Show Idle (>14 d.) Chans

← 2022-03-31 | 2022-04-02 →
00:00 verisimilitude Even the good avionics software has flaws, because there's no incentive to hunt down each one.
00:00 asciilifeform there's an aspect to 'failure of society' where various dregs who oughta be pulling barges by hand shuffled into programming. but this is rather separate from 'there is no meaningful application to program'
00:01 verisimilitude I blame large businesses.
00:01 asciilifeform the meaningful applications still there, but succumbing under pressure to employ 'indians'
00:01 asciilifeform (and once 'colonized', become fungally inhospitable to anybody else)
00:01 verisimilitude More generally, a capitalist eventually realizes he doesn't need to sell a working product to make money, so why would he?
00:02 asciilifeform verisimilitude: in the end yes
00:03 phf asciilifeform: it's a valid point, which i need to think about, but my sort of immediate response is that genuine application gets overwhelmed by overal failure.
00:03 asciilifeform in the end -- does
00:03 verisimilitude Notice this didn't happen when computers were being sold to replace human processes.
00:03 asciilifeform for instance as i understand naodays doesn't much matter whether boeing's comps crash
00:03 asciilifeform if they aint flying
00:04 phf asciilifeform: like the ee people complaining about all the recent grads reaching for arduino when they need to solve simple circuit problem
00:04 verisimilitude The hardware failsafes are part of why there's no incentive to hunt down each flaw, asciilifeform.
00:05 asciilifeform phf: they complain and then carry right on filling class w/ indians and teaching 'matlab' button press sequences as 'engineering'
00:05 crtdaydreams logs good reading today :)
00:06 asciilifeform but larger point, dun matter whether have 3 tandem cpu and provably correct avionics stack, or hemp ropes like wright brothers, if the failed society doesn't in fact need (or can afford) airplane in any kinda mass
00:06 asciilifeform then becomes like in 1900 matter for individual flyer, if any exist
00:07 asciilifeform i.e. decommercialized .
00:07 verisimilitude Sure, but without them, there won't be any.
00:07 crtdaydreams << many thank. just needed confirmation it'd been received. is limited lifespan, yes?
00:07 dulapbot Logged on 2022-03-31 18:56:54 signpost: << forgot, will get to it later today or tomorrow.
00:08 verisimilitude Most people would just have sex and take soma all day, if they were allowed.
00:08 asciilifeform in asciilifeform's pov, many aspects of computation have reached this point. i.e. you can't 'dload on srcforge' anyffin resembling actual cryptoroutines.
00:08 dulapbot Logged on 2021-01-21 16:37:28 asciilifeform: as for encryption -- 99+% of what's 'out there' in the sense of 'readable by plebe armed w/ google' was written specifically to ensure that actual crypto aint there when you in fact do need it.
00:09 crtdaydreams rot13 is all i need
00:09 asciilifeform verisimilitude: while somebody keeps lights on, yes
00:11 phf asciilifeform: easiest crypto is to mail somebody a clone of ssd with random bits on it, and then one time pad it for a lifetime of alice to bob communication
00:11 asciilifeform phf: easy if you've a fast trng
00:11 verisimilitude Yes, just between Alice, Bob, and the mail system.
00:12 asciilifeform otherwise either will sit for rather long time to fill it, or exercise in prng delusion
00:12 asciilifeform (if latter -- many less sweaty faux cryptos to choose from)
00:12 asciilifeform verisimilitude: 'mail' dunhaveto mean usps. can be diplo pouch or inside yer shoe etc
00:13 * asciilifeform presumed in that sense
00:13 verisimilitude It's an important detail.
00:13 asciilifeform noshit
00:13 * asciilifeform recalls multiple yrs of back-n-forth gpgrams w/ mp trying to 'sell' him on iron otp...
00:14 verisimilitude There's also the matter of verifying the message. I still like my method.
00:14 asciilifeform verisimilitude: can think of over9000 methods, which consume varyings qtys of pad, but generally not hard
00:16 asciilifeform there's an ancient arg, which i suspect phf was alluding to, that 'if you think you need adult crypto, 8999 of 9000 chance yer a sad larper' and it seems impossible to refute, but then remember that bitcoin exists and in fact as sensitive to the given problems as anyffin in 'adult' spy biz and genuinely makes a diff on own skin.
00:16 dulapbot Logged on 2020-08-20 19:00:15 asciilifeform: it is also the case that rng as commercial product is a very questionable biz proposition. it takes quite a bit of 'adulthood' to even get to a place where you actually benefit from a 1000 $ rng. for instance, microshit victims dun really win anyffin from using whatever external rng.
00:17 phf asciilifeform: yes thank you for making my points for me :)
00:17 asciilifeform i.e. is 1 of those very same 'meaningful applications' for which would be notbad to have actual quality mechanisms
00:17 zx2c4 phf: it's funny to me how internet crazies are always so attracted to "The Holy One Time Pad". I guess because it's simple enough that they can understand it and offers "information theoretic security".
00:17 asciilifeform phf: pretty sure i get phf's pt and for most part not disagree..
00:18 asciilifeform zx2c4: dun recall whether you were there for the thread where mp revealed that doesn't in fact grasp the (not complicated) proof re otp
00:18 asciilifeform where 'promised to break if bias in plaintext'
00:19 zx2c4 phf: but back on planet reality... chacha20 is fine...
00:19 zx2c4 asciilifeform: haha really? no i dont remember that
00:19 phf zx2c4: can you restate my point to me so that i make sure you understand it, because i'm pretty sure you don't, and arguing something else entirely.
00:19 asciilifeform lulzthread for posterity
00:19 dulapbot (trilema) 2016-02-06 mircea_popescu: long, deeply biased plaintexts are dangerous for otp.
00:21 zx2c4 phf: i just read you saying, "asciilifeform: easiest crypto is to mail somebody a clone of ssd with random bits on it, and then one time pad it for a lifetime of alice to bob communication" and was idly musing how various internet types tend to think this is The Ultimate Way that all crypto should aspire to
00:21 asciilifeform zx2c4: generally in softwarism just about any idiocy 'is fine' if the value of you & yer cargo is ~0
00:22 asciilifeform and the proggy is in fact part of some kinda tea ceremony.
00:22 phf zx2c4: ok, well, so that there's no misunderstanding this is not what i'm talking about
00:25 phf << yeah i believe we're on the same page. i mean to some extent tmsr was an attempt to figure out this problem. "i'm a programmer, what shape should my amish community take so that my skill is a force multiplier" :D
00:25 dulapbot Logged on 2022-03-31 20:17:02 asciilifeform: phf: pretty sure i get phf's pt and for most part not disagree..
00:26 crtdaydreams happy fools, ya april!
00:30 verisimilitude I'm not an expert, zx2c4, but the OTP is the only unbreakable encryption mechanism, so what's so bad about acknowledging that?
00:30 zx2c4 nothing? rather, I'm amused about those who fetishize it
00:31 asciilifeform there's old joak where frogs hire a consultant, to tell'em 'how do we avoid being eaten'. owl consultant goes to desk, thinks, next day comes back w/ fat bill and answer. 'become hedgehogs'. frogs: 'how do we become hedgehogs?' owl -- 'i'm a strategic consultant, not a tactical one'
00:31 asciilifeform phf ^
00:31 verisimilitude Well, ``OTP rule 34'' means something entirely different.
00:32 asciilifeform verisimilitude: it's worth to remember that to actually make otp live up to shannon's proof of 'unbreakable' takes mechanisms that aint avail. to typical redditard. (and, not unimportantly, meticulousness that is even less avail. to him)
00:33 asciilifeform (and then to remember that same thing applies to all other cipherisms similarly)
00:34 asciilifeform hence wai attractive to 'fetishists', for whom there is no anticipation of actually ~doing~ it, or staking any actual stakes on it, so the 'conceptual' is unblemishedly sexy
00:35 asciilifeform same folx go in for e.g. haskellism, because 'sexy' when you dun have to actually write programs in it
00:35 asciilifeform and many other similar 'sexies'
00:36 asciilifeform iirc there was at one time in #t even a thrd about pistols, where folx who actually gotta carry'em erryday, allday, prefer very diff. ones from typical 'enthusiast' who keeps in safe and takes out on weekends
00:39 asciilifeform from an 'amish' pov, not only is e.g. 'pest' a waste of perfectly good joules, but even airplane. in fact most of 20th c. is 'waste'. and good % of 19th.
00:39 asciilifeform from that pov asciilifeform doesn't much care to 'become hedgehog', even if get to a pt where nuffin other than a hedgehog can live.
00:40 asciilifeform the monkeys can have their planet then, or the cockroaches, etc
00:41 asciilifeform in actual practice, however, the folx w/ working airplanes, radios, ciphers, etc. reliably make ground beef outta folx w/out.
00:41 asciilifeform and expect this'll continue.
00:42 asciilifeform and has implications on small as well as large scale.
00:42 asciilifeform e.g. folx who had btc in 2010s, and haven't parked it on mswin, moar likely still have theirs.
