Show Idle (>14 d.) Chans

← 2015-10-18 | 2015-10-20 →
00:00 ben_vulpes nice, i was waiting for that one
00:01 BingoBoingo I was honestly thinking about a pass on it until I saw how many elder lizards were involved
00:02 ben_vulpes plus, the suicide!
00:02 BingoBoingo There was a suicide?
00:07 mircea_popescu ha.
00:10 BingoBoingo For those who aren't familiar Frist was the "hero" of the US Capital shooting where he saved the shooter, but not the other people who were shot.
00:12 asciilifeform << wake me up when any of the bluebloods become poor from this and start working for a living.
00:12 assbot Logged on 19-10-2015 04:01:37; BingoBoingo: I was honestly thinking about a pass on it until I saw how many elder lizards were involved
00:23 deedbot- [Trilema] The Aviator -
00:24 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7150 @ 0.00050936 = 3.6419 BTC [+]
00:25 phf pretty sure ascii will be going "wake me up when they find hitler" as tmsr~ is hoisting the flag on Reichstag
00:26 funkenstein_ ascii i've been meaning to ask you, I always thought of england as mordor... with orthanc in DC... am I missing something?
00:29 mircea_popescu lol
00:29 mircea_popescu asciilifeform will prolly enjoy that article btw :D
00:36 mircea_popescu "Over the past 12 years, anesthesiologist Scott Reuben revolutionized the way physicians provide pain relief to patients undergoing orthopedic surgery for everything from torn ligaments to worn-out hips. Now, the profession is in shambles after an investigation revealed that at least 21 of Reuben's papers were pure fiction, and that the pain drugs he touted in them may have slowed postoperative healing."
00:36 mircea_popescu
00:36 assbot A Medical Madoff: Anesthesiologist Faked Data in 21 Studies - Scientific American ... ( )
00:37 mircea_popescu to go with that nice "we caught one forensic lab tech out of mass faking 1000s of reports out of the 1000s of labs that fake forensic reports" story a year back
00:41 PeterL Clearly the current research funding model is borked, is there a more reasonable approach favored by La Serenisima?
00:43 mircea_popescu how about spend some public money on random items and only allow arbitrarily selected scientist people to touch them, for arbitrary intervals, arbitrarily ?
00:43 mircea_popescu sort-of like soviet science worked.
00:44 mircea_popescu but it is very important to not provide any sort of mechanism for any of this to be sorted out.
00:45 mircea_popescu maybe something like the nielsen ratings. have a minister of science which visits strip clubs, shows the girls pictures of scientists and research facilities and asks them to mix and match.
00:47 mircea_popescu also shoot some of them, now and again, i guess.
00:56 mircea_popescu well, it was an idea anyway.
01:09 mircea_popescu << bwhahaha o lordy. ballas wants a honor society at home! of all the things...
01:10 assbot The Last Psychiatrist: How To Destroy A Marriage ... ( )
01:13 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 38400 @ 0.0005101 = 19.5878 BTC [+] {2}
01:18 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 98500 @ 0.00051012 = 50.2468 BTC [+] {2}
~ 22 minutes ~
01:40 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20077 @ 0.00050665 = 10.172 BTC [-]
~ 34 minutes ~
02:15 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34021 @ 0.00050665 = 17.2367 BTC [-] {2}
~ 33 minutes ~
02:49 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34243 @ 0.00051634 = 17.681 BTC [+] {2}
02:51 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9000 @ 0.00052126 = 4.6913 BTC [+]
03:05 BingoBoingo ty
03:05 mircea_popescu myeah.
03:05 Duffer1 too much sauce tonight?
03:06 mircea_popescu hm ?
03:06 Duffer1 vexs name change spam
03:06 mircea_popescu myeah\
03:07 mircea_popescu i dunno who has this much patience to be pointless yet present. you'd imagine every drunk eventually wanders an apreciable distance away from any arbitrary pole. but whatevs.
03:08 Duffer1 is that 24 hours or is that perma?
03:09 mircea_popescu would have been permanent the last time but ppls bitched for reasons i dun fully grasp.
03:09 Duffer1 ah didn't realize there was a last time
03:09 Duffer1 he's pretty active in PMs, not usually the chan though
03:09 mircea_popescu maybe half year ago ?
03:09 mircea_popescu thankfully not with me.
03:16 Duffer1 he's good people you should keep him around
03:17 mircea_popescu yeah ? what's he do ?
03:19 Duffer1 in the chan? absolutely no idea
03:19 mircea_popescu so then.
03:20 Duffer1 i'm not saying you're wrong, just that I like him around
03:22 mircea_popescu not like you can't message or w/e.
03:23 mircea_popescu neways, im off to bed. cheerios.
03:23 Duffer1 later man
~ 1 hours 9 minutes ~
04:32 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18500 @ 0.00050367 = 9.3179 BTC [-]
~ 30 minutes ~
05:03 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24244 @ 0.00050367 = 12.211 BTC [-]
05:06 davout deedbot-:
05:06 assbot ... ( )
05:06 deedbot- accepted: 1
05:06 davout deedbot-: help
05:15 davout trinque: is "curl | shasum -a 256" supposed to work to get a single deed's address private key?
05:15 assbot ... ( )
~ 28 minutes ~
05:43 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3600 @ 0.00050367 = 1.8132 BTC [-]
~ 29 minutes ~
06:13 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5666 @ 0.00050738 = 2.8748 BTC [+]
06:22 wyrdmantis
06:22 assbot Eternity Wall ... ( )
~ 18 minutes ~
06:40 shinohai mornin wyrdmantis , #b-a at large
06:41 wyrdmantis good morning! i'm at school :D
06:41 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10700 @ 0.00050367 = 5.3893 BTC [-]
06:51 shinohai School? What ya in school for m8?
06:51 shinohai Typical Monday for me, perusing boards to see if anyone needs any horribly-written Spanish articles translated into English.
06:52 shinohai That usually means I say "fuck it" by 1 pm and spend the afternoon drinking wine.
06:54 wyrdmantis yeah, it's not a real, school, it's a course... like a master. Maybe you don't know that i'm in italy... we have courses for everything
06:55 shinohai One of my best friends is from Italy, but he lives in Venezuela now.
06:56 wyrdmantis lucky him :)
06:56 wyrdmantis but your right, school is almost useless
06:57 shinohai :/
06:57 wyrdmantis but parents force you to go...
06:58 shinohai Mine certainly didn't force me to go. My grandparents pushed me more than my parents did.
07:00 wyrdmantis And did you listen to him?
07:00 shinohai If I take classes now, I do the most ridiculous things. Took a sommeliers course last year because I wanted to appreciate wine more.
07:01 shinohai There weren't any "wine appreciation classes" that I could find, but hey sommeliers know wine.
07:01 wyrdmantis that's cool, come in italy if you want to know wine ;)
07:02 wyrdmantis my brother's wife works with prosecco producers
07:08 punkman shinohai: how long was the sommelier course?
07:09 shinohai punkman 3 nights a week over 4 months
07:10 shinohai Now i know exactly when to serve the Night Train and what dishes Mogen David pairs well with.
07:11 punkman shinohai: not bad, did it have the WSET-approved stamp too?
07:15 shinohai I wish, but it was just a local course I think. Restaurants are all over here, so eventually I could probably find one.
07:16 shinohai heh WSET has a online course !!!
07:16 punkman I was making a list of wine-related schools/courses last week, hence the curiosity
07:17 punkman there was a bunch of WSET-approved schools with online courses
07:17 punkman although I don't see how online makes sense
07:21 shinohai Me neither. The experience is a physical one, in that it does require taste, smell, etc.
07:21 shinohai !s
07:22 assbot Margaret Atwood on our real-life dystopia: “What really worries me is creeping dictatorship” - ... ( )
07:22 assbot 0 results for '' :
~ 15 minutes ~
07:37 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10700 @ 0.00050367 = 5.3893 BTC [-]
07:41 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14650 @ 0.00050367 = 7.3788 BTC [-]
~ 1 hours 15 minutes ~
08:57 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 91500 @ 0.00050701 = 46.3914 BTC [+] {2}
09:08 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27306 @ 0.00050318 = 13.7398 BTC [-] {3}
09:09 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 52794 @ 0.00050079 = 26.4387 BTC [-] {5}
~ 1 hours 12 minutes ~
10:21 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9004 @ 0.00050496 = 4.5467 BTC [+]
~ 34 minutes ~
10:55 mircea_popescu <shinohai> punkman 3 nights a week over 4 months << sounds like a great way to meet coughars huh.
10:56 mircea_popescu <punkman> although I don't see how online makes sense << i expect they expect you to amazon the bottles.
10:56 mircea_popescu <assbot> Margaret Atwood on our real-life dystopia: “What really worries me is creeping dictatorship” << fuck her with a pineapple-shaped broomstick.
10:56 mircea_popescu you'll get dictatorship AND YOU WILL LOVE IT.
10:57 mircea_popescu the only thing at your option is to pick dictators. act now, bleed less later.
~ 23 minutes ~
11:20 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24800 @ 0.00050539 = 12.5337 BTC [+] {3}
11:29 trinque davout | trinque: is "curl | shasum -a 256" supposed to work to get a single deed's address private key? << yep that should work. in checking over the addresses, it looks like someone has already snagged some of the dust to verify
11:29 assbot ... ( )
11:30 mircea_popescu cool huh.
11:31 davout trinque: i get ba2345aaae3ba157d8eac8140f5a7af61ffbf2dcf153f788b10d52e52720d209 for this particular one
11:33 davout and if i use some random tool to convert that to a bitcoin address i get 1E49paWydo9FcnYrBHTDDjfvkWC9h8QsWX
11:34 davout i'm interested in mirroring the whole deedbot repo
11:35 davout so i tried to manually verify a random one
11:36 wyrdmantis noob question: how deedbot talk with blockchain? who send the transaction?
