999979;1621030959;billymg;i took a few days off this week on the crawler / site. checked out a few land purchase opportunities (want to be able to raise my own beef for when the supermarkets are only selling bugs) 999980;1621030969;billymg;back into it today though writing the www for the crawler output 999981;1621031070;thimbronion;There is so much bug shit on the shelves now here. 999982;1621031105;billymg;thimbronion: wait, honestly? 999983;1621031129;thimbronion;well, I mean soy/vegitable based meat substitutes 999984;1621031136;billymg;ah, right 999985;1621031137;thimbronion;Not literally bugs 999986;1621031160;billymg;yeah, was wondering if they had advanced from that to the actual bugs yet 999987;1621031176;billymg;i'm sure those are the products in which it will first appear 999988;1621031187;thimbronion;Honestly sometimes those big fat roasted grubs they eat in laos look tasty. 999989;1621031235;billymg;hey, during part of my childhood in africa i remember eating salted fried flying ants, and they were delicious 999990;1621031238;billymg;but as snack, and by choice 999991;1621031270;thimbronion;Yeah I mean you knew it was a bug and it wasn't some weird chemical experiment. 999992;1621031277;billymg;yeah 999993;1621031285;billymg;and not primary source of protein, etc. 999994;1621045958;*;dorion never knowingly/willingly ate an insect. 999995;1621047041;billymg;dorion: actually, come to think of it, there was this hipster oaxacan restaurant in park slope that offered fried grasshoppers as a side/garnish to guacamole and chips. i remember it adding a nice bit of extra saltiness and texture to the bite 999996;1621052982;dorion;billymg, I'm not exactly saying I wouldn't, would need to be guided by a connoisseur though... i've heard good reports of fried frog legs after a night of gigging too, but haven't tasted myself. I've tended to go the other way, e.g. helping jfw break his couple decade abstinence from meat, lol. 999997;1621105265;billymg;dorion: interesting, never knew that about jfw 999998;1621108608;dorion;billymg, http://younghands.club/2019/10/27/jfw-review-week-of-oct-21-2019/#comment-65 999999;1621110850;billymg;dorion: aha 1000000;1621293297;billymg;alright, let's see if this works http://logs.bitdash.io/log 1000001;1621293319;billymg;amazing 1000002;1621293409;billymg;shinohai or thimbronion: if one of you happened to have your znc logger switched on when you first joined this chan and want to send me the first few lines i can manually import them 1000003;1621293425;billymg;i had mine switched on as of http://logs.bitdash.io/billymg/2021-05-14#999979 1000004;1621293425;bitdashbot;Logged on 2021-05-14 18:22:39 billymg: i took a few days off this week on the crawler / site. checked out a few land purchase opportunities (want to be able to raise my own beef for when the supermarkets are only selling bugs) 1000005;1621293454;*;billymg bbl 1000006;1621293485;shinohai;billymg: Will send 'em over in a few hours when back @ desk if no one else has by then. 1000007;1621296868;billymg;shinohai: awesome, ty 1000008;1621366539;dorion;http://logs.bitdash.io/billymg/2021-05-14#999979 -- meant to ask, did your search yield any attractive deals ? my father's been buying a side per year of grass fed beef from one of [https://www.vermontnaturalbeef.com/][his oldest friends] for over a decade by now. it's fucking delicious and they've managed to make a booming business (as far as fiat businesses go) out of it, delivering from 1000009;1621366539;bitdashbot;Logged on 2021-05-14 18:22:39 billymg: i took a few days off this week on the crawler / site. checked out a few land purchase opportunities (want to be able to raise my own beef for when the supermarkets are only selling bugs) 1000010;1621366539;dorion;maine to new jersey. 1000011;1621368637;billymg;dorion: i think the best one i saw was 29 hectares, about half flat enough to farm, half up a hill, includes a small tico farmhouse (as well as everything else, a couple cows, pigs, chickens, horses) 1000012;1621368655;billymg;he was 6MM/hectare but could probably be had for 3MM/hectare 1000013;1621368664;billymg;he was saying* 1000014;1621368723;thimbronion;billymg: I also considered such a purchase but I have concerns about cattle rustlers. 