16:38 asciilifeform (walking with coin)
16:38 davout what coin?
16:39 asciilifeform whatever folks end up betting on day n+1 ?
16:39 davout nothing
16:39 asciilifeform (as i understand, it gets sold with empty tank)
16:39 mircea_popescu i don't get it asciilifeform ?
16:40 asciilifeform just thinking, hitler could buy it simply to abuse.
16:40 mircea_popescu in principle, sure.
16:41 davout let's all outbid each other, for the motherland
16:42 mircea_popescu there's no alternative to that "in principle" other than the retarded half-ass nonsense the fiats practice
16:42 * asciilifeform grudgingly agrees
16:42 mircea_popescu last thing we fucking need is some sort of "authority" to "permit" capitalism.
16:42 mircea_popescu asciilifeform you'll agree to a lot of grudgingly before this btc thing is done. there's 0 diff between this and the haircut issue other than how close to your heart it pulls.
16:42 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: would you sell mpex to hitler ?
16:42 mircea_popescu if it liquidates, it liquidates.
16:42 asciilifeform for sufficient tonnes of au, say
16:43 mircea_popescu tonnes of au not in discussion.
16:43 asciilifeform how about trilema ?
16:43 asciilifeform to be turned into a volkischer beobachter.
16:43 mircea_popescu idem. whatever liquidates, liquidates. this is what the word means.
16:43 mircea_popescu we live in a not-content-free world, unlike everyone else everywhere else.
16:44 asciilifeform how about the 'how much must satan pay to buy your love' thread ?
16:44 mircea_popescu as far as i can see on the table there's used condoms.
16:44 mircea_popescu what love ?
16:44 asciilifeform well if 'liquidates'
16:44 mircea_popescu if liquidates then definitionally "the love that was".
16:45 mircea_popescu the alternative to sanity is that you'll find yourself being blackmailed with your own shit. which is what usualloy happens to stupid women, that can't discern between love and the used condoms.
16:45 mircea_popescu "oh, if i don't get cake ima hold my breath".
16:45 mircea_popescu and she can't fucking kill the greasespot on the spot with her own hands.
16:46 asciilifeform elaborate?
16:46 asciilifeform i might be lacking the ropes on which this explanation hangs
16:46 mircea_popescu i can't elaborate in a void! you gotta produce something.
16:46 asciilifeform which 'used condoms' ? what 'greasespot' ? what needs to be killed, with whose hands ?
16:47 asciilifeform i feel like i'm watching a movie through a door lock, can't quite make out what is what
16:47 mircea_popescu an ITEM can not be LOVE. it is just an item. ie, a used condom.
16:47 mircea_popescu however arbitrarily related to love you may make it, an item is and forever remains that.
16:47 asciilifeform crypto smudges the border between 'mere item' and love, loyalty
16:47 mircea_popescu there IS some relation between used condoms and love.
16:47 mircea_popescu so what of it.
16:47 asciilifeform 'how much for the private key'
16:48 mircea_popescu i don't think this border can be smudged. sure, crypto makes it more difficult [for some people] to notice it.
16:48 asciilifeform even in the old days, a traitor who sold the coordinates to fleet, or the opening of a city gate, etc. understood that it was not 'mere item'
16:49 mircea_popescu you're missing the flow of entropy here.
16:49 asciilifeform how's that
16:49 mircea_popescu FIRST bitbet turned to shit ; THEN it was liquidated.
16:50 asciilifeform i don't see the 'turned entirely to shit' angle
16:50 asciilifeform hence the bid
16:50 mircea_popescu the notion that you'll keep the gates of the town really really tight so as to keep out any plague of locusts and any visitation by pillars of salt is naive at best.
16:50 trinque you bid on assets
16:50 trinque rather than the business formerly known as bitbet
16:50 mircea_popescu there's absolutely no relation between the "love" bitbet you're discussing and the thing you're bidding on.