11:36 davout so i find 1E49paWydo9FcnYrBHTDDjfvkWC9h8QsWX on both and locally, am i hashing it correctly? because according to deedbot it should be 1PNuo5NYHJdmwwPYnBhABW7oie9Y2yKsa9
11:37 davout treating the hash as compressed private key yields another address but still not the one i was expecting
11:38 punkman davout: sha256 of bundle is the secret exponent
11:39 davout punkman: do you manage to independently verify the bundle of the #379347 block?
11:40 davout bbl
11:40 trinque I'll get to this in just a bit
11:41 trinque davout: here's some python source that works
11:41 trinque davout:
11:41 assbot dpaste: 0XDCSN0 ... ( )
11:42 trinque curl deedurl | python # will yield what's on
11:50 jurov sigh..kakobrekla seems b-a wiki banned me again
11:50 jurov (just wanted to add above)
11:51 punkman davout, curl -s | sha256sum -> 2cdc25c99e4d408b359a4bc168911ad5b51a1a885b09e63c7e951499b29d59b5 which indeed gives me the correct address 18dsNRqPSDeALgGLHxv7Fj4RWWKMHBtHzX
11:51 assbot ... ( )
11:54 davout punkman: what about the one i mentioned, specifically
11:54 davout trinque: dun werk
11:55 kakobrekla jurov try now
11:55 punkman davout: you need the whole bundle, can't verify individual deeds
11:55 davout trinque: curl | python >>> 1E49paWydo9FcnYrBHTDDjfvkWC9h8QsWX
11:55 assbot ... ( )
11:55 davout there's only one deed in that bundle
11:56 davout am i missing something obvious here ?
11:56 punkman yes, there are 2 deeds in that one
11:56 davout in block #379347 ?
11:57 punkman mhmm
11:58 davout that's what i thought :D
11:58 jurov kakobrekla: ty, i hope you relaxed it a bit
11:59 kakobrekla jurov i added your ip to 'pls not to ban these folks' list
11:59 jurov trinque there's supposedly a faq for deedbot, where?
11:59 davout jurov:
11:59 assbot ... ( )
12:00 trinque davout: that is a url for a particular deed
12:01 trinque the bundle is to the left
12:01 davout trinque: i tried with that too
12:01 davout srsly, just try it
12:01 trinque so one's broken?
12:01 punkman davout: maybe you are generating compressed pubkeys
12:02 trinque curl | python
12:02 assbot ... ( )
12:02 trinque 18dsNRqPSDeALgGLHxv7Fj4RWWKMHBtHzX
12:02 davout punkman: i looked at both, and trinque's script is also reporting a different address than the one i see on the deedbot page
12:02 trinque is not
12:02 trinque ah wrong one derp.
12:03 trinque no that one works for me
12:03 trinque davout: you are using the python I provided?
12:03 davout trinque: i am
12:03 davout $ curl -s | python
12:03 assbot 404 Not Found ... ( )
12:03 davout >>> 177pJRcS7ZScLPaPB9FfDWotEQddhPkvc9
12:03 deedbot- [BitBet Bets Bets] 2.86631506 BTC on 'Yes' - The ETH scam won't see 2016 -
12:04 davout ah hang on
12:04 trinque curl | python
12:04 assbot ... ( )
12:04 trinque 1PNuo5NYHJdmwwPYnBhABW7oie9Y2yKsa9
12:04 davout aah, it works now
12:04 trinque side note of yey people are trying to verify the thing, which is very important.
12:04 trinque davout: what was the issue?
12:05 davout i was hashing "404 page not found" basically
12:05 trinque heh
12:05 davout i assumed without thinking that removing the "-1" at the end of the deed URL would yield the bundle
12:06 trinque oh I overlooked that entirely as well
12:06 davout and the 404 wasn't obvious using curl
12:09 jurov updated, pls check
12:09 assbot irc_bots:deedbot [bitcoin assets wiki] ... ( )
12:10 kakobrekla (if you are not banned)
12:10 jurov kek
12:13 pete_dushenski jurov: please to distribute s.mpoe dividends :)
12:14 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28350 @ 0.00049976 = 14.1682 BTC [-] {5}
12:15 pete_dushenski lulz of the day : 'hanson brothers' are still touring.
12:16 trinque jurov: looks good
12:18 mircea_popescu sweet deedbot stuff
12:18 pete_dushenski << hanson's greatest hit.
12:18 assbot Hanson - MMMBop - YouTube ... ( )
12:18 mircea_popescu i bet you they get a better crowd than gavin ever did
12:20 pete_dushenski usgavin wouldn't suffer any from hosting fillies in mehico for a private concert, meet + greet (+bang) like these kids
12:24 pete_dushenski
12:24 assbot Homan Square revealed: how Chicago police 'disappeared' 7,000 people | US news | The Guardian ... ( )
12:24 pete_dushenski "Police took a substantial amount of marijuana and what Jose said was about $10,000 in cash. The arrest report listed the cash at $4,670. Jose said he never got his money back."
12:25 pete_dushenski "Often,” Futterman continued, “prisoners aren’t entered into the central booking system until they’re being processed – which doesn’t occur at Homan Square. They’re supposed to begin that processing right away, under CPD procedures, and at Homan Square the reality is, that isn’t happening or is happening sporadically and inconsistently, which leads to the whole find-your-client game.”"
12:25 deedbot- [Trilema] Facebook sends traffic!!11eleven -
12:32 pete_dushenski !up GoMaD
12:35 mircea_popescu the question is, why don't the prisoners kill some cops ?
12:35 mircea_popescu you're held at a secret location ? great, kill some guys. what are they gonna do now, expect the rules they were off to protect them ?
12:35 mircea_popescu "it never happened, dude"
12:36 mircea_popescu "the rules" are there to protect the fucking cops, wtf.
12:37 mike_c omg, trilema footnotes now have footnotes, in *even smaller* font.
12:38 mircea_popescu win huh ?
12:38 mike_c this will continue until footnotes become the size of 1 atom, and then the black hole sucks earth
12:38 mircea_popescu i apologize.
12:38 mike_c :) you're as old as me, how the hell do you read these things?
12:39 mircea_popescu lol. chuka no reader
12:39 mircea_popescu chuka writer.
12:41 mike_c did romanian girls used to fill out all those stupid personality quizes too? and you know what a texas dip is. sometimes I think you gain knowlege by some odd vampiric process.
12:41 mircea_popescu lol
12:41 mircea_popescu OFCOURSE i know
12:42 mircea_popescu and you are exactly right : when i get a new girl in my clutches for the first week or two i suck her brain out through her earlobes.
12:42 mike_c hehe
12:42 mircea_popescu rizi tu rizi, harap alb, da' nu-i risul tau.
12:46 thestringpuller Oooh. Qntra had a birthday recently.
12:46 jurov pete_dushenski: on it, hit another glitch
12:47 pete_dushenski cheers !
12:47 pete_dushenski thestringpuller: one chapter closed, and another opened.
12:53 mircea_popescu !up ascii_field
12:55 ascii_field
12:55 assbot Teen stoner says he hacked CIA director’s AOL account | New York Post ... ( )
12:55 mircea_popescu lol
12:55 mircea_popescu ahahaha
12:56 mircea_popescu aol ? srsly ?
12:56 mircea_popescu this is what we got for the fucking september. CIA "directors".
12:56 mircea_popescu how do you like the web now, bitches.
12:57 ascii_field so far no proof, snore.
13:00 pete_dushenski >> "When it comes to cash, Mr. Schneider said, “Clients have been put on warning."
13:00 assbot Big Banks to America’s Firms: We Don’t Want Your Cash - WSJ ... ( )
13:00 ascii_field <<<>>> << lulzy
13:00 assbot ... ( )
13:00 pete_dushenski same at retail level. local bank : "oh we only carry $2`500 cash so that's your max withdrawal per day"
13:01 pete_dushenski also, atm reduced from $1k max per day to motherfucking "suggested max" of $800.
13:02 pete_dushenski dear fiatists : start stocking up cash now. not later. now.
13:03 mircea_popescu pete_dushenski the problem with cash is that if the sovereign withdraws support you're left with pretty paper
13:03 mircea_popescu and it would seem the usg is going towards withdrawing support.
13:04 mircea_popescu you can't actually pay your taxes in cash. so cash is not actually legal tender. so why bother ?
13:04 mircea_popescu store tide.
13:04 ascii_field ' The tweet had disappeared from view from US, in Appelbaum's feed. From these posts,
13:04 ascii_field and my own work, it appears the issue was not limited to only one ISP (it affected both CenturyLink
13:04 ascii_field and Verizon), to one browser (Firefox, Chrome, IE and Opera were tried), one operating system (it
13:04 ascii_field affected both Windows and Android), or one login (at least 3 different users affected, I was also
13:04 ascii_field unaffected whilst logged in, but still using tor). It was also not a case of tor vs non-tor (US tor exits
13:04 ascii_field affected, as were my regular home IP addresses). Apparent location of the user's IP address seemed to
13:04 ascii_field be the main factor. Germans could see it the post, Americans couldn't.'
13:05 pete_dushenski mircea_popescu: sure you can pay taxes in cash, no ? show up to bank teller with cash and 'pay bill' assuming you have account there
13:05 mircea_popescu mno.
13:05 mircea_popescu this is not what "pay" means.
13:05 ascii_field not in usa
13:05 * pete_dushenski has not tried this.
13:06 kakobrekla i imagine you can deposit and pay
13:07 mircea_popescu but that's not paying.
13:07 mircea_popescu no, irs has cash payment office, you go there and give them cash. that's "cash is accepted as tax payment".
13:08 ascii_field so ~that~ must be where all the poor idiots with suitcases of benjies were going
13:08 mircea_popescu like you know, when i buy a pair of shoes in cash, i go into the shoe shop, fish out some bills.
13:08 ascii_field before being picked up by robb^H^H^H^Hpolicew
13:09 pete_dushenski mircea_popescu: but tax collector doesn't have own branch office
13:09 mircea_popescu as it is right now, cash and tide are equally money (ie, not accepted as tax payment), but one's useful and the other's paper.
13:09 mircea_popescu pete_dushenski so ?
13:09 mircea_popescu it's really very simple : either item X can be used to pay taxes or it can not.