00:44 asciilifeform this on premise that 'still having it' in fact is 'force multiplier'. which presently -- yes
00:44 asciilifeform from this by implication certain other aspects of kompyooting, in fact 'force multiply'.
00:45 asciilifeform i.e. matters what yer doing, with what.
00:45 * asciilifeform bbl
00:56 phf lots of unexplored subjects :)
00:56 verisimilitude Care to comment on Elision, phf?
01:02 phf zx2c4: to clarify the point i was making was that dearth of crypto is not a deterrent to someone with a true need, that is all. and ascii got it
01:03 phf crypto is downstream from opsec anyway, like in an earlier anecdote
01:03 dulapbot Logged on 2022-03-31 15:18:00 phf: there's a handful of famous (second hand, i've never pursued, but "everyone knows") of some loud mouth hodl personality get robbed at gun point for coins
01:08 phf verisimilitude: i've read it before, it's a cool scifi story without code. seems like something straightforward to hack in lisp and then wire into your emacs irc client to demo it. or produce a handful of texts using elison prototypes?
01:09 verisimilitude The only prototype uses a toy constructed language, but that's better than nothing.
01:11 phf i once got really high and was riffing a scifi story to a group of friends, where you have these ais that encode your communication style and manersisms and such. but you program them using piano keyboards. the aristocracy of the future compose write love letters and make public speaches by composing the sentiment, "playing the ai". of course it's all done because of the very limited bandwidth of interplanetary communication. you
01:11 phf deliver your ai imprint by slower-than-light travel, and then you can do telepresence at senate from across the galaxy
01:11 phf the chemicals echanced the impact of the story, it was a pretty fun trip :)
01:12 verisimilitude That's part of the overall idea: Increase the utility of the network by aggressively decreasing the size of the data.
01:12 phf i assume something like japanese input was at least part of your inspiration
01:13 verisimilitude It's also much more efficient to process.
01:13 verisimilitude No.
01:13 verisimilitude I thought about why we represent text character-by-character, and realized it was stupid. That's it.
01:17 phf verisimilitude: would it be much different than running a bible through inflate, then pre-sharing the dictionary?
01:26 verisimilitude Rephrase that.
01:27 asciilifeform << see also
01:27 dulapbot Logged on 2022-03-31 21:10:27 phf: the chemicals echanced the impact of the story, it was a pretty fun trip :)
01:27 * asciilifeform dug up by google, 'pogrtwem', which lulzily autocorrected to 'pogrom'
01:39 phf verisimilitude: there's a class of compression algorithms called dictionary coders. you compress by building a dictionary of sequences that are then referenced from the compressed part. a variation pre-builds a static dictionary by compressing a bunch of reference material, and then reuse the static dictionary on new data from same class
01:40 phf e.g. compress shakespear, and then use that same dictionary to compress any other english text
01:41 verisimilitude There are important differences.
01:41 asciilifeform ... or the '90s pasttime where feed rng into the decompressor & get 'shannonized' shakspear
01:42 verisimilitude
01:42 dulapbot Logged on 2022-02-25 13:26:38 verisimilitude: Consider the problem of searching from one point to another, forwards or backwards, for the first word beginning with some specified letters. Let me know when to share my solution.
01:43 verisimilitude
01:43 dulapbot Logged on 2022-02-25 22:16:35 verisimilitude: I'll just reveal mine answer now.
01:44 verisimilitude I notice a message of mine was cut brief.
01:44 asciilifeform 'how to find one's keys?' 'reach into pocket' 'but they aint in pocket' 'wtf is wrong with you, keys always in left pocket'
01:44 verisimilitude This is power, turning figuring on words into figuring on symbolic, bounded integers.
01:45 asciilifeform verisimilitude: what do you get outta pretending that the cost of the scheme is 0 ?
01:45 asciilifeform (it's a rather straight 'robbery of peter to pay paul')
01:45 verisimilitude I'll prove my method, asciilifeform.
01:45 verisimilitude I won't give up on it.
01:45 asciilifeform nobody demanded taht verisimilitude 'give up' lol
01:46 verisimilitude I've analogies I can give on this as well.
01:46 asciilifeform simply that the scheme has substantial cost. and very few likely would want to pay it if in a position where must decide
01:46 verisimilitude To the C language programmer, calculating a string's length and storing it before it be needed, as all decent languages do, may well be considered cheating.
01:47 verisimilitude Most people be in no position to judge the cost of anything.
01:48 verisimilitude To most people, garbage collection is an unbearable cost, and yet fixing memory errors aren't.
01:49 asciilifeform verisimilitude: still waiting to hear a plausible explanation for wai in yer scheme the dict won't look like jp unicode (what with over9000 hieroglyphs that were 'somebody's family name')
01:49 verisimilitude Furthermore, it helps to bind a domain. An Elision targeting one language won't be tricked with words from another.
01:49 verisimilitude Oh, it may, to some extent.
01:49 asciilifeform 1 answer can be 'be a swede, and yer name is from this-here list of 300 names' but what if you aint a swede..?
01:50 asciilifeform and dun want ?
01:50 verisimilitude There's always an escape hatch in the form of the auxiliary dictionary.
01:50 asciilifeform and nao most of e.g. asciilifeform's log lns take 2-3x the space because embed aux dict entries. win?
01:50 verisimilitude Hey, asciilifeform, how can I code buffer overflows in Common Lisp, for when I want that kind of thing?
01:51 asciilifeform verisimilitude: why substitute concepts and propose that to speak nonstandard word is equiv to 'buffer overflow' ..?
01:51 verisimilitude Well, Elision is intended for someone who uses language properly, so don't use it is the only answer there.
01:51 asciilifeform so we have it then there. 'be a swede'
01:51 asciilifeform 'dun wanna'
01:51 asciilifeform 'fuckyou'
01:51 asciilifeform not much of a persuasion neh
01:51 phf i'm sorry but i'm failing to see the difference between lz77 family, your dictionary is a sorted binary tree of some sort?
01:51 verisimilitude It's not a tree.
01:52 asciilifeform phf: his scheme needs a standard dict. e.g. 'midi for human lang'
01:52 verisimilitude While but a toy, look at The only prototype. for some basic ideas.
01:52 asciilifeform ( why btw do we need symphony orchestras if have midi synth , surprised that verisimilitude not asked this mega-q )
01:52 verisimilitude Elision isn't the total answer.
01:52 asciilifeform or why vocoder not replaced all singing..
01:53 asciilifeform (maybe not erryone wants?)
01:53 verisimilitude I'm disgusted by the idea of fixed character sets in general.
01:53 asciilifeform ... but not fixed wordsets?!
01:53 verisimilitude I should be able to add my symbols.
01:53 verisimilitude Again, there's always an escape hatch in the form of the auxiliary dictionary.
01:53 asciilifeform recall what 'embeddable fonts' got us in wwwliquishitronics
01:54 asciilifeform (nao erry 2bit fishwrap embeds MB of font, lol)
01:54 phf verisimilitude: but do you understand how lz77 family works?
01:54 verisimilitude It's conceivable that asciilifeform could have his auxiliary dictionary for his writing, but it's not a good idea on the level of individual IRC messages, no.
01:54 verisimilitude I probably know the gist, but I'd need to review.
01:55 verisimilitude However, this goes further than compression.
01:55 verisimilitude Imagine a program, phf, which can be asked questions about language, and which can't be tricked, for it knows the valid language and what isn't.
01:56 asciilifeform aka spellchecker?
01:56 phf man's riffing, let him be :)
01:56 asciilifeform ( surely verisimilitude had sumthing moar interesting in mind )
01:56 verisimilitude A spellchecker ``falls out'' of this design, along with other things.
01:56 verisimilitude Most interesting is the Latin, phf, which is very regular.
01:57 verisimilitude Consider storing the text as words, and the words as base words and declension or conjugation codes.
01:57 verisimilitude The only reason I've not yet started is because I know my Latin is too immature.
01:57 phf or sanscrit, they both tend to be "regular" because regularized and then sealed
01:58 verisimilitude There's value in this, even if I be the only user.
01:58 asciilifeform lojbanization is nearing 80y.o. at this pt, but somehow not 'wins' afaik anywhere
01:58 asciilifeform worth to ask wainot
01:59 verisimilitude Lisp is nearing seventy years old at this point, but somehow doesn't win in the hearts of men.
01:59 asciilifeform lojban makes lisp look like 'the wheel' tho, in re wins
01:59 verisimilitude The answer, asciilifeform, is most people are dipshits.
01:59 asciilifeform this -- solvable, target audience where not dipshits. but even there not wins.
02:00 verisimilitude Yes, such as by targeting Latin.
02:00 asciilifeform verisimilitude: are you familiar with most successful 20th c conlang ?
02:00 asciilifeform adlai's
02:00 verisimilitude It's Esperanto.
02:00 asciilifeform moar modern hebrew speakers afaik 10x than esperantists
02:01 verisimilitude Now, sure.
02:01 asciilifeform but recall how it went ? do they speak biblical hebrew in israel ? why not
02:01 verisimilitude I don't know.
