Show Idle (>14 d.) Chans

← 2015-12-07 | 2015-12-09 →
00:06 asciilifeform ben_vulpes: wut
00:06 ben_vulpes u herd it here phurst!
00:06 ben_vulpes << no shit?
00:06 assbot Logged on 07-12-2015 23:28:43; mircea_popescu: << ironically, macri intends to pay.
00:08 ben_vulpes asciilifeform: i'd not waste the time.
00:22 deedbot- [Qntra] Silk Road Fallout Updates -
00:30 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23637 @ 0.00048882 = 11.5542 BTC [+] {2}
~ 21 minutes ~
00:52 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11373 @ 0.00048831 = 5.5535 BTC [-]
01:00 deedbot- [Qntra] RBG Black Rebel Sentenced For Tweeting Link And Boosting Website Traffic -
01:01 BingoBoingo ^ Facts of that case are a loller
01:09 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8400 @ 0.00048813 = 4.1003 BTC [-] {2}
~ 19 minutes ~
01:28 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33750 @ 0.00048883 = 16.498 BTC [+]
01:36 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15900 @ 0.00048687 = 7.7412 BTC [-] {2}
01:38 asciilifeform 'In 2014, Mr. Bridges was selected by the USSS HQ to serve as the first full-time agent to the National Security Agency. In this capacity, he represented the USSS in connection to investigations that had an international nexus or cyber security concerns.'
01:38 asciilifeform ( <<<>>> )
01:38 assbot ... ( )
01:38 assbot ... ( )
01:39 asciilifeform ^ afaik this is the first public ray of light re: nsa in the sr affair
01:39 asciilifeform BingoBoingo et al ^
01:39 BingoBoingo O.o
~ 20 minutes ~
01:59 liquidassets <<bump, set, spike
01:59 assbot Logged on 03-12-2015 07:21:45; BingoBoingo: ;;later tell mircea_popescu toominimium threw a loller in your direction
02:10 liquidassets <<never really understood why Pete or anybody would 'trade' s.mpoe, but that's coming from a stodgy buy and holder.
02:10 assbot Logged on 03-12-2015 16:38:47; pete_dushenski: i guess the pace of trading is part of the 'feeling' but that alone is not what makes trading s.mpoe worthwhile.
~ 30 minutes ~
02:40 adlai liquidassets: some own gold mines, some prefer to study geology, and others still prefer to wade into the river and filter the dust out themselves
02:41 * adlai prefers fleets of asteroid-mining drones
02:42 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15161 @ 0.00048761 = 7.3927 BTC [+] {3}
02:45 liquidassets oh cool, are you into drones or something?
02:49 adlai well it began by trying to 'trade', but i realized very quickly that i have no clue what i'm doing, and it's much easier to evolve a fleet of drones that do
02:50 adlai "easier", assuming that you already know how to build and fly them
02:52 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25200 @ 0.00047995 = 12.0947 BTC [-] {3}
02:56 adlai liquidassets: but the simple answer to why people trade is because they get something out of it
02:58 adlai the exact nature of the something varies across traders (and across time for each individual), but there's always
02:58 assbot One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest At least I tried PL - YouTube ... ( )
02:59 liquidassets I assume the point would be to increase your btc or s.mpoe holdings but the assets themselves can't even be priced correctly for the foreseeable future
03:00 liquidassets I've never done algo trading, it seems like a lot of work especiallyl because 'don't know how to build or fly'
03:00 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12550 @ 0.00048779 = 6.1218 BTC [+] {3}
03:07 liquidassets IMO there's got to be better uses of your time than re-creating what we already have in bezzlelandia. Creating bots that trade DERIVATIVES of bitcoin this early introduces a layer of complexity prematurely IMO. But maybe someone more knowledgeable on the subject can correct me.
03:08 liquidassets I suppose if it can be done it must
03:09 adlai my hypothesis is building tools that treat markets as positive-sum games makes the prophecy come true
03:10 adlai of course there are better uses of my time, such as arguing on irc :P
03:11 adlai although adjusting and repricing trade offers in plaintext is actually quite similar
03:11 liquidassets don't listen to me adlai, I'm just thinking outloud. What really impresses me is how much work is produced by the people in here.
03:12 liquidassets Impressive and inspiring enough for me to re-arrange my life and schedule to meet the demands of coming here each day
03:13 BingoBoingo deedbot-:
03:13 assbot ... ( )
03:13 deedbot- accepted: 1
03:14 BingoBoingo ^ Trademark filing jsut because
03:14 adlai arguably... building better versions of bezzlecave's wallshadows is a mitzvah
03:14 BingoBoingo See what you two made me do with your conversation
03:14 liquidassets hopefully having something to contribute at some point....everything I know about computers..which is now barely above nothing.. I learned here first
03:16 BingoBoingo liquidassets: Wanna collaborate on building S.PartialFoods ???
03:16 adlai S.LENT
03:16 BingoBoingo Inspired by
03:16 assbot #bitcoin-assets bash ... ( )
03:17 liquidassets Are you kidding?
03:18 liquidassets Is this something thats been swimming in the old noodle for awhile?
03:19 BingoBoingo Well, with that atitude I'm kidding/
03:19 liquidassets Anything BingoBoingo put me to work....I've been doing summaries of the logs for a few days but wasn't really ready to disclose that, had a few other questions for the core group here about what those summaries should look like
03:20 liquidassets But this sounds much more interesting
03:21 BingoBoingo If you wanna work put together some pieces for qntra. Otherwise you can play in your kitchen with whey protein and beef tallow to find a palatable but less hippie vegetarian alternative to peanut butter.
03:22 liquidassets I have plenty of people I can consult with as far as r&d
03:22 liquidassets a piece on qntra is definitely one of my goals
03:24 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 40400 @ 0.00048882 = 19.7483 BTC [+] {3}
03:27 liquidassets I've been doing some PR, linking to #b-a or writers in here on a near daily basis
03:27 BingoBoingo Anyways it would prolly be possible to sub a dietary fat with an indigestible silicone grease for a lower calorie variant, also to really emphasize the partial in partial foods.
03:29 liquidassets wait wut? is partial food the 'cause'? or is there some reason for this ? lol
03:29 BingoBoingo Or maybe try Olestra for the same purpose
03:30 BingoBoingo It's an idea. Something to bounce around. Can the envelope be pushed even further than it has and while doing it can the boundaries of "health" food be pushed further.
03:31 BingoBoingo ;;google sefose
03:31 gribble 2009 Designing Greener Chemicals Award | Green Chemistry | US ...: <>; Chempol MPS Wins the 2009 Presidential Green Chemistry ...: <>; Procter and Gamble Chemicals - Wikipedia, the free (1 more message)
03:31 liquidassets got it
03:31 BingoBoingo Oh, apparently there is an industrial marketing of Olestra already
~ 22 minutes ~
03:54 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18150 @ 0.00047968 = 8.7062 BTC [-] {3}
03:59 BingoBoingo ;;ud Eflornithine
03:59 gribble Google found nothing.
04:00 liquidassets BingoBoingo what is the Astroglide substituting the tallow or the whey?
04:00 BingoBoingo the tallow
04:00 punkman lol
04:01 assbot Products – Nutwhey Inc ... ( )
04:01 BingoBoingo punkman: And yet who registered the better variant of the name
04:02 punkman /me is also working on a food shop
04:02 liquidassets my god the lulz suddenly overcommeth
04:03 punkman got the tests for the first olive batch yesterday, such disappoint
04:04 BingoBoingo cool
04:04 punkman might have to wait for next year
04:05 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 44200 @ 0.0004793 = 21.1851 BTC [-] {3}
04:07 punkman BingoBoingo: how much does kilo of whey cost btw
04:07 BingoBoingo punkman: Depends where in the chain you buy it.