16:51 danielpbarron gotta say, I'd prolly use bitbet again if asciilifeform is the owner/operator
16:51 mircea_popescu consider a house. if a woman i loved died there, i might not have any further use for the item, not even as fire kindle.
16:51 mircea_popescu this does not prevent a young woman and her husband from moving in THE SAME HOUSE and living a happy life.
16:51 mircea_popescu but what "same house".
16:52 mircea_popescu danielpbarron me too, yeah. why not.
16:52 asciilifeform re: gate:
16:52 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: sure. but on this imperfect notion rests the possibility of having a town, or anything really that you can't carry up your arse while drawing a bowstring
16:52 mircea_popescu you do not have such things.
16:52 mircea_popescu which difference is why i can travel, and you - not.
16:52 asciilifeform i can see this angle.
16:53 asciilifeform hitler has 'my' things, aha.
17:00 asciilifeform mircea_popescu makes an interesting point, the item for sale is not bbet, but its possibly-necromanceable corpse
17:07 mircea_popescu which is why it's an opportunity.
17:08 davout mircea_popescu: the signed lists of addresses are now linked at the bottom of the report
17:08 mircea_popescu also why is not selling for the ~1k btc it was trading for, last month
17:08 asciilifeform aha.
17:08 mircea_popescu davout very nice. see, now there's a very strong chain of claims, right ?
17:08 mircea_popescu you signed these addresses ; here's what they contain ; here's what that means etc.
17:09 mircea_popescu bout 1000x better than anything fiat ever managed, in ~3500 years of trying, ever since the babylonian signet rolls.
17:09 davout right
17:11 pete_dushenski SHA1 ?!
17:12 mircea_popescu ya, sure. find me the man who wasn't using sha1 in 2011.
17:13 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: plenty! they used md5.
17:13 mircea_popescu a right.
17:15 asciilifeform davout: where are the missing 200 ?
17:16 davout they have been paid to the addresses listed in mp's signed statement
17:18 asciilifeform waiwut
17:19 asciilifeform i was trying to make sense of 'As of the today, the minimum value of the assets in my possession is ~755 BTC, while the maximum total amount for the liabilities, should all claims be certified, is ~981 BTC.'
17:20 mircea_popescu he sez there's more btc owed to bettors than what he received ; ima be reviewing teh lists.
~ 29 minutes ~
17:49 mircea_popescu asciilifeform looky what i accidentally dug out
17:55 deedbot- [Trilema] Happiness -
17:56 asciilifeform l0l!
17:56 mircea_popescu first on teh list!
17:57 mircea_popescu how do you say juninca in english ? virgin cow ?
17:57 pete_dushenski calf ?
17:58 mircea_popescu mno. that's vitel.
17:58 pete_dushenski "The other idiot is a very housewife." << missing word here ?
17:58 mircea_popescu nope.
17:59 pete_dushenski mk
17:59 mircea_popescu i may not be a cunning linguist, but i'll sure as hell rape the shit out of the language.
18:01 pete_dushenski "Altogether an excellet film." << gotcha this time
18:01 hanbot trilema is a language speculum. yesterday i got stuck on "Does the mint flower to welcome the butterflies where you live ?"
18:02 asciilifeform am i the only one to whom trilema was never a 'language speculum' ? mircea_popescu writes entirely reasonably.
18:02 mircea_popescu pete_dushenski so you did, but twas fixt!
18:02 asciilifeform then again i also think uncle al wrote reasonably.
18:02 mircea_popescu hanbot ahaha!
18:06 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: how do you say juninca << тёлка ?
18:08 mircea_popescu isn't that adult cow ?
18:08 mircea_popescu anyway, turns out it's heifer in ze english.
18:09 asciilifeform hm.
18:09 mircea_popescu ze englisch*
18:10 asciilifeform ^
18:10 asciilifeform sprechen, motherfuckerz, ze inglisch.
