Show Idle (>14 d.) Chans

← 2015-04-12 | 2015-04-14 →
00:02 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 98300 @ 0.00029111 = 28.6161 BTC [-] {2}
~ 16 minutes ~
00:19 ben_vulpes asciilifeform: can buildroot be coerced to crap out builds of its "packages" in addition to the nixen it builds?
00:19 ben_vulpes seperately from, i suppose i mean
00:28 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 238946 @ 0.00029084 = 69.4951 BTC [-]
00:36 asciilifeform ben_vulpes: they get built in their subdirs and then copied
00:37 asciilifeform ben_vulpes: what exactly did you mean by 'separate' ?
00:37 oglafbot
00:37 assbot Stroke ... ( )
00:39 asciilifeform ben_vulpes: overall, 'buildroot' is scarcely more than an elaborate 'makefile'. everything you might care to know about it can be learned through reading the docs, the thing itself, and by experiment.
~ 15 minutes ~
00:55 ben_vulpes 'and then copied' << aha! i thought i'd read that somewhere.
00:55 ben_vulpes a vile beast is slowing my mental procs down i think
~ 17 minutes ~
01:13 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 266000 @ 0.0002916 = 77.5656 BTC [+] {2}
01:22 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 147346 @ 0.0002836 = 41.7873 BTC [-] {2}
01:36 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 37768 @ 0.0002828 = 10.6808 BTC [-]
~ 30 minutes ~
02:07 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 457900 @ 0.00028139 = 128.8485 BTC [-] {7}
~ 38 minutes ~
02:45 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 215900 @ 0.0002852 = 61.5747 BTC [+] {2}
~ 15 minutes ~
03:01 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 141800 @ 0.00029485 = 41.8097 BTC [+] {2}
~ 42 minutes ~
03:43 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 246700 @ 0.00027694 = 68.3211 BTC [-] {3}
03:48 assbot [MPEX] [FT] [X.EUR] 520 @ 0.00451497 = 2.3478 BTC [-] {2}
~ 31 minutes ~
04:19 kakobrekla
04:19 assbot ... ( )
04:19 mircea_popescu hahaha
04:20 mircea_popescu Mr. Oyster lmao
04:20 mircea_popescu meanwhile in romania,
04:20 mircea_popescu ;;google pirsul de padure
04:20 gribble PHON.RO - Accident mortal Filipestii de Padure - YouTube: <>; | Colectionez Sindromuri: <>; animale salbatice din romania.ppt - Editura EDU: <>
04:21 mircea_popescu (aka glis glis, aka edible dormouse)
~ 23 minutes ~
04:44 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 127412 @ 0.00029682 = 37.8184 BTC [+] {2}
~ 16 minutes ~
05:01 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 227150 @ 0.000297 = 67.4636 BTC [+] {2}
05:02 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 87230 @ 0.00029751 = 25.9518 BTC [+]
~ 40 minutes ~
05:42 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 42350 @ 0.00028781 = 12.1888 BTC [-]
05:53 funkenstein_ scary car crash. i had one in a dream last night too.
05:54 funkenstein_ ;;google michigan 150 car pileup
05:54 gribble 150 Car Pile-Up on Michigan Highway I-94 - YouTube: <>; Deadly 150-vehicle pileup closes I-94 in west Michigan: <>; At least 1 dead, 22 injured in fiery pileup in Michigan - USA Today: (1 more message)
~ 16 minutes ~
06:11 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 40262 @ 0.00028972 = 11.6647 BTC [+]
06:24 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 59850 @ 0.00028781 = 17.2254 BTC [-]
06:30 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 115141 @ 0.00028972 = 33.3587 BTC [+]
06:33 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 127900 @ 0.00028972 = 37.0552 BTC [+]
06:37 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25200 @ 0.00028781 = 7.2528 BTC [-]
~ 18 minutes ~
06:56 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 72500 @ 0.00028568 = 20.7118 BTC [-]
07:02 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 192800 @ 0.00029159 = 56.2186 BTC [+] {2}
07:13 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 174700 @ 0.00028397 = 49.6096 BTC [-] {2}
~ 16 minutes ~
07:29 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 88543 @ 0.00029755 = 26.346 BTC [+] {2}
07:31 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 144400 @ 0.00028161 = 40.6645 BTC [-] {2}
07:45 funkenstein_ offhanded comment here about lacan and alt-physics took me on a wild goose chase
07:45 funkenstein_ and now he shows up in the latest robert foster rap news
07:52 mircea_popescu lol
07:53 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 429406 @ 0.00029793 = 127.9329 BTC [+]
07:53 mircea_popescu you hadn't heard of that feminist role-model and brilliant woman in tech irigaray before, had you.
07:53 funkenstein_ nope
07:54 funkenstein_ nor Jaques to be honest with you
07:55 mircea_popescu a well. the educative function of b-a
07:55 funkenstein_ thanks nagual
07:57 funkenstein_ most of lacan stuff i found seemed like fan literature
07:57 funkenstein_ gotta get the originals i suppose
07:59 mircea_popescu lacan is remembered chiefly for two things. the more important was his economic superiority - he was the first talk psych to reduce the session time. he'd charge people for three minutes sort of thing. that made him more productive than his peers.
07:59 mircea_popescu as the expression goes, when hiring a shaman don't hire the "best", hire the cheapest
07:59 mircea_popescu (because they're exactly equally effective, being shamans).
08:00 mircea_popescu conversely : if you're going to con people, take the least time possible. you'll deliver just as much con to each victim, but make more money at it.
08:00 mircea_popescu the less important is his intellectual contribution - he proved conclusively that a "field" with "its own terminology" is not for this purely rhetorical reason respectable.
08:01 mircea_popescu in the process paving the way for the ulterior extirpation from human preoccupations of stuff like "social studies".
08:02 mircea_popescu generally, the more brilliant derps in any bogus field are the ones that'll finally sink it. he's chiefly the reason us pseudo-sicence of the mind went the way of pills.
08:03 mircea_popescu back in the 60s and 70s it was looking like muchly the other way. but today, scientology is a barely surviving holdout of those olden days of talk psych.
08:03 funkenstein_ really? does that assume people read et en français aussi?
08:03 mircea_popescu if americans didn't read french, how exactly would you imagine all the "new concepts" they publish would be made ?
08:04 mircea_popescu need something to shanonize, yo. "radical honesty" herp-derp.
08:04 mircea_popescu clever's rules or what was it.
08:04 funkenstein_ plagiarize, plagiarize, only be sure to call it: research
08:04 mircea_popescu "i am the only person in this country that can sort-of grasp the meaning of long french phrases
08:04 mircea_popescu except for all the other people also making their living out of badly translated french maculature."
08:05 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 96813 @ 0.00029889 = 28.9364 BTC [+] {3}
08:05 funkenstein_ compare "science et vie" to "discovery¨ .. you will see some differences
08:06 mircea_popescu i've never actually read either
08:06 mircea_popescu i much prefer cosmo. at least there's women.
08:06 funkenstein_ lol but i don't believe you
08:07 funkenstein_ how about, compare paris.backpage to newyork.backpage
08:08 mircea_popescu mm
08:08 funkenstein_ i haven't tried that
08:08 mircea_popescu wassat ?
08:08 funkenstein_ srsly?
08:13 funkenstein_ in other news:
08:13 assbot Top 10 Civilizations That Mysteriously Disappeared - ... ( )
08:14 mircea_popescu mmmkay.
08:15 funkenstein_ mircea_popescu have you been approached by publishers for trilemma content yet?
08:15 mircea_popescu myeah
08:16 funkenstein_ good good :)
~ 21 minutes ~
08:38 nubbins` funkenstein_ you could at least spell it the romanian way ;p
08:39 nubbins` also vs
08:39 assbot Logged on 13-04-2015 12:03:13; funkenstein_: really? does that assume people read et en français aussi?
08:39 assbot Logged on 13-04-2015 12:03:13; funkenstein_: really? does that assume people read et en français aussi?
08:39 nubbins` wait wat
08:39 mircea_popescu uh
08:40 nubbins` log says "fran?ais" in my browser and log1 says "franais"
08:40 nubbins` neither says "français"
08:40 mircea_popescu maybe your brokser sucks ?
08:40 nubbins` maybe!!!
08:40 nubbins` hok kould i even knok tho?
08:40 mircea_popescu no see, brokser because it's a broken browser.
08:40 nubbins` oo.
08:41 nubbins` browen brokser ;/
08:41 mircea_popescu pretty good name for a dutchman
08:41 nubbins` browen brokser's dutch seed bank
08:41 nubbins` top quality - autoflowering - feminized
08:41 nubbins` i like
08:42 mircea_popescu kid to pregnant woman, puts hand on belly. "what's in here ?" "oh, I'm going to have a little baby"
08:42 mircea_popescu "but do you love it ?" "of course i do!"
08:42 mircea_popescu "then why did you eat it ?"
08:42 nubbins` heh
08:42 nubbins` i was thinking "but you already had one! aren't you full?"
08:43 nubbins` cleveland in two days. i should find my passport
08:43 nubbins` !up Vexual
08:43 mircea_popescu either that or write to the canadian army general staff]
08:43 mircea_popescu "dear sirs, im sick of having to look for my passport. go invade cleveland already"
08:44 nubbins` some years ago, my father showed me this "certification booklet" that he carried as part of his job (gov marine safety inspections)
08:44 nubbins` it was actually comical how many more security features it had than my passport
08:45 mircea_popescu lol
08:45 nubbins` veual i thought it was for the benefit of the lazy who'd sacrifice yield for ease
08:45 nubbins` *vexual
08:46 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 350136 @ 0.00028261 = 98.9519 BTC [-] {3}
08:48 nubbins`
08:48 assbot Denarium Bitcoin | Affordable Physical Bitcoins ... ( )
08:48 nubbins` ^ watch an asshole use his bare hands to handle product
08:50 Vexual u wot?
08:50 mircea_popescu affordable!
08:51 nubbins` right?
08:51 nubbins` further criticism from me here:
08:51 assbot BitcoinStats ... ( )
08:51 nubbins` tldr: they suck and the makers should end it all
08:52 Vexual whats at the end of nubbins albert chain?
08:52 nubbins` prince albert chain? you can prolly guess
08:52 Vexual glue to the plastic
08:52 funkenstein_ 40.2 millies is pretty cheap for a compromised privkey
08:53 funkenstein_ thanks for correction nubbins *face palm*
08:53 nubbins` funkenstein_ is it cheap for a /finnish/ compromised privkey?
08:53 nubbins` o and hey, any time
08:53 nubbins` srsly tho what's fun to do in cleveland?
08:53 funkenstein_ all caps
08:54 mircea_popescu who's eggwich
08:55 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 143546 @ 0.00027678 = 39.7307 BTC [-]
08:57 nubbins` some guy
08:57 nubbins` wait maybe it's a chick
08:57 nubbins` bought some art off me at one point iirc
08:58 mircea_popescu you make art ?!
08:59 Vexual how goods the glue?
08:59 nubbins` mircea_popescu >8(
09:00 mircea_popescu hehe
09:00 Vexual bearded cake is the biz
09:02 Vexual go ask hilly
09:04 Vexual limpiting on like a dieng fucking pigeon
09:05 nubbins` ;;ud beard cake
09:05 gribble | The simple combination of beard shaving, and cake baking. This term refers to the act of oneself shaving their beard into cake batter, and presenting the final ...
09:06 nubbins` oh wow
09:07 nubbins` notbad.jpg
09:08 Vexual oh shit
09:13 Vexual seriously tho, shes been in the game since honeys was wearing sassoons
09:13 Vexual its a good thing
09:13 nubbins` in the game he's shameless, even uses the codename famous amos
09:13 nubbins` !up Vexual
09:13 Vexual u rappin?
09:14 nubbins` ;;google in the game he's shameless, even uses the codename famous amos
09:14 gribble MF Doom-Kookies - YouTube: <>; MF DOOM – Kookies Lyrics | Genius: <>; Character Aliases that Marvel and DC Have Both Used: <>
09:14 nubbins` worth listening to, purely for the number of food/sex double entendres
09:15 nubbins` hell, mp might even get a chuckle
09:15 nubbins` "sodom, they got 'em with they curls out, even got a better sales pitch than the girl scouts"
09:16 Vexual rooted a blackberry
09:16 nubbins` nb.gif
09:17 nubbins`
09:17 assbot Sufjan Stevens [Full Official Album] - Seven Swans - IndieMusicAddict - YouTube ... ( )
09:20 Vexual got my own server
09:20 Vexual double dog dare you to callme a pervert
09:23 nubbins` i'm tempted to call you one for owning a blackberry
09:23 Vexual not me, hilly
09:23 nubbins` oh hill-clint
09:23 nubbins`
09:23 assbot Hillary Clinton’s Empowerment | Jacobin ... ( )
09:23 funkenstein_ speaking of which, a bar joke i heard last night, whats the difference between marmalade and jam?
09:23 Vexual obama just made frinds with cuba too, so cigars will be ubiquitous
09:23 nubbins` funkenstein_ iirc marmalade is stickier
09:24 nubbins` wat, it also contains peels.
09:24 funkenstein_ you can't marmalade your cock in someone's ass
09:25 Vexual relax, its not a tumour
09:25 funkenstein_ unexpected obscenity = good bar joke
09:26 funkenstein_ irc = not the place, sorry
09:26 nubbins` "Walmart executives have continued to look favorably on her, with Alice Walton donating the maximum amount to the “Ready for Hillary” Super PAC in 2013. Walton’s $25,000 donation was considerably higher than the average annual salary for Walmart’s hourly employees"
09:26 Vexual it was expected when u said it was a bar joke\
09:27 mircea_popescu !up HostFat
09:27 mircea_popescu nubbins` uh i dun follow.