04:11 BingoBoingo If you go to Walmart a kilo of powder is right about $20, but can be had for more or less.
04:16 punkman olive oil doesn't go rancid like tallow btw
04:17 BingoBoingo I bet it can. Anyways right now I'm thinking about the low calorie version with Olestra/Sefnose/Astroglide as the lipid
04:19 punkman why not pure whey if you are going for low calories?
04:19 BingoBoingo Because expensive and lipids are needed to produce a nut butter consistency
04:19 BingoBoingo Prolly also add Theobromine for the habit forming
04:20 liquidassets oh god my side hurts
04:23 liquidassets ok ok, it doesn't actually contain any bromine, I suppose that's a good thing
04:23 punkman well you also get the bonus anal leakage with teh indiegestible lipids
04:23 BingoBoingo Seriously look a peanutbutter nutrition facts. Lipids out number protein by 2x even though advertised as source of protein.
04:24 BingoBoingo <punkman> well you also get the bonus anal leakage with teh indiegestible lipids << It means at the gymp people will really think you are putting your all into your squats
04:24 punkman yes, that is why I don't buy peanutbutter, too tasty, too much fat
04:25 punkman I got the idea of pistachio butter stuck in my head last few weeks though
04:26 BingoBoingo Also gotta remember I'm not necessarily thinking about something I'd want to eat. I'm imagineering a product that could be marketed to great success and high margin
04:27 punkman I don't see the margins, unless you can get dirt cheap whey. maybe another source of protein.
04:27 punkman cockroach protein perhaps?
04:28 BingoBoingo Collagen, it's what people already use to pad their protein in testing now that they know doing that with melamine gets them caught when death follow
04:28 BingoBoingo s
04:29 punkman apparently snails only have 16g of protein in 100g serving
04:29 BingoBoingo Oh look whey does get cheaper
04:29 assbot Bulk Whey Protein Powder, Bulk Whey Protein Powder Suppliers and Manufacturers at ... ( )
04:35 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24900 @ 0.00047887 = 11.9239 BTC [-] {3}
04:35 BingoBoingo Honestly I dunno how an operation could dare call itself partial foods without getting the main ingredient from the shadiest looking supplier on
04:48 BingoBoingo << Are those buttplugs in the picture?
04:50 punkman needed after eating that olestra
04:51 punkman
04:51 assbot : Haribo Sugar Free Gummy Bears 5LB Bag : Gummy Candy : Grocery & Gourmet Food ... ( )
04:52 BingoBoingo brb
~ 30 minutes ~
05:23 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10000 @ 0.00047756 = 4.7756 BTC [-] {2}
05:25 assbot [MPEX] [FT] [X.EUR] 567 @ 0.00282134 = 1.5997 BTC [-] {9}
~ 22 minutes ~
05:47 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 95150 @ 0.00048445 = 46.0954 BTC [+] {4}
05:51 punkman just got some $150/kilo fish protein, but not pre-chewed
05:57 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15800 @ 0.00047756 = 7.5454 BTC [-] {2}
06:00 punkman
06:00 assbot Ivan Ilyin vs. the NKVD | Espionage History Archive ... ( )
~ 23 minutes ~
06:23 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 46334 @ 0.00048879 = 22.6476 BTC [+] {4}
~ 30 minutes ~
06:53 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13287 @ 0.00047756 = 6.3453 BTC [-] {2}
06:55 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15214 @ 0.00047736 = 7.2626 BTC [-]
06:57 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25608 @ 0.00048886 = 12.5187 BTC [+] {3}
07:04 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 63203 @ 0.00048974 = 30.953 BTC [+] {2}
07:05 adlai ;;later tell bingoboingo
07:05 assbot dpaste: 2XTGFNA ... ( )
07:05 gribble The operation succeeded.
~ 32 minutes ~
07:38 mircea_popescu in lieu of good morning,
07:38 assbot ... ( )
07:40 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 63394 @ 0.00047639 = 30.2003 BTC [-] {3}
07:41 mircea_popescu << how ya gonna compete ben_vulpes ?
07:41 assbot dpaste: 0YGEX67 ... ( )
07:42 jurov on price, for sure!
07:44 mircea_popescu ah right
07:45 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21250 @ 0.00047528 = 10.0997 BTC [-] {2}
~ 2 hours 20 minutes ~
10:06 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 40832 @ 0.0004813 = 19.6524 BTC [+] {4}
10:11 mircea_popescu << i dunno man, you're the missouri expert
10:11 assbot Logged on 08-12-2015 03:58:22; BingoBoingo: Something happened?
10:12 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10650 @ 0.00047778 = 5.0884 BTC [-] {2}
10:13 mircea_popescu << ahahaha epic fucking shit.
10:13 assbot Logged on 08-12-2015 06:00:01; deedbot-: [Qntra] RBG Black Rebel Sentenced For Tweeting Link And Boosting Website Traffic -
10:15 mircea_popescu << loller alright.
10:15 assbot ... ( )
10:15 mircea_popescu "Shaun W. Bridges comes before the Court for sentencing on December 7, 2015, after
10:15 mircea_popescu having pled guilty to two charges relating to his theft of bitcoins. Although Mr. Bridges’s
10:15 mircea_popescu advisory guidelines range suggests a term of imprisonment of 57 to 71 months, the factors set
10:15 mircea_popescu forth in 18 U.S.C. § 3553(a) (“§ 3553(a)”) suggest that a sentence no greater than 36 months
10:15 mircea_popescu would be appropriate in this case. In a case like this one, where the defendant, a first-time
10:15 mircea_popescu offender, has exhibited extraordinary remorse and commitment to his community, and the loss
10:15 mircea_popescu amount does not correspond to any benefit to the defendant, it is appropriate to consider a
10:15 mircea_popescu variance from the advisory guidelines. "
10:16 mircea_popescu the extraordinary remorse of the sherriff of notthingham once richard showed up is truely nothing short of extraordinary.
10:16 mircea_popescu "Mr. Bridges stands before this Court as a man of exceptional professional accomplishment. Prior to his national disgrace, he was widely respected and well-liked by his professional colleagues and in the community. This proceeding marks the final chapter of a profound tragedy, for Mr. Bridges, his family, and his friends and community – and for the United States Secret Service, to which he devoted a large part of his
10:16 mircea_popescu professional life. "
10:16 mircea_popescu cheeeeck the shit out.
10:17 mircea_popescu " Mr. Bridges will be punished harshly: imprisonment and crippling financial obligations, not because of the amount still owed, but because of Mr. Bridges’ loss of potential livelihood."
10:18 mircea_popescu "A sentence of 36 months’ imprisonment sufficiently reflects the seriousness of the offense, and at the same time takes into consideration Mr. Bridges’ prior life of accomplishment, commitment, sacrifice, and integrity, and in particular the contributions he has made to the law enforcement community. " <<< and by this novel take on the law, how many babies is it ok for obama to kill ? what if he also eats the carca
10:18 mircea_popescu ss ?
10:18 mircea_popescu what if they're white and male ?
10:26 mircea_popescu ima qntra it, and part of the research is reading old logs, and in those old logs...
10:26 assbot Logged on 04-08-2013 17:51:59; mircea_popescu: unfortunately for the usg, bitcoin is much larger than the united states ever could have been
10:28 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: judge gave him 71
10:28 mircea_popescu the memo is what interests me.