1000015;1621368778;billymg;it's got a good water source (2 of them) and the hill/mountain serves as the back border/wall (no through traffic, dirt road leads up to the property and stops) 1000016;1621368805;billymg;thimbronion: you'd have to have someone you trust living there to run it 1000017;1621368851;thimbronion;btw I'll be back in early June. 1000018;1621368864;billymg;nice, guanacaste too this time? 1000019;1621368891;thimbronion;billymg: perhaps! Staying at my apartment is extremely cost effective tho :) 1000020;1621368922;billymg;awesome, congrats on that 1000021;1621368952;billymg;thimbronion: oh yeah, been meaning to ask, so you found a good colo provider somewhere here? 1000022;1621368955;thimbronion;Ever been to Doris in Santa Ana? Amazing steak place. 1000023;1621368981;billymg;was thinking of renting space to run a trb node, figured it's not super decentralized if we all just run em out of ascii's rack 1000024;1621369007;thimbronion;billymg: I don't know if I can say if they're good or bad yet, but I got my box installed with them really easily. Costs me 130/mo. 1000025;1621369008;billymg;thimbronion: yeah, that's my favorite restaurant in san jose now lol 1000026;1621369024;thimbronion;billymg: I can walk there from my cheapo apt. 1000027;1621369038;billymg;ah, so you're in santa ana? 1000028;1621369042;thimbronion;yeah 1000029;1621369053;billymg;you'll probably bump into mp one of these days then 1000030;1621369062;thimbronion;billymg: I suspect. 1000031;1621369108;billymg;thimbronion: for the box, what form factor? 1000032;1621369168;thimbronion;1U. The company is crservers.com. Run by some kind of shitcoiner named Edgar. 1000033;1621369196;billymg;does he take btc too then? 1000034;1621369207;thimbronion;He only accepts btc for payment, afaics. 1000035;1621369214;billymg;lol 1000036;1621369217;thimbronion;Other than CRC and USD. 1000037;1621369226;billymg;but why not shitcoins?? 1000038;1621369280;thimbronion;I do not know - probably just not available in his management software. 1000039;1621369301;billymg;for dorion and any other steak enjoyers that may see this thread, [https://dorismetropolitan.com/][Doris] also has locations in houston and new orleans 1000040;1621369383;thimbronion;I had the wagyu. Very nice. The sides were amazing. 1000041;1621372924;dorion;AMAZING COMPANY !!! 1000042;1621373064;billymg;dorion: is that a meme or something? i feel like i've seen it before 1000043;1621373079;billymg;but can't remember where/what context 1000044;1621373129;dorion;billymg, assbot, lol. 1000045;1621373145;dorion;http://logs.bitdash.io/billymg/2021-05-18#1000011 -- how many head of cattle would that support ? 1000046;1621373145;bitdashbot;Logged on 2021-05-18 16:10:37 billymg: dorion: i think the best one i saw was 29 hectares, about half flat enough to farm, half up a hill, includes a small tico farmhouse (as well as everything else, a couple cows, pigs, chickens, horses) 1000047;1621373164;dorion;http://logs.bitdash.io/billymg/2021-05-18#1000012 -- what's the units, crc ? 1000048;1621373164;bitdashbot;Logged on 2021-05-18 16:10:55 billymg: he was 6MM/hectare but could probably be had for 3MM/hectare 1000049;1621373190;billymg;yeah, crc. not sure how much cattle it would support (that's something i need to learn though) 1000050;1621373225;billymg;so at the 3MM/hectare price about $140k or so for the whole thing 1000051;1621373227;dorion;http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=AMAZING+COMPANY 1000052;1621373269;billymg;dorion: lol yeah, now i see. for some reason i searched google first instead of the logs, need to rid myself of that habit 1000053;1621373269;dorion;~3.5 BTC then if you pulled trigger ahorita. 1000054;1621373291;billymg;yeah but this guy ain't taking btc 1000055;1621373300;billymg;probably doesn't know what it is 1000056;1621373313;billymg;doubt he's got a computer other than his phone 1000057;1621373314;dorion;I'm sure, but that's your opportunity cost, n'est pas ? 1000058;1621373396;billymg;yeah, in 5 years (maybe in 5 months) would feel like the worst trade deal in the history of trade deals 1000059;1621373516;dorion;billymg, maybe you get him down to 140k and and find a btc buyer willing to pay a premium for discreet acquisition.. 1000060;1621373609;dorion;billymg, did you ever take a shot at [http://ossasepia.com/2020/10/15/sonofawitch-the-gawk-logbot/][sonofawitch] usage ? 