09:27 funkenstein_ you know the one about the prisoner sentenced to death, who was told it would be one day this week but not a day he expects?
09:27 HostFat hi
09:27 nubbins` mircea_popescu it's an article in jacobin, you're not supposed to follow
09:27 mircea_popescu aok
09:27 mircea_popescu ello HostFat
09:28 HostFat I've nothing to say now, I was just lurking :)
09:28 mircea_popescu cool.
09:28 mircea_popescu funkenstein_ yes.
09:28 mircea_popescu actually iirc was even discussed in the log, of all places, somewhat recently.
09:28 funkenstein_ nice
09:29 funkenstein_ ;;google deploys hillary clinton
09:29 gribble U.S. Condemned For Pre-Emptive Use Of Hillary Clinton Against ...: <,14367/>; How should Hillary Clinton deploy Bill in 2016? - <>; NRCC Deploys Clinton's Email Saga In Maloney (1 more message)
09:29 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 281355 @ 0.00029641 = 83.3964 BTC [+] {2}
09:30 nubbins` facepalm
09:30 nubbins` i may not actually let this guy stay the rest of the month
09:31 * nubbins` turned on the oven 15 minutes ago to pre-heat it; couldn't find the cookie sheet; opened the oven to find 10 burned chicken fingers inside
09:32 nubbins` this is almost as retarded as leaving the front door not only unlocked, but actually /not fully closed/, a total of 8 times so far /this year/
09:32 Vexual get a silicone mat
09:32 nubbins` or a straight-razor
09:32 Vexual both
09:32 Vexual smooth balls and well loose baked goods
09:33 mircea_popescu you share a kitchen ?
09:33 nubbins` it's a one-kitchen sort of house
09:33 Vexual yah cant get good flatmates i tell ya
09:34 nubbins` Vexual i prefer parchment paper
09:34 mircea_popescu suppose dude has syphilis ?
09:34 Vexual yeah well, i clean the overn, so
09:35 mircea_popescu generally sharing a kitchen and sharing a woman is about the same scenario.
09:35 Vexual and i orefer sicicone
09:35 nubbins` o.O
09:35 mircea_popescu this never occured to you ?!
09:35 * nubbins` imagines MP unwrapping bar of soap, using once, putting in trash
09:36 mircea_popescu the bathroom is actually lower on the list than most things.
09:36 nubbins` like the doorknobs
09:36 nubbins` we share those too
09:36 Vexual not me, bathroom is a sanctuary
09:36 mircea_popescu there's a major difference between "stuff goes in" and everything else.
09:36 mircea_popescu women are slightly vulnerable to bad bathrooms, but slightly. you're a guy, you don't have a problem there. what are you going to catch, rabies ?
09:37 nubbins` what am i going to catch from a /fork/ that i'm not exposing myself to by eating at a restaurant?
09:37 mircea_popescu restaurants are very safe, because if they become infected it's obvious within a day and they get shut down
09:37 nubbins` o.O
09:38 nubbins` does b-a share restaurant inspection reports online?
09:38 mircea_popescu this also never occured to you ?
09:38 mircea_popescu it's not a matter of online. hospitals report infections, disease control tracks them.
09:38 mircea_popescu you get shut down within days.
09:38 nubbins` o, within days.
09:38 nubbins` that's probably good enough.
09:38 funkenstein_ if you are looking for exposure to local pathogens, nothing beats a nursery
09:38 mircea_popescu probably.
09:38 nubbins` after all, it's not like anyone else would use the syphilis fork in that time frame
09:39 Vexual someone that went in my kitchen ened up in my garden
09:39 Vexual it was a permanent arrangement
09:40 funkenstein_ re: syphilis fork, is that a coin?
09:40 nubbins` brb but i legitimately am curious as to how you think i can catch a disease from a clean fork
09:40 mircea_popescu hand made.
09:40 funkenstein_ lol
09:40 mircea_popescu nubbins` what i said was that the kitchen's the worst place to share with some whoever. it is.
09:40 mircea_popescu !up jitenm
09:40 mircea_popescu and that it's about on par with sharing a woman. which it also is.
09:40 mircea_popescu other than that... have fun neh ?
09:43 nubbins` no i got what you said
09:44 nubbins` it's just the logic doesn't follow
09:44 nubbins` !up Vexual
09:44 Vexual danke
09:45 mircea_popescu let's see what other logic doesn't follow.
09:46 mircea_popescu are you aware for instance that women are a good degree of magnitude more likely to catch something from men, than men from women ?
09:47 Vexual yes, its because of dicks
09:47 nubbins` what's included in the set of {something}? a wink? syphilis?
09:47 Vexual a glance
09:49 Vexual dick generallydont absorb stuff, theyre disigned for the opposite
09:49 mircea_popescu venereal disease.
09:50 nubbins` my flagging interest begs you to continue
09:51 mircea_popescu what's to continue lol. you've never bothered to think about contagion, which is excusable seeing how you're no biologist.
09:51 nubbins` again, how is this different from eating at a restaurant
09:51 nubbins` or do you pack your own chopsticks?
09:52 Vexual i look at the kitchen, i dont touch it
09:52 mircea_popescu how is sex different from eating at a restaurant ?
09:52 Vexual ^^\
09:52 nubbins` you don't cum when you're finished eating
09:53 mircea_popescu so then.
09:53 nubbins` so then nothing
09:53 nubbins` an ellipsis isn't an argument
09:53 Vexual youre in the wrong spot
09:53 nubbins` no kidding
09:54 nubbins` anyway, despite the fact that this guy works as a cook at various 4-star restaurants
09:54 mircea_popescu what ellipsis!
09:54 nubbins` his meals while at home consist entirely of take-out fish & chips and chicken fingers
09:54 nubbins` the ellipsis you forgot to add after your "so then"
09:54 mircea_popescu dude you asked me how sex is different from eating at a restaurant, and then answered yourself.
09:55 * nubbins` sighs
09:55 nubbins` sure did
09:55 mircea_popescu i wonder what four star means in canada
09:55 Vexual the similarities are endless
09:55 mircea_popescu afaik the most stars you can get was three.
09:56 Vexual thats hats
09:56 nubbins` haha wait i'm thinking of hotels.
09:56 nubbins` i think three stars *is* the most a restaurant can get
09:56 nubbins` anyway. the place was voted canada's best restaurant a couple years in a row
09:57 nubbins` and this guy leaves the front door open and chicken fingers in the oven overnight
09:57 mircea_popescu weird.
09:57 Vexual seems errone wears a hat in candia
09:58 Vexual rotten whale, hat
09:59 Vexual box jellyfish tentacles, defused with vinegar,now theres something to work with
10:00 Vexual aweful texture
10:00 Vexual like some poisin spaghetti
10:01 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 122200 @ 0.00029931 = 36.5757 BTC [+]
10:01 Vexual invisible
10:01 funkenstein_
10:01 assbot Bitcoin as Politics: Distributed Right-Wing Extremism | David Golumbia - ... ( )
10:01 Vexual and indisible, by tooth or knife
10:02 nubbins` lel meanwhile in two dog land:
10:02 assbot Imgur ... ( )
10:03 nubbins` plz to not those are NOT cops on horses, which you see often enough, but what appear to be private citizens
10:04 Vexual you dont have horses?
10:04 Vexual cop horse is samle like regular horse
10:05 mircea_popescu meanwhile in my inbox :
10:05 assbot dpaste: 2ZVFFMN ... ( )
10:05 Vexual thats tradeable info kids
10:06 mircea_popescu 1. blockchain info sends out spam ? 2. with retarded "cc to undisclosed/bcc to victim" stuff ? 3. and has some "communications officer" that can't spell ? 4. and wait, wut, "tell us how many moneyz and we'll tell you numerous numbers" business model ?!
10:06 Vexual oh i thought it was a reply
10:06 Vexual show what know
10:07 Vexual isnt btc jam high on advertisers list?
10:07 Vexual like 90 weeks running
10:08 Vexual or is that just me?
10:12 Vexual yes trendsetters, they're making too mcuh money too kep up that bullshit
10:14 Vexual
10:19 nubbins` seriously though how do you leave 8 chicken fingers in the oven?
10:19 nubbins` it wasn't even turned on.
10:19 nubbins` so the guy cooked them, turned the oven off, then... went to bed at 7am
10:20 nubbins` talk about coked out of your fucking head :p
10:35 funkenstein_ some people get upset when i point out coffee is more addictive than cocaine
10:37 funkenstein_ that sounds like more of an alcohol related move anyway
10:38 funkenstein_ i cooked some ramen noodles once and passed out
10:38 funkenstein_ i woke up they were gone
10:38 funkenstein_ distribued in a few micron layer around my apartment
10:40 mircea_popescu wut ?
10:40 funkenstein_ the ramen?
10:40 funkenstein_ turned to smoke and settled evenly around the room
10:41 funkenstein_ CVD
10:44 mircea_popescu mk...
10:44 nubbins` funkenstein_ 4 beer in the fridge, 2 empties by the garbage
10:44 nubbins` not drunk
10:44 nubbins` awake at 7am after opening the first beer at 11pm? probably coked up
10:45 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 87000 @ 0.00029931 = 26.04 BTC [+]
10:49 pete_dushenski << if only it were so simple.
10:49 assbot Logged on 13-04-2015 13:37:43; mircea_popescu: restaurants are very safe, because if they become infected it's obvious within a day and they get shut down
10:49 nubbins` pete_dushenski i figured i'd leave that one for someone who wants to put in the time
10:49 nubbins` mp has obv never worked in a restaurant kitchen :P
10:50 mircea_popescu i actually ran a coupla o.O
10:50 nubbins` if you shut 'em down within a day of them failing inspection, you're the 1%
10:51 pete_dushenski given that incubation periods for common foodborne pathogens range from 1-7 days, that people have varying susceptibilities and that most people eat out somewhat frequently, it's hard to isolate the source
10:51 nubbins` srsly, online inspection reports. you'd be shocked
10:51 mircea_popescu that never happened.
10:51 pete_dushenski ya, it's almost impossible to be shut down on the spot
10:51 nubbins` how often did you resurface the cutting boards?
10:52 mircea_popescu pete_dushenski not as hard as it was for this guy to figure out the cook leaves the door open eh ?
10:52 pete_dushenski you'd need dozens of sick people
10:52 mircea_popescu nubbins` end of day.
10:52 nubbins` now you're in the 0.1% :D
10:52 pete_dushenski mircea_popescu: leaves the door open and... rat comes in ?
10:52 mircea_popescu pete_dushenski it was a comparative, he keeps tring to worm it into an absolute.
10:52 nubbins` pete_dushenski that was a reference to my idiot roomie
10:52 nubbins` he has a problem with securing the domicile
10:53 mircea_popescu nubbins` nah, just, wood stuff was cheap. you'd go through multiple sets each year np
10:53 nubbins` mircea_popescu plastic/resin cutting boards are more common here
10:53 mircea_popescu you'd have been hanged for using plastic.
10:53 pete_dushenski mircea_popescu: daily resurfacing of cutting boards ??
10:53 mircea_popescu yup.
10:53 nubbins` when they finally put restaurant inspection reports online for people to read, every single restaurant i've ever eaten at was given a citation for cutting boards needing resurfacing
10:54 mircea_popescu special machine shaved a layer
10:54 pete_dushenski holy sweet mother of public health
10:54 nubbins` pete_dushenski essentially you just plane 'em
10:54 mircea_popescu cheap dude. srsly.
10:54 mircea_popescu ^
10:54 nubbins` thick board'll last you a while
10:54 mircea_popescu bout 7-8 weeks iirc
10:54 pete_dushenski we need those here
10:54 nubbins` !up Vexual
10:54 pete_dushenski specially at the chinese restaurants
10:54 mircea_popescu fucking canada, you ran out of trees ?
10:55 mircea_popescu stop publish so much perish, yo!
10:55 pete_dushenski we're up to our gills in plastic
10:55 mircea_popescu plastic was very dimly regarded.
10:55 mircea_popescu most of the fridge pots were actually clay.
10:55 Vexual you resurface a throwaway peice of shit? surely u jest
10:55 nubbins` i also wear socks more than once
10:56 pete_dushenski fridge pots here are plastic or glass
10:56 Vexual i had a mate you got me in to spraypaint silver so it looked like staineless steel
10:56 nubbins` incidentally, my favourite chinese take-out was not listed in the restaurant inspection reports
10:56 nubbins` at all.
10:56 mircea_popescu glass works, but clay has this superb thermic inertia
10:56 mircea_popescu heavier tho
10:56 Vexual you didnt get a tick til id been
10:56 nubbins` clay does indeed
10:57 * nubbins` has been toying w/ getting clay pots for his kimchi fermenting
10:57 pete_dushenski mircea_popescu: so fridge shelves i guess
10:57 mircea_popescu the advantage is you can have it made in any shape for little effort.
10:57 pete_dushenski mircea_popescu: *stronger!
10:57 mircea_popescu pete_dushenski its fucking steel anyway.
10:57 mircea_popescu dun tell me. plastic shelves ?
10:57 pete_dushenski lol how'd you know ?
10:57 mircea_popescu eh for chrissakes.