10:28 asciilifeform it was written by defense atty
10:31 asciilifeform << every word of this is applicable in its entirety to modern stoolies and provocateurs, e.g., 'the_scourge' from last year
10:31 assbot Logged on 08-12-2015 11:00:09; punkman:
10:32 asciilifeform btw when i describe 'usg aryan' the picture meant is precisely the biography of herr bridges.
10:32 asciilifeform 'pillar of the komyooooooniti'
10:33 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24950 @ 0.00047743 = 11.9119 BTC [-] {3}
10:34 asciilifeform similar character, more well-known - robert hanssen
10:34 trinque the part about him keeping the money in his fidelity account *so that he could return it* is pure gold
10:36 mircea_popescu "The History and Characteristics of the Mr. Bridges " ftw.
10:42 mircea_popescu ;;later tell bingoboingo for qntra consideration
10:42 assbot dpaste: 2QK05J5 ... ( )
10:42 gribble The operation succeeded.
10:43 mircea_popescu asciilifeform yeah but the problem is that the fiction in question only exists as a sales ploy.
10:44 mircea_popescu it gets dumb white kids to throw away their lives on nonsense (while - and this is the amusing part - sniggering at the black kids who throw away their lives ON LESS nonsens-y nonsense.)
10:44 mircea_popescu by any self-coherent measure you could ever come up with, it's way the fuck better to live your life in the hood than in the bridges.
10:49 mircea_popescu anyway, that ilyia piece is not half bad. (i always liked the guy, as he passes the silences test). let's take the first paragraph :
10:49 mircea_popescu "1) Why did you choose me for communicating your secret? Am I really your unconditional fellow-thinker who can be entrusted with a secret? To be your fellow-thinker, I should have known all your intimate plans against the emigration, plans you are professionally obligated to have. How and by what means will you prove to me that you are speaking with me now not as a professional provocateur from the NKVD, but as a patri
10:49 mircea_popescu ot thinking of the nation? What unity of thought is possible between us? Unity of thought presupposes firmness of belief from two directions. If we accept that my firmness of belief is proven by my past, then your firmness of belief perished forever in your activity as a provocateur. You already can never believe yourself. What conspiracy is possible in the absence of unity of thought and firmness of belief? Really onl
10:49 mircea_popescu y one man’s [Judas’s] conspiracy against another Man…"
10:49 mircea_popescu translates directly to a) you're not in the wot and b) you're a redditard.
10:50 mircea_popescu and yes, both of these are absolute bars to action. any kind of action whatsoever.
11:01 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12500 @ 0.00048199 = 6.0249 BTC [+] {2}
11:04 mircea_popescu << what the fucks sake ?!
11:04 assbot Logged on 08-12-2015 08:13:48; BingoBoingo: deedbot-:
11:06 thestringpuller xotika is on front page of reddit
11:06 thestringpuller will be a lucrative listing, can't wait for the IPO
11:07 * mircea_popescu waves @naphex
11:12 asciilifeform << didja miss the part where the phiction was written by the man's own counsel ?
11:12 assbot Logged on 08-12-2015 15:43:29; mircea_popescu: asciilifeform yeah but the problem is that the fiction in question only exists as a sales ploy.
11:14 asciilifeform << as i understand, the usg bureaucracies are possibly the most 'multicoloured' of all usian orgs
11:14 assbot Logged on 08-12-2015 15:44:01; mircea_popescu: it gets dumb white kids to throw away their lives on nonsense (while - and this is the amusing part - sniggering at the black kids who throw away their lives ON LESS nonsens-y nonsense.)
11:14 asciilifeform esp. in the army.
11:15 mircea_popescu asciilifeform "asciilifeform> btw when i describe 'usg aryan' the picture meant is precisely the biography of herr bridges."
11:15 mircea_popescu on your own declaration it'd seem it's written by you.\
11:15 asciilifeform ah that
11:15 asciilifeform it isn't a picture of a flesh animal
11:15 mircea_popescu and white is a state of mind.
11:15 asciilifeform but of a stereotype, sorta like the archetypical ss aryan
11:15 mircea_popescu cowardly, out of shape, lost in fancies.
11:16 asciilifeform i suppose in 1890 white was a healthy thing, while black meant 'cowardly, dystrophic, lost in fancies'
11:16 asciilifeform the timez, they changez
11:17 mircea_popescu the very notion that "i dun wanna compete with the young" is symptomatic. really, you've somehow digested the situation where you can't compete with the kids at kids stuff and this isn't making you wantr to kill yourself ?
11:19 mircea_popescu but yeah, in 1890 white meant "billy, don't take your guns to town".
11:19 mircea_popescu how the fuck did that work, supposedly kids are much better at playing videogames than older ppls. cuz of the reflexes and shit, right ?
11:20 asciilifeform it works as greenspun described.
11:20 mircea_popescu which is this, the cichlid thing ?
11:20 asciilifeform aha!
11:21 mircea_popescu now maybe im slow, but i dun see hopw that relates.
11:21 asciilifeform it is entirely possible for an old (to a point) man to shoot better, take more physical punishment, run faster, even - than disposable cannon fodder. to a point. but the one thing that doesn't grow back is... WANTING TO. i.e. thinking that, in greenspun's words, 'the group is worth impressing' via suicidal stupidity
11:21 mircea_popescu quite.
11:21 mircea_popescu being white.
11:21 mircea_popescu being white is, by and large, "not wanting to be alive anymore".
11:22 mircea_popescu which chtonic inclination is both understandable with cultural age and certain to meet its satisfaction.
11:22 asciilifeform this'd be possibly the one place where everybody eventually gets what he wants.
11:22 mircea_popescu aha.
11:23 mircea_popescu anyway, greenspun in this interpretation embodies the affliction, in how he falsely if conveniently paints a will-to-live in the terms of "impressing the group"
11:23 mircea_popescu if you think the stotting buck is stotting "to impress the she-herd" you've spent a little too much time i nschool.
11:23 mircea_popescu yes, the behaviour has that effect. but the buck stotts because it can, not "so as to".
11:23 asciilifeform he is 'trying' in the same way bird 'tries' when sings
11:23 asciilifeform the 'purpose' thing is sprayed on by foolish people, yes.
11:24 mircea_popescu where's that french song
11:25 mircea_popescu y a-t-il un soir, un moment ou l'on se dit c'est plus pour moi
11:25 mircea_popescu tous les mots doux, les coups de sang... mais dans mes reves, j'y ai droit.
11:25 mircea_popescu here we go
11:25 assbot Patricia Kaas - Il Me Dit Que Je Suis Belle - YouTube ... ( )
11:26 * asciilifeform bbl
11:30 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24093 @ 0.00047648 = 11.4798 BTC [-]
~ 54 minutes ~
12:25 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 56197 @ 0.00048165 = 27.0673 BTC [+] {2}
12:26 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27003 @ 0.00048237 = 13.0254 BTC [+]
~ 24 minutes ~
12:50 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6700 @ 0.00047618 = 3.1904 BTC [-]
~ 21 minutes ~
13:12 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24900 @ 0.00047871 = 11.9199 BTC [+] {2}
~ 15 minutes ~
13:27 punkman
13:27 assbot ... ( )
13:30 punkman from the geniuses over at
13:30 assbot National Crime Agency to review 350 cases after warrant blunders - Telegraph ... ( )
13:35 punkman "The way financial institutions file reports of suspicious transactions is in need of streamlining, the website Buzzfeed reported." ah check it out, buzzfeed getting the scoop on the telegraph
13:38 mircea_popescu heh
13:39 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14300 @ 0.00047651 = 6.8141 BTC [-]
13:42 mircea_popescu da fuck is a "National Crime Agency" anyway
13:43 punkman the british "fbi" or something, can't have been around long
13:43 punkman " became fully operational on 7 October 2013" right
13:44 mircea_popescu heh mkay.