1000061;1621373630;billymg;dorion: it's on my conveyor 1000062;1621373746;billymg;my rough personal roadmap is: 1) style this current logger i just uploaded and publish a patch with the improved html/css organization, 2) get my crawler website live at http://bitdash.io and publish the genesis, 3) take a look at mp-wp again (finally) to address jfw's comment as well as look into thimbronion's spec list 1000063;1621373780;dorion;cool, cool. 1000064;1621374107;dorion;I'm workin on d-m articles, organizing a local educational social hour, jwrd deliveries, eulora and gearing up to return to panama first week of july. my own little july 4th, if you will. 1000065;1621374389;billymg;nice 1000066;1621374424;billymg;dorion: there's a referral program for jwrd, right? 1000067;1621394827;billymg;still WIP but took a pass at styling the logger a bit differently: http://logs.bitdash.io/ 1000068;1621394953;billymg;i made having the /log at the end configurable (i prefer it without since it's already in the subdomain), and i fixed a bug (which you'll notice on ascii's) where the server eggogs with any search query less than 3 characters 1000069;1621395006;billymg;the first time load for me was a bit sluggish while it loaded up the custom fonts (though they really aren't that big, maybe 400k in total) 1000070;1621395014;billymg;that's only a onetime thing, after that the browser caches them 1000071;1621395058;*;billymg just realized i forgot the bot output styling 1000072;1621395688;billymg;ok, added that. looks like shit on mobile right now. will fix that a bit later 1000073;1621395772;billymg;going to bbl but would appreciate design feedback and/or bug reports anyone has in the meantime 1000074;1621450649;billymg;[http://logs.bitdash.io/][logs] now have mobile support 1000075;1621451639;billymg;(it's back on the "classic" theme now for a bit) 1000076;1621452307;dorion;http://logs.bitdash.io/billymg/2021-05-18#1000066 -- yeah. need to write something formal, but the starting point is 1/3 of the sales commission. this varies depending on the product. e.g. training is highest margin because costs are very low whereas hardware has tighter margins because of the underlying cost of the gear we're selling. the sales commission is 30% of the profit. 1000077;1621452487;dorion;sales gets 30%, instructor or guy doing jwrd-hardwarization gets 30% and 40% is retained in company, which jfw and I are 50/50 on. 1000078;1621452690;billymg;dorion: sales means i send you a guy that signs up for the program? instructor means sort of like a franchise contractor (executes according to jwrd spec)? 1000079;1621457019;billymg;shinohai: btw i like what you started with http://btc.info.gf/devel/bitcoin/trb/src/log.html 1000080;1621457112;billymg;any plans to add other vtrees to that repository? 1000081;1621458003;dorion;billymg, yeah. right now I'm doing most of the sales and jfw is doing the instructing. as we grow, we'll have instructor training so jfw isn't doing it all. 1000082;1621463228;dorion;billymg, I like that "night mode", but bottom line is whenever you give the shot at publishing via mp-wp I'll likely read that. 1000083;1621465308;shinohai;+ 1000084;1621540732;billymg;http://logs.bitdash.io/billymg/2021-05-19#1000082 << glad to hear you like the theme. as for the mp-wp logger i plan to take a look at that when i get back to mp-wp portion of my [http://logs.bitdash.io/billymg/2021-05-18#1000062]["roadmap"] 1000085;1621540732;bitdashbot;Logged on 2021-05-19 18:27:08 dorion: billymg, I like that "night mode", but bottom line is whenever you give the shot at publishing via mp-wp I'll likely read that. 1000086;1621540732;bitdashbot;Logged on 2021-05-18 17:35:46 billymg: my rough personal roadmap is: 1) style this current logger i just uploaded and publish a patch with the improved html/css organization, 2) get my crawler website live at http://bitdash.io and publish the genesis, 3) take a look at mp-wp again (finally) to address jfw's comment as well as look into thimbronion's spec list 1000087;1621540772;dorion;aite. 1000088;1621545627;whaack;billymg: Also a fan of the night theme + the visit channel as guest button 1000089;1621545687;billymg;whaack: oh hey, welcome! glad you like it 1000090;1621545751;billymg;i can't take credit for the 'join as guest' button as it was in the code to begin with (i guess alf just suppresses it on his site?) 1000091;1621546040;whaack;maybe causes more trouble than good 1000092;1621546131;billymg;lol yeah, could be