13:09 pete_dushenski so what, i fly to ottawa and drop off suitcase of bills ?
13:09 mircea_popescu can you ?
13:09 pete_dushenski good question...
13:10 mircea_popescu there's a difference between "i could read the code but i'm lazy" and "you can't read the code" also.
13:11 mircea_popescu and no, "nobody bothers anyway" is not a reason.
13:11 kakobrekla sounds more like a lottery thing - no office but you can buy a ticket at any gas station
13:11 mircea_popescu for cash. can you ?
13:12 mircea_popescu go to gas station, pay your taxes ?
13:12 kakobrekla bank instead gas station this time
13:12 mircea_popescu not so.
13:12 kakobrekla can you get lottery ticket with tide at the gas station?
13:12 mircea_popescu technically yes, if you are returning the tide.
13:13 kakobrekla maybe you can. i cant.
13:13 * mircea_popescu has bought utp cable with nat router here.
13:13 kakobrekla must ba a long one.
13:13 mircea_popescu 50m + 60 terminators.
13:14 kakobrekla howd you get the nat router?
13:14 kakobrekla goats?
13:14 mircea_popescu i bought it first. then it didn't work, so i returned it. lol.
13:14 kakobrekla lol
13:14 mircea_popescu hehe
13:14 mircea_popescu guy actually offered cash back, too.
13:14 mircea_popescu and didn't even ask for the receipt. which is good, as he hadn't given me one.
13:15 mircea_popescu 20yo chicks mostly go to the gym to take sweatpants selfies for facebook, don't they.
13:20 ascii_field in other lulz,
13:20 ascii_field
13:20 assbot Federal regulators to require registration of recreational drones - The Washington Post ... ( )
13:21 thestringpuller ^^^ dafuq?!?
13:21 mircea_popescu and master key ?
13:21 mircea_popescu "oh, btw, derp in government wants a special pass for burning man!!"
13:22 ascii_field naturally master key
13:22 ascii_field as in cn.
13:22 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21144 @ 0.00050206 = 10.6156 BTC [+]
13:24 mircea_popescu nothing naturally about it.
13:25 mircea_popescu anyway, that homan square thing sounds like an amateur-run ransom operation.
13:25 mircea_popescu the serbs did a lot better during the war. do muricans suck at EVERYTHING they do ? or just the things that one can hear about ?
13:25 mircea_popescu i guess they must be great daydreamers, huh.
13:27 mircea_popescu heh
13:27 assbot The art of dry snitching ... ( )
13:32 pete_dushenski lol. crafty.
13:32 pete_dushenski !up ascii_field
13:34 pete_dushenski " Al, I didn’t know Betty had any relatives in town. I saw her with what must have been her nephew down at the bar. They look like they have a very close relationship."
13:34 mircea_popescu it's so putridly midwestern tho.
13:35 punkman passive-aggresive snitching might have been a better name for it
13:35 mircea_popescu well, teens and ghetto niggers. whadda ya want. this passes for crafty.
13:35 punkman is there a single good example of the accidental-snitch in there?
13:36 mircea_popescu nope.
13:37 mircea_popescu imo the best common one is, husband keeps insistinting to take wife to strip club, she eventually relents, dumbass takes her to familiar ground, woman notices.
13:37 mircea_popescu you know the hungarian parrot joke ?
13:41 ascii_field << for all we know, they caught a houdini who pulled a wakizashi out of his arse and did kill a cop..
13:41 assbot Logged on 19-10-2015 16:35:18; mircea_popescu: the question is, why don't the prisoners kill some cops ?
13:42 ascii_field (mega-seekrit: most prisoners are not houdini)
13:43 mircea_popescu are we talking of the same obese cops ? the same sloppy idiots who can't get their own paper work in order 50% of the time so pretty much everything that goes to a judge gets thrown out ?
13:43 mircea_popescu what houdini yo. it's a job for a sixteen year old./
13:45 ascii_field unrelated,
13:45 assbot FOIPA adventures ... ( )
13:47 mircea_popescu better link
13:47 assbot FOIPA adventures ... ( )
13:48 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27326 @ 0.0004958 = 13.5482 BTC [-] {3}
13:49 mircea_popescu coderman is pressuring the right spots, but with so far dismal results.
13:49 mircea_popescu MOSTLY because the derps don't know what they should be "upvoting". obviously the guardian's not gonna be talking about this.
13:50 mircea_popescu unless to do one of their bullshit burial pieces, of course.
13:50 ascii_field which 'this' ?
13:50 mircea_popescu the correct reaction to nsa is to foia the shit out of it.
13:50 mircea_popescu for as long as it's not receiving in excess of 1 bn requests a year, the populace's failing at its chosen game
13:51 ascii_field foia is a palliative circus which exists at usg's pleasure.
13:51 mircea_popescu which is WHY i say "kill the cop". you wanna be all civilised and shit, better than a 16 yo ghetto rat, then you foia the shit out of the nsa, to the point of driving it out of existence.
13:51 ascii_field if it becomes -ev it will go away.
13:51 mircea_popescu if not, you kill the cops.
13:51 mircea_popescu in neither case do you go on the alf pipe "mechanisms don't exist".
13:51 mircea_popescu so let it go away.
13:51 mircea_popescu wars are won by damage not by dreaming.
13:52 mircea_popescu NOTHING exists at usg's pleasure. not one thing.
13:52 mircea_popescu time to get that in skull. firmly embedded.
13:52 mircea_popescu at the very least 2x as firmly embedded as the current nail.
13:52 ascii_field let's ask chaka zulu about 'wars are won by damage!'
13:52 mircea_popescu let's not ask anything and do.
14:04 mircea_popescu "Since it is unlikely we will be able to provide a complete response
14:04 mircea_popescu within the 20 working days stipulated by the Act, you have the right to
14:04 mircea_popescu consider this a denial and may appeal on this basis to the NRO Appeal Review
14:04 mircea_popescu Panel, 14675 Lee Road, Chantilly, VA 20151-1715 after the initial 20 working
14:04 mircea_popescu day period has elapsed. It would seem more reasonable, however, to allow us
14:04 mircea_popescu sufficient time to continue processing your request and respond as soon as
14:04 mircea_popescu we can. Unless we hear from you otherwise, we will assume that you agree
14:04 mircea_popescu and will continue processing your FOIA request on this basis. You will have
14:04 mircea_popescu the right to appeal any denial of records after you receive a final response
14:04 mircea_popescu to your request."
14:04 mircea_popescu heh.
14:05 shinohai !up ascii_field
14:05 mircea_popescu " Based upon the information provided, you have been placed in the "other" category of requesters, which means you are responsible for the cost of search time exceeding two hours ($44.00/hour) and reproduction fees ($.15 per page) exceeding 100 pages. We will notify you if it appears that we will meet or exceed our $25.00 minimum billing threshold in processing your request." <<< where's the "blockchain technologee"
14:05 mircea_popescu to exploit that ?
14:06 shinohai Maybe Ethereum has a solution.
14:08 mircea_popescu yeah smart foia contracts ftw
14:08 pete_dushenski from canada revenue agency website : "Do not mail us cash or include it with your return."
14:08 pete_dushenski says nothing about "don't fly to our nearest office and drop off suitcase"
14:09 shinohai Mail them the fee all in Canadian pennies pete_dushenski
14:09 pete_dushenski obsoleted currency ftw
14:10 ascii_field pay in reichsmarks.
14:10 pete_dushenski "A payment in foreign funds will be accepted. However, the exchange rate for converting the payment to Canadian dollars is determined by the financial institution at the time it processes your payment." <<
14:10 mircea_popescu << guy has a whole tumblr dedicated to anime he ~comissioned~
14:10 assbot My anime spanking commissions ... ( )
14:11 mircea_popescu pete_dushenski that settles it : only "financial institution" dollars accepted, aka e-dollars. your cash is worthless.
14:12 shinohai Wow, I should have never moved out of Mom's house then I could afford to commission a buttload of spanking art.
14:12 ascii_field << lulzy re: brit
14:12 assbot GCHQ can and will spy on politicos, rules tribunal • The Register ... ( )
14:13 pete_dushenski mircea_popescu: looks like it eh
14:13 ascii_field in other lulz,
14:13 ascii_field 'A perfect example of the perils faced by researchers was provided in a separate talk at Virus Bulletin by Costin Raiu, director of Kaspersky Lab’s Global Research and Analysis Team. Raiu revealed that when he was involved in the analysis of Stuxnet a few years ago, someone broke into his house and left a rubber cube with the message “take a break” written on it.'
14:13 ascii_field ( )
14:13 assbot Long-Term Strategy Needed When Analyzing APTs: Researcher | SecurityWeek.Com ... ( )
14:15 mircea_popescu is this entire "apt" thing the hangout repackaging of raiu's earlier psychosis ?
14:16 mircea_popescu (and no, the "apts don't exist" "apts exist" debate is not meaningful. some things exist, unrelatedly to the brand and independent of it. the brand however exists for the reason brands exist.)
14:16 ascii_field nah, it's a seek000rity-industry catchword
14:16 mircea_popescu yeah but recently it found a lot of mass market currency
14:17 ascii_field ever since the original stuxnet paper.
14:17 mircea_popescu hm.
14:18 ascii_field originally had a meaning: shops with $maxint funding and complete vertical integration for virii production (pipeline of 0day mining, proof of concept, weaponization, deployment) etc.
14:18 mircea_popescu not what it means now.
14:18 mircea_popescu now it means "magical undefeatable foreign body - like that thing ruiu had that nobody else could find".
14:19 mircea_popescu and it matches exactly the psychological profile of webtards / "dudes too dumb to sling dope". "oh, there's nothing we could have done anyway, best go back to starbux"\
14:19 mircea_popescu "everybody knows that everything exists at the pleasure of usg hurr durr" sorta thing.