13:49 mircea_popescu anyway, the geniuses have a point : it's either morloch or eloi, and the latter's the definition of crime.
14:02 nubbins` << incidentally, we publish a psychedelic-dipped book of common local birds; my favourite illustration is the Black Guillemot, who is quite obviously being as loud as he fucking can, simply because he's a bird and it feels good to do so
14:02 assbot Logged on 08-12-2015 16:23:33; asciilifeform: he is 'trying' in the same way bird 'tries' when sings
14:02 nubbins`
14:02 assbot ... ( )
14:03 nubbins` i like his attitude
14:04 deedbot- [BitBet Bets Bets] 1.50000000 BTC on 'Yes' - Star Wars Opening Weekend Box office over $175 million -
14:06 mircea_popescu fortunately they're not too big, else you couldn't hear a thjing on earth.
14:06 mircea_popescu also fortunately insects can't really afford the chemical costs of the only luminescence they got.
14:08 BingoBoingo << Ah that. College in small nowhere town near the exact middle of no where had a derpy shooting threat.
14:08 assbot Logged on 08-12-2015 15:11:19; mircea_popescu: << i dunno man, you're the missouri expert
14:08 mircea_popescu maybe it sucks being a bird, with singing the unfortunate result of doomed attempts to scratch an overpowering itch one can't really touch
14:10 nubbins` hmm
14:12 nubbins` some more info:
14:12 assbot ... ( )
14:12 nubbins` tbh i think they remember being dinosaurs, and they miss it.
14:15 mircea_popescu yeah, they remember being dinosaurs like i remember being lucy, the fatass african woman.
14:17 mircea_popescu in other lolnews, << romanians have the same problems as the rest of the world! believe!
14:17 assbot Tânărul suspectat de propagandă jihadistă, reținut! Studia despre construcția unei bombe artizanale | REALITATEA .NET ... ( )
14:17 nubbins` dude, i remember that too!
14:17 nubbins` so weird, biology
14:19 gabrielradio mircea_popescu, radu @ has a good piece about that
14:19 mircea_popescu it's actually where i got the link.
14:20 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30404 @ 0.0004769 = 14.4997 BTC [+] {2}
14:20 deedbot- [Qntra] Bitcoin Difficulty Increases 8.77%, Pools Raise Concerns About Sanity -
14:21 nubbins` <+mircea_popescu> yeah, they remember being dinosaurs like i remember being lucy, the fatass african woman. << mp for someone who natively speaks a romance lang, you're not very romantic ;/
14:22 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9429 @ 0.00047762 = 4.5035 BTC [+]
14:22 mircea_popescu "mp has functional genitalia, so he wouldn't be 'romantic'" << FIFY.
14:25 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 78375 @ 0.0004832 = 37.8708 BTC [+] {2}
14:27 deedbot- [Qntra] Sound Money > Everything Else You Got -
14:29 gabrielradio << NY's bitlicense, now NH. any bets on the next one?
14:29 assbot New Hampshire money transmitter rule change will include bitcoin businesses » Brave New Coin ... ( )
14:34 nubbins`
14:34 assbot Bitcoin Foundation Board Meeting Minutes 10.20.15 | Bitcoin Foundation ... ( )
14:34 nubbins` ololol.
14:35 nubbins` Bruce also feels like there maybe some Foundation Bitcoin lost and floating around. Brock says there are some blockchain analytics companies, it may be worthwhile to have them look at the foundation wallets in case there is bitcoin missin
14:35 * mircea_popescu can 't be arsed to read that
14:35 mircea_popescu but feel free to package a selection of lulz for qntra.
14:36 BingoBoingo come on nubbins` everyone is doing it nao
14:36 nubbins` these meeting minutes are fucking pathetic
14:36 nubbins` such derp
14:37 mircea_popescu in other news,
14:37 assbot ... ( )
14:37 nubbins` related,
14:37 assbot Leonard Cohen - Master Song - YouTube ... ( )
14:38 BingoBoingo Cutting edge tech: "Today, there is a B-52 pilot whose father and grandfather flew the plane."
14:38 mircea_popescu ahaha
14:41 BingoBoingo also
14:41 assbot Woman’s car hands her in following hit-and-run crash ... ( )
14:42 nubbins` lule
14:42 punkman so doctor in meatwot got hit by ransomware, asked if I want to take a look at infected box
14:43 nubbins` i was under the impression that kaspersky et al had snagged most of the decrypt keys?
14:44 BingoBoingo Didja ask him about his backups
14:44 punkman doesn't have backups, doesn't care about old patient files
14:44 BingoBoingo <nubbins`> i was under the impression that kaspersky et al had snagged most of the decrypt keys? << For some pieces of ransomeware.
14:44 nubbins` doesn't care about medical records o.O
14:44 nubbins` GP or specialist?
14:44 nubbins` or TCM?
14:44 nubbins` (naturopath?!)
14:45 punkman specialist? dunno
14:46 punkman 600eur ransom, apparently knows other people that got infected and aren't paying either
14:46 mircea_popescu <nubbins`> i was under the impression that kaspersky et al had snagged most of the decrypt keys? << ha-ha.
14:47 mircea_popescu so you read something in the newspaper, in a field you understand, it falls apart like shit in the sun.
14:47 mircea_popescu THEN you read something else, AND YOU BELIEVE IT.
14:47 mircea_popescu and this has been laughed at for years here, yourself included, but nevertheless.
14:47 nubbins` tbh didn't really realize this was still a thing
14:47 nubbins` cut me some slack, i'm essentially a luddite these days
14:48 mircea_popescu what thing ever ceased being a thing!
14:48 mircea_popescu but i was mostly lulzing, not serious
14:48 nubbins` honest pay for honest work
14:48 nubbins` 8)
14:48 nubbins` wait, rhetoric. sry.
14:49 mircea_popescu >D
14:53 nubbins` gross, daily mail did a story on twodogs.
14:53 nubbins` i hope this doesn't mean their readership is gonna end up here
14:55 BingoBoingo Fuck Yeah
14:55 nubbins` so it would appear that casascius has stopped responding to requests for PGP chains of custody
14:55 * nubbins` told doofuses to get em while they could, few listened
15:02 mircea_popescu heh.
15:02 kakobrekla are you still hustling cas coins?
15:03 mircea_popescu there goes that thing. one of the very few actual businesses btc-comunity stumbled on.
15:03 nubbins` more of a passive thing these days. i've been trying to get a full set of silvers with pgp docs
15:03 nubbins` right now i've got 4, missing 1, prob will never get it.
15:03 kakobrekla how much is the premium on kako-owned coins?
15:03 * nubbins` checks spreadsheet
15:03 nubbins` -5%
15:03 mircea_popescu o why!
15:03 nubbins` lel jk
15:04 nubbins` honestly baffled as to why nobody thought pedigree was important for something that's so easy to counterfeit
15:05 nubbins` just goes to show most old-timers are lucky goofs
15:06 kakobrekla lets put it out there; will sell kako-owned 1 cas buttcoin for 1.5 buttcoin
15:06 mircea_popescu you got the pedigree in question ?
15:06 nubbins` year? brass/silver?