18:10 pete_dushenski asciilifeform: << cheapest fezza you're likely to find : ~40btc
18:11 asciilifeform l0l
18:11 hanbot asciilifeform some parsers are better'n others
18:12 pete_dushenski so yes, 9btc ferrari would need to be missing doors, engine, and be firmly in the 30-35 year-old range in the darkest depths of its depreciation curve
18:16 trinque << bawwww!
18:16 asciilifeform l0l!!
18:19 asciilifeform << vintage (few wks) related l0l.
18:19 pete_dushenski dear dad of dead kid: jfgi
18:25 mircea_popescu lmao wtf is this, apple nipple scandal
18:26 mircea_popescu pete_dushenski so basically whgat's 9btc buy you, abooth at the car themed cafe ?
18:27 asciilifeform a set of tyres perhaps.
18:27 pete_dushenski cologne, hat, and watch. or a trip to monaco for the gp.
18:27 mircea_popescu meh monaco is such a shithole.
18:28 mircea_popescu i'd rather pay to go to mall of america.
18:28 pete_dushenski west edmonton mall > mall of america
18:28 pete_dushenski same owners too, at least originally
18:28 mircea_popescu yeah but minnesota starts with m!
18:29 pete_dushenski mega-jews from iran who moved to edmonton in the 80s. paid off city council. made waves.
18:30 pete_dushenski <<
18:32 mircea_popescu name sounds moreover armenian.
18:32 pete_dushenski does doesn't it
~ 15 minutes ~
18:48 gernika asciilifeform: fyi I made a trip to eetools HQ today and came back home with a curiosity: EmMax plus rom emulator - connects to LPT port - comes with console app. It does *not* however appear to support dos - win95 is as far back as it goes it seems.
18:48 asciilifeform gernika: neato
18:48 asciilifeform gernika: shouldn't be hard to reverse
18:48 asciilifeform good luck finding a box with working lpt tho.
18:49 gernika My Thinkpad t43 appears to have one.
18:51 gernika I will probably return it to them, since I also brought back a replacement eerom-8u that worx, as opposed to the first one they sent me.
~ 16 minutes ~
19:07 pete_dushenski mircea_popescu: anyways, if monaco's not your jam, there's always baku, sochi, montreal, singapore, or if you're looking for sluts, sao paolo
19:08 pete_dushenski grand prix always light a city up with fast girls and mega-parties
19:15 mod6 sluts are universal
19:19 pete_dushenski sluts, the original esperanto
~ 20 minutes ~
19:39 pete_dushenski << ru 5-year bonds at 9% and irl CENTURY bonds at... 2.35% ? wtfbbqsauze
19:46 pete_dushenski in other news, californians can now lease a 2015 electric ford focus for $81/mo. don't all rush to the stealerships at once now. single file, plz.
19:50 pete_dushenski this has been a Cheep Pete's Frugal Tips For Not Being A Poorfag tip
19:58 pete_dushenski bbl
20:04 asciilifeform pete_dushenski: car lease in usa is a mega-scam. they cap the mileage.
20:05 asciilifeform if you ~actually use the thing~ you pay penalty, through the nose.
20:05 mod6
20:13 ben_vulpes how is car renting not a poorfag thing?!
20:13 ben_vulpes "hi i would like to pay interest on the loan for this car and also the one that you'll replace it with."
20:14 asciilifeform ben_vulpes: where i live, car leases are typically used by 'poorfag' to pretend to be richer
20:14 asciilifeform (by showing up at social gatherings with a 'fatter' car)
20:15 ben_vulpes here too!
20:15 ben_vulpes but not for "showing up for events" but for "showing up for the commute"
20:16 asciilifeform ben_vulpes: what kind of lunatic cares what commute people think of their machine ?
20:16 ben_vulpes the same kind of people who lease cars!
20:17 ben_vulpes iono man when i want to show up at a party in a stupidly expensive car for fun, i rent something ludicrous not a fucking ford
20:17 ben_vulpes "holy shit is that your daily driver?!"