~ 16 minutes ~
14:36 mircea_popescu !up ascii_field
14:38 pete_dushenski "If your device is more than five years old, your system may need an upgrade. Over the next two years, the computing industry will eliminate certain security protocols that are more than 10 years old. The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) regularly updates its secure online services to ensure they feature the highest security standard, which is Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.2." << hah
14:39 pete_dushenski just flitted through the canadian tax code, nothing in there about receiver general not accepting cash, nor anything on cra website about 'we don't ACCEPT cash' just 'don't send cash, send cheque'
14:40 pete_dushenski ima talk to my accountant and see. if he sees no reason to object, ima self-experiment
14:40 mircea_popescu should yield a blog article at least.
14:40 mircea_popescu heck, maybe you become more famous than nubbins
14:41 pete_dushenski quite so. like my current attempts to have 'madcatz' cough up checksums/signatures for their software.
14:41 pete_dushenski so far : "we answer almost all tickets in 1 day" and it's been 4...
14:43 pete_dushenski o ya, i think it's federal election day today
14:44 mircea_popescu !up Xplosionist
14:44 Xplosionist Thank you.
14:44 Xplosionist I have a question about a bitbet funding issue.
14:45 Xplosionist I proposed a bet last week, but I think my funding of the bet was delayed too long, and the bet proposal was eventually rejected.
14:45 Xplosionist But, AFAICT, I'm still out the 0.5 BTC I sent.
14:46 shinohai <<< "The Sheeple and Bitcoin" LULZ
14:46 assbot The Sheeple & Bitcoin : Bitcoin ... ( )
14:47 pete_dushenski
14:47 assbot ... ( )
14:47 Xplosionist Could anyone help?
14:48 mircea_popescu anything concrete ? a link ? something ?
14:48 mircea_popescu "too long", what's that.
14:48 mircea_popescu why not "i sent so and so on this date included in this block here's the txn and etc
14:49 Xplosionist Apologies, making the best. The proposal was the Bernie Sanders 2016.
14:49 Xplosionist Transaction that attempt to fund it was 3c0682f82f9cb446adc53d585e0a986bdfac3aa9325c6b4544413ba82057ddaf which appears to have been successful
14:50 Xplosionist ( link upcoming, darned internet slowness)
14:50 Xplosionist
14:50 assbot Bitcoin Transaction 3c0682f82f9cb446adc53d585e0a986bdfac3aa9325c6b4544413ba82057ddaf ... ( )
14:51 kakobrekla twas rejected before deposit confirmed
14:51 mircea_popescu oh.
14:51 Xplosionist K. Thanks. I saw a "conflicted" report in my client, but wasn't 100% sure that meant what I hoped it did.
14:52 Xplosionist Where do you see that on the page, for my education?
14:52 mircea_popescu kakobrekla is this a whole new case ?
14:52 Xplosionist @kakobrekla, oh you mean the bet was rejected. Right. That I'd guessed.
14:53 Xplosionist And, the other comment was about it being somewhat the opposite side of an existing bet.
14:53 Xplosionist So, happy to not have the proposet bet exist now, I want to find out where my 0.5 BTC is.
14:53 kakobrekla < 0conf says 0, but if you click on the 0, you get your .5
14:53 assbot BitBet Propositions ... ( )
14:54 mircea_popescu o.O
14:54 mircea_popescu spiffy.
14:54 mircea_popescu it works even when it fails!
14:54 Xplosionist lol.
14:54 kakobrekla in short: mods came to the proposal before the 0conf did
14:55 kakobrekla mods work too fast.
14:56 Xplosionist What is "the 0conf" ?
14:56 Xplosionist (FMI)
14:56 kakobrekla the 0 stands for 0 and the conf stands for confirmations
14:56 mircea_popescu when you propose a bet, you can put some money on it to get it started
14:56 mircea_popescu aka 0 conf
14:57 kakobrekla Xplosionist you will get refunded .5 shortly.
14:57 Xplosionist Right. I attempted to do that, but it was delayed too long.
14:57 mircea_popescu but in general : pay a reasonable fee, this "slow tx" thing is bad business.
14:57 kakobrekla did ya send from buttstamp or what?
14:58 Xplosionist No, I sent from my bitcoin core client, but it wasn't caught up, and it didn't realize it would take that long to send it out.
14:58 mircea_popescu how long was that long ?
14:58 pete_dushenski in other nyooz
14:58 assbot ... ( )
14:58 Xplosionist I don't honestly know. Hours, to be sure, but less than a day.
14:58 mircea_popescu mods work too fast.
14:58 kakobrekla i dont think the fees matter (yet). 0conf takes zero conf txes, meaning it just has to propagate, not be included in bc
14:59 mircea_popescu a true. yet.
14:59 kakobrekla so far bs txes seem to propagate just fine.
14:59 Xplosionist my client says 10/13/15 12:50, and I think that's 00:00-4.
14:59 Xplosionist the transaction looks like 07:31 (UTC?)
15:01 Xplosionist Right. And, I'd expected my client to send it right away, just not to know about it's confirmation until it caught up.
15:01 Xplosionist But, maybe the bitcoin core client doesn't work the way I thought it did.
15:01 Xplosionist Oh, wait, you can't actually _send_ a transaction without being in-sync, can you?
15:01 mircea_popescu yes you can
15:02 Xplosionist Oh. Well, then to what i said before. I expected it would work.
15:02 shinohai Don't even need core client to sign a tx and push it.
15:02 Xplosionist shinohai: yeah, but core client is what I had/have, and what I typically use. Just habit.
15:03 shinohai I don't have a "latest" copy of it. 0.11.0 crashed on me several times, not that I needed it anyway.
15:04 Xplosionist i have 0.11.0, it's working okay for me on multiple macs. haven't tried it on other OSes.
15:04 kakobrekla Xplosionist
15:04 assbot Bitcoin Transaction 35a2f37919bd44652ecf748c523ae6b1d300bec2a8c5962190710fed9dc23987 ... ( )
15:05 Xplosionist thx, yeah, i see it in my core client to. It's in sync atm. :-)
15:05 kakobrekla k
15:05 Xplosionist thanks much all. And, for better and worse, I'll make sure my client is in sync before trying to propose a bet in the future.
15:06 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11200 @ 0.00049271 = 5.5184 BTC [-] {3}
15:12 diametric 'afternoon Xplosionist
15:12 jurov !up SlipperyKitty
15:12 mircea_popescu is slippery good ?
15:13 SlipperyKitty of course
15:13 kakobrekla <Xplosionist> Oh, wait, you can't actually _send_ a transaction without being in-sync, can you? < not sure if those are actually being broadcast before it syncs
15:15 kakobrekla i have some vague memory telling me this was the case at some point
15:15 diametric !up ascii_field
15:16 asciilifeform !up Xplosionist
15:16 Xplosionist heh. thx. afternoon, diametric. howdy asciilifeform
15:16 ascii_field hi Xplosionist
15:16 diametric oh I didn't realize he wasn't voiced when I said hello.
15:16 diametric would explain why he didn't reply hehe
15:16 Xplosionist i was when you _said_ hello. just not when I tried to reply.
15:17 kakobrekla so much overhead.
15:17 ascii_field how's life in your corner of the world, Xplosionist ?
15:17 Xplosionist (and was away from desk too)
15:17 Xplosionist Oh, v busy, but okay.
15:17 Xplosionist was meaning to ping diametric about stuff today anyway. been a long time since we've chatted.
15:18 ascii_field Xplosionist: your luck day then! there he is.
15:19 diametric so new cardano bet. i'm tempted
15:21 mircea_popescu !up analmaster
15:21 ascii_field analmaster !
15:21 mircea_popescu is that a good thing ?
15:21 assbot hey babe
15:21 analmaster good day gentlemen
15:22 ascii_field analmaster is sitting in the room with me l0l
15:22 mircea_popescu no wonder you're breathing heavy eh :D
15:22 analmaster tis true, im a slave.
15:23 diametric oh look its analmaster
15:23 diametric is he here to share tips and techniques?
15:23 oglafbot
15:23 assbot Parenting ... ( )
15:23 analmaster well how does the saying go
15:23 analmaster no means yes
15:23 analmaster yes means anal?
15:23 mircea_popescu
15:23 assbot ... ( )
15:28 BingoBoingo << Then what did Joe Stack?
15:28 assbot Logged on 19-10-2015 17:09:05; pete_dushenski: mircea_popescu: but tax collector doesn't have own branch office
15:28 analmaster pete douchestski
15:28 mircea_popescu he's in canada. their housing doesn't have its own housing there
15:28 mircea_popescu it's all with dogs.
15:29 BingoBoingo << When I was in Missouri I could have made tax payments at the liquor store down the street. Didn't do that, but could have.
15:29 assbot Logged on 19-10-2015 17:12:07; mircea_popescu: go to gas station, pay your taxes ?
15:30 ascii_field BingoBoingo: there are shithole shops everywhere that will cut a cheque to arbitrary address for 110% in benjies
15:30 ascii_field this is != 'can pay tax in cash'.
15:31 BingoBoingo Still beats the hell out of Western Union. Liquor store had all sorts of cash services, run by a few cool Persian fellows.
15:32 mircea_popescu yeah but...
15:32 BingoBoingo Prolly could have sent money internationally from there.
15:33 BingoBoingo Like Bitcoin, but without a blockchain to keep everyone honest.
15:39 BingoBoingo Also Chicago's Hoffman Square prison camp old News.
15:39 ascii_field iirc this was 'news' 6 mo. ago.
15:40 BingoBoingo Right, Guardian just let it get forgot, presenting again as "fresh"
15:46 BingoBoingo !up ascii_field
15:47 BingoBoingo !up Xplosionist
15:48 mircea_popescu inamsuch as it's still ongoing, its still news.
15:48 ascii_field sorta like president johnson's 'state of emergency.'
15:48 mircea_popescu your hunger doesn't go away because "that's enough, i've been hungry for six hours now". on the fucking contrary.,
15:49 Xplosionist Really? Like my debt will go away after 6 months if I just become used to it ?
15:51 mircea_popescu actually, THAT is how that works.
15:51 mircea_popescu 5 years after the last contact it's wiped.
15:51 ascii_field except (in usa) when it isn't
15:52 ascii_field (mortgage, 'student loan', tax. most of the stuff people actually owe $maxint for)
15:52 mircea_popescu you can ignore all this as well.