02:01 asciilifeform under field conditions, the irregularisms leak right back in, because the lojbanist model of language aint actually complete
02:01 asciilifeform not even because 'people dipshits'
02:02 verisimilitude Also, phf, obsessing over this has led me to a neat style of programming.
02:02 asciilifeform ( esperanto also illustrative, what the esperantists speak aint quite what is in the spec . )
02:02 verisimilitude I'm building something for people who speak language properly.
02:02 verisimilitude Regardless, my design can accomodate quite a bit.
02:03 asciilifeform verisimilitude: there's an ukr joak, 'one ukr -- is a fine fella. two ukrs -- best buds. three ukrs -- is a partizan brigade with a traitor'
02:03 phf but can your compu-ter recite pushkin, monsegnor verisimilitude?
02:03 verisimilitude But, sure, after a point, only character-by-character methods work well. After a point, using character-by-character methods don't work well for modelling graffiti, either.
02:04 verisimilitude At the very least, it would be a higher-level archival method.
02:05 verisimilitude It could, conceivably, be used to improve such things, phf.
02:05 asciilifeform verisimilitude: already nothing stops folx from archiving w/ e.g. lzw, and carrying the dictionary. but iirc you want a standard one. i.e. to procrust language into an lzw dict.
02:06 verisimilitude I've a dream, a dream of my computer greeting me ``SALVÄ’, DOMINE''.
02:06 asciilifeform not erryone finds this procrustism appealing. and not 'because dipshit'
02:06 asciilifeform can do this nao neh.
02:06 verisimilitude Sure, but not well.
02:07 verisimilitude There's no point in discussing this further. I want to make more progress first.
02:07 asciilifeform by all means makeprogress
02:07 verisimilitude Oh, one other thing, are we aware of the Robot 9000 algorithm?
02:08 * asciilifeform not
02:08 verisimilitude The idea is to make a forum more interesting, by preventing exact copies of prior messages from being sent.
02:08 asciilifeform i'ma guess this resulted in spam where sequential nonce or rng appended ?
02:09 verisimilitude Usually, people thwart it by adding a new word, yes.
02:09 asciilifeform moar interesting would've been to mandate that a new msg compresses poorly against set of prev msgs
02:09 verisimilitude However, it could be slightly improved by Elision, by only counting words in the primary dictionary.
02:09 asciilifeform (for some defined threshold)
02:09 asciilifeform this'd nail people for quoting reply text tho
02:10 verisimilitude Once a suitably large subset of a language be known, there are interesting things which become possible with a whitelist.
02:10 asciilifeform verisimilitude: as described above, this scheme doesn't require an apriori dictionary
02:10 verisimilitude It doesn't, no.
02:10 asciilifeform and aint clear how having apriori dict makes it moar effective or the result moar interesting
02:11 asciilifeform so you only count words in dict. so spammer only uses these. where's the win?
02:11 verisimilitude Well, to be fair, it would mostly result in people adding words, rather than garbage, so it doesn't, no.
02:11 verisimilitude Still, I can foresee similar such situations in which it may be more useful.
02:11 asciilifeform it's trivially gamed, no matter how you arrange it
02:12 asciilifeform precisely as bayesian spamfiltrators were gamed
02:12 verisimilitude Yes, but I've a dearth of similar such examples on which to apply Elision.
02:13 verisimilitude Anyway, I'll leave it at that.
02:13 asciilifeform the way to 'keep out morons' is not to live in anonysoup to start with
02:14 asciilifeform and not only because 'can kick'em', but because soup ~attracts~ morons
02:16 * asciilifeform not yet encountered this shangri-la verisimilitude spoke of, where anonymous toilet somehow ~not~ packed to the gunwales with liquishit in which impossible to discern anyffin interesting even if were intent on trying
02:20 verisimilitude Does asciilifeform want a link to one?
02:24 asciilifeform verisimilitude: sure
02:25 verisimilitude /λ/
02:25 verisimilitude This is one of them, and is my personal little space.
02:25 asciilifeform loox to be a pseudonymous rather than anon forum tho
02:25 asciilifeform various people w/ nicks
02:25 verisimilitude The names are automatically assigned randomly.
02:26 verisimilitude It just looks like that.
02:26 asciilifeform 100% randomly ? i.e. 'xerxes' and 'delilah' come outta rng errytime ?
02:26 verisimilitude The intent is to make someone actually using a name harder to notice.
02:26 verisimilitude No, from a set.
02:26 verisimilitude I added many programmer's names to the set, also.
02:27 * asciilifeform stabbed randomly at the thing and found e.g. this, where 'Ada didn't have a way to provide the memory safety guarantees Rust has until June 2018. And if you take a look at what AdaCore did about that you'll realize they just copied Rust's CREW/borrowing model.' rly is mega-intelligent & informed discussion nao ?
02:27 asciilifeform at least it aint straight viagraspam. so that's sumthing
02:27 asciilifeform but so far not impressed otherwise
02:28 verisimilitude Is every line here great?
02:28 asciilifeform not for asciilifeform to say, lol
02:28 verisimilitude Do know I started the Ada thread. Absolutely no one even mentioned it, until I did.
02:29 asciilifeform aha, here is apparently verisimilitude
02:29 verisimilitude I greatly enjoyed the first comment in this thread.
02:29 asciilifeform anyways, ok forum, approx on par w/ early 2000s slashdot. and not spammed to death. how not -- nfi, perhaps verisimilitude knows
02:30 verisimilitude Anyway, it's not perfect, but it's mine.
02:30 asciilifeform perhaps is simply question of 'not yet'
02:30 asciilifeform rather like how usenet was only spammed to death in early 2000s, and not prior
02:30 verisimilitude It gets moderated.
02:30 verisimilitude I'm one of the moderators.
02:30 asciilifeform a was aboutta ask
02:30 asciilifeform how much modding it takes , typically ? (how many turds does verisimilitude pick up on a typical day?)
02:31 verisimilitude Actually, I've barely logged in lately. I've beat the bad part so consistently that the animal doesn't rise up much anymore.
02:31 asciilifeform indeed can run a forum this way. asciilifeform used to
02:31 verisimilitude So, colloquially, most of the users are ``trained'' by now.
02:32 asciilifeform at one pt even reddit looked rather like this
02:32 phf i believe the adage is "fuck jannies"
02:32 asciilifeform hm?
02:32 verisimilitude I'm a ``janny'', asciilifeform.
02:32 asciilifeform wassat?
02:33 verisimilitude It stands for ``janitor''.
02:33 asciilifeform a
02:33 verisimilitude Actually, I'm the highest level of staff, though, an administrator.
02:33 asciilifeform what do the low levels do ?
02:33 verisimilitude Usually, what they're told.
02:33 asciilifeform or rather, what can they do that rando anon can't?
02:34 verisimilitude Mostly, we just delete bad posts and respond to user reports.
02:34 verisimilitude They can ban, make fancy posts, etc.
02:34 asciilifeform i.e. low admin can moderate, high admin can add/remove low admins?
02:34 verisimilitude An anonymous forum can't survive well without heavy moderation.
02:34 verisimilitude Sure.
02:34 asciilifeform is that the complete structure or is there moar
02:35 verisimilitude The structure is as follows:
02:35 verisimilitude An administrator can make new ``boards'', edit posts, ban people, configure PHP, and like things.
02:36 verisimilitude A moderator can ban people.
02:36 verisimilitude A janitor can only delete posts.
02:36 asciilifeform a
02:36 verisimilitude There are other details, such as being able to see IP addresses, and whatnot.
02:37 verisimilitude It's decent; my pay was doubled recently.
02:37 asciilifeform anyways looks reasonably well janitored
02:37 asciilifeform sorta like early slashdot
02:37 thimbronion hello from ES
02:37 * asciilifeform was expecting to see sumthing terrifying, like dvach
02:37 asciilifeform thimbronion: wb
02:38 verisimilitude Don't go to /hum/, which is a bit of a mixed bag.
02:38 verisimilitude There has also been an issue with trannies making estrogen threads on /drug/, but they get deleted.
02:38 asciilifeform lol!
02:38 verisimilitude By ``issue'', I mean two or three times.
02:39 asciilifeform what's the expected subj on '/drug/' ?
02:39 verisimilitude Take a guess.
02:39 asciilifeform i.e. only for drugs that work on head ?
02:39 verisimilitude The advice is to discuss things ``your friends'' are doing.
02:39 verisimilitude I don't use it much.
02:40 verisimilitude I made a caffeine thread, years ago, and that's it.
02:41 verisimilitude Here's a thread that looks neat.
02:43 asciilifeform reasonably good snr per today's net. pray to satan that yer forum never becomes reddit.'popular'
02:43 asciilifeform is typically how these nature preserves of '90s net die.
02:44 verisimilitude It has existed for roughly eight years so far.
02:44 asciilifeform at certain pt the effort to janitor exceeds what anyone is able/willing to do
02:44 asciilifeform 8y? notbad
02:44 verisimilitude Notice it doesn't even have a captcha.
02:44 verisimilitude We don't even prohibit Tor posters.
