Show Idle (>14 d.) Chans

← 2020-07-28 | 2020-07-30 →
00:50 feedbot << A Syndication of Verisimilitudes -- An Implementation of SHA256 in Ada
~ 9 hours 33 minutes ~
10:23 lobbes << nifty!
10:23 zzz999 Logged on 2020-07-21 21:08:19 asciilifeform: fixed an unclosed 'table' tag in logotron; will cut an errata patch at some pt.
10:24 lobbes Yeah I'm still logging this chan and others. Fwiw I'm sometimes consider re-cutting auctionbot once more to sit on the alfbot rather than the ircbot, but then again, this constant recoding of the thing is getting ridiculous
10:24 lobbes But, over the last few months the alfbot has proven that it can stay connected with ~0 intervention from myself, which I like!
~ 1 hours 5 minutes ~
11:29 asciilifeform ohey wb lobbes !
11:33 asciilifeform lobbes: i haven't published any changes to the bot per se since sept. '19. updated www end strictly. presently satisfied that when it discons, is from fleanode & isp weather, rather than any logic defect.
11:34 asciilifeform lobbes: on one occasion, however, it was unable to autoreconnect (somehow 'socket in use', even tho theoretically socket gets gc'd on connect...) but was unable to reproduce. so possibly still needs some sharp edge sanded off.
11:35 asciilifeform !w poll
11:35 watchglass Polling 12 nodes...
11:35 watchglass : ( Alive: (0.069s) V=70001 (/ Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=641350
11:35 watchglass : ( Alive: (0.082s) V=99999 (/ Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=641350
11:35 watchglass : Alive: (0.084s) V=99999 (/ Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=641350 (Operator: asciilifeform)
11:35 watchglass : Alive: (0.151s) V=99999 (/ Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=641350
11:35 watchglass : Alive: (0.178s) V=70001 (/ Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=641350
11:35 watchglass : Alive: (0.161s) V=70001 (/ Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=641350
11:35 watchglass : Alive: (0.231s) V=99999 (/ Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=641350
11:35 watchglass : ( Alive: (0.334s) V=99999 (/ Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=641350 (Operator: asciilifeform)
11:35 watchglass : Alive: (0.367s) V=99999 (/ Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=641350
11:35 watchglass : ( Alive: (0.328s) V=99999 (/ Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=641350
11:35 watchglass : Busy? (No answer in 20 sec.) (Operator: jurov)
11:35 watchglass : Busy? (No answer in 20 sec.)
11:36 asciilifeform !w uptime
11:36 watchglass asciilifeform: time since my last reconnect : 6d 18h 49m
11:36 asciilifeform !q uptime
11:36 snsabot asciilifeform: time since my last reconnect : 3d 1h 17m
~ 17 minutes ~
11:54 trinque asciilifeform: I've seen this very same "socket is still connected, yet bot is offline" very infrequently with deedbot
11:55 trinque I half suspect it's some bug on the freenode side
11:55 trinque even considered having a pair of twins bot deployment which chatter to each other to confirm connection, rather than trusting that someone on the server side PONGed
11:55 trinque but who gives a fuck
11:56 trinque I'd rather have a socket connection to my WoT than to maintain this
11:56 trinque and let the bots be a bridge to w/e toilet
11:56 trinque *irc bots
~ 27 minutes ~
12:24 asciilifeform trinque: tcp -- and in particular, the standard stack for it -- per se, is (as discussed prev.) a quite sad kludge. for instance i still dunget why there's any trace of a socket left after process terminates in linuxen, for there to later 'socket in use'
12:25 asciilifeform trinque: i also considered twin bots btw (even wrote a sync mechanism, but never made it automatic) . is slightly moar complicated than seems at 1st , because of (for instance) message reorderings and netsplits
12:30 * asciilifeform tangentially, at one pt -- before realized that fleanode is run by clowns -- wondered wai they dun offer reliable (i.e. with message buffering) connections for $ . it'd be relatively simple to implement, on their end.
12:31 asciilifeform trinque: at the risk of pedantry -- fleanode doesn't 'pong', they 'ping', client is expected to 'pong'.
12:34 * asciilifeform at one time considered to host a fleanode noad in his rack. but then learned that they expect, for 100% phree, an ~entire~ 1u, w/ exclusive root, running whatever shitware, and offer absolutely nuffin in exchange
12:36 asciilifeform ... so in light of this it aint the least bit surprising that the entire thing is nao owned by usg. cuz who else is willing to host fat boxen simply in exchange for getting to sniff packets directly from their arses.
12:37 asciilifeform see also from horse's mouth.
~ 46 minutes ~
13:23 asciilifeform << fixed the generics thing after all ? what was the mistake there, verisimilitude ?
13:23 snsabot Logged on 2020-07-29 00:50:36 feedbot: << A Syndication of Verisimilitudes -- An Implementation of SHA256 in Ada
~ 2 hours 31 minutes ~
15:55 verisimilitude I was tired of fiddling with it, asciilifeform, but had a hunch renaming would work to get what I wanted from generics. A kind #ada user told me that, yes, renaming would work, and so I did. I'd more issues, solving several before publishing, but now it works well, and I'll update the documentation if I give it a comprehensive review before moving to the general SHA library.
15:56 verisimilitude The documentation isn't yet to my standards, piggybacking from what I wrote for the SHA1, but the specification is very well documented, and the body isn't poor in this either.
15:57 asciilifeform verisimilitude: have you compared performance to that of the sha2 that comes w/ gnat ?
15:57 verisimilitude With this done, moving to the general SHA should be finished soon, but I don't always finish work on the schedule I'd prefer.
15:57 verisimilitude No, asciilifeform.
15:58 verisimilitude I've not looked at that at all, actually.
16:00 verisimilitude I suppose that would be worth an article, however, since I was already planning something similar.
16:01 asciilifeform 1, 2, possibly elsewhere (they actually did an ok job cutting the thing into orthogonal pieces for reuse in the various sha* variants)
16:01 verisimilitude I'll take a look.
16:02 * asciilifeform still needs to bake a civilized ada keccak...
16:03 verisimilitude I wanted to be finished with SHA-3 by now, but obviously ain't.
16:04 verisimilitude I'm going to go in the same APL to Common Lisp to Ada progression, likely.
16:08 verisimilitude Common Lisp is going to be more difficult, since I'll be inclined to have separate codepaths for bits and octets, since the language has specializations for bits.
~ 40 minutes ~
16:49 feedbot << The Montevideo Standard -- Drug Czar Moving To Kill Cannabis Registry For Home Growers And Increase Sales Channels For Weed
← 2020-07-28 | 2020-07-30 →