10:58 nubbins` also fwiw i made kimchi day before yes, ~5th batch so far, anyone who likes food and is halfway handy in the kitchen is strongly encouraged to try making some
10:58 mircea_popescu you know, it's a restaurant, not bottlecaps united.
10:58 nubbins` *yest
10:58 Vexual whats the recipie again?
10:58 mircea_popescu nubbins` it makes in two days ?!
10:58 pete_dushenski mircea_popescu: of course the walk-in fridges have metal grill shelving
10:58 mircea_popescu the fermented cabagge stuff i like is 5 months
10:58 nubbins` mircea_popescu the fermentation is *just* starting it.
10:58 nubbins` i won't eat this util late april at the earliest
10:58 mircea_popescu ahok
10:59 nubbins` older is better but i honestly can't wait
10:59 nubbins` i usually let it ferment at 20C for 4-5 days to get it going
10:59 nubbins` fridge after that, most of the heavy lifting's done
10:59 mircea_popescu nubbins` for the record, traditional (european) cooking happened around this large flat table of very thick oak
10:59 mircea_popescu women (the young ones) brushed it with a steel brush each evening.
10:59 nubbins` a
11:00 mircea_popescu and the pots and pans each week.
11:00 * pete_dushenski is still in shock over these fucking cutting board planing machines...
11:00 nubbins` pete_dushenski imagine my face the first time i saw a squeegee sharpening machine
11:01 mircea_popescu lol
11:01 pete_dushenski nubbins`: i can barely imagine your face the first time you bought a bitcoin
11:01 mircea_popescu anyway, to not peel off more than is fair : i rather distantly ran the kitchen, by virtue of ownership. it did have a chief cook and everything.
11:01 Vexual what kinda cuisine?
11:01 nubbins` pete_dushenski it looked kind of like this: baked.jpg
11:02 pete_dushenski mircea_popescu: was this before or after 'retirement' ?
11:02 mircea_popescu way before.
11:02 nubbins` mircea_popescu the vast majority of fooderies are staffed by 19-20yo's with clueless managers
11:02 Vexual *science*
11:02 nubbins` you're lucky to have 2 full time employees who know what they're at
11:02 mircea_popescu i was not exactly clueless and very scary. the heads were in either case male, over 40.
11:03 mircea_popescu the rest i dun really recall that clearly.
11:03 Vexual so you walked to the bank alone?
11:03 nubbins` you need 'em to be over 40
11:03 nubbins` 35 at the very least
11:03 pete_dushenski over 40 would be unheard of here
11:03 pete_dushenski unless they're the owner
11:03 nubbins` knowing wtf you're at would be unheard of as well
11:03 mircea_popescu one guy wore a little chiffon thing over his moustache
11:03 nubbins` hahaha
11:03 mircea_popescu i STILL chuckle when i remember that
11:03 pete_dushenski nubbins`: for the same reason
11:04 nubbins` mircea_popescu i've seen a fair share of beard nets around
11:04 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 98300 @ 0.00029931 = 29.4222 BTC [+]
11:04 mircea_popescu duder had a kickass moustache. hungarian.
11:04 pete_dushenski haha like a 'stache condom
11:04 nubbins` always a good chortle
11:04 nubbins` so bozo rolls downstairs, finds his cold chicken fingers on the counter
11:05 pete_dushenski doods over 40 here are working for the gov or working in the patch
11:05 nubbins` chuckles, throws dirty cookie sheet, in sink, smuggles food back up to bedroom
11:05 pete_dushenski kitchen 'isn't respectable' for a man that age
11:05 pete_dushenski because there are options
11:05 mircea_popescu meh. people who are good at it are very happy there, i've found.
11:05 nubbins` pete_dushenski if there's one way that north america fucked itself in the ass, it's the concept of "respectable work"
11:05 Vexual erry kitchen ive seen gets benefits
11:05 mircea_popescu i could never get a competent cook to even contemplate anything else.
11:05 nubbins` 20 years of "if you don't study hard, you'll have to work at mcdonald's"
11:06 mircea_popescu tbf mcdo is not a restaurant
11:06 nubbins` followed by x years of "what, you're too good to work at mcdonald's?"
11:06 nubbins` o no, not even close to one.
11:06 pete_dushenski nubbins`: lol yea
11:06 nubbins` imagine this though
11:06 nubbins` the major employer of youth
11:06 nubbins` and the youth spend their youth being told they're a piece of shit if they work there
11:06 mircea_popescu this sounds exactly puritan to me.
11:07 pete_dushenski mircea_popescu: well mebbe that's what more men here need to do to be happy ?
11:07 mircea_popescu point of woman bits is to get pregnant. what's woman supposed to do with her bits ?
11:07 mircea_popescu ANYTHING BUT!
11:07 nubbins` you go to japan, nobody working at the mcdonald's is sullen or put out
11:07 mircea_popescu pete_dushenski what, finding something they can be good at ? mmmmyeah...
11:07 pete_dushenski precisely.
11:08 pete_dushenski instead job is for making money
11:08 pete_dushenski and after-hours is for enjoyment
11:08 nubbins` ^ so broken
11:08 pete_dushenski and skill isn't particularly part of the equation
11:08 Vexual chef is skill
11:09 Vexual drink wine buy resutrant, go broke repeat
11:09 Vexual great fun
11:09 pete_dushenski mircea_popescu: i dun get the 'anything but pregnancy' thing ?
11:09 nubbins` speaking of jacobin magazine, i once read an essay therein which expounded upon the implicit oppression in the statement "do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life"
11:10 mircea_popescu pete_dushenski most demographically stable and psychologically sane cultures i've ever seen welcome pregnancy in young women.
11:10 nubbins` pretty sure i won the disrespect of at least half a dozen people by tearing strips off that one
11:10 mircea_popescu except, of course, for teh english speakers. WORST DISASTER
11:10 pete_dushenski aha
11:11 Vexual teenage pregnancy is frowned upon here, but the 29 yer olds with self sufficient spawn are very happy
11:11 nubbins` but is that manufactured happiness?
11:11 nubbins` (protip: doesn't matter!)
11:11 Vexual nope, theyre just happy
11:11 mircea_popescu well it's penifactured
11:12 mircea_popescu nubbins` what i don't get with all the libertards is why exactly they imagine oppression is a bad thing.
11:12 mats i had a fun dream last night: diplomats resolving disputes with pistols and a shootout in a department store
11:12 Vexual 2 floors down
11:12 pete_dushenski mircea_popescu: nubbins`it's that pain in general is bad, and to be avoided
11:13 mats crawling around coat racks killing italians. woke up when my beretta jammed and i died, go figure
11:13 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 202900 @ 0.00029299 = 59.4477 BTC [-] {2}
11:13 Vexual lol, thats a movie mats
11:13 mircea_popescu mats any good coats ?
11:13 mats which movie?
11:13 mircea_popescu your dream.
11:13 Vexual unwritten as a screenplay
11:14 nubbins` mircea_popescu because narcissism?
11:14 mats im an IT guy, i have no idea what good coats look like
11:15 Vexual you're an it guy, its whatever u like
11:15 nubbins` mats they look like the coats you see people wearing when you say to yourself "i bet that was expensive"
11:17 Vexual or the girl who you think, i wonder how she got that?
11:21 Vexual then the porno imaginings trun out to be a beretta
11:22 nubbins` oh man. this paper place in brooklyn totally has all my business going forward
11:23 nubbins` so i neglect to order this batch of paper on time. gotta have it in-hand this week. i choose the $220 shipping option on the website because it's the cheapest option beyond UPS ground.
11:24 nubbins` they call me an hour later: "this other method will get it there in 3 days, we'll do it for $130"
11:24 Vexual 20ft box is like 500 if u think ahead
11:24 nubbins` with customer service like this, IDGAF that they were closed for a week for passover
11:24 nubbins` Vexual think far enough ahead and you'll find yourself in the woods with a bucksaw
11:25 Vexual stamp lickin hipster
11:26 nubbins` !up Vexual
11:26 nubbins` assbot didn't like that one
11:26 nubbins` "Some observers have argued that Clinton’s repetition of the Democratic slogan that abortion should be “safe, legal, and rare”reinforces the stigmatization of those who choose that option."
11:26 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 53631 @ 0.00029233 = 15.678 BTC [-]
11:26 nubbins` pop quiz: what are the major points of canada's abortion laws?
11:28 Vexual ok, coathanger point, and the leather scraing tool?
11:29 Vexual or is it yes, and or no
11:29 nubbins` heh
11:29 nubbins` trick question. no laws on the books concerning abortion in any way, shape, or form.
11:30 Vexual so iwas right on both counts
11:31 mircea_popescu abortion should be rare tho.
11:32 mircea_popescu sorta like swallowing glass shards.
11:32 nubbins` yeah, i think taking issue with the word "rare" is sort of missing the point
11:33 nubbins` probably on purpose
11:33 mircea_popescu myeah.
11:33 nubbins` imagine: "abortion should be safe, legal, and commonplace:
11:33 nubbins` "
11:34 mircea_popescu imagine something else : what the same "observers" (= famished idiots trying to make money out of blather) would have said in that case.
11:34 nubbins` anyway. you can get an abortion in canada a week before your due date, if you can convince a doctor to give you one
11:34 mircea_popescu "oppressive heternormativeness forcing women tyo be pregnant!11"
11:34 nubbins` (protip: you probably can't)
11:34 mircea_popescu i certainl;y couldn't.
11:34 nubbins` vous, not tu
11:35 Vexual does it have to be a doctor?
11:35 nubbins` i don't think a nurse practitioner would do it
11:35 Vexual not a texidermist?
11:35 nubbins` not even a "body mod practitioner"
11:35 nubbins` ;;google todd bertrang
11:35 gribble Todd Bertrang - BME: Tattoo, Piercing and Body Modification News: <>; The Entrapment and Imprisonment of Todd Bertrang - BME: Tattoo ...: <>; Conversations with Luna: Todd Bertrang - YouTube: (1 more message)
11:36 Vexual 1 week? down low too slow
11:37 Vexual imma have hilly so far up my arse
11:38 nubbins` i wonder what todd bertrang is up to these days
11:38 Vexual ill be rolling cubans errytime i poop
11:38 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34600 @ 0.00029029 = 10.044 BTC [-]
11:38 nubbins` i recall taking some terrible advice of his at one point in the past
11:39 nubbins` wait, no, that was tom brazda's advice
11:39 mircea_popescu "The only reason that John Delorean avoided a long term prison sentence is that Hustler publisher Larry Flynt was able to obtain tapes showing not only that the drug trafficking idea was invented and proposed by the US government, but that both the cocaine and the money were provided FBI, and most importantly, that John Delorean told the undercover agents that he wasn’t interested and begged to be let go — the tape
11:39 mircea_popescu s show the agents actually threatening to kill John Delorean’s daughter if he didn’t proceed with the drug deal. It should also be noted that Larry Flynt was briefly imprisoned for contempt of court for revealing this information."
11:39 mircea_popescu where's these tapes then ?
11:41 mircea_popescu "At age forty, he was almost single-handedly responsible for the popularity of female genital modification, which, largely due to his promotion of it, had moved out of the fetish scene and become a lucrative business for cosmetic surgeons.
11:41 mircea_popescu While many outsiders disapproved of Todd’s methods and highly sexual lifestyle, the vast majority of Todd’s clients — all consensual of course — spoke extremely highly of him and were very happy with the work he’d done on them."
11:41 mircea_popescu lolk
11:42 Vexual you wanna see coked out flappy birds?
11:43 nubbins`
11:43 mircea_popescu aha.
11:43 nubbins` true flynt style
11:43 mircea_popescu myeah.
11:43 nubbins` Under questioning from James Walsh, an Assistant United States Attorney, Mr. Flynt said he got the tape from a mystery man he identified only as ''the samurai.''
11:43 mircea_popescu somehow the bme people don't seem to have heard of this tho.
11:43 nubbins` hahaha
11:43 nubbins` mircea_popescu dem blinders
11:44 mircea_popescu "John Delorean recently died destitute, having failed to bring his dream car back to market.
11:44 mircea_popescu That brings us to piercer and cutter Todd Bertrang, a regular BME contributor that was first profiled in PFIQ magazine."
11:44 nubbins` larratt was a whitewasher like no other
11:44 mircea_popescu slightly dishonest, aite
11:44 mircea_popescu here's a picture of a cute cat. this brings us to your daugther. she's a slut.
11:44 mircea_popescu "Ask yourselves: how far would you compromise your ethics for $20 million? That’s an amount of money so high that you’d be able to fulfill all your dreams and live in luxury for the rest of your life. At how many million dollars does your cracking point lie?"
11:45 mircea_popescu dude... gtfo. a) 20mn isn't even a house. b) investment is investment. they're not gifting him 20mn.
11:45 mircea_popescu i need 20mn in loans like i need another glass of water. if i want it i'll get it myself.
11:45 nubbins` nevermind that this family can't fly back to egypt but will pay $20mn to cut off some flaps
11:46 nubbins` the number of people who cared when bertrang was arrested? epsilon
11:46 mircea_popescu "And then, before letting him decide whether or not he’d actually make such an ethical compromise, in late 2002 the FBI raided his house, and Todd Bertrang and his girlfriend Robyn have been in prison ever since. No real evidence was ever presented against them, and no trial was ever held. Virtually no one stood up to defend Todd, and even those who supported of him cowered cautiously, fearing that they would be next
11:46 mircea_popescu . Robyn was threatened with the loss of her daughter, and eventually the two of them, being told they would be spending the rest of their lives in prison should they plead not guilty, chose to make a false confession on a variety of charges in exchange for reduced time."