15:07 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 51400 @ 0.00048328 = 24.8406 BTC [+]
15:07 kakobrekla my wot > cas wot
15:09 kakobrekla brass, the year dunno. somewhere at the beginning of minting
15:09 nubbins` would prob buy it off you
15:10 nubbins` spelling error in holo?
15:10 kakobrekla nfi
15:10 nubbins` haha well check it out
15:11 nubbins` post a couple pix when you get a chance, as long as it hasn't been chewed by a dog i'll give you 1.5 for it
15:13 mircea_popescu in random lulz,
15:13 mircea_popescu "Why Ubuntu you ask?
15:13 mircea_popescu Not only is Ubuntu a great operating system, it's also very flexible and powerful enough to allow you to get up and running in no time! Note: Please restart your computer after every step. This will ensure everything is working correctly."
15:15 nubbins` hahaha
15:15 nubbins` EVERY STEP
15:15 nubbins` powerful enough!
15:16 nubbins` by this metric, a sketchbook and pencil is more powerful than any computer
15:16 nubbins` !s dolezal
15:16 assbot 4 results for 'dolezal' :
15:16 nubbins`
15:16 assbot Rachel Dolezal Now Claiming to Be Founding Member of Bad Brains ... ( )
15:17 thestringpuller mircea_popescu was right. this hard-fork thing forced hearn out of bitcoin
15:17 thestringpuller now everyone hates gavin
~ 37 minutes ~
15:54 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25400 @ 0.00048456 = 12.3078 BTC [+] {3}
16:00 BingoBoingo Collision of two things
16:00 assbot A Trio of Big Fat Failed Crowdfunded Projects from Fat Acceptance - ... ( )
16:01 BingoBoingo And further Mizzou lulz
16:01 assbot How many is too many teaching waivers at a public research institution? | Inside Higher Ed ... ( )
~ 16 minutes ~
16:18 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 170828 @ 0.00047672 = 81.4371 BTC [-] {8}
~ 16 minutes ~
16:35 mircea_popescu ok BingoBoingo that blog's kinda cool.
16:35 mircea_popescu "First of tall it doesn’t talk that much money launch a website, was launched in a day for less than what Marilyn Wann probably pays for a single meal. Since July I’ve posted nearly 30 articles but a “pro activist” can’t manage to launch a simple website?"
16:36 mircea_popescu heh... i wonder if the person could be persuaded to do a "fatties and bitcoin" corner ?
16:45 punkman
16:45 assbot Mozilla Will Stop Developing And Selling Firefox OS Smartphones | TechCrunch ... ( )
16:45 pete_dushenski "Canada could theoretically follow the lead of other countries that have recently gone to negative interest rates in order to stimulate the economy, central bank governor Stephen Poloz told a business audience today after yet another drop in the loonie." << PLZ TO MOAR STIMULA7333 !!!1
16:46 pete_dushenski it starts out as 'a theory', spends a while being 'debated' in the press, and then is inevitably implemented, because how not ? have to DO something, neh ?
16:47 punkman actually had one of those phones, was worse than the crappiest of the crapdroids
16:47 pete_dushenski punkman: ios is only mob-os
16:48 punkman the symbian oldphones work fine
16:49 pete_dushenski ;;later tell ben_vulpes this comment was at least half-ways pointed in your general direction
16:49 assbot Desperately trying to put the “auto” back into automobile in a flaccid attempt to put the relevance back into motoring. | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski ... ( )
16:49 gribble The operation succeeded.
16:52 pete_dushenski punkman: i always thought the nokia n95 was a nifty device, until 1st gen iphone appeared
16:53 pete_dushenski << makes me nostalgic for the days when phones looked ~different~ from one another. there was no question at that time, to a connoisseur, what brand and model you were sporting.
16:53 assbot The 10 Best Symbian Phones Ever - Nokia N95 (April 2007) - Slideshow from ... ( )
16:54 pete_dushenski now, either i'm not paying so much attention anymore (likely hypothesis) or all the i-esque bricks look the same in much the same way that a kia looks like a bmw (also likely)
16:57 pete_dushenski "A day after setting a new 11-year low, the Canadian dollar sheds another half-cent and the TSX slides to a two-year low, as oil fails to rebound" << aaaand traveling just got a little more expensive.
16:59 pete_dushenski not to mention that funnelling bezzlars into btc is going to yield increasing less sound money
17:07 pete_dushenski on the flip side, flipping bitpennies around will yield more and more local value... soon : rent !
17:08 pete_dushenski obligatory :
17:08 assbot The case for the Salvation Army in downtown Edmonton. | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski ... ( )
~ 18 minutes ~
17:27 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 46764 @ 0.0004854 = 22.6992 BTC [+] {3}
17:38 deedbot- [BitBet Bets Bets] 1.00000000 BTC on 'No' - Bitcoin to top $800 before Jul 2016 -
17:42 pete_dushenski
17:42 assbot ... ( )
17:42 brg444 was just going to link this
17:42 pete_dushenski heh. too slow.
17:42 brg444 I guess this is a better attempt at it than Newsweek :D
17:43 brg444 still some odd things in there
17:46 adlai the beauty of bitcoin is that satoshi is a scammer, too
17:49 BingoBoingo !up bitstein
17:49 mircea_popescu good god, they're still doing the "we found satoshi" thing ?
17:50 BingoBoingo yup
17:58 mircea_popescu so out of touch.
17:59 mircea_popescu in other missing persons cases,
17:59 assbot ... ( )
18:00 BingoBoingo Awe, shame sign doesn't also say "for sale" or "free to a good home"
18:00 mircea_popescu well... you gopt as much photochop as wired
18:01 BingoBoingo busy atm ripping on next bahamas
18:02 mircea_popescu lol
18:05 deedbot- [Qntra] Trump Proposes "Closing Up the Internet" -
18:05 BingoBoingo There it is
18:07 mircea_popescu what's with this guy and cloistering.
18:07 mircea_popescu does he have a wall on his penis ?
18:08 mircea_popescu "Overshadowed by a comment he made earlier on border policy bankruptcy artist, likely payment fraudster, and aspiring fiat politician Donald Trump has proposed"
18:08 mircea_popescu this doth not work.
18:08 BingoBoingo How are you so sure he still has a whole penis
18:08 mircea_popescu Bankruptcy artist, likely payment fraudster, and aspiring fiat politician Donald Trump overshadowed a previous comment by proposing
18:08 mircea_popescu ?
18:09 mircea_popescu "We have kids that are watching the Internet"
18:09 mircea_popescu oh i see.
18:09 BingoBoingo fxd, differently.
18:09 mircea_popescu who the fuck, ivanka ? who has kids and what are they watching.
18:10 BingoBoingo It's hard to tell anymore. Does Chelsea Clitler have kids yet?
18:11 mircea_popescu this is the first time i actually read something by trump. i guess that shows about how much of a shit i give. nevertheless, it's almost as if they start with the same paste and then name it trump or stevens or whatever
18:12 mircea_popescu brb while i mixtape this shit.
18:13 mircea_popescu here, check it out
18:14 mircea_popescu The press has to be responsible; they're not being responsible. Ten movies streaming across that, that Internet, and what happens to your own personal Internet? We're losing a lot of people because of the Internet. I just the other day got… an Internet was sent by my staff at 10 o'clock in the morning on Friday. We have to see Bill Gates and a lot of different people who really understand what's happening and maybe,
18:14 mircea_popescu in some ways, closing that Internet up in some ways. I got it yesterday.