02:45 verisimilitude So, a decent anonymous forum is possible.
02:45 asciilifeform #a hasn't got a captcha either lol
02:46 asciilifeform you can have a reasonably clean public park. if far enuff from 'civilization'.
02:51 signpost << >>
02:51 dulapbot Logged on 2022-03-31 19:34:56 phf: asciilifeform: well, that's my "end of tmsr" take, really when the needs of the republic started conflicting with the needs of the individuals, without republic giving any promise of satisfying those needs... etc. etc. bb living in butt fuck nowhere off mp's pitance, while mp posting pictures of lavish dinners.
02:51 dulapbot (trilema) 2019-05-17 trinque: republic is scant of profit centers
02:52 signpost constructing it as a self-sacrificial march was always stupid; I said this loudly for years.
02:53 signpost the needs of the republic with a halfway sane leader would've been "I need you to build the next version of MPEX; get your ass down to CR to get started."
02:53 * signpost being an idiot, thought this was the play that would surface "any day now" for far too long.
02:54 signpost there is *no* reason that we couldn't have been x to defi as btc is to eth, except that the one guy who could've funded that startup was, if a genius, first a pervert.
02:55 asciilifeform signpost: why would've he wanted the 'de' tho
02:56 signpost given who he was, didn't.
02:56 asciilifeform aaha
02:56 * asciilifeform wrote his orig ' re btc ' largely about 'where are the p2p systems'. to this day can ask this q.
02:57 asciilifeform they aint there. largely cuz p2p aint aboutta make anyone 'rich&famous'
02:57 signpost sometimes the king can only be richer by spending money.
02:58 asciilifeform yea but if only way to become 'king' is by corraling the bipedal cattle -- then unsurprisingly no path from here to there
02:59 * signpost means that if it's at all true that mp had 1mil *btc*, and not nominal value on mpex equiv., he was this person who could've only been richer by spending.
02:59 asciilifeform fwiw he had at least coupla 1e3 sitting around
03:00 signpost << while still on the subj, everything in one value system is larping to an arse sitting in another value system.
03:00 dulapbot Logged on 2022-03-31 20:16:02 asciilifeform: there's an ancient arg, which i suspect phf was alluding to, that 'if you think you need adult crypto, 8999 of 9000 chance yer a sad larper' and it seems impossible to refute, but then remember that bitcoin exists and in fact as sensitive to the given problems as anyffin in 'adult' spy biz and genuinely makes a diff on own skin.
03:01 signpost mp was not wrong about "meaning existing within a structure of authority which cannot be predicated on the meaning" even if he lifted it straight from the greeks.
03:01 asciilifeform this was enuff to satisfy all 'animal' urges, so unsurprisingly stopped there (discounting the megalomaniacal noises, made 0 serious to make moar other than via same pyramid as started with)
03:01 signpost the suicidality of that speaks for itself.
03:03 asciilifeform ( not that it was much possible to palpably 'make moar' via honest work )
03:03 dulapbot Logged on 2021-11-17 18:34:12 asciilifeform: ... favours so heavily that if somebody 'was there in 2011' and lost 99% of his hodl, is still fatter than anyone who 'is hero' ~today~, regardless of the latter's actual valuable contribution (to anyffin at all, incl. maintenance of troo bitcoin & assoc. systems)
03:03 asciilifeform this is an intrinsic 'bug' in btc arguably.
03:03 asciilifeform to 'make 100k btc' today you gotta either break a cryptosystem or raze a continent, approx
03:05 asciilifeform at even 1k level yer prolly either 'sessile, like sea anemone' or concerned w/ an aim that dun resolve to 'make moarcoin'
03:05 signpost nature seems balanced enough to handle these mistakes, work them out.
03:05 signpost if not to our satisfaction.
03:06 asciilifeform resolves errything , lol
03:06 signpost upstack, it's "larping" to stay alive. we don't interact with the territory, but our fantasy map.
03:07 signpost << yes, but also to generate *why bother doing so* at scale.
03:07 dulapbot Logged on 2022-03-31 19:29:31 phf: asciilifeform: i think rich and poor was never the problem. the aim was really to create a closed economic system. the amish have it, the hassidim have it, the various "families" have it, etc.
03:08 asciilifeform << oddly enuff asciilifeform was sympathetic to this pov. folx who 'want job' 8999/9000 times timeservers & sad company
03:08 dulapbot Logged on 2022-03-31 22:52:08 signpost: the needs of the republic with a halfway sane leader would've been "I need you to build the next version of MPEX; get your ass down to CR to get started."
03:09 signpost there's the practical matter of what to eat while writing whichever item.
03:09 signpost rent out a warehouse and put cots
03:09 asciilifeform is what they do in sv , but somehow not produces much edible
03:09 signpost << tmsr was a machine we were building to do this.
03:09 dulapbot Logged on 2022-03-20 12:38:12 signpost: would far rather know the ~100 people on earth with whom he can refine his sanity than shotgun his farts to all of twitter
03:09 signpost it's above any particular goal. it's the refinement engine for meaning-making.
03:10 signpost eh, this isn't a hypothetical. I made one, will make another.
03:10 signpost the guy should've stopped being a miser and picked a hill to take, and we would've taken it.
03:11 asciilifeform it isn't that no one can produce saleable product w/ warehouse fulla coolies. obv. some do. but rarely anyffin moar interesting comes of it than 'turn 1m$ into 3m$'
03:11 signpost sure, I know your distaste for capitalism very well at this point, lol.
03:11 * signpost isn't responsible for the game with which we get food.
03:11 signpost don't even like it very much.
03:11 asciilifeform once you have 1e3btc, the exercise, per mp's own telling, stops being interesting per se
03:12 asciilifeform is wai he wasn't building bauxite refineries in tajikistan or etc
03:12 signpost rum and riptide not interesting either, looks like.
03:12 signpost guy didn't look happy.
03:12 signpost "here's this sad whore that lets me play with zip-ties" etc
03:12 signpost this is not the kind of man that takes the moon.
03:13 asciilifeform this is vehery common failure mode of 'look i'm rich' folx
03:13 signpost sure is.
03:13 asciilifeform they like to autoerotically hang selves, or die in diy chopper crash, etc
03:13 asciilifeform from sheer boredom.
03:13 asciilifeform 'because they have no theorems to prove'(tm)(r)(p.erdos)
03:14 verisimilitude No amount of money will let a man take the moon.
03:14 signpost when you invent another means of organizing work at scale, do say.
03:15 verisimilitude I could get one trillion dollars right now, and still have no chance of making it to the moon, except in an urn.
03:15 asciilifeform well what mp nominally (at least when half coherent) wanted , wasn't a thing that submits to 'coolies at scale'
03:15 verisimilitude It obviously doesn't work that way.
03:15 signpost we're doing platitudes, or you're going to say why?
03:16 verisimilitude It requires scientists and resources and many other things, things someone with mere money won't be allowed to collect in necessary quantities.
03:16 * signpost ftr said nothing of "enough money = x"
03:16 signpost so if you're addressing a particular line, link it.
03:17 signpost what I said is that a man who claimed grand things made a fetish of making men want them.
03:17 signpost and that was that.
03:17 signpost there was nothing else there.
03:17 asciilifeform verisimilitude: 'money aint fungible' is the mega-'discovery' there. as mp found out when realized he couldn't even send a wire anymoar
03:17 verisimilitude
03:17 dulapbot Logged on 2022-03-31 23:12:00 signpost: this is not the kind of man that takes the moon.
03:17 asciilifeform (cuz last fella who'd do it for him was asciilifeform)
03:17 signpost verisimilitude: your head voices told you I was talking about money.
03:17 signpost I said otherwise above.
03:17 verisimilitude I don't hear voices, I have hallucinations, get it right.
03:17 asciilifeform lol
03:18 signpost << it is this machine that takes all things, in all times.
03:18 dulapbot Logged on 2022-03-31 23:08:39 signpost: << tmsr was a machine we were building to do this.
03:18 asciilifeform ( see also story of king midas... )
03:19 signpost sure, old failure mode.
03:19 phf << i don't think that part was lacking, mp was solid at generating meaning
03:19 dulapbot Logged on 2022-03-31 23:07:01 signpost: << yes, but also to generate *why bother doing so* at scale.
03:19 signpost how do you conclude that?
03:20 signpost if meaning's just a matter of other men being convinced, sure.
03:20 phf signpost: yes :)
03:20 asciilifeform phf: 'generated meaning' all the way until swallowed own tail and 'anyffin i say is meaning, is what meaning is'
03:20 signpost then we disagree. convince them to eat their pistol. how long do things mean?
03:21 asciilifeform ( e.g. kju in north kr also 'generates meaning'. professionally. care to partake? )
03:21 phf signpost: well, no. think of st crispin's day speech. i think the speech part was solid, it's just the part where we all went to fight the french that didn't work, because mp was not leading the charge with his men. so to speak
03:22 phf after all there was peak tmsr, 2017 maybe early 2018 or so, when there was heavy infrastructure building activity
03:23 signpost sure, the guy could read and regurgitate well enough.