11:46 mircea_popescu idiots.
11:46 nubbins` entrapment or not
11:47 nubbins` iirc, the whole "mods" vs "practicing medicine w/o license" thing was a BIG DEAL in the usa at the time
11:47 nubbins` guy was destined for jail either way
11:48 mircea_popescu "Felon in Possession of a Firearm
11:48 mircea_popescu Alright, that one is probably legitimate, although Todd claims that it’s more a matter of confusion and not being told that it was an issue — thanks to America’s lax laws on gun purchases, no red flags showed up when he bought a handgun for home protection and he never considered at the time it was a problem."
11:48 Vexual !bait
11:48 mircea_popescu ahahahaha. top kek.
11:48 mircea_popescu NOW we find out the guy had priors ?
11:48 nubbins` heh
11:48 mircea_popescu kinda late.
11:48 nubbins`
11:48 mircea_popescu and conveniently not mentioned.
11:49 mircea_popescu i'ma assume it's rape, assault with a deadly weapon, three counts of arson and some insurance fraud
11:49 nubbins` "Tongue-splitting in the first degree is a class A misdemeanor." heh
11:49 Vexual armless fun then
11:49 mircea_popescu uh...
11:49 mircea_popescu "(c) Any person found guilty of a second or subsequent violation of this section is guilty of a class G felony for such second or subsequent offense."
11:50 mircea_popescu anyway, tongue's a pretty dangerous infection spot.
11:50 nubbins` in fact, tongue heals itself remarkably quickly
11:50 nubbins` the biggest danger with tongue splittings is having them.... unsplit
11:51 nubbins` if you DO get an infection, yes, your head's a terrible place to get one
11:51 nubbins` but happens much less often than you'd think
11:52 mircea_popescu everything happens a lot more than people who don't think think.
11:52 nubbins` hey, i said than YOU'D think.
11:52 nubbins` tu, not vous 8)
11:53 nubbins` consider how quickly your tongue healed the last time you bit it hard enough to draw blood and oaths
11:53 Vexual tongue bar is an insurance risk anyway you look at it
11:54 nubbins` dem chipped teeth
11:54 nubbins` quickest piercings to heal tho
11:54 nubbins` again, because the tongue is designed to heal incredibly quickly
11:56 Vexual also
11:57 nubbins` !up Vexual
11:57 nubbins` ugh, all i get on youtube now are ads for QuadrigaCX
11:57 nubbins` *is ads
11:59 nubbins` BREAKING: RNC Chief Bill Janes has ordered an internal investigation into the leak of an email written by the officer who shot Don Dunphy in Mitchells Brook last week
11:59 nubbins` lel.
12:00 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 199514 @ 0.00029438 = 58.7329 BTC [+] {2}
12:00 Vexual make ya lisp too
12:00 nubbins` guy sends an email to EVERY EMPLOYEE of the police force and we're surprised it got out?
12:00 nubbins` Vexual Common Lisp, tho, or Scheme?
12:00 Vexual whatvea
12:02 nubbins`
12:02 assbot Don Dunphy case: RNC investigating leak of officer's email - Newfoundland & Labrador - CBC News ... ( )
12:03 nubbins` the email in question can be viewed here, in case anyone's wondering how a cop would try to whitewash a murder to his colleagues:
12:03 assbot RNC officer who shot Don Dunphy wishes better intervention possible - Newfoundland & Labrador - CBC News ... ( )
12:03 Vexual i get enuff spam thanks
12:04 Vexual not imma start ignoring dan murphy offer, thanks a lot
12:05 Vexual im assuming the police email it poorly written, is that racist?
12:06 Vexual or do i must read it?
12:11 Vexual ive vexed myself now
12:12 pete_dushenski ;;later tell BingoBoingo qntsideration :
12:12 assbot ... ( )
12:12 gribble The operation succeeded.
12:14 pete_dushenski ;;later tell cazalla and yours!
12:14 assbot ... ( )
12:14 gribble The operation succeeded.
12:17 pete_dushenski nubbins`: that cop is pretty fucked.
12:18 pete_dushenski "i wish i didn't have a kill a dude for writing a tweet"
12:18 pete_dushenski "but there was obviously no other way to shut him up"
12:21 nubbins` he sure is
12:23 Bet placed: 1 BTC for Yes on "EUR/USD Parity in 2015" Odds: 82(Y):18(N) by coin, 80(Y):20(N) by weight. Total bet: 4.10203517 BTC. Current weight: 76,182.
12:25 pete_dushenski wow spieth made $1.8 mn yesterday. nb for a 21 yo.
12:26 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 208800 @ 0.00029943 = 62.521 BTC [+] {2}
12:26 pete_dushenski and rose failing to get up and down on 18 cost him what... $300k ?
12:27 pete_dushenski dat inflation i tell ya, a major was maybe a cool million 10 years ago
12:27 pete_dushenski ^golf tawk for curious log readers
12:27 pete_dushenski i really don't follow it anymore but happened to catch the last hole of the tournament at the health club yesterday
12:29 * nubbins` seriously considers putting all of roomie's possessions out on the sidewalk
12:30 nubbins` it actually bothers me more, the closer it gets to the end of the money
12:30 nubbins` *month
12:30 nubbins` money too tho, heh.
12:30 pete_dushenski you gonna toss his plastic cutting boards to the curb ?
12:31 nubbins` he doesn't own any cutting boards
12:31 pete_dushenski "An examination of its tail may reveal whether the father or the mother was keeping those eggs warm, offering new clues about the social lives of those dinosaurs. It may also reveal where feathers came from, since oviraptors didn't fly and aren't that closely related to the dinosaurs that gave rise to birds, Persons added. "This tells us that in fact complex feathers first originated not for flight or for glidin
12:31 pete_dushenski g, but for socials or sexual displays." "
12:31 pete_dushenski ^in fact!
12:31 nubbins` birds, the sexiest dinosaurs of all
12:31 pete_dushenski such science these paleotards
12:32 * nubbins` wanders off to calm down
12:32 pete_dushenski though i suppose it's not an unreasonable assumption to say that feathers were +ev for mating before anything else, calling it 'a fact' is a bit loose
12:32 pete_dushenski meh i nitpick.
12:32 nubbins` maybe he meant to say "in theory"
12:33 nubbins` or "hypothetically"
12:33 nubbins` or "anecdotal evidence seems to suggest"
12:33 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 284750 @ 0.00029982 = 85.3737 BTC [+] {3}
12:33 nubbins` after all, what is the plural of anecdote if not fact?
12:36 nubbins` besides, pete, how you gonna get those sweet research bucks if you're not claiming facts?
12:37 pete_dushenski i wonder who funds research into dinofeathers
12:37 pete_dushenski shell ? gov ?
12:38 pete_dushenski or just old doods who made a buck along the way and think that dinosaurs are neato
12:39 pete_dushenski perhaps wishing that someone would care that much about their old bones someday
12:42 nubbins` brb jazz cig
12:43 nubbins` pete_dushenski probably universities who say "hey, this researcher is interested in X, and if he publishes some papers, we get $Y"
12:43 nubbins` "this is totally Z!"
12:47 pete_dushenski lol
12:55 nubbins` cut the cloth you have in front of you, or w/e the fuck
12:56 nubbins` not like the lead researcher is gonna produce a paper worth shitting on if they don't care what the research is about :D
13:00 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 162828 @ 0.00030024 = 48.8875 BTC [+] {2}
13:09 ben_vulpes
13:09 assbot the button ... ( )
13:11 pete_dushenski 'you must log in'
13:12 pete_dushenski "Amazon Echo is designed around your voice. It's always on—just ask for information, music, news, weather, and more. Echo begins working as soon as it detects the wake word."
13:13 pete_dushenski "add gelato to my shopping list"
13:13 jurov ;;isup
13:13 gribble is down
13:14 pete_dushenski "wikipedia: abraham lincoln"
13:14 jurov mircea_popescu: ^ same here since yest
13:14 pete_dushenski "turn off the lights"
13:14 ben_vulpes "echo: produce me a steak"
13:14 ben_vulpes jurov: there's fallout from the fetlife brouhaha
13:14 ben_vulpes dc nulled trilema's ip
13:15 williamdunne ben_vulpes: fetlife?
13:15 pete_dushenski of note, i never say "turn off the lights" but rather "close the lights"
13:15 pete_dushenski the french "ferme les lumieres" has gibbled my english
13:15 chetty whos coming to the conf that I can twist their arm for a favor?
13:16 ben_vulpes whatcha need, chetty?
13:16 pete_dushenski williamdunne: it's in the logs
13:16 ben_vulpes !s fetlife
13:16 assbot 41 results for 'fetlife' :
13:16 williamdunne !s fetlife
13:16 assbot 41 results for 'fetlife' :
13:16 ben_vulpes williamdunne: see above
13:16 williamdunne Oops
13:16 williamdunne Thanks
13:16 chetty some kelp/iodine tablets :)
13:17 ben_vulpes << like this?
13:17 assbot Now Foods Kelp, 150mcg of Natural Iodine, 200 Tablets: Health & Personal Care ... ( )
13:17 pete_dushenski i dunno why anyone would want to talk to a computer instead of type into it
13:18 ben_vulpes it's not a computer, pete_dushenski
13:18 pete_dushenski what else are they doing around their house that's occupying their hands ? changing diapers ?
13:18 ben_vulpes it's the foooooooture
13:18 chetty yup ben_vulpes something like that would be perfect :)
13:18 ben_vulpes you got it chetty
13:19 chetty my hero :)
13:19 pete_dushenski ben_vulpes: i'll be damned if i let 7 microphones connected to teh cloud in ma house
13:20 williamdunne *
13:20 assbot Page not found on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( )
13:20 williamdunne Sorry.*
13:20 williamdunne *This URL has been excluded from the Wayback Machine.*
13:20 williamdunne lol
13:20 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30400 @ 0.00030027 = 9.1282 BTC [+]
13:20 pete_dushenski echo makes it even easier to end up like that dead canadian tweeter
13:20 mats war porn
13:20 assbot Kurdish Peshmerga Send IS Flying - IS SVBIED Goes Airborne And Explodes In Mid-Air | Iraq War 2015 - YouTube ... ( )
13:23 ben_vulpes lol mats how'd they get that truck so high up in the air?
13:24 mats IED
13:24 mats prob a 50 pound charge
13:24 ben_vulpes so the IED truck drove over an IED, blasted off like team rocket and then assploded at apogee?
13:24 mats yup
13:25 ben_vulpes goodness.
13:33 pete_dushenski !up ascii_field
13:34 ascii_field << now we know that mircea_popescu really -did- build 'stakeoilets' in his bathrooms
13:34 assbot Logged on 13-04-2015 13:36:52; mircea_popescu: women are slightly vulnerable to bad bathrooms, but slightly. you're a guy, you don't have a problem there. what are you going to catch, rabies ?
13:42 TheNewDeal ;;bc,stats
13:42 gribble Current Blocks: 351969 | Current Difficulty: 4.944639068824144E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 352799 | Next Difficulty In: 830 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 6 days, 1 hour, 24 minutes, and 5 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 47894617759.2 | Estimated Percent Change: -3.13829
13:43 TheNewDeal anyone ever seen a calculation for typical statistical two week step for a difficulty change at flat hashrate?
13:57 ascii_field ;;later tell mircea_popescu re: parasitronic thread: << example
13:58 assbot Solutions - LTC3588-1 3.3V Fluorescent (Electric Field) Energy Harvester ... ( )
13:58 gribble The operation succeeded.
13:59 ascii_field << further examples from that vendor. there are others, and it is entirely possible to achieve the effect with discrete components
13:59 assbot Solutions - LTC3331 Charging a Battery with Harvested Energy ... ( )
14:01 ascii_field (basic boojum of 'harvested' energy from heat, small photovoltaic, vibration, etc. is that current is small, voltage varies wildly, and polarity also fluctuates)
14:05 pete_dushenski
14:05 assbot ... ( )
14:06 asciilifeform !up ascii_field
14:06 ascii_field pete_dushenski: wat
14:07 pete_dushenski $5k glasses of wine and bubbly ?
14:07 ascii_field and where is the attached golden toilet bill for crapping it out once eaten ?
14:07 ascii_field (can we safely assume that golden toilet in this restaurant charges per-kg ?)
14:07 pete_dushenski still looking..
14:09 pete_dushenski and as far as waitering goes, $7,328.20 seems pretty, pretty, pretty sweet
14:09 jurov .. but, this is 2 figures more
14:09 assbot Log In - The New York Times ... ( )
14:09 ascii_field where'd this come from, anyway
14:10 pete_dushenski ascii_field: ahem. reddit.
14:10 ascii_field l0l
14:10 ascii_field and who said homo redditus was poor, aha
14:10 pete_dushenski 'this is what rich people do' or somesuch being the title
14:11 pete_dushenski ah, no claim was made to ownership, merely 'o lookie here'
14:11 * ascii_field will one day complete his mars lander and see alive what 'rich people do'
14:11 pete_dushenski because money is unfair
14:11 pete_dushenski ascii_field: well, you're going to the conference so...
14:12 pete_dushenski you might imagine mystery, but you know full well!
14:12 ascii_field pete_dushenski: i went to c2 also
14:13 pete_dushenski ascii_field: i recall this well as these are the source of the only pictures i've ever seen of you
14:14 * ascii_field is not especially interesting to look at and tends to avoid having picture taken when possible
14:15 BingoBoingo pete_dushenski: Can you please rewrite without the first paragraph footnotes being footnotes in the first paragraph?
