Show Idle (>14 d.) Chans

← 2020-08-10 | 2020-08-12 →
01:38 gregorynyssa asciilifeform: if I understand correctly, MacIvory was like a graphics-card containing a LISP environment, which could be plugged into the Macintosh, is that right?
01:39 gregorynyssa does the "Mac" in MacIvory refer to Project MAC (MACLISP) or to Macintosh? seems like an unfortunate naming conflict.
~ 9 hours 13 minutes ~
10:52 asciilifeform << funnily enuff, almost opposite : the mac worked as the 'graphics card' (and disk controller), the card itself was factually the computer. ( it had own cpu & ram )
10:52 snsabot Logged on 2020-08-11 01:38:09 gregorynyssa: asciilifeform: if I understand correctly, MacIvory was like a graphics-card containing a LISP environment, which could be plugged into the Macintosh, is that right?
10:55 asciilifeform and no relation to project MAC. smbx sold several other machines based on same cpu ; the single-board 'macivory' was a 'budget' model (i.e. you didn't have to buy 40kg of golden toilet console from bolix, just 1 board)
10:58 asciilifeform gregorynyssa: the way 'macivory' worx -- it sits in that mac, and the latter boots normally, then you run their console proggy -- which handles screen, kbd, and disk i/o for the card, and gives you a standard bolix console on normal vga monitor.
11:03 asciilifeform in contracts, the earlier 'ivory' machines, e.g. xl1200, were standalone and rather heavy/costly thing, w/ their proprietary console (whose mega-feature was the iirc up to 200 metre coaxial cable, i.e. can put the rather loud machine a coupla rooms away)
11:03 asciilifeform *in contrast
11:05 asciilifeform !w poll
11:05 watchglass Polling 12 nodes...
11:05 watchglass : Could not connect!
11:05 watchglass : ( Alive: (0.095s) V=99999 (/ Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=643224 (Operator: asciilifeform)
11:05 watchglass : ( Alive: (0.082s) V=99999 (/ Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=643224
11:05 watchglass : Alive: (0.084s) V=99999 (/ Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=643224 (Operator: asciilifeform)
11:05 watchglass : ( Alive: (0.083s) V=70001 (/ Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=643224
11:05 watchglass : Alive: (0.142s) V=99999 (/ Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=643224
11:05 watchglass : Alive: (0.207s) V=70001 (/ Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=643224
11:05 watchglass : Alive: (0.236s) V=70001 (/ Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=643224
11:05 watchglass : ( Alive: (0.207s) V=99999 (/ Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=303525 (Operator: jurov)
11:05 watchglass : Alive: (0.328s) V=99999 (/ Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=643224
11:05 watchglass : ( Alive: (0.301s) V=99999 (/ Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=643224
11:05 watchglass : ( Alive: (0.524s) V=99999 (/ Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=643224
11:06 asciilifeform $ticker btc usd
11:06 btcinfobot Current BTC price in USD: $11562.55
~ 33 minutes ~
11:40 * trinque wonders how many folks from the old days sold.
~ 17 minutes ~
11:58 asciilifeform trinque: can't speak for other folx, but asciilifeform never yet sold any to date. tho did spend some: bbet, back in the day; then later on piz piggy, then piz funeral auction, then, most recently, subscription to trinquetron.
11:59 asciilifeform iirc i also paid some mp invoice ( he billed me some dust for using his attourney in timis, i didn't feel like haggling over it ) shortly after kicked outta #t
12:00 asciilifeform afaik is all.
12:00 asciilifeform or hm i guess there were also the tickets to mp's c2 & c3.
12:01 * asciilifeform apparently can count on fingers all the times spend coin.
12:01 asciilifeform *spent
12:04 superkuh I spend bitcoin regularly. I use it as a currency.
12:04 asciilifeform trinque: thinking about it, i dun think i'll ever sell a coin. might spend some, if again encounter a useful thing that can only be bought with coin. but asciilifeform never had enuff to add up to a sum that'd make a palpable difference if sold, esp. after the tax vermin pick up the scent.
12:05 asciilifeform superkuh: i normally use saecular currencies to buy things, when possible, strictly because my income consists almost entirely of'em
12:10 * asciilifeform conceivably would've purchased machine hosting w/ coin, if anyone in wot had dared to offer this service after demise of piz. but no one did, so had to bake own..
12:14 asciilifeform imho selling coin is a thing that makes some sense if yer sitting on a 2010s pile tall enuff so that 'practically infinite'; or if you regularly take in palpable sums of it via whatever clever biz. but otherwise is rather like burning antique furniture in furnace.
12:15 superkuh Yeah. I haven't actually plugged in my cold storage in years.
12:15 superkuh I just keep small amounts for VPSes, online stuff, etc.
12:16 asciilifeform for thread-completeness, will add that also makes sense if you're privy to the swings of the extraction engine the enemy is running, and can 'buy cheap, sell dear' repeatedly. but i dun expect that any such folx are tuned in.
~ 2 hours 20 minutes ~
14:36 PeterL asciilifeform: you make it sound like it is impossible to buy more BTC
~ 27 minutes ~
15:04 asciilifeform PeterL: not impossible. but difficult if you dun want to use Official exchanges.