03:23 signpost the results lacked.
03:24 asciilifeform per asciilifeform's lights, e.g piz was a suicide mission, already a product of 'must succeed the mp way, with human torpedo , or doesn't count' , the correct solution to 'hosting sux' was p2pism and asciilifeform noted as much at the time
03:24 * signpost may be from a bad life, but is unmoved by the man that speaks beautifully before I die for him.
03:25 signpost passed on an invite to CR, because by then expected to be thrown against the wall next.
03:26 phf signpost: i think that might be a hindsight perspective. because the rousing speech necessarily happens before the battle.
03:26 signpost sure, one gets older.
03:27 verisimilitude So I'd the foresight perspective, phf?
03:27 signpost easy there; you're going to strain your back.
03:27 asciilifeform ( recall what happened when asciilifeform recreated piz outta thin air in own backyard. 'not count' cuz actual mp objective was 'palace of obedience' rather than 'i want an isp')
03:28 phf verisimilitude: no offense, but i have no idea why you're part of this conversation :)
03:28 asciilifeform lol
03:29 verisimilitude I joined #trilema, got told to read the logs before I could speak in his presence, and saw him for what he was.
03:29 verisimilitude It could've just been a lucky guess, I suppose.
03:29 signpost you're a boy trying to get us to undersign your egotism.
03:30 verisimilitude I don't need help to feed that.
03:30 asciilifeform lol+
03:30 signpost may your life remain as easy as it has been.
03:30 asciilifeform fwiw verisimilitude could've taught mp a coupla things re how to solipsist, lol
03:31 signpost at any rate, if meaning has no relationship to the real, can indeed be nothing more than "everyone's convinced"
03:31 asciilifeform (seems sometimes even moar insulated from economic reality than an mp)
03:31 * signpost considers meaning which is moved by encounters with the real the useful definition.
03:32 asciilifeform that's the 'failure of rich' -- when 100% tune out physical reality (at least until ocean current pulls you in, chopper crashes, autoerotic noose a little too tight)
03:33 signpost dunno that it's the wealth that's failing, but yes
03:33 asciilifeform send an old man to qatar. comes back broke and with nuffin, let'im starve, then try & find another idiot
03:33 signpost there was always fear there, and it had opportunity to avoid what was feared, did.
03:33 * signpost neither knew the man well enough nor is the psychologist to say what.
03:34 asciilifeform ( or recall for that matter BingoBoingo's orig. mission in 'bisp' )
03:34 signpost run off with knife and can of beans into the woods, and I expect international commerce by next quarter, or how did it go?
03:35 asciilifeform approx
03:35 phf signpost: well, that's an interpretation that puts all of us in a bad light, re "everyone's convinced". there were plenty pragmatic elements to tmsr. deedbot wallet was not just a fetish, nor were various projects that were in many ways innovative or sometimes way ahead of its time.
03:35 asciilifeform see also
03:35 dulapbot Logged on 2022-03-29 22:47:12 asciilifeform: << imho 'expectations inflation' was a serious & ultimately fatal disease of #t
03:35 * signpost has a harsh way of speaking in text.
03:36 signpost imagine the lines in between burps of beer and pokes at the campfire and you've got the right tone.
03:36 asciilifeform 'deedbot today, demolish banks by next tues'
03:36 phf signpost: up until bb's trip to wherever-the-fuck, which ascii already elaborated on, things were pretty cool by the by :)
03:36 signpost even that, I ran a payment processor in real life for a decade.
03:36 asciilifeform ( on wednesday, 'banks still alive?! die, traitor')
03:36 signpost phf: all of it was cool.
03:37 signpost the scars too, who gets scars like these.
03:38 phf signpost: /most/ active participants weren't paupers, or imbiciles. we have mad skills that generate cash in default world. despite the dynamic, because mp decided to become ceaser, there was a point when it was a kind of republic.
03:38 asciilifeform mp went on for kilometres re 'effete codemonkey's bias in favour of buttonpressing solutions' but suffered equally idiotic 'meatmonkey's bias for 'manly'-flavoured solutions'
03:38 asciilifeform ( path at end of which usa 'militias' & similar lulzy 'fightclubs' )
03:38 phf *before decided
03:39 asciilifeform reminiscent of jp folx who considered it moar important that 'fight is with swords' than to actually win
03:40 signpost seeing republican ideology work was formative for me.
03:40 signpost cannot understate my gratitude for that.
03:40 crtdaydreams bake 100`000`000`000 shitcoin; sell one for $50; ???; profit.
03:40 signpost *overstate
03:40 phf it all kind of got erased in 2018 and 2019, so that's what colors most conversations, but i remember when hanbot wrote that story about a child losing his pgp key or whatever. that was a formative, pragmatic point
03:41 asciilifeform ( defensible on aesthetic level, where in fact yer a respectable descendant of nobunaga and simply aint interested in living in a world where untermenschen pulling triggers can win against 5000 manhour sword wielded by master. but at the end yer simply dead )
03:41 asciilifeform phf: story was in '13 iirc
03:41 signpost phf: see, the problem with IRC is you can't just reach over and smack crtdaydreams with a walking stick.
03:41 asciilifeform or not much later, asciilifeform had already read it before ro meet iirc
03:42 signpost some things don't deserve a verbal response
03:42 asciilifeform ^
03:42 verisimilitude That's the benefit of Internet communication, signpost. There's no or little credible threat of physical violence.
03:42 asciilifeform verisimilitude: not always benefit, lol
03:42 signpost yes, it's a golden age of cowardice.
03:43 verisimilitude I'd behave differently were I physically around you, even if just a little, but right now I'm just words on a screen.
03:45 crtdaydreams signpost: yeah I'd deserve that right about nao. on more serious note though I've been enjoying logs and some of phf's discussion.
03:45 signpost that's good. thank you for your upboat.
03:45 asciilifeform fwiw asciilifeform's pov re 'lessons of piz'
03:45 signpost back on topic. the medium makes it too easy to generate this "not my real self" fetishism.
03:46 verisimilitude It goes both ways. How much of anyone here is his real self? We don't mention when we leave to take a shit, now do we?
03:46 asciilifeform mp did! lol
03:46 verisimilitude How much of mp was real, that is certain?
03:46 crtdaydreams don't start with the whole `hollow internet' bullshit lol
03:47 asciilifeform well the meatspace mp could endure maybe 2h of social life before retiring to hideout
03:47 asciilifeform if the meets were at all representative
03:47 * signpost can think of several folks here that have been damned authentic for years.
03:47 asciilifeform ( and said very little. but maybe had toothache? both times? whoknows )
03:48 signpost if it's easier to imagine it's impossible, who's to stop you.
03:48 verisimilitude For what it's worth, I'm just as insufferable in person.
03:48 * asciilifeform believes
03:48 crtdaydreams << would like to point out that since first reading this has moved away from various anonytardisms
03:48 dulapbot Logged on 2022-03-31 23:44:31 asciilifeform: fwiw asciilifeform's pov re 'lessons of piz'
03:48 signpost all these things do is talk about their little sockpuppet
03:49 verisimilitude Who?
03:49 phf if the shoe fits
03:49 asciilifeform crtdaydreams: link was moar re 'there aint such a thing as an off-grid isp'
03:51 asciilifeform i.e. you can expensively masturbate in 'off shore' until someone trips over cable, and it'll happen sooner rather than later
03:51 crtdaydreams ohh ok. ja. all things considered in terms of a pest grid, how'd ya get around USG radio mafia?
03:52 crtdaydreams bit of a sidetrack, but spurred that thought
03:52 asciilifeform crtdaydreams: like so
03:52 dulapbot Logged on 2020-04-27 23:24:36 asciilifeform: roughly speaking, 'uwb' over 0-30Mhz .
03:52 asciilifeform yer transmitting right nao, when you flip yer light switch.
03:52 asciilifeform simply, no one has 'key' to receive.
03:54 signpost upstack, on the discussion of meaning. weird that "god died" but the "soul before all-eye of god" zombies on.
03:54 asciilifeform ( traditional carrier-freq. narrowband radio is an artifact of pre-kompoyooting dark age )
03:54 * signpost figures the urgent insistence that they exist, and are very smart boys, indicates a leak.
03:54 signpost damn kids don't even do mushrooms anymore, do they.
03:55 * signpost goes to wrap up a thing he's been meaning to post.
03:55 * asciilifeform must bbl
03:55 verisimilitude I'm usually loathe to mention web comics, but this is relevant to narcissism:
03:56 verisimilitude The hover text completes it.
03:57 phf signpost: :}
04:03 signpost echoes forward and backward. biblical.
04:03 signpost humans only do so many things.
04:03 * signpost trying to find the line where he tells me that an "mp" doesn't build, it burns down.
04:04 signpost world was plenty burned down by the time he fell out of his mother.
04:05 * signpost reads old logs often; wild how one's mind keeps indices.
04:07 phf signpost: i don't, there's all kinds of cringy things there. like me throwing shade at kremlin on that same page. i've met him since and he's a cool dude.