18:14 mircea_popescu They want to deliver vast amounts of information over the Internet. And again, the Internet is not something that you just dump something on. Somebody will say, 'Oh, freedom of speech, freedom of speech.' It's not a big truck. It's a series of tubes. These are foolish people, we have a lot of foolish people. And if you don't understand, those tubes can be filled and if they are filled, when you put your message in, it
18:14 mircea_popescu gets in line and it's going to be delayed by anyone that puts into that tube enormous amounts of material, enormous amounts of material. We've got to maybe do something with the Internet because they're recruiting by the thousands, they're leaving our country, and then when they come back, we take them back.
18:14 mircea_popescu can anyone even distinguish the seams ?
18:15 pete_dushenski trump seems to think that videos are terrorists.
18:16 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24960 @ 0.00048541 = 12.1158 BTC [+]
18:16 pete_dushenski at least that's what i parsed.
18:16 BingoBoingo I think someone's a "dry drunk"
18:19 BingoBoingo Or maybe trump's pissed he ran out of caverject..
18:27 pete_dushenski naturally, gawker has a "me too" piece :
18:27 assbot This Australian Says He and His Dead Friend Invented Bitcoin ... ( )
18:30 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16713 @ 0.00048496 = 8.1051 BTC [-]
18:33 deedbot- [Trilema] Mixtapin' dat shit -
18:36 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12537 @ 0.00048496 = 6.0799 BTC [-]
18:40 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25250 @ 0.00048209 = 12.1728 BTC [-] {2}
18:41 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10000 @ 0.00048555 = 4.8555 BTC [+]
18:45 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 41841 @ 0.00048563 = 20.3192 BTC [+]
18:58 deedbot- [BitBet Bets Bets] 2.00000000 BTC on 'No' - Bitcoin to top $1,000 before Jul 2016 -
19:12 pete_dushenski ;;ticker
19:12 gribble Bitfinex BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 417.05, Best ask: 417.41, Bid-ask spread: 0.36000, Last trade: 417.36, 24 hour volume: 33845.23189854, 24 hour low: 388.37, 24 hour high: 422.39, 24 hour vwap: None
19:20 shinohai
19:20 assbot Microsoft Security Advisory 3123040 ... ( )
19:25 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9000 @ 0.00048155 = 4.334 BTC [-]
19:31 asciilifeform l0l leak moar private keyz!!11
19:35 BingoBoingo shinohai: I'd appreciate it if when you find these thing you'd make a quick qntra of it.
19:35 * BingoBoingo goes to do exactly that
19:40 asciilifeform << again ?!!
19:40 assbot Logged on 08-12-2015 22:42:05; pete_dushenski:
19:40 asciilifeform to be fair, this is a bit classier
19:41 asciilifeform (almost edging on believable, if any of the 'leaked paperz' were actually available, and if there were any reason to believe in their authenticity)
19:44 deedbot- [Qntra] Microsoft Leaks XBox Live Private Key -
19:45 BingoBoingo !up dbclk
19:47 asciilifeform 'All of it could be an elaborate hoax—perhaps orchestrated by Wright himself. The unverified leaked documents could be faked in whole or in part. And most inexplicably of all, comparisons of different archived versions of the three smoking gun posts from Wright’s blog show that he did edit all three—to insert evidence of his bitcoin history. The PGP key associated with Nakamoto’s email address and references to an upco
19:47 asciilifeform ming “cryptocurrency paper” and “triple entry accounting” were added sometime after 2013. Even the post noting bitcoin’s beta launch is questionable. While it was ostensibly posted in January 2009, it later seems to have been deleted and then undeleted—or possibly even written for the first time—sometime between October 2013 and June of 2014.'
19:47 asciilifeform ^ from horse's mouth.
19:47 asciilifeform move the motherfucking coinz or shuddup.
19:48 BingoBoingo << "But we don't care about any of those people anymore. The NSA is the only bad guy worth caring about...."
19:48 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3501 @ 0.00048155 = 1.6859 BTC [-]
19:51 asciilifeform 'The first of those supercomputers he named Sukuriputo Okane—Japanese for “script money.” Another, named Co1n, holds the title of the world’s most powerful privately owned supercomputer. As Wright told the Bitcoin Investor’s conference, he’s applying that second machine towards the mysterious task of “modeling Bitcoin’s scalability,” and meanwhile building an even more powerful supercomputing cluster in Icela
19:51 asciilifeform nd because of its cheap geothermal power.' << aaaaand dingdingding we're done
19:51 asciilifeform that's quite enough.
19:51 BingoBoingo same thread: "Not as much as it would be if you checked out the www tree from CVS :-)"
19:52 BingoBoingo asciilifeform: Yes, he absolutely can't be Satoshi N. because the isn't moving coins and want people ot think he is.
19:53 asciilifeform and if you add the detail where satoshi is only even theoretically interesting to anyone today because he could move coinz...
19:53 shinohai I prefer letting you have all teh glory BingoBoingo
19:54 BingoBoingo shinohai: Having ALL the glory is bad for my sobriety. I have to allow others to share in it.
20:01 asciilifeform << not a bad site
20:01 assbot Essays - ... ( )
20:02 asciilifeform thought the whole thing stinks of yudkowskyism
20:02 asciilifeform *though
20:03 BingoBoingo Well gwern was a reddit darknets market guru, prolly knows what color 12 is
20:09 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16950 @ 0.00047544 = 8.0587 BTC [-]
20:10 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13650 @ 0.00047527 = 6.4874 BTC [-] {2}
20:16 mircea_popescu in other news,
20:16 assbot News from The Associated Press ... ( )
20:16 mircea_popescu "Puerto Rican with 300 Twitter accounts accused of harassment"
20:17 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10766 @ 0.00047732 = 5.1388 BTC [+]
20:19 mircea_popescu <asciilifeform> ^ from horse's mouth. <<< guy's so painfully obvious it's scarcely worth the notice.
20:21 mircea_popescu "by Taboola Sponsored Links " da fuck, this nonsense model of "advertising" took over the dead media to the point it's even on ap now, but always a different name
20:30 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5922 @ 0.00047732 = 2.8267 BTC [+]
20:33 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21854 @ 0.00047732 = 10.4314 BTC [+]
20:34 asciilifeform 'Craig Wright is not modest. On the website of Panopticrypt, one of his many companies, Wright describes himself as “certifiably the world’s foremost IT security expert.”'
20:34 asciilifeform the one thing which i utterly fail to grasp is,
20:34 asciilifeform what in satan's green earth is the point of all of this claptrap.
20:35 mircea_popescu ~same as watching oprah
20:35 * asciilifeform confesses that he has never seen it
20:37 mircea_popescu the fat black woman
20:37 mircea_popescu does a book of the month club or something.
20:37 mircea_popescu << why the hell do people do this ?
20:37 assbot ... ( )
20:37 mircea_popescu "oh, here's my inner wolverine!"
20:41 asciilifeform 'Craig Wright had mined a lot of Bitcoins. Craig then took the Bitcoins and put them into a Seychelles Trust. A bit of it was also put into Singapore. This was run out of an entity from the UK. Craig had gotten approximately 1.1 million Bitcoins.' << on what planet does this make the most elementary kind of sense ?!!
20:41 asciilifeform 'bitcoins and put them into a seychelles trust'
20:41 asciilifeform 'into singapore'
20:41 asciilifeform wat
20:42 mircea_popescu you ever play risk ?
20:42 asciilifeform aha
20:42 * asciilifeform even played 'diplomacy'
20:42 mircea_popescu i never did, but gratia seinfeld...