20:17 asciilifeform show up in a tower crane
20:17 ben_vulpes "no dood i rented it for laffs for tonight."
20:17 asciilifeform towing a wood chipper or two.
20:17 ben_vulpes tempting!
20:18 ben_vulpes although i'd go for an excavator
20:18 asciilifeform i dun think you can drive those on the highway
20:18 asciilifeform no high gear
20:18 ben_vulpes 'tis here
20:18 ben_vulpes farm equipment is entirely allowed on the highway here, mostly because...we have farms.
20:19 asciilifeform sure, if party is next door.
20:20 ben_vulpes oh well in that case just budget 2 hours to drive it
20:20 ben_vulpes or have it delivered up the street
20:20 asciilifeform aha.
~ 28 minutes ~
20:49 BingoBoingo show up with sprayer. park safely over some other dude's car
21:00 mircea_popescu pete_dushenski used to, at any rate. ain't no 1990s anymore.
21:00 mircea_popescu heck, there was a time mtv mix parties were the shit.
21:01 mircea_popescu the notion that anyone'd buy ireland bonds... srsly ? shit country ever since 1016 ad.
21:03 mircea_popescu asciilifeform> ben_vulpes: what kind of lunatic << you don't understand cubical culture.
21:03 mircea_popescu ask gavin, he'll explain it to you.
21:04 mircea_popescu ben_vulpes> or have it delivered up the street << i have a friend who many years ago showed up in antique steamroller.
21:04 asciilifeform bawwahhat?!
21:04 mircea_popescu not QUITE actually steam powered ; not far off either.
21:04 mircea_popescu asciilifeform exactly as described : had it delivered up the block around corner.
21:04 asciilifeform nono
21:05 asciilifeform the gavin thing
21:05 mircea_popescu ah.
21:05 deedbot- [Qntra] Qntra (S.QNTR) March 2016 Report -
21:06 asciilifeform so what is this 'culture'
21:06 BingoBoingo asciilifeform: It's wage culture
21:06 mircea_popescu how to splain... hm...
21:06 BingoBoingo 'tenure' et al
21:06 mircea_popescu dirty white collar culture.
21:06 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: i grunt for wage, what of it
21:07 mircea_popescu eh you have no idea.
21:07 BingoBoingo asciilifeform: Not in the same way as Gavin.
21:07 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: more so! i clock motherfucking hour
21:07 mircea_popescu rtecall my "buy 2015 agenda on time" pics ?
21:07 BingoBoingo asciilifeform: Gavin is in a union
21:07 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: the egyptian orcs ?
21:08 BingoBoingo asciilifeform: Gavin is General Motors goon whereas you are more... Toyota
21:08 asciilifeform the thing about cars as peacock objects, is esp. mysterious; e.g., none of the folks i work with have ever even ~seen~ my car
21:08 mircea_popescu no, here.
21:08 asciilifeform it gets parked in underground garage N floors down
21:08 BingoBoingo asciilifeform: Two very different kinds of wagery there
21:08 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: count me as lost in this analogy
21:09 mircea_popescu asciilifeform these people aren't worth covered parking.
21:09 mircea_popescu heck, it's a toss-up whether they even get to park in the parking lot.
21:09 asciilifeform waiwut
21:09 mircea_popescu yes.
21:09 asciilifeform not on this planet.
21:09 BingoBoingo asciilifeform: I dunno how to save it. You way be too coastal and insufficiently rust belt.
21:09 mircea_popescu in your very country lol.
21:09 asciilifeform even nsa 'gs-9' grunt get parking spot. (phunphakt: ft meade - world's largest parking lot.)
21:10 mircea_popescu how easy this guy has it you know, he declares everything under him = 0, then never has to be confronted with a "hey, change places".
21:10 mircea_popescu oral gymnastics!