15:52 mircea_popescu they claim it doesn't go away. in practice, it does.
15:52 ascii_field well, when you move to mozambique it goes away
15:52 ascii_field but not otherwise
15:53 mircea_popescu 5 years after contact is a good rule of thumb.
15:53 ascii_field recently, american tax collectors started going after people for debts of their long-dead parents
15:53 mircea_popescu jus don't answer the mail, it'll take care of itself.
15:53 mircea_popescu they got hope and change going now after all.
15:53 ascii_field aha, by being subtracted from your paycheque
15:54 mircea_popescu what paycheque ?
15:54 ascii_field (this is how adjudicated debts are collected in usa)
15:54 mircea_popescu ssi is immune.
15:54 ascii_field yes if you're mircea_popescu and live on sunlight, this is not about you.
15:54 mircea_popescu the way debts work since the invention of the concept is you gotta have something.
15:55 Xplosionist If you get a paycheque, that counts as something I guss.
15:55 mircea_popescu you familiar with the concept that you can't build muscle and lose weight at the same time ?
15:55 ascii_field sure
15:55 mircea_popescu pick anabolic or catabolic. if you want a paycheck, why do you have debts ?
15:55 mircea_popescu if you have debts, why the fuck are you getting a payckech.
15:55 mircea_popescu get more debts.
15:56 ascii_field usually the latter is contingent on the former
15:56 mircea_popescu hahahaha
15:56 mircea_popescu where, in the us ?
15:56 ascii_field aha
15:56 mircea_popescu get outta here.
15:56 ascii_field no plebe gets actual hard cash just for the asking
15:56 mircea_popescu they mail 20yo kids cards now.
15:57 ascii_field aha, so they can start the 40% interest chumpatron going early in life
15:57 mircea_popescu sure. which yoiu don't pay anyway.
15:57 ascii_field no pay, no credit line fattening
15:57 mircea_popescu exactly.
15:57 mircea_popescu incidentally, this system is so beautifully modelled in eulora... you can either overcraft or undercraft
15:57 ascii_field so what do you eat ?
15:58 mircea_popescu but if you do either, gotta do it with ALL the elements. you cant mix above avg x with under average y, it'll hurt.
15:58 mircea_popescu ascii_field policemen.
15:58 ascii_field mm
15:58 mircea_popescu there's more cases of people who ate policemen than cases of people who starved in the us.
15:58 mircea_popescu pick any year.
15:58 * ascii_field recalls a famous case in su where one fella did exactly that
15:58 ascii_field ate policemen!
15:58 mircea_popescu aha
15:58 ascii_field he ran a kind of 'retreat', exclusive, posh, for high-level police types
15:59 ascii_field eventually somebody noticed that they never came back.
15:59 mircea_popescu lol
15:59 ascii_field they found a larder, sausages, hams
15:59 ascii_field which he'd been not only eating, but feeding to his 'guests'
15:59 mircea_popescu i heard the story also but always figured it for ethnofantasy
15:59 ascii_field fwiw i have no solid proof that it took place.
16:00 ascii_field may be a legend, from zeitgeist of the time, so to speak
16:00 mircea_popescu aha.
16:00 mircea_popescu matches the 80s.
16:00 Xplosionist But the pork/policemen analogy is too fun.
16:00 ascii_field solid 80s.
16:01 diametric Surprisingly there aren't that many police deaths in the US per year.
16:02 mircea_popescu not surprisingly.
16:02 diametric well yeah.
16:02 mircea_popescu for every 5mn gestapo anon reports there was a shocking 0 coups on hitler's lyf.
16:02 diametric I should say, despite the claims of "most dangerous job"
16:03 Xplosionist "most unpleasant job" might be as accurate.
16:03 Xplosionist I mean, I'm very glad we have people that do it. Most of whom are actually nice and do a good job. But, wow, I would never want to deal with as much crap as you have to put up with fore that job.
16:05 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11769 @ 0.00049993 = 5.8837 BTC [+] {3}
16:05 mircea_popescu depends what you mean by "policeman". the legitimate job (beat cop, giving directions and taking drunks home) is gone. the paper pusher job is whatever, another social worker. the DEA agent / carl force IV thing is just a different jolly roger color scheme for the same thuggery.
16:05 mircea_popescu the suits in washington have more to do with jpm and gs than all of this
16:05 mircea_popescu and so on and so forth
16:06 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11481 @ 0.00050698 = 5.8206 BTC [+]
16:09 deedbot- [BitBet Bets Bets] 1.99950000 BTC on 'Yes' - The ETH scam won't see 2016 -
16:09 jurov in other news,
16:09 assbot ... ( )
16:09 mircea_popescu i've got the best fucking weather, it's incredible. constantly 16-18ish, nice breeze, beautiful sun...
16:11 ascii_field '(Added 2015) Some of the documents that we previously received through FOIA suggested that all major manufacturers of color laser printers entered a secret agreement with governments to ensure that the output of those printers is forensically traceable. Although we still don't know if this is correct, or how subsequent generations of forensic tracking technologies might work, it is probably safest to assume that all
16:11 ascii_field modern color laser printers do include some form of tracking information that associates documents with the printer's serial number. (If any manufacturer wishes to go on record with a statement to the contrary, we'll be happy to publish that here.)'
16:12 mircea_popescu o hey, did ethereum just break through it's record low ?
16:15 ascii_field << for aficionados of '23andme' and related chumpatrons
16:15 assbot Cops are turning to privately held DNA databases for info to help with investigations ... ( )
16:15 mircea_popescu the thing is open source right ?
16:16 mircea_popescu you get the tool, plug it into your linux laptop and go.
16:16 ascii_field wai wat?!
16:16 ascii_field no.
16:16 mircea_popescu aww!
16:16 danielpbarron << so far this tactic has worked for me, since I stopped filing a few years ago
16:16 assbot Logged on 19-10-2015 19:53:28; mircea_popescu: jus don't answer the mail, it'll take care of itself.
16:16 ascii_field you spit in a tube & post it.
16:17 asciilifeform !up ascii_field
16:17 asciilifeform !up Xplosionist
16:19 ascii_field '
16:19 ascii_field the fact that your signing up for 23andMe or means that you and all of your current and future family members could become genetic criminal suspects is not something most users probably have in mind when trying to find out where their ancestors came from.'
16:19 ascii_field nobody could've foreseen!111111!1 (tm)
16:19 mircea_popescu i wonder how long before a guy starts sending all the companies scam "copyright infringement" notices and invitations to pay $600 to make the embarassment go away, like those twerps trawling the noob torrent folk.
16:19 mircea_popescu "you at some point had a copy of my dna - pay up!"
16:22 ascii_field related lulz,
16:22 assbot Beware, houseguests: Cheap home surveillance cameras are everywhere now | Fusion ... ( )
16:22 ascii_field ^ summary: 'airbnb' etc. users install 'toiletcams'
16:22 mircea_popescu doh.
16:23 mircea_popescu gotta a) keep driving down the capital cost of pron ; b) acclimate the womenz to their nude future.
16:23 mircea_popescu seems logic.
16:23 ascii_field jp, i'm told, is 20 yrs ahead in this metric
16:23 ascii_field to the point of uninstrumented women's toilets being a rarity in some places
16:23 mircea_popescu i wonder how many 4th wave feminists fighting rape on campus and what other derpage realise that their daughters... well no. their nieces will live their life naked.
16:25 punkman do the japs still censor their porn?
16:25 mircea_popescu o yea
16:26 ascii_field 'Surprisingly, Dropcam’s privacy policy doesn’t warn customers that the government could seize the cloud-based video from their cameras or tap into their live-streams, and doesn’t state under which circumstances the company would comply with such a request. (Update: And law enforcement has come calling with warrants.)' << ahahaha
16:26 ascii_field use moar cloudz!!1
16:27 ascii_field << lulzy. to me, at least, because afaik the phrase is lifted directly from
16:27 assbot ... ( )
16:27 assbot Loper OS » There is no “Cloud”: There are only Other People’s Hard Drives. ... ( )
16:28 ascii_field (without attribution, naturally)
16:30 mircea_popescu at this point needing a warning that the cloud is maintained by and for the nsa is like needing a warning that if you marry an american you'll be stuck with an ineffectual narcissist, or that if you save in dollars you'll end up worse than the manic collector with alzhimers and his piles of old newspapers, or all sorts of similarly obvious stuff.
16:30 ascii_field sure.
16:30 mircea_popescu "i'm going to build a successful company - venture capital got my back"
16:30 mircea_popescu sure homie. go for it.
16:31 mircea_popescu "i won't starve, i got a college education / 401k / my gold coins collection"
16:37 mircea_popescu commenter on trilema has this to say :
16:37 assbot Selling 1 Oz Gold Coin for $25 (when it's worth over $1,500) - YouTube ... ( )
16:37 mircea_popescu should be interesting to see how well teh entire "i am hoarding gold" thing plays out.
16:37 mircea_popescu hint : people don't accept one oz in trade for 25 bux.
16:38 ascii_field perhaps now can believe the 'rentalstarter' thing !
16:38 ascii_field people are rightfully suspicious of 'free lunch'
16:39 mircea_popescu no, they're just poor AND stupid.
16:39 ascii_field 'hundred people rejected genuine nigerian prince inheritance! nyooz at 11!'
16:39 mircea_popescu there';s nothinfg rightful in not having $25 disposable to play, which is ALL this is about.
16:40 ascii_field l0l who the everliving fuck doesn't have $ 25 ?
16:40 mircea_popescu there's also nothing rightful in the unmitigated audacity of daring to not conform to the environment
16:40 mircea_popescu ascii_field anyone on the street in the us.
16:40 mircea_popescu about as poor as africa, really.
16:41 ascii_field there is typically at least twice this in the pan of any respectable panhandler even here in the suburbs.
16:41 mircea_popescu not his.
16:41 mircea_popescu it's mcdonadls' or whoevers.
16:41 ascii_field possibly.
16:41 mircea_popescu it's not, "money, i could do anything with". it's "money, i'll buy a toke with"
16:41 mircea_popescu thus, no. not his.