14:15 pete_dushenski ascii_field: nonsense. there's no such thing as someone who isn't interesting to look at.
14:15 pete_dushenski BingoBoingo: ayup. brb
14:16 ascii_field l0l
14:17 BingoBoingo pete_dushenski: Thanks.
14:17 BingoBoingo pete_dushenski: The information is useful to include, the method of using first paragraph footnotes weirds up the first page though.
14:21 pete_dushenski BingoBoingo:
14:21 assbot ... ( )
14:22 assbot [MPEX] [FT] [X.EUR] 506 @ 0.00452203 = 2.2881 BTC [+] {3}
14:23 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 349760 @ 0.00030029 = 105.0294 BTC [+] {2}
14:24 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 38790 @ 0.00030098 = 11.675 BTC [+]
14:24 scoopbot New post on by pete_dushenski:
14:24 BingoBoingo pete_dushenski: ty
14:24 BingoBoingo scoopbot -fetch
14:25 pete_dushenski BingoBoingo: wunderbar
14:28 pete_dushenski gotta keep that place fresh!
14:30 pete_dushenski "Note: To stall core development 6 years after inception is perhaps the stupidest thing anyone has ever recommended in the history of time." << because 'sapien' knows all the histories nao ?
14:30 pete_dushenski
14:30 assbot Olivier Janssens: Bitcoin Floundation Out Of Money, Hates Transparency | ... ( )
14:32 BingoBoingo Just woke up and getting to the news digging
14:40 pete_dushenski !up ascii_field
14:41 pete_dushenski ascii_field: how is it that you have asciilifeform !up you sometimes ?
14:41 pete_dushenski remote access to keys ?
14:44 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 66378 @ 0.00029535 = 19.6047 BTC [-]
14:47 trinque << "Front door" not "back door"! very comforting
14:47 assbot The NSA wants tech companies to give it 'front door' access to encrypted data | The Verge ... ( )
14:48 pete_dushenski it's 1990 all over again
14:48 trinque same thing happened with the patriot act
14:48 trinque written and proposed long before it actually passed
14:49 trinque they'll ram this through the same way if it takes 30 years
14:49 trinque though I wouldn't be surprised if they pass something this year
14:49 pete_dushenski ^sounds like a bitbet!
14:49 assbot [MPEX] [S.BBET] 20000 @ 0.000065 = 1.3 BTC [-]
14:50 trinque heh, mere speculation
14:51 williamdunne trinque: Would front door not suggest that its easier to enter than simply a back door?
14:51 trinque williamdunne: NSA proposes they become for all encrypted communications
14:52 williamdunne trinque: except with you *have* to give them your keys
14:52 trinque indeed
14:52 assbot [MPEX] [S.BBET] 18160 @ 0.000065 = 1.1804 BTC [-] {2}
14:53 trinque so what of encryption done on airgapped networks?
14:53 trinque this implies a requirement that encryption be done on internet-connected machines
14:53 trinque I guess it doesn't if the NSA keys are bolted into every system made
14:53 trinque it's hard to fathom precisely what they propose here
14:53 trinque probably something like "uh... we need access to all the iPhones"
14:54 williamdunne trinque: I would imagine they either a) want flawed PRNG or b) want all encryption to be done to the recipients key and the NSA's golden key
14:55 trinque williamdunne: sure, then they want to monitor all communications in order to enforce this requirement (nothing new, but brings it into the "open")
14:57 williamdunne trinque: I suppose we should be thankful that the GPG developer is in Germany
14:58 ben_vulpes williamdunne: that guy has nothing to do with anything
14:58 ben_vulpes gpg 1.4 is the only gpg to use.
14:59 ben_vulpes and will remain that way until someone in la serenissima gets fed up and rewrites it.
15:02 mats not so complicated, cert. store and USG owns a master key
15:03 mats flawed PRNG, borked constants, etc, would be a hard sell
15:04 mats oh, thats what i get for not reading the article
15:13 williamdunne !up ascii_field
~ 16 minutes ~
15:30 lobbes <ben_vulpes> gpg 1.4 is the only gpg to use << oy, so my privkey isn't as private as I thought? I feel like I'm always realizing I'm using the borked versions of all the things
15:30 lobbes !s gpg 1.4
15:30 assbot 1 results for 'gpg 1.4' :
15:33 ascii_field pete_dushenski: how is it that you ... << perlscript, nothing remarkable
15:33 ascii_field pete_dushenski: remote access to keys ? << not as such
15:35 funkenstein_ speaking of which i was going to ask you guys if gpg needs ecdsa support
15:35 ascii_field funkenstein_: why?!
15:35 TheNewDeal did trilema migrate?
15:36 funkenstein_ so one could use a bitcoin key for gpg privkey
15:37 funkenstein_ ascii_field, for some reason i was unable to ask myself that simple question thanks :P
15:38 funkenstein_ there are multiple DSAs, seems like it is supposed to be extensible
15:38 ascii_field funkenstein_: so one could use a bitcoin key for gpg privkey << i am still at a loss as to why one might wish to do this..
15:38 funkenstein_ for example, i could check your pubkey and send you coin
15:38 funkenstein_ i mean, it saves the step of you signing an address
15:39 lobbes did trilema migrate? << I, too, have not been able to load it today
15:39 funkenstein_ which isn't much advantage i guess
15:39 ascii_field funkenstein_> for example, i could check your pubkey and send you coin << you can do that now. create addr, fill it, send over proper pgp
15:39 ascii_field *send its privkey over
15:40 funkenstein_ hmm yeah
15:40 funkenstein_ well why are there multiple DSAs in gpg?
15:41 ascii_field cruft
15:41 BingoBoingo Historical artifacts
15:42 funkenstein_ yeah i guess there is no need to make it crufiter
15:42 funkenstein_ gpg --sign-tx
15:42 funkenstein_ gpg --get-me-a-pizza
15:44 funkenstein_ sometimes people like to use gpg for key management
15:44 BingoBoingo !up ascii_field
15:44 ascii_field the 'key management' is, imho, a crudfest and Must Die (TM)
15:45 funkenstein_ you mean like the lifetimes and whatnot?
15:45 ascii_field like it having any state at all
15:46 funkenstein_ the keys have to live somewhere on disk
15:46 ascii_field keys yes
15:46 ascii_field but operator should select path on file system and give, e.g., destination pubkey for a ciphergram, as operand on commandline.
15:48 ascii_field ditto the key expiration thing
15:48 ascii_field it is mostly worthless as presently implemented
15:48 ascii_field (e.g., can i tell gpg 'this key is now expired but existing signatures remain valid until heat death of universe' ? afaik no)
15:49 funkenstein_ i agree but i thought that was cause i haven't been using it long enough
15:49 ascii_field ^ and yes this doesn't exist because it is not physically possible to implement it as a hard guarantee (why is an exercise for the reader)
15:50 ascii_field but to my eye this is a reason to dispense with the 'expiration' and other nebulous 'meta' entirely.
15:55 mircea_popescu !up WoIf`
15:56 mircea_popescu ascii_field yeah, it is an example.
15:57 mircea_popescu << i was like 6
15:57 assbot Logged on 13-04-2015 15:53:31; nubbins`: consider how quickly your tongue healed the last time you bit it hard enough to draw blood and oaths
15:58 mircea_popescu !up Michail1
16:00 Michail1 Anyone have a suggestion on if arch or debian is better suited for pogoplug? recommendation?
16:01 trinque dunno why one or the other would be best suited
16:01 trinque depends mostly on whether you have a working kernel config
16:01 mircea_popescu kinda intended to be neutral iirc.
16:01 ascii_field Michail1: what is the machine used for? for instance, if as a blunt weapon, than a length of chain is preferably to debian -and- arch
16:01 ascii_field *preferable
16:01 trinque lol
16:02 mircea_popescu ascii_field the pogoplug ? it's used to run the bitcoin node
16:02 Michail1 intended to be used only as a full node.
16:02 ascii_field Michail1: then neither
16:02 Michail1 thanks.
16:02 ascii_field build own linux. instructions can be found in the log.
16:03 assbot [MPEX] [FT] [X.EUR] 513 @ 0.00459438 = 2.3569 BTC [+]
16:03 trinque !s buildroot
16:03 assbot 63 results for 'buildroot' :
16:04 mircea_popescu he's still gonna start offa something. iirc danielpbarron had instructions from arch ? or was it debian ?
16:04 Michail1 Thanks. As I was converting the plug, I discovered that both builds were listed/suggested, but wanted to know if there was a reason to choose one over the other. Hell, I will just make one of each since there is no compelling reason to do one over the other.
16:04 ascii_field the original cookbook used arch.
16:05 trinque
16:05 assbot ... ( )
16:05 trinque << I also found this helpful as a general guide to putting a linux on the thing.
16:05 assbot Qui's techNOLOGY Blog: Hacking the Pogoplug v4 (Series 4 and Mobile) with Linux (Debian or Arch) ... ( )
16:05 trinque Michail1: ^
16:06 trinque as far as which distro, it's just a matter of preference; nothing in one or the other will rule out operating on the pogo
16:07 Michail1 Thanks. That is the one I used; however, that one is more geared to debian although I did arch. Also, that link doesn't tell you that booting from the USB3 ports doesn't work (costing me an hour).
16:07 mats recent versions of debian and arch have systemd fwiw
16:08 ascii_field Michail1: i have a 'buildroot' config published, that yields a minimal linux for pogov4.
16:08 ascii_field it is not difficult to build. well worth it.
16:09 mircea_popescu "For Mr. Dunphy, we were simply too late — but that doesn't mean we stop forging ahead into hopelessness, anguish and despair with the view of creating betterment, safety and wellbeing for the citizens we serve."
16:09 mircea_popescu dude this guy should be shot already.
16:09 mircea_popescu fucktards.
16:10 ascii_field what even.
16:11 Michail1 ascii_field - published ehere?
16:11 mircea_popescu some idiot canadian murderer for hire thinks that working for the prime minister allows him to not only shoot random people
16:11 mircea_popescu but also shoot the fact that he's a murderer for hire shooting people.
16:11 ascii_field Michail1:
16:11 assbot ... ( )
16:12 mircea_popescu << what's wrong with the bit in question ?
16:12 assbot Logged on 13-04-2015 16:31:45; pete_dushenski: such science these paleotards
16:13 williamdunne mircea_popescu: Didn't you hear? He has popular mandate!
16:13 mircea_popescu yeah, right.
16:13 mircea_popescu it's quite obvious executions will be required, and en masse. just saying it now so people don't start pestering me with concerns once we're in a position to do it, like they did last fucking time around.
16:14 mircea_popescu no, shooting the "dictatorial couple" is neither here nor there. shooting ^ that guy is the point.
16:15 danielpbarron Michail1, i have bitcoind working on Arch; when i tried it on debian i ran into problems relating it not being a "static" build
16:15 asciilifeform !up ascii_field
16:15 williamdunne !up ascii_field
16:15 danielpbarron height=322036 vs height=222926
16:15 mircea_popescu < yeh yeh, being workt on.
16:15 assbot Logged on 13-04-2015 17:14:08; jurov: mircea_popescu: ^ same here since yest
16:17 ascii_field '"Although I cannot regret my actions last Sunday, I unequivocally wish I could have visited Mr. Dunphy at a point in his life where another level of intervention may have been possible," the officer wrote in the email, obtained by CBC News.'
16:17 ascii_field mega-l0ltr0n!
16:17 mircea_popescu << illiterate people.
16:17 assbot Logged on 13-04-2015 17:17:50; pete_dushenski: i dunno why anyone would want to talk to a computer instead of type into it
16:17 * ascii_field for what it's worth expects to be killed in some variation on this theme
16:18 mircea_popescu roughly speaking, the dwim dweeb crowd.
16:18 mircea_popescu ascii_field i would hope that if you point a gun at some idiot govt agent, you a) it's not a rifle indoors ; b) it's not a 22 caliber etc.
16:18 mircea_popescu i'd say i hope you shoot them, but then again you're not muscle so.
16:18 ascii_field mircea_popescu: don't forget the basic formula here
16:19 ascii_field there needn't be any of these props involved
16:19 mircea_popescu heh.
16:19 ascii_field the rifle will be placed on the corpse by the police dept. at their leisure, etc.
16:19 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24250 @ 0.00029449 = 7.1414 BTC [-]
16:19 williamdunne mircea_popescu: Seems to me that being able to use voice commands could have limited usage for mundane tasks, so they can be performed without distraction from what you are actually trying to do
16:19 mircea_popescu williamdunne it's a psychological thing dood. there's a large swath of imbeciles pretending like they're using computers.
16:19 mircea_popescu the welfare governments wish to cultivate this pretense.
16:20 williamdunne mircea_popescu: Do you not think it would be useful to be able to set a reminder without leaving your text editor? This is the sort of mundane task I was thinking of (certainly not enough to spark any sort of industry)
16:20 TheNewDeal !down TheNewDeal
16:20 mircea_popescu << lmao wut.
16:20 assbot Logged on 13-04-2015 17:20:03; williamdunne: *This URL has been excluded from the Wayback Machine.*
16:20 assbot The Fetlife Meatlist - Volume II on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( )
16:21 mircea_popescu the way back machine apparently sucks. good to know
16:21 williamdunne mircea_popescu: fetlife has told the wayback-machine to drop your blog post
16:21 ascii_field iirc it is directly usg-affiliated.