04:08 signpost eh, it all happened. go ask my crazy ex-girlfriends what an idiot I was at 22 while you're at it.
04:08 phf also that's 2016, everyone is peak cocksure :D
04:09 signpost mhm, I recall plenty of Very Authoritative Voice coming out of me.
04:09 signpost has its place in time.
04:09 verisimilitude So signpost is twenty-eight years old?
04:09 signpost no, separate thought.
04:10 verisimilitude Alright, as figured.
04:10 * signpost mid 30s
04:10 verisimilitude That's good to know.
04:13 signpost verisimilitude: regarding seeing mp "for what he was", the machine was the thing worth building in my mind, not worshipping the loudest guy present.
04:13 signpost phf: so you met putin, re: kremlin?
04:13 signpost I'm really curious to hear about this, if so
04:14 signpost oh, that's some dude on IRC.
04:14 phf that's well beyond my reach
04:15 crtdaydreams lol
04:15 * crtdaydreams once met the guy who owned nick "Trump" on fleanoad
04:23 phf alright, i'm off for the night
04:27 signpost see ya.
~ 18 minutes ~
04:45 scoopbot New article on trinque: Deadlock
~ 34 minutes ~
05:19 * vex is happy to read that phf is thriving, also saddened to read of Claudia
~ 23 minutes ~
05:42 vex i think i might've unerestimated alf's capacity for kindness, and I've been moved, emotionally
~ 1 hours 9 minutes ~
06:52 mangol my sympathy on the passing of Claudia, as well. it sounds like you took exceptionally good care of her.
~ 1 hours 47 minutes ~
08:39 crtdaydreams henlo
08:41 crtdaydreams so I have been attempting to get mp-wp working w/ nginx on freebsd.
08:41 crtdaydreams I've installed php5.6.13 from source --with-fpm and a few other useful bits and bobs
08:43 crtdaydreams problem I'm finding is that running a short test script <?php var_export($_SERVER)?> does not result in expected output
08:44 crtdaydreams infact does not result in output.
08:47 crtdaydreams \/var/log/php-fpm.log turns up nuthin' after init, yet everything in nginx.conf checks out, can make paste if interested
~ 30 minutes ~
09:18 crtdaydreams must be php :/
09:18 crtdaydreams hiya vex
09:24 vex idk wordpress
09:28 vex believe it or not, i'm not a 16 yo gal
~ 15 minutes ~
09:44 vex
~ 1 hours 48 minutes ~
11:33 mangol in other potential pest hacks, the political stability of the DNS has given me concern lately
11:33 mangol some kind of parallel DNS has to be built so it's there when the official one collapses
11:34 mangol DNS over Pest seems doable
11:47 mangol in non-Pest hacks, i designed a very simple client-server protocol to get static data using either a hash or a pathname. wrote a server and client for it.
11:49 mangol there are a few neat applications one can layer on top of this, most obviously file transfer, RSS-style feeds, web browsing, and mirroring of whole websites
11:50 mangol could even do version control on top of it (every pathname points to a hash, so a pathname can be like a git branch that points to a tree of blobs)
12:02 mangol i'd be happy if someone wants to experiment with serving their website or other files over it
12:03 mangol current server/client are in scheme. i can do CL, python, C on request
~ 1 hours 49 minutes ~
13:52 asciilifeform mangol: dns is an intrinsically evil and broken thing
13:52 dulapbot Logged on 2021-10-05 00:28:32 asciilifeform: hope there indeed is 'mass dns outage' and that it's fucking permanent.
13:53 asciilifeform what's needed is http over pest, where can fetch e.g. http://localhost:1337/asciilifeform/ and it'll work for so long as asciilifeform is in yer l_n (for some n)
13:55 asciilifeform ty crtdaydreams, vex
~ 42 minutes ~
14:38 phf << i have it running on openbsd w/ recent php-7.3, mysqli and httpd
14:38 dulapbot Logged on 2022-04-01 04:40:09 crtdaydreams: so I have been attempting to get mp-wp working w/ nginx on freebsd.
14:40 phf there's a handful of php-isms i had to update, and i'm using some random guys mysql<->mysqli compatability layer that i just dropped in without much reflection. but it works.
14:42 phf unfortunately my version of wp is a bespoke tgz that mp sent me that predates the mp-wp v project
14:42 shinohai Oh hello phf, where are you blogging from these days?
14:44 phf shinohai: i'm not :) i've been using republican stack for projects
14:48 phf like, house affairs are managed through an internal instance
14:50 phf which by the way works great. can upload receipts, travel photos, plan things. easy to inject entries with an external process..
14:53 asciilifeform neato
14:58 mangol asciilifeform: that part of logs doesn't explain why DNS is evil, but i assume centralization and lack of crypto
14:59 mangol for the record, i can't reach without tor. "EU" (which org specifically? who knows.) blocked it this month. not sure if only DNS or HTTP too
14:59 mangol is a reasonable summary
15:00 mangol the technical lowdown on how the EU was able to ban a website in one day would make for interesting reading
~ 47 minutes ~
15:48 billymg phf: if you're willing to diff your version against the original tgz and share the patch i could manually create a vpatch for mp-wp that adds the php 7 compatibility
15:51 phf billymg: yes
15:53 billymg phf: do you know off the top of your head if the changes required for php7 compatibility break 5.6 compatibility?
15:53 phf probably
15:53 billymg ah, damn
15:53 billymg i never really looked into this because i assumed php5.6 was one of those "from my cold dead hands" things
15:54 billymg a hard requirement
15:57 phf might be something to investigate either way. for example create_function has been removed, and it's an ugly hack anyway, but it looks like 5.3 already supported anonymous functions
15:57 phf - $num_widgets = array_reduce( $sidebars_widgets, create_function( '$prev, $curr', 'return $prev+count($curr);' ), 0 );
15:57 phf + $num_widgets = array_reduce( $sidebars_widgets, function($prev, $curr) { return $prev+count($curr); }, 0 );
15:57 phf
15:57 phf so above should continue to work
15:58 billymg yeah, i can test it, see if it works on both
15:58 billymg with the complete set of changes that is
15:58 phf on the other hand class foo { foo() { ... }} has been replaced with class foo { __construct() { ... }} which will obviously require a compatability hack
15:59 phf is this complete ?
16:00 phf billymg: ^
16:00 billymg phf: there are a few more after that one:
16:02 mangol meanwhile, Moscow says Ukraine hit a fuel depot inside Russia
16:03 billymg phf: a lot was lopped off in that last patch, details here
16:04 * billymg bbl, errands
16:05 phf jeez, it's a whole maternety ward of babies with that bath water
16:08 asciilifeform << centralization
16:08 dulapbot Logged on 2022-04-01 10:57:33 mangol: asciilifeform: that part of logs doesn't explain why DNS is evil, but i assume centralization and lack of crypto
16:10 signpost mangol: the ambiguity of this reporting is entertaining.
16:11 * signpost is to believe there aren't spy satellites watching overhead?
16:14 mangol DNS is one more decentralized protocol everyone uses in a centralized fashion
16:19 mangol signpost: probably ukr -> ru attack means usg -> ru attack. won't end at one fuel depot.
16:20 asciilifeform iirc they've lobbed at least coupla shells over border before
16:20 asciilifeform w/ modern cannon, this aint hard
16:20 asciilifeform 'drive by'
16:20 mangol asciilifeform: some news sites say so
16:21 mangol is ru -> ru false flag out of the question?
16:21 asciilifeform also of course can be 'own goal'
16:22 asciilifeform mangol: if yer gonna falseflag, normally would shoot some meat rather than petro depot
16:22 asciilifeform at least if in 'american style'
16:22 signpost ru benefits, doesn't matter much to me who did it.
16:22 signpost just pointing out both superpowers know; neither is proving it.
16:23 mangol the first ukr false flag was empty kindergarten iirc
16:24 asciilifeform signpost: hm how does ru win from burning own oil depot ?
16:25 asciilifeform would make sense if 'omfg the heathen scum, let's flatten'em nao' but already flattening as quickly as can afford neh
16:27 mangol exactly
16:27 signpost I mean something more neutral. not saying russia did it.
16:27 signpost I'm saying the only two sources of information who know what happened both are letting it be ambiguous.
16:28 mangol i read the kindergarten false flag as the most cliche'd possible "putin is heartless monster" press fodder
16:28 phf gaaaaze into the crystal ball to glimpse aaaanswers through the fog of waaaar
16:28 asciilifeform lol
16:28 signpost "Reported Ukrainian air raid doesn???t bode well for future negotiations, Moscow insists"
16:28 signpost
16:29 signpost so that's the tone coming out of that side; maybe they walk away from negotiations later.
16:29 asciilifeform the negotiations are a bag o'lulz
16:29 asciilifeform from what they posted, at any rate
16:30 asciilifeform near as can tell, entirely ceremonial
16:30 signpost "we tried to talk to them"
16:30 asciilifeform would think 8y of that would've been enuff
16:30 * signpost continues to believe there's a deal to partition ukraine struck well before the war.