20:42 mircea_popescu you see stan, craigh wright was a simple country boy,
20:42 asciilifeform cuntry boi
20:43 mircea_popescu one could say a cock-eyed optimist that got mixed up in the high stakes game of world diplomacy and international intrigue
20:50 asciilifeform wut
20:51 mircea_popescu well, it's an inside joke. but broadly speaking the idea is, that the fruit of "civilisation" is the sort of derp who has no ability ot interact with, and no actual interest in reality. 100% dedicated to labels. so... he put bitcoin "into singapore".
20:52 mircea_popescu there's no objective valuation of labels, or more properly said there can in principle exist no metric for the set of labels. and consequently, what difference does it make.
20:52 asciilifeform oughta've picked up a wholesome, harmless habit, like dope
20:52 mircea_popescu this is cheaper.
20:54 asciilifeform pretty expensive for the folks who insisted on playing the 'lose half yer money in 3 mo.' game with live-fire btc
20:54 asciilifeform meth prolly'dhavebeen cheaper
20:54 mircea_popescu it'd have been expensive if they were you. but they're them, and so... they just put it in singapore!
20:55 * asciilifeform reading the unsealed 'variety jones' indictment, and thinking about precisely this
20:56 asciilifeform which is to say, how it is difficult to escape the feeling that all of these schmucks are on trial for ~being stupid~
20:56 mircea_popescu due process!
20:57 mircea_popescu die prozess!
20:57 asciilifeform e.g., 'During the same chat, VJ asked Ulbricht, in sum and substance, whether Ulbricht had disclosed to anyone in real life that he was involved in Silk Road: "IRL - is there anyone with a clue at all? Girlfriend, boyfriend, bunny you talk to, online buddy's who you've know for years? Gramma, priest, rabbi, stripper?" Ulbricht responded, "unfortunately yes. They are two, but they think I sold the site and got out. and they are
20:57 asciilifeform quite convinced of it." VJ replied, "good for that - when do they think you've sold?" and Ulbricht responded, "about a month ago." 3 Based on my training and experience, and my familiarity with this investigation, I believe that during this conversation, Ulbricht disclosed that he had told two people of his connection to Silk Road, but had lied to them by claiming that he had sold Silk Road to someone else.'
20:57 mircea_popescu "bunny you talk to" ?!
20:58 * asciilifeform has nfi what was meant by the stoolie
20:58 mircea_popescu i suspect the stoolie is a tucker max fan.
20:59 mircea_popescu << blondie there.
21:00 jurov ;;isup
21:00 gribble is up
21:00 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14856 @ 0.00048675 = 7.2312 BTC [+]
21:00 jurov << gribble lies, as always
21:00 assbot Down For Everyone Or Just Me -> Check if your website is down or up? ... ( )
21:01 mircea_popescu jurov i see it. you don't ?
21:01 jurov me nor they don't
21:01 mircea_popescu "It's just you. is up"
21:01 assbot MPEx, the Bitcoin securities exchange. ... ( )
21:01 jurov they told me it's down
21:01 mircea_popescu ^ for that matter.
21:01 jurov now i refresh it's up
21:02 mircea_popescu ah
21:02 mircea_popescu well... someone lies alright! on the internet.
21:02 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30451 @ 0.00048769 = 14.8506 BTC [+] {2}
21:04 jurov or someone's fucking with me
21:05 jurov what's the status of mpex submission by irc? fell into disrepair?
21:06 mircea_popescu sort-of
21:07 mircea_popescu iirc maintainer dropped off the map.
21:07 kakobrekla !mp <signcrypted_dpasteurl> ?
21:07 assbot Processing.
21:07 assbot Response:
21:08 kakobrekla is this not it?
21:08 jurov yes it is.
21:09 * kakobrekla still on the map afaik
21:10 mircea_popescu oh!
21:10 mircea_popescu my... head fell off teh map
21:10 mircea_popescu for some reason i was thinking fabianb's bot did it
21:10 mircea_popescu sorry kako
21:10 kakobrekla no worries
21:13 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2350 @ 0.00048675 = 1.1439 BTC [-]
21:22 mircea_popescu "New book is out: “MATE: Become The Man Women Want”
21:22 mircea_popescu September 18, 2015 by Tucker Max
21:22 mircea_popescu I wrote a new book, and it’s out now. But–it’s not funny stories of getting drunk, hooking up and yelling curses at people (though it’s sort of related, a little). It’s different than that. It’s called “Mate: Become the Man Women Want,” and it’s the definitive guide that will help guys understand women and dating"
21:22 mircea_popescu ahaha check out this shit :D
21:27 asciilifeform holy fuck is there not 1 paragraph of text on the net without a uniturd or eleven in it.
21:27 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15850 @ 0.0004877 = 7.73 BTC [+]
21:27 asciilifeform what was ever wrong with the "" the gods gave us, what.
21:28 asciilifeform try reading ze logz on an ascii terminal sometime.
21:28 asciilifeform yer in for a treat, yes.
21:28 mircea_popescu to be fair : all out text is fine, the trouble starts when we quote the morlocks
21:28 mircea_popescu who write on microshit terminals.
21:29 asciilifeform aha.
21:29 asciilifeform that must be the root of the contagion.
21:29 asciilifeform i can't recall anywhere else where it happens.
21:30 asciilifeform although...
21:30 mircea_popescu you mean shit like –it’s neh ?
21:30 asciilifeform iirc a certain ver. of 'wordpress' also shat 'magical' quotez
21:30 asciilifeform “”’
21:31 asciilifeform pretty sure that at least 1 of my ancient articles is thusly polluted.
21:35 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30662 @ 0.0004877 = 14.9539 BTC [+]
21:38 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4900 @ 0.00048783 = 2.3904 BTC [+]
21:50 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10900 @ 0.00048783 = 5.3173 BTC [+]
~ 15 minutes ~
22:05 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 43600 @ 0.00047768 = 20.8268 BTC [-] {4}
22:15 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12500 @ 0.0004768 = 5.96 BTC [-]
22:22 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5458 @ 0.00047486 = 2.5918 BTC [-]
22:25 ben_vulpes mircea_popescu, Naphex: are the xotika reports living at predictable urls?
22:27 ben_vulpes << only gripe is with paying shareholder divs without paying tax
22:27 assbot Logged on 06-10-2015 19:36:34; mircea_popescu: <Naphex> << speaking of which, plox to give the guy's numbers a good shakedown, because im considering listing xotika this month.
22:28 mircea_popescu ben_vulpes they should, yeah
22:29 ben_vulpes also what constitutes expenditures?
22:30 ben_vulpes not that anyone cares, but things i'd like to see pre-ipo:
22:30 ben_vulpes - monthly reports
22:31 ben_vulpes - description of expenditures
22:31 ben_vulpes - tax payments
22:31 ben_vulpes find
22:31 ben_vulpes fin*
22:32 ben_vulpes not that i'm even going to look at the blockchain on the latter, but they should at least show up on the balance sheet, even if they are going directly into naphex' pocket
22:32 mircea_popescu that's actually kinda the idea.
22:32 ben_vulpes ofc but for logreaders.
22:32 kakobrekla i rather confused reading this statement but i may be thick
22:33 kakobrekla im*
22:33 mircea_popescu questions help.
22:33 mircea_popescu for me for instance it is quite informative that a reasonable timespan for public consultation is ~2 mo.
22:34 * mircea_popescu wonders if monthly reports aren't too frequent.
22:34 kakobrekla fees are taken on withdrawals? how much is that fee?
22:34 ben_vulpes monthly is an adequate frequency for inspecting operators commitment to the project.
22:34 mircea_popescu !up whiterock
22:35 mircea_popescu ben_vulpes yeah, that's true.