16:42 ascii_field cannot forgo a toke ?
16:42 mircea_popescu one could.
16:42 mircea_popescu and that mythical one would have money.
16:43 ascii_field reminds me of a product i suggested to a fella in meatspace - an iphone-shaped container that conveniently holds 800 usd
16:43 ascii_field (that the owner did not give to crapple)
16:43 mircea_popescu lol
16:44 mircea_popescu if i was younger and somehow the ipod thing actually put any drag on my mating, that's pretty much what i'd have done.
16:45 ascii_field this thought was inspired by learning that telcos in usa suddenly abolished the 'contract subsidy' thing
16:45 mircea_popescu "yeah baby, his daddy bought him an iphone ; i ordered this thing to hold 800 bucks. pick a cock to suck."
16:45 ascii_field now when you walk in, you either pay the 800 or agree to the '35/mo forever' claptrap
16:45 mircea_popescu note that 35 forever is actually less revenue than they made leasing old rotary phones.
16:46 ascii_field about same.
16:46 mircea_popescu well yes but the rotary phone is < 50 cents in qty.
16:46 ascii_field but yes, my first thought was, 'and they laughed at lucent'
16:46 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33839 @ 0.00050731 = 17.1669 BTC [+] {3}
16:46 ascii_field << the service in question.
16:47 assbot - Woman paid thousands to rent rotary phone ... ( )
16:47 mircea_popescu incidentally, i had the most ustardian experience in argentina yet. so i want planters. small shop down the street, mostly closed, someone's house. finally it's open, i pick the planters, they're 90 each. i say i want 5, they only have 3. i scratch my head and leave.
16:47 mircea_popescu go to a different shop, a little further. advertisement on wall, "if you want this shop to survive, don't ask for a discount".
16:47 mircea_popescu apparently im expected to give a shit because we're in california-palermo or something ?!
16:48 mircea_popescu shitty service ; old confused woman reads off a tiny script on a lined paper thing, apparently the EXACT SAME planter is 283.
16:48 mircea_popescu i ask her if she's stupid. she pretends to not know what i'm saying. i leave.
16:48 mircea_popescu meanwhile that stupid shit is 30 cents each off the boat.
16:48 asciilifeform !up ascii_field
16:48 ascii_field << can least right now even
16:48 assbot Corded Phones | QLT Consumer Lease Services, Inc. ... ( )
16:48 ascii_field *lease
16:49 mircea_popescu sometimes i wonder what a world with ACTUAL 30% gross margins would look like.
16:50 mircea_popescu you know, what it mostly was between the time of the lombards and the time of the spanyards.
16:51 mircea_popescu and speaking of these latter : i wonder how many people realise that the us complaint with spanish administration in florida was that it's TOO LAX ? as in, not oppressing the land nearly enough ? which is why they invaded.
16:51 mircea_popescu exactly the civil war dispute, a few decades prior.
16:53 mircea_popescu and for that matter, the very amusing situation where people (including derps with aspirations of culture and intelligence a la orwell) fell for the very obvious trick of pretending that the nazi/fascist police state stuff was not merely the germans/italians being TECHNOLOGICALLY ADVANCED, ie, doing exactly what britain, the us, russia will do themselves later on, but somehow it were specific about them. sort-of like t
16:53 mircea_popescu he chinese of the 70s trying to pretend the usians are bad BECAUSE of computers. as if "computerization" is a bad thing in and of itself, not merely a natural evolution in which thosew guys happened to have got the drop on our guys.
16:54 ascii_field weizenbaum grasped this.
16:54 mircea_popescu "o look, X discovered the tank before us. how evil is X of the tanks!!11".
16:54 ascii_field (in his 'computing power and human reason')
16:54 mircea_popescu might as well be in 7 grade, "o look, jane got tits! how ridiculous jane is!11"
16:54 ascii_field or, if you'd rather go back in time, the situation with catholic church and gunpowder.
16:55 mircea_popescu plenty of examplkes of the bs.
16:55 ascii_field 'deviltry of the infidels'
16:55 mircea_popescu that's how the hell ended up containing half sulphur by mass
16:55 mircea_popescu accidental saltpeter contamination.
16:57 mircea_popescu ftr, romanian hell not being too well connected to the needs of catholicism still mostly fills the space with smoala, which is a heavy tar.
16:57 ascii_field aha, ru orthodox hell
16:58 ascii_field смола.
16:58 mircea_popescu what's it in english ?
16:58 mircea_popescu the thing that actually cvasi-crystallizes if allowed to cool, and it cracks
16:58 ascii_field pitch
16:58 mircea_popescu is it /
16:58 mircea_popescu i thought pitch flows.
16:59 ascii_field sorta. see
16:59 assbot Trinity College experiment succeeds after 69 years - RTÉ News ... ( )
17:00 mircea_popescu aha. seems its actually pure asphalt.
17:01 mircea_popescu ie, viscoelastic polymer property\
17:01 mircea_popescu << that.
17:01 assbot ... ( )
17:02 mircea_popescu with the characteristic circular chips
17:12 gabrielradio
17:12 assbot Logged on 18-10-2015 03:42:19; mircea_popescu: i guess we should add to gabrielradio's list
17:13 gabrielradio voila
17:13 assbot The realest in gangsta rap - ... ( )
17:14 shinohai <<< Only room for one set of scammers named cryptsy
17:14 ascii_field << l0l!
17:14 assbot NYPD caught using X-ray vans to search the public, refuses court order to release details | ExtremeTech ... ( )
17:16 ascii_field << original article, possibly
17:16 assbot NYPD has super-secret X-ray vans | New York Post ... ( )
17:21 mircea_popescu what the fuck does this mean, "refuses court order"
17:21 mircea_popescu "obama grows pet unicorn". wtf ?
17:21 asciilifeform !up ascii_field
17:22 ascii_field like andrew jackson
17:22 ascii_field in worcester v georgia
17:22 mircea_popescu hardly, the guy had an army.
17:22 mircea_popescu nypd is an extension of the fucking court system.
17:22 ascii_field in practice - army.
17:22 mircea_popescu well this is certainly a mutiny.
17:22 mircea_popescu army or not.
17:23 mircea_popescu meaning they steal, rape, arson and kill << burn and pillage eh ? you don't arson anymore than you disease.
17:24 mircea_popescu "so to say" = "as the expression goes"
17:25 ascii_field incidentally, any self-respecting bomb craftsman puts in a fluorescent trigger for the xray schmucks
17:25 ascii_field ergo the vans have precious little to do with bomb
17:25 mircea_popescu deodata is not suddenly, in that contexts, it's "at the same time". english apparently fails synonymy. At the same time, simultaneously and concurrently i guess.
17:26 ascii_field and more pertinent re: illicit (in nyc - just about any) small arms, as well as benjie briefcases, etc
17:26 mircea_popescu see a cop, shoot that cop.
17:27 gabrielradio mircea_popescu yea, it didn't sound right indeed.
17:27 ascii_field see an unmarked van, ...??
17:27 mircea_popescu anyway. possibly one of the hardest pieces to translate, it's so well flown in romanian...
17:27 mircea_popescu ascii_field omnibus contra omnes!!11
17:27 ascii_field l0l
17:29 gabrielradio quite so. how would you go translate "pai nu?!"
17:29 mircea_popescu "innit"
17:29 mircea_popescu that's why i keep saying innit in english.
17:30 mircea_popescu yes, it's a poor substitute
17:30 gabrielradio a lot better than what i used tho
17:31 mircea_popescu "which were not his, but some young lady's" << "belonged not to him, but to some pretty young thing ..."
17:31 mircea_popescu repetitio est mater crezutio. also needs a note, because if you turn "crezut" into believe it's unobvious wtf crezutio's supposed to be anymnore.
17:32 gabrielradio i had doubts for a second there. i'm still trying to figure out where to go straightforward & where to reconstruct to better cater to the meaning
17:33 mircea_popescu aha
17:33 mircea_popescu but footnotes are a translator's best friend
17:33 mircea_popescu thus satisfying mike_c's legitimate expectation of endless subfootnote footery
17:34 ascii_field << go, buy! product!
17:34 assbot ZBV® - American Science & Engineering ... ( )
17:34 ascii_field claims, 'Its easy-to-read image quickly and clearly reveals threats like explosives, drugs, currency, and trade-fraud items such as alcohol and cigarettes—even in high-throughput environments like border crossings and security checkpoints.'
17:36 mircea_popescu heh
17:39 gabrielradio << random tidbits of this kind make my day
17:39 assbot Logged on 19-10-2015 16:42:42; mircea_popescu: rizi tu rizi, harap alb, da' nu-i risul tau.
17:39 mircea_popescu lol
17:39 ascii_field << standard, not just backscatter, xray
17:39 assbot ZBV with Tx-View™ - American Science & Engineering ... ( )
17:39 mircea_popescu isn't that a little carcinogenic ?
17:39 ascii_field a little, l0l
17:40 mircea_popescu even in the high throughput environments like the Great Toxic Swapm ?
17:40 ascii_field this esp. re: mircea_popescu's earlier observation re: police state hardware.
17:43 punkman I thought backscatter was xrays
17:43 ascii_field aha
17:43 ascii_field punkman: 2nd link shows a standard (transmissive) xray.
17:43 ascii_field apparently they offer either.
17:43 punkman oic
17:44 punkman I also thought backscatter couldn't see inside truck
17:44 ascii_field why not ?
17:44 punkman do you just turn it up to see through metal?
17:44 ascii_field aha.
17:46 ascii_field << old nyooz, re: same.
17:46 assbot Scanner Vans Allow Drive-By Snooping - Forbes ... ( )
17:47 punkman the nypd people operating the vans must be having a blast with their personal "xray glasses"
17:48 mircea_popescu kinda the whole point. "recruiting" carl forces.
17:48 ascii_field ever wonder how they know which car to pop for 100k in benjies ?
17:48 ascii_field this'd be one.
17:49 punkman I wonder how aware the ny (drug/money/x) couriers deal with this
17:50 mircea_popescu anyone in nyc not routinely carrying an old suitcase full of cut up old newspaper to bill size is not doing enough for his country.