15:11 asciilifeform PeterL: on top of this, there's no way to guarantee that you can buy moar for <= the price you had bought it for.
15:14 asciilifeform PeterL: what've you been up to ?
~ 37 minutes ~
15:52 PeterL I've been camping alot lately and spending way too much time playing Skyrim, have not done anything useful in a while
~ 45 minutes ~
16:37 PeterL Oh, I wanted to ask you: what do you think of that Pinebook you got? Is it as good as you had hoped it would be?
16:39 jurov_ << ty for offer, perhaps later. now i need first and foremost to kick myself to gear
16:39 snsabot Logged on 2020-08-10 12:12:54 asciilifeform: nao with 6 subscribers, not including self + tbf pro-bono unit . will admit, did not expect to have 'monopoly' on in-wot rackage for this long, tbh..
16:41 jurov_ ohh that's about linked 2020-05-31 item
16:54 asciilifeform jurov: right, you already have that one
16:54 asciilifeform i gave you a rk for tbf (hopefully not forgot it's there, lol)
16:55 jurov no, i understood the line as "alf asks if there is something more he can mirror?"
16:55 asciilifeform q
16:55 asciilifeform a
16:55 asciilifeform err, aite
16:55 asciilifeform << i haven't had much chance to experiment. the out-of-the-box heathen linux on that thing is ~inedible. needs a port of rk-gentoo, but this req's a working x11 and in turn a working driver for the rk graphics chipset, which apparently dun exist. so shelved.
16:55 snsabot Logged on 2020-08-11 16:37:43 PeterL: Oh, I wanted to ask you: what do you think of that Pinebook you got? Is it as good as you had hoped it would be?
16:56 asciilifeform PeterL: iirc trinque bought (slightly before i did) a similar box. possibly he has more info.
16:57 asciilifeform jurov: what's you been up to ?
16:57 * asciilifeform assumed 'vacation away from comp'
17:00 jurov yes, partially
17:02 jurov But also got some idea how my external brain should look like. I tend to forget and misremember stuff and need to put everything down, in writing or in files.
17:02 jurov But prose is so inadequate, it never wrked well with me.
17:04 jurov And the ontology is a pile of poo. But found a gem in it - a well specified way to express structured information - Gellish.
17:04 asciilifeform jurov: see also asciilifeform's story re subj
17:04 snsabot Logged on 2020-07-03 19:22:30 asciilifeform: << i've a pertinent tale : 10y ago, asciilifeform tried to write a (naively, thought...) very simple proggy :
17:05 jurov Entangled in it last half year. Maybe something will come out of it.
17:05 asciilifeform jurov: hm, the linked site seems to be down
17:06 jurov oh..well, it is.
17:06 asciilifeform seems to have a snapshot from... 2012
17:07 asciilifeform from what little can see in there, reminiscent of... lojban?
17:07 asciilifeform ( except for where lojban didn't cost $.. )
17:08 * asciilifeform withholds verdict until sees, somewhere, moar re: what this item is/was
17:08 * asciilifeform in fact fond of conlangs, but historically skeptical re practical application of same
17:11 jurov unlike lojban, it specifies tabular data/interchange model with fixed set of columns, and unlike RDF/Cyc, it's not just a bag of facts
17:12 asciilifeform interesting, potentially
17:12 jurov there were free resources to download and site was up just days ago...guess imma have to mirror that too
17:12 asciilifeform jurov: dun hesitate to link if you find/bake a mirror of the orig. item
17:14 * asciilifeform searched for years for any material re: the pre-idiotification (e.g. java!) 'cyc' material. all was able to get, was reports of lenat's usg-sponsored golden toilet work, via u.s. FOIA .
17:14 snsabot (trilema) 2016-06-28 asciilifeform:
17:14 jurov i have looked in it, it's practically unusable
17:15 asciilifeform the only even vaguely interesting item in there is a supposedly-complete manual to the domain lang he baked for 'eurisko'
17:15 jurov Maybe the whole cyc is better, I tried only opencyc but doubt it.
17:15 asciilifeform i looked at the 'opencyc' thing yrs ago and filled 9000 tubs w/ barf
17:16 asciilifeform if lenat had spark of life in him, it went out decades ago
17:21 asciilifeform jurov: there were several folx from 'golden age' who seemed to be 'onto something' -- t. winograd, j. weizenbaum , m. minsky, d. lenat -- who moar or less vanished from the stage after their early 'something'. traditionally thought that 'they hit wall' or even 'was only hyped, no substance' but per asciilifeform's cosmography, they were simply victims of the 'lisp winter'.
17:23 asciilifeform tho tbf, the 'pons&fleischmanning' all of these folx had committed, did much to ~cause~ the 'winter'.
~ 4 hours 40 minutes ~
22:04 feedbot << The Montevideo Standard -- Russia Approves Coronavirus Vaccine
~ 1 hours 51 minutes ~
23:55 mats am excite for usa's next black president
← 2020-08-10 | 2020-08-12 →