16:21 mircea_popescu alexa iirc.
16:21 mircea_popescu ie, amazon
16:22 trinque williamdunne: keybindings, not voice commands
16:22 trinque learn ya a proper window manager like stumpwm
16:23 williamdunne wayback-machine does all sorts of derpy things, like it uses the current robots.txt rather than the historical robots.txt at the time of publication.
16:24 williamdunne trinque: I'll have a look at it, I just like the idea of saying "remind me to get food out of the oven in 20" while in the middle of doing something that might actually matter
16:26 trinque williamdunne: if being able to do that requires shipping an audio file of my every command to google, I'll pass
16:26 trinque the speech-to-text maybe not; parsing and interpeting what's said, surely
16:27 williamdunne trinque: guess it depends on the amount of functionality, doesn't seem like it would require to much to cover a fairly large number of commands
16:27 trinque program launcher bound to key, pick a reminder proggie, keybinding to add reminder, type stuff, <enter>
16:27 trinque should take less than 10 sec
16:28 lobbes or egg timer for oven related tasks ;/
16:36 mats
16:36 assbot Saudi Arabia's Plan to Extend the Age of Oil - Bloomberg Business ... ( )
16:37 mats "In 2005, when a book by oil analyst Matthew Simmons predicted a drop-off in Saudi output would signal that global supplies were beginning an irreversible decline, Naimi belittled the claims and promised higher production capacity. He won the argument. The Saudis pump more today than a decade ago." heh.
16:41 mircea_popescu heh. the saudis are stuck. sitting on a pile of non renewable resources is only valuable if the resources are still relevant.
16:41 mircea_popescu crushing obama is obviously worth "all the oil" to them
16:41 mircea_popescu funny who the us allies in the midwest are.
16:42 mircea_popescu << what arer you actually asking ?
16:42 assbot Logged on 13-04-2015 17:43:05; TheNewDeal: anyone ever seen a calculation for typical statistical two week step for a difficulty change at flat hashrate?
16:43 williamdunne The calculation wouldn't change regardless of hashrate change would it?
16:44 mircea_popescu i dunno
16:46 mircea_popescu << nothing quite beats washing down 20 dollar potato salad and 40 dollar "chunk of parmesan" with 10k magnum cristal.
16:46 assbot Logged on 13-04-2015 18:05:10; pete_dushenski:
16:46 mircea_popescu who are the gypsies in question ?
16:50 pete_dushenski mircea_popescu: they're as yet unknown to me
16:50 mircea_popescu !up Asenath
16:55 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4900 @ 0.00029103 = 1.426 BTC [-] {2}
16:57 pete_dushenski mircea_popescu: any word back from fortune ?
17:03 ben_vulpes <williamdunne> mircea_popescu: Do you not think it would be useful to be able to set a reminder without leaving your text editor? This is the sort of mundane task I was thinking of (certainly not enough to spark any sort of industry)
17:04 ben_vulpes << your text editor doesn't handle reminders etc?
17:05 pete_dushenski ben_vulpes: yours does ?
17:06 ben_vulpes pete_dushenski:
17:06 assbot Setting up appointment reminders in Org - sacha chua :: living an awesome life ... ( )
17:06 ben_vulpes
17:06 assbot GNU Emacs Manual: Appointments ... ( )
17:06 ben_vulpes pete_dushenski: yes.
17:07 pete_dushenski huh neat trick
17:08 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 53700 @ 0.00029449 = 15.8141 BTC [+]
17:09 williamdunne ben_vulpes: thanks for those links, I'll look into that
17:20 ben_vulpes heh i don't really expect you to just start using emacs
17:31 williamdunne ben_vulpes: If I had a reason to change, I might. I've been meaning to look into it for a while
17:34 williamdunne "Did you know that the average tax return so far for 2015 is $3,539! What would, or will, you do with that hard earned money the government so graciously returned to you after borrowing it at 0% interest?"
17:34 williamdunne lol
17:35 williamdunne (AmagiMetals)
~ 18 minutes ~
17:53 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19600 @ 0.00029449 = 5.772 BTC [+]
17:57 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12798 @ 0.00028987 = 3.7098 BTC [-]
17:59 pete_dushenski
17:59 assbot The usefulness of idiots. | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski ... ( )
17:59 pete_dushenski aite, that done, time to go for a walk.
18:05 mats many folks got free money this year
18:05 mats 'Earned Income Tax Credit'
18:06 jurov as "free money" i tend to imagine something other
18:18 jurov!topic/ the end is nigh
18:18 assbot Google Discussiegroepen ... ( )
18:18 lobbes re: tax idiocy. There are towns where I live that feel fit to tax income on residents that make their money out-of-town.
18:18 lobbes Of course they don't tell you this when you move into these municipalities, thus leaving many fucked a few years down the line with interest, et al
18:19 mats and you can't tell them to fuck off if you live out of state?
18:21 lobbes ah, but these aren't even state taxes. 'Local Tax'
18:21 williamdunne lobbes: The USG does the same on foreign earned income.. when you neither live nor work in the US
18:21 jurov "Finally, some people conflate the idea of a global transition from plain HTTP to HTTPS as a move by CA's to make more money. They might argue that first, we need to get rid of CA's or provide an alternative path for obtaining certificates. I disagree. Switching from plain HTTP to HTTPS is step one. Step two might include adding more avenues for establishing trust and authentication."
18:21 lobbes 'the time for plaintext is over' l0l
18:21 jurov step 3: PROFIT!!!
18:22 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21774 @ 0.00028987 = 6.3116 BTC [-]
18:22 jurov "If you actually go to read the details of the proposal rather than relying only on the headline, you'd find that there is an intent to actually let you continue to use http for, e.g., localhost."
18:23 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17900 @ 0.00028987 = 5.1887 BTC [-]
18:23 jurov lulzmine
18:23 trinque "let you" << LOL?
18:25 trinque yeah.. like portland's fucking "art tax"
18:25 trinque damn it; I was scrolled up :p
18:25 trinque lobbes: ^
18:26 lobbes
18:26 lobbes oh god
18:27 trinque yeah, you know, to support... art... for the children (?)
18:27 trinque precursor to a portland income tax, I guarantee it
18:28 lobbes l0l, you weren't kidding:
18:28 assbot FAQs | Arts Tax | The City of Portland, Oregon ... ( )
18:28 lobbes "If due, the Arts Tax is $35 per person"
18:29 trinque totally not a poll tax, because it doesn't count if you make less than 1000/yr
18:29 lobbes ha
18:29 trinque this country is full of imbeciles
18:29 williamdunne trinque: I was led to believe it was for the disabled gay orphaned puppies
18:29 williamdunne (who need artwork)
18:29 trinque I'm sure it is
18:29 trinque so they can finger (paw?) paint
18:30 trinque but more importantly to spin up a new bureaucracy that can handle taking an income tax in
18:32 trinque "The practical effect of the tax is to tax income of certain City residents within a certain income range and is therefore not a poll or head tax." LOL
18:32 trinque how bout a tax on everyone with arms
18:38 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13100 @ 0.00028895 = 3.7852 BTC [-] {2}
18:45 mircea_popescu mmkay ima be going through the log here.
18:47 mircea_popescu << on the basis of that bill i'd say the six in question are poor.
18:47 assbot Logged on 13-04-2015 18:10:52; ascii_field: and who said homo redditus was poor, aha
18:51 mircea_popescu !up kdomanski
18:51 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32556 @ 0.0002887 = 9.3989 BTC [-] {2}
18:55 mircea_popescu << i answered the dumbass.
18:55 assbot Logged on 13-04-2015 18:30:28; pete_dushenski: "Note: To stall core development 6 years after inception is perhaps the stupidest thing anyone has ever recommended in the history of time." << because 'sapien' knows all the histories nao ?
18:56 mircea_popescu << in 30 years the "tech companies" will be exactly like the janissary corps. a very expensive pretense.
18:56 assbot Logged on 13-04-2015 18:49:07; trinque: they'll ram this through the same way if it takes 30 years
18:56 mircea_popescu << derps don't even want to think about separate nets.
18:56 assbot Logged on 13-04-2015 18:53:12; trinque: this implies a requirement that encryption be done on internet-connected machines
18:57 mircea_popescu << undersigned.
18:57 assbot Logged on 13-04-2015 18:59:08; ben_vulpes: and will remain that way until someone in la serenissima gets fed up and rewrites it.
18:58 mircea_popescu << i thought you didn't like perl.
18:58 assbot Logged on 13-04-2015 19:33:30; ascii_field: pete_dushenski: how is it that you ... << perlscript, nothing remarkable
18:58 mircea_popescu << mnot yet.
18:58 assbot Logged on 13-04-2015 19:35:44; TheNewDeal: did trilema migrate?
18:59 mircea_popescu << idem. provisioning servers takes a while apparently.
18:59 assbot Logged on 13-04-2015 19:39:06; lobbes: did trilema migrate? << I, too, have not been able to load it today
18:59 mircea_popescu << undersigned.
18:59 assbot Logged on 13-04-2015 19:45:59; ascii_field: like it having any state at all
18:59 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20022 @ 0.00028813 = 5.7689 BTC [-]
19:00 mircea_popescu if only we had a bitcoin host already ;/
19:01 mircea_popescu << nope.
19:01 assbot Logged on 13-04-2015 20:57:40; pete_dushenski: mircea_popescu: any word back from fortune ?
19:02 mircea_popescu << imo the entire "obamacare is a tax not a fine, but a fine not a tax, but the irs can't go after you except if they owe you tax returns" has been mostly an exercise in "we don't wanna pay tax returns anymore".
19:02 assbot Logged on 13-04-2015 21:34:15; williamdunne: "Did you know that the average tax return so far for 2015 is $3,539! What would, or will, you do with that hard earned money the government so graciously returned to you after borrowing it at 0% interest?"
19:02 mircea_popescu which a desperate govt would be doing, obviously. and so... one way or another...
19:03 williamdunne But USG spending is so stable? Hence why they keep growing year on year.
19:03 mircea_popescu << this will become the norm as senenissima continues to wipe out tax receipts across the world.
19:03 assbot Logged on 13-04-2015 22:18:42; lobbes: re: tax idiocy. There are towns where I live that feel fit to tax income on residents that make their money out-of-town.
19:03 williamdunne (they being the collective employees of the USG)
19:03 mircea_popescu they only exist because of the expenditure. how would it not grow ?
19:04 mircea_popescu << yeah, very lulzy all that posturing.
19:04 assbot Logged on 13-04-2015 22:21:13; jurov: "Finally, some people conflate the idea of a global transition from plain HTTP to HTTPS as a move by CA's to make more money. They might argue that first, we need to get rid of CA's or provide an alternative path for obtaining certificates. I disagree. Switching from plain HTTP to HTTPS is step one. Step two might include adding more avenues for establishing trust and authentication."
19:04 mircea_popescu yes, the time for plaintext is over, but because wots and so on, not because pki.
19:04 mircea_popescu pki isn't even a thing anymore. i don't use it, for instance.
19:05 jurov i quoted that mainly because of the planning
19:06 mircea_popescu it's lulzy ill grant you that
19:06 jurov step 1. make utter mess step 2. whatever
19:06 mircea_popescu myeah
19:07 mircea_popescu << how about "an arts tax to support the artsy sorts of dumb bitches with etsy accounts ? $35, includes two mandatory blowjobs / year from any female wearing the mandatory "I am an Etsy ho" bracelet, anklet or tramp stamp" ?
19:07 assbot Logged on 13-04-2015 22:28:39; lobbes: "If due, the Arts Tax is $35 per person"
19:08 mircea_popescu << prolly.
19:08 assbot Logged on 13-04-2015 22:30:33; trinque: but more importantly to spin up a new bureaucracy that can handle taking an income tax in
19:15 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7619 @ 0.00029449 = 2.2437 BTC [+]
19:24 mircea_popescu and speaking of pki,
19:24 assbot ... ( )
19:24 mats heh, six people in the office had their tax returns stolen
19:24 mats thanks Anthem!
19:26 mats (also, can anyone explain why the IRS issues debit cards for refunds? i'm told they're "untraceable" by folks that spoke to LEOs regarding the matter)
19:26 mircea_popescu lmao what do you mean untraceable.
19:27 mats i have nfi
19:35 mats
19:35 assbot Linux-Kernel Archive: [GIT PULL] x86/asm changes for v4.1 ... ( )
19:38 williamdunne mats: Somehow I doubt that the IRS wouldn't track to whom they issue each card
19:41 mats
19:41 assbot How to fix rootpipe in Mavericks and call Apple's bullshit bluff about rootpipe fixes | Reverse Engineering Mac OS X ... ( )
19:47 mircea_popescu ;;later tell mike_c plox to check your emails ty.
19:47 gribble The operation succeeded.
20:02 mike_c email checked. thx.
20:06 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13150 @ 0.00028813 = 3.7889 BTC [-]
~ 24 minutes ~
20:30 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16050 @ 0.00029449 = 4.7266 BTC [+]
~ 15 minutes ~
20:45 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8300 @ 0.00029388 = 2.4392 BTC [-] {2}
20:48 williamdunne
20:49 williamdunne Probably a good use of the bullet
20:50 williamdunne Didn't even do it on the right day
20:50 williamdunne " Lawmakers were not around at the time, as Congress was out of session on spring break. They are expected to reconvene on Monday. "
20:52 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7900 @ 0.00029449 = 2.3265 BTC [+]
20:56 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12800 @ 0.00028813 = 3.6881 BTC [-]
21:11 BingoBoingo scoopbot -fetch
21:11 scoopbot New post on by Bingo Boingo:
21:12 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11250 @ 0.00028813 = 3.2415 BTC [-]
~ 18 minutes ~
21:31 asciilifeform <mircea_popescu> ... i thought you didn't like perl. << i dislike many things. but ripping out the perl won't put me any closer to victory, so it is $maxint down on the list of things-to-do...