22:35 ben_vulpes see davout and x.eur
22:35 whiterock !up
22:35 ben_vulpes too late, whiterock, mircea_popescu beat you to it.
22:36 kakobrekla what are these private investments? do those investors get same shares as (will be) on mpex?
22:36 whiterock haha thanks
22:36 mircea_popescu kakobrekla that's just the guy putting money in from his pocket.
22:38 kakobrekla dividends are 9 from 35?
22:38 ben_vulpes board can authorize divs of whatever size they want to?
22:38 mircea_popescu huh ?
22:39 mircea_popescu anyway, i dun recall what they charged, a few % but sliding scale
22:39 kakobrekla yeah these numbers dont make any sense to me still.
22:39 mircea_popescu somewhat unrelated,
22:39 assbot ... ( )
22:39 whiterock hi guys i cant back read the topi. if its ok, may i know what is being discussed?
22:40 ben_vulpes shareholder equity implies a previous investment round as well.
22:40 ben_vulpes whiterock: find the topic with /topic
22:40 mircea_popescu whiterock try the log eh.
22:40 ben_vulpes but that has nothing to do with the topic
22:40 kakobrekla > as fees are calculated on withdrawal >Dividend to shareholders9.6487 > Withdrawals*35.7354 >
22:40 whiterock oh great thanks
22:40 mircea_popescu ben_vulpes no, it's an accumulator value. everything not otherwise accounted is shareholder equity.
22:40 mircea_popescu kakobrekla and where's the problem ?
22:41 kakobrekla 9 btc on 35 btc ?
22:41 ben_vulpes aok
22:41 mircea_popescu they're not really related tho. so the site paid 35 btc in withdrawals (by performers) and 9 btc in dividends
22:42 ben_vulpes like i said kakobrekla the 'board' can pay whatever in divs apparently
22:42 mircea_popescu it can pay whatever it wants in dividends, up to its entire cash balance.
22:42 kakobrekla but site generates div from fees on withdrawals
22:42 kakobrekla aha
22:42 mircea_popescu no, it generates dividends on board say-so out of its cash
22:42 mircea_popescu just as long as they're paid fairly (ie, by share ownership proportion) they can be any arbitrary value between 0 and entreprise value
22:42 kakobrekla so he paid 9to himself if i understand this correctly?
22:43 mircea_popescu logically he put 23 in got 9 out, seems to me
22:44 ben_vulpes ;;calc 23.8804/7.16412
22:44 gribble 3.33333333333
22:44 whiterock is punkman around btw?
22:44 ben_vulpes ;;calc 7.16412/23.8804
22:44 gribble 0.3
22:45 kakobrekla and 'platform dev' ? is he charging the actual work needed with the site?
22:45 ben_vulpes 30% depreciation in server value over four months and some days?
22:45 ben_vulpes aaa fractional months
22:45 mircea_popescu the one problem i see in there is that if there's 73 deposited and 35 withdrawn, the difference is unearned income, and improperly reported as shareholder equity.
22:46 mircea_popescu should really be under viewers i suppose.
22:46 ben_vulpes yeah also what is platform dev
22:47 ben_vulpes and why is that reported as an asset value increase
22:47 * whiterock slaps punkman around a bit with a large fishbot
22:47 mircea_popescu that i recall the discussion of. i asked if it has resale/license value, and he said yes.
22:47 ben_vulpes !down whiterock
22:47 mircea_popescu so in principle, it could be sold.
22:47 ben_vulpes some hand-wavey value of the software?
22:48 mircea_popescu i would expect it's a historical value of the software
22:48 mircea_popescu "this is what we spend developing it"
22:48 ben_vulpes i thought Naphex wrote it
22:49 mircea_popescu i thought it was a one man show originally too, but apparently there's at least another guy (this CoraCrisT fellow) doing something in between ceo and pr.
22:49 mircea_popescu and i guess more people.
22:49 mircea_popescu !up CoraCrisT
22:49 ben_vulpes also "software" should be depreciated on a goddamn 2 year schedule it rots so quickly. especially these single-page angular things; they're exceptionally more expensive to maintain as time goes on.
22:49 mircea_popescu !gettrust CoraCrisT
22:49 assbot Trust relationship from user mircea_popescu to user CoraCrisT: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. | |
22:49 mircea_popescu ben_vulpes afaik their major weakness is an inability to run in anything but chrome atm
22:50 ben_vulpes that has nothing to do with depreciation schedule.
22:51 mircea_popescu no, but it has a lot to do with future cost.
22:51 ben_vulpes and think what you will, constraining the operating environment to just chrome is a pretty sensible cost-reducing move.
22:51 mircea_popescu i didn't veto it or anything.
22:51 mircea_popescu jus' saying.
22:52 ben_vulpes you can make the consumers "come to expect" anything, unless mgmt insists pigheadedly on cross-browser support chasing "lift" or "conversion" or some such, chrome should be adequate.
22:52 ben_vulpes ofc this buys also the risk of google ripping the sheets out from under one.
22:52 mircea_popescu i dunno that anyone's downloading a browser to run your spunk app.
22:53 mircea_popescu moreover, unless google;'s paying for this, why the fuck am i dirving their dumbass product on my dime.
22:53 ben_vulpes everyone already has chrome, there is no "download".
22:53 mircea_popescu i don't know anyone running chrome.
22:53 * ben_vulpes rolls eyes
22:53 mircea_popescu o god damned it
22:55 mircea_popescu o.O
22:55 mircea_popescu i stand corrected.
22:55 * mircea_popescu looked in trilema's last month, it's actually mostly chrome.
22:55 assbot dpaste: 2VEQBEC ... ( )
22:58 mircea_popescu so i guess there's a new microsoft huh.
22:58 * ben_vulpes nods
22:58 mircea_popescu sad.
22:58 mircea_popescu god forsaken species that never in its history produced anything but stupid.
22:58 ben_vulpes welcome, mircea_popescu, to the new new new new web
22:59 mircea_popescu "oh i know, we've never done the stupid thing THIS WAY before!"
22:59 ben_vulpes what was it before?
22:59 ben_vulpes lynx?
22:59 mircea_popescu "drop everything! there's another same-way to do the stupid!"
23:00 * ben_vulpes not a fan but a prisoner
23:00 mircea_popescu anyway. i'm off to bed. looking forward to part 2 of the xotika discussion once Naphex shows up.
23:09 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16300 @ 0.00047609 = 7.7603 BTC [+] {2}
~ 29 minutes ~
23:39 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22700 @ 0.00047983 = 10.8921 BTC [+] {2}
23:41 BingoBoingo <asciilifeform> iirc a certain ver. of 'wordpress' also shat 'magical' quotez << All of them seem to force it unless suitably corrected
23:50 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17900 @ 0.00048885 = 8.7504 BTC [+] {2}
23:52 ben_vulpes << this is some epic horseshit
23:52 assbot VimeUhOh ... ( )
23:53 ben_vulpes gamma phi beta and kappa delta are abusing the DMCA to take down videos that portray them in ways in which they do not like.
23:54 ben_vulpes dear victoria valentine, she who studies/d film and made an entertaining video about cults and sororities, do drop me a line.
23:58 ben_vulpes ;;later tell mitch_callahan found a backup
23:58 assbot RECRUITMENT 2016 - YouTube ... ( )
23:58 gribble The operation succeeded.
23:58 ben_vulpes also vimeo is a reprehensible operation who caves unconditionally to baseless dmca notices from SORORITIES
23:58 ben_vulpes what a buncha wimps.
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