21:10 asciilifeform i only can disagree with this one bit, i know of no wage slave who does not get parking spot, the auto is holy in these lands.
21:11 mircea_popescu so you don't know. what of it ?
21:11 mircea_popescu they do exist.
21:11 asciilifeform i can believe this purely on faith.
21:11 mircea_popescu gotta park on the street, by the meter. no space in parking lot. and no garage.
21:11 asciilifeform having never met these folk in any capacity.
21:11 asciilifeform even the quasi-legal mexican janitors at every place i ever worked, got to park.
21:11 mircea_popescu well cuz they make minwage+1 / 2 and own two button down shirts.
21:13 asciilifeform at any rate, unless the mit link is enemy propaganda and wholly fictitious, gavin doesn't even ~need~ a car
21:13 asciilifeform he sits pretty in his nice house and collects payolade.
21:14 mircea_popescu he certainly knows of this thing you can't even conceive.
21:14 BingoBoingo asciilifeform: Gavin gets to lease a car, because he's got that Union job at the mill. PAID LUNCH!
21:14 mircea_popescu << sweet ride in question, almost identical item, for the curious.
21:15 asciilifeform BingoBoingo et al: from where did you get the notion that he leased a car, or knew what it is like to be denied even parking space, etc. ?
21:15 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: link appears to be dead
21:15 mircea_popescu no ?!
21:15 asciilifeform aha.
21:15 asciilifeform socket - hangs.
21:16 mircea_popescu
21:16 asciilifeform this worx.
21:16 asciilifeform looks like a sov machine.
21:16 mircea_popescu quite ya
21:16 asciilifeform i think i had a toy one as a boy.
21:16 mircea_popescu hence the peacock value ya
21:16 BingoBoingo asciilifeform: It's what the MIT/General Motors working set does. They've bought in on the mythos.
21:17 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: i don't see how gavin is part of a set, ~no mit folk get to sit at home and collect money for nothing.
21:17 asciilifeform i'm not aware of any positions there which even include 100% tele.
21:17 BingoBoingo Then what does RMS do in his closet?
21:18 asciilifeform rms is not an employee of mit.
21:18 asciilifeform hasn't been since 1970s
21:18 asciilifeform afaik
21:18 asciilifeform note, gavin is not, either, according to the communique
21:18 asciilifeform he is a grantee
21:19 asciilifeform he is not an employee, does not clock hours or report to a boss, and is not - in as far as i can surmise - accountable to anyone, for anything he does.
21:19 mircea_popescu tis is so fucking stupid already...
21:20 mircea_popescu according to the data available, cow has best life. mkay!
21:20 asciilifeform he might be cow, but not at a farm, but in india.
21:20 asciilifeform running free, shitting everywhere it wants.
21:20 mircea_popescu where "cow" "farm" and "india" mean things i didn't even dream, but constructed tendentiously and ex post facto.
21:21 asciilifeform if mircea_popescu tells me that the mit proclamation is a lie - i will believe him
21:21 mircea_popescu looky, there's nothing wrong with your hollywood inclination. it's, from what i hear, inescapable in first generation americans. nevertheless, it is not factual.
21:21 asciilifeform i would, in fact, like some handle on the factz
21:21 asciilifeform but where to get.
21:22 mircea_popescu i dunno, fuck the guy's wife ?
21:22 mircea_popescu see if she wants to borrow money.
21:22 asciilifeform he had a wife?!
21:22 mircea_popescu ffs.
21:23 mircea_popescu how did you figure gavin bell ended up andresen ?
21:23 asciilifeform waiwut
21:23 asciilifeform srsly?!
21:23 mircea_popescu i dunno how to get a handle on facts!!11
21:24 asciilifeform holy fuq, what kinda bloke changes his name for the wife's ?!
21:24 mircea_popescu i bet you've not as much as looked at the schmuck's cv or anything ? just sat on ass and journalised ?