17:50 punkman I accidentally that sentence
17:50 ascii_field mircea_popescu: old rags lack rare earth pigments, scarcely scatter at all
17:50 mircea_popescu punkman let's put it this way : if they yank any courrier everyone dies. the cops - including all the cops, not just hte ones involved, but everyone in their shift. plus their parents, and their soupses, and the spouse's exes
17:50 mircea_popescu and you can try out the daughters for 20 dollars in bolivia.,
17:51 shinohai <<< I thought the best tool was to just let mircea_popescu analyze it.
17:51 assbot Y Combinator growth calculator - Business Insider ... ( )
17:51 mircea_popescu now, how many times have you heard of something like this going down ?
17:51 ascii_field why would anyone die? the cops and the couriers work for the same folks, at the end of the day
17:51 mircea_popescu that's approximately the number of times they caught anyone who wasn;t a derp.
17:51 mircea_popescu ascii_field well i was constructing a counterfactual.
17:51 mircea_popescu ascii_field old newspaper and old bills are practically the same iirc.
17:52 mircea_popescu shinohai im not clicking on that. what is it ?
17:52 ascii_field mircea_popescu: mno. american bills are printed on cloth fiber and with rare earth inks (at one point, even paramagnetic)
17:52 mircea_popescu hm. aite then.
17:52 shinohai Some article about a tool that is supposed to tell you how long your startup has before the vc money runs out
17:53 asciilifeform !up ascii_field
17:53 ascii_field at any rate, the vans are used to help select folks for 'random traffic stop'
17:54 punkman but that's how we catch teh terrorists!!11
17:56 ascii_field << buy tube, build.
17:56 assbot Terran Impact X-ray Detector ... ( )
17:56 mircea_popescu "we can't tell you about how we've not caught any terrorists because that would expose our inefficiency to the scrutiny of terrorists encouraging them and thus harm national security"
17:56 mircea_popescu perfect sense
17:56 ascii_field grade-school project.
17:56 ascii_field why would anyone 'hunt terrorists' (who aren't there) when he can hunt fat duffel bags full of benjies.
17:57 ascii_field incidentally
17:57 ascii_field the new drone ban tastes extra-tasty with the van find
17:57 ascii_field fly geigers around nyc
17:58 ascii_field have'em glom onto the vans, playing back recorded obscenities, blinkenlighting.
17:59 ascii_field (would be interesting to see an aerial 'photo' of a major usistan conurbation in xray/gamma spectrum at any event!)
17:59 kakobrekla all you need to do is register a drone and collect the data
18:00 ascii_field don't forget to file in triplicate !111
18:01 mircea_popescu lol\
18:01 mircea_popescu YA YA YA DAS IST EIN VAN
18:01 ascii_field WAGEN!
18:01 mircea_popescu let's not confuse the most college educated generation in history
18:02 ascii_field pick up 'millimetre-wave' radar for good measure.
18:02 ben_vulpes CANCERWAGEN
18:02 mircea_popescu AUTISM VACCINE VAN
18:02 ascii_field finally a good use for autonomous copterbots..
18:03 punkman re: most dangerous job thread, fishing takes the prize apparently
18:03 assbot The Deadliest Jobs in America | Bloomberg Business - Business, Financial & Economic News, Stock Quotes ... ( )
18:03 mircea_popescu i wonder if adhd is related to cell towers and autism to vaccines or vice versa. hey, that's interesting, x-ray vans.
18:03 mircea_popescu punkman most people who decide to off themselves say "they're going fishing"
18:04 mircea_popescu since hunting lost popularity.
18:04 ascii_field though if the chart is to be believed, sometimes they... go logging
18:04 punkman I wonder where all the dead pilots work
18:04 ascii_field usaf
18:05 punkman ah right
18:05 ascii_field where else.
18:06 punkman misc. extraction, oil & gas?
18:08 mircea_popescu << somebody please explain the news to me.
18:08 assbot I WAS MCG AND WIFE’S THREE-WAY SEX STUD: EX-DRIVER | New York Post ... ( )
18:08 mircea_popescu so politician has to resign because he "cheated" on his wife ? as if fucking is now a crime ? but the thing is... SHE WAS THERE ?
18:08 mircea_popescu she cheated on her while they were tag-teaming some dude together ? wtf ?
18:09 mircea_popescu from tlp, in 2008 : "There is, however, one important unifying characteristic of political infidelities that makes them very different from the average joe on everyone knows these guys are going to get caught."
18:09 mircea_popescu ahahahahaha. mmmkay.
18:16 mircea_popescu and in hazing news,
18:16 assbot ... ( )
18:18 ascii_field how is this a haze ?
18:18 ascii_field now, if they were pineapples...
18:19 mircea_popescu uh... hazing is the introduction of immature/juvenile individuals to the practices of their kind.
18:19 mircea_popescu this is the quintessential hazing.
18:20 ascii_field i thought hazing were more of a 'тяжело в учении - легко в бою' kind of thing
18:21 mircea_popescu im thinking more of cheerleader hazing than army stuff. in english iirc that's called pluriously other thnings
18:22 shinohai <<< O.o lulz
18:22 assbot Facebook will tell you if the government is snooping on your account ... ( )
18:23 shinohai !up ascii_field
18:26 ascii_field just like the 'ipnohe encryption' crock of shit
18:26 ascii_field 'we will save you from usg unless ordered not to by usg so don't be surprised if never. but you can feel great!'
18:29 kakobrekla phreedom as an app. sells well.
~ 23 minutes ~
18:53 ben_vulpes you know what's going to sell well?
18:53 ben_vulpes brand identity apps
18:54 ben_vulpes "these pants are just like those pants except using pants a makes me feel like a cooler person than pants b"
18:54 ben_vulpes eg "i'm a coke person, not a pepsi person"
18:54 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 48450 @ 0.0005091 = 24.6659 BTC [+] {7}
~ 29 minutes ~
19:24 deedbot- [Qntra] 78 Months in Prison for Carl Mark Force IV -
19:25 BingoBoingo <ben_vulpes> "these pants are just like those pants except using pants a makes me feel like a cooler person than pants b" << Drugs perfected this first: "Heroin feels really good, but Cocaine just always makes me feel more fun"
19:26 mircea_popescu <deedbot-> [Qntra] 78 Months in Prison for Carl Mark Force IV << does he get any "guard" slaves to impregnate ?
19:26 mircea_popescu or is that only for black guys.
19:28 BingoBoingo Only for the black guys. His name is very black, but his skin is insufficiently so.
19:29 mircea_popescu aha
19:29 BingoBoingo Unless he is hiding a second middle name in there and the full expansion is "Carl Mark 4Real Force IV" and his name alone may be black enough
19:29 mircea_popescu lol
19:30 BingoBoingo Or maybe Carl Mark Force IV-Lyfe
19:35 ben_vulpes eyyyyyyyyy
19:36 mircea_popescu "Adolescence is supposed to be an identity Schrodinger's Cat: multiple simultaneous states which eventually collapse into only one. The goal of adulthood is to let go of the other possible existences and to make the best of the one. A successful adult is one who understands that it doesn't matter which life you ultimately pick, only that you live it well. The same potential for, say, happiness exists whether you are
19:36 mircea_popescu a construction worker, porn actor, or wealthy industrialist."
19:36 mircea_popescu aHAHAHAHAHA
19:36 mircea_popescu what the everloving fuck.
19:36 mircea_popescu really ?
19:36 ben_vulpes BingoBoingo: those are /actually different things/, though.
19:36 BingoBoingo ben_vulpes: But their Brand identities are distinct.
19:37 ben_vulpes cocaine and heroin only have brands insofar as the usg propaganda machine defines them to.
19:37 ben_vulpes they exist however as entirely seperate things.
19:37 ben_vulpes unlike coca cola and pepsi, which are the same fucking thing.
19:38 mircea_popescu incidentally, does coca cola contribute to global warming ?
19:38 ben_vulpes (and soon, microsofts linux and "linux"!)
19:38 mircea_popescu all that pschhhhtttzzz
19:38 mircea_popescu that's carbon dioxide, right ?
19:38 ben_vulpes mircea_popescu: i betcha they're getting carbon credits for sequestering
19:38 mircea_popescu shouldn't they use , i dunno, helium ? to reduce their footprint ?
19:38 ben_vulpes helium's rare and those who use it are evil now, donchano
19:39 * mircea_popescu would like it if all fizz producers were legally forced to use helium
19:39 mircea_popescu and all the fucktards to drink it
19:39 ben_vulpes why? and why?
19:39 mircea_popescu you ever heard someone talk on helium ?
19:39 BingoBoingo ^
19:39 kakobrekla great for suicide too.
19:41 BingoBoingo Maybe put Nitrous Oxide in the fizzy drinks, sure makes most people a bit giggly, but worth it for the 1-0.3% of the population that becomes rage monsters on it. Much lulz potential there.
19:42 kakobrekla also mega lul on that helium note ;
19:42 assbot ... ( )
19:46 lobbes in other lulz:
19:46 assbot U.S. investigating report email account linked to CIA director hacked - ... ( )
19:46 kakobrekla old!!11
19:46 assbot Logged on 19-10-2015 16:55:22; ascii_field:
19:47 mircea_popescu ahahaha see alf, it WAS factual.
19:47 mircea_popescu "wake me up when obama finally puts his tiny winer in a blender"
19:48 mircea_popescu "mmkay"
19:48 jurov heh helium won't dissolve in water, i'm +1 with nitrous oxide
19:49 jurov or when feeling particularly enraged, perhaps carbon monoxide can be considered
19:49 BingoBoingo
19:49 assbot Principal doesn’t want teachers sitting — so she threw out all their desks | New York Post ... ( )
19:50 mircea_popescu this is like being in 9th grade and discovering the seniors are all playing with stupid fucking barbie dolls. not even like 3rd graders, but like 3rd grade GIRLS
19:50 mircea_popescu jurov carbon monoxide isnt reallty toxic in small doses
19:51 BingoBoingo But how much can you dissolve in the water... prolly more than a small dose.