21:36 asciilifeform 'A man holding a sign protesting "social injustice" shot himself in front of the U.S. Capitol Building, causing a brief terrorism scare and a lockdown that has since been lifted. An unidentified man had a sign taped to his hand as well as a backpack and a rolling suitcase, the latter of which caused a bomb investigation, according to a New York Daily News report. The words that were on the sign were not revealed, although thos
21:36 asciilifeform e who saw the sign said it had something to do with taxation. One report indicated that the sign said "tax the one percent," which he appeared to raise shortly before he shot himself. The bomb squad went through his bags as they investigated. They had clothes inside. Bridget Maley was with a friend on a tour of the Capitol when the lockdown happened, she told the NY Daily News, describing the atmosphere as "calm." The tour con
21:36 asciilifeform tinued as usual, and her guide even went so far as to say that a lockdown wasn't an unusual occurrence.'
21:37 asciilifeform ^ mega-l0l
21:37 asciilifeform 'Hundreds of people were escorted out through an underground passageway to the Library of Congress. They waited near gift shops and inside a restaurant and were told to walk opposite of the Capitol.'
21:37 * asciilifeform was about two blocks away but an hour or so too late to see these festivities
21:39 BingoBoingo !up DigitalDayTrader
21:43 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14100 @ 0.00029019 = 4.0917 BTC [+]
21:43 asciilifeform << puzzle. who is this ?
21:44 assbot ... ( )
21:45 danielpbarron clinton?
21:45 asciilifeform aha.
21:52 BingoBoingo Clinton has looked old for a long time
21:53 asciilifeform heil clitler.
21:53 BingoBoingo !b 1
21:53 assbot Last 1 lines bashed and pending review. ( )
21:55 ben_vulpes not clintler?
21:55 ben_vulpes or clitter?
21:55 asciilifeform clitler
21:55 asciilifeform (r) al schwartz 199somethingorother
21:55 ben_vulpes ahaa
21:56 felipelalli hi! I have an idea. could you guys please tell me if this is a bad, more or less or good idea?
21:56 ben_vulpes
21:56 assbot 392073 – Firefox limited to 1 CPU on multi-cpu machine; multi-threading appears broken ... ( )
21:56 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10500 @ 0.00029336 = 3.0803 BTC [+] {2}
21:56 ben_vulpes felipelalli: i'll gladly shoot you down for the pleasure of it
21:57 ben_vulpes jokes aside, "don't ask to ask, just ask"
21:57 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10750 @ 0.00029449 = 3.1658 BTC [+]
21:58 felipelalli ahahah thanks ben_vulpes ok, but I think it could be a "book", so I'll write on pastebin and then paste here.
21:58 ben_vulpes brevity is the soul of whatever etc
21:59 trinque wit
22:00 asciilifeform << do i need to explain what the resurrection of 'key escrow' idiocy from '90s (clinton's! to go right along with the new clinton!) means from the meta-nsa school of thought? or is it already obvious to aficionados
22:00 assbot Logged on 13-04-2015 18:47:55; trinque: << "Front door" not "back door"! very comforting
22:01 ben_vulpes felipelalli: generally you'll want to have the thing queued up to fire *before* talking about it
22:01 ben_vulpes i don't edge with strangers
22:02 trinque asciilifeform: at the very least passing something like that legitimizes surveillance as a means to verify compliance with the escrow system
22:02 felipelalli ben_vulpes: sorry ben, my bad. :(
22:02 trinque "well of course we have to watch the wire for terrorists using gpg!"
22:02 felipelalli ben_vulpes: I was too excited.
22:02 asciilifeform trinque: nope.
22:02 trinque do tell
22:02 ben_vulpes that's why *you're* supposed to be the one gasping on the brink
22:03 asciilifeform think, why would usg make loud, public farts against 'iPnohe' and other products from usgtronics vendors which remain as porous as ever ?
22:04 trinque asciilifeform: some kind of implication that they're secure *now*?
22:04 asciilifeform algo went as follows: 1) snowden releases (whether one believes they were controlled or spontaneous does not matter for this recipe)
22:05 asciilifeform 2) usg reaction. loud farts, but on psyop front, barrage of faux seeek000r1ty products
22:05 asciilifeform e.g., iPnohe disk crypto, multi-coloured '$colourphones', etc
22:06 asciilifeform 3) was to be the massive uptake by miscreant chumps, 4 - ???, and 5 - the proverbial 'profit!!11!!'
22:06 asciilifeform but for some odd reason (3) did not happen.
22:06 felipelalli ok, I'll try: I'd like to use OTC as a global "blacklist". But it is bad for that because a scammer won't create an account on OTC, or if his reputation is bad, he'll erase it. So we could create a "standard" like for example: br-8d255152 where "br" is the country code ISO and 8d255152 is the first 8 chars of SHA256 of user country document (in Brazil we call CPF and in Australia ID)
22:07 asciilifeform so 4 is now 3, and 3 is now 3) 'ban' crypto
22:07 asciilifeform felipelalli: your idea requires cooperation of known mortal enemies of all things good and bright
22:07 asciilifeform ergo fail.
22:07 felipelalli in this way, anyone could rate scammers and it would be useful for all services like exchanges and everything.
22:08 mats bad. the friction exists in developing the identity, not burning it.
22:08 felipelalli asciilifeform: why this requires cooperation? could you give an example?
22:08 asciilifeform felipelalli: say i'm a scammer. i buy your passport scan from whoever owned 'mtgox' and use your code.
22:08 asciilifeform you complain to $official. he says 'fuck you'
22:09 asciilifeform (if you're lucky. if you're not, he has you shot for the things i did while 'i were you')
22:09 trinque asciilifeform | 3) was to be the massive uptake by miscreant chumps << of the bunk crypto?
22:10 asciilifeform trinque: yes.
22:10 asciilifeform the 'redphone', etc. idiocy was not -planned- as a boondoggle requiring eternal injections of qe-tronium to function.
22:11 asciilifeform it only turned into this because the folks on the subway (yes, it was advertised in d.c. subway!) really did not give half a rat's arse about crypto of -whatever- kind
22:11 asciilifeform (do you know what it costs to advertise in every single car of the d.c. subway?)
22:11 trinque this makes some sense
22:12 trinque how would they pull off "crypto == terrorists" if no one understands the first term
22:12 ben_vulpes provincia pagos sent my reciprocity fee system password in plaintext again
22:12 asciilifeform my hypothesis has the appeal of being... testable.
22:12 asciilifeform ben_vulpes: of course plaintext, l0l
22:12 ben_vulpes and i can only be male or female?!
22:12 ben_vulpes what kind of repression is this
22:13 trinque not even multiple choice I wager... the barbarians!
22:13 williamdunne felipelalli: I don't think your idea is that bad, but it would need to be more decentralized and based on WoT. For example asciilifeform might meet you in person and vouch that you are whom you say you are, and that your identity number is: 31231610
22:13 ben_vulpes there was a select field
22:13 williamdunne felipelalli: Its not all that new though, some other people working on something similarish
22:14 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9700 @ 0.00029449 = 2.8566 BTC [+]
22:14 asciilifeform williamdunne: why rely on objects created by the enemy to use against us ?
22:14 asciilifeform williamdunne: agents of usg can get a passport as legit as yours or mine, ten times every morning before breakfast.
22:14 decimation asciilifeform: snowden could have been 'legitimate' and all of what you listed would also follow
22:14 asciilifeform decimation: i specifically said that it does not matter where snowden came from, for this hypothesis
22:15 asciilifeform decimation:
22:15 assbot Logged on 14-04-2015 02:04:53; asciilifeform: algo went as follows: 1) snowden releases (whether one believes they were controlled or spontaneous does not matter for this recipe)
22:15 felipelalli asciilifeform: thank you, good point, but it could be offset with the WoT where the ability to analyze a real document would be taken into account. williamdunne thank you! Nice to hear that! I was thinking about it for days! Do you know who are working on similar standard?
22:15 williamdunne decimation: his point was that they're creating the illusion of security through colourful iphones
22:16 decimation 'they'
22:16 asciilifeform felipelalli: someone who is not a usg agent has no ability whatsoever to verify the legitimacy of any document but that of the most laughable fake
22:16 williamdunne felipelalli: by working on it I mean "thinking about it"
22:16 assbot MrChrisJ/World-Citizenship · GitHub ... ( )
22:16 trinque asciilifeform: they're going to need a big false flag
22:16 williamdunne felipelalli: read the issue section about making sure each person has but one identity
22:17 asciilifeform so here's what's next per the hypothesis..
22:17 williamdunne felipelalli: Not sure if its a good idea or not at this point, but interesting to think about. Very hard to prove we are the sole instance of ourselves
22:17 decimation in the case of apple, I think it's quite likely they are honestly trying to make things secure, but are about as successful as all other 'tech' firms have been
22:18 decimation compromised as they are by conflicting interests to sell their customers
22:18 asciilifeform as the 'ban' thing unfolds, honeypots like zimmerman's which specifically sell on the point of 'l337 d00dz against nsa' will either a) quietly fade away b) somehow continue in what they presently are, in spite of supposed 'bans'
22:18 ben_vulpes asciilifeform: what about crypto-signed documents?
22:18 trinque decimation: I doubt US intelligence has zero assets inside apple
22:18 asciilifeform ben_vulpes: signed with what
22:18 felipelalli williamdunne: very nice! thank you.
22:18 ben_vulpes asciilifeform: key newed up on airgapped legacy machine
22:19 williamdunne felipelalli: welcome
22:19 felipelalli I know it is not perfect, but it could be useful in some situations. The point is just create that standard.
22:20 decimation asciilifeform: note that zimmerman is largely trading on his rep 'earned' during the 'crypto wars'
22:20 ben_vulpes <asciilifeform> felipelalli: someone who is not a usg agent has no ability whatsoever to verify the legitimacy of any document but that of the most laughable fake << asciilifeform re
22:20 felipelalli and then "follow the WoT". If MtGox for example rates my "mirror user" br-8d255152 or "U.S. gov" rates that, no one trust them anyway.
22:21 trinque asciilifeform: force ISPs to drop traffic not using a sanctioned key?
22:21 trinque skip hte devices entirely
22:21 asciilifeform ben_vulpes: whose key ?
22:21 asciilifeform any connection between the name claimed in the key and the piece of dead tree signed with it, is putative and unverifiable
22:21 asciilifeform and the entire exercise is a mold-a-bullet-from-shit
22:21 ben_vulpes i speak of an ascii blob i receive over whatever channel - is this not a document?
22:22 asciilifeform ben_vulpes: the original thread concerned traditional identity papers issued by, e.g., usg
22:22 ben_vulpes ah
22:22 felipelalli ben_vulpes: so, supose you are a usg agent and everybody knows your ability, you rate 10 the user br-8d255152, even if that user had 20x -10, I'd trust in your rate. The point is just the standard. The WoT serves as a natural filter.
22:22 ben_vulpes well color me unlogged
22:22 asciilifeform and some bizarre notion of putting them to use in somehow creating trust out of the aether
22:22 asciilifeform felipelalli: problem is that your oracle is a liar
22:23 asciilifeform felipelalli: a usg agent is not a machine for verifying that this piece of paper contains the name my mother gave me. he is a machine for furthering the will of lizard hitler.
22:23 asciilifeform if his reptilian majesty decrees that he should tell you 'no, this fella is a fraud, his real name is mark karpeles' he will do so.
22:23 felipelalli i did not mean "usg agent", replace that by "specialist in documents"
22:24 asciilifeform felipelalli: it isn't 1943
22:24 asciilifeform there is no 'specialist in documents'.
22:24 trinque felipelalli: what's wrong with gpg key as identity?
22:24 asciilifeform there are folks with access to u.s. state dept. db, and folks without.
22:24 asciilifeform and the former divide into folks with write-access, and folks without.
22:25 asciilifeform trinque: this is a valuable thread - to illustrate the absurdity of even considering anything other than key as a reliable identity
22:25 asciilifeform sadly, i suspect that even a thousand threads like this one will not suffice in hammering the point home to the thickest
22:26 asciilifeform just as modern 'fire codes' did not exist until $bigint folks burned in fires inside barricaded garrets, etc
22:28 trinque asciilifeform: hard to grasp how incorrectly one's been taught
22:28 asciilifeform hm?
22:29 trinque say a fool staggers in and he wants to learn; where to even begin?
22:30 trinque meaning no offense to felipelalli, he seems to not realize that his reverence for said govt official who names and numbers the people is a mystical belief
22:30 asciilifeform reading the logs; reading sites such as mircea_popescu's; same as you and i did
22:31 * trinque nods
22:31 felipelalli trinque: I do not believe in any gov official. I am voluntaryist.
22:32 felipelalli trinque: the "doc number" is just a way to identify a user globally, but could be another thing.
22:32 asciilifeform felipelalli: so who issues the passports you were suggesting making use of ? god ?
22:32 danielpbarron !s voluntaryism
22:32 assbot 0 results for 'voluntaryism' :
22:32 trinque felipelalli: an observation about myself: cleaning out a headfull of shit takes time.