21:24 mircea_popescu this is shameful behaviour in adults!!
21:25 asciilifeform i dun have an intel agency!1111
21:25 mircea_popescu o i c.
21:25 mircea_popescu well i guess a fantasy agency can substitute then!
21:28 asciilifeform My Arse (tm) is an oracle!111 not a lowly intelligence agency!11111
21:28 mircea_popescu o i c. your arse is also solvent, which is more than can be said for him.
21:28 asciilifeform believe or not, it is presently.
21:28 mircea_popescu i know, i know.
21:29 asciilifeform to whom is the schmuck in debt, i wonder
21:29 asciilifeform to ndranghetta ?
21:29 mircea_popescu i dunno... mit-tron ?
21:41 BingoBoingo I haven't checked this. mircea_popescu do you know off hand if the Amherst city council position he holds has a stipend?
21:41 mircea_popescu nah. they never do.
21:43 BingoBoingo Around here even the tiniest towns do 1-3 kilodollars per anum
21:44 mircea_popescu i'd be surprised. mass is very haughty like that.
21:45 BingoBoingo ic
21:51 mircea_popescu " At the October Meeting, Board members voted to award a gift membership to Gavin Andresen for his exceptional service working with our Bulletin Editor, Rebecca Fricke, on the League’s recently redesigned website, ." << i guess he gets 20 bucks in gift certs or somesuch.
21:56 BingoBoingo AJAHAHAHA
21:56 BingoBoingo Gift certificates to ???
21:57 mircea_popescu no idea. some women's thing.
21:59 BingoBoingo Anyways, I got out of my time machine and I've discovered some facebook posts from Gavin's future
~ 21 minutes ~
22:20 mike_c hey phf - I heard you might be working on a log for this chan. is that true?
22:21 mircea_popescu afaik trinque also.
22:21 mike_c ah, cool. the more logs the merrier.
22:30 phf mike_c: yes
22:30 phf i should have it working over the weekend
22:31 mike_c nice.
22:37 asciilifeform phun phakt: ada has no shortcircuit evaluation of boolean exprs unless explicitly specified.
22:37 mike_c oh, interesting. so if x or y evaluates y regardless of x?
22:45 phf mike_c: i actually have an old version of log working, if you want to read the backlog
22:46 mike_c thanks! reading now.
22:47 phf mike_c: can also do this (warning for the paranoid people, inline enables inline images)
22:49 phf this is totally own dogfood, so bon appetite, but since the log is missing entirely, this will at least get people through until there's something more permanent
22:50 mike_c most importantly, the content is there.
22:53 phf the nick thingy does highlight by your nick, which is handy if you're trying to find mentions or conversations that you had
22:54 mike_c yeah. it's interesting. ctrl-f works too though
22:54 phf yeah, it's for rapid skimming on iphone :]
22:55 phf there's also back=numberofdays which loads backlog of numberofdays days
22:55 phf i.e. back=1
22:55 mike_c what's the default?
22:56 phf today EST
22:56 phf back=1 would be today and yesterday est, etc.
22:57 mike_c ah. that is definitely useful
22:57 phf new version for public consumption has nav menu, etc.
23:00 phf also it doesn't re-parse txt files from file system on each page hit...
23:01 phf in other words i'll be surprised if it's still running when i wake up tomorrow
23:04 * phf bbl
23:06 mike_c lol. well I'll be sure to finish reading it before I reload the page :)
23:06 mircea_popescu why not just make 1 day = 1 page liek sane people srsly.
23:08 asciilifeform why not fill width of screen, like sane people1111
23:11 mike_c <+phf> this is totally own dogfood, so bon appetite, but since the log is missing entirely, this will at least get people through until there's something more permanent
23:11 mike_c obviously he reads it on his phone, so it probably does fill his screen.
~ 46 minutes ~
23:58 mircea_popescu asciilifeform BingoBoingo since you two seemed to give a shit or w/e,
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