16:30 asciilifeform ('minsk treaty' etc)
16:32 mangol signpost: struck by whom?
16:33 signpost US and RU
16:34 mangol all of ukr, not just donbass region as in minsk agreements?
16:34 phf the venetians and the reptiloid branch of the illuminati
16:34 signpost this guy with the shitposting
16:36 signpost mangol: maybe just outside that huge pipeline they have running to romania.
16:36 phf it's a lovely day in the alleghenies, grey and misty and snowing, so i'm in a good mood
16:36 phf i mean if you're into that kind of weather
16:37 signpost the forest up there is pretty.
16:40 * signpost still missing the patchwork of new england towns just a bit further NE of you, since his last trip.
16:44 phf i'm fond of the whole ridge from atlanta to albany, occasionally it's ok to venture out into the plains, but yeah, maybe a bit in pa, sc or nh.
16:45 phf come to think of it the only legitimate reason to venture out is to make it to small towns on the atlantic
16:46 phf mood
16:49 * signpost grew up spending a lot of summers on the cape, or in the woods in maine.
16:50 signpost fell in love with Portsmouth, NH recently, but will likely live somewhere with acres when I relocate.
16:54 phf oh i didn't realize that you're from the green forests. one of the main reason we're not moving to tx/az: the desert is great and all but i need the moss and the horizontal rain and the occasional -2c -15c wind chill
16:57 signpost my grandparents moved south from new england, but going back has always been a coming-home for me.
16:58 signpost nothing compared to yurp, but as someone born in the wayward colonies, it's as historied as can be found.
17:02 phf i've been meaning to come to tx and when i'm there hit you up, but maybe you can just let me know when you're in nh instead
17:02 signpost yep either way, would be happy to say hello.
17:04 signpost I will probably go again sometime in the current year, will let ya know.
17:06 phf as far as history, east coast is really weird. there's a lot of usg developed "points of interests" with little plaques in english, chinese and braille. on the other hand the area where i live has churches built in 17xx, my friend's house is early 18th century, but it's all just there, not particularly historically preserved
17:08 phf another couple has family property with a barn on it, that was built by indians >100yr old, but the family just used it as a barn, until it got old enough so they razed it and put a stock walmart generic barn instead
17:17 asciilifeform phf: sounds moar interesting than most of washingtonistan. this was in pa ?
~ 17 minutes ~
17:34 phf asciilifeform: this is in maryland's panhandle, and a bit into somerset county in pa, i'm sure it's all over the place here
17:44 asciilifeform a
17:45 thimbronion phf: I used to fly fish in western md. There was a great book about all the streams.
17:46 thimbronion Even caught some fish.
17:52 * asciilifeform hopes to do things like fishing again sumday, instead of 'vacationing' in 1 salt mine to catch up in other lol
17:53 thimbronion asciilifeform: you should work for the government
17:53 asciilifeform $ticker btc usd
17:53 busybot Current BTC price in USD: $46496.75
17:54 asciilifeform thimbronion: lol, where they pay like mcd
17:54 thimbronion IMO best east coast forrests are in NC.
17:54 thimbronion asciilifeform: yeah you pretend to work and they pretend to pay
17:55 asciilifeform right, been there ( as 'contractor' ) , tightest belt years for asciilifeform to date
17:56 thimbronion asciilifeform: after 3 years of government work I managed to save like $5000 living an a groundskeeper's basement lol
17:56 phf asciilifeform: you still have to go to the office?
17:56 asciilifeform 'collect these 7 rubber stamps in next 3days'
17:56 asciilifeform phf: nope
17:56 asciilifeform phf: current saltmines haven't even got working offices
17:56 asciilifeform luckily
17:57 phf you drive 2 hours east and the price of everything drops 2x. can even rent a uhaul to transport your electron microscope :>
17:57 asciilifeform would have to run fiber there, neh
17:57 phf no
17:57 asciilifeform hm they finally discovered fiber in the wastelands ?
17:58 asciilifeform in e.g. bmore still afaik nope
17:58 * asciilifeform considered to move there coupla yrs ago, got quoted coupla 100k, 'we'd dig up street..'
17:59 phf fiber is boring, i think you should setup a microwave rely tower.
17:59 * asciilifeform pictures cost of gb net via tower
18:00 phf most areas will be a hop or two from a state utility tower, which all run internet. but i guess you want /fiber/ fiber. what kind of d/u you get?
18:00 asciilifeform gb/gb
18:00 phf ah, ok, i get slightly more than half of that
18:01 asciilifeform asciilifeform's commercial toil moar sensitive to ping tho, rather than bw
18:03 asciilifeform phf: you have own mw relay tower nao ?
18:04 * asciilifeform knew a fella in wv who was building one, but he went into some kinda amish mode and not wrote in for long time, nfi whether built
18:04 phf asciilifeform: joey hess by any chance?
18:04 asciilifeform nah
18:05 phf asciilifeform: i have an endpoint, and i'm renting a hop from state. just happen to have had a relay tower line of sight
18:06 asciilifeform a
18:06 asciilifeform !w seen-anywhere b00lcrap
18:06 watchglass asciilifeform: my valid commands are: src, uptime, help, probe, peers, version, poll
18:07 asciilifeform !q seen-anywhere b00lcrap
18:07 dulapbot b00lcrap last seen in #trilema on 2014-12-29 11:08:27: who is the mastermind behind this late 90s attack.
18:07 phf the whole thing is very personal handshake, w md is a different state for sure. i guess they have plenty of farmers linked to their towers that it was "hi bill this is john, john this is phf he wants a relay"
18:08 * asciilifeform wonders if these are built to work among selves, a la 'ricochet', when upstream link fails
18:08 asciilifeform by all rights oughta
18:09 asciilifeform theoretically ideal terrain for 'pest'
18:11 asciilifeform << asciilifeform has own rusty truck nao; is handy for his 'geological time' move into new pad
18:11 dulapbot Logged on 2022-04-01 13:56:09 phf: you drive 2 hours east and the price of everything drops 2x. can even rent a uhaul to transport your electron microscope :>
18:12 asciilifeform occasionally small pieces, lol, fall off. but so far nuffin from vital organs.
18:12 phf is it an '85 ford f-150? :)
18:12 asciilifeform '7 150
18:13 asciilifeform the long bed sort
18:13 phf you'll fit right in
18:13 asciilifeform most sovok-flavoured auto asciilifeform ever rode in adult life
18:14 asciilifeform hand-cranked windows etc
18:14 asciilifeform cheap&angry
18:15 asciilifeform even came w/ hitch ball.
18:19 * asciilifeform lolled at the gymnastics req'd at the rust yard where bought it, where 'lolno, i dun want the payment plans' 'ok you gotta pay via spampal' 'let's find 1 that worx..'
18:19 asciilifeform 'can by wire?' 'wat's a wire'
18:20 asciilifeform apropos of yest. thrd
18:20 dulapbot Logged on 2022-03-31 15:29:18 phf: also banking infrastructure is 20 years ahead of u.s. probably on par with chinese (i don't have personal knowledge, but that's the word). can do free micro transactions by counterparty's phone number/cc number/qr code/contract number. can e.g. buy street shavarma by doing a phone to phone transfer 150rub with no commission in real time. pretty much all the hole in the wall shops (electronics, horse equipment, hooka
18:20 phf cashier's check
18:21 asciilifeform lol fella didnt know what that was either
18:21 asciilifeform asciilifeform concluded 'no one pays with money here, evidently'
18:21 phf sounds like maybe ethnic problem..
18:21 asciilifeform possib
18:22 * asciilifeform knows folx who ran into similar, apparently endemic in these parts. 'whattayamean you dun want the moneylender, how are we to make profit'
18:23 verisimilitude Be this the source of this information, asciilifeform?
18:23 dulapbot Logged on 2021-09-19 16:28:22 asciilifeform: but only <=508byte guaranteed not to frag.
18:25 verisimilitude I ask, as this page seems to conflict a tad, by distinguishing between modules and destinations.
18:25 verisimilitude I'm curious.
18:25 asciilifeform verisimilitude:
18:25 dulapbot Logged on 2021-07-22 13:38:18 asciilifeform: gregory4:
18:25 phf asciilifeform: what odd native customs
18:27 asciilifeform verisimilitude: empirically found that often enuff much larger packets will arrive w/out fragging. but the only 'guaranteed' unfragged mass planetwide seems to be 576 (incl. all headers)
18:29 asciilifeform verisimilitude: per pest conception, you wanna be able to ensure unfraggedness even if pesting from moving truck and wardriving, which precludes 'clever' path mtu discovery etc
18:29 verisimilitude ``All hosts must be prepared to accept datagrams of up to 576 octets (whether they arrive whole or in fragments).''
18:29 verisimilitude I read this, but it's not actually a guarantee, which is unsettling.
18:29 verisimilitude The only guarantee is sixty-eight octets, in the fragment section.
18:30 asciilifeform verisimilitude: once you've turned off frag reassembly in os, if yer on a link where can't even carry 576 (where? if discovered one, plox to write in) will simply resemble dead connection.