22:32 asciilifeform !s martian bank
22:32 assbot 4 results for 'martian bank' :
22:33 felipelalli trinque: a "mirror derivated user" like br-8d255152 (deriveted from my doc) would be useful only as "INPUT". There is no output from br-8d255152. This is useful for make a blacklist of scammers that don't use OTC. It could be derivated from my full name, for example: "Felipe Micaroni Lalli"= br-89402f8d
22:33 asciilifeform felipelalli: one not-inaccurate way to think about 'cipherpunkian' systems such as bitcoin or wot is as attempts to emulate a kind of incorruptible god
22:35 trinque felipelalli: so then I lie about my name when I deal with you
22:35 asciilifeform felipelalli: is it unclear to you why i have no reason whatsoever to add or subtract to my belief that this is your name, from hearing this ?
22:35 trinque or whatever inputs create that identity hash thing
22:35 felipelalli trinque: yes, this is the fail asciilifeformci rises with reason.
22:36 asciilifeform felipelalli is still labouring under the burden of his old religion.
22:36 trinque ^ what I put as the headful of shit
22:36 trinque not easy to clean; going to need the powerful stuff
22:36 asciilifeform if it were 1415, i say 'my name is xxxx' and 'name' in your head -means- 'what my new friend calls himself'
22:37 felipelalli asciilifeform: ahaha no, that is not the point. Maybe you didn't understand my initial motivation for that.
22:37 asciilifeform whereas today it means, to many, 'what he is called by usg'
22:37 felipelalli asciilifeform: you didn't understand because I didn't say.
22:38 asciilifeform felipelalli: you are labouring under the presumption that the ultimate arbiter of truth is that piece of paper
22:38 asciilifeform if only it could somehow be gotten to in a 'fair' way, etc
22:38 asciilifeform no?
22:38 williamdunne asciilifeform: I think he is really just looking for a way to make sure that each person only carries one identity, and the best way he can think of is a passport
22:39 felipelalli williamdunne: yes!
22:39 felipelalli the only flaw in this idea is that there is no reliable way to identify someone only. I understand that. But if there were, could be very useful to create blacklists. Especially in Brazil where there are many scammers that exposes all of your personal life, and we know their real names, their documents etc.
22:39 trinque impossible
22:40 trinque felipelalli: the tool to apply is a WoT, but you can't force people to identify only once
22:40 williamdunne It should be possible to make it more expensive to do so
22:41 felipelalli can be impossible, indeed. I didn't mature the idea. Maybe it is true: it could be impossible.
22:41 trinque it's akin to hoping no one ever lies again
22:41 trinque the incentive to use one identity is that your cred builds upon that name
22:42 trinque also should people find you using many alternate IDs, they can negrate all of them knowing this
22:42 trinque it's social behavior that shouldn't be policed centrally.
22:42 asciilifeform felipelalli, williamdunne: fella who stole, e.g., 'mtgox' db can do anything the 'legit' passport owners could do.
22:42 asciilifeform ergo - checkmate.
22:42 asciilifeform the idea is a crock of shit at the most fundamental possible level.
22:42 asciilifeform it is, to use the ancient term of art, 'fractally wrong'
22:43 williamdunne asciilifeform: hence my idea of doing in person verifications with people vouching for who you are
22:43 asciilifeform williamdunne: no one can verify a u.s. passport (the folks who can - won't. because they are our enemies.)
22:43 trinque williamdunne: who verifies?
22:43 trinque who stores this data
22:43 asciilifeform ditto any other passport or traditional document of identity.
22:44 decimation note that historically passports were used to keep people from leaving
22:44 williamdunne Who verifies the WoT? You just ignore those you don't trust
22:44 trinque what's the point of the ID verification aside from gpg and the wot?
22:44 trinque your connections on the wot and your ratings, and your pubkey *are* you
22:44 williamdunne trinque: The idea is that people can do reputation exit-scams because they can just move on to new idents
22:45 williamdunne I'm not saying its a good idea, I just think its interesting as an idea
22:45 trinque and as they are found out they are buried in negrate
22:45 williamdunne Indeed, but they move on
22:45 williamdunne This is about stopping them from moving on
22:45 trinque maybe someday you must maintain over a certain rating to deal in certain spheres of influence
22:45 asciilifeform williamdunne: Who verifies the WoT? << no one but -you-, the user. and your experiences.
22:45 williamdunne asciilifeform: That was the point I made;)
22:46 asciilifeform this entire thread concerns something as ill-conceived as perpetuum mobile
22:46 trinque there are societal benefits to maintaining good rating
22:46 asciilifeform which attempts to extract energy from nothing
22:46 trinque I mean... this is no different than life
22:46 asciilifeform in much the same way, you cannot extract trustworthiness from the aether
22:46 trinque *life without a WoT
22:46 felipelalli asciilifeform: I am convinced the idea is broken at the point where you can not identify someone accurately. This could easily lead to injustice. But I will try more mature the idea. williamdunne raises a good point: if you follow the WoT, maybe someone is "good" or "trustful" to identify others.
22:46 trinque the wot just makes it quantified
22:46 trinque if I take a big shit in every business deal I'm ever a part of, I'll either outsmart everyone and win, or the shit's going to catch up to me
22:47 trinque neither wots, cops or gods can prevent the former, and the latter's easier to do with a WoT
22:48 decimation felipelalli: who spoke of justice?
22:48 decimation what's a jury trial other than having your wot judge your actions?
22:48 decimation or at least, the facts
22:48 williamdunne A group of people you don't know without the full information deciding whether or not to lock you in a cage?
22:49 decimation who else?
22:49 decimation some distant bureaucrat?
22:49 williamdunne The judge, the jury, and the exucutioner
22:50 felipelalli decimation: I said injustice in the meaning of someone uses a fake ID to blacklist someone unduly, just that.
22:50 decimation felipelalli: that's a fact for a jury to decide upon
22:50 felipelalli well, thanks asciilifeform trinque decimation and williamdunne - I have to go take my wife, bye!
22:50 decimation good evening
22:50 williamdunne felipelalli: enjoy
22:51 trinque felipelalli: have a nice eve
22:51 felipelalli :)
22:51 decimation williamdunne: exactly, presumably the point of the jury was that they were able to judge the credibility of the witnesses because they knew them
22:57 decimation as 'la wik' says: "Medieval juries were self-informing, in that individuals were chosen as jurors because they either knew the parties and the facts, or they had the duty to discover them. This spared the government the cost of fact-finding"
22:57 assbot Jury trial - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ... ( )
22:57 asciilifeform medieval juries also did not concern themselves with day-to-day idiocies.
22:58 decimation nope. as the magna carta says: "For a trivial offence, a free man shall be fined only in proportion to the degree of his offence, and for a serious offence correspondingly, but not so heavily as to deprive him of his livelihood. In the same way, a merchant shall be spared his merchandise, and a husbandman the implements of his husbandry, if they fall upon the mercy of a royal court. None of these fines shall be imposed except by the
22:58 decimation assessment on oath of reputable men of the neighbourhood."
22:59 decimation ^wot
22:59 trinque makes me think of assembling someone's L1 to judge him someday
22:59 trinque decimation: now they deprive you of your livelihood before you ever reach the courthouse
22:59 trinque progress!
23:02 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16100 @ 0.00029457 = 4.7426 BTC [+] {3}
23:09 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15942 @ 0.00029732 = 4.7399 BTC [+] {2}
23:10 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9908 @ 0.00030098 = 2.9821 BTC [+]
23:11 williamdunne But they don't just deprive you of your livelihood, they also strip you of your reputation and in many cases remove your ability to defend it.
23:12 decimation and then they steal your "you were stole from"
23:24 felipelalli asciilifeform: in the car I was thinking about a solution and I think I found it: what if the "derivated mirrored user" was just an ID of a social network like Facebook or Twitter? Before strike me, let me explain my motivation:
23:25 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26200 @ 0.00028949 = 7.5846 BTC [-] {2}
23:26 mats plz don't
23:26 felipelalli ok, forget it.
23:28 mats
23:28 assbot Project Zero: A Tale of Two Exploits ... ( )
23:29 trinque felipelalli: the WoT *is* the social network
23:29 trinque think about it.
23:29 felipelalli trinque: I know that. I am trying to convince the Brazilian community move to here, but it is being hard. The main community is still on Facebook.
23:30 mats interfacing the real WoT with some federated, poorly implemented imitation is a recipe for disaster
23:30 mats the br community doesn't deserve or want to be here, so don't bother
23:32 asciilifeform what if the "derivated mirrored user" was just an ID of a social network like Facebook or Twitter? Before strike me, let me explain my motivation: << what if the 'derivated mirror food' was just a turd from the local public toilet, with spices such as mustard or ketchup? Before strike me, let me explain...
23:33 felipelalli asciilifeform: ok :)
23:36 felipelalli but it would be at least funny. I'd rate the president of Brazil, the "mirror" user "twitter-dilmabr" as -10 as "scammer!" for example.
23:36 decimation felipelalli: understand that the 'us community' doesn't 'move to here' either
23:36 mats via /.
23:36 assbot Your pain reliever may also be diminishing your joy | News Room - The Ohio State University ... ( )
23:37 felipelalli decimation: you're right. But would be so cool and useful if I really could use WoT to things in day to day and not only in dreams.
23:37 trinque that world may never have everyone in the WoT
23:38 trinque and who cares?
23:38 felipelalli trinque: not everyone, but at least the important people to me.
23:38 decimation felipelalli: you have a wot not
23:38 decimation now
23:38 decimation you just haven't formalized it with crypto
23:38 felipelalli decimation: yes, but no ones really knows me personally.
23:39 felipelalli ah!
23:39 decimation I mean, your friends in the flesh
23:39 felipelalli yes, you say "WoT of real life" :)
23:39 trinque felipelalli: if you want to say something about your president, put it in the deedbot
23:39 trinque the point when saying something about a person of obvious identity is identifying the *author*, not him
23:39 asciilifeform methinks felipelalli is expressing the traditional frustration of the 3 to 6 month n00b to #b-a:
23:39 trinque everybody can easily find out who you mean
23:40 trinque asciilifeform: I was utterly mindfucked for the majority of the time I first spent here
23:40 asciilifeform that is: not being able to move to the flying sand castle quite yet.
23:40 felipelalli trinque: it's true! deedbot solves the blacklist problem, I think.
23:41 asciilifeform hydrogen can lift around 1 g / 1 L.
23:41 williamdunne trinque: I was mindfucked for the past 12 months or so, but I didn't dive in and read blogs etc first
23:41 trinque felipelalli: "this guy that uses these handles scammed me; here's the transaction on the blockchain, blah blah"
23:41 asciilifeform so mircea_popescu's atomic dirigible has not very much room for friends
23:41 trinque here's correspondance
23:41 asciilifeform (if you want to be considered, my understanding is - be young and female)
23:41 asciilifeform (TM)
23:41 trinque I'll take a bunker
23:42 trinque with some old laptops and cans of beans
23:42 asciilifeform i'll take a tomb
23:42 asciilifeform (counts as bunker? doesn't need laptop, l0l)
23:42 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25400 @ 0.00028813 = 7.3185 BTC [-]
23:42 trinque asciilifeform: sure to be unpestered there, until the graveyard is paved
23:45 asciilifeform in other, unrelated news,
23:45 asciilifeform the house across from mine, was emptied by burglars last night.
23:46 decimation were the criminals unknown to the victims?
23:46 asciilifeform idk
23:46 trinque guns, get 'em, love 'em
23:47 trinque I'm sure I don't have to tell anyone here that
23:47 asciilifeform burgle'em ?
23:47 trinque nah bungle the burgle
23:47 decimation eh, I'm not sure guns are the answer
23:47 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19100 @ 0.00028733 = 5.488 BTC [-] {2}
23:47 decimation ultimately the answer is: don't live where the democratic police are in power
23:48 decimation and I mean small 'd'
23:48 trinque I think it's essential to know how to operate weapons no matter who is in power
23:48 * trinque is off for a bit
23:50 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3850 @ 0.00030098 = 1.1588 BTC [+]
23:52 asciilifeform << policeman who told about this.
23:52 assbot ... ( )
23:53 asciilifeform mentioned that 'computers were stolen, no sign of break-in, perhaps insider'
23:54 asciilifeform trinque: we have (for the most part) burglars here, rather than robbers. they wait until owner is out.
23:55 williamdunne asciilifeform: I saw you tear the Entropy apart a-while-back, did they fix your main concerns?
23:55 asciilifeform ?
23:55 williamdunne !s mycelium
23:55 assbot 62 results for 'mycelium' :
23:55 asciilifeform i neither expect a 'fix', nor give a damn
23:56 asciilifeform when using serious crypto, i employ only rng constructed personally
23:56 asciilifeform (it will be made available to others, in due time.)
23:56 asciilifeform !s s.nsa
23:56 assbot 388 results for 's.nsa' :
23:56 asciilifeform several other folks here also use rng of own design and/or construction.
23:57 williamdunne Oh sure, I'm definitely looking forward to your product - but also like paper wallets
23:57 asciilifeform williamdunne: in case this was not clear - i do not design or build bitcoin wallets.
23:57 williamdunne Yes I know
23:58 williamdunne s.nsa is doing the USB GPG tool, correct?
23:58 asciilifeform among other items
23:59 ben_vulpes <trinque> asciilifeform: I was utterly mindfucked for the majority of the time I first spent here << heh i remember this
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