19:57 mircea_popescu 27.6 mg/L (25 °C)
19:59 BingoBoingo Ah, easier to just fill the cam with liquid carbon monoxide then
19:59 mircea_popescu basically if you drink more than a coupla liters in six hours (saturated) you're done.
20:01 BingoBoingo <mircea_popescu> basically if you drink more than a coupla liters in six hours (saturated) you're done. << Seems like a safe way to thin out some hamplanets, while preserving people who aren't quite HCFS addicts
20:05 punkman drinking is not breathing it though
20:06 asciilifeform let's call it... einsatzkola.
20:07 punkman I do wonder what heliumkola burps sound like
20:07 asciilifeform 'Self-help duo Lynne Rosen and John Littig, known for their monthly radio show "The Pursuit of Happiness," were found dead in their Park Slope apartment, suffocated with plastic bags and helium. Each left behind a note, the Daily News reports, but their bodies were not discovered for up to a week. The soft-spoken couple owned a life-coaching business called Why Not Now and preached a mission "designed to help foster and encour
20:07 asciilifeform age your inner strengths, identify hidden and untapped resources, and put you confidently on the path to designing the life you've always wanted to live." Their websites are littered with quotes like "The secret to getting ahead is getting started"​ and "It's always too early to quit."'
20:07 asciilifeform ^ win
20:08 asciilifeform Why Not Now!
20:08 mod6 haha
20:09 mod6 s/The Pursuit of Happiness/The Pursuit of a Bag Over Your Head/
20:09 mircea_popescu punkman this is true but in the particular case of co - it is very permeating.\
20:09 mircea_popescu your gut will uptake most of it.
20:10 mircea_popescu they look kinda like "that mainstream ugly bitch and that mainstream insecure hipster make a porno" cast.
20:11 mircea_popescu Zack & Miri Make a Porno
20:14 asciilifeform funnily enough, i just answered phone from an old phriend who needed phase diagram of $redacted. apparently libraries now lack basic reference dead tree, and the net - worthless
20:14 asciilifeform for something so basic.
20:14 asciilifeform go and find a heat of enthalpy !
20:16 asciilifeform and speaking of the helium people, it is - think about it - a pretty high-tech suicide weapon
20:16 mircea_popescu aha.
20:16 asciilifeform (need hoses, pressure regulators, at least. not a spur-of-the-moment thing, like eating your nagant)
20:16 mircea_popescu tho really, nox much better to asphyxiate with.
20:16 asciilifeform laugh to death.
20:16 mircea_popescu heck, people mostly do it by mistake
20:17 mircea_popescu asciilifeform no, by then it's laugh AT death.
20:17 asciilifeform like kary mullis (discoverer of pcr!) almost did
20:17 asciilifeform (assistant found him with lips frozen solid. he was getting it straight from the tank!)
20:17 mircea_popescu heh
20:17 asciilifeform anyway imho the chick is hot
20:18 asciilifeform more or less illustrative of the opposite of what i mean when i say that the chix in mircea_popescu's photos 'have no faces'
20:19 mircea_popescu you only think this because she's 45
20:19 asciilifeform << what's the story here? you have to be alive now or they pull your box from the rack ?
20:19 assbot - Registered at ... ( )
20:19 mircea_popescu back when she was of sexing age you'd have thought her faceless too
20:19 asciilifeform (or did they let it lapse)
20:19 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: possibly. all i have is this data point.
20:19 mircea_popescu nltawwt
20:20 mircea_popescu but all things consider, i'd rather the adult woman carry the lines i give her.
20:20 asciilifeform paging pygmalion...
20:21 mircea_popescu aha
20:22 mircea_popescu 'fraid this is more a case of narcissus, but anyway.
20:22 asciilifeform << paging your kindergarten chemistry teacher !
20:22 assbot Logged on 19-10-2015 23:41:21; BingoBoingo: Maybe put Nitrous Oxide in the fizzy drinks, sure makes most people a bit giggly, but worth it for the 1-0.3% of the population that becomes rage monsters on it. Much lulz potential there.
20:22 asciilifeform no wants to dissolve in nonpolars !
20:23 asciilifeform e.g. lipid
20:23 mircea_popescu so make the cola oil rather than water based.
20:23 asciilifeform and not no either
20:23 asciilifeform but n2o
20:23 asciilifeform dafuq
20:23 asciilifeform and so you want something like cream
20:24 asciilifeform (which is where you will typically find n2o in the kitchen shop !)
20:24 asciilifeform see old thread re: same.
20:24 asciilifeform (NO you will find in the gasenwagen.)
20:24 asciilifeform right next to CO.
20:27 mircea_popescu details, my dear doctor faustus1
20:27 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 38939 @ 0.00050258 = 19.57 BTC [-]
20:32 BingoBoingo <mircea_popescu> so make the cola oil rather than water based. << Ether based
20:34 shinohai <<< if true, then funny
20:34 assbot Teen Hacker Says He Cracked CIA Head's Personal Email: Media | SecurityWeek.Com ... ( )
20:35 BingoBoingo <asciilifeform> (NO you will find in the gasenwagen.) << NO is nitric, but yes available at the kitchen shop, auto shop, and tooth shop
20:36 BingoBoingo Auto shop though tends to adulterate it to prevent "abuse"
20:38 mircea_popescu speaking of auto shops,
20:38 assbot ... ( )
~ 17 minutes ~
20:55 asciilifeform l0l, speaking of those faceless !
20:55 asciilifeform spiffy knot work though.
21:02 BingoBoingo
21:02 assbot ... ( )
21:03 BingoBoingo "Decriminalising drug use and possession for personal consumption is permitted by the international drug control conventions and is a key element of the HIV response among people who use drugs"
21:04 BingoBoingo
21:04 assbot Finally – a change in course on drug policy - ... ( )
21:05 BingoBoingo The BBC reports that it has now been formally withdrawn after pressure from “at least one country”
21:07 mircea_popescu lmao. the end of the fufcking world, when the empire's TAIL starts using imperial HEAD tricks
21:07 mircea_popescu "these words don't say what you thought they did, they say what we want them to say, eat it up Washington!"
21:07 mircea_popescu so so very 400 ad.
21:08 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21390 @ 0.00050258 = 10.7502 BTC [-]
21:10 asciilifeform not to mention that 'decriminalize' is an idiot newspeakism
21:12 BingoBoingo <asciilifeform> not to mention that 'decriminalize' is an idiot newspeakism << A lot of this. Basically code for enforce with greater arbitratity and seize moar funds.
21:13 asciilifeform it is merely the introduction of a new layer of chumps, 'lawful personal users' - who do not even need to physically exist to support new layers of 'moar studiez needed' mandarins, enforcer thugs, etc
21:15 asciilifeform how 'lawful personal users' are to get their dope without contact with 'lawless impersonal' dope-dealing caste, remains undefined (because whole shebang is a joke)
21:22 BingoBoingo At least there is another Empire out there fucking with this empire:
21:22 assbot ... ( )
21:23 asciilifeform l0l 'legal research'
21:23 asciilifeform is there a 'research' team which catches panda for the well-funded table ?
21:24 BingoBoingo There better be.
21:25 BingoBoingo I have to say though that Nisshin Maru might be my favorite ship in the ocean
21:37 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16750 @ 0.00050474 = 8.4544 BTC [+] {3}
~ 23 minutes ~
22:00 BingoBoingo
22:00 assbot rebound relationship with pledge ... ( )
22:01 asciilifeform 'There are a few simple seeming functions in libc which turn out to be quite complicated under the hood. You call a function expecting a simple result, but then libc runs off and opens a bunch of sockets to remote servers and chats them up. This makes setting up a robust sandbox difficult and error prone. (Wait, what? Why is ls creating sockets???)' << lulz
22:02 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 114400 @ 0.00051378 = 58.7764 BTC [+] {8}
22:13 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 45574 @ 0.00051988 = 23.693 BTC [+] {4}
~ 22 minutes ~
22:35 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 39226 @ 0.00052162 = 20.4611 BTC [+]
22:37 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22093 @ 0.00052256 = 11.5449 BTC [+] {2}
22:45 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 41869 @ 0.0005023 = 21.0308 BTC [-] {4}
22:48 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12123 @ 0.00051103 = 6.1952 BTC [+]
22:53 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24950 @ 0.00052864 = 13.1896 BTC [+] {4}
23:00 adlai deedbot-:
23:00 assbot ... ( )
23:00 deedbot- accepted: 1
23:01 adlai trinque: got run over
23:01 assbot Logged on 16-10-2015 19:08:35; mircea_popescu: deedbot-
23:02 adlai << took a while, didn't we :P
23:02 assbot Logged on 19-10-2015 16:04:39; trinque: side note of yey people are trying to verify the thing, which is very important.
23:03 * adlai still hasn't figured out deterministic newline munging in multideed bundles
23:05 adlai << not this thread again...
23:05 assbot Logged on 20-10-2015 00:24:08; asciilifeform: (which is where you will typically find n2o in the kitchen shop !)
23:14 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10900 @ 0.0005299 = 5.7759 BTC [+] {2}
23:19 trinque adlai: yeah later in that thread you'll see me chattering about fixing it
23:19 trinque my parser was ignorant of \r\n
23:19 trinque vs \n
23:19 trinque did that one never get resubmitted?
23:19 trinque deedbot-
23:19 assbot ... ( )
23:19 deedbot- accepted: 1
23:32 adlai now... two bundles, each with a double divideed. nice :P
~ 21 minutes ~
23:53 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 41969 @ 0.00052601 = 22.0761 BTC [-]
23:57 BingoBoingo In other news... Apparently 200 pound girls abuse anorexia forums trying to lose weight?
23:57 assbot Please insult me hard. - The South Beach Diet - Forums and Community ... ( )
23:58 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: refresh my memory, how did you get into the subject
23:58 mircea_popescu he's trying to lose weight.
23:58 BingoBoingo A bit of that. A bit of fuck reddit censorship.
23:59 BingoBoingo Also now that I know cool black people and cool Jooz, need socially acceptable utternmenschen and the Food Stamp supermorbidly obese are kinda it.
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