18:30 * asciilifeform not ran into such thing yet
18:30 verisimilitude Of course, but it's odd.
18:30 asciilifeform verisimilitude: doesn't mean it dun exist somewhere.
18:31 asciilifeform maybe, somewhere , afghanistan, 'ip over dead goat'
18:31 verisimilitude It's in the same style as ``Have a constant connection that doesn't go down for longer than fifteen minutes.'' with Pest.
18:32 asciilifeform you can go down longer than 15m, will simply need to restamp & resend what if anything you had queued
18:32 verisimilitude I've heard of IP over avian carriers, but never IP over dead goats.
18:32 verisimilitude Anyway, my question has been answered.
18:32 asciilifeform aite
18:33 verisimilitude I appreciate it.
18:33 asciilifeform np
18:39 asciilifeform for non-ip transport (e.g. shortwave) can in principle use sumthing other than 508byte packets. but we aint there yet
18:40 asciilifeform for 1 thing, won't need the header at all there
18:40 asciilifeform given 'if you can decrypt it, it's addressed to you'
18:42 asciilifeform role of ip header would be played by the fourier transform params on yer radio, there.
18:44 asciilifeform ^ ultimate shape of 'adult' pest.
18:46 asciilifeform 0 reason to send 'ignores' there, either (unless yer confident that nobody's standing in yer nearfield)
18:46 verisimilitude That's a neat idea.
18:46 asciilifeform verisimilitude: very old idea, kilometres of log re subj
18:46 asciilifeform is the obv. logical conclusion of subj
18:50 verisimilitude Part of why it has always ``rubbed me the wrong way'' is how I always think about the rare case where garbage passes through by sheer luck.
18:51 asciilifeform verisimilitude: you & yer station will be flattened by several asteroids , likely, long before you get accidentally valid packet outta rng
18:52 asciilifeform ( after having won coupla dozen national lotteries, lol )
18:53 verisimilitude I probably have a higher chance of being randomly poisoned by my food, sure, but still.
18:53 asciilifeform take yer pick, aha
18:55 asciilifeform moar likely you'll decode valid packet and get flipped bits in own machine from alpha decay in the meat of the latter
18:55 asciilifeform trying to plan for this is imho virtually pointless (tho in e.g. ffa in places in fact tried..)
18:56 asciilifeform comp is a physical object rather than proverbial 'spherical horse' and this has inescapable implications
18:56 asciilifeform (if this matters in yer application -- tandem'em)
18:58 * asciilifeform in fact sees ecc events in machine log 1/2ce a yr.
18:58 asciilifeform fewer of'em nao ever since finally retired 2007 mobo w/ seemingly endless procession of failing caps..
18:59 asciilifeform 2011 replacement a++ champ so far.
18:59 dulapbot Logged on 2021-11-28 10:20:55 asciilifeform: using 'kdpe-d16' mobo in torture room, would pay good money for 100% passive cooling for same but nodice
19:00 verisimilitude Redundancy through multiple copies is the most reasonable solution, yes.
19:01 verisimilitude Repetition is the closest we can get to perfection, here.
~ 15 minutes ~
19:16 PeterL or does tandem them imply putting in serial - by chance will get through one but won't get thorugh both?
19:17 asciilifeform PeterL: 'tandem' i.e. the practice of multiple cpu (or entire machine) working against identical inputs, and the outputs pass through 1 or more comparators
19:18 asciilifeform most folx will live & die w/out ever touching 1 of these ( oblig. ref to yest. thrd )
19:18 dulapbot Logged on 2022-03-31 19:54:41 asciilifeform: supposing actual honest effort, rather than 'avionics flavour spray', that is
19:21 asciilifeform at this pt, largely 'artifact of lost civilization'
19:34 verisimilitude Think of space computers, PeterL.
~ 18 minutes ~
19:53 verisimilitude
19:56 asciilifeform ohey sumbody's still doing april1's
19:57 asciilifeform ( dijkstra: 'how many bugs shall we tolerate?! how many??' fella in back of crowd : '7!' )
19:58 phf
19:58 dulapbot (trilema) 2018-12-14 phf: asciilifeform: i worked on tandem for a bit (known by then as HP NonStop), i appreciated the architecture, but entire software stack was cobol
19:58 * asciilifeform recalls
19:59 * asciilifeform wonders whether these still sold somewhere
20:01 phf although there was no reason for its use, mostly a "of course our computers are rad hardened, i've been running this business since jimmy carter got in office, and you never know what those russkies might be up to"
20:02 asciilifeform hm thought the usual commercial reason for purchase of 'nonstop' was simply to swap out e.g. burned cpu, a la raid disks, w/out stopping machine
20:03 * asciilifeform suspects that these days this is more often done barbarically, by 'db replication' on konsoomer shit irons
20:03 asciilifeform not to mention is apparently considered ok for e.g. 'visa' to have multi-hour outages.
20:03 asciilifeform ( apropos )
20:03 dulapbot Logged on 2022-03-31 20:05:35 asciilifeform: but larger point, dun matter whether have 3 tandem cpu and provably correct avionics stack, or hemp ropes like wright brothers, if the failed society doesn't in fact need (or can afford) airplane in any kinda mass
20:03 phf asciilifeform: seymour cray would be appauled!
20:04 asciilifeform 'over9000 chickens instead of horse' aha
20:09 * asciilifeform recalls when purportedly standard for us telephone grid was proverbial 'five nines' uptime
20:11 asciilifeform ... for current shitpnoje wireless , is a visible to naked eye 'lolno'. but interestingly enuff asciilifeform's dc in fact delivered 'five nines' service in 2021. i.e. <6min of dead time in yr
20:11 billymg << that's fair criticism. my plan, perhaps never articulated, was to re-add the few useful pieces that were removed
20:11 bitbot Logged on 2022-04-01 16:05:04 phf: jeez, it's a whole maternety ward of babies with that bath water
20:14 billymg tbh i sort of lost interest in it though. in its current state, "works for me", and polishing the mp-wp turd in general was miserable and thankless work. i can handle miserable, and don't mind thankless, but the two together killed my motivation
20:15 * asciilifeform hasn't touched his kludged wp in yrs. w/ exception of billymg's fix for highlighter & css, and prior to that, the spam trap
20:16 billymg the general sentiment seems to be, "ugh, i hate using this pos, but no alternative atm
20:16 asciilifeform aaha
20:19 phf billymg: the first questionable step was to replace all the images with svgs, because we couldn't figure out how to attach binary to v patches
20:20 * asciilifeform recalls signpost's binhex cure for this
20:21 asciilifeform (where iirc binturds transformed into sh scripts which piss out the turd when run)
20:21 billymg that was done in genesis, and botched originally
20:21 bitbot (trilema) 2018-12-27 billymg: such as 'images/kubrickheader.jpg.svg'
20:21 phf i think it was always possible, could even wire to vtools, trivially, just never was a decision. of course now can do whatever the fuck :)
20:21 asciilifeform imho no win from baking binturd support into vtron directly
20:22 asciilifeform whereas preserving hand-crankability of the patches is a win imho
20:24 billymg for the purpose of icons, specifically, can use actual svg. don't need to encode png/jpg binaries
20:24 billymg though in a later patch i think i removed all the icons anyway, so currently the only images are the theme screenshots (iirc)
20:24 asciilifeform iirc signpost was embedding a boot sector into a genesis
20:25 asciilifeform coupla month ago
~ 51 minutes ~
21:16 verisimilitude I think asciilifeform may care about seeing this.
21:23 signpost asciilifeform: ended up going back to lilo and bin86, whereas before I needed to do this to include all the binwads in syslinux.
21:28 signpost << current pentacle ingredients.
21:29 * signpost recently grunted it into per-project trees vs giant genesis wad.
21:29 signpost oughta be able to drop the existing vpatches of other projects into this, and only have to write a "pbuild" file for them, not also regrind patches.
~ 49 minutes ~
22:19 asciilifeform verisimilitude: lol commenter didn't read the schematics at all ( imagined there's an adc in there, for instance, or a microcontroller... )
22:20 asciilifeform 'For better auditability, the RNG boards should have been simpler, with only the analog part of the RNG...' etc
22:21 asciilifeform 'they should have used an ADC input of the microcontroller instead of using a RS-232 input...' << there's neither a microcontroller nor a rs232 input anywhere in fg...
22:25 asciilifeform ( folx who read the schems know that the rng daughterboards in fact contain only the analogue part. 2x ea. )
22:28 verisimilitude To be fair, Fuckgoats doesn't even have a CoC, so he probably didn't feel welcome to look.
22:29 asciilifeform 'haven't read, but disapprove'(tm)(r)(hruschev)
~ 21 minutes ~
22:51 signpost "did he even ask the goats!?"
22:53 mangol more bio war allegations, ukr company inquired in december whether turkish drone can fly 300 km and spray aerosol
22:55 mangol same story on several sites, apparently started from twitter screencaps
22:57 mangol reich rag warned a week ago that "America and Europe Must Be Ready for Russian Biological or Chemical Attacks"
22:59 signpost each side is so irredeemably full of